Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion: (Abraham To Christ-1997 BC To 5 BC)
Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion: (Abraham To Christ-1997 BC To 5 BC)
Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion Matqaion: (Abraham To Christ-1997 BC To 5 BC)
[Abraham to Christ1997 BC to 5 BC]
1)1 Bibloj genesewj Ihsou Cristou( ui`ou Dauid(2 ui`ou ~Abraam3
2 ~Abraam egennhsen ton Isaak( Isaak de egennhsen ton Iakwb( Iakwb de egennhsen
ton Ioudan kai touj adelfouj autou\ 3 Ioudaj de egennhsen ton Farej kai ton Zara ek thj
Qamar( Farej de egennhsen ton Esrwm( Esrwm de egennhsen ton Aram\ 4 Aram de egennhsen
ton Aminadab(4 Aminadab de egennhsen ton Naasswn( Naasswn de egennhsen ton Salmwn\
5 Salmwn de egennhsen ton Booz5 ek thj ~Racab( Booz de egennhsen ton Wbhd6 ek thj ~Rouq(
Wbhd de egennhsen ton Iessai( 6 Iessai de egennhsen ton Dauid ton basilea)
Dauid de o` basileuj7 egennhsen ton Solomwna8 ek thj tou Ouriou( 7 Solomwn de
egennhsen ton ~Roboam( ~Roboam de egennhsen ton Abia( Abia de egennhsen ton Asa\9 8 Asa
de egennhsen ton Iwsafat( Iwsafat de egennhsen ton Iwram( Iwram de egennhsen ton Ozian\
9 Oziaj de egennhsen ton Iwaqam( Iwaqam de egennhsen ton Acaz( Acaz de egennhsen ton
Ezekian\ 10 Ezekiaj de egennhsen ton Manasshn(10 Manasshj de egennhsen ton Amwn(11
Amwn de egennhsen ton Iwsian\ 11 Iwsiaj de egennhsen12 ton Ieconian kai touj adelfouj
autou epi thj metoikesiaj13 Babulwnoj)
12 Meta de thn metoikesian14 Babulwnoj Ieconiaj egennhsen ton Salaqihl( Salaqihl
de egennhsen ton Zorobabel\ 13 Zorobabel de egennhsen ton Abioud( Abioud de egennhsen
ton Eliakeim(15 Eliakeim de egennhsen ton Azwr\ 14 Azwr de egennhsen ton Sadwk( Sadwk
de egennhsen ton Aceim(16 Aceim de egennhsen ton Elioud\ 15 Elioud de egennhsen ton
Eleazar( Eleazar de egennhsen ton Matqan( Matqan17 de egennhsen ton Iakwb\ 16 Iakwb de
egennhsen ton Iwshf ton andra Mariaj( ex h-j egennhqh Ihsouj( o`` legomenoj Cristoj)
17 Pasai oun ai` geneai apo ~Abraam e`wj Dauid geneai dekatessarej( kai apo Dauid
e`wj thj metoikesiaj Babulwnoj geneai dekatessarej( kai apo thj metoikesiaj Babulwnoj e`wj
tou Cristou geneai dekatessarej)
Both the Text and the apparatus are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD, . I venture to affirm to the reader that
all original wording of Matthew is preserved in this edition, if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a word
Jeremiah 26:2 (see Deut. 4:2 and Luke 4:4, every word [as in 99.6% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of this book gives
explanation about the apparatus.
Since most minuscules have the abbreviation dad, the choice between dabid and dauid becomes difficult, if not arbitrary.
a`braam f35 [60%] || avbraam [40%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU [When Jehovah changed Abrams name to Abraham (Genesis 17:5)
the intervocalic aspiration in Hebrew is adequately represented in English by h; but so far as I know, there is no way in Greek to
indicate intervocalic aspiration within a wordthe only alternative to losing the aspiration altogether would be to place it at the
beginning of the word.]
aminadab rell || aminadam [30%] (In the minuscule manuscripts b is often written like an m, only without the tailif the scribe
was the least bit careless, they could easily be confused.)
booz f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || boej P1B [0.5%] NU || booj C [0.5%]
wbhd f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || iwbhd B,C [2%] NU || two other spellings
o basileuj f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P1B [2%] NU
solomwna f35 P1B,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || solomwnta W [9%] TR || salomwn [0.5%] || solomwn [0.5%]
asa f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || asaf P1vB,C [2%] NU (twice)
manasshn f35 [25%] || manassh B,C,W [73%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || manashn [2%]
amwn f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ammwn [2%] || amwj C [2%] NU || amnwn B || one other spelling
egennhsen rell || 1 ton iwakeim iwakeim de 1 (11.6%)
metoikesiaj rell || metoikhsiaj [10%] (also in verse 17, twice)
metoikesian rell || metoikhsian [10%]
eliakeim rell || eliakim W [10%] NU
aceim P1rell || acim [10%] NU || acein W || two other spellings
matqan rell || matqat [2%] || matqam CP (twice) || maqqan P1B
gennhsij f35 [96.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || genesij P1B [3%] NU || geneseij C,W || two other spellings
gar f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P1B,C [2%] NU
paradeigmatisai f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || deigmatisai P1B [1%] NU
mariam f35 C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || marian B [1%] NU
tou f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,W [3%] NU
diegerqeij f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || egerqeij B,C [1%] NU
ton uion authj ton prwtotokon f35 C,D,N,W (99.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || uion B (0.5%) NU (1454 X 8 manuscripts)
ierosoluma rell || ierousalhm C,N,W [10%]
autou ton astera rell || ~ 231 [1%] CP
hrwdhj o basileuj f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [2%] NU
eipon rell || eipan B,NU
akribwj exetasate f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 (B)C(D) [4%] NU
esth f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || estaqh B,C,D [2%] NU
eidon rell || idon C,W [5%] || euron [5%] TR || eidan B
isqi ekei e`wj an eipw soi( mellei gar ~Hrwdhj zhtein to paidion tou apolesai auto)VV 14 ~O
de egerqeij parelaben to Paidion kai thn mhtera autou nuktoj kai anecwrhsen eij
Aigupton) 15 Kai h=n ekei e`wj thj teleuthj ~Hrwdou( i`na plhrwqh to r`hqen u`po tou1 Kuriou
dia tou profhtou legontoj ~~Ex Aiguptou ekalesa ton Ui`on mou)VV
[The massacre]
16 Tote `Hrwdhj( idwn o`ti enepaicqh u`po twn magwn( equmwqh lian( kai aposteilaj
aneilen pantaj touj paidaj touj en Bhqleem kai en pasin toij o`rioij authj( apo dietouj kai
katwterw( kata ton cronon o]n hkribwsen para twn magwn) 17 Tote eplhrwqh to r`hqen u`po2
~Ieremiou3 tou profhtou legontoj 18 ~~Fwnh en `Rama hkousqh( qrhnoj kai4 klauqmoj kai
odurmoj poluj\ ~Rachl klaiousa ta tekna authj kai ouk hqelen paraklhqhnai( o`ti ouk
[The return to Natsareth]
19 Teleuthsantoj de tou ~Hrwdou( idou( aggeloj Kuriou katV onar fainetai5 tw
Iwshf en Aiguptw 20 legwn ~~Egerqeij paralabe to Paidion kai thn mhtera autou kai
poreuou eij ghn Israhl( teqnhkasin gar oi` zhtountej thn yuchn tou Paidiou)VV 21 `O de
egerqeij parelaben to Paidion kai thn mhtera autou kai hlqen6 eij ghn Israhl) 22 Akousaj
de o`ti Arcelaoj basileuei epi7 thj Ioudaiaj anti `Hrwdou tou patroj autou(8 efobhqh ekei
apelqein) Crhmatisqeij de katV onar( anecwrhsen eij ta merh thj Galilaiaj( 23 kai elqwn
katwkhsen eij polin legomenhn Nazaret( o`pwj plhrwqh to r`hqen dia twn profhtwn( o`ti
Nazwraioj klhqhsetai)
[Ministry of John the baptizer26 AD]
3)1 En de taij h`meraij ekeinaij paraginetai Iwannhj o` baptisthj khrusswn en th erhmw
thj Ioudaiaj 2 kai10 legwn( ~~Metanoeite( hggiken gar h` basileia twn ouranwn!VV 3 Ou`toj
gar estin o` r`hqeij u`po11 ~Hsaiou12 tou profhtou legontoj ~~Fwnh bowntoj( ~En th erhmw
e`toimasate thn o`don Kuriou( euqeiaj poieite taj tribouj autouV)VV 4 Autoj de o` Iwannhj
eicen to enduma autou apo tricwn kamhlou kai zwnhn dermatinhn peri thn osfun autou\ h`
de trofh autou h=n13 akridej kai meli agrion) 5 Tote exeporeueto proj auton `Ierosoluma
kai pasa h`14 Ioudaia kai pasa h` pericwroj tou Iordanou( 6 kai ebaptizonto en tw Iordanh15
u`pV autou( exomologoumenoi taj a`martiaj autwn)
[A bunch of snakes]
7 Idwn de pollouj twn Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn ercomenouj epi to baptisma
autou( eipen autoij ~~Gennhmata ecidnwn! Ti,j u`pedeixen u`min fugein apo thj melloushj
orghj? 8 Poihsate oun karpon axion16 thj metanoiaj( 9 kai mh doxhte legein en e`autoij(
~Patera ecomen ton ~AbraamV( legw gar u`min o`ti dunatai o` Qeoj ek twn liqwn toutwn
egeirai tekna tw ~Abraam) 10 Hdh de kai17 h` axinh proj thn r`izan twn dendrwn keitai) Pan
oun dendron mh poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eij pur balletai)
tou f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,W [3%] NU
upo f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || dia B,C,D,W [2%] NU
i`eremiou f35 OC,CP,TR || ieremiou RP,HF,NU
qrhnoj kai f35 C,D,W (99.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B (0.7%) NU
kat onar fainetai f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,D [2%] NU
hlqen f35 D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eishlqen B,C [1%] NU
epi f35 C,D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,N [5%] NU
hrwdou tou patroj autou f35 D,N [99.7%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2341 B,C,W [0.3%] NU
de rell || --- D,N [10%]
kai f35 C,D,N,W [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.2%] N24
upo f35 N [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || dia B,C,D,W [2%] NU
h`saiou f35 OC,CP,TR || hsaiou RP,HF,NU
autou hn f35 N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,D,W [1%] NU
h rell || --- [5%] CP
iordanh f35 D [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 potamw B,C,W [15%] NU
karpon axion rell || karpouj axiouj [5%] TR
kai f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,W [2%] NU
11 ~~Egw men baptizw u`maj1 en u`dati eij metanoian( o`` de opisw mou ercomenoj
iscuroteroj mou estin( ou- ouk eimi i`kanoj ta u`podhmata bastasai) Autoj u`maj baptisei en
Pneumati ~Agiw\2 12 ou- to ptuon en th ceiri autou( kai diakaqariei thn a`lwna autou( kai
sunaxei ton siton autou eij thn apoqhkhn\3 to de acuron katakausei puri asbestw)VV
[Baptism of Jesus]
3)13 Tote paraginetai o` Ihsouj apo thj Galilaiaj epi4 ton Iordanhn proj ton Iwannhn tou
baptisqhnai u`pV autou) 14 `O de Iwannhj diekwluen auton legwn( ~~Egw creian ecw u`po sou
baptisqhnai( kai su erch proj me?VV 15 Apokriqeij de o` Ihsouj eipen proj auton( ~~Afej
arti( ou`twj gar prepon estin h`min plhrwsai pasan dikaiosunhnVV) Tote afihsin auton)
16 Kai baptisqeij5 o` Ihsouj anebh euquj6 apo tou u`datoj( kai idou( anewcqhsan7 autw8 oi`
ouranoi( kai eiden to9 Pneuma tou10 Qeou katabainon w`sei peristeran kai11 ercomenon epV
auton) 17 Kai idou( fwnh ek twn ouranwn legousa( ~~Ou`toj estin o` Ui`oj mou( o` agaphtoj( en
w- eudokhsa)VV
[Jesus tested by Satan]
4)1 Tote o` Ihsouj anhcqh eij thn erhmon u`po tou Pneumatoj peirasqhnai u`po tou diabolou)
2 Kai nhsteusaj h`meraj tessarakonta12 kai nuktaj tessarakonta(13 u`steron epeinasen)
3 Kai proselqwn autw o` peirazwn eipen(14 ~~Ei Ui`oj ei= tou Qeou( eipe i`na oi` liqoi ou`toi
artoi genwntaiVV) 4 `O de apokriqeij eipen( ~~Gegraptai ~Ouk epV artw monw zhsetai15
anqrwpoj( allV epi panti r`hmati ekporeuomenw dia stomatoj QeouV)VV 5 Tote paralambanei
auton o` diaboloj eij thn a`gian polin kai i`sthsin16 auton epi to pterugion tou i`erou( 6 kai
legei autw( ~~Ei Ui`oj ei= tou Qeou( bale seauton katw) Gegraptai gar o`ti ~Toij aggeloij
autou enteleitai peri sou( kai epi ceirwn arousin se( mhpote proskoyhj proj liqon ton
poda souV)VV 7 Efh autw o` Ihsouj( ~~Palin gegraptai ~Ouk ekpeiraseij Kurion ton Qeon
souVVV 8 Palin paralambanei auton o` diaboloj eij oroj u`yhlon lian kai deiknusin autw
pasaj taj basileiaj tou kosmou kai thn doxan autwn) 9 Kai legei17 autw( ~~Tauta panta
soi18 dwsw ean peswn proskunhshj moi)VV 10 Tote legei autw o` Ihsouj ~~ `Upage opisw mou(19
Satana! Gegraptai gar `Kurion ton Qeon sou proskunhseij( kai autw monw latreuseijV)VV
11 Tote afihsin auton o` diaboloj kai idou( aggeloi proshlqon kai dihkonoun autw)
[Jesus chooses Capernaum as His base of operations27 AD]
4)12 Akousaj de o` Ihsouj20 o`ti Iwannhj paredoqh(21 anecwrhsen eij thn Galilaian) 13 Kai
1 2
katalipwn thn Nazaret( elqwn katwkhsen eij Kapernaoum thn paraqalassian( en o`rioij
baptizw umaj f35 C [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,W [2%] NU
agiw f35 [80%] RP,HF,CP || 1 kai puri B,C,W [20%] OC,TR,NU
autou eij thn apoqhkhn f35 C (76.1%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || ~ 2341 (13.9%) || 234 (7.4%) || 12341 B,W (2.6%)
epi rell || eij CP
kai baptisqeij f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2 de B,C [1%] NU
anebh euquj f35 C [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,W [1.5%] NU
anewcqhsan f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hnewcqhsan B [1%] NU
autw f35 C,W (99.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B (0.3%) || long omission (0.2%)
to f35 C,W (99.9%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B (alone)
tou f35 C,W (99.6%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B (alone) || omit phrase (0.3%)
kai f35 C,D,W [99.9%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B
tessarakonta f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || tesserakonta B(C) [1%] NU || m D
tessarakonta f35 (D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || tesserakonta ()B,C [1%] NU
autw o peirazwn eipen f35 C [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2341 B,W [2%] NU || 123 kai 41 D
zhsetai f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 o B,C,D,W [10%] NU
isthsin f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || esthsen B,C,D [1%] NU
legei f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eipen B,C,D [1.5%] NU
panta soi f35 D [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,W [1.5%] NU
opisw mou f35 D (88.1%) RP,HF,OC,CP || --- B,C,W (11.8%) TR,NU || two other variants (0.1%)
o ihsouj f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [1%] NU
paredoqh rell || paredwqh CP
Zaboulwn kai Nefqaleim\3 14 i`na plhrwqh to r`hqen dia ~Hsaiou tou profhtou legontoj
15 ~~Gh Zaboulwn kai gh Nefqaleim( o`don qalasshj( peran tou Iordanou( Galilaia twn
eqnwn 16 ~O laoj o`` kaqhmenoj en skotei eiden fwj4 mega( kai toij kaqhmenoij en cwra kai
skia qanatou fwj aneteilen autoij)VV
[Peter, Andrew, James and John]
17 Apo tote hrxato o` Ihsouj khrussein kai legein( ~~Metanoeite( hggiken gar h`
basileia twn ouranwnVV) 18 Peripatwn de5 para thn qalassan thj Galilaiaj eiden duo
adelfouj( Simwna $ton legomenon Petron% kai Andrean ton adelfon autou( ballontaj
amfiblhstron eij thn qalassan( hsan gar a`lieij) 19 Kai legei autoij( ~~Deute opisw mou(
kai poihsw u`maj a`lieij anqrwpwnVV) 20 Oi` de euqewj afentej ta diktua hkolouqhsan autw)
21 Kai probaj ekeiqen( eiden allouj duo adelfouj( Iakwbon $ton tou Zebedaiou% kai Iwannhn
ton adelfon autou( en tw ploiw meta Zebedaiou tou patroj autwn( katartizontaj ta diktua
autwn\ kai ekalesen autouj) 22 Oi` de euqewj afentej to ploion kai ton patera autwn
hkolouqhsan autw)
[A tour of Galilee]
23 Kai perihgen o`lhn thn Galilaian o` Ihsouj(6 didaskwn en taij sunagwgaij autwn
kai khrusswn to euaggelion thj basileiaj( kai qerapeuwn pasan noson kai pasan malakian
en tw law) 24 Kai aphlqen h` akoh autou eij o`lhn thn Surian\ kai proshnegkan autw
pantaj touj kakwj econtajpoikilaij nosoij kai basanoij sunecomenouj( kai7 daimonizo&
menouj kai selhniazomenouj kai paralutikoujkai eqerapeusen autouj) 25 Kai hkolouqhsan
autw ocloi polloi( apo thj Galilaiaj kai Dekapolewj kai `Ierosolumwn kai Ioudaiaj kai
peran tou Iordanou)
[The Sermon on the Mount]
5)1 Idwn de touj oclouj anebh eij to oroj kai( kaqisantoj autou( proshlqon8 autw oi`
maqhtai autou)
[The Beatitudes]
2 Kai anoixaj to stoma autou edidasken autouj legwn 3 ~~Makarioi oi` ptwcoi tw
pneumati( o`ti autwn estin h` basileia twn ouranwn) 4 Makarioi oi` penqountej( o`ti autoi
paraklhqhsontai) 5 Makarioi oi` praeij( o`ti autoi klhronomhsousin thn ghn) 6 Makarioi
oi` peinwntej9 kai diywntej thn dikaiosunhn( o`ti autoi cortasqhsontai) 7 Makarioi oi`
elehmonej( o`ti autoi elehqhsontai) 8 Makarioi oi` kaqaroi th kardia( o`ti autoi ton Qeon
oyontai) 9 Makarioi oi` eirhnopoioi( o`ti autoi ui`oi Qeou klhqhsontai) 10 Makarioi oi`
dediwgmenoi e``neken dikaiosunhj( o`ti autwn estin h` basileia twn ouranwn)
[For disciples]
11 ~~Makarioi este o`tan oneidiswsin u`maj kai diwxwsin( kai eipwsin pan ponhron
r`hma10 kaqV u`mwn( yeudomenoi(11 e`neken emou) 12 Cairete kai agalliasqe( o`ti o` misqoj u`mwn
poluj en toij ouranoij( ou`twj gar ediwxan touj profhtaj touj pro u`mwn) 13 ~Umeij este to
a`laj thj ghj\ ean de to a`laj mwranqh( en ti,ni a`lisqhsetai? Eij ouden iscuei eti ei mh
1 35
nazaret f [89%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || nazareq D,W [10%] || nazara B [0.5%] NU || nazaraq C [0.5%] || one other
kapernaoum f35 C [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kafarnaoum B,D,W [1%] NU
nefqaleim f35 B,C,D [89%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || nefqalim W [10%] NU || nefqalhm [1%]
eiden fwj f35 (D) [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,W [3%] NU
de rell || 1 o ihsouj [5%] TR
olhn thn galilaian o ihsouj f35 W (90.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 45123 D (7.6%) || 2345 (0.3%) || 123 (0.5%) || 45
(0.2%) || ~ 45 en olh th galilaia C (0.1%) || ~ 45 en th galilaia || en olh th galilaia B (alone) NU || kaq
olhj thj galilaiaj 45 (0.3%) || three other variants (0.2%)
kai f35 D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,C [2%]
proshlqon rell || proshlqan B,NU
peinwntej rell || pinwntej CP
rhma f35 C,W (99.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B(D)NU
yeudomenoi f35 B,C [99.9%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D
blhqhnai exw kai1 katapateisqai u`po twn anqrwpwn) 14 ~Umeij este to fwj tou kosmou) Ou
dunatai polij krubhnai epanw orouj keimenh) 15 Oude kaiousin lucnon kai tiqeasin auton
u`po ton modion( allV epi thn lucnian( kai lampei pasin toij en th oikia) 16 Ou`twj
lamyatw to fwj u`mwn emprosqen twn anqrwpwn( o`pwj idwsin u`mwn ta kala erga kai
doxaswsin ton Patera u`mwn ton en toij ouranoij)
[Jesus interpretes the Law]
17 ~~Mh nomishte2 o`ti hlqon katalusai ton Nomon h. touj Profhtaj\ ouk hlqon
katalusai alla plhrwsai) 18 Amhn gar legw u`min( e``wj an parelqh o` ouranoj kai h` gh(
iwta e`n h. mia keraia ou mh parelqh apo tou Nomou e`wj an panta genhtai) 19 {Oj ean oun
lush mian twn entolwn toutwn twn elacistwn kai didaxh3 ou`twj touj anqrwpouj( elacistoj
klhqhsetai en th basileia twn ouranwn\ o[j dV an poihsh kai didaxh( ou`toj megaj klhqhsetai
en th basileia twn ouranwn) 20 Legw gar u`min o`ti ean mh perisseush h` dikaiosunh u`mwn4
pleion twn grammatewn kai farisaiwn( ou mh eiselqhte eij thn basileian twn ouranwn!
[About respecting others]
21 ~~Hkousate o`ti erreqh5 toij arcaioij( `Ou foneuseij( o[j dV an foneush( enocoj
estai th kriseiV) 22 Egw de legw u`min o`ti paj o` orgizomenoj tw adelfw autou eikh6 enocoj
estai th krisei) {Oj dV an eiph tw adelfw autou( ~ `RakaV( enocoj estai tw sunedriw) {Oj dV
an eiph( ~MwreV( enocoj estai eij thn Geennan7 tou puroj) 23 Ean oun prosferhj to dwron
sou epi to qusiasthrion kai ekei8 mnhsqhj o`ti o` adelfoj sou ecei ti kata sou( 24 afej ekei
to dwron sou emprosqen tou qusiasthriou( kai u`page\ prwton diallaghqi tw adelfw sou(
kai tote elqwn prosfere to dwron sou) 25 Isqi eunown tw antidikw sou tacu( e`wj o`tou ei=
en th o`dw metV autou(9 mhpote se paradw o` antidikoj tw krith( kai o` krithj se paradw10 tw
u`phreth( kai eij fulakhn blhqhsh) 26 Amhn legw soi( ou mh exelqhj ekeiqen e`wj an11 apodwj
ton escaton kodranthn!
[About sexual sin]
27 ~~Hkousate o`ti erreqh(12 ~Ou moiceuseijV) 28 Egw de legw u`min o`ti paj o` blepwn
gunaika proj to epiqumhsai authn13 hdh emoiceusen authn en th kardia autou) 29 Ei de o`
ofqalmoj sou o` dexioj skandalizei se( exele auton kai bale apo sou\ sumferei gar soi i``na
apolhtai e`n twn melwn sou kai mh o`lon to swma sou blhqh eij Geennan) 30 Kai ei h` dexia
sou ceir skandalizei se( ekkoyon authn kai bale apo sou\ sumferei gar soi i`na apolhtai
e`n twn melwn sou kai mh o`lon to swma sou blhqh eij Geennan)14 31 Erreqh15 o`ti16 ~o]j an
apolush thn gunaika autou( dotw auth apostasionV) 32 Egw de legw u`min o`ti o]j an
apolush17 thn gunaika autou( parektoj logou porneiaj( poiei authn moicasqai(18 kai o]j ean
apolelumenhn gamhsh moicatai)
blhqhnai exw kai f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || blhqen 2 B,C [1%] NU
nomishte rell || nomhshte [5%] CP
didaxh rell || didaxei CP
h dikaiosunh umwn f35 [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,W [30%] NU || one other variant (D omits verse 20; C is
erreqh rell || errhqh B,D [15%] (Wherever the word occurs a number of MSS will have the variant, but never more than
eikh f35 D,W (96.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P64B (1.9%) NU || a long omission [homoioteleuton] (1.9%)
geennan rell || geenan [5%] CP
kai ekei f35 D [80%] RP,HF,CP || kakei B,W [20%] OC,TR,NU
en th odw met autou f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 45123 B,D,W [3%] NU
se paradw f35 (D)W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P64vB [3%] NU
an rell || ou W [3%] OC || --- [2%]
erreqh f35 B,D,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 toij arcaioij [10%] OC,TR
authn f35 B,D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || authj [10%] TR || ---
blhqh eij geennan f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 23 apelqh B [2%] NU (D omits verse 30)
erreqh f35 [30%] || 1 de B,D,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
oti f35 W [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] OC,NU
oj an apolush f35 D [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || paj o apoluwn B,W [10%] NU
moicasqai f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || moiceuqhnai B,D,W [3%] NU
[About swearing]
33 ~~Palin hkousate o`ti erreqh toij arcaioij( ~Ouk epiorkhseij( apodwseij de tw
Kuriw touj o`rkouj souV) 34 Egw de legw u`min mh omosai o`lwj mhte en tw ouranw( o`ti
qronoj estin tou Qeou\ 35 mhte en th gh( o`ti u`popodion estin twn podwn autou\ mhte eij
`Ierosoluma( o`ti polij estin tou megalou Basilewj\ 36 mhte en th kefalh sou omoshj( o`ti ou
dunasai mian trica leukhn h. melainan poihsai)1 37 Estw de o` logoj u`mwn ~nai naiV( ~ou ouV\
to de perisson toutwn ek tou ponhrou estin)
[About retaliation]
38 ~~Hkousate o`ti erreqh( `Ofqalmon anti ofqalmou kai odonta anti odontojV)
39 Egw de legw u`min mh antisthnai tw ponhrw\ allV o`stij se r`apisei2 epi3 thn dexian
siagona(4 streyon autw kai thn allhn) 40 Kai tw qelonti soi kriqhnai kai ton citwna sou
labein( afej autw kai to i``mation) 41 Kai o`stij se aggareusei milion e`n( u`page metV autou
duo) 42 Tw aitounti se didou(5 kai ton qelonta apo sou daneisasqai6 mh apostrafhj)
[How to treat enemies]
43 ~~Hkousate o`ti erreqh( ~Agaphseij ton plhsion sou kai mishseij ton ecqron souV)
44 Egw de legw u`min agapate touj ecqrouj u`mwn( eulogeite touj katarwmenouj u`maj( kalwj
poieite toij misousin u`maj(7 kai proseucesqe u`per twn ephreazontwn u`maj kai8 diwkontwn
u`maj( 45 o`pwj genhsqe ui`oi tou Patroj u`mwn tou en toij9 ouranoij\ o`ti ton h`lion autou
anatellei epi ponhrouj kai agaqouj( kai brecei epi dikaiouj kai adikouj) 46 Ean gar
agaphshte touj agapwntaj u`maj( ti,na misqon ecete? Ouci kai oi` telwnai to auto poiousin?
47 Kai ean aspashsqe touj filouj10 u`mwn monon( ti, perisson poieite? Ouci kai oi`
telwnai11 ou`twj12 poiousin? 48 Esesqe oun u`meij teleioi w`sper13 o` Pathr u`mwn o` en toij
ouranoij14 teleioj estin)
[Jesus warns against religious ostentation]
6)1 ~~Prosecete15 thn elehmosunhn16 u`mwn mh poiein emprosqen twn anqrwpwn proj
to qeaqhnai autoij) Ei de mh ge( misqon ouk ecete para tw Patri u`mwn tw en toij
ouranoij) 2 ~Otan oun poihj elehmosunhn( mh salpishj emprosqen sou( w`sper oi` u`pokritai
poiousin en taij sunagwgaij kai en taij r`umaij( o`pwj doxasqwsin u`po twn anqrwpwn) Amhn
legw u`min( apecousin ton misqon autwn) 3 Sou de poiountoj elehmosunhn( mh gnwtw h`
aristera sou ti, poiei h` dexia sou( 4 o`pwj h= sou h` elehmosunh en tw kruptw\ kai o` Pathr
sou o` blepwn en tw kruptw autoj17 apodwsei soi en tw fanerw)18 5 Kai o`tan proseuch(19
1 35
mian trica leukhn h melainan poihsai f [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 123645 ()B(W) [1%] NU || ~ 612345 [0.5%]
|| ~ 126345 [0.5%] || two other variants D
rapisei f35 D [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || rapizei B,W [2%] NU
epi f35 D [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij B,W [4%] NU
dexian siagona f35 W [65%] RP,OC || 1 sou 2 [35%] HF,CP,TR || 12 sou B[NU] || 2 sou D
didou f35 [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || doj B,D,W [1.5%] NU
daneisasqai f35 [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || danisasqai B,D,W [1.5%] NU || danhsasqai [1%] || one other variant
eulogeite touj katarwmenouj umaj kalwj poieite toij misousin (touj misountaj 1.1% TR) umaj f35 W (91.2%)
RP,HF,OC,CP(TR) || ten minor variations on this D (1.9%) || 1234 (4.2%) || 56789 (0.9%) || ~ 5-9,1-4 (0.6%) || five
further partial variants (0.3%) || --- B (0.8%) NU
ephreazontwn umaj kai f35 W (94.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 (2.8%) || 13 (D) (1.8%) || --- B (0.8%) NU || longer
omission (0.3%)
toij f35 [80%] RP,HF,CP || --- B,D,W [20%] OC,TR,NU
filouj f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP || adelfouj B,D [3.5%] TR,NU || two other variants [0.5%]
telwnai f35 W (91.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eqnikoi B,D (7.3%) NU || long omissions (1.3%)
outwj f35 (80.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || to auto B,D,W (17%) NU || touto (1.5%) || long omissions (1.3%)
wsper f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj B [3%] NU
en toij ouranoij f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouranioj B,W [15%] NU || 13 D
prosecete f35 B,D,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 de [4%] [NU]
elehmosunhn f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || dikaiosunhn B,D [1%] NU
autoj f35 D,W (75.2%) HF,CP,TR || au`toj RP || --- B (24.1%) OC,NU || long omissions (0.7%)
en tw fanerw f35 W (93.7%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D (5.7%) NU || long omissions (0.7%)
proseuch f35 D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || proseuchsqe B [1.5%] NU
ouk esh1 w`sper2 oi` u`pokritai( o`ti filousin en taij sunagwgaij kai en taij gwniaij twn
plateiwn e`stwtej proseucesqai( o`pwj an3 fanwsin toij anqrwpoij) Amhn legw u`min o`ti4
apecousin ton misqon autwn) 6 Su de( o`tan proseuch( eiselqe eij to tameion5 sou( kai
kleisaj thn quran sou( proseuxai tw Patri sou tw en tw kruptw\ kai o` Pathr sou o`
blepwn en tw kruptw apodwsei soi en tw fanerw)6
[How to pray]
7 ~~Proseucomenoi de mh battologhshte7 w`sper oi` eqnikoi\ dokousin gar o`ti en th
polulogia autwn eisakousqhsontai) 8 Mh oun o`moiwqhte autoij( oiden gar o` Pathr u`mwn
w-n creian ecete pro tou u`maj aithsai auton) 9 Ou`twj oun proseucesqe u`meij ~Pater h`mwn o`
en toij ouranoij( a`giasqhtw to onoma sou\ 10 elqetw h` basileia sou( genhqhtw to qelhma
sou( w`j en ouranw kai epi thj8 ghj) 11 Ton arton h`mwn ton epiousion doj h`min shmeron\
12 kai afej h`min ta ofeilhmata h`mwn( w`j kai h`meij afiemen9 toij ofeiletaij h`mwn) 13 Kai
mh eisenegkhj h`maj eij peirasmon( alla r`usai h`maj apo tou ponhrou\ o`ti sou estin h`
basileia kai h` dunamij kai h` doxa eij touj aiwnaj) Amhn) v10 14 Ean gar afhte toij
anqrwpoij ta paraptwmata autwn( afhsei kai u`min o` Pathr u`mwn o` ouranioj) 15 Ean de mh
afhte toij anqrwpoij ta paraptwmata autwn(11 oude o` Pathr u`mwn12 afhsei ta
[How to fast]
16 ~~~Otan de nhsteuhte( mh ginesqe w`sper13 oi` u`pokritai skuqrwpoi( afanizousin
ta proswpa autwn o`pwj fanwsin toij anqrwpoij nhsteuontej) Amhn legw u`min o`ti14
apecousin ton misqon autwn) 17 Su de nhsteuwn aleiyai sou thn kefalhn( kai to proswpon
sou niyai( 18 o`pwj mh fanhj toij anqrwpoij nhsteuwn( alla tw Patri sou tw en tw
kruptw\15 kai o` Pathr sou o` blepwn en tw kruptw apodwsei soi)16
[The right attitude toward material supply]
19 ~~Mh qhsaurizete u`min qhsaurouj epi thj ghj( o`pou shj kai brwsij afanizei kai
o`pou kleptai diorussousin kai kleptousin\ 20 qhsaurizete de u`min qhsaurouj en ouranw(
o`pou oute shj oute brwsij afanizei kai o`pou kleptai ou diorussousin oude kleptousin\
21 o`pou gar estin o` qhsauroj u`mwn17 ekei estai kai h` kardia u`mwn)
[About world-view]
22 ~~~O lucnoj tou swmatoj estin o` ofqalmoj) Ean oun o` ofqalmoj sou a`plouj h=(18
o`lon to swma sou fwteinon estai) 23 Ean de o` ofqalmoj sou ponhroj h=( o`lon to swma sou
skoteinon estai) Ei oun to fwj to en soi skotoj estin( to skotoj poson!
esh f35 D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || esesqe B [1.5%] NU
wsper f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj B,D [1%] NU
an f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [10%] NU
oti f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
tameion f35 B [30%] NU [tamion D,W] || tamieion [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
en tw fanerw f35 W (97.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D (1.9%) NU || long omissions (0.9%)
battologhshte f35 [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || battaloghshte B,NU || blattologhshtai D || battalogeitai W
[0.5%] || two other spellings
thj f35 D [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [1%] NU
afiemen f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || afhkamen B [1%] NU || afiomen D,W [1%]
oti sou estin h basileia kai h dunamij kai h doxa eij touj aiwnaj amhn f35 W (97.6%--with variations)
RP,HF,OC,TR || 1-11 (1.1%) || amhn (0.2%) || --- B,D (1.1%) (CP)NU
ta paraptwmata autwn f35 B,W (97.7%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 umwn (0.5%) || --- D (1.1%) NU || long omission
(0.5%) || two other variants (0.2%)
umwn rell || 1 o ouranioj [5%] CP
wsper f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj B,D [1.5%] NU
oti f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
kruptw f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || krufaiw B(D) [1%] NU (twice)
soi f35 B,D,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 en tw fanerw [10%] OC,TR (OC in small print)
umwn f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || sou B [1%] NU (D missing) (twice)
o ofqalmoj sou aplouj h f35 [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 51234 B,W [1%] NU
oidate domata agaqa didonai toij teknoij u`mwn( posw mallon o` Pathr u`mwn o` en toij
ouranoij dwsei agaqa toij aitousin auton? 12 Panta oun o`sa an1 qelhte i`na poiwsin u`min
oi` anqrwpoi( ou`twj kai u`meij poieite autoij\ ou`toj2 gar estin o` Nomoj kai oi` Profhtai)
[Eternal destiny]
13 ~~Eiselqete dia thj stenhj pulhj\ o`ti plateia h` pulh kai eurucwroj h` o`doj h`
apagousa eij thn apwleian( kai polloi eisin oi` eisercomenoi diV authj) 14 Ti,3 stenh h`
pulh kai teqlimmenh h` o`doj h` apagousa eij thn zwhn( kai oligoi eisin oi` eu`riskontej
[A tree is known by its fruit]
15 ~~Prosecete de4 apo twn yeudoprofhtwn( oi`tinej ercontai proj u`maj en endumasin
probatwn( eswqen de eisin lukoi a`rpagej) 16 Apo twn karpwn autwn epignwsesqe autouj)
Mhti sullegousin apo akanqwn stafulhn5 h. apo tribolwn suka? 17 Ou`twj pan dendron
agaqon karpouj kalouj poiei( to de sapron dendron karpouj ponhrouj poiei) 18 Ou dunatai
dendron agaqon karpouj ponhrouj poiein( oude dendron sapron karpouj kalouj poiein)
19 Pan oun6 dendron mh poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eij pur balletai) 20 Ara ge(
apo twn karpwn autwn epignwsesqe autouj)
[We have to do the Fathers will]
21 ~~Ou paj o` legwn moi( ~Kurie( KurieV( eiseleusetai eij thn basileian twn
ouranwn( allV o` poiwn to qelhma tou Patroj mou tou en7 ouranoij) 22 Polloi erousin moi
en ekeinh th h`mera( ~Kurie( Kurie( ou tw sw onomati proefhteusamen(8 kai tw sw onomati
daimonia exebalomen( kai tw sw onomati dunameij pollaj epoihsamen? v 23 Kai tote
o`mologhsw autoij o`ti ~Oudepote egnwn u`maj\ apocwreite apV emou oi` ergazomenoi thn
anomian! v
[All face adversityfoundation determines outcome]
24 ~~Paj oun o`stij akouei mou touj logouj toutouj kai poiei autouj( o`moiwsw auton9
andri fronimw( o`stij wkodomhsen thn oikian autou10 epi thn petran) 25 Kai katebh h` broch
kai hlqon oi` potamoi kai epneusan oi` anemoi kai prosepeson11 th oikia ekeinh\ kai ouk
epesen( teqemeliwto gar epi thn petran) 26 Kai paj o` akouwn mou touj logouj toutouj kai
mh poiwn autouj o`moiwqhsetai andri mwrw( o`stij wkodomhsen thn oikian autou12 epi thn
ammon) 27 Kai katebh h` broch kai hlqon oi` potamoi kai epneusan oi` anemoi kai prosekoyan
th oikia ekeinh( kai epesen\ kai h=n h` ptwsij authj megalh!VV
[Editorial comment]
28 Kai egeneto o`te sunetelesen13 o` Ihsouj touj logouj toutouj( exeplhssonto oi`
epi th didach autou( 29 h=n gar didaskwn autouj w`j exousian ecwn( kai ouc w`j oi`
an f35 B [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ean C,N,W [2%] NU
outoj rell || outwj [10%] CP
ti f35 C,N,W (99%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || oti ,TR || oti de B
de f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU (N missing)
stafulhn f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || stafulaj B [1%] NU || stafulhnaj C
oun f35 Cc [25%] || --- B,Cv,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
en f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 toij B,C [3%] NU
proefhteusamen f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eprofhteusamen B,C,W [2%] NU
omoiwsw auton f35 C,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || omoiwqhsetai B [4%] NU
thn oikian autou f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,C,W [2%] NU
prosepeson f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || prosepesan B,C [6%] NU || prosepesen || prosekrousan W || two other
variants [1%]
thn oikian autou f35 C [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,W [2%] NU
sunetelesen f35 [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || etelesen B,C,W [6%] NU
grammateij f35 C [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 autwn B,W [5%] NU
katabanti de autw f35 [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 autou || katabantoj 2 autou B,C,W [1%] NU ||
katabainontoj 2 autou [1%]
elqwn f35 C,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || proselqwn B,N [24%] NU || --- [1%]
o ihsouj f35 N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [4%] NU
all f35 [50%] TR || alla B,C,N,W [50%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU
prosenegkai f35 [25%] || prosenegke N,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || prosenegkon B,C [0.5%] NU [The imperatival use
of the infinitive is very normal Koine, being a continuation of classical usage.]
mwshj f35 C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || mwushj B,N,W [10%] TR,NU
eiselqonti f35 N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eiselqontoj B,C [4%] NU
autw f35 N,W [91%] RP,HF,OC,CP || autou B,C [4%] NU || tw ihsou [5%] TR
kapernaoum f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kafarnaoum B [1%] NU
o ihsouj f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- ()B [0.5%] NU
logw rell || logon [5%] TR
oude en tw israhl tosauthn pistin f35 C,N (95.1%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oti 1-6 (3.4%) || 1 par oudeni 2-6
|| par oudeni 56 (0.3%) || ~ par oudeni 56234 B,W (0.7%) NU || long omission (0.3%)
anakliqhsontai rell || anaklhqhsontai [10%] CP
o rell || --- CP
ekatontarcw f35 [30%] OC,TR || ekatontarch B,C,N,W [70%] RP,HF,CP,NU
kai f35 C,N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [1%] NU
autou f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
elqwn rell || eiselqwn [5%] CP
autw f35 B,C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || autoij [10%] TR || autwn N
elaben rell || anelaben [5%] CP
18 Idwn de o` Ihsouj pollouj oclouj1 peri auton( ekeleusen apelqein eij to peran)
19 Kai proselqwn ei-j grammateuj eipen autw( ~~Didaskale( akolouqhsw soi o`pou ean
aperchVV) 20 Legei2 autw o` Ihsouj( ~~Ai` alwpekej fwleouj ecousin kai ta peteina tou
ouranou kataskhnwseij( o` de Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou ouk ecei pou thn kefalhn klinhVV)
21 ~Eteroj de twn maqhtwn3 eipen autw( ~~Kurie( epitreyon moi prwton apelqein kai qayai
ton patera mouVV) 22 ~O de Ihsouj eipen4 autw( ~~Akolouqei moi( kai afej touj nekrouj qayai
touj e`autwn nekrouj)VV
[Jesus controls wind and wave]
23 Kai embanti autw eij to ploion( hkolouqhsan autw oi` maqhtai autou) 24 Kai
idou( seismoj megaj egeneto en th qalassh( w`ste to ploion kaluptesqai u`po twn kumatwn)
Autoj de ekaqeuden) 25 Kai proselqontej oi` maqhtai5 hgeiran auton legontej( ~~Kurie(
swson h`maj!6 Apollumeqa!VV 26 Kai legei autoij( ~~Ti, deiloi este( oligopistoi?VV Tote
egerqeij epetimhsen toij anemoij kai th qalassh( kai egeneto galhnh megalh) 27 ~Oi de
anqrwpoi eqaumasan( legontej( ~~Potapoj estin ou-toj o`ti kai oi` anemoi kai h` qalassa
u`pakouousin autw?VV7
[Jesus controls any number of demons]
28 Kai elqonti autw8 eij to peran( eij thn cwran twn Gergeshnwn(9 u`phnthsan autw
duo daimonizomenoi( ek twn mnhmeiwn exercomenoi( calepoi lian( w`ste mh iscuein tina
parelqein dia thj o`dou ekeinhj) 29 Kai idou( ekraxan legontej ~~Ti, h`min kai soi( Ihsou(10
Ui`e tou Qeou? Hlqej w-de11 pro kairou basanisai h`maj?VV 30 +Hn de makran apV autwn agelh
coirwn pollwn boskomenh) 31 Oi` de daimonej parekaloun auton( legontej( ~~Ei ekballeij
h`maj( epitreyon h`min apelqein12 eij thn agelhn twn coirwnVV) 32 Kai eipen autoij(
~~~UpageteVV Oi` de exelqontej aphlqon eij thn agelhn twn coirwn)13 Kai idou( w`rmhsen pasa
h` agelh twn coirwn14 kata tou krhmnou eij thn qalassan kai apeqanon en toij u`dasin
Oi` de boskontej efugon( kai apelqontej eij thn polin aphggeilan panta( kai ta twn
daimonizomenwn) 34 Kai idou( pasa h` polij exhlqen eij sunanthsin15 tw Ihsou\ kai idontej
auton parekalesan o`pwj metabh apo twn o`riwn autwn)
[Jesus forgives sins]
9)1 Kai embaj eij to16 ploion dieperasen kai hlqen eij thn idian polin) 2 Kai idou(
proseferon autw paralutikon epi klinhj beblhmenon) Kai idwn o` Ihsouj thn pistin autwn
eipen tw paralutikw( ~~Qarsei( teknon\ afewntai17 soi ai` a`martiai souVV18 3 Kai idou( tinej
twn grammatewn eipon en e`autoij( ~~Ou`toj blasfhmei!VV 4 Kai eidwj19 o` Ihsouj taj
1 35
pollouj oclouj f C,N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || polun oclon [2%] || 2 [1%] || oclon B,NU || oclon polun W ||
one other variant
legei f35 [20%] || kai 1 B,C,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
maqhtwn f35 B [20%] || 1 autou C,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU]
eipen f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || legei B,C [2%] NU
oi maqhtai f35 (80%) RP,HF,CP || 12 autou W (19%) OC,TR || autw 12 autou C (0.5%) || --- B (0.5%) NU
hmaj f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [3%] NU
upakouousin autw f35 C [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,W [1.5%] NU
elqonti autw f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || elqontoj autou B,C [4%] NU || elqontwn autwn
gergeshnwn f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || gergesinwn [2%] || gadarhnwn B,C [2%] NU || gazarhnwn
ihsou f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [4%] NU
11 35
f generally has w=de, presumably to distinguish it from w- de.
epitreyon hmin apelqein f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || aposteilon hmaj B [2%] NU
thn agelhn twn coirwn f35 N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || touj coirouj B,C [3%] NU
twn coirwn f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B(C)N,W [5%] NU
sunanthsin f35 C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || upanthsin B [1.5%] NU
to f35 C,N,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B [10%] OC,NU
afewntai f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || afeontai [1%] || afientai B,NU || afeonte N || afionte D
soi ai amartiai sou f35 [96.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 423 B,C,W [2%] NU || ~ 4234 N [1%] || 123 D [0.5%]
eidwj f35 B (33.2%) || eidwn (1%) || idwn C,D(N)W (65.7%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU [knowing is better than seeing]
autwn eipen ~~~Inati, u`meij1 enqumeisqe ponhra en taij kardiaij u`mwn? 5 Ti, gar estin
eukopwteron( eipein( ~Afewntai2 sou3 ai` a`martiaiV( h. eipein( ~Egeirai4 kai peripateiV? 6 ~Ina
de eidhte o`ti exousian ecei o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou epi thj ghj afienai a`martiajVVtote legei
tw paralutikw( ~~Egerqeij( aron sou thn klinhn kai u`page eij ton oikon souVV 7 Kai
egerqeij aphlqen eij ton oikon autou) 8 Idontej de oi` ocloi eqaumasan5 kai edoxasan ton
Qeon( ton donta exousian toiauthn toij anqrwpoij)
[Matthew called]
9 Kai paragwn o` Ihsouj ekeiqen eiden anqrwpon kaqhmenon epi to telwnion(
Matqaion6 legomenon( kai legei autw( ~~Akolouqei moiVV) Kai anastaj hkolouqhsen autw)
10 Kai egeneto autou anakeimenou en th oikia( kai idou( polloi telwnai kai a`martwloi
elqontej sunanekeinto tw Ihsou kai toij maqhtaij autou) 11 Kai idontej oi` Farisaioi
eipon7 toij maqhtaij autou( ~~Dia ti, meta twn telwnwn kai a`martwlwn esqiei kai pinei8 o`
didaskaloj u`mwn?VV 12 ~O de Ihsouj9 akousaj eipen autoij10 ~~Ou creian ecousin oi` iscuontej
iatrou( allV oi` kakwj econtej) 13 Poreuqentej de maqete ti, estin( ~Eleon11 qelw kai ou
qusianV) Ou gar hlqon kalesai dikaiouj( alla12 a`martwlouj eij metanoian)VV13
14 Tote prosercontai autw oi`` maqhtai Iwannou( legontej( ~~Dia ti, h`meij kai oi`
farisaioi nhsteuomen polla(14 oi` de maqhtai sou ou nhsteuousin?VV 15 Kai eipen autoij o`
Ihsouj ~~Mh dunantai oi` ui`oi tou numfwnoj penqein efV o`son cronon15 metV autwn estin o`
numfioj? Eleusontai de h`merai o`tan aparqh apV autwn o` numfioj( kai tote nhsteusousin)
[Old wineskins]
16 ~~Oudeij de epiballei epiblhma r`akouj agnafou epi i`matiw palaiw\ airei gar to
plhrwma autou apo tou i`matiou( kai ceiron scisma ginetai) 17 Oude ballousin oinon neon
eij askouj palaiouj\ ei de mh ge( r`hgnuntai oi` askoi( kai o` oinoj ekceitai kai oi` askoi
apolountai)16 Alla ballousin oinon neon eij askouj17 kainouj( kai amfoteroi18
[Jesus raises the dead]
18 Tauta autou lalountoj autoij( idou( arcwn tij elqwn19 prosekunei autw( legwn
o`ti ~~~H qugathr mou arti eteleuthsen( alla elqwn epiqej thn ceira sou epV authn kai
zhsetaiVV) 19 Kai egerqeij o` Ihsouj hkolouqhsen autw( kai oi` maqhtai autou) 20 Kai idou(
gunh ai`morroousa dwdeka eth proselqousa opisqen h`yato tou kraspedou tou i`matiou autou)
21 Elegen gar en e`auth( ~~Ean monon a`ywmai tou i`matiou autou swqhsomaiVV) 22 ~O de Ihsouj
epistrafeij1 kai idwn authn eipen( ~~Qarsei( qugater\ h` pistij sou seswken seVV) Kai eswqh
umeij f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [2%] NU
afewntai f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || afeontai [1%] || afiontai D || afientai B,NU || afeonte N
sou f35 B,C,D,W [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || soi N [35%] TR
egeirai f35 B [80%] RP,HF,CP,TR || egeire ,C,D,N,W [20%] OC,NU
eqaumasan f35 C,N (97.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eqaumazon (0.3%) || efobhqhsan B,D,W (2%) NU || two other variants
matqaion f35 C [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || maqqaion B,D,NU || matqeon N || maqqeon W
eipon f35 D,N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || elegon B,C,W [3%] NU
kai pinei f35 [30%] || --- B(C)(D)N,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
ihsouj f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
autoij f35 N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [1%] NU
eleon f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eleoj B,C,D,N [1.5%] NU
alla rell || all [5%] TR
eij metanoian f35 C [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,N,W [4%] NU
polla f35 C,D,N,W (98.6%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B (1.4%)
cronon f35 [20%] OC || --- B,C,D,N,W [80%] RP,HF,CP,TR,NU
apolountai f35 C,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || apolluntai f35pt B [20%] NU || apollutai D
ballousin oinon neon eij askouj rell || ~ 23451 C [3%] OC
amfoteroi rell || amfotera [5%] TR
tij elqwn f35 [30%] || eij 2 [62%] RP,HF,CP,NU [C,D,N,W etc. have EISELQWN, which could be taken as one word, the
verb] || 2 [5%] TR || proselqwn || eij proselqwn B [2%] OC
h` gunh apo thj w`raj ekeinhj) 23 Kai elqwn o` Ihsouj eij thn oikian tou arcontoj kai idwn
touj aulhtaj kai ton oclon qoruboumenon( 24 legei autoij(2 ~~Anacwreite( ou gar apeqanen
to korasion alla kaqeudeiVV) Kai kategelwn autou) 25 `Ote de exeblhqh o` ocloj( eiselqwn
ekrathsen thj ceiroj authj( kai hgerqh to korasion) 26 Kai exhlqen h` fhmh au`th eij o`lhn
thn ghn ekeinhn)
[Jesus restores sight and speech]
27 Kai paragonti ekeiqen tw Ihsou( hkolouqhsan autw3 duo tufloi( krazontej kai
legontej( ~~Elehson h`maj( Ui`oj4 Dauid!VV 28 Elqonti de eij thn oikian( proshlqon autw oi`
tufloi\ kai legei autoij(5 ~~Pisteuete o`ti dunamai touto poihsai?VV Legousin autw( ~~Nai(
KurieVV) 29 Tote h`yato twn ofqalmwn autwn( legwn( ~~Kata thn pistin u`mwn genhqhtw
u`minVV) 30 Kai anewcqhsan6 autwn oi` ofqalmoi) Kai enebrimhsato7 autoij o` Ihsouj( legwn(
~~ `Orate mhdeij ginwsketwVV 31 Oi` de exelqontej diefhmisan auton en o`lh th gh ekeinh)
32 Autwn de exercomenwn( idou( proshnegkan autw anqrwpon kwfon( daimonizomenon)
33 Kai ekblhqentoj tou daimoniou( elalhsen o` kwfoj) Kai eqaumasan oi` ocloi( legontej
o`ti(8 ~~Oudepote efanh ou`twj en tw Israhl!VV 34 Oi` de Farisaioi elegon( ~~En tw arconti
twn daimoniwn ekballei ta daimonia)VV
[The harvest needs workers]
35 Kai perihgen o` Ihsouj taj poleij pasaj kai taj kwmaj didaskwn en taij
sunagwgaij autwn kai khrusswn to euaggelion thj basileiaj( kai qerapeuwn pasan noson
kai pasan malakian en tw law)9 36 Idwn de touj oclouj esplagcnisqh peri autwn( o`ti hsan
eskulmenoi10 kai errimmenoi( w`j11 probata mh econta poimena) 37 Tote legei toij maqhtaij
autou ~~~O men qerismoj poluj( oi` de ergatai oligoi) 38 Dehqhte oun tou kuriou tou
qerismou o`pwj ekbalh ergataj eij ton qerismon autou)VV
[Jesus commissions and orients the twelve disciples28 AD]
10)1 Kai proskalesamenoj touj dwdeka maqhtaj autou edwken autoij exousian12 pneumatwn
akaqartwn w`ste ekballein auta( kai qerapeuein pasan noson kai pasan malakian) 2 Twn de
dwdeka apostolwn ta onomata eisin13 tauta prwtoj Simwn $o` legomenoj Petroj% kai
Andreaj o` adelfoj autou(14 Iakwboj $o` tou Zebedaiou% kai Iwannhj o` adelfoj autou(
3 Filippoj kai Barqolomaioj( Qwmaj kai Matqaioj15 $o` telwnhj%( Iakwboj $o` tou Alfaiou%
kai Lebbaioj $o` epiklhqeij16 Qaddaioj%( 4 Simwn $o` Kananithj%17 kai Ioudaj18 Iskariwthj $o`
kai paradouj auton%)
epistrafeij f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || strafeij B(D)N [3%] NU
legei autoij f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 N || elegen B,D [3%] NU || two other variants
autw f35 C,N,W [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,D [0.2%]
uioj f35 B,W [70%] HF,NU || uie C,D,N [30%] RP,OC,CP,TR
autoij f35 [20%] || 1 ihsouj || 1 o ihsouj B,C,D,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
anewcqhsan f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hnewcqhsan B,D,N [0.5%] NU || hnoicqhsan C
enebrimhsato f35 C,D,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || enebrimhqh (B) [1.5%] NU
oti f35 [25%] OC || --- B,C,D,N,W [75%] RP,HF,CP,TR,NU
en tw law f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR || --- B,C,D,N,W [10%] CP,NU
eskulmenoi f35 B,C,D,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,NU || eklelumenoi [10%] OC,TR || --- N
wj f35 C,D,N [50%] OC || wsei B,W [50%] RP,HF,CP,TR,NU
exousian rell || 1 kata [25%]
eisin f35 [30%] OC,CP || estin B,C,D,N,W [70%] RP,HF,TR,NU
autou f35 ,C,D,N,W [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B [0.2%] NU
matqaioj f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || maqqaioj B,D,NU || maqqeoj || matqeoj N || one other spelling
lebbaioj o epiklhqeij f35 N,W (99.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 (C)(D) || --- B (0.4%) NU
kananithj f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kananaioj B,C,N [2%] NU || cananaioj D
ioudaj f35 (C)N,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || 1 o B(D) [10%] OC,NU
5 Toutouj touj dwdeka apesteilen o` Ihsouj( paraggeilaj autoij legwn ~~Eij o`don
eqnwn mh apelqhte( kai eij polin Samareitwn1 mh eiselqhte) 6 Poreuesqe de mallon proj ta
probata ta apolwlota oikou Israhl) 7 Poreuomenoi de khrussete( legontej o`ti ~Hggiken h`
basileia twn ouranwnV) 8 Asqenountaj qerapeuete( leprouj kaqarizete(2 daimonia ekballete)
Dwrean elabete( dwrean dote) 9 Mh kthshsqe cruson mhde arguron mhde calkon eij taj
zwnaj u`mwn( 10 mh phran eij o`don( mhde duo citwnaj( mhde u`podhmata( mhde r`abdouj\3 axioj
gar4 o` ergathj thj trofhj autou estin)5
11 ~~Eij h]n dV an polin h. kwmhn eiselqhte( exetasate ti,j en auth axioj estin( kakei
meinate e`wj an exelqhte) 12 Eisercomenoi de eij thn oikian( aspasasqe authn\6 13 kai ean
men h= h` oikia axia( elqetw7 h` eirhnh u`mwn epV authn\ ean de mh h= axia( h` eirhnh u`mwn proj
u`maj epistrafhtw) 14 Kai o`j ean8 mh dexhtai u`maj mhde akoush touj logouj u`mwn(
exercomenoi9 thj oikiaj h. thj polewj ekeinhj( ektinaxate ton koniorton twn podwn u`mwn)
15 Amhn legw u`min( anektoteron estai gh Sodomwn kai Gomorrwn10 en h`mera krisewj h. th
polei ekeinh!
[Orientation with prophetic effect]
16 ~~Idou( egw apostellw u`maj w`j probata en mesw lukwn) Ginesqe oun fronimoi w`j
oi` ofeij kai akeraioi w`j ai` peristerai) 17 Prosecete de apo twn anqrwpwn( paradwsousin
gar u`maj eij sunedria( kai en taij sunagwgaij autwn mastigwsousin u`maj) 18 Kai epi
h`gemonaj de kai basileij acqhsesqe e`neken emou( eij marturion autoij kai toij eqnesin)
19 ~Otan de paradidwsin11 u`maj( mh merimnhshte pwj h. ti, lalhsete(12 doqhsetai gar u`min en
ekeinh th w`ra ti, lalhsete\13 20 ou gar u`meij este oi` lalountej( alla to Pneuma tou Patroj
u`mwn to laloun en u`min)
[Like master, like slave]
21 ~~Paradwsei de adelfoj adelfon eij qanaton( kai pathr teknon( kai
epanasthsontai tekna epi goneij kai qanatwsousin autouj) 22 Kai esesqe misoumenoi u`po
pantwn dia to onoma mou\ o` de u`pomeinaj eij teloj( ou-toj swqhsetai) 23 ~Otan de diwkwsin
u`maj en th polei tauth( feugete eij thn allhn)14 Amhn gar legw u`min( ou mh teleshte taj
poleij tou Israhl e`wj an elqh o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou) 24 Ouk estin maqhthj u`per ton
didaskalon( oude douloj u`per ton kurion autou) 25 Arketon tw maqhth i`na genhtai w`j o`
didaskaloj autou( kai o` douloj15 w`j o` kurioj autou) Ei ton oikodespothn Beelzeboul16
apekalesan(17 posw mallon touj oikeiakouj18 autou! 26 Mh oun fobhqhte autouj\ ouden gar
estin kekalummenon o[ ouk apokalufqhsetai( kai krupton o[ ou gnwsqhsetai)
[Do not be afraid]
samareitwn f35 B [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || samaritwn C,N,W [5%] NU || samaritanwn D
leprouj kaqarizete f35 [94%] RP,HF,CP || 12 nekrouj egeirete [2%] OC,TR || nekrouj egeirete 12 B,C(D)N [3%] NU
|| ~ ekballete nekrouj egeirete W [1%] (OC in small print)
rabdouj f35 C,N,W [95%] RP,HF,CP || rabdon B,D [5%] OC,TR,NU
gar rell || 1 estin D [3%] OC
estin f35 N,W [96%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B,C [3%] OC,NU || ~ gar 1 D [1%]
authn rell || 1 legontej eirhnh tw oikw toutw D,W [10%] OC,CP
elqetw f35 B [94%] RP,HF,OC,TR || elqatw C,N,W [2%] NU || eiselqetw [4%] CP || este D
ean f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || an B,D,N,W [3%] NU
exercomenoi f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR || 1 exw B,D [2%] OC,NU || 1 ek [1%]
gomorrwn rell || gomorraj C [10%] OC || gomorwn W [1%] || gomoraj D || gommoraj N [1%]
paradidwsin f35 C [94%] RP,HF,CP,TR || paradwsin B [2%] NU || paradwsousin D,N,W [3%] OC || paradwswsin
lalhsete f35 [30%] OC,CP || lalhshte B,C,D,N,W [70%] RP,HF,TR,NU || two other variants
lalhsete f35 N [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || lalhshte B,C,W [9%] NU || --- D || two other variants
allhn f35 C(D)N (97%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eteran B,W (2.9%) NU || one other variant
o douloj rell || tw doulw [2%] OC
beelzeboul rell || beelzeboub CP [Latin] || beezeboul B || belzeboul D [0.5%]
apekalesan f35 [30%] CP || epekalesan B,C,W [20%] HF,NU || ekalesan [49%] RP,OC,TR || epekalesanto N [1%] ||
kalousin D || one other variant [to stigmatize is the appropriate verb here]
oikeiakouj f35 C,D,W [85%] RP,HF,CP || oikiakouj N [15%] OC,TR,NU || oikiakoij B
27 ~~}O legw u`min en th skotia( eipate en tw fwti\ kai o] eij to ouj akouete(
khruxate epi twn dwmatwn) 28 Kai mh fobeisqe1 apo twn apoktenontwn2 to swma( thn de
yuchn mh dunamenwn apokteinai) Fobhqhte3 de mallon ton dunamenon kai4 yuchn kai5 swma
apolesai en Geennh) 29 Ouci duo strouqia assariou pwleitai? Kai e`n ex autwn ou peseitai
epi thn ghn aneu tou Patroj u`mwn) 30 ~Umwn de kai ai` tricej thj kefalhj pasai
hriqmhmenai eisin 31 Mh oun fobhqhte\6 pollw7 strouqiwn diaferete u`meij)
[Jesus demands total commitment]
32 ~~Paj oun o`stij o`mologhsei en emoi emprosqen twn anqrwpwn( o`mologhsw kagw en
autw emprosqen tou Patroj mou tou en8 ouranoij) 33 ~Ostij dV an arnhshtai me emprosqen
twn anqrwpwn( arnhsomai auton kagw9 emprosqen tou Patroj mou tou en10 ouranoij)
34 ~~Mh nomishte o`ti hlqon balein eirhnhn epi thn ghn) Ouk hlqon balein eirhnhn
alla macairan) 35 Hlqon gar dicasai anqrwpon kata tou patroj autou( kai qugatera kata
thj mhtroj authj( kai numfhn kata thj penqeraj authj\ 36 kai ecqroi tou anqrwpou oi`
oikeiakoi11 autou)
37 ~~~O filwn patera h. mhtera u`per eme ouk estin mou axioj( kai o` filwn ui`on h.
qugatera u`per eme ouk estin mou axioj\ 38 kai o`j ou lambanei ton stauron autou kai
akolouqei opisw mou ouk estin mou axioj) 39 ~O eu`rwn thn yuchn autou apolesei authn( kai
o` apolesaj thn yuchn autou e`neken emou eu`rhsei authn)
40 ~~~O decomenoj u`maj eme decetai( kai o` eme decomenoj decetai ton aposteilanta me)
41 ~O decomenoj profhthn eij onoma profhtou misqon profhtou lhyetai(12 kai o` decomenoj
dikaion eij onoma dikaiou misqon dikaiou lhyetai) 42 Kai o`j ean13 potish e`na twn mikrwn
toutwn pothrion yucrou monon( eij onoma maqhtou( amhn legw u`min( ou mh apolesh ton
misqon autou)VV
[The Pharisees reject Jesus as Messiah]
11 1 Kai egeneto( o`te etelesen o` Ihsouj diatasswn toij dwdeka maqhtaij autou( metebh
ekeiqen tou didaskein kai khrussein en taij polesin autwn)
[John needs reassuring]
2 ~O de Iwannhj( akousaj en tw desmwthriw ta erga tou Cristou( pemyaj duo14 twn
maqhtwn autou 3 eipen autw( ~~Su ei= o` ercomenoj h. e`teron prosdokwmen?VV 4 Kai apokriqeij
o` Ihsouj eipen autoij ~~Poreuqentej apaggeilate Iwannh a] akouete kai blepete 5 tufloi
anablepousin kai cwloi peripatousin( leproi kaqarizontai kai kwfoi akouousin(15 nekroi
egeirontai kai ptwcoi euaggelizontai) 6 Kai( makarioj estin o]j ean mh skandalisqh en
[Jesus eulogizes John the Baptist]
7 Toutwn de poreuomenwn( hrxato o` Ihsouj legein toij ocloij peri Iwannou ~~Ti,
exhlqete16 eij thn erhmon qeasasqai( kalamon u`po anemou saleuomenon? 8 Alla ti, exhlqete
fobeisqe f35 C [95%] RP,HF,CP,NU || fobhqhte B,D,N,W [5%] OC,TR || one other variant
apoktenontwn f35 N [95%] RP,HF,CP || apoktennontwn C,D,W [3%] OC,NU || apokteinontwn B [2%] TR
fobhqhte f35 D,N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || fobeisqe B,C,W [1%] NU
kai f35 B,C,D,N [50%] OC,CP,TR,NU || 1 thn W [50%] RP,HF
kai f35 B,C,D [50%] OC,CP,TR,NU || 1 to W [50%] RP,HF
fobhqhte f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || fobeisqe B,D,W [3%] NU
pollw f35 [20%] CP || pollwn B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU
en f35 P19D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 toij B,C [5%] [NU]
auton kagw f35 C [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 P19vB,D,W [5%] NU
en f35 P19,C,D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 toij B [2%] [NU]
oikeiakoi f35 B [85%] RP,HF,CP || oikiakoi [15%] OC,TR,NU
lhyetai f35 [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || lhmyetai P19B,C(D)W [1%] NU (twice)
ean f35 ,C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || an B,D [2%] NU
duo f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || dia B,C,D,W [3%] NU
akouousin f35 C,N (95.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B,D,W (4.1%) NU || long omissions (0.7%)
exhlqete f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || exhlqate B,C,D,N,W [3.5%] NU || exelhluqate [0.5%] (also verse 8)
idein( anqrwpon en malakoij i`matioij1 hmfiesmenon? Idou( oi` ta malaka forountej en toij
oikoij twn basileiwn2 eisin) 9 Alla ti, exhlqete3 idein( profhthn? Nai( legw u`min( kai
perissoteron profhtou) 10 Ou`toj gar4 estin peri ou` gegraptai ~Idou( egw apostellw ton
aggelon mou pro proswpou sou( o]j kataskeuasei thn o`don sou emprosqen sou)V 11 Amhn
legw u`min( ouk eghgertai en gennhtoij gunaikwn meizwn Iwannou tou Baptistou\ o` de
mikroteroj en th basileia twn ouranwn meizwn autou estin) 12 Apo de twn h`merwn Iwannou
tou Baptistou e`wj arti h` basileia twn ouranwn biazetai( kai biastai a`rpazousin authn)
13 Pantej gar oi` profhtai kai o` nomoj e`wj Iwannou proefhteusan\5 14 kai ei qelete
dexasqai( autoj estin Hliaj o` mellwn ercesqai) 15 ~O ecwn wta akouein6 akouetw)
16 ~~Ti,ni de o`moiwsw thn genean tauthn? ~Omoia estin paidioij7 en agora
kaqhmenoij(8 kai prosfwnousin9 toij e`tairoij10 autwn11 17 kai12 legousin( ~Hulhsamen u`min
kai ouk wrchsasqe\13 eqrhnhsamen u`min14 kai ouk ekoyasqeV) 18 Hlqen gar Iwannhj mhte
esqiwn mhte pinwn( kai legousin( ~Daimonion eceiV\ 19 hlqen o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou esqiwn
kai pinwn( kai legousin( ~Idou( anqrwpoj fagoj kai oinopothj( telwnwn filoj kai
a`martwlwnV Kai( edikaiwqh h` sofia apo twn teknwn15 authj)VV
[Jesus denounces three cities]
20 Tote hrxato o` Ihsouj16 oneidizein taj poleij en ai`j egenonto ai` pleistai dunameij
autou( o`ti ou metenohsan) 21 ~~Ouai soi( Cwrazin17 ouai soi( Bhqsaida18 o`ti ei en Turw
Sidwni egenonto19 ai` dunameij ai` genomenai en u`min( palai an en sakkw kai spodw20
metenohsan) 22 Plhn legw u`min( Turw kai Sidwni anektoteron estai en h`mera krisewj h.
u`min) 23 Kai su( Kapernaoum(21 h]22 ~e`wj tou23 ouranou u`ywqhjV(24 e`wj ~Adou25 katabibasqh&
~Oti ei en Sodomoij egenonto27 ai` dunameij ai` genomenai en soi( emeinan28 an mecri thj
shmeron) 24 Plhn legw u`min o`ti gh Sodomwn anektoteron estai en h`mera krisewj h. soi)VV
imatioij f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
basileiwn f35 N (63.1%) RP,HF,CP || basilewn (B)C,D,W (36.5%) OC,TR,NU || long omission (0.3%)
exhlqete f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || exhlqate B,C,D,N [2.5%] NU || exelhluqate W [0.5%]
gar f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
proefhteusan f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eprofhteusan B,C,D [2%] NU
akouein f35 ,C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
paidioij rell || paidarioij [5%] TR
en agora kaqhmenoij f35 [50%] CP || 1 agoraij 3 [45%] RP,HF,TR || ~ 31 agoraij C,N,W [4%] OC || ~ 31 taij
agoraij B [1%] NU || ~ 31 th agora D
kai prosfwnousin f35 N,W [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR || a 2 C || a prosfwnounta B,D [3%] OC,NU
etairoij f35 [65%] RP,OC,CP,TR || eteroij B,C,D,N,W [35%] HF,NU
autwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
kai f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] OC,NU
wrchsasqe rell || orchsasqe [2%] CP
umin f35 C,N,W (97.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hmin (0.5%) || --- B,D (1.4%) NU || long omissions (0.7%)
teknwn f35 C,D,N (99.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ergwn B,W (0.5%) NU || long omission (0.1%)
o ihsouj f35 C,N,W [35%] || --- B,D [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
cwrazin f35 [20%] CP || corazin N [65%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || corazein B,C,W [5%] || cwrazein [5%] || corazhn
[2%] || corazain D || three other variants
bhqsaida f35 C(D)N [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || bhqsaidan B,W [14%] TR || bhdsaidan [1%] || two other spellings
egenonto rell || egenhqhsan [2%] OC
spodw rell || 1 kaqhmenai [10%] OC || 1 kaqhmenoi C [3%]
kapernaoum f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kafarnaoum B,D [1%] NU
h] f35 [35%] || h N [64%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mh B,C,D,W [1%] NU
tou f35 C,N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [1%] NU
uywqhj f35 [35%] || uywqeisa N [63%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || uywqhsh B,C,D,W [1%] NU || two other spellings
adou rell || aidou HF (And so wherever the word occurs.)
katabibasqhsh f35 ,C,N (98.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || katabhsh B,D,W (0.4%) NU || katablhqhsh (0.6%) ||
katenecqhsh (0.3%) || long omissions (0.2%)
egenonto f35 N,W [99%] RP,HF,CP,TR || egenhqhsan B,C,D [1%] OC,NU
emeinan f35 D [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || emeinen B,C [1%] NU || emeinon W [1%] || emenen N || one other variant
apekruyaj f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekruyaj B,D [0.5%] NU || egruyaj P62
egeneto eudokia f35 C,D,N [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 P62 B,W [1.5%] NU
praoj f35 N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || prauj P62B,C,D [0.5%] NU
eipon f35 D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eipan B,C [0.5%] NU
autoj f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,N,W [10%] NU
efagen f35 C,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || efagon B [0.5%] NU
ouj f35 C,N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || o B,D,W [1%] NU
toij iereusin monoij rell || ~ 312 [1%] OC
meizon rell || meizwn N [10%] TR || meizown C
eleon f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eleoj B,C,D,N [1.5%] NU
estin rell || 1 kai [10%] TR
tou sabbatou o uioj tou anqrwpou rell || ~ 3456 kai 12 OC
hn f35 [80%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B,C,W [0.5%] NU || 1 ekei D,N [20%] OC
thn f35 D [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ ecwn 1 N [2%] || --- B,C,W [1%] NU
qerapeuein f35 B,C,N [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || qerapeusai D,W [0.5%] NU
anqrwpw rell || 1 tw exhrammenhn econti thn ceira [5%] CP
thn ceira sou f35 C,D,W [96%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,N [4%] OC,NU
apokatestaqh f35 D [78%] RP,HF,OC,TR || apekatestaqh B,C,N,W [20%] CP,NU || apekatesth [1%] || one other
19 35
oi de farisaioi sumboulion elabon kat autou exelqontej f N,W [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 12384567 [3%] ||
~ 82134567 ()B,C [1.5%] OC,NU || ~ 8 kai 134567 D [0.5%]
apoleswsin rell || apwleswsin CP
[A tactical withdrawal]
15 `O de Ihsouj gnouj anecwrhsen ekeiqen) Kai hkolouqhsan autw ocloi polloi(1 kai
eqerapeusen autouj a`pantaj)2 16 Kai epetimhsen autoij i`na mh faneron auton poihswsin(3
17 o`pwj4 plhrwqh to r`hqen dia ~Hsaiou tou profhtou( legontoj 18 ~~Idou( o` paij mou o]n
h`retisa( o` agaphtoj mou eij o]n eudokhsen h` yuch mou! Qhsw to Pneuma mou epV auton( kai
krisin toij eqnesin apaggelei) 19 Ouk erisei oude kraugasei( oude akousei tij en taij
plateiaij thn fwnhn autou) 20 Kalamon suntetrimmenon ou kateaxei( kai linon tufomenon
ou sbesei( e`wj an ekbalh eij nikoj thn krisin) 21 Kai5 tw onomati autou eqnh elpiousin)VV
[The Pharisees blaspheme the Holy Spirit]
22 Tote proshnecqh autw daimonizomenoj( tufloj kai kwfoj( kai eqerapeusen auton(
w`ste ton tuflon kai kwfon6(7 lalein kai blepein) 23 Kai existanto pantej oi` ocloi kai
elegon( ~~Mhti ou-toj estin o` Cristoj(8 o` Ui`oj Dauid?VV 24 Oi` de Farisaioi akousantej
eipon( ~~Ou-toj ouk ekballei ta daimonia ei mh en9 Beelzeboul( arconti twn daimoniwn)VV
25 Eidwj de o` Ihsouj10 taj enqumhseij autwn eipen autoij ~~Pasa basileia merisqeisa kaqV
e`authj11 erhmoutai( kai pasa polij h. oikia merisqeisa kaqV e`authj ou staqhsetai) 26 Kai ei
o` Satanaj ton Satanan ekballei( efV e`auton emerisqh) Pwj oun staqhsetai h` basileia
autou? 27 Kai ei egw en Beelzeboul ekballw ta daimonia( oi` ui`oi u`mwn en ti,ni
ekballousin?12 Dia touto autoi u`mwn esontai kritai)13 28 Ei de egw en Pneumati Qeou14
ekballw ta daimonia( ara efqasen efV u`maj h` basileia tou Qeou) 29 .H pwj dunatai tij
eiselqein eij thn oikian tou iscurou kai ta skeuh autou diarpasai(15 ean mh prwton dhsh
ton iscuron? Kai tote thn oikian autou diarpash)16
[The unforgivable sin]
30 ~~ `O mh wn metV emou katV emou estin( kai o` mh sunagwn metV emou skorpizei)
31 Dia touto legw u`min( pasa a`martia kai blasfhmia afeqhsetai toij anqrwpoij( h` de tou
Pneumatoj blasfhmia ouk afeqhsetai toij anqrwpoij)17 32 Kai o`j ean18 eiph logon kata tou
Ui`ou tou Anqrwpou( afeqhsetai autw\ o`j dV an eiph kata tou Pneumatoj tou ~Agiou( ouk
afeqhsetai autw( oute en tw nun19 aiwni oute en tw mellonti)
[Jesus denounces the Pharisees]
33 ~~ .H poihsate to dendron kalon kai ton karpon autou kalon( h. poihsate to
dendron sapron kai ton karpon autou sapron\ ek gar tou karpou to dendron ginwsketai)
34 Gennhmata ecidnwn! Pwj dunasqe agaqa lalein( ponhroi ontej? Ek gar tou
perisseumatoj thj kardiaj to stoma lalei) 35 `O agaqoj anqrwpoj ek tou agaqou qhsaurou20
ekballei1 agaqa( kai o` ponhroj anqrwpoj ek tou ponhrou qhsaurou ekballei2 ponhra)
ocloi polloi f35 C,D,W (97.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || ~ 21 (1.9%) || 1 N (0.5%) || 2 B (0.3%)
apantaj f35 [20%] || pantaj B,C,N(D,W) [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
auton poihswsin rell || ~ 21 OC
opwj f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ina B,C,D [2%] NU
kai rell || 1 en D [5%] TR || 1 epi W
ton tuflon kai kwfon f35 C,N [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 1432 W [3%] || 14 B,D [1%] NU
kwfon f35 B,D,W [25%] NU || 1 kai C,N [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
o cristoj f35 [20%] OC,CP || --- B,C,D,N,W [80%] RP,HF,TR,NU
en f35 [25%] || 1 tw B,C,D,N,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
o ihsouj f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
eauthj rell || eauthn D [5%] OC (2x)
ekballousin rell || ekbalousin N [3%] OC
umwn esontai kritai f35 C,N [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 321 B,D [1%] OC,NU || ~ 312 [1%] || ~ 32 autoi 1 W || three
other variants
egw en pneumati qeou f35 [28%] OC,TR || ~ 2341 B,C,D,W [70%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 234 [2%] || ~ 2 daktulw 41 N
diarpasai f35 D [98%] RP,HF,CP,TR || arpasai B,C,N,W [2%] OC,NU
diarpash f35 D,W [40%] || diarpasei B,C,N [60%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
toij anqrwpoij f35 C,D,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [2%] NU
ean rell || an P21D [10%] TR
tw nun f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || toutw 1 B,C,D,N,W [5%] TR,NU || ~ 1 aiwni toutw [5%]
qhsaurou rell || 1 thj kardiaj [5%] TR
36 Legw de u`min o`ti pan r`hma argon o] ean3 lalhswsin4 oi` anqrwpoi( apodwsousin peri5
autou logon en h`mera krisewj) 37 Ek gar twn logwn sou dikaiwqhsh( kai ek twn logwn
sou katadikasqhsh)VV
[The sign of the prophet Jonah]
38 Tote apekriqhsan6 tinej twn grammatewn kai Farisaiwn( legontej( ~~Didaskale(
qelomen7 apo sou shmeion ideinVV) 39 `O de apokriqeij eipen autoij ~~Genea ponhra kai
moicalij shmeion epizhtei( kai shmeion ou doqhsetai auth ei mh to shmeion Iwna tou
profhtou) 40 ~Wsper gar h=n8 Iwnaj9 en th koilia tou khtouj treij h`meraj kai treij nuktaj(
ou`twj estai10 o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou en th kardia thj ghj treij h`meraj kai treij nuktaj)
41 Andrej Nineuitai anasthsontai en th krisei meta thj geneaj tauthj kai katakrinousin
authn( o`ti metenohsan eij to khrugma Iwna( kai idou( pleion Iwna w`de) 42 Basilissa notou
egerqhsetai en th krisei meta thj geneaj tauthj kai katakrinei authn( o`ti hlqen ek twn
peratwn thj ghj akousai thn sofian Solomwnoj(11 kai idou( pleion Solomwnoj w`de)
[An empty house is bad]
43 ~~~Otan de to akaqarton pneuma exelqh apo tou anqrwpou( diercetai diV anudrwn
topwn zhtoun anapausin( kai ouc eu`riskei) 44 Tote legei( ~Epistreyw12 eij ton oikon mou13
o`qen exhlqonV) Kai elqon eu`riskei scolazonta(14 sesarwmenon( kai kekosmhmenon) 45 Tote
poreuetai kai paralambanei meqV e`autou e`pta e`tera pneumata( ponhrotera e`autou( kai
eiselqonta katoikei ekei\ kai ginetai ta escata tou anqrwpou ekeinou ceirona twn prwtwn)
Ou`twj estai kai th genea tauth th ponhra)VV15
[New relationships]
46 Eti de16 autou lalountoj toij ocloij( idou( h` mhthr kai oi` adelfoi autou
ei`sthkeisan exw( zhtountej autw lalhsai)17 47 Eipen de tij autw( ~~Idou( h` mhthr sou kai oi`
adelfoi sou exw e`sthkasin(18 zhtountej soi lalhsaiVV)19(20 48 ~O de apokriqeij eipen tw
eiponti21 autw( ~~Ti,j estin h` mhthr mou( kai ti,nej eisin oi` adelfoi mou?VV 49 Kai ekteinaj
thn ceira autou epi touj maqhtaj autou eipen22 ~~Idou( h` mhthr mou kai oi` adelfoi mou! 50
~Ostij gar an poihsh23 to qelhma tou Patroj mou tou en ouranoij( autoj mou adelfoj kai
adelfh kai mhthr estin)VV
ekballei f35 B,D,W [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || 1 ta C,N [14%] TR || 1 to [1%]
ekballei rell || 1 ta N [10%] CP
ean f35 C,N,W (99.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || an (0.4%) || --- B,D (0.4%) NU
lalhswsin f35 N,W (97.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || lalhsousin B,C (2.2%) NU || seven other variants D (0.4%)
peri rell || uper CP
apekriqhsan f35 N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 autw B,C,D [5%] NU
qelomen rell || qelwmen [2%] CP
hn rell || egeneto [2%] OC || --- D
iwnaj rell || 1 o profhthj [1%] OC
estai f35 B,C [65%] RP,HF,CP,TR,NU || 1 kai D,W [35%] OC
solomwnoj rell || solomwntoj C [10%] TR (both times; C only the first)
epistreyw rell || upostreyw [10%] CP
epistreyw eij ton oikon mou f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 23451 B,D [1%] OC,NU
scolazonta rell || 1 kai C [4%] OC
tauth th ponhra rell || ~ 231 [2%] OC
de f35 C(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU
autw lalhsai rell || ~ 21 D [5%] OC
exw esthkasin rell || ~ 21 OC
soi lalhsai rell || se idein OC
20 35
the whole verse f C(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
eiponti f35 C [98.5%] RP,HF,CP,TR || legonti B,D [1.5%] OC,NU || --- W
eipen rell || efh [1%] OC
poihsh rell || poihsei [5%] CP || poih C [0.5%] || poiei D
13)1 En de1 th h`mera ekeinh exelqwn o` Ihsouj apo2 thj oikiaj ekaqhto para thn qalassan)
2 Kai sunhcqhsan proj auton ocloi polloi( w`ste auton eij ploion embanta kaqhsqai( kai
paj o` ocloj epi ton aigialon ei`sthkei)
[Parable of the soils]
3 Kai elalhsen autoij en parabolaij polla4 legwn ~~Idou( exhlqen o` speirwn tou
speirai)5 4 Kai en tw speirein auton( a] men epesen para thn o`don\ kai hlqen ta peteina
kai6 katefagen auta) 5 Alla de epesen epi ta petrwdh( o`pou ouk eicen ghn pollhn\ kai
euqewj exaneteilen dia to mh ecein baqoj ghj) 6 `Hliou de anateilantoj( ekaumatisqh( kai
dia to mh ecein r`izan exhranqh) 7 Alla de epesen epi taj akanqaj( kai anebhsan ai` akanqai
kai apepnixan7 auta) 8 Alla de epesen epi thn ghn thn kalhn kai edidou karpon o] men
e`katon( o] de e`xhkonta( o] de triakonta) 9 ~O ecwn wta akouein(8 akouetw!VV
[The reason for parables]
10 Kai proselqontej oi` maqhtai eipon9 autw( ~~Dia ti, en parabolaij laleij autoij?VV
11 ~O de apokriqeij eipen autoij o`ti ~~~Umin dedotai gnwnai ta musthria thj basileiaj twn
ouranwn( ekeinoij de ou dedotai) 12 ~Ostij gar ecei( doqhsetai autw kai perisseuqhsetai\
o`stij de ouk ecei( kai o] ecei arqhsetai apV autou) 13 Dia touto en parabolaij autoij lalw(
o`ti blepontej ou blepousin kai akouontej ouk akouousin oude suniousin) 14 Kai
anaplhroutai10 autoij11 h` profhteia ~Hsaiou h` legousa ~Akoh akousete12 kai ou mh sunhte(
kai blepontej bleyete13 kai ou mh idhte) 15 Epacunqh gar h` kardia tou laou toutou( kai
toij wsin barewj hkousan( kai touj ofqalmouj autwn ekammusan\ mhpote idwsin toij
ofqalmoij kai toij wsin akouswsin kai th kardia sunwsin( kai epistreywsin\14 kai
iaswmai15 autouj)V 16 ~Umwn de makarioi oi` ofqalmoi o`ti blepousin( kai ta wta u`mwn o`ti
akouei\16 17 amhn gar legw u`min o`ti polloi profhtai kai dikaioi epequmhsan idein a]
kai ouk eidon(17 kai akousai a] akouete kai ouk hkousan)
[Parable of the soils explained]
18 ~~~Umeij oun akousate thn parabolhn tou speirontoj18 19 Pantoj akouontoj ton
logon thj basileiaj kai mh sunientoj( ercetai o` ponhroj kai a`rpazei19 to esparmenon en th
kardia autouou`toj estin o` para thn o`don spareij) 20 ~O de epi ta petrwdh spareijou`toj
estin o` ton logon akouwn kai euquj20 meta caraj21 lambanwn auton\ 21 ouk ecei de r`izan en
e`autw alla proskairoj estin) Genomenhj de qliyewj h. diwgmou dia ton logon( euquj
skandalizetai) 22 ~O de eij taj akanqaj spareijou`toj estin o` ton logon akouwn( kai h`
de f35 C,D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1.5%] NU
apo f35 C,W (97.7%) RP,HF,CP,TR || ek (0.5%) || --- B (1.5%) OC,NU || three other variants D (0.3%)
eij f35 B,C,W [30%] OC,NU || 1 to D [70%] RP,HF,CP,TR
en parabolaij polla f35 C [25%] || ~ 312 B,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
speirai f35 D,W [60%] OC,CP || speirein B,C [40%] RP,HF,TR,NU
hlqen ta peteina kai f35 ,C(D)W [98%] RP,HF,CP,TR || elqonta 23 B [2%] OC,NU
apepnixan f35 B,C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || epnizan D [2%] NU || one other variant
akouein f35 C,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
eipon rell || eipan B [0.5%] NU
oti blepontej ou blepousin kai akouontej ouk akouousin oude suniousin kai anaplhroutai rell || ina
blepontej mh blepwsin kai akouontej mh akouwsi mhde sunwsi mhpote epistreywsi kai tote plhrwqhsetai
autoij rell || ep 1 D [5%] TR
akousete f35 C [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || akoushte N,W [20%] || akousate B || akousetai D
bleyete f35 B,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || bleyhte N [10%] || || bleyetai D || bleyhtai W
epistreywsin rell || epistreyousin N,W [10%]
iaswmai f35 [50%] TR || iasomai BC,D,N,W [50%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU
akouei f35 W [93%] RP,HF,CP,TR || akouousin B,C,D,N [7%] OC,NU
eidon f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || idon [0.5%] || idan N [0.5%] || eidan B,NU || hdunhqhsan eidein D
speirontoj f35 C,D,N [98%] RP,HF,CP,TR || speirantoj B,W [2%] OC,NU
arpazei rell || airei [2%] OC
euquj rell || euqewj [4%] OC
caraj rell || 1 decomenoj kai OC (small print)
merimna tou aiwnoj toutou1 kai h` apath tou ploutou sumpnigei ton logon( kai akarpoj
ginetai) 23 ~O de epi thn ghn thn kalhn2 spareijou`toj estin o` ton logon akouwn kai
suniwn(3 o]j dh karpoforei kai poiei o` men e`katon( o` de e`xhkonta( o` de triakonta)VV
[Wheat and tares]
24 Allhn parabolhn pareqhken autoij( legwn ~~ `Wmoiwqh h` basileia twn ouranwn
anqrwpw speiranti4 kalon sperma en tw agrw autou\ 25 en de tw kaqeudein touj
anqrwpouj( hlqen autou o` ecqroj kai espeiren5 zizania ana meson tou sitou kai aphlqen)
26 `Ote de eblasthsen o` cortoj kai karpon epoihsen( tote efanh kai ta zizania)
27 Proselqontej de oi` douloi tou oikodespotou eipon autw( ~Kurie( ouci kalon sperma
espeiraj en tw sw agrw? Poqen oun ecei6 zizania?V 28 ~O de efh autoij( ~Ecqroj anqrwpoj
touto epoihsenV) Oi` de douloi eipon autw(7 `Qeleij oun apelqontej sullexomen8 auta?V 29 ~O
de efh9 ~Ou( mhpote sullegontej ta zizania ekrizwshte a`ma autoij ton siton) 30 Afete
sunauxanesqai amfotera mecri10 tou qerismou( kai en11 kairw tou qerismou erw toij
qeristaij( ~~Sullexate prwton ta zizania kai dhsate auta eij desmaj proj to katakausai
auta( ton de siton sunagagete eij thn apoqhkhn mouVVV)VV
[Mustard seed]
31 Allhn parabolhn pareqhken autoij( legwn ~~~Omoia estin h` basileia twn
ouranwn kokkw sinapewj( o]n labwn anqrwpoj espeiren en tw agrw autou\ 32 o] mikroteron
men estin pantwn twn spermatwn( o`tan de auxhqh meizon pantwn12 twn lacanwn estin kai
ginetai dendron( w`ste elqein13 ta peteina tou ouranou kai kataskhnoun en toij kladoij
33 Allhn parabolhn elalhsen autoij ~~ `Omoia estin h` basileia twn ouranwn zumh(
h]n labousa gunh ekruyen14 eij aleurou sata tria e`wj ou- ezumwqh o`lon)VV
34 Tauta panta elalhsen o` Ihsouj en parabolaij toij o`cloij( kai cwrij parabolhj
ouk15 elalei autoij( 35 o`pwj plhrwqh to r`hqen dia tou profhtou( legontoj ~~Anoixw en
parabolaij to stoma mou\ ereuxomai kekrummena apo katabolhj kosmou)VV16
[Wheat and tares explained]
36 Tote afeij touj oclouj hlqen eij thn oikian o` Ihsouj)17 Kai proshlqon autw oi`
maqhtai autou( legontej( ~~Frason18 h`min thn parabolhn twn zizaniwn tou agrouVV) 37 ~O de
apokriqeij eipen autoij19 ~~ `O speirwn to kalon sperma estin o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou) 38 ~O
de agroj estin o` kosmoj\ to de kalon sperma( ou-toi eisin oi` ui`oi thj basileiaj\ ta de
zizania eisin oi` ui`oi tou ponhrou) 39 ~O de ecqroj o` speiraj auta estin o` diaboloj\ o` de
toutou f35 C,N,W [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,NU
ghn thn kalhn f35 D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 31 B,C,N [5%] NU || two other variants
suniwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || sunieij B,D [1%] NU
speiranti f35 B,N,W [30%] OC,CP,NU || speironti C,D [70%] RP,HF,TR
espeiren f35 C,D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || epespeiren B,N [2%] NU || epesparken
ecei f35 B,C,D,N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || 1 ta [5%] TR
eipon autw f35 (N)W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || legousin 2 (D) [1%] NU || ~ 2 legousin B,C [0.5%]
sullexomen f35 [80%] RP,HF,CP || sullexwmen B,C,N [20%] OC,TR,NU || sunlexwmen D,W
efh f35 N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || fhsin B,C [1%] NU || legei D [0.5%]
mecri f35 C,N [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || acri || ewj B,D [1%] NU || mecrij W
en f35 B,D,N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || 1 tw ,C [5%] TR
pantwn f35 [30%] OC,CP || --- B,C,D,N,W [70%] RP,HF,TR,NU
elqein rell || katelqein CP
ekruyen f35 N [85%] RP,HF || enekruyen B,C,D,W [15%] OC,CP,TR,NU
ouk f35 D [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ouden B,C,W [5%] OC,NU
kosmou f35 C,D,W (99.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B (0.5%) || long omission (0.1%)
o ihsouj f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,CP,TR || autou [1%] OC || --- B,D [1%] NU
frason f35 C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || diasafhson B [1%] NU
autoij f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1.5%] NU
qerismoj sunteleia tou1 aiwnoj estin( oi` de qeristai aggeloi eisin) 40 ~Wsper oun
sullegetai ta zizania kai puri kaietai(2 ou`twj estai en th sunteleia tou aiwnoj toutou)3
41 Apostelei o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou touj aggelouj autou( kai sullexousin ek thj basileiaj
autou panta ta skandala( kai touj poiountaj thn anomian\ 42 kai balousin autouj eij thn
kaminon tou puroj) Ekei estai o` klauqmoj kai o` brugmoj twn odontwn) 43 Tote oi` dikaioi
eklamyousin w`j o` h`lioj en th basileia tou Patroj autwn) ~O ecwn wta akouein4 akouetw)
[Treasure and pearl]
44 ~~Palin5 o`moia estin h` basileia twn ouranwn qhsaurw kekrummenw en agrw(6 o]n
eu`rwn anqrwpoj ekruyen( kai apo thj caraj autou u`pagei kai panta o`sa ecei pwlei7 kai
agorazei ton agron ekeinon)
45 ~~Palin o`moia estin h` basileia twn ouranwn anqrwpw emporw zhtounti kalouj
margaritaj( 46 o`j eu`rwn8 e`na polutimon margarithn( apelqwn pepraken panta o`sa eicen kai
hgorasen auton)
[A seine]
47 ~~Palin o`moia estin h` basileia twn ouranwn saghnh blhqeish eij thn qalassan(
kai ek pantoj genouj sunagagoush( 48 h]n o`te eplhrwqh( anabibasantej9 epi ton aigialon\
kai kaqisantej sunelexan ta kala eij aggeia(10 ta de sapra exw ebalon) 49 Ou`twj estai en
th sunteleia tou aiwnoj) Exeleusontai oi` aggeloi kai aforiousin touj ponhrouj ek mesou
twn dikaiwn( 50 kai balousin autouj eij thn kaminon tou puroj) Ekei estai o` klauqmoj kai
o` brugmoj twn odontwn)VV
51 Legei autoij o` Ihsouj(11 ~~Sunhkate tauta panta?VV Legousin autw( ~~Nai(
52 ~O de eipen autoij( ~~Dia touto paj grammateuj maqhteuqeij eij thn basileian13 twn
ouranwn o`moioj estin anqrwpw oikodespoth o`stij ekballei ek tou qhsaurou autou kaina
kai palaia)VV
[A visit to Natsareth]
53 Kai egeneto o`te etelesen o` Ihsouj taj parabolaj tautaj( methren ekeiqen) 54 Kai
elqwn eij thn patrida autou edidasken autouj en th sunagwgh autwn( w`ste ekplhttesqai14
autouj kai legein ~~Poqen toutw h` sofia au`th kai ai` dunameij? 55 Ouc ou`toj estin o` tou
tektonoj ui`oj? Ouci15 h` mhthr autou legetai Mariam( kai oi` adelfoi autou Iakwboj kai
Iwshj16 kai Simwn kai Ioudaj? 56 Kai ai` adelfai autou( ouci pasai proj h`maj eisin? Poqen
oun toutw tauta panta?VV17 57 Kai eskandalizonto en autw) `O de Ihsouj eipen autoij( ~~Ouk
estin profhthj atimoj ei mh en th patridi autou18 kai en th oikia autouVV) 58 Kai ouk
epoihsen ekei dunameij pollaj dia thn apistian autwn)
tou f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1.5%] NU || omits most of the verse [homoioteleuton?]
kaietai f35 C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || katakaietai B [10%] TR[NU] || katakaiontai D
toutou f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR || --- B,D [1%] CP,NU
akouein f35 C,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
palin f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
en agrw f35 D,N [30%] || 1 tw 2 B,C,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || ---
panta osa ecei pwlei f35 C,N,W (91.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 4123 D (4.1%) NU || ~ 423 B (1.1%) || 234 (2.3%) ||
six other variants (0.7%) || long omissions (0.6%)
8 35
oj eurwn f C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2 de B(D) [1.5%] NU
anabibasantej rell || 1 authn (D) [10%] OC || 1 kai C [2%]
aggeia f35 (D)W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || aggh B,C,N [1.5%] NU
legei autoij o ihsouj f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
kurie f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
eij thn basileian f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || th basileia B,C,N,W [9%] NU || en th basileia D [1%]
ekplhttesqai f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR || ekplhssesqai B,C,D,N,W [10%] CP,NU || two other variants
ouci f35 D [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouc B,C,N,W [5%] NU
iwshj f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || iwsh [2%] || iwannhj D [7%] || iwshf B,C,N [1%] NU
tauta panta rell || ~ 21 D,N,W [10%]
patridi autou f35 N,W [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 B,D [0.5%] NU || idia 1 [2%] || idia 12 C
tetrarchj f35 B,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || tetraarchj C [0.5%] NU
auton f35 C,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.5%]
eqeto en fulakh f35 C,N,W [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 23 apeqeto B [1%] NU || 2 th 3 D || ~ 2 th 3 apeqeto
[0.5%] || 12 th 3 [0.5%] || three other variants
autw o iwannhj f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 (B) [0.5%] NU || 3 || 13 D [0.5%]
efobeito f35 [20%] || efobhqh B,C,D,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU [the imperfect is correct]
genesiwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || genesioij B,D [1%] NU
agomenwn f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || agomenoij [0.5%] || genomenwn C,N [2%] || genomenoij B,D [0.5%] NU
eluphqh f35 C,W (98.7%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || luphqeij B,D (1.2%) NU || two other variants (0.1%)
de f35 C,W (98%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kai (0.2%) || --- B,D (1.7%) NU
ton f35 C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
hnecqh h kefalh autou rell || ~ 2341 CP
swma f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ptwma ()B,C(D) [5%] NU
auto f35 C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || auton B [0.5%] [NU]
elqontej rell || exelqontej CP
kai akousaj f35 C,W [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 2 de B,D [5%] OC,NU
o ihsouj f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
autoij rell || autouj W [5%] TR || peri autwn D
autou f35 C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
ihsouj f35 B,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D [1%]
autouj wde f35 C,W (98.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B (0.2%) NU || 1 D (0.6%) || long omissions (0.4%)
anakliqhnai rell || anaklhqhnai CP
touj cortouj f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || tou cortou B,C,W [3%] NU || ton corton D [1%]
labwn f35 B [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || kai 1 C,W [4%] TR || elaben D
22 Kai euqewj hnagkasen o` Ihsouj1 touj maqhtaj autou2 embhnai eij to ploion kai
proagein auton eij to peran( e`wj ou- apolush touj oclouj) 23 Kai apolusaj touj oclouj
anebh eij to oroj katV idian proseuxasqai) Oyiaj de genomenhj( monoj h=n ekei) 24 To de
ploion hdh meson thj qalasshj h=n(3 basanizomenon u`po twn kumatwn( h=n gar enantioj o`
anemoj) 25 Tetarth de fulakh thj nuktoj aphlqen4 proj autouj o` Ihsouj(5 peripatwn epi thj
qalasshj)6 26 Kai idontej auton oi` maqhtai7 epi thn qalassan8 peripatounta etaracqhsan(
legontej o`ti ~~Fantasma estin!VV Kai apo tou fobou ekraxan) 27 Euqewj9 de elalhsen autoij
o` Ihsouj(10 legwn ~~Qarseite! Egw eimi( mh fobeisqe!VV 28 Apokriqeij de o` Petroj eipen(11
~~Kurie( ei su ei=( keleuson me proj se elqein12 epi ta u`dataVV) 29 ~O de eipen( ~~Elqe!VV Kai
katabaj apo tou ploiou o`13 Petroj periepathsen epi ta u`data elqein14 proj ton Ihsoun) 30
Blepwn de ton anemon iscuron15 efobhqh( kai arxamenoj katapontizesqai ekraxen( legwn(
~~Kurie( swson me!VV 31 Kai euqewj16 o` Ihsouj ekteinaj thn ceira epelabeto autou kai legei
autw ~~Oligopiste! eij ti, edistasaj?VV 32 Kai embantwn17 autwn eij to ploion( ekopasen o`
anemoj) 33 Oi` de en tw ploiw elqontej18 prosekunhsan autw( legontej( ~~Alhqwj Qeou Ui`oj
[At Genesaret]
34 Kai diaperasantej hlqon eij19 thn ghn20 Genhsaret)21 35 Kai epignontej auton oi`
andrej tou topou ekeinou apesteilan eij o`lhn thn pericwron ekeinhn( kai proshnegkan
autw pantaj touj kakwj econtaj\ 36 kai parekaloun auton i`na kan22 monon a`ywntai tou
kraspedou tou i`matiou autou\ kai o`soi h`yanto dieswqhsan)
[Jesus antagonizes the Pharisees29 AD]
15)1 Tote prosercontai tw Ihsou oi`23 apo `Ierosolumwn grammateij kai Farisaioi24
legontej 2 ~~Dia ti, oi` maqhtai sou parabainousin thn paradosin twn presbuterwn? Ou gar
niptontai taj ceiraj autwn25 o`tan arton esqiwsin)VV 3 ~O de apokriqeij eipen autoij ~~Dia
ti, kai u`meij parabainete thn entolhn tou Qeou dia thn paradosin u`mwn? 4 ~O gar Qeoj
o ihsouj f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,W [5%] NU
autou f35 B [30%] OC,TR || --- C,D,W [70%] RP,HF,CP,NU
meson thj qalasshj hn f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || stadiouj pollouj apo thj ghj apeicen B [2%] NU || ~
4 eij 123 D || two other variants
aphlqen f35 C,D,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hlqen B [4%] NU
o ihsouj f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,W [3%] NU
thj qalasshj f35 C,D [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || thn qalassan B,W [3%] NU
kai idontej auton oi maqhtai f35 C,W (94.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12345 autou (0.9%) || 123 (1.3%) || 2 de 345
(1.3%) || ~ 4 de 523 B,D (0.9%) NU || 2 de 3 (0.2%) || three other variants (0.3%)
thn qalassan f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || thj qalasshj B,C,D [3%] NU
euqewj f35 C,W [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || euquj B,D [2.5%] NU
outoij o ihsouj f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B [0.5%] [NU] || 1 D [0.5%]
o petroj eipen f35 [25%] || 123 autw B [1%] || autw 123 C,W [73%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || autw 23 D || one other
proj se elqein f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,C,D,W [5%] NU
o f35 C,W [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,D
elqein f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kai hlqen B,C [1%] NU || elqin hlqen oun
iscuron f35 C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.5%]
kai euqewj f35 [20%] CP || ~ 2 de ()B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU
embantwn f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || anabantwn B,D [2%] NU
elqontej f35 C,D,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,N [2%] NU || proselqontej [2%]
eij f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || epi B,C,D,N,W [5%] NU
ghn f35 C,N [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 eij B,D,W [2%] NU
genhsaret f35 N [30%] || gennhsaret B,C,W [55%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || gennhsareq [14%] || genhsareq [0.5%] ||
gennhsar D (According to the Targum, the name is spelled with one n, according to the LXX it is with two.)
kan f35 [35%] OC,CP || --- B,C,D,N,W [65%] RP,HF,TR,NU
oi f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
grammateij kai farisaioi f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 321 B,D [3%] NU
autwn f35 C,D,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [2%]
eneteilato( legwn(1 ~Tima ton patera2 kai thn mhteraV( kai ~~O kakologwn patera h. mhtera(
qanatw teleutatwV) 5 ~Umeij de legete ~}Oj an eiph tw patri h. th mhtri( ~~Dwron( o] ean ex
emou wfelhqhjVV6 kai3 ou mh timhsh4 ton patera autou h. thn mhtera)V5 Kai hkurwsate thn
entolhn6 tou Qeou dia thn paradosin u`mwn) 7 ~Upokritai! Kalwj proefhteusen7 peri u`mwn
~Hsaiaj( legwn 8 ~Eggizei moi8 o` laoj ou`toj tw stomati autwn( kai9 toij ceilesin me tima(
h` de kardia autwn porrw apecei apV emou) 9 Mathn de sebontai me( didaskontej didaskaliaj
entalmata anqrwpwnV)VV
[That which defiles]
10 Kai proskalesamenoj ton oclon eipen autoij ~~Akouete kai suniete) 11 Ou to
eisercomenon eij to stoma koinoi ton anqrwpon( alla to ekporeuomenon ek tou stomatoj
touto koinoi ton anqrwpon)VV 12 Tote proselqontej oi` maqhtai autou10 eipon11 autw( ~~Oidaj
o`ti oi` Farisaioi12 akousantej ton logon eskandalisqhsan?VV13 13 ~O de apokriqeij eipen
~~Pasa futeia h]n ouk efuteusen o` Pathr mou o` ouranioj ekrizwqhsetai) 14 Afete autouj)
~Odhgoi eisin tufloi14 tuflwn\15 tufloj de tuflon ean o`dhgh( amfoteroi eij boqunon
15 Apokriqeij de o` Petroj eipen autw( ~~Frason h`min thn parabolhn tauthnVV)17 16 ~O
de Ihsouj18 eipen ~~Akmhn kai u`meij asunetoi este? 17 Oupw19 noeite o`ti pan to
eisporeuomenon eij to stoma eij thn koilian cwrei kai eij afedrwna ekballetai? 18 Ta de
ekporeuomena ek tou stomatoj ek thj kardiaj exercetai\ kakeina koinoi ton anqrwpon) 19 Ek
gar thj kardiaj exercontai dialogismoi ponhroi( fonoi( moiceiai( porneiai( klopai(
yeudomarturiai( blasfhmiai) 20 Tauta estin ta koinounta ton anqrwpon( to de aniptoij
cersin fagein ou koinoi ton anqrwpon)VV
[A crumb for a little dog]
21 Kai exelqwn ekeiqen o` Ihsouj anecwrhsen eij ta merh Turou kai Sidwnoj) 22 Kai
idou( gunh20 Cananaia apo twn o`riwn ekeinwn exelqousa ekraugasen21 autw(22 legousa
~~Elehson me( Kurie( Ui`e23 Dauid! ~H qugathr mou kakwj daimonizetai)VV 23 ~O de ouk
apekriqh auth logon) Kai proselqontej24 oi` maqhtai autou hrwtwn25 auton( legontej(
~~Apoluson authn( o`ti krazei opisqen h`mwnVV) 24 ~O de apokriqeij eipen( ~~Ouk apestalhn ei
eneteilato legwn f35 ,C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eipen B,D [1.5%] NU
patera rell || 1 sou N,W [10%] TR
kai f35 N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [3%] NU
timhsh f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || timhsei B,C,D,N,W [5%] NU
h thn mhtera f35 [25%] || 123 autou C,N,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
thn entolhn f35 N,W (98.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ton nomon C (1.1%) || ton logon B,D (0.4%) NU
proefhteusen f35 N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eprofhteusen B,C,D [1%] NU
eggizei moi f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
tw stomati autwn kai f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
autou f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
eipon f35 ()C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || legousin B,D [2%] NU
farisaioi rell || 1 oi CP
akousantej ton logon eskandalisqhsan rell || ~ 4123 OC
odhgoi eisin tufloi f35 ,C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 321 B(D) [2%] NU
tuflwn f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,D [0.5%]
empesountai f35 (D)W [30%] CP || pesountai B,C [70%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU
tauthn f35 C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
ihsouj f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1.5%] NU
oupw f35 ,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ou B,D [1%] NU
gunh rell || 1 tij CP
ekraugasen f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekrazen B,D [1%] NU || ekraxen [1%] || ekraugazen [1%]
autw f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [5%] NU || opisw autou D
uie f35 ,C [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || uioj B,D,W [1%] NU
proselqontej rell || 1 autw CP
hrwtwn f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hrwtoun B,C,D [0.5%] NU || hrwthsan [1%]
prosekunhsen f35 C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || prosekunei B,D [10%] TR,NU
tuflouj kwfouj kullouj f35 [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 213 C(W) [5%] || ~ 132 [0.5%] NU || ~ 312 B || 13 D
tou ihsou f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || autou B,D [3%] NU
touj oclouj f35 B,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ton oclon C,D [5%] NU
kwfouj rell || 1 akouontaj alalouj OC (small print)
ugieij f35 [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B,C,D,W [8%] NU
edoxazon f35 [30%] CP || edoxasan B,C,D,N,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU
qeon rell || 1 tou [2%] CP
hmeraj f35 N [30%] CP,TR || hmerai B,C,D,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,NU
nhstij f35 N [25%] || nhsteij B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
autou f35 C,D,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [2%] NU
eipon rell || eipan [2%] NU || 1 autw D [1%] CP
ekeleusen f35 C,N,W (97%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || keleusaj (1.7%) || paraggeilaj B,D (1.3%) NU || one other variant
toij ocloij f35 N,W (78.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || touj oclouj C (19.2%) || tw oclw B,D (1.4%) NU || ton oclon
(0.3%) || three other variants (0.2%)
kai labwn f35 C,N,W (97.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || elaben B,D (2.8%) NU
icquaj f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B,D [3%] NU
edwken f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || edidou B,D [3%] NU
autou f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
tw oclw f35 C,D,N,W [96%] RP,HF,CP,TR || toij ocloij B [4%] OC,NU
hran to perisseuon twn klasmatwn f35 ,C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 23451 B,D [1.5%] NU
enebh f35 B [30%] RP,OC,TR,NU || anebh C,N,W [70%] HF,CP || enbainei D
magdala f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || magdalan C,N,W [2%] || magadan B(D)NU
epideixai rell || upodeixai CP
upokritai f35 [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- C,D,W [3%] || (omit verses 2b-3 B [3%] [NU])
diakrinein( ta de shmeia twn kairwn ou dunasqe)1 4 Genea ponhra kai moicalij shmeion
epizhtei( kai shmeion ou doqhsetai auth ei mh to shmeion Iwna tou profhtou)VV2 Kai
katalipwn autouj aphlqen)
[Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees]
5 Kai elqontej oi` maqhtai autou3 eij to peran epelaqonto artouj labein) 6 ~O de
Ihsouj eipen autoij( ~~~Orate kai prosecete apo thj zumhj twn Farisaiwn kai
SaddoukaiwnVV) 7 Oi` de dielogizonto en e`autoij( legontej o`ti ~~Artouj ouk elabomenVV)
8 Gnouj de o` Ihsouj eipen autoij4 ~~Ti, dialogizesqe en e`autoij( oligopistoi( o`ti artouj ouk
elabete?5 9 Oupw noeite( oude mnhmoneuete touj pente artouj twn pentakisciliwn kai posouj
kofinouj elabete? 10 Oude touj e`pta artouj twn tetrakisciliwn kai posaj spuridaj
elabete? 11 Pwj ou noeite o`ti ou peri artou6 eipon u`min prosecein7 apo thj zumhj twn
Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn?VV 12 Tote sunhkan o`ti ouk eipen prosecein apo thj zumhj tou
artou(8 alla9 apo thj didachj twn Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn)
[Jesus openly declares His death and ministers on that basis]
16)13 Elqwn de o` Ihsouj eij ta merh Kaisareiaj thj Filippou hrwta touj maqhtaj autou(
legwn( ~~Ti,na me legousin oi` anqrwpoi einai(10 ton Ui`on tou Anqrwpou?VV 14 Oi` de eipon(11
~~Oi` men Iwannhn ton Baptisthn( alloi de Hlian( e`teroi de ~Ieremian h. e`na twn profhtwnVV)
15 Legei autoij( ~~~Umeij de( ti,na me legete einai?VV 16 Apokriqeij de Simwn Petroj eipen(
~~Su ei= o` Cristoj( o` Ui`oj tou Qeou tou zwntoj!VV 17 Kai apokriqeij12 o` Ihsouj eipen autw
~~Makarioj ei=( Simwn Bariwna( o`ti sarx kai ai-ma ouk apekaluyen soi( allV o` Pathr mou o`
en toij ouranoij) 18 Kagw de soi legw o`ti su ei= petroj( kai epi tauth th petra oikodomhsw
mou thn ekklhsian( kai pulai ~Adou ou katiscusousin authj) 19 Kai13 dwsw soi taj kleij14
thj basileiaj twn ouranwn( kai o` ean dhshj epi thj ghj estai dedemenon en toij ouranoij(
kai o` ean lushj epi thj ghj estai lelumenon en toij ouranoij)VV 20 Tote diesteilato toij
maqhtaij autou15 i`na mhdeni eipwsin o`ti autoj estin16 o` Cristoj) 21 Apo tote hrxato o`
Ihsouj deiknuein toij maqhtaij autou o`ti dei auton apelqein eij ~Ierosoluma17 kai polla
paqein apo twn presbuterwn kai arcierewn kai grammatewn( kai apoktanqhnai( kai th
trith h`mera egerqhnai) 22 Kai proslabomenoj auton o` Petroj hrxato epitiman autw( legwn(
~~~Ilewj soi( Kurie! Ou mh estai soi touto!VV 23 ~O de strafeij eipen tw Petrw ~~~Upage
opisw mou( Satana! Skandalon mou ei=(18 o`ti ou froneij ta tou Qeou( alla ta twn
1 35
from oyiaj, verse 2, to dunasqe, end of verse 3 f C,D,N,W [97%] RP,HF,CP,TR[NU] [OC adds gnwnai] || --- B [3%]
tou profhtou f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
autou f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [2%] NU
autoij f35 C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [10%] NU
elabete f35 C,W (97.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || elabomen (0.6%) || ecete B,D (1.7%) NU || long omissions (0.2%)
artou f35 D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || artwn B,C [10%] NU || artouj [0.5%]
prosecein f35 W [95.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || prosecete D [1%] || prosecete de B,C [1.5%] NU || alla prosecete
[1%] || two other variants [1%]
tou artou f35 C,W (94.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || twn artwn B (1.3%) NU || --- D (0.7%) || twn farisaiwn kai
saddoukaiwn (0.4%) || three other variants (0.4%) || long omissions (3%)
alla f35 B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,CP,NU || all [25%] OC,TR
me legousin oi anqrwpoi einai f35 [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2345 B [0.5%] NU || ~ 21345 C,W [0.5%] || ~ 3452
|| ~ 13425 D || one other variant
eipon rell || eipan B [0.5%] NU
kai apokriqeij f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2 de B,D [3%] NU
kai f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
kleij f35 C,D [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kleidaj B,W [0.5%] NU
autou f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [1%] NU
estin f35 B [35%] NU || 1 ihsouj C(D)W [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
apelqein eij ierosoluma f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [3%] NU
mou ei f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 C [0.5%] || ~ 2 emou B [2%] NU || ~ 2 emoi D [0.5%] || one other variant
akolouqeitw rell || akolouqhtw CP
an f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ean B,C [1%] NU
wfeleitai f35 C,D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wfelhqhsetai B [3%] NU
umin f35 C,D,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 oti B [4%] NU
tinej f35 W [85%] RP,HF || 1 twn B,C,D [15%] OC,CP,TR,NU
estwtej f35 W [85%] RP,HF || esthkotwn [10%] OC,CP,TR || estwtwn B,C,D [5%] NU
geuswntai rell || geusontai [5%] CP
egeneto f35 B,C,D,W [40%] OC,CP,TR,NU || egenonto [60%] RP,HF || --- [0.5%]
wfqhsan f35 C,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wfqh B,D [4%] NU
mwshj f35 C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mwushj B,D,W [10%] NU
hliaj rell || h`liaj TR
met autou sullalountej f35 C(D) [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 (B,W) [1%] NU
poihswmen f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || poihsw B,C [0.5%] NU
mwsei f35 [50%] OC || mwsh C [47%] RP,HF,CP,TR || mwusei B,D [2%] NU || mwush [1%] || mwusi W
mian hlia f35 (B) [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 ()C(D)(W) [10%] NU
autou akouete f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,D [1%] NU
epeson rell || epesan B,C,D,W [2%] NU
proselqwn o ihsouj hyato autwn kai f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 1236 ayamenoj 5 [1%] || ~ proshlqen
236 ayamenoj 5 B [0.5%] NU || ~ proshlqen 236 hyato 56 D
ton ihsoun f35 C(D) [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || auton 2 B [0.5%] NU || ~ 2 auton [1%] || 2 W
ek rell || apo [5%] OC,TR
anasth f35 C(W) [99.8%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || egerqh B,D [0.2%] NU
autou f35 B,C,D [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- W [1%] NU
ihsouj f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [3%] NU
autoij f35 C [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [1%] NU
prwton f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [3%] NU
epegnwsan auton( allV1 epoihsan en autw o`sa hqelhsan) Ou`twj kai o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou
mellei pascein u`pV autwn)VV 13 Tote sunhkan oi` maqhtai o`ti peri Iwannou tou Baptistou
eipen autoij)
[A tough kind of demon]
14 Kai elqontwn autwn2 proj ton oclon( proshlqen autw anqrwpoj gonupetwn
auton( kai legwn 15 ~~Kurie( elehson mou ton ui`on( o`ti selhniazetai kai kakwj pascei
Pollakij gar piptei eij to pur kai pollakij eij to u`dwr) 16 Kai proshnegka auton toij
maqhtaij sou( kai ouk hdunhqhsan auton qerapeusai)VV 17 Apokriqeij de o` Ihsouj eipen ~~W
genea apistoj kai diestrammenh( e`wj pote esomai meqV u`mwn?4 ~Ewj pote anexomai u`mwn?
Ferete moi auton w-de)VV 18 Kai epetimhsen autw o` Ihsouj( kai exhlqen apV autou to
daimonion\ kai iaqh5 o` paij apo thj w`raj ekeinhj)
19 Tote proselqontej oi` maqhtai tw Ihsou katV idian eipon( ~~Dia ti, h`meij ouk
hdunhqhmen ekbalein auto?VV 20 ~O de Ihsouj eipen6 autoij ~~Dia thn apistian7 u`mwn) Amhn
gar legw u`min( ean echte pistin w`j kokkon sinapewj( ereite tw orei toutw( ~Metabhqi8
enteuqen9 ekeiV( kai metabhsetai\ kai ouden adunathsei u`min) 21 Touto de to genoj ouk
ekporeuetai ei mh en proseuch kai nhsteia)VV10
22 Anastrefomenwn11 de autwn en th Galilaia(12 eipen autoij o` Ihsouj( ~~Mellei o`
Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou paradidosqai eij ceiraj anqrwpwn( 23 kai apoktenousin auton( kai th
trith h`mera egerqhsetaiVV) Kai eluphqhsan sfodra)
[Money from a fish]
24 Elqontwn de autwn eij Kapernaoum(13 proshlqon oi` ta didracma lambanontej tw
Petrw kai eipon(14 ~~~O didaskaloj u`mwn ou telei ta15 didracma?VV 25 Legei( ~~NaiVV) Kai o`te
eishlqon16 eij thn oikian( proefqasen auton o` Ihsouj( legwn ~~Ti, soi dokei( Simwn? Oi`
basileij thj ghj apo ti,nwn lambanousin telh h. khnson( apo twn ui`wn autwn h. apo twn
allotriwn?VV 26 Legei autw o` Petroj(17 ~~Apo twn allotriwnVV) Efh autw o` Ihsouj ~~Ara ge
eleuqeroi eisin oi` ui`oi) 27 ~Ina de mh skandaliswmen autouj( poreuqeij eij thn18 qalassan
bale agkistron( kai ton anabanta19 prwton icqun aron) Kai anoixaj to stoma autou
eurhseij stathra\ ekeinon labwn doj autoij anti emou kai sou)VV
[How to be big in the Kingdom]
18)1 En ekeinh th w`ra proshlqon oi` maqhtai tw Ihsou( legontej( ~~Ti,j ara meizwn
estin en th basileia twn ouranwn?VV 2 Kai proskalesamenoj o` Ihsouj20 paidion esthsen
auto en mesw autwn( 3 kai eipen ~~Amhn legw u`min( ean mh strafhte kai genhsqe w`j ta
all f35 B [50%] OC,CP,TR || alla C,D,W [50%] RP,HF,NU
autwn f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
auton rell || autw [5%] TR || emprosqen autou D || autwn [0.5%] || --- [0.5%]
esomai meq umwn f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,C,D [3%] NU
iaqh f35 [20%] || eqerapeuqh B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
ihsouj eipen f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || legei B,D [3%] NU
apistian f35 C,D,W (98.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oligopistian B (1.5%) NU || --- (0.1%)
metabhqi f35 C,D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || metaba B [3%] NU
enteuqen f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || enqen B,D [1%] NU
10 35
whole verse f C,D,W (99.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B (0.6%) NU
anastrefomenwn f35 C(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || sustrefomenwn B [1%] NU
en th galilaia rell || eij thn galilaian OC
kapernaoum f35 C [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kafarnaoum B,D,W [1%] NU
eipon rell || eipan B(D)NU
ta f35 B,C [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D || to W [0.5%]
ote eishlqon f35 [25%] || 1 eishlqen (W) [72%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 hlqon C [1%] || elqonta B [1%] NU ||
eiselqonta || eiselqontwn [1%] || eiselqonti D || one other variant [the reference is to the group, including Jesus.]
legei autw o petroj f35 (C)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eipontej de B [1%] NU || o de efh apo twn allotriwn
eipontej de || 12 D
thn f35 D [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [10%] NU
anabanta f35 B,D [40%] OC,TR,NU || anabainonta W [60%] RP,HF,CP
o ihsouj f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [3%] NU
paidia( ou mh eiselqhte eij thn basileian twn ouranwn) 4 ~Ostij oun tapeinwsei1 e`auton w`j
to paidion touto( ou`toj estin o` meizwn en th basileia twn ouranwn)
[About offenses]
5 ~~Kai o]j ean dexhtai paidion toiouton e`n2 epi tw onomati mou( eme decetai) 6 }Oj dV
an skandalish e`na twn mikrwn toutwn twn pisteuontwn eij eme( sumferei autw i`na
kremasqh muloj onikoj eij3 ton trachlon autou kai katapontisqh en tw pelagei thj
qalasshj! 7 Ouai tw kosmw apo twn skandalwn! Anagkh gar estin4 elqein ta skandala(
plhn ouai tw anqrwpw ekeinw5 di v ou- to skandalon ercetai!
8 ~~Ei de h` ceir sou h. o` pouj sou skandalizei se( ekkoyon auta6 kai bale apo sou!
Kalon soi estin eiselqein eij thn zwhn cwlon h. kullon(7 h. duo ceiraj h. duo podaj econta
blhqhnai eij to pur to aiwnion) 9 Kai ei o` ofqalmoj sou skandalizei se( exele auton kai
bale apo sou! Kalon soi estin monofqalmon eij thn zwhn eiselqein( h. duo ofqalmouj
econta blhqhnai eij thn Geennan tou puroj)
[God loves children]
10 ~~~Orate mh katafronhshte e`noj twn mikrwn toutwn( legw gar u`min o`ti oi`
aggeloi autwn en ouranoij dia pantoj blepousin to proswpon tou Patroj mou tou en
ouranoij) 11 Hlqen gar o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou swsai8 to apolwloj) 9 12 Ti, u`min dokei? Ean
genhtai tini anqrwpw e`katon probata( kai planhqh e`n ex autwn( ouci afeij10 ta enenhkonta
ennea epi ta orh11 poreuqeij zhtei to planwmenon? 13 Kai ean genhtai eu`rein auto( amhn
legw u`min o`ti cairei epV autw mallon h. epi toij enenhkonta ennea toij mh peplanhmenoij)
14 Ou`twj ouk estin qelhma emprosqen tou Patroj u`mwn tou en ouranoij i`na apolhtai ei`j12
twn mikrwn toutwn)
[Handling a recalcitrant brother]
15 ~~Ean de a`marth13 eij se14 o` adelfoj sou( u`page(15 elegxon auton metaxu sou kai
autou monou) Ean sou akoush( ekerdhsaj ton adelfon sou) 16 Ean de mh akoush( paralabe
meta sou eti e`na h. duo( i`na epi stomatoj duo marturwn h. triwn staqh pan r`hma) 17 Ean de
parakoush autwn( eipe th ekklhsia) Ean de kai thj ekklhsiaj parakoush( estw soi w`sper o`
eqnikoj kai o` telwnhj)
[Agreeing in prayer]
18 ~~Amhn legw u`min( o`sa ean dhshte epi thj ghj estai dedemena en tw ouranw(16 kai
o`sa ean lushte epi thj ghj estai lelumena en tw17 ouranw) 19 Palin amhn18 legw u`min o`ti
ean duo u`mwn sumfwnhswsin19 epi thj ghj peri pantoj pragmatoj ou- ean aithswntai(
tapeinwsei rell || tapeinwsh [5%] TR
paidion toiouton en f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 D [1%] || ~ 31 toiouto B [2%] NU || ~ 132 [0.5%] || ~ 13
toiouto || 1 toiouto 3 W || two other variants
eij f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC || epi D,N [3%] CP,TR || peri B [2%] NU || one other variant
estin f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,N [3%] NU
ekeinw f35 B,N(W) [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- D [1%] NU
auta f35 N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || auton B,D [5%] NU || one other variant
cwlon h kullon f35 D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 321 B [0.5%] NU
swsai f35 D,N,W (83.7%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || zhthsai kai 1 (14.8%) || [B (1.5%) NU omit the whole verse]
9 35
the whole verse f D,N,W (98.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B (1.5%) NU
afeij f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || afhsei B [2%] NU || afihsi D
orh f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B,D [2%] NU
eij f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || en B,D,N [2%] NU
amarth f35 W [25%] CP || amarthsh B,D,N [74%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || amartei [0.5%] || amarthsei [0.5%] [2nd or 1st
eij se f35 D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
upage f35 B,D [30%] NU || 1 kai N,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
tw ouranw f35 N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2 B [0.5%] NU || toij ouranoij D [1%]
tw ouranw f35 N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2 B [0.5%] NU || toij ouranoij D [1%]
amhn f35 B [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP[NU] || --- D [4%] TR || de N,W [1%]
umwn sumfwnhswsin f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ex 12 [1.5%] || 1 sumfwnhsousin N [0.5%] || ~ 2 ex 1 B [1%] NU
|| ~ sumfwnhsousin ex 1 D [0.5%] || two other variants
genhsetai autoij para tou Patroj mou tou en ouranoij) 20 Ou- gar eisin duo h. treij
sunhgmenoi eij to emon onoma( ekei eimi en mesw autwn!VV
[About forgiveness]
21 Tote proselqwn autw o` Petroj eipen(1 ~~Kurie( posakij a`marthsei eij eme o`
adelfoj mou( kai afhsw autw\ e`wj e`ptakij?VV 22 Legei autw o` Ihsouj ~~Ou( legw soi( e`wj
e`ptakij( allV2 e`wj e`bdomhkontakij e`pta!
23 ~~Dia touto w`moiwqh h` basileia twn ouranwn anqrwpw basilei o]j hqelhsen
sunarai logon meta twn doulwn autou) 24 Arxamenou de autou sunairein( proshnecqh autw
ei`j ofeilethj muriwn talantwn) 25 Mh econtoj de autou3 apodounai( ekeleusen auton o`
kurioj autou4 praqhnai( kai thn gunaika autou5 kai ta tekna kai panta o`sa eicen(6 kai
apodoqhnai) 26 Peswn oun o` douloj prosekunei autw legwn( ~Kurie(7 makroqumhson epV emoi(
kai panta soi apodwswV)8 27 Splagcnisqeij de o` kurioj tou doulou ekeinou apelusen auton(
kai to daneion afhken autw)
28 ~~Exelqwn de o` douloj ekeinoj eu`ren e`na twn sundoulwn autou o]j wfeilen autw
e`katon dhnaria) Kai krathsaj auton epnigen( legwn( ~Apodoj moi9 ei10 ti ofeileij!V
29 Peswn oun o` sundouloj autou eij touj podaj autou11 parekalei auton( legwn(
~Makroqumhson epV emoi( kai12 apodwsw soiV) 30 ~O de ouk hqelen( alla apelqwn ebalen
auton eij fulakhn e`wj ou-13 apodw to ofeilomenon) 31 Idontej de14 oi` sundouloi autou ta
genomena eluphqhsan sfodra( kai elqontej diesafhsan tw kuriw e`autwn15 panta ta
genomena) 32 Tote proskalesamenoj auton o` kurioj autou legei autw ~Doule ponhre! pasan
thn ofeilhn ekeinhn afhka soi( epei parekalesaj me) 33 Ouk edei kai se elehsai ton
sundoulon sou( w`j kai egw16 se hlehsa?V 34 Kai orgisqeij o` kurioj autou paredwken auton
toij basanistaij e`wj ou- apodw pan to ofeilomenon autw)17
35 ~~Ou`twj kai o` Pathr mou o` epouranioj18 poihsei u`min( ean mh afhte e`kastoj tw
adelfw autou apo twn kardiwn u`mwn ta paraptwmata autwn)19
[Jesus ministers in Perea29/30 AD]
19)1 Kai egeneto o`te etelesen o` Ihsouj touj logouj toutouj( methren apo thj Galilaiaj kai
hlqen eij ta o`ria thj Ioudaiaj peran tou Iordanou) 2 Kai hkolouqhsan autw ocloi polloi(
kai eqerapeusen autouj ekei)
[Jesus denies divorce]
3 Kai proshlqon autw oi`20 Farisaioi peirazontej auton( kai legontej autw(21 ~~Ei
exestin anqrwpw apolusai thn gunaika autou kata pasan aitian?VV 4 ~O de apokriqeij eipen
autw o petroj eipen f35 N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2341 B [1%] NU || 234 || ~ 341 D
all rell || alla B,D [0.5%] NU
autou rell || autw CP
autou f35 N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
autou f35 D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU
eicen f35 D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ecei B [1%] NU
kurie f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
soi apodwsw f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B [3%] NU || 2 D
moi f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [3%] NU
ei rell || o [5%] TR
eij touj podaj autou f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [3%] NU (easy homoioteleuton)
kai rell || 1 panta W [10%] TR
ou f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [0.5%] NU
de f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oun B,D [0.5%] NU
eautwn rell || autwn D [10%] TR
kai egw f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kagw P25B,D [1%] NU
autw f35 ,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
epouranioj f35 C,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouranioj B,D [5%] NU
ta paraptwmata autwn f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU (possible homoioteleuton)
oi f35 D [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P25B,C,W [5%] NU
autw f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C(D) [5%] NU
autoij1 ~~Ouk anegnwte o`ti o` poihsaj2 apV archj arsen kai qhlu epoihsen autouj? 5 Kai
eipen( ~~Eneken3 toutou kataleiyei anqrwpoj ton patera autou4 kai thn mhtera kai
proskollhqhsetai5 proj thn gunaika6 autou( kai esontai oi` duo eij sarka mianV) 6 ~Wste
ouketi eisin duo( alla sarx mia) ]O oun o` Qeoj sunezeuxen( anqrwpoj mh cwrizetw!VV
7 Legousin autw( ~~Ti, oun Mwshj7 eneteilato dounai biblion apostasiou kai apolusai
authn?VV8 8 Legei autoij o`ti ~~Mwshj9 proj thn sklhrokardian u`mwn epetreyen u`min
apolusai taj gunaikaj u`mwn( apV archj de ou gegonen ou`twj) 9 Legw de u`min o`ti o]j an
apolush thn gunaika autou( mh epi porneia(10 kai gamhsh11 allhn moicatai\ kai o`
apolelumenhn gamhsaj moicatai)VV12 10 Legousin autw oi` maqhtai autou(13 ~~Ei ou`twj estin h`
aitia tou anqrwpou meta thj gunaikoj( ou sumferei gamhsai!VV 11 ~O de eipen autoij ~~Ou
pantej cwrousin ton logon touton(14 allV oi`j dedotai) 12 Eisin gar eunoucoi oi`tinej ek
koiliaj mhtroj egennhqhsan15 ou`twj( kai eisin eunoucoi oi`tinej eunoucisqhsan u`po twn
anqrwpwn( kai eisin eunoucoi oi`tinej eunoucisan eautouj dia thn basileian twn ouranwn)
~O dunamenoj cwrein cwreitw)VV
[Jesus blesses children]
13 Tote proshnecqh16 autw paidia( i`na taj ceiraj epiqh autoij17 kai proseuxhtai\ oi`
de maqhtai epetimhsan autoij) 14 ~O de Ihsouj eipen( ~~Afete ta paidia( kai mh kwluete auta
elqein proj me( twn gar toioutwn estin h` basileia twn ouranwnVV) 15 Kai epiqeij autoij
taj ceiraj18 eporeuqh ekeiqen)
[It is difficult for a rich person to enter the Kingdom]
16 Kai idou( ei`j tij19 proselqwn eipen autw(20 ~~Didaskale agaqe(21 ti, agaqon poihsw
i`na ecw zwhn aiwnion?VV22 17 ~O de eipen autw ~~Ti, me legeij agaqon?23 Oudeij agaqoj ei mh
ei`j( o` Qeoj)24 Ei de qeleij eiselqein eij thn zwhn(25 thrhson taj entolaj)VV 18 Legei autw(
~~Poiaj?VV ~O de Ihsouj eipen ~~To ~Ou foneuseij( Ou moiceuseij( Ou kleyeij( Ou
yeudomarturhseij( 19 Tima ton patera26 kai thn mhtera(V27 kai ~Agaphseij ton plhsion sou
autoij f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
poihsaj f35 ,C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ktisaj B [1%] NU
eneken f35 C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eneka B [0.5%] NU
autou f35 C [50%] OC,CP || --- B,D,W [50%] RP,HF,TR,NU
proskollhqhsetai f35 C [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || kollhqhsetai B,D,W [10%] OC,NU
proj thn gunaika f35 [20%] || th gunaiki B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
mwshj rell || mwushj B(D)N,W [5%] NU
authn f35 B,C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D [1%]
mwshj rell || mwushj B(D)N,W [5%] NU
mh epi porneia f35 ,C,N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || ei 123 [3%] TR || parektoj logou porneiaj B,D [2%]
gamhsh rell || gamhsei [5%] CP
kai o apolelumenhn gamhsaj moicatai f35 B [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- D [0.5%] NU || 123 gamwn 5 C,N,W
[4.5%] || wsautwj 12 gamwn 35 P
autou f35 P25D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.5%]
touton f35 ,C,D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [1%]
egennhqhsan rell || egenhqhsan [1%] CP
proshnecqh f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR || proshnecqhsan B,C,D [3%] CP,NU
taj ceiraj epiqh autoij rell || ~ 3412 [1%] OC
autoij taj ceiraj f35 C,W [96%] RP,HF,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [3%] OC,NU || ~ 23 ep autouj || 23 [1%]
tij f35 [25%] || --- B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
eipen autw f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B [2%] NU || legei 2 D
agaqe f35 C,W (99%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D (1%) NU
poihsw ina ecw zwhn aiwnion f35 (W) [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 scw 45 B,C,D [0.5%] NU || poihsaj 45
klhronomhsw [1%]
legeij agaqon f35 C,W (99%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || erwtaj peri tou agaqou B(D) (0.9%) NU || --- (0.2%)
oudeij agaqoj ei mh eij o qeoj f35 C,W (99.1%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij (-e. B) estin o agaqoj (B) (0.3%) NU || eij
estin agaqoj D (0.6%)
eiselqein eij thn zwhn f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2341 B,C(D) [3%] NU
patera rell || 1 sou W [35%] TR
mhtera rell || 1 sou [5%] CP
w`j seautonV)VV 20 Legei autw o` neaniskoj ~~Panta tauta efulaxamhn1 ek neothtoj mou)2 Ti,
eti u`sterw?VV 21 Efh autw o` Ihsouj( ~~Ei qeleij teleioj einai( u`page pwlhson sou ta
u`parconta kai doj3 ptwcoij( kai e`xeij qhsauron en ouranw\4 kai deuro akolouqei moi)VV
22 Akousaj de o` neaniskoj ton logon aphlqen lupoumenoj( h=n gar ecwn kthmata polla)
23 ~O de Ihsouj eipen toij maqhtaij autou ~~Amhn legw u`min o`ti duskolwj plousioj5
eiseleusetai eij thn basileian twn ouranwn) 24 Palin de legw u`min( eukopwteron estin
kamhlon dia truphmatoj r`afidoj dielqein6 h. plousion eij thn basileian tou Qeou
eiselqein)VV7 25 Akousantej de oi` maqhtai autou8 exeplhssonto sfodra( legontej( ~~Ti,j ara
dunatai swqhnai?VV 26 Embleyaj de o` Ihsouj eipen autoij( ~~Para anqrwpoij touto adunaton
estin( para de Qew panta dunataVV)9
27 Tote apokriqeij o` Petroj eipen autw ~~Idou( h`meij afhkamen panta kai
hkolouqhsamen soi) Ti, ara estai h`min?VV 28 ~O de Ihsouj eipen autoij ~~Amhn legw u`min o`ti
u`meij( oi` akolouqhsantej moi( en th Paliggenesia( o`tan kaqish o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou epi
qronou doxhj autou( kaqisesqe10 kai u`meij epi dwdeka qronouj(11 krinontej taj dwdeka fulaj
tou Israhl) 29 Kai( paj o[j12 afhken oikiaj h. adelfouj h. adelfaj h. patera h. mhtera h.
gunaika h. tekna h. agrouj13 e`neken tou onomatoj mou( e`katontaplasiona lhyetai(14 kai zwhn
aiwnion klhronomhsei) 30 Polloi de esontai prwtoi escatoi( kai15 escatoi prwtoi)
[The desperate landowner]
20)1 ~~~Omoia gar estin h` basileia twn ouranwn anqrwpw oikodespoth o`stij exhlqen
a`ma prwi misqwsasqai ergataj eij ton ampelwna autou) 2 Kai sumfwnhsaj16 meta twn
ergatwn ek dhnariou thn h`meran( apesteilen autouj eij ton ampelwna autou) 3 Kai exelqwn
peri17 trithn w`ran eiden allouj e`stwtaj en th agora argouj) 4 Kai ekeinoij18 eipen(
~~Upagete kai u`meij eij ton ampelwna( kai o] ean h= dikaion dwsw u`minV) Oi` de aphlqon)
5 Palin19 exelqwn peri e`kthn kai enathn20 w`ran epoihsen w`sautwj) 6 Peri de thn e`ndekathn
w`ran21 exelqwn eu`ren allouj e`stwtaj argouj(22 kai legei autoij( ~Ti, w-de e`sthkate o`lhn thn
h`meran argoi?V 7 Legousin autw( ~~Oti oudeij h`maj emisqwsatoV) Legei autoij( ~~Upagete kai
u`meij eij ton ampelwna( kai o] ean h= dikaion lhyesqeV)23 8 Oyiaj de genomenhj( legei o`
kurioj tou ampelwnoj tw epitropw autou( ~Kaleson touj ergataj kai apodoj autoij ton
efulaxamhn f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || efulaxa B,D [1.5%] NU
ek neothtoj mou f35 C,W (99%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B (1%) NU || 12 D
doj f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 toij B,D [0.5%] [NU]
ouranw f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouranoij B,C,D [0.5%] NU
duskolwj plousioj f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,D [3%] NU
dielqein f35 B,D [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || eiselqein ,C,W [10%]
eij thn basileian tou qeou eiselqein f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 612345 B,D [0.5%] NU || 12345 [0.5%]
|| 123 twn ouranwn [0.5%]
autou f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [10%] NU
panta dunata f35 B,C,W [70%] RP,HF,CP,NU || ~ 21 [0.5%] || 12 estin D [30%] OC,TR
kaqisesqe f35 C,D [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || kaqhsesqe B,W [5%] NU || kaqesqhsesqe [1%] || two other readings
qronouj rell || qronwn CP
oj f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ostij B,C,D,W [10%] NU
oikiaj h adelfouj h adelfaj h patera h mhtera h gunaika h tekna h agrouj f35 W [66%] RP,HF,OC,TR || oikian
2-15 [30%] CP || 1-9,12-15 B [0.5%] NU || 3-15 [0.5%] || ~3-15,21 C [1%] || 1-5,8-9,12-15 D || ~3-6 goneij 12-15,21
[1%] || at least three further variations
lhyetai rell || lhmyetai B,C,D,W [1%] NU
kai rell || 1 oi C [5%] CP
kai sumfwnhsaj f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP || ~ 2 de B,C,D,W [15%] TR,NU
peri rell || 1 thn C [5%] TR
kai ekeinoij f35 B,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || kakeinoij C,D [10%] TR
palin f35 B,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 de ,C,D [1%] [NU]
enathn f35 B,C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || ennathn (D) [10%] TR
wran f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
argouj f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
kai o ean h dikaion lhyesqe f35 (C,N,W) [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
misqon( arxamenoj apo twn escatwn e`wj twn prwtwnV) 9 Kai elqontej oi` peri thn e`ndekathn
w`ran elabon ana dhnarion) 10 Elqontej de1 oi` prwtoi enomisan o`ti pleiona2 lhyontai\3 kai
elabon kai autoi ana dhnarion)4 11 Labontej de egogguzon kata tou oikodespotou(
12 legontej o`ti5 ~Ou`toi oi` escatoi mian w`ran epoihsan( kai isouj h`min autouj epoihsaj toij
bastasasin to baroj thj h`meraj kai ton kauswna!V 13 ~O de apokriqeij eipen e`ni autwn6
~~Etaire( ouk adikw se) Ouci dhnariou sunefwnhsaj moi? 14 Aron to son kai u`page) Qelw
de toutw tw escatw dounai w`j kai soi) 15 .H7 ouk exestin moi poihsai o[ qelw8 en toij
emoij? Ei9 o` ofqalmoj sou ponhroj estin o`ti egw agaqoj eimi?V 16 Ou`twj esontai oi` escatoi
prwtoi( kai oi` prwtoi escatoi) Polloi gar eisin klhtoi( oligoi de eklektoi)VV10
[Jesus alerts the disciples, again]
17 Kai anabainwn o` Ihsouj eij ~Ierosoluma parelaben touj dwdeka maqhtaj11 katV
idian en th o`dw kai12 eipen autoij 18 ~~Idou( anabainomen eij ~Ierosoluma( kai o` Ui`oj tou
Anqrwpou paradoqhsetai toij arciereusin kai grammateusin( kai katakrinousin auton
qanatw( 19 kai paradwsousin auton toij eqnesin eij to empaixai kai mastigwsai kai
staurwsai) Kai th trith h`mera anasthsetai)VV13
[Selfish ambition rebuked]
20 Tote proshlqen autw h` mhthr twn ui`wn Zebedaiou meta twn ui`wn authj(
proskunousa kai aitousa ti parV14 autou) 21 ~O de eipen auth( ~~Ti, qeleij?VV Legei autw(
~~Eipe i`na kaqiswsin ou`toi oi` duo ui`oi mou ei`j ek dexiwn sou kai ei`j ex euwnumwn15 sou16 en
th basileia souVV) 22 Apokriqeij de o` Ihsouj eipen ~~Ouk oidate ti, aiteisqe) Dunasqe piein
to pothrion o] egw mellw pinein( h.17 to baptisma o] egw baptizomai baptisqhnai?VV18
Legousin autw( ~~DunameqaVV) 23 Kai19 legei autoij ~~To men pothrion mou piesqe( kai to
baptisma o] egw baptizomai baptisqhsesqe(20 to de kaqisai ek dexiwn mou kai ex euwnumwn
mou21 ouk estin emon22 dounai( allV oi`j h`toimastai u`po tou Patroj mou)VV
24 Kai akousantej oi` deka hganakthsan peri twn duo adelfwn) 25 ~O de Ihsouj
proskalesamenoj autouj eipen ~~Oidate o`ti oi` arcontej twn eqnwn katakurieuousin autwn(
kai oi` megaloi katexousiazousin autwn\ 26 ouc ou`twj de23 estai24 u`min) AllV o]j ean qelh en
u`min megaj genesqai estai25 u`mwn diakonoj( 27 kai o]j ean1 qelh en u`min einai prwtoj estai2
elqontej de f35 ,W [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ kai 1 B,C,D [2%] NU || 12 kai N [0.5%]
pleiona f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || pleion B,C,N,W [3%] NU || pleiw D
lhyontai rell || lhmyontai B,C,D,W [1%] NU || lhmyonte N
kai autoi ana dhnarion f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 3412 B || ~ to 3412 [0.5%] [NU] || ~ 34 to 12 C || 12
to 34 N
oti f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
eipen eni autwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 D [0.5%] NU || ~ 321 B || one other variant
h f35 ,C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,D [0.5%]
poihsai o qelw f35 C,N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [3%] NU || 1 wj 3 W
ei f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || h B,C,D,N,W [15%] NU
polloi gar eisin klhtoi oligoi de eklektoi f35 C,D,N,W (98.5%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B (1.5%) NU
maqhtaj f35 B,C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D [1.5%]
en th odw kai f35 C,D,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 4123 B [3%] NU
anasthsetai f35 B,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || egerqhsetai C,N [1%] NU
par f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ap B,D [0.5%] NU
euwnumwn rell || euwnimwn CP
sou rell || --- D [5%] TR
h f35 C,N,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || kai [9%] TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
to baptisma o egw baptizomai baptisqhnai f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
kai f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
kai to baptisma o egw baptizomai baptisqhsesqe f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
mou f35 N,W [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [15%] NU
emon f35 B,N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 touto C,D,W [3%] [NU]
de f35 C [85%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [15%] OC,NU
estai f35 [20%] || 1 en B,C,D,N,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
estai rell || estw [10%] TR
u`mwn douloj\ 28 w`sper o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpououk hlqen diakonhqhnai( alla diakonhsai(
kai dounai thn yuchn autou lutron anti pollwn)VV
[Two blind men]
29 Kai ekporeuomenwn autwn apo ~Iericw( hkolouqhsen autw ocloj poluj) 30 Kai
idou( duo tufloi kaqhmenoi para thn o`don( akousantej o`ti Ihsouj paragei( ekraxan(
legontej( ~~Elehson h`maj( Kurie(3 Ui`oj Dauid!VV 31 ~O de ocloj epetimhsen autoij i`na
siwphswsin( oi` de meizon ekrazon(4 legontej( ~~Elehson h`maj( Kurie( Ui`oj Dauid!VV 32 Kai
staj o` Ihsouj efwnhsen autouj kai eipen( ~~Ti, qelete poihsw u`min?VV 33 Legousin autw(
~~Kurie( i`na anoicqwsin5 h`mwn oi` ofqalmoi!VV6 34 Splagcnisqeij7 de o` Ihsouj h`yato twn
ofqalmwn autwn(8 kai euqewj anebleyan autwn oi` ofqalmoi(9 kai hkolouqhsan autw)
[The last week]
[The triumphal entrySunday, 03/31/30 AD]
21)1 Kai o`te hggisan eij ~Ierosoluma kai hlqon eij Bhqsfagh(10 proj11 to Oroj twn
Elaiwn( tote o`12 Ihsouj apesteilen duo maqhtaj( 2 legwn autoij ~~Poreuqhte13 eij thn
kwmhn thn apenanti14 u`mwn( kai euqewj eu`rhsete onon dedemenhn(15 kai pwlon metV authj)
Lusantej agagete moi) 3 Kai ean tij u`min eiph ti( ereite o`ti ~~O Kurioj autwn creian eceiV\
euqewj16 de apostellei17 autouj)VV 4 Touto de o`lon18 gegonen i`na plhrwqh to r`hqen dia tou
profhtou( legontoj 5 ~~Eipate th qugatri Siwn( ~Idou( o` basileuj sou ercetai soi( prauj
kai epibebhkwj epi onon( kai19 pwlon( ui`on u`pozugiouV)VV 6 Poreuqentej de oi` maqhtai kai
poihsantej kaqwj prosetaxen20 autoij o` Ihsouj( 7 hgagon thn onon kai ton pwlon) Kai
epeqhkan epanw21 autwn ta i`matia autwn(22 kai epekaqisen epanw autwn) 8 ~O de pleistoj
ocloj estrwsan autwn23 ta i`matia en th o`dw( alloi de ekopton kladouj apo twn dendrwn
kai estrwnnuon en th o`dw) 9 Oi` de ocloi oi` proagontej24 kai oi` akolouqountej ekrazon(
legontej ~~~Wsanna tw Ui`w Dauid!VV ~~Euloghmenoj o` ercomenoj en onomati Kuriou!VV
~~~Wsanna en toij u`yistoij!VV 10 Kai eiselqontoj autou eij `Ierosoluma( eseisqh pasa h`
polij( legousa( ~~Ti,j estin ou`toj?VV 11 Oi` de ocloi elegon( ~~Ou`toj estin Ihsouj( o`
profhthj25 o` apo Nazaret26 thj Galilaiaj)VV
ean f35 C,N [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || an B,D,W [0.5%] NU || --- [0.5%]
estai f35 P45C,N,W [35%] OC,CP,NU || estw B [65%] RP,HF,TR || este D
elehson hmaj kurie f35 P45C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || ~ 312 B [0.5%] || 12 ihsou [1%] || 123 ihsou N || 12
D [0.5%]
ekrazon f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekarxan B,D [1%] NU || ekraugasan P45 || ekraugazon [1%]
anoicqwsin f35 C,N [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || anoigwsin B [3%] NU || anugwsin D || anewcqwsin W
hmwn oi ofqalmoi f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 (umwn ) ()B,D [1%] NU
splagcnisqeij rell || splacnisqeij CP
twn ofqalmwn autwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12 autou || 1 ommatwn 3 D [1%] NU || ~ 31 ommatwn B
autwn oi ofqalmoi f35 C,N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
bhqsfagh f35 N,W [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP || bhqfagh B,C,D [15%] TR,NU || three other spellings
proj f35 C,D,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij B [0.5%] NU
o f35 (N)W [93%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [7%] NU
poreuqhte f35 C,N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || poreuesqe B,D [4%] NU || one other variant
apenanti f35 N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR || katenanti B,C,D [5%] CP,NU
dedemenhn rell || dedemenon CP
euqewj f35 C(D)N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || euquj B [1%] NU
apostellei f35 C,N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP || apostelei B,D [4%] TR,NU || one other variant
olon f35 B,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- C,D [1%] NU
kai f35 C,D,W (98%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 epi B,N (2%) NU
prosetaxen f35 N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || sunetaxen B,C,D [0.5%] NU
epanw f35 C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ep B,D [2%] NU || --- [1%]
autwn f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
autwn f35 D,W [30%] || eautwn B,C,N [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
proagontej f35 N,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 auton B,C,D [2%] NU
ihsouj o profhthj f35 C,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [0.5%] NU || 23 [1%]
nazaret f35 N,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || nazareq B,C,D [10%] NU
o f35 D,N [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,W [8%] NU
tou qeou f35 C,D,N,W (96.6%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2 (0.2%) || --- B (3.2%) NU
epoihsate f35 C,D(N)W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || poieite B [0.5%] NU
cwloi kai tufloi f35 C,N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP || ~ 321 B,D [4%] TR,NU
paidaj f35 C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 touj B,D,N [1%] NU
eipon P45rell || eipan B,D [0.5%] NU
prwiaj f35 C,N,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || prwi B,D [0.5%] NU
ean f35 C,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP || an B [30%] TR,NU || --- D
lhyesqe rell || lhmyesqe B,NU || lhmyesqai D,W [0.5%] || lhyesqai [0.5%]
elqonti autw f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || elqontoj autou B,C,D [3%] NU || eiselqonti 2 [0.5%]
baptisma f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 to B,C [0.5%] NU
par f35 C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || en B [0.5%] NU
ecousin ton iwannhn wj profhthn f35 D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 45123 B,C [1.5%] NU
eipon rell || eipan D [0.5%] NU
tij f35 C [50%] OC,CP || --- B,D,W [50%] RP,HF,TR,NU
mou f35 B,W [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- C,D [8%] NU
kai proselqwn f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2 de B,D [3%] NU
eterw f35 C,D,W [70%] HF,NU || deuterw B [30%] RP,OC,CP,TR
patroj?VV Legousin autw(1 ~~~O prwtojVV) Legei autoij o` Ihsouj ~~Amhn legw u`min o`ti oi`
telwnai kai ai` pornai proagousin u`maj eij thn basileian tou Qeou) 32 Hlqen gar proj
u`maj Iwannhj2 en o`dw dikaiosunhj( kai ouk episteusate autw\ oi` de telwnai kai ai` pornai
episteusan autw\ u`meij de idontej ou3 metemelhqhte u`steron tou pisteusai autw)
33 ~~Allhn parabolhn akousate Anqrwpoj tij4 h=n oikodespothj o`stij efuteusen
ampelwna kai fragmon autw perieqhken( kai wruxen en autw lhnon kai wkodomhsen purgon)
Kai exedoto5 auton gewrgoij kai apedhmhsen) 34 ~Ote de hggisen o` kairoj twn karpwn(
apesteilen touj doulouj autou proj touj gewrgouj labein touj karpouj autou) 35 Kai
labontej oi` gewrgoi touj doulouj autouo]n men edhran(6 o]n de apekteinan( o]n de
eliqobolhsan) 36 Palin apesteilen allouj doulouj( pleionaj twn prwtwn( kai epoihsan
autoij w`sautwj) 37 ~Usteron de apesteilen proj autouj ton ui`on autou( legwn(
~Entraphsontai ton ui`on mouV) 38 Oi` de gewrgoi idontej ton ui`on eipon en e`autoij ~Ou`toj
estin o` klhronomoj) Deute( apokteinwmen auton kai katascwmen7 thn klhronomian autou)V
39 Kai labontej auton exebalon8 exw tou ampelwnoj kai apekteinan) 40 ~Otan oun elqh o`
kurioj tou ampelwnoj( ti, poihsei toij gewrgoij ekeinoij?VV 41 Legousin autw ~~Kakouj
kakwj apolesei autouj! Kai ton ampelwna ekdwsetai9 alloij gewrgoij( oi`tinej apodwsousin
autw touj karpouj en toij kairoij autwn)VV 42 Legei autoij o` Ihsouj ~~Oudepote anegnwte en
taij Grafaij ~Liqon o]n apedokimasan oi` oikodomountej( ou`toj egenhqh eij kefalhn gwniaj\
para Kuriou egeneto au`th kai estin qaumasth en ofqalmoij h`mwn?V 43 Dia touto legw u`min
o`ti arqhsetai afV u`mwn h` basileia tou Qeou kai doqhsetai eqnei poiounti touj karpouj
authj) 44 Kai( o` peswn epi ton liqon touton sunqlasqhsetai\ efV o]n dV an pesh( likmhsei
45 Kai akousantej oi` arciereij kai oi` Farisaioi taj parabolaj autou egnwsan o`ti
peri autwn legei) 46 Kai zhtountej auton krathsai( efobhqhsan touj oclouj( epeidh w`j11
profhthn auton eicon)
[Parable of the wedding feast]
22)1 Kai apokriqeij o` Ihsouj palin eipen autoij en parabolaij(12 legwn
2 ~~~Wmoiwqh h` basileia twn ouranwn anqrwpw basilei o`stij epoihsen gamouj tw ui`w autou)
3 Kai apesteilen touj doulouj autou kalesai touj keklhmenouj eij touj gamouj( kai ouk
hqelon elqein) 4 Palin apesteilen allouj doulouj( legwn( ~Eipate toij keklhmenoij ~~Idou(
to ariston mou h`toimasa\13 oi` tauroi mou kai ta sitista tequmena( kai panta e`toima) Deute
eij touj gamoujVV!V 5 Oi` de amelhsantej aphlqono`14 men eij ton idion agron( o`15 de eij16 thn
emporian autou) 6 Oi` de loipoi( krathsantej touj doulouj autou u`brisan kai apekteinan!
7 Kai akousaj o` basileuj ekeinoj17 wrgisqh( kai pemyaj ta strateumata autou apwlesen
touj foneij ekeinouj kai thn polin autwn eneprhsen)
autw f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
proj umaj iwannhj f35 D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,C [2%] NU
ou f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oude B [3%] NU || --- D
tij f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D,W [10%] NU
exedoto f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || exedeto C [0.5%] NU || exedete B
edhran f35 [25%] || edeiran B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
katascwmen f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || scwmen B,D [1,5%] NU
auton exebalon rell || ~ 21 CP
ekdwsetai rell || ekdosetai [10%] TR || ekdwsei C [0.5%]
10 35
the whole verse f B,C,W [99.9%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- D
epeidh wj f35 C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || epei eij B [1%] NU || epi eij || epi 2 D || one other variant
autoij en parabolaij f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [2%] NU || ~ 31 || 23 [0.5%]
htoimasa f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || htoimaka B,C,D [4%] NU
o f35 C [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oj B,W [5%] NU || oi D
o f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oj B,C,W [5%] NU || oi D
eij f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || epi B,C,D [4%] NU
kai akousaj o basileuj ekeinoj f35 C,W [95%] RP,HF,CP || ~ 5342 D || ~ 2 de 345 [1%] OC || ~ 2 de 34 TR || ~ 3 de
42 [1%] || ~ 3 de 4 B [2%] NU || ~ 3 de 42 [1%] || one other variant
8 ~~Tote legei toij douloij autou ~~O men gamoj e`toimoj estin( oi` de keklhmenoi ouk
hsan axioi) 9 Poreuesqe oun epi taj diexodouj twn o`dwn( kai o`souj an1 eu`rhte kalesate eij
touj gamouj)V 10 Kai exelqontej oi` douloi ekeinoi eij taj o`douj sunhgagon pantaj o`souj2
eu`ron( ponhrouj te kai agaqouj\ kai eplhsqh o` gamoj anakeimenwn) 11 Eiselqwn de o`
basileuj qeasasqai touj anakeimenouj( eiden ekei anqrwpon ouk endedumenon enduma gamou)
12 Kai legei autw( ~~Etaire( pwj eishlqej w`de mh ecwn enduma gamou?V ~O de efimwqh)
3 4
13 Tote eipen o`` basileuj toij diakonoij( ~Dhsantej autou ceiraj kai podaj( arate auton
5 6
kai ekbalete eij to skotoj to exwteronV) Ekei estai o` klauqmoj kai o` brugmoj twn
odontwn) 14 Polloi gar eisin klhtoi( oligoi de eklektoi)VV
[Jesus bests the Herodians]
15 Tote poreuqentej oi` Farisaioi sumboulion elabon o`pwj auton pagideuswsin en
logw) 16 Kai apostellousin autw touj maqhtaj autwn( meta twn ~Hrwdianwn( legontej
~~Didaskale( oidamen o`ti alhqhj ei= kai thn o`don tou Qeou en alhqeia didaskeij\ kai ou
melei7 soi peri oudenoj( ou gar blepeij eij proswpon anqrwpwn) 17 Eipe oun h`min ti, soi
dokei exestin dounai khnson Kaisari( h. ou?VV 18 Gnouj de o` Ihsouj thn ponhrian autwn
eipen ~~Ti, me peirazete( u`pokritai? 19 Epideixate moi to nomisma tou khnsou)VV Oi` de
proshnegkan8 autw dhnarion) 20 Kai legei autoij( ~~Ti,noj h` eikwn au`th kai h` epigrafh?VV
21 Legousin autw( ~~KaisarojVV) Tote legei autoij( ~~Apodote oun ta Kaisaroj Kaisari( kai
ta tou Qeou tw Qew!VV 22 Kai akousantej eqaumasan( kai afentej auton aphlqon)9
[Jesus bests the Sadducees]
23 En ekeinh th h`mera proshlqon autw Saddoukaioi( oi`10 legontej mh einai
anastasin( kai ephrwthsan auton( 24 legontej ~~Didaskale( Mwshj11 eipen( ean tij apoqanh
mh ecwn tekna( epigambreusei o` adelfoj autou thn gunaika autou kai anasthsei sperma tw
adelfw autou) 25 Hsan de parV h``min e`pta adelfoi) Kai o` prwtoj gamhsaj12 eteleuthsen( kai
mh ecwn sperma afhken thn gunaika autou tw adelfw autou) 26 ~Omoiwj kai o` deuteroj( kai
o` tritoj( e`wj twn e`pta) 27 ~Usteron de pantwn apeqanen kai13 h` gunh) 28 En th oun
anastasei14 ti,noj twn e`pta estai15 gunh? Pantej gar escon authn)VV 29 Apokriqeij de o`
Ihsouj eipen autoij ~~Planasqe( mh eidotej taj Grafaj mhde thn dunamin tou Qeou! 30 En
gar th anastasei oute gamousin oute ekgamizontai(16 allV w`j aggeloi tou Qeou17 en18
ouranw eisin) 31 Peri de thj anastasewj twn nekrwn( ouk anegnwte to r`hqen u`min u`po tou
Qeou( legontoj( 32 ~Egw eimi o` Qeoj ~Abraam( kai o` Qeoj Isaak( kai o` Qeoj IakwbV? Ouk
an f35 D,W [60%] RP,HF,TR || ean B,C [40%] OC,CP,NU || --- [0.5%]
osouj f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouj B,D [0.5%] NU
eipen o basileuj f35 C,D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B [2%] NU
ceiraj kai podaj f35 [60%] CP || ~ 321 B,C,W [40%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || podwn 2 ceirwn D
arate auton kai f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [3%] NU || 3 D
ekbalete f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 auton B(D) [3%] NU
melei rell || mellei [10%]
proshnegkan rell || pronhnegkan CP
aphlqon rell || aphlqan B,D,W [0.5%] NU
oi f35 [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [35%] NU
mwshj f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mwushj B,D,W [5%] NU
gamhsaj f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ghmaj B [3%] NU
kai f35 D [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [3%] NU
oun anastasei f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,D [5%] NU
estai rell || 1 h [1%] OC
ekgamizontai f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || gamizontai B,D [5%] NU || gamiskontai W [1%] || three other variants
tou qeou f35 W [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || 2 [4%] OC || --- B,D [1%] NU
en f35 D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 tw B [5%] NU
estin o` Qeoj1 Qeoj nekrwn alla zwntwn)VV 33 Kai akousantej oi` ocloi exeplhssonto epi th
didach autou)
[Jesus bests the Pharisees]
34 Oi` de Farisaioi akousantej o`ti efimwsen touj Saddoukaiouj( sunhcqhsan epi to
auto) 35 Kai ephrwthsen ei`j ex autwn( nomikoj(2 peirazwn auton( kai legwn(3
36 ~~Didaskale( poia entolh megalh en tw nomw?VV 37 ~O de Ihsouj4 efh5 autw ~~~Agaphseij
Kurion ton Qeon sou en o`lh th6 kardia sou( kai en o`lh th7 yuch sou( kai en o`lh th
dianoia sou)V 38 Au`th estin prwth kai megalh8 entolh) 39 Deutera de o`moia au`th(9
~Agaphseij ton plhsion sou w`j seautonV) 40 En tautaij taij dusin entolaij o`loj o` Nomoj
kai oi` Profhtai kremantai)VV10
[Davids Son and Lord]
41 Sunhgmenwn de twn Farisaiwn( ephrwthsen autouj o` Ihsouj( 42 legwn( ~~Ti, u`min
dokei peri tou Cristou\ ti,noj ui`oj estin?VV Legousin autw( ~~Tou DauidVV) 43 Legei autoij
~~Pwj oun Dauid en Pneumati Kurion auton kalei(11 legwn( 44 ~Eipen o`12 Kurioj tw Kuriw
mou( ~~Kaqou ek dexiwn mou e`wj an qw touj ecqrouj sou u`popodion13 twn podwn souVVV? 45 Ei
oun Dauid kalei auton ~KurionV( pwj ui`oj autou estin?VV 46 Kai oudeij edunato14
autw15 logon( oude etolmhsen tij apV ekeinhj thj h`meraj eperwthsai16 auton ouketi)
[Jesus excoriates the scribes and Pharisees]
23)1 Tote o` Ihsouj elalhsen toij ocloij kai toij maqhtaij autou( 2 legwn ~~Epi thj
Mwsewj kaqedraj ekaqisan oi` grammateij kai oi` Farisaioi\ 3 panta oun o`sa ean18
u`min threin(19 threite kai poieite\20 kata de ta erga autwn mh poieite( legousin gar kai ou
poiousin) 4 Desmeuousin gar21 fortia barea kai dusbastakta(22 kai epitiqeasin epi touj
wmouj twn anqrwpwn\ tw de23 daktulw autwn ou qelousin kinhsai auta)
5 ~~Panta de ta erga autwn poiousin proj to qeaqhnai toij anqrwpoij) Platunousin
de24 ta fulakthria autwn kai megalunousin ta kraspeda twn i`matiwn autwn\25 6 filousin
1 35
o qeoj f [97.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 B [2%] [NU] || --- D,W [0.5%] (An easy case of homoioteleuton, or -
arcton, or both.)
nomikoj rell [NU] || --- [1%]
kai legwn f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
ihsouj f35 (D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU
efh rell || eipen W [5%] TR
th f35 D [40%] OC,TR,NU || --- B,W [60%] RP,HF,CP
th f35 D [60%] OC,TR,NU || --- B,W [40%] RP,HF,CP
prwth kai megalh f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 321 D || ~ h 321 B [3.5%] NU || h 123 [1%] || h 12 h 3 W
au`th f35 [50%] || auth [50%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || tauth D || --- B (some uncials can be ambiguous)
kai oi profhtai kremantai f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ krematai 123 B,D [1%] NU
kurion auton kalei f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 321 D [0.5%] NU [~ 3221 B] || ~ 312 [0.5%] || two other
o f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
upopodion f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || upokatw B,D [3%] NU
edunato rell || hdunato [5%] CP
apokriqhnai autw f35 B,D [30%] NU || ~ 21 W [69%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 [1%]
eperwthsai rell || eperwtan CP
mwsewj f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mwusewj B(D)W [5%] NU
ean f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || an B,D [9%] TR || --- [1%]
threin f35 W (97.4%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || poiein (1.2%) || --- B,D (1.4%) NU
threite kai poieite f35 W (96.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ poihsate 21 B (0.4%) NU || poihsate || ~ 321 D (0.7%) ||
3 (0.7%) || 1 (1.2%) || 12 fulassete (0.5%) || one other variant
gar f35 D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || de B [9%] NU || --- [1%]
kai dusbastakta f35 B(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- [1%]
tw de f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ autoi 21 B,D [1%] NU
de f35 W [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || gar B,D [5%] OC,NU
twn imatiwn autwn f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1.5%] NU
te f35 W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || de B,D [10%] OC,NU || --- [0.5%] || two other variants
thn prwtoklisian en toij deipnoij kai taj prwtokaqedriaj en taij sunagwgaij( 7 kai touj
aspasmouj en taij agoraij kai kaleisqai u`po twn anqrwpwn( ~~Rabbi( ~RabbiV)1
[We have only one Teacher and one Father]
8 ~~~Umeij de mh klhqhte ~~RabbiV\ ei`j gar estin u`mwn2 o` didaskaloj( 3 o` Cristoj(4
pantej de u`meij adelfoi este) 9 Kai ~pateraV mh kaleshte u`mwn epi thj ghj\ ei`j gar estin o`
Pathr u`mwn(5 o` en toij ouranoij)6 10 Mhde klhqhte kaqhghtai\ ei`j gar estin u`mwn o`
kaqhghthj(7 o` Cristoj) 11 ~O de meizwn u`mwn estw8 u`mwn diakonoj) 12 ~Ostij de u`ywsei
e`auton tapeinwqhsetai( kai o`stij tapeinwsei e`auton u`ywqhsetai)
[A series of Woes]
13 ~~Ouai de u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti katesqiete taj oikiaj
twn chrwn( kai profasei makra proseucomenoi) Dia touto lhyesqe perissoteron krima)9
14 Ouai10 u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti kleiete thn basileian twn
ouranwn emprosqen twn anqrwpwn\ u`meij gar ouk eisercesqe( oude touj eisercomenouj
afiete eiselqein)11 15 Ouai u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti periagete thn
qalassan kai thn xhran poihsai e`na proshluton( kai o`tan genhtai( poieite auton ui`on
Geennhj diploteron u`mwn)
16 ~~Ouai u`min( o`dhgoi tufloi( oi` legontej( ~}Oj an omosh en tw naw( ouden estin\ o]j
dV an omosh en tw crusw tou naou( ofeilei)V 17 Mwroi kai tufloi! Ti,j gar meizwn estin( o`
crusoj h. o` naoj o` agiazwn12 ton cruson? 18 Kai( ~}Oj ean13 omosh en tw qusiasthriw( ouden
estin\ o]j dV an omosh en tw dwrw tw epanw autou( ofeileiV) 19 Mwroi kai14 tufloi! Ti, gar
meizon( to dwron h. to qusiasthrion to a`giazon to dwron? 20 ~O oun omosaj en tw
qusiasthriw( omnuei en autw kai en pasin toij epanw autou) 21 Kai o` omosaj en tw naw(
omnuei en autw kai en tw katoikhsanti15 auton) 22 Kai o` omosaj en tw ouranw( omnuei en
tw qronw tou Qeou kai en tw kaqhmenw epanw autou)
23 ~~Ouai u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti apodekatoute to h`duosmon
kai to anhqon kai to kuminon( kai afhkate ta barutera tou nomou thn krisin kai ton
eleon16 kai thn pistin) Tauta17 edei poihsai( kakeina mh afienai) 24 ~Odhgoi tufloi( oi`
diulizontej ton kwnwpa( thn de kamhlon katapinontej!
25 ~~Ouai u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti kaqarizete to exwqen tou
pothriou kai thj paroyidoj( eswqen de gemousin ex a`rpaghj kai adikiaj)18 26 Farisaie
rabbi f35 D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [5%] NU
estin umwn rell || ~ 21 [2%] OC
didaskaloj f35 B [30%] OC,NU || kaqhghthj D(W) [70%] RP,HF,CP,TR
o cristoj f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D,W [4%] NU
o pathr umwn f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B [1%] NU
en toij ouranoij f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ouranioj B [2%] NU || 13 D,W [2%]
eij gar estin umwn o kaqhghthj f35 [30%] || 12356 W [2%] || ~ 123564 [1%] || 12456 [0.5%] || ~ 124356 [65%]
RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ oti 6431 B [0.5%] NU || ~ oti 643 [0.5%] || ~ oti 64 [0.5%] || ~ oti 6413 D
estw f35 [25%] || estai ()B,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
9 35
the whole verse f W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU (An easy case of homoioarcton.) [NU calls this verse 14
and prints our 14 as 13.]
ouai f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 de B,D [3%] NU
Some TRs and [1%] invert the order of verses 13 and 14.
agiazwn f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || agiasaj B,D [0.5%] NU
ean f35 W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || an B,C,D [10%] OC,NU
mwroi kai f35 B,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- D [1%] NU
katoikhsanti f35 C,D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || katoikounti B [10%] TR,NU
ton eleon f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || to eleoj B,D [2%] NU || to 2 [1%]
tauta f35 D [95%] RP,HF,CP,TR || 1 de B,C,W [5%] OC[NU]
adikiaj f35 C [93%] RP,HF,OC,CP || akrasiaj B,D [5%] TR,NU || akaqarsiaj [1%] || akrasiaj adikeiaj W || two
other variants
tufle! Kaqarison prwton to entoj tou pothriou kai thj paroyidoj(1 i`na genhtai kai to
ektoj autwn2 kaqaron)
27 ~~Ouai u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti paromoiazete tafoij
kekoniamenoij( oi`tinej exwqen men fainontai w`raioi( eswqen de gemousin ostewn nekrwn kai
pashj akaqarsiaj) 28 Ou`twj kai u`meij exwqen men fainesqe toij anqrwpoij dikaioi( eswqen
de mestoi este3 u`pokrisewj kai anomiaj)
29 ~~Ouai u`min( grammateij kai Farisaioi( u`pokritai! ~Oti oikodomeite touj tafouj
twn profhtwn kai kosmeite ta mnhmeia twn dikaiwn\ 30 kai legete(4 ~Ei hmen5 en taij
h`meraij twn paterwn h`mwn( ouk an hmen koinwnoi autwn6 en tw ai`mati twn profhtwnV)
31 ~Wste martureite e`autoij o`ti ui`oi este twn foneusantwn touj profhtaj) 32 Kai u`meij
plhrwsate to metron twn paterwn u`mwn!
33 ~~Ofeij! Gennhmata ecidnwn! Pwj fughte apo thj krisewj thj Geennhj? 34 Dia
touto( idou egw apostellw proj u`maj profhtaj kai sofouj kai grammateij\ kai7 ex autwn
apokteneite( kai staurwsete\ kai ex autwn mastigwsete en taij sunagwgaij u`mwn kai
diwxete apo polewj eij polin 35o`pwj elqh efV u`maj pan ai`ma dikaion ekcunomenon8 epi thj
ghj( apo tou ai`matoj Abel9 tou dikaiou e`wj tou ai`matoj Zacariou ui`ou Baraciou( o]n
efoneusate metaxu tou naou kai tou qusiasthriou) 36 Amhn legw u`min o`ti10 h`xei panta
tauta11 epi thn genean tauthn)
[Jesus laments over Jerusalem]
37 ~~~Ierousalhm( ~Ierousalhm( h` apoktenousa12 touj profhtaj kai liqobolousa touj
apestalmenouj proj authn! Posakij hqelhsa episunagagein ta tekna sou( o]n tropon
episunagei ornij13 ta nossia e`authj14 u`po taj pterugaj( kai ouk hqelhsate) 38 Idou( afietai
u`min o` oikoj u`mwn erhmoj! 39 Legw gar u`min( ou mh me idhte15 apV arti e`wj an eiphte(
~Euloghmenoj o` ercomenoj en onomati Kuriou!VVV
[The Olivet Discourse]
24)1 Kai exelqwn o` Ihsouj eporeueto apo tou i`erou(16 kai proshlqon autw17 oi` maqhtai
autou epideixai autw taj oikodomaj tou i`erou) 2 ~O de Ihsouj18 eipen autoij ~~Ou blepete
panta tauta?19 Amhn legw u`min( ou mh afeqh w`de liqoj epi liqon( o]j ou20 kataluqhsetai)VV
[A beginning of birth pains]
3 Kaqhmenou de autou epi tou Orouj twn Elaiwn( proshlqon autw oi` maqhtai katV
idian( legontej( ~~Eipe h`min(1 pote tauta estai( kai ti, to shmeion thj shj parousiaj kai
kai thj paroyidoj f35 B,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- D [1%] NU
autwn f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || autou B(D) [3%] NU
mestoi este f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,D [2%] NU
legete rell || 1 oti [1%] CP
hmen f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR || hmeqa B,C,D [10%] CP,NU (twice)
koinwnoi autwn f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,D [3%] NU
kai f35 C,D [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [6%] NU
ekcunomenon f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekcunnomenon B,C(D)W [5%] NU
abel f35 [90%] RP,OC,CP,TR || a`bel [10%] HF,NU
oti f35 C,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP || --- B,D [4%] TR,NU
panta tauta f35 B,W [65%] RP,HF,CP || ~ 21 C,D [35%] OC,TR,NU
apoktenousa f35 () [87%] RP,HF,CP || apokteinousa B,D,W [10%] TR,NU || apoktennousa C [2%] OC ||
apokteinasa [1%]
episunagei ornij f35 C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,D [3%] NU
eauthj f35 C [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || authj D,W [1.5%] NU || --- B
idhte rell || idete [1%] OC
eporeueto apo tou ierou f35 C,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 2341 [5%] NU || ~ ek 341 B [0.5%]
autw f35 [25%] || --- B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
ihsouj f35 C,W [96.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || apokriqeij B,D [3%] NU || three other variants
panta tauta f35 D,W [75%] RP,HF,TR || ~ 21 B,C [25%] OC,CP,NU || 2 v
ou rell || 1 mh [10%] TR
thj2 sunteleiaj tou aiwnojVV) 4 Kai apokriqeij o` Ihsouj eipen autoij ~~Blepete mh tij u`maj
planhsh) 5 Polloi gar eleusontai epi tw onomati mou( legontej( ~Egw eimi o` CristojV( kai
pollouj planhsousin) 6 Melhsete3 de akouein polemouj kai akoaj polemwn\ o`rate mh
qroeisqe\ dei gar panta4 genesqai( allV oupw estin to teloj) 7 Egerqhsetai gar eqnoj epi
eqnoj kai basileia epi basileian( kai esontai limoi kai loimoi5 kai seismoi kata topouj\
8 panta de tauta arch wdinwn)
[The increase o lawlessness]
9 ~~Tote paradwsousin u`maj eij qliyin kai apoktenousin u`maj( kai esesqe misoumenoi
u`po pantwn twn eqnwn dia to onoma mou) 10 Kai tote skandalisqhsontai polloi( kai
allhlouj paradwsousin kai mishsousin allhlouj) 11 Kai polloi yeudoprofhtai
egerqhsontai kai planhsousin pollouj) 12 Kai dia to plhqunqhnai thn anomian( yughsetai
h` agaph twn pollwn) 13 ~O de u`pomeinaj eij teloj( ou`toj swqhsetai) 14 Kai khrucqhsetai
touto to euaggelion thj basileiaj en o`lh th oikoumenh eij marturion pasin toij eqnesin(
kai tote h`xei to teloj)
[The Great Tribulation]
15 ~~~Otan oun idhte to bdelugma thj erhmwsewj( to r`hqen dia Danihl tou profhtou(
e`stwj en topw a`giwVV $o` anaginwskwn noeitw%( 16 ~~tote oi` en th Ioudaia feugetwsan epi7
ta orh\ 17 o` epi tou dwmatoj mh katabainetw8 arai ta9 ek thj oikiaj autou( 18 kai o` en tw
agrw mh epistreyatw opisw arai to i`mation10 autou) 19 Ouai de taij en gastri ecousaij
kai taij qhlazousaij en ekeinaij taij h`meraij! 20 Proseucesqe de i`na mh genhtai h` fugh
u`mwn ceimwnoj mhde11 sabbatw) 21 Estai gar tote qliyij megalh oi`a ou gegonen apV archj
kosmou e`wj tou nun( oudV ou mh genhtai) 22 Kai ei mh ekolobwqhsan ai` h`merai ekeinai( ouk
an eswqh pasa sarx\ dia de touj eklektouj kolobwqhsontai ai` h`merai ekeinai) 23 Tote ean
tij u`min eiph( ~Idou( w``de o` Cristoj!V h. ~~Wde!V mh pisteushte) 24 Egerqhsontai gar
yeudocristoi kai yeudoprofhtai( kai dwsousin shmeia megala kai terata w`ste planhsai( ei
dunaton( kai touj eklektouj) 25 Idou( proeirhka u`min) 26 Ean oun eipwsin u`min( ~Idou( en th
erhmw estin!V mh exelqhte\ ~Idou( en toij tameioij!V mh pisteushte) 27 ~Wsper gar h` astraph
exercetai apo anatolwn kai fainetai e`wj dusmwn( ou`twj estai kai12 h` parousia tou Ui`ou
tou Anqrwpou\ 28 o`pou gar13 ean h= to ptwma( ekei sunacqhsontai oi` aetoi)
[The Kings return to earth]
29 ~~Euqewj de meta thn qliyin twn h`merwn ekeinwn( o` h`lioj skotisqhsetai( kai h`
selhnh ou dwsei to feggoj authj( kai oi` asterej pesountai apo tou ouranou( kai ai`
dunameij twn ouranwn saleuqhsontai) 30 Kai tote fanhsetai to shmeion tou Ui`ou tou
Anqrwpou en tw14 ouranw( kai tote koyontai pasai ai` fulai thj ghj kai oyontai ton Ui``on
tou Anqrwpou ercomenon epi twn nefelwn tou ouranou meta dunamewj kai doxhj pollhj)
hmin rell || umin CP
thj f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [3%] NU
melhsete f35 [25%] || mellhsete C [72%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU || mellhsetai B,W [1%] || mellete D [0.5%] || three
other spellings [1%] [Is the verb mellw or melw? The latter is a good classical verb, and fits the context well.]
panta f35 C,W (94.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || tauta (2.2%) || 1 tauta (1.6%) || tauta 1 (0.7%) || --- B,D (1%) NU ||
two other variants (0.2%)
kai loimoi f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- ()B,D [0.5%] NU (easy homoioteleuton)
estwj f35 D [80%] RP,HF,OC || estoj B,W [20%] CP,TR,NU
epi f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij B,D [5%] NU
katabainetw f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || katabatw B,D [4%] NU
ta rell || ti D [5%] TR || to
to imation f35 B,D [30%] CP,NU || ta imatia W [70%] RP,HF,OC,TR
mhde rell || 1 en [10%] TR
kai f35 W [50%] RP,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [50%] HF,NU
gar f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- ()B,D [3%] NU
tw f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B(D) [0.5%] NU
31 Kai apostelei touj aggelouj autou meta salpiggoj1 fwnhj2 megalhj kai episunaxousin
touj eklektouj autou ek twn tessarwn anemwn( apV akrwn ouranwn e`wj3 akrwn autwn)
[Learn from the fig tree]
32 ~~Apo de thj sukhj maqete thn parabolhn o`tan hdh o` kladoj authj genhtai
a``paloj kai ta fulla ekfuh( ginwsketai4 o`ti egguj to qeroj) 33 Ou`twj kai u`meij( o`tan idhte
tauta panta(5 ginwskete o`ti egguj estin( epi quraij! 34 Amhn legw u`min(6 ou mh parelqh h`
genea au`th e`wj an panta tauta genhtai) 35 ~O ouranoj kai h` gh pareleusontai(7 oi` de logoi
mou ou mh parelqwsin)
[The Rapture]
36 ~~Peri de thj h`meraj ekeinhj kai8 w`raj oudeij oiden( oude oi` aggeloi twn
ouranwn(9 ei mh o` Pathr mou10 monoj) 37 ~Wsper de11 ai` h`merai tou Nwe( ou`twj estai kai12 h`
parousia tou Ui`ou tou Anqrwpou) 38 ~Wsper13 gar hsan en taij h`meraij14 taij pro tou
kataklusmou trwgontej kai pinontej( gamountej kai ekgamizontej(15 acri h--j h`meraj eishlqen
Nwe eij thn kibwton( 39 kai ouk egnwsan e`wj hlqen o` kataklusmoj kai hren a`pantaj( ou`twj
estai kai16 h` parousia tou Ui`ou tou Anqrwpou) 40 Tote duo esontai en tw agrw\ o`17 ei`j
paralambanetai kai o` ei`j afietai) 41 Duo alhqousai en tw mulwni\18 mia paralambanetai
kai mia afietai) 42 Grhgoreite oun( o`ti ouk oidate poia w`ra19 o` Kurioj u`mwn ercetai)
43 Ekeino de ginwskete( o`ti ei hdei o` oikodespothj poia fulakh o` klepthj ercetai(
egrhgorhsen an kai ouk an eiasen diorughnai20 thn oikian autou) 44 Dia touto kai u`meij
ginesqe e`toimoi( o`ti h-- w`ra ou dokeite21 o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou ercetai)
45 ~~Ti,j ara estin o` pistoj douloj kai fronimoj o[n katesthsen o` kurioj autou22 epi
thj qerapeiaj23 autou tou didonai24 autoij thn trofhn en kairw? 46 Makarioj o` douloj
ekeinoj o[n elqwn o` kurioj autou eu`rhsei poiounta ou`twj)25 47 Amhn legw u`min o`ti epi
pasin toij u`parcousin autou katasthsei auton) 48 Ean de eiph o` kakoj douloj ekeinoj en th
kardia autou( ~Cronizei o` kurioj mou26 elqeinV(27 49 kai arxhtai tuptein touj sundoulouj(28
salpiggoj rell || 1 kai D [5%] CP
fwnhj f35 B,D [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- W [3%] NU
ewj f35 D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 twn B [3%] [NU]
ginwsketai f35 D,W [25%] || ginwskete B [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
tauta panta f35 D,W [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP || ~ 21 B [35%] TR,NU
umin f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 oti B,D [5%] NU
pareleusontai f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || pareleusetai B,D [10%] NU || omits verse
kai rell || 1 thj [5%] TR
ouranwn f35 W (94.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 oude o uioj B,D (5.8%) NU
mou f35 W [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [8%] NU
de f35 W [99.7%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || gar B,D [0.3%] NU
kai f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU
wsper f35 D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj B [0.5%] NU
hmeraij f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 ekeinaij B,D [0.5%] [NU]
ekgamizontej f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eggamizontej [2%] || gamizontej D [0.5%] NU || gamiskontej B ||
ekgamiskontej W
kai f35 W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,D [0.5%]
o f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [4%] NU (twice)
mulwni f35 D [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mulw B,W [10%] NU
wra f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hmera B,D,W [5%] NU
diorughnai f35 B,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || diorucqhnai D [1.5%] NU
wra ou dokeite f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [1%] NU
autou f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1.5%] NU
qerapeiaj f35 D [94.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oiketeiaj B,W [4%] NU || oikiaj [1.5%]
didonai f35 W [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || dounai B,C(D) [8%] NU
poiounta outwj f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,D [4%] NU
o kurioj mou f35 W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,C,D [3%] NU
elqein f35 C,D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU || ercesqai [1%]
sundoulouj f35 W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || 1 autou $eautou % ()B,C,D [10%] OC,NU
esqiein1 te2 kai pinein3 meta twn mequontwn( 50 h`xei o` kurioj tou doulou ekeinou en h`mera
h- ou prosdoka kai en w`ra h- ou ginwskei( 51 kai dicotomhsei auton( kai to meroj autou
meta twn u`pokritwn qhsei) Ekei estai o` klauqmoj kai o` brugmoj twn odontwn)
[Parable of the ten virgins]
25)1 ~~Tote o`moiwqhsetai h` basileia twn ouranwn deka parqenoij( ai`tinej labousai
taj lampadaj autwn4 exhlqon eij apanthsin5 tou numfiou) 2 Pente de hsan ex autwn6
fronimoi kai ai` pente mwrai)7 3 Ai`tinej8 mwrai( labousai taj lampadaj autwn(9 ouk elabon
meqV e`autwn elaion\ 4 ai` de fronimoi elabon elaion en toij aggeioij autwn10 meta twn
lampadwn autwn)11 5 Cronizontoj de tou numfiou( enustaxan pasai kai ekaqeudon\ 6 meshj
de nuktoj kraugh gegonen ~Idou( o` numfioj ercetai!12 Exercesqe eij apanthsin autou)V13
7 Tote hgerqhsan pasai ai` parqenoi ekeinai kai ekosmhsan taj lampadaj autwn)14 8 Ai` de
mwrai taij fronimoij eipon(15 ~Dote h`min ek tou elaiou u`mwn( o`ti ai` lampadej h`mwn
sbennuntaiV) 9 Apekriqhsan de ai` fronimoi( legousai( ~Mhpote ouk16 arkesh17 h`min kai u`min\
poreuesqe de18 mallon proj touj pwlountaj kai agorasate e`autaijV) 10 Apercomenwn de
autwn agorasai( hlqen o` numfioj( kai ai` e`toimoi eishlqon metV autou eij touj gamoujkai
ekleisqh h` qura! 11 ~Usteron de ercontai kai ai` loipai parqenoi( legousai( ~Kurie( kurie(
anoixon h`min!V 12 ~O de apokriqeij eipen( ~Amhn legw u`min( ouk oida u`majV) 13 Grhgoreite
oun( o`ti ouk oidate thn h`meran oude thn w`ran en h-- o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou ercetai)19
[Parable of the talents]
14 ~~~Wsper gar anqrwpoj apodhmwn ekalesen touj idiouj doulouj kai paredwken
autoij ta u`parconta autou) 15 Kai w-- men edwken pente talanta( w- de duo( w- de e`n( e`kastw
kata thn idian dunamin( kai apedhmhsen euqewj) 16 Poreuqeij de20 o` ta pente talanta labwn
eirgasato21 en autoij( kai epoihsen22 alla pente talanta)23 17 ~Wsautwj kai24 o` ta duo
ekerdhsen kai autoj25 alla duo) 18 ~O de to e`n labwn apelqwn wruxen en th gh26 kai
apekruyen27 to argurion tou kuriou autou)
esqiein f35 W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || esqih B,C,D [10%] OC,NU
te f35 C,W [30%] || de B,D [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
pinein f35 W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || pinh B,C,D [10%] OC,NU
autwn f35 C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eautwn B,D [0.5%] NU
apanthsin f35 D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || upanthsin B,C [1%] NU
hsan ex autwn f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,C,D [5%] NU
fronimoi kai ai pente mwrai f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1245 W [8%] || ~ 5241 B,C,D [2%] NU
aitinej f35 W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ai gar B,C [0.5%] NU || de ai [1%] || oi oun D || two other variants
autwn f35 B,C,D,W [95%] RP,HF,CP,NU || eautwn [5%] OC,TR || --- [0.5%]
autwn f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [2%] NU
autwn f35 D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eautwn B [0.5%] NU || --- C [1%]
ercetai f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [1%] NU || exercetai D
autou f35 A,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || autw C || --- B [0.5%]
autwn f35 C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eautwn A,B [1%] NU
eipon rell || eipan B,C [0.5%] NU
ouk f35 A [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ou mh B,C,D,W [15%] NU
arkesh rell || arkesei D [5%] OC,CP
de f35 C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- A,B,D [10%] NU
en h o uioj tou anqrwpou ercetai f35 (89.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P35A,B,C,D,W (10.7%) NU
de f35 A,C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
eirgasato f35 A,C [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hrgasato B,D,W [1.5%] NU
epoihsen f35 A,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekerdhsen B,C,D [5%] NU
talanta f35 A,C,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU
kai f35 B(D)W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || de 1 A [1%] || --- C [1%] NU
kai autoj f35 A(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [1%] NU
en th gh f35 A,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || thn ghn C || ghn B [0.5%] NU
apekruyen f35 W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekruyen A,B,C,D [1.5%] NU
19 ~~Meta de cronon polun(1 ercetai o` kurioj twn doulwn ekeinwn kai sunairei metV
autwn logon)2 20 Kai proselqwn o` ta pente talanta labwn proshnegken alla pente
talanta( legwn( ~Kurie( pente talanta moi paredwkaj\ ide( alla pente talanta ekerdhsa epV
autoij)V3 21 Efh de4 autw o` kurioj autou ~Eu( doule agaqe kai piste! Epi oliga h=j pistoj(
epi pollwn se katasthsw) Eiselqe eij thn caran tou kuriou sou)V 22 Proselqwn de5 kai o`
ta duo talanta labwn6 eipen( ~Kurie( duo talanta moi paredwkaj\ ide( alla duo talanta
ekerdhsa epV autoij)V7 23 Efh autw o` kurioj autou ~Eu( doule agaqe kai piste! Epi oliga
h=j pistoj( epi pollwn se katasthsw) Eiselqe eij thn caran tou kuriou sou)V
24 ~~Proselqwn de kai o` to e`n talanton eilhfwj eipen ~Kurie( egnwn se o`ti sklhroj
ei= anqrwpoj( qerizwn o`pou ouk espeiraj kai sunagwn o`qen ou dieskorpisaj) 25 Kai
fobhqeij apelqwn ekruya to talanton sou en th gh\ ide( eceij to son)V 26 Apokriqeij de o`
kurioj autou eipen autw ~Ponhre doule kai oknhre! Hdeij o`ti qerizw o`pou ouk espeira kai
sunagw o`qen ou dieskorpisa) 27 Edei oun se8 balein to argurion9 mou toij trapezitaij( kai
elqwn egw ekomisamhn an to emon sun tokw) 28 Arate oun apV autou to talanton kai dote
tw econti ta deka talanta) 29 Tw gar econti panti doqhsetai( kai perisseuqhsetai\ apo de
tou10 mh econtoj( kai o` dokei ecein11 arqhsetai apV autou) 30 Kai ton acreion doulon
ekbalete12 eij to skotoj to exwteronV Ekei estai o` klauqmoj kai o` brugmoj twn odontwn)
[Judgment in preparation for the Millennium]
31 ~~~Otan de elqh o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou en th doxh autou( kai pantej oi` a`gioi13
aggeloi metV autou( tote kaqisei epi qronou doxhj autou) 32 Kai sunacqhsontai14 emprosqen
autou panta ta eqnh( kai aforiei15 autouj apV allhlwn( w`sper o` poimhn aforizei ta
probata apo twn erifwn) 33 Kai sthsei ta men probata ek dexiwn autou( ta de erifia ex
euwnumwn) 34 Tote erei o` basileuj toij ek dexiwn autou ~Deute( oi` euloghmenoi tou Patroj
mou( klhronomhsate thn h`toimasmenhn u`min basileian apo katabolhj kosmou) 35 Epeinasa
gar kai edwkate moi fagein( ediyhsa kai epotisate me( xenoj hmhn kai sunhgagete me(
36 gumnoj kai periebalete me( hsqenhsa kai epeskeyasqe me( en fulakh hmhn kai hlqete16
proj me)V 37 Tote apokriqhsontai autw oi` dikaioi( legontej ~Kurie( pote se eidomen
peinwnta17 kai eqreyamen( h. diywnta kai epotisamen? 38 Pote de se eidomen xenon kai
sunhgagomen( h. gumnon kai periebalomen? 39 Pote de se eidomen asqenh18 h. en fulakh kai
hlqomen proj se?V 40 Kai apokriqeij o` basileuj erei autoij( ~Amhn legw u`min( efV o`son19
epoihsate e`ni toutwn twn adelfwn mou twn elacistwn( emoi epoihsate)V
cronon polun f35 A [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C,D [4%] NU || 1 tina W
met autwn logon f35 A,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR || ~ 312 B,C,D [10%] CP,NU
ep autoij f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || en 2 [2%] || --- P35B(D) [1%] NU
de f35 A,W [93%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- P35B,C,D [7%] OC,NU
de f35 A,C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- P35vB [0.5%]
labwn f35 D [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P35A,B,C,W [5%] NU || one other variant
ep autoij f35 A,C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || en 2 [1%] || --- P35B,D [1%] NU
oun se f35 A,D,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,C [1%] NU
to argurion f35 A,C,D [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ta arguria B,W [0.5%] NU
apo de tou f35 A,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 32 B,D [1%] NU
dokei ecein f35 [30%] CP || ecei A,B,C,D,W [70%] RP,HF,TR,OC,NU
ekbalete f35 A,B,W [88%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || ekballete [10%] TR || ekbaletai C [1%] || baletai exw D || four
other variants
agioi f35 A,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [4%] NU
sunacqhsontai f35 B,D [25%] CP,NU || sunacqhsetai f35pt A,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,TR ||
aforiei f35 A,B,D [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || aforisei W [2%] NU
hlqete f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hlqate A,B,D,W [5%] NU
peinwnta rell || pinwnta CP
asqenh f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || asqenounta B,D [0.5%] NU
19 35
f generally has efo,son (one word); since the f signals aspiration, there is no ambiguity (Greek does not have aspiration in the
middle of a word).
41 ~~Tote erei kai toij ex euwnumwn ~Poreuesqe apV emou( oi`1 kathramenoi( eij to
pur to aiwnion to h`toimasmenon tw diabolw kai toij aggeloij autou) 42 Epeinasa gar kai
ouk edwkate moi fagein( ediyhsa kai ouk epotisate me( 43 xenoj hmhn kai ou sunhgagete me(
gumnoj kai ou periebalete me( asqenhj kai en fulakh kai ouk epeskeyasqe me)V 44 Tote
apokriqhsontai2 kai autoi( legontej( ~Kurie( pote se eidomen peinwnta h. diywnta h. xenon h.
gumnon h. asqenh h. en fulakh kai ou dihkonhsamen soi?V 45 Tote apokriqhsetai autoij(
legwn( ~Amhn legw u`min( efV o`son ouk epoihsate e`ni toutwn twn elacistwn( oude emoi
epoihsateV) 46 Kai apeleusontai ou-toi eij kolasin aiwnion( oi` de dikaioi eij zwhn
26)1 Kai egeneto o`te etelesen o` Ihsouj3 touj logouj toutouj( eipen toij maqhtaij
autou( 2 ~~Oidate o`ti meta duo h`meraj to Pasca ginetai( kai o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou
paradidotai eij to staurwqhnai)VV
[The Sanhedrin conspires04/03/30]
3 Tote sunhcqhsan oi` arciereij kai oi` grammateij4 kai oi` presbuteroi tou laou eij
thn aulhn tou arcierewj( tou legomenou Kaiafa( 4 kai sunebouleusanto i`na ton Ihsoun
dolw krathswsin5 kai apokteinwsin) 5 Elegon de( ~~Mh en th e`orth( i`na mh qoruboj genhtai
en tw law)VV
[Someone anoints Jesus head]
6 Tou de Ihsou genomenou en bhqania en oikia Simwnoj tou leprou( 7 proshlqen
autw gunh alabastron murou ecousa6 barutimou kai kateceen epi thn kefalhn7 autou
anakeimenou) 8 Idontej de oi` maqhtai autou8 hganakthsan legontej ~~Eij ti, h` apwleia au`th?
9 Hdunato9 gar touto to muron10 praqhnai pollou kai doqhnai toij11 ptwcoij)VV 10 Gnouj de
o` Ihsouj eipen autoij ~~Ti, kopouj parecete th gunaiki? Ergon gar kalon eirgasato12 eij
eme) 11 Pantote gar touj ptwcouj13 ecete meqV e`autwn( eme de ou pantote ecete) 12 Balousa
gar au`th to muron touto epi tou swmatoj mou( proj to entafiasai me epoihsen) 13 Amhn
legw u`min( o`pou ean khrucqh to euaggelion touto en o`lw tw kosmw( lalhqhsetai kai o]
epoihsen au`th eij mnhmosunon authj)VV
[Judas offers to betray Jesus]
14 Tote poreuqeij ei`j twn dwdeka( o` legomenoj Ioudaj Iskariwthj( proj touj
arciereij( 15 eipen( ~~Ti, qelete moi dounai kai egw14 u`min paradwsw auton?VV Oi` de esthsan
autw triakonta arguria) 16 Kai apo tote ezhtei eukairian i`na auton paradw)
[The last nightbegins Thursday evening, 04/04/30, and ends the next morning]
26)17 Th de prwth twn azumwn proshlqon oi` maqhtai tw Ihsou( legontej autw(15 ~~Pou
qeleij e`toimasomen16 soi fagein to Pasca?VV 18 ~O de eipen( ~~~Upagete eij thn polin proj
ton deina kai eipate autw( ~~O didaskaloj legei( ~~~O kairoj mou egguj estin\ proj se poiw
oi f35 A,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.5%]
apokriqhsontai f35 A,B,D,W [95%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 autw () [5%] OC,TR
ihsouj f35 [25%] || 1 pantaj A,B,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
kai oi grammateij f35 (W) [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- A,B,D [5%] NU
dolw krathswsin rell || ~ 21 [5%] TR
alabastron murou ecousa f35 A,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 B,D [2%] NU
thn kefalhn f35 A,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || thj kefalhj B,D [5%] NU
autou f35 A,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P45vB,D [1.5%] NU
hdunato f35 A,D [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || edunato P45vB,W [4%] NU
to muron f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- A,B,D,W [7%] NU
toij f35 A,D,W [40%] OC,CP || --- B [60%] RP,HF,TR,NU (OC is in small print)
eirgasato f35 A [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hrgasato B,D,W [1.5%] NU
pantote gar touj ptwcouj f35 A,B,D,W [40%] RP,CP,TR,NU || ~ 3421 [60%] HF,OC
kai egw f35 D,W [40%] OC,CP || kagw A,B [60%] RP,HF,TR,NU
autw f35 A [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D(W) [10%] NU
etoimasomen f35 D [85%] RP,HF || etoimaswmen A,B,W [15%] OC,CP,TR,NU
to Pasca meta twn maqhtwn mouVVV)VV 19 Kai epoihsan oi` maqhtai w`j sunetaxen autoij o`
Ihsouj( kai h`toimasan to Pasca)
[The traitor identified]
20 Oyiaj de genomenhj( anekeito meta twn dwdeka) 21 Kai esqiontwn autwn eipen(
~~Amhn legw u`min o`ti ei`j ex u`mwn paradwsei meVV) 22 Kai lupoumenoi sfodra hrxanto legein
autw e`kastoj autwn(1 ~~Mhti egw eimi( Kurie?VV 23 ~O de apokriqeij eipen ~~~O embayaj metV
emou en tw trubliw thn ceira(2 ou`toj me paradwsei) 24 ~O men Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou u`pagei
kaqwj gegraptai peri autou( ouai de tw anqrwpw ekeinw diV ou` o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou
paradidotai! Kalon h=n autw ei ouk egennhqh o` anqrwpoj ekeinoj)VV 25 Apokriqeij de Ioudaj(
o` paradidouj auton( eipen( ~~Mhti egw eimi( ~Rabbi?VV Legei autw( ~~Su eipajVV
[Jesus institutes the Lords Supper]
26 Esqiontwn de autwn( labwn o` Ihsouj ton3 arton kai euloghsaj(4 eklasen kai
edidou toij maqhtaij kai6 eipen( ~~Labete( fagete\ touto estin to swma mouVV) 27 Kai labwn
to7 pothrion kai eucaristhsaj( edwken autoij legwn ~~Piete ex autou pantej\ 28 touto gar
estin to ai`ma mou( to thj kainhj8 diaqhkhj( to peri pollwn ekcunomenon9 eij afesin
a`martiwn) 29 Legw de u`min o`ti10 ou mh piw apV arti ek toutou tou genhmatoj11 thj ampelou
e`wj thj h`meraj ekeinhj o`tan auto pinw meqV u`mwn kainon en th basileia tou Patroj mou)VV
30 Kai u`mnhsantej exhlqon eij to Oroj twn Elaiwn)
[Jesus predicts Peters denials]
31 Tote legei autoij o` Ihsouj ~~Pantej u`meij skandalisqhsesqe en emoi en th nukti
tauth( gegraptai gar ~Pataxw ton Poimena( kai diaskorpisqhsetai12 ta probata thj
poimnhjV) 32 Meta de to egerqhnai me proaxw u`maj eij thn Galilaian)VV 33 Apokriqeij de o`
Petroj eipen autw( ~~Ei kai13 pantej skandalisqhsontai en soi( egw14 oudepote
skandalisqhsomaiVV) 34 Efh autw o` Ihsouj( ~~Amhn legw soi o`ti en tauth th nukti( prin
alektora fwnhsai( trij aparnhsh meVV) 35 Legei autw o` Petroj( ~~Kan deh me sun soi
apoqanein( ou mh se aparnhswmai!VV15 ~Omoiwj de16 kai pantej oi` maqhtai eipon)
[GethsemaneJesus almost dies!]
36 Tote ercetai metV autwn o` Ihsouj eij cwrion legomenon Geqshmanh(17 kai legei
toij maqhtaij( ~~Kaqisate autou e`wj ou-18 apelqwn proseuxwmai ekeiVV)19 37 Kai paralabwn
ton Petron kai touj duo ui`ouj Zebedaiou hrxato lupeisqai kai adhmonein) 38 Tote legei
autoij o` Ihsouj20 ~~Perilupoj estin h` yuch mou( e`wj qanatou) Meinate w`de kai grhgoreite
ekastoj autwn f35 P37vA,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij 12 P45vD [2%] || eij 1 B,C [1%] NU || one other variant
met emou en tw trubliw thn ceira f35 C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 6712345 P
(D) [0.5%] || ~ 1267345 A,B
[1.5%] NU
ton f35 A,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,D [3%] NU
euloghsaj f35 P45B,C,D [30%] CP,TR,NU || eucaristhsaj A,W [70%] RP,HF,OC
edidou f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || douj P37B,D [3%] NU
kai f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P37B,D [3%] NU
to f35 A,C,D [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,W [4%] NU
to thj kainhj f35 A,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2 P37B [1%] NU || 23 D
ekcunomenon f35 P37W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ekcunnomenon A,B,C,D [10%] NU
oti f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [3%] NU
genhmatoj f35 A,B,C,D [30%] OC,NU || gennhmatoj f35pt P37W [70%] RP,HF,CP,TR
diaskorpisqhsetai f35 P37D,W [90%] RP,HF,CP,TR || diaskorpisqhsontai P53A,B,C [10%] OC,NU || one other variant
ei kai f35 W [30%] CP,TR || 1 P37,53A,B,C,D [70%] RP,HF,OC,NU || ---
egw f35 P37,53A,B,C,D,W [40%] CP,TR,NU || 1 de [60%] RP,HF,OC
aparnhswmai f35 A [85%] RP,HF,CP || aparnhsomai P37B,C,D,W [15%] OC,TR,NU
de f35 A,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP || --- B,C,D [5%] TR,NU
geqshmanh f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || geqshmanei P37A,B,C [5%] || geqshmani [5%] NU || geqsamanei D ||
gedshmani W || at least eight further spellings [5%]
ou f35 B [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || an D,W [5%] || 1 an P53 A || --- C [1%]
proseuxwmai ekei f35 A,C,W [86%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || proseuxomai 2 [10%] || ~ 21 P37,53vB(D) [4%] NU
o ihsouj f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC || --- P37,53A,B,C,D,W [10%] CP,TR,NU
metV emou)VV 39 Kai proelqwn1 mikron epesen epi proswpon autou proseucomenoj kai legwn(
~~Pater mou( ei dunaton estin( parelqetw2 apV emou to pothrion touto\ plhn ouc3 w`j egw
qelw( allV w`j suVV) 40 Kai ercetai proj touj maqhtaj kai eu`riskei autouj kaqeudontaj( kai
legei tw Petrw ~~Ou`twj( ouk iscusate mian w`ran grhgorhsai metV emou! 41 Grhgoreite kai
proseucesqe( i`na mh eiselqhte eij peirasmon) To men pneuma proqumon( h` de sarx asqenhj)VV
42 Palin ek deuterou apelqwn proshuxato legwn( ~~Pater mou( ei ou dunatai touto to
pothrion4 parelqein apV emou5 ean mh auto piw( genhqhtw to qelhma souVV) 43 Kai elqwn
eu`ren autouj palin6 kaqeudontaj( hsan gar autwn oi` ofqalmoi bebarhmenoi) 44 Kai afeij
autouj apelqwn palin proshuxato7 ek tritou( ton auton logon eipwn)8 45 Tote ercetai proj
touj maqhtaj autou9 kai legei autoij ~~Kaqeudete to10 loipon kai anapauesqe! Idou( hggiken
h` w`ra kai o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou paradidotai eij ceiraj a`martwlwn) 46 Egeiresqe( agwmen\
idou(11 o` paradidouj me!VV
[Jesus is betrayed]
47 Kai eti autou lalountoj idou( Ioudaj( ei`j twn dwdeka( hlqen( kai metV autou
ocloj poluj meta macairwn kai xulwn( apo twn arcierewn kai presbuterwn tou laou) 48 $~O
de paradidouj12 auton edwken autoij shmeion legwn( ~~}On ean13 filhsw( autoj estin\
krathsate auton!VV% 49 Kai euqewj proselqwn tw Ihsou eipen( ~~Caire( ~Rabbi!VV kai
katefilhsen auton) 50 ~O de Ihsouj eipen autw( ~~~Etaire( efV w-14 parei?VV Tote proselqontej
epebalon taj ceiraj epi ton Ihsoun kai ekrathsan auton) 51 Kai idou( ei`j twn meta Ihsou(
ekteinaj thn ceira( apespasen thn macairan autou( kai pataxaj ton doulon tou arcierewj
afeilen autou to wtion! 52 Tote legei autw o` Ihsouj ~~Apostreyon sou thn macairan15 eij
ton topon authj( pantej gar oi` labontej macairan en macaira16 apoqanountai)17 53 .H
dokeij o`ti ou dunamai arti parakalesai ton Patera mou( kai parasthsei moi18 pleiouj19 h.20
dwdeka legewnaj21 aggelwn? 54 Pwj oun plhrwqwsin ai` Grafai o`ti ou`twj dei genesqai?VV
55 En ekeinh th w`ra eipen o` Ihsouj toij ocloij ~~~Wj epi lhsthn exhlqete22 meta macairwn
kai xulwn sullabein me? KaqV h`meran23 proj u`maj ekaqezomhn en tw i`erw didaskwn(24 kai
proelqwn f35 P37B [35%] OC,CP,TR,NU || proselqwn P53A,C,D,W [65%] RP,HF
parelqetw f35 P53B,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || parelqatw A,C,D [2%] NU
ouc rell || ouk CP
to pothrion f35 (D) [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P37A,B,C,W [3%] NU
ap emou f35 A,C,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P37vB,D [2%] NU
euren autouj palin f35 A,W [30%] || euriskei 23 [66%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 P37B,C,D [4%] NU
apelqwn palin proshuxato f35 [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 213 B,C,D [2%] NU || ~ 132 A,W [3%] || 13 P37v [1%]
eipwn f35 A,C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 palin P37B [0.5%] NU
autou f35 D,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- P37vA,B,C [10%] NU
to f35 P37A,D [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B,C,W [1.5%]
idou f35 [20%] || 1 hggiken A,B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
paradidouj rell || paradouj CP
ean f35 P37A,W [40%] || an B,C,D [60%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
w f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || o P37A,B,C,D,W [10%] NU
sou thn macairan f35 A,C,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 B,D [2%] NU || 23 [3%]
macaira f35 D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || macairh P37A,B,C [1.5%] NU
apoqanountai f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || apolountai P37A,B,C,D [10%] TR,NU
arti parakalesai ton patera mou kai parasthsei moi f35 A,C,D,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12345678 wde [1%] ||
~ 23456781 B [0.5%] NU || ~ 2345678 wde 1 || 2345678 [1%] || two other variants
pleiouj f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || pleiw B,D [0.5%] NU
h f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
legewnaj f35 W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || legiwnaj B,NU || legiwnwn || legewnwn C [3%] || legeonwn A ||
legeionhj D
exhlqete f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || exhlqate A,B,C,W [4%] NU || hlqate D
23 35
f generally writes kaqhme,ran as one word; since the q signals aspiratation, there is no ambiguity.
proj umaj ekaqezomhn en tw ierw didaskwn f35 C(D) [30%] || ~ 1237456 W [69%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 3127456 A
|| ~ 45637 B [0.5%] NU || one other variant
ouk ekrathsate me) 56 Touto de o`lon gegonen i`na plhrwqwsin ai` Grafai twn profhtwn)VV
Tote oi` maqhtai pantej afentej auton efugon)
57 Oi` de krathsantej ton Ihsoun aphgagon proj Kaiafan ton arcierea( o`pou oi`
grammateij kai oi` presbuteroi sunhcqhsan) 58 ~O de Petroj hkolouqei autw apo makroqen(
e`wj thj aulhj tou arcierewj) Kai eiselqwn esw ekaqhto meta twn u`phretwn( idein to teloj)
[Jesus tried by the Council]
59 Oi` de arciereij kai oi` presbuteroi(1 kai to sunedrion o`lon( ezhtoun
yeudomarturian kata tou Ihsou o`pwj qanatwswsin auton(2 60 kai ouc eu`ron) Kai3 pollwn
yeudomarturwn proselqontwn(4 ouc eu`ron)5 ~Usteron de proselqontej duo yeudomarturej6
61 eipon(7 ~~Ou`toj efh( ~Dunamai katalusai ton naon tou Qeou kai dia triwn h`merwn
oikodomhsai autonV)VV8 62 Kai anastaj o` arciereuj eipen autw ~~Ouden apokrinh? Ti, ou`toi
sou katamarturousin?VV 63 ~O de Ihsouj esiwpa) Kai apokriqeij9 o` arciereuj eipen autw(
~~Exorkizw se kata tou Qeou tou zwntoj i`na h`min eiphj ei su ei= o` Cristoj o` Ui`oj tou10
Qeou!VV 64 Legei autw o` Ihsouj ~~Su eipaj) Plhn legw u`min( apV arti oyesqe ton Ui`on tou
Anqrwpou kaqhmenon ek dexiwn thj Dunamewj( kai ercomenon epi twn nefelwn tou
ouranou)VV 65 Tote o` arciereuj dierrhxen ta i`matia autou( legwn o`ti11 ~~Eblasfhmhsen! Ti,
eti creian ecomen marturwn? Ide( nun hkousate thn blasfhmian autou!12 66 Ti, u`min dokei?VV
Oi` de apokriqentej eipon( ~~Enocoj qanatou estin!VV 67 Tote eneptusan eij to proswpon
autou kai ekolafisan auton\ oi` de errapisan13 68 legontej ~~Profhteuson h`min( Criste!
estin o` paisaj se?VV
[Peter denies Jesus]
69 ~O de Petroj exw ekaqhto14 en th aulh) Kai proshlqen autw mia paidiskh
~~Kai su hsqa meta Ihsou tou GalilaiouVV) 70 ~O de hrnhsato emprosqen autwn15 pantwn16
legwn( ~~Ouk oida ti, legeijVV) 71 Exelqonta de auton17 eij ton pulwna( eiden auton allh kai
legei autoij18 ekei( ~~Kai19 ou-`toj h=n meta Ihsou tou NazwraiouVV) 72 Kai palin hrnhsato(
meqV20 o`rkou( o`ti ~~Ouk oida ton anqrwpon!VV 73 Meta mikron de proselqontej oi` e`stwtej
eipon tw Petrw( ~~Alhqwj kai su ex autwn ei=( kai gar h` lalia sou dhlon se poiei!VV 74
Tote hrxato kataqematizein21 kai omnuein o`ti ~~Ouk oida ton anqrwpon!VV Kai euqewj
alektwr efwnhsen) 75 Kai emnhsqh o` Petroj tou r`hmatoj22 Ihsou eirhkotoj autw1 o`ti ~~Prin
alektora2 fwnhsai( trij aparnhsh meVV) Kai exelqwn exw eklausen pikrwj)
kai oi presbuteroi f35 A,C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
qanatwswsin auton f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || qanatwsousin 2 A,W [5%] || ~ 21 B [3%] TR,NU || ~ 2 qanatwsousin
C,D,N [2%]
kai f35 A(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,N [1%] NU
yeudomarturwn proselqontwn f35 C,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 A,B [1%] NU || proshlqon yeudomarturej
ouc euron f35 A(D)W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C,N [1%] NU
yeudomarturej f35 (A)C,D [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1%] NU || tinej 1 N,W [1%]
eipon rell || eipan [0.3%] NU (also in verse 66)
oikodomhsai auton f35 A,D,N,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 C [0.5%] || 1 B [1%] NU
apokriqeij f35 A,C,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [3%] NU || 1 oun D || one other variant || has a long omission
tou rell || --- CP
legwn oti f35 A,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 B,D [1%] NU || kai legei ide
autou f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
errapisan f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || erapisan A,B,C(D)(W) [5%] NU
exw ekaqhto f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 21 B,D [2.5%] NU || ~ 2 exwqen [0.5%]
autwn f35 A,C,W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || --- B,D [10%] TR,NU
pantwn rell || apantwn CP || --- [2%]
auton f35 A,C,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1.5%] NU || autou D
autoij f35 A,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || toij B,D,W [10%] TR,NU
kai f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
meq f35 D [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || meta A,B,C,W [3%] NU
kataqematizein rell || katanaqematizein [5%] TR
rhmatoj f35 A,B,C,D [35%] OC,CP,NU || 1 tou W [65%] RP,HF,TR
autw f35 A,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [1%] NU
alektora rell || alektwra [2%] CP || alektwr [0.5%] || alektorofoniaj [0.5%]
presbuteroi f35 [20%] || 1 tou laou A,B,C,D,W [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
wste qanatwsai auton rell || ~ opwj 3 qanatwswsin CP
auton f35 A,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [5%] NU
pontiw f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
apestreyen f35 A,C,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || estreyen B [0.5%] NU
toij f35 A,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,C [2%] NU
eipon rell || eipan [0.5%] NU (also in verse 6 & 21)
oyei f35 [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oyh A,B,C,W [10%] NU
en tw naw f35 A,C,W (98.3%) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eij ton naon B (1.3%) NU || --- (0.2%) || two other variants
tetimhmenou rell || tetimhmhmenou OC
esth f35 A,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || estaqh B,C [1%] NU
autw f35 A,B,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- [1%] NU
kai f35 B [30%] NU || 1 twn A,W [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR
ena tw oclw rell || ~ 231 [5%] CP
legomenon f35 A,B,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 ihsoun [0.5%] [NU] [This one is really pitiful.]
umin f35 A,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 ton B || 1 ihsoun ton [0.5%] [NU]
barabban rell || baraban CP
eipon f35 A,D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 ton B [2%] NU
legei rell || 1 oun CP
oun poihsw Ihsoun ton legomenon Criston?VV Legousin autw1 pantej( ~~Staurwqhtw!VV 23 ~O
de h`gemwn2 efh( ~~Ti, gar kakon epoihsen?VV Oi` de perisswj ekrazon legontej(
~~Staurwqhtw!VV 24 Idwn de o` Pilatoj o`ti ouden wfelei alla mallon qoruboj ginetai( labwn
u`dwr apeniyato taj ceiraj apenanti tou oclou legwn ~~Aqwoj eimi apo tou ai`matoj tou
dikaiou toutou)3 ~Umeij oyesqe!VV 25 Kai apokriqeij paj o` laoj eipen( ~~To ai`ma autou efV
h`maj kai epi ta tekna h`mwn!VV 26 Tote apelusen autoij ton Barabban( ton de Ihsoun(
fragellwsaj( paredwken i`na staurwqh)
[Soldiers make fun of Jesus]
27 Tote oi` stratiwtai tou h`gemonoj( paralabontej ton Ihsoun eij to praitwrion(
sunhgagon epV auton o`lhn thn speiran) 28 Kai ekdusantej auton perieqhkan autw clamuda
kokkinhn)4 29 Kai plexantej stefanon ex akanqwn epeqhkan epi thn kefalhn5 autou( kai
kalamon epi thn dexian6 autou\ kai gonupethsantej emprosqen autou enepaizon7 autw
legontej( ~~Caire( o` Basileuj8 twn Ioudaiwn!VV 30 Kai emptusantej eij auton elabon ton
kalamon kai etupton eij thn kefalhn autou) 31 Kai o`te enepaixan autw( exedusan auton thn
clamuda kai enedusan auton ta i`matia autou\ kai aphgagon auton eij to staurwsai)
[The Crucifixion]
32 Exercomenoi de eu`ron anqrwpon Kurhnaion( onomati Simwna\ touton hggareusan
i`na arh ton stauron autou) 33 Kai elqontej eij topon legomenon Golgoqa( o[9 estin
legomenon Kraniou Topoj(10 34 edwkan autw piein oxoj11 meta colhj memigmenon\ kai
geusamenoj ouk hqelen12 piein) 35 Staurwsantej de auton diemerisanto ta i`matia autou
balontej13 klhron)14 36 Kai kaqhmenoi ethroun auton ekei) 37 Kai epeqhkan epanw thj
kefalhj autou thn aitian autou gegrammenhn
38 Tote staurountai sun autw duo lhstai( ei`j ek dexiwn kai ei`j ex euwnumwn) 39 Oi`
de paraporeuomenoi eblasfhmoun auton( kinountej taj kefalaj autwn 40 kai legontej ~~~O
kataluwn ton naon kai en trisin h`meraij oikodomwn( swson seauton! Ei ui`oj ei= tou Qeou(15
katabhqi apo tou staurou!VV 41 ~Omoiwj de kai16 oi` arciereij( empaizontej meta twn
grammatewn kai presbuterwn kai Farisaiwn(17 elegon 42 ~~Allouj eswsen\ e`auton ou
dunatai swsai! Ei18 basileuj Israhl estin( katabatw nun apo tou staurou kai pisteusomen19
autw f35 [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- A,B,D,W [8%] NU
hgemwn f35 A(D)W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
tou dikaiou toutou f35 W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 312 A [0.5%] || 3 B,D [0.5%] NU
perieqhkan autw clamuda kokkinhn f35 A,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 3412 B(D) [1%] NU
thn kefalhn f35 A,D,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || thj kefalhj B [1%] NU || one other variant
epi thn dexian f35 W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || en th dexia A,B,D,N [5%] NU
enepaizon f35 A,N,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || enepaixan B,D [1%] NU
o basileuj f35 A,N,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || basileu B,D [3%] NU
o f35 B,D,N,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || oj A [5%] TR
legomenon kraniou topoj f35 N,W [30%] || legomenoj 23 A [67%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 23 legomenoj B [2%] NU ||
23 D [1%]
oxoj f35 A,N,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || oinon B,D [4%] NU
hqelen f35 A,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hqelhsen B,D [3%] NU
balontej f35 A,D [25%] OC,CP || ballontej f35pt B,W [75%] RP,HF,TR,NU
klhron rell || 1 ina plhrwqh to rhqen upo tou profhtou diemerisanto ta imatia mou eautoij kai epi ton
imatismon mou ebalon klhron [5%] TR
qeou f35 B,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai A,D [0.5%] [NU]
de kai f35 D [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 2 B [3%] NU || --- A,W [2%]
kai farisaiwn f35 (D)(W) [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || --- ()A,B [10%] TR,NU
ei f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
pisteusomen rell || pisteuswmen W [10%] OC || pisteuomen A [0.5%]
epV autw!1 43 Pepoiqen epi ton Qeon\ r`usasqw nun auton(2 ei qelei auton\ eipen gar o`ti
~Qeou eimi Ui`ojV)VV 44 To dV auto kai oi` lhstai oi` sustaurwqentej autw3 wneidizon auton)4
[Jesus takes the wages for our sin]
45 Apo de e`kthj w`raj skotoj egeneto epi pasan thn ghn e`wj w`raj enathj)5 46 Peri
de thn enathn w`ran anebohsen o` Ihsouj fwnh megalh legwn( ~~Hli( Hli( lima6 sabacqani?VV
toutV estin( ~~Qee mou( Qee mou( i`na ti, me egkatelipej?VV 47 Tinej de twn ekei e`stwtwn7
akousantej elegon o`ti ~~Hlian fwnei ou`tojVV) 48 Kai euqewj dramwn ei`j ex autwn kai labwn
spoggon( plhsaj te oxouj kai periqeij kalamw( epotizen auton\ 49 oi` de loipoi elegon(
~~Afej( idwmen ei ercetai Hliaj swswn auton)VV
[The shout of victory]
50 ~O de Ihsouj palin kraxaj fwnh megalh afhken to pneuma) 51 Kai idou( to
katapetasma tou naou escisqh eij duo apo anwqen e`wj katw!8 Kai h` gh eseisqh( kai ai
petrai escisqhsan( 52 kai ta mnhmeia anewcqhsan) $Kai polla swmata( twn kekoimhmenwn
a`giwn( hgerqh\9 53 kai exelqontej ek twn mnhmeiwn meta thn egersin autou( eishlqon eij
thn a`gian polin kai enefanisqhsan polloij)% 54 ~O de e`katontarcoj kai oi` metV autou
thrountej ton Ihsoun( idontej ton seismon kai ta genomena( efobhqhsan sfodra( legontej(
~~Alhqwj Qeou Ui`oj h=n ou`toj!VV
55 Hsan de ekei kai10 gunaikej pollai apo makroqen qewrousai( ai`tinej hkolouqhsan
tw Ihsou apo thj Galilaiaj( diakonousai autw\ 56 en ai`j h=n Maria h` Magdalhnh( kai
Maria h` tou Iakwbou kai Iwsh mhthr( kai h` mhthr11 twn ui`wn Zebedaiou)
[The burial]
57 Oyiaj de genomenhj( hlqen anqrwpoj plousioj apo Arimaqaiaj( tounoma Iwshf( o]j
kai autoj emaqhteusen12 tw Ihsou) 58 Ou`toj proselqwn tw Pilatw hthsato to swma tou
Ihsou) Tote o` Pilatoj ekeleusen apodoqhnai to swma)13 59 Kai labwn to swma o` Iwshf
enetulixen auto14 sindoni kaqara 60 kai eqhken auto en tw kainw autou mnhmeiw o]
elatomhsen en th petra) Kai proskulisaj liqon megan th qura tou mnhmeiou aphlqen)
61 +Hn de ekei Maria15 h` Magdalhnh( kai h` allh Maria( kaqhmenai apenanti tou tafou)
[The tomb is guarded]
62 Th de epaurion( h`tij estin meta thn Paraskeuhn( sunhcqhsan oi` arciereij kai oi`
Farisaioi proj Pilaton 63 legontej ~~Kurie( emnhsqhmen o`ti ekeinoj o` planoj eipen( eti
zwn( ~Meta treij h`meraj egeiromaiV) 64 Keleuson oun asfalisqhnai ton tafon e`wj thj
trithj h`meraj( mhpote elqontej oi`` maqhtai autou nuktoj kleywsin auton16 kai eipwsin tw
law oti(17 ~Hgerqh apo twn nekrwnV( kai estai h` escath planh ceirwn thj prwthj)VV 65 Efh
ep autw f35 W [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || 2 A,D [8%] TR || 1 auton B [1.5%] NU || eij auton [0.5%]
auton f35 A,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
autw f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || sun 1 B,D [0.5%] NU
auton rell || autw [5%] TR
enathj rell || ennathj [10%] TR (twice)
lima. f35 A [90%] RP,HF [lima, CP, lima/ OC] || leima [8%] || lema B [0.5%] NU || lama D [1.5%] TR || ma W
estwtwn f35 A,D [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || esthkotwn B,C(W) [1%] NU
eij duo apo anwqen ewj katw f35 A(D)W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 12456 [1%] || ~ ap 45612 B,C [1%] NU
hgerqh f35 A,C,W [96%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || hgerqhsan B,D [4%] NU
ekei kai f35 [35%] OC || kakei || 1 A,B,C,W [65%] RP,HF,CP,TR,NU || 2 D || two other variants
iwsh mhthr kai h mhthr f35 A,B,C [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || iwshf 2345 D,W [0.5%] NU || h maria h iwshf kai
h maria h
emaqhteusen f35 A,B,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || emaqhteuqh C,D [1.5%] NU || two other variants
to swma f35 A,C,D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [1.5%] NU
auto f35 A,C,W [99%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 en B,D [1%] NU
maria f35 A,D,W [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mariam B,C [1.5%] NU
nuktoj kleywsin auton f35 [87%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ~ 231 [3%] || 23 ()A,B,C,D,W [10%] NU
oti f35 [25%] || --- A,B,C,D,W [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU
de1 autoij o` Pilatoj( ~~Ecete koustwdian\ u`pagete asfalisasqe w`j oidate!VV 66 Oi` de
poreuqentej hsfalisanto ton tafon( sfragisantej ton liqon( meta thj koustwdiaj)
[Resurrection DaySunday, 04/07/30]
28)1 Oye de sabbatwn( th epifwskoush eij mian sabbatwn( hlqen Maria2 h` Magdalhnh kai
h` allh Maria qewrhsai ton tafon) 2 Kai idou( seismoj egeneto megaj( aggeloj gar Kuriou
katabaj ex ouranou(3 proselqwn apekulisen ton liqon apo thj quraj(4 kai ekaqhto epanw
autou! 3 +Hn de h` idea5 autou w`j astraph kai to enduma autou leukon w`sei6 ciwn) 4 Apo de
tou fobou autou eseisqhsan oi` thrountej( kai egenonto7 w`sei8 nekroi)
[The angel does his duty]
5 Apokriqeij de o` aggeloj eipen taij gunaixin ~~Mh fobeisqe u`meij! oida gar o`ti
Ihsoun ton estaurwmenon zhteite) 6 Ouk estin w`de! Hgerqh gar( kaqwj eipen) Deute( idete
ton topon o`pou ekeito o` Kurioj)9 7 Kai tacu poreuqeisai eipate toij maqhtaij autou o`ti
~Hgerqh apo twn nekrwn\ kai idou( proagei u`maj eij thn Galilaian\ ekei auton oyesqe)V
Idou( eipon u`min!VV 8 Kai exelqousai10 tacu apo tou mnhmeiou meta fobou kai caraj megalhj(
edramon apaggeilai toij maqhtaij autou)
[Jesus second appearance]
9 ~Wj de eporeuonto apaggeilai toij maqhtaij autou(11 kai idou(12 Ihsouj aphnthsen13
autaij legwn( ~~Cairete!VV Ai` de proselqousai( ekrathsan autou touj podaj kai
prosekunhsan autw) 10 Tote legei autaij o` Ihsouj ~~Mh fobeisqe! ~Upagete apaggeilate
toij adelfoij mou i`na apelqwsin eij thn Galilaian( kai ekei14 me oyontai)VV
[Guards are bribed]
11 Poreuomenwn de autwn( idou( tinej thj koustwdiaj elqontej eij thn polin
aphggeilan toij arciereusin a`panta ta genomena) 12 Kai sunacqentej meta twn
presbuterwn( sumboulion te labontej( arguria i`kana edwkan toij stratiwtaij 13 legontej
~~Eipate o`ti ~Oi` maqhtai autou nuktoj elqontej ekleyan auton h`mwn koimwmenwnV) 14 Kai
ean akousqh touto epi tou h`gemonoj( h`meij peisomen auton15 kai u`maj amerimnouj
poihsomen)VV 15 Oi` de labontej ta arguria epoihsan w`j edidacqhsan) Kai diefhmisqh o` logoj
ou`toj para Ioudaioij mecri thj shmeron)16
[The Great commission]
28)16 Oi` de e`ndeka maqhtai eporeuqhsan eij thn Galilaian eij to oroj ou` etaxato autoij o`
Ihsouj) 17 Kai idontej auton prosekunhsan autw(17 oi` de edistasan) 18 Kai proselqwn o`
Ihsouj elalhsen autoij legwn ~~Edoqh moi pasa exousia en ouranw kai epi18 ghj)
de f35 A,C,D,W [65%] RP,HF,CP,TR || --- B [35%] OC,NU
maria f35 A,B,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || mariam C [0.5%] NU
ouranou f35 A,D [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 kai B,C,W [2%] NU
apo thj quraj f35 A,C,W [94%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 123 tou mnhmeiou [5%] || --- B,D [0.5%] NU
idea f35 W [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || eidea A(B)C,D [8%] NU || --- ()
wsei f35 A,C,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj B,D [3%] NU
egenonto f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || egenhqhsan B,C,D [0.5%] NU
wsei f35 C [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || wj A,B,D,W [2%] NU
o kurioj f35 A,C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B [0.5%] NU
exelqousai f35 A,D,W [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || apelqousai B,C [2%] NU
wj de eporeuonto apaggeilai toij maqhtaij autou f35 A,C (88%--with minor variations) RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || ---
B,D,W (11.8%) NU || two other variants (0.2%) (Here is as crass a case of homoioteleuton as anyone could wishthe last
four words are identical!)
idou rell || 1 o D,W [10%] TR
aphnthsen f35 A,D,W [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || uphnthsen B,C [5%] NU
kai ekei f35 A,C,W [90%] RP,HF,CP || kakei B,D [10%] OC,TR,NU || ekei [0.5%]
auton f35 A,C,D,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR[NU] || --- B [0.5%]
shmeron f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 hmeraj B,D [0.5%] [NU]
autw f35 A,W [97%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- B,D [0.5%] NU || auton [2.5%]
epi f35 A,W [99.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || 1 thj B,D [0.5%] [NU]
19 Poreuqentej1 maqhteusate panta ta eqnh baptizontej autouj eij to onoma tou Patroj(
kai tou Ui`ou( kai tou `Agiou Pneumatoj\ 20 didaskontej autouj threin panta o`sa
eneteilamhn u`min\ kai idou( egw meqV u`mwn eimi pasaj taj h`meraj( e`wj thj sunteleiaj tou
aiwnojVV Amhn)2(3(4
poreuqentej f35 A [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP || 1 oun B,W [5%] TR,NU || nun D
amhn f35 [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,CP,TR || --- A,B,D,W [1.5%] NU
3 35 35
In the colophons, f [50%] have, published eight years after the ascension of Christ, to which all but f add, in Jerusalem. For
For 50% of the MSS to have this information probably means that the tradition is ancient; and of course, I have demonstrated, to
35 rd
my own satisfaction at least, that f goes back at least to the 3 century. If this information is correct, then Matthew was
published in 38/39 AD. The same sources have Mark published two years later (40/41) and Luke another five years later
(45/46), while John was published thirty-two years after the ascension, or 61/62 AD. Not only were the authors eyewitnesses of
the events, but many others were still alive when the Gospels appeared. They could attest to the veracity of the accounts, but
could also be the source of textual variants, adding tidbits here and there, or correcting something that they remembered
4 35
The citation of f is based on twenty MSS35, 204, 510, 586, 824, 928, 1072, 1145, 1339, 1435, 1503, 1551, 1667, 2253,
2352, 2382, 2466, 2503, 2554 and 2765all of which I collated myself. I also took account of three collated by Scrivener (201,
479, 480), but did not re-collate them. 2554 is a perfect representative of f in Matthew, as it stands, while the exemplar of
1072 presumably was as well. Others come very close. The uniformity is impressive. Since these MSS come from all over the
Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Bucharest, Constantinople, Aegean, Meteora, Tirana, Mt. Athos [four different
monasteries], Corinth , Bologna, Grottaferrata, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family
profileit is reflected in the Text without exception.
I have included six published editions in the apparatusRP,HF,OC,CP,TR,NU. RP = Robinson-Pierpont (2005), HF =
Hodges-Farstad, OC = the Greek Text of the Greek Orthodox Church (also used by other Orthodox Churches), CP =
26 3 27 4
Complutensian Polyglot, TR = Textus Receptus, NU = N-A / UBS (N-A /UBS offer changes in the critical apparatus, not in
26 3
the text; the text is still that of N-A / UBS ).
In the statements of evidence I have included the percentage of manuscript attestation for each variant within either ( ) or
[ ]. I have used ( ) for the evidence taken from TuT, which I take to be reasonably precise. For the variant sets that are not
covered there, I mainly depended on Legg (Novum Testamentum Graece Secundum Textum Westcotto-Hortianum. Evangelium
Secundum Matthaeum [Ed. S.C.E. Legg, Oxonii: E. Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1940]). I occasionally supplemented from
Swanson, Scrivener and von Sodenthe percentages offered, I have used [ ] for these, are extrapolations based on a
comparison of these sources.
I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants listed with 5 to 1%
support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed 2%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with 10 to 6% support
the margin of error should hardly exceed 4%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the margin of error
should rarely exceed 15%since my sources had collated a lower percentage of the extant MSS than ECM for the General
Epistles, for example, my guesses as to percentages are more tentative than they were there, except that I guarantee the
witness of f .
As an arbitrary decision, I have limited the citation of individual MSS to those dated to the 5 century or earlier. I use rell to
indicate that the reading is supported by all other witnesses, and printed editions (of the six included in the apparatus),
compared to the other reading. The Greek font used is Bwgrkl and may be downloaded free from