Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera
Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera
Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera Petrou Epistolh Deutera
2 Peter
skhnwmati( diegeirein u`maj en u`pomnhsei( 14 eidwj o`ti tacinh estin h` apoqesij tou
skhnwmatoj mou( kaqwj kai o` Kurioj h`mwn Ihsouj Cristoj edhlwsen moi) 15 Spoudasw de
kai e`kastote ecein u`maj( meta thn emhn exodon( thn toutwn mnhmhn poieisqai)
[The prophetic Word is trustworthy]
16 Ou gar sesofismenoij muqoij exakolouqhsantej egnwrisamen u`min thn tou Kuriou
h`mwn Ihsou Cristou dunamin kai parousian\ allV epoptai genhqentej thj ekeinou
megaleiothtoj 17labwn gar para Qeou Patroj timhn kai doxan fwnhj enecqeishj autw
toiasde u`po thj megaloprepouj doxhj( ~~Ou`toj estin o` Ui`oj mou( o` agaphtoj(1 eij o[n egw
eudokhsaVV218 kai tauthn thn fwnhn h`meij hkousamen ex ouranou enecqeisan sun autw
ontej en tw orei tw a`giw)3
19 Kai ecomen bebaioteron ton profhtikon logon( w- kalwj poieite prosecontej w`j
lucnw fainonti en aucmhrw topw( e`wj ou- h`mera diaugash kai fwsforoj anateilh en taij
kardiaij u`mwn\ 20 touto prwton ginwskontej( o`ti pasa profhteia Grafhj idiaj epilusewj
ou ginetai\ 21 ou gar qelhmati anqrwpou hnecqh pote profhteia(4 allV5 u`po Pneumatoj
~Agiou feromenoi elalhsan a`gioi Qeou6 anqrwpoi)
[Watch out for false teachers!]
[Their teachings are destructive]
2)1 Egenonto de kai yeudoprofhtai en tw law( w`j kai en u`min esontai yeudodidaskaloi(
oi`tinej pareisaxousin ai`reseij apwleiaj( kai ton agorasanta autouj Despothn arnoumenoi
$epagontej e`autoij tacinhn apwleian%) 2 Kai polloi exakolouqhsousin autwn taij
aselgeiaij(7 diV a]j8 h` o`doj thj alhqeiaj blasfhmhqhsetai) 3 Kai en pleonexia plastoij
logoij u`maj emporeusontai\ oi-j to krima ekpalai ouk argei( kai h` apwleia autwn ou
[Their doom is sure]
4 Ei gar o` Qeoj aggelwn a`marthsantwn ouk efeisato( alla seiraij zofou
tartarwsaj paredwken eij krisin throumenouj(10 5 kai arcaiou kosmou ouk efeisato allV11
ogdoon Nwe dikaiosunhj khruka efulaxen( kataklusmon kosmw asebwn epaxaj( 6 kai poleij
Sodomwn kai Gomorraj tefrwsaj katastrofh12 katekrinen $u`podeigma mellontwn asebein13
teqeikwj%( 7 kai dikaion Lwt( kataponoumenon u`po thj twn aqesmwn en aselgeia
anastrofhj( errusato 8 $blemmati gar kai akoh o` dikaioj( egkatoikwn en autoij( h`meran ex
h`meraj yuchn dikaian anomoij ergoij ebasanizen% 9oiden Kurioj eusebeij ek peirasmwn14
r`uesqai( adikouj de eij h`meran krisewj kolazomenouj threin( 10 malista de touj opisw
sarkoj en epiqumia15 miasmou poreuomenouj( kai kuriothtoj katafronountaj)
1 35 c 72
outoj estin o uioj mou o agaphtoj f A,C (98.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 3456712 P B (alone) NU || three other
readings C (0.8%)
eudokhsa rell || hudokhsa A [12%]
orei tw agiw f35 A (97.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 31 P72B,C (2.4%) NU
pote profhteia f35 A [84%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 21 B,C [15%] NU || h 21 P72 [1%] || two other readings
all f35 A,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR || alla P72B [10%] CP,NU
agioi qeou f35 (84.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP || oi 12 (4.2%) TR || 1 tou 2 A (2.6%) || apo 2 P72B (5.6%) NU || apo 21 C
(1.2%) || 1 (0.8%) || 12 profhtai (0.8%)
aselgeiaij rell || apwleiaij TR
aj f35 [20%] || ouj P72A,B,C [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (The people, or the licentious conduct? Is it not really the bad
conduct that sullies the reputation of the Way?)
nustaxei f35 [79%] RP,HF,OC,CP || nustazei P72A,B,C [21%] TR,NU
throumenouj f35 P72B,C [89%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || tethrhmenouj [2%] TR || kolazomenouj threin A [8%] || four
other readings [1%]
all f35 [82%] HF,TR || alla P72A,B,C [18%] RP,OC,CP,NU
katastrofh f35 A [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM || --- P72B,C [3%]
asebein f35 A,C [92%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,ECM || asebesin P72B [4%] [NU] || --- [3%] || three other readings [1%]
peirasmwn f35 [33%] CP || peirasmou (P72)A,B,C [67%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || one other reading (I take the plural to be
clearly superior in the context.)
epiqumia rell || epiqumiaij (P72)C [12%]
2 Peter
para kuriw f35 B,C [81%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,ECM || 1 kuriou P72 [8%] NU || --- A [11%]
gegenhmena fusika f35 [26%] CP || 21 [54%] RP,HF,OC,TR || gegennhmena 2 A,B,C [3%] NU || 2 gegennhmena
[12%] || 1 [4.2%] || 2 P [0.4%] || two other readings [0.4%] (The majority variant, by putting the adjective next to the noun,
seems to make a more natural construction, but I take it that fusika is acting like a noun in apposition to zwa, and to help us
see this Peter places it after the participle: render, as unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct made to be caught and
katafqarhsontai f35 [95%] RP,OC,TR,CP || kai fqarhsontai (P72)A,B,C [4%] NU || --- [1%] || kai 1 HF
komioumenoi f35 A,C (97.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || adikoumenoi P72B (2%) NU || one other variant (0.4%) (Is the
Alexandrian variant not inferior?)
akatapaustouj rell || akatapaustou [15%]
pleonexiaj f35 P72A,B,C [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || pleonexiaij [2%] TR || pleonexian [2%] || pleonexia [1%]
katalipontej f35 P72C [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,ECM || kataleipontej A,B [9%] CP,NU || two other readings
euqeian f35 P72A,B,C [98%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || thn 1 [2%] TR
anudroi f35 (87%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 kai P72A,B,C (13%) NU
nefelai f35 (87.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || omiclai P72A,B,C (11.4%) NU || conflation (1.2%)
eij aiwnaj f35 (25.1%) || 1 aiwna A,C (70.3%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 ton aiwna (2.4%) || --- P72B (2.2%) NU
aselgeiaj f35 [40%] || aselgeiaij P72A,B,C [60%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU
ontwj f35 C [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR || oligwj P72A,B [3%] NU || oligon [3%] CP || ontwj oligon [1%]
apofugontaj f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || apofeugontaj (P72)A,B,C [7%] NU
kai f35 A,C,048 [99.4%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72B [0.6%] NU
ei f35 P72A,B,C [94%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || oi [6%] CP
kai swthroj f35 B (75%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || hmwn 12 P72A,C,048 (14.6%) [NU]ECM || 12 hmwn (7.8%) || hmwn
(1.6%) || --- (1%)
kreitton rell || kreisson A [10%]
epistreyai ek f35 (83.7%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || eij ta opisw 12 (4.6%) || 1 eij ta opisw 2 (1.4%) || upostreyai 2
(P )B,C (4.8%) NU || upostreyai eij ta opisw 2 (1%) || 2 (0.4%) || eij ta opisw anakamyai apo A,048 (4.2%)
de f35 C [96%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72A,B,048v [3%] NU || gar [1%]
exerama rell || exerasma [13%] || emeton [7%]
kulisma f35 A [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || kulismon P72B,C [5%] NU
2 Peter
ei`likrinh f35 [20%] || eilikrinh rell
umwn f35 P72A,B,C [70%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || hmwn [28.8%] TR || --- [1.2%]
escatou f35 [87%] RP,HF,TR,CP || escatwn P72A,B,048v [13%] OC,NU || escatw C
hmerwn f35 [88%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 en empaigmonh A,B,048v [5.6%] NU || 1 empaigmwnh (P72)C [5%] || 1
empaigmwnhj [1.2%] || one other reading [0.2%]
epiqumiaj autwn f35 B,C(048) [79%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || 21 A [20%] TR || 1 P72 [1%] || one other reading
sunestwta f35 [23%] || sunestwsa P72A,C(048) [76%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || sunestwsai [1%] || sunestwshj B
(The nominative plural neuter perfect active participle works with hsan as a periphrastic construction whose subject includes
35 r
both heavens [m] and earth [f]. Peters syntax is almost as convoluted as Pauls, at times. f [K ] is early and independent of
K .)
wn f35 P72A,B,C,048 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || on [2%] ECM || o [1%]
tw autou f35 C [90%] RP,HF,OC,CP || 1 autw P72A,B [9%] NU || 2 TR || two other variants
touto rell || toutw P72 [22%]
hmera mia f35 P72A,B,C [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || 21 [2%] CP
o f35 [81%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72A,B,C,048 [19%] NU
eij hmaj f35 [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 umaj P72,B,C,048v [13%] NU || di umaj A [4%] || di 2 [2%] || ef umaj [1%]
(Some copyists assimilated to the 2 person in verse 8, but here in verse 9 Peter is making a general statement that is properly
h f35 A [82%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72B,C,048 [18%] NU
en nukti f35 C (88%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72A,B,048 (12%) NU
h f35 ,048 [67%] OC || 1 oi P72A,B,C [33%] RP,HF,TR,CP,NU (Just as in verse 5 heavens occurs without the article, so
ouranoi rell || 1 men [11%]
luqhsontai f35 A [94%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || luqhsetai P72B,C,048v [6%] NU
katakahsetai f35 A (90.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || katakahsontai (3.4%) || eureqhsetai B (3.2%) NU [eureqhsetai
loumena P72 (alone)] || afanisqhsontai C (alone) || --- [part of a larger omission] (2.8%) || ouc eureqhsetai [0%] ECM
(ECM follows essentially the Sahidic version.) (The reading of NU is inferior to the point of being almost nonsensical.)
oun f35 A,048 (87.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || outwj (P72)B (6.2%) NU || de outwj C (3%) || de (2%) || 1 outwj (1.2%)
umaj f35 A,C,048v [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM || hmaj [8.6%] || --- P72B [1%] || eautouj [0.4%]
hn rell || 1 oi [20%]
2 Peter
1 35 72
thketai f P A,B,048v [91%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || takhsetai C [7%] CP || takhsontai [1.4%] || two other readings
ghn kainhn rell || 21 A,048 [17%]
epaggelma autou rell || 21 CP
amwmhtoi rell || amwmoi A [13%]
autw doqeisan f35 [60%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 21 P72()A,B,C,048 [40%] NU
taij f35 (96.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,ECM || --- P72A,B,C (3.2%) NU (A not very difficult case of homoioteleuton, 3 x aij;
ECM is certainly correct in abandoning NU here.)
oij f35 C [83%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || aij P72A,B [17%] NU
eisin f35 A [33%] || estin P72B,C [67%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || one other reading
streblousin f35 A,B [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || streblwsousin P72Cv [5%] ECM
auxanhte f35 [27%] || auxanete A,B [60%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || auxanesqe P72C [5%] || auxanhsqe [3%] ||
auxanoite [5%] (Imperative or Subjunctive? I take it that Peter is offering a gentler alternative to falling from their
steadfastness; render rather, may you grow in grace . . .)
amhn f35 P72A,C (97.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] || --- B (2.6%) ECM
12 35
The citation of f is based on forty-two MSS18, 35, 141, 149, 201, 204, 328, 386, 394, 432, 604, 664, 757, 824, 928, 986,
1072, 1075, 1100, 1248, 1249, 1503, 1548, 1637, 1725, 1754, 1761, 1768, 1855, 1864, 1865, 1876, 1892, 1897, 2221, 2352,
2431, 2466, 2554, 2587, 2626 and 2723all of which I collated myself. 35, 1725, 1864, 2554 and 2723 are very pure
representatives of f in 2 Peter, with not a single variant, and so for the exemplars of 18, 141, 824, 1072, 1075, 1503, 1865 and
1897. For 35, 1725, 1864, 2554 and 2723 to have no variants after all the centuries of transmission is surely an eloquent
demonstration of the faithfulness and accuracy of that transmission. Since these MSS come from all over the Mediterranean
world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Constantinople, Bucharest, Aegean, Trikala, Athens, Meteora, Sparta, Ochrida, Mt. Athos
[nine different monasteries], Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family profileit is
reflected in the Text without exception.
I have included six published editions in the apparatusRP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU. RP = Robinson-Pierpont (2005), HF =
Hodges-Farstad, OC = the Greek Text of the Greek Orthodox Church (also used by other Orthodox Churches), TR = Textus
26 3 27 4
Receptus, CP = Complutensian Polyglot, NU = N-A /UBS (N-A /UBS offer changes in the critical apparatus, not in the text;
26 3
the text is still that of N-A /UBS ). ECM basically reproduces NU, but wherever it disagrees it is overtly cited in the apparatus.
Where all six printed editions are in agreement, I arbitrarily limit inclusion in the apparatus to variants with at least [10%]
ECM collated 127 continuous text manuscripts (MSS) for 2 Peter, apart from a few fragments, which number represents
about 20% of the extant (known) MSS. By a careful comparison of TuT and ECM I believe we can arrive at some reasonably
close extrapolations. Thus I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants
listed with 5 to 1% support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed 1%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with
10 to 6% support the margin of error will hardly exceed 2%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the
margin of error will rarely exceed 10%. However, I guarantee the witness of Family 35.
As an arbitrary decision, I have limited the citation of individual MSS to those dated to the 5 century or earlier. I use rell to
indicate that the reading is supported by all other witnesses, and printed editions (of the six included in the apparatus),
compared to the other reading. The Greek font used is Bwgrkl and may be downloaded free from