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The Man Who Discovered {Mmtskies

A Short History of Boobery
Copyright Q1988 by John A. Keel
Foot-in-Mouth Disease
All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Living Legends and Dying Worlds
Copyright Conventions. For information, write to AMOK Press, Astmpaphobia
P.O. Box51, Cooper Station, New York, NY, 10276.
Mysterious Crime Waves
Some chapters of Disneyland of the Gods first appeared in Saga Sndlyga~tersand Sea Serpents
magazine in a somewhat different form. Skyquakes and HITIs
An Idaho Triangle?
Where Did the Earth Come from?
Disneyland of the Gods
The Missing Years
The Moonstone Mystery
Clones, Hybrids and Sleepers
Other Realities
On Top of Mount Olympus
New Age of the Gods
The Last Laugh
The Man Who

t precisely 9:18 a.m. on the morning of February
lSth, a large kitchen sink of gleaming porcelain
and shining chrome came crashing out of a cloud-
less sky into the backyard of one Waldo Yentz,
destroying his favorite rosebush. In a fit of high
pique, Mr. Yentz called the police, the newspapers, the F.A.A.,
the U.S.Air Force, and his elderly aunt in Toledo. Great
crowds soon gathered in the Yentz backyard to gaze upon the
errant plumbing.
A learned professor from a nearby college hastily organized
a press conference and announced that the sink had obviously
fallen from a high flying jet plane. He did not visit the Yentz
yard, however, pointing out that when you've seen one sink
you've seen them all.
The air force, on the other hand, told reporters the object
must have dropped off a truck passing by on the main high-
way which was a mere mile and a half from the Yentz home-
stead. Mr. Yentz's aunt took the event as an indication that
God was mad a t somebody. His wife, Shirley, told the curious
that she never did like the neighborhood and wasn't a t all
surprised when the sink made its sudden appearance. Any-
thing could happen in such a rotten neighborhood.
Unbeknownst to the befuddled Yentzes, kitchen sinks were tered egos and misplaced sentiments. The Forteans not only
bombarding a Moscow suburb that week and Pravda de- expect to be ignored, they demand it!
nounced them a s part of a new imperialist plot. In London's
Hyde Park, a pigeon fancier was brained by a piece of aerial Procession 01 the Damned
plumbing on the same day that the Yentz rosebush was Despite all the nonsense, when we have finally scrambled
flattened. On the other side of the world, in New Guinea, the or crawled our way through the unfortunate twentieth cen-
natives were made restless by a massive urinal that tumbled tury we may look back and realize with a terrible shock that
down from the heavens. They immediately built a shrine Charles Hoy Fort towers above Winston Churchill, Albert
around it and began worshipping it. Einstein, Ibm Edison, and all the other alleged giants of these
News of the crashing sinks traveled slowly, for the major hundred years that ate saints and farted Hitlers. Fort
news media were preoccupied, as always, with the ambiguous squeezed the udders of the sacred cow of science, and he made
statements of politicians, rumors of war, and coverups within us recognize that we were living in an age of m i r a c l e s ~ a nage
coverups. But slowly reports of plummeting plumbing were when kitchen sinks could fall from the skies while little green
collected by the some 1,500 people scattered around the world men from somewhere else cavorted in our city parks. He
who make it their business to keep track of such things. In opened our eyes to things that had been there all along. He
time, they would issue a massive final report on the matter, cataloged OOPTHS (Out Of Place THingS) and FAFROT-
accusing the governments of the world of withholding the SKIES (things that FA11 FROm The SKIES).
facts about falling sinks from the public and demanding that
the United Nations organize a team of scientists to look into It was Charles Fort's misfortune to live in an age when
writers were cheated and conned, ignored and abused, and
the matter.
expected to starve. A period not unlike the 1980s! At the age
They would be ignored, of course. of eighteen he became the editor of The Independent, a
They're used to being ignored. It's proof that a massive con- newspaper published in Queens, N.Y., which died after a few
spiracy exists to suppress the truth. issues. In 1893, a t the age of nineteen, he set out to hitchhike
These people call themselves Forteans. They hate each around the world. Already he was an imposing young man,
other with a fierce passion, and are completely suspicious of nearly six feet tall, somewhat overweight (he was "portly" all
everyone else. When the first Fortean Society-was founded in his life), with a fashionable mustache and a pair of thick-len-
1932, the man after whom i t was named, Charles Fort, flatly sed glasses perched on his nose. His grandfather, John Hoy,
refused to join, grumbling that he would sooner join the Elks. financed his adventures by supplying him with the lordly sum
The Society's journal, Doubt, was published a t random inter- of twenty-five dollars per month-more than enough to sur-
vals, usually one issue every two or three years, and its vive in those days.
editorial position was that it was against everything and In the grand tradition of all young adventurers he slept un-
everybody. Those matters which were not direct governmental der the stars beside the railroad tracks, went hungry, and
conspiracies were obviously plots contrived by the military dreamed of the glorious days ahead when his travels would
and scientific establishments. Latter-day Forteans envision a inspire immortal short stories and novels. Instead, he con-
massive Military-Religious-Industrial complex which runs the ...
tracted a fever in South Africa a mysterious malady, proha-
world a n d is deliberately leading us all to ruination and dam- bly malaria, that would hound him for the rest of his days. He
nation. Since each Fortean has a theory to explain the bizarre returned a shuddering wreck to New York City where an
things he is investigating, and since each theory contradicts English girl, Anna Filing, nursed him back to health. They
all other theories, the world of Forteana is a bedlam of bat- were married on October 26,1896. They did not live happily

ever after. Obsessed with the business of writing, Charles magazines of the nineteenth century were crammed with such
Fort was doomed to spend many years on the periphery of items ... strange objects seen in the sky, weird creatures and
society, barely able to make the rent for a succession of dingy, machines rising out of the world's oceans, peculiar foreign ob-
furnished rooms. He held a number of temporary jobs, a s a jects falling from the sky~everythingranging from great
hotel clerk, watchman, dishwasher. Sometimes during the quantities of raw meat and blood to handcarved stone pillars.
cold winters they burned the furniture to keep warm. By the People and things were often disappearing suddenly, only to
time he was thirty he had written ten novels. Only one, The reappear halfway around the world. Human footprints and
Outcast Manufacturers, was ever published. It laid a large man-made objects were repeatedly taming up in coal mines
egg. and geological strata dating back millions of years.
However, Fort's sense of humor enabled him to write sale- Fort recorded these reports on scraps of brown paper; writ-
able short stories. Theodore Dreiser, a young editor a t Smith's ing his notes in his own special code. Day by day, month by
Magazine in 1905,later recalled: "Fort came to me with the month, year by year, the notes accumulated until he had
best humorous short stories that I have ever seen produced in thousands of them. In 1915,a t the age of forty-one, he started
America. I purchased some of them ... And other editors did to organize these notes into a book he planned to call X and Y.
the same. And among ourselves-Richard Duffy of TDTH Wat- He never finished it, discarding it for another idea-a book
son's, Charles Agnew MacLean of The Popular Magazim, and that eventually appeared as The Book of the Damned. In May
others, we loved to talk of Fort and his future-a new and 1916, his uncle, Frank Fort, died leaving him a small in-
rare literary star." heritance, sufficient to support him and Anna for the rest of
Despite the growing demand for his stories, F o r t found it their lives. The long struggle was over. The Forts moved to a
difficult to keep bread on the table. "Have not been paid for small apartment in the Bronx.
one story since May," he wrote in his diary in December 1907. When The Book of the Damned was completed, wary editors
"Have two dollars left. Watson's has cheated me out of $155. read the opening lines and held their noses:
Dreiser has sent back two stories he told me he would buy, A procession of the damned.
one even advertised to appear in his next number ... Every- By the damned, I mean the excluded.
thing is pawned ...I am unable to write. I can do nothing else
for a living. My mind is filled with pictures of myself cutting We shall have a procession of data that Science has ex-
my throat or leaping out the window, head first." cluded.
In his early diaries, notes, and letters (now preserved a t the Battalions of the accursed, captained by pallid data that
New York Public Library) Fort complained of frequent spells I have exhumed, will march. You'll read them-or they'll
of depression and dark suicidal moods. These would be fol- march. Some of them livid and some of them fiery and
lowed by frenzied fits of writing when he would churn out some of them rotten.
novels and short stories by the pound. He had a manic- By this time, Theodore Dreiser had become one ofAmerica's
depressive type personality and it'spossible that his malaria- most famous and most influential novelists. He was also
like malady was a mysterious physical ailment typical of Fort's leading advocate. He took the manuscript of The Book
those which plague such personalities. of the Damned to his own publisher, Horace Liveright, and
Around t h e age of thirty-two, he began to spend more time dumped it on his desk. Liveright reluctantly read it and then
in the New Yorl Public Library. While browsing through some complained, "I can't publish this. It'll lose money." Dreiser told
old scientific journals he came across some odd, unexplained him flatly, "If you don't publish it, you'll lose me."
items and h e discovered that the journals, newspapers, and
New Lands someone's living room our learned "authorities" announce
that i t fell from a passing airplane. They even have the
The literary world greeted The Book of the Damned with audacity to claim that it is refuse from the plane's bathroom.
awed enthusiasm. Newspaper and journal reviewers heaped Of course, any pilot will tell you there is no way for the
praise upon the strange opus. Men like Booth Tarkington, bathrooms to discharge water while in flight but our ex-
John Cowper Powys, Ben Hecht, and Tiffany Thayer, all big plainers never bother to check such details. Fort chuckled a
names in their time, applauded. "I am the first disciple of bit about these ice falls and suggested there might be great
Charles Fort," Ben Hecht wrote in the Chicago Daily News. aerial ice fields up there. A silly notion, yet a few years ago
"He has made a terrible onslaught upon the accumulated NASA suggested the same thing. Somewhere hundreds of
lunacy of fifty centuries ... Whatever the purpose of Charles miles overhead there might be New Lands of ice.
Fort, he has delighted me beyond all men who have written Critics of Fort, most of whom are members of the scientific
hooks in this world." establishment who have never even read his books, complain
Fort's reaction to the publication of his first book since his that his main sources were newspapers. This is not so. He
ill-fated novel a decade earlier was to sink into a deep depres- carefully cited all his sources in his books and they are mostly
sion. He gathered up his notes-an estimated 40,000 of scientific journals, particularly journals of astronomy. Fort
them-and burned them all. Then he and Anna packed their took great pleasure in pointing out the stupidity of astrono-
bags and sailed for England. Fort believed that his book was a mers, usually damning them with their own words. "I don't
flop (sales were very sluggish) and that he had wasted his life. know what the mind of an astronomer looks like, but I think
He was forty-six years old. of a fizzle with excuses revolving around it,"he wrote in New
The Forts lived in London for eight years. We don't know Lands.
how Anna spent her days while her husband went off to the Each new generation of astronomers discards all the theor-
British Museum to pore over old hooks and crumbling ies of the previous generation and creates some whoppers of
magazines. In the evenings he often joined the loafers a t the its own. Our space probes have disproved many of the most
Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park to amuse himself in debates. cherished myths of modern astronomy. Too bad Fort wasn't
He wrote his second book, New Lands, in London. It dealt around to view the intellectual acrobatics of the 1960s. As-
chiefly with "sky quakes," the thunderous explosions that tronomers were proven wrong about many of the basics of our
have emanated from the sky for hundreds of years, and in solar system, e.g., the temperature of Venus, the age of the
many parts of the world. In recent years, these sky quakes moon, the rotation of Mercury, the topography of Mars. Until
have occurred every January-February i n the northeastern 1960, all leading astronomers flatly denied the possibility of
United States. The "authorities" have repeatedly assured re- extraterrestrial life. Then NASA began flashing big bucks-
porters t h a t they are caused by jet planes, especially the Con- tax dollars-for investigation into life on other worlds. As-
corde supersonic job. They neglect to mention the long history tronomers jumped on the band wagon. Suddenly we were
of the phenomenon. Sky quakes were with us long before jets, being told that there must be billions of inhabited planets out
or even airplanes, hadbeen invented. there. Some scientists created "exo-biology," the study of ex-
Fort envisioned, tongue-in-cheek, a land in the sky that traterrestrial life. Since we have no samples of such life, and
sewed as homebase for all the debris that keeps falling on us. since all of our efforts with radio telescopes, etc., have failed
Huge blocks of ice, for example, have been crashing through to find evidence of even a single planet outside our solar sys-
rooftops for hundreds af years, occasionally killing people and tem, i t is mighty difficult to investigate such life. We poured
livestock. Tolay when a fifty-pound hunk of ice hurtles into many millions of dollars down that exo-biology rat-hole. Now
that the gravy train has ended, the astronomers are quietly behind the academic method for a lifetime.
retreating to their pre-1960 position. "I shall be scientific about it." Fort noted. "Said Sir Isaac
The biggest astronomical scam of the 1970s was the Black Newton-or virtually said he-'If there is no change in the
Hole. I t began as a minor element in a science fiction story direction of a moving body, the direction of a moving body is
published about thirty years ago. Basically, it is the notion not changed. But,' continued he, 'If something be changed, i t
that a dying star shrinks to a very heavy masss heavy that is changed as much as it is changed.' How do geologists
light can't escape from it. Therefore, it is invisible and we determine the age of rocks? By the fossils in them. And how
have no way of detecting its presence. Science writer Fred do they determine the age of the fossils? By the rocks they're
Warshofsky put i t this way: "The physicist outside the black in. Having started with the logic of Euclid, I go on with the
hole cannot get any information from inside i t and has no way wisdom of a Newton."
to understand the laws which govern it. Without that under- "Consider anything of a sociologic nature that ever has
standing he need not seek the laws since they are impossible grown,"he wrote, "that there never has been an art, science,
to understand." religion, invention that was not a t first out of accord with es-
The Black Hole is a foolproof theory because there is no way tablished environment, visionary, preposterous in the light of
of testing it, of proving or disproving it. Perfect fodder for the later standards, useless in its incipiency, and resisted by es-
Walt Disney studios. tablished forces so that, seemingly animating it and protec-
tively underlying it, there may have been something that in
Cranks and Crackpots spite of its unfitness made it survive for future usefulness.
Fort was not against the astronomers. He was amused by Also there are data for the acceptance that all things, in wider
them. But the other sciences are just as amusing. Ar- being, are held back as well as protected and prepared for,
chaeologist~have been busy burying more things than they and not permitted to develop before comes scheduled time ....
dig up ignoring everything that doesn't fit into their theor- One of the greatest secrets that has eventually been found out
ies. For example, they tell us that North America was unin- was for ages blabbed by all the pots and kettles of the world-
habited by anyone except Indians before the Europeans ar- but the secret of the steam engine could not, to the lowliest of
rived. They overlook all the stone towers and structures found intellects, or to supposititiously highest of intellects, more
all over this continent (including miles of paved roads) when than adumbratively reveal itself until came the time for its
the Pilgrims arrived. Fort cataloged all kinds of metal objects coordination with the other phenomena and the requirements
from swords and axes to coins that have been found and dated of the Industrial Age."
as pre-Columbian. Somebody was mining ore and coal in this Thus, in his way. Fort redefined what theologians call
country, and pumping oil in Pennsylvania before Columbus predestination. He knew that the present does not control the
set sail. Rather than tussle with the problem of identifying future but rather that the future somehow controls the past.
those mysterious North Americans, the archaeologists have If Adolf Hitler had been born in, say, Bolivia, twenty million
chosen to ignore these artifacts. corpses would still be alive. But the future needed Hitler be-
Intellectual cowardice is only one of the problems of the cause i t needed the atomic bomb and the accompanying
academic community. Fort rubbed their noses in the swill hardware capable of destroying the planet. We would not
generated by their gibberish and illiteracy. It was no secret have developed the Doomsday machine if we hadn't launched
then o r now t h a t academic publications are designed to a crash program as part of our effort to crush Hitler. We not
protect theinept and to conceal ignorance. People with noth- only failed to save twenty million victims, we built the gal-
ing to say, who even lack the ability to say nothing, can hide lows for the entire human race. Unable to read the future, we
are all Napoleons marching confidently to Waterloo. fiction writer Damon Knight extracted some 1,200 events
Fort and his wife returned to New York in 1929,just in time from Fort's books and fed them into a computer a t the Bell
to witness the Wall Street crash. Luckily, Fort had safely in- Laboratories in New Jersey. Some very interesting patterns
vested his meager inheritance and managed to stay afloat. were revealed.
They moved back to the Bronx and he worked on his next
"One salient fact about UFOs is missing from all modern
book, titled LO!. Another assault on astronomers, i t lists
accounts I have seen," Knight commented. "Fort's data show
many strange reports of unidentified aerial objects. Sitting in
that they are not isolated phenomena. Unknown flying ob-
his study, Fort pecked out two simple sentences which would
jects, unknown bodies seen in space, appearances and disap-
identify the flying saucer mystery, define it, and touch upon
pearances, poltergeist activity, falls of strange substances and
the only possible explanations.
organisms from the sky-all these things show strong positive
''Unknown, luminous things, or beings," he observed, "have correlations with each other. Taken together, they show
often been seen, sometimes close to this earth and sometimes evidence of rhythmic fluctuation."
high in the sky. I t may be that some of them were living
things that occasionally come from somewhere else in our ex- Strange Coincidences
istence, but that others were lights on the vessels of explorers,
or voyagers, from somewhere else." Incredible though i t may seem, sightings of sea serpents
tend to occur simultaneously with sightings of unidentified
For the first thirty-three years of the modern UFO epoch flying objects, showers of frogs and worms and kitchen sinks
(1947-1970) the notion that those mysterious lights and ob- (actually no kitchen sinks have ever been reported ...the anee-
jects belonged to "the vessels of explorers, or voyagers, from dote a t the beginning of this chapter was just a sly example),
somewhere else" was the most popular theory. A handful of and mysterious disappearances. As for the latter, they are
cranks and wishful thinkers spread propaganda that ex- most often grouped in the month of July-which is also a big
traterrestrial visitants were flocking to this mudball. But the UFO month. A man goes out to mow his lawn and is never
great UFO wave of 1964-68 attracted a new generation of in- seen again. Some 3,000 people disappear annually in the US.,
vestigators and scientists. They soon realized that the ex- that is, 3,000 people vanish with no apparent motivation, no
traterrestrial hypothesis was untenable for many reasons. So hint of what happened to them or how. Naturally, many
they fell back on the explanation that the objects came "from hundreds of thousands of others disappear-fleeing the law,
somewhere else in our existence." That "somewhere else" relatives, or creditors.
could be as elusive as the fabled fourth dimension, or the
"other planes" of psychic lore. Fort himself had realized early When a UFO wave develops (usually about once ever five
in the game that the events he was studying were not un- years), we can be sure that sightings at Loch Ness will in-
usual. They happened year after year, century after century. crease sharply, that showers of stones (always warm to the
More importantly, they tended to occur in the same geograph- touch) will start pelting isolated homes in suburbia, and that
ical locations. This strongly indicates that these events-be people will start to disappear everywhere. These manifes-
they fish falling from the sky or strange aircraft adorned with tations are accompanied by magnetic storms and sharp,
dramatic deviations in the earth's magnetism in certain
flashing lights-are inexorably linked with the earth. They
locales, particularly in areas such as the famous Bermuda
are as much a part of our environment as clouds and
Triangle. In the 1950s, a Canadian named Wilbur Smith
bumblebees, devised a special instrument to detect and measure the eol-
Another important factor is that all of the events described lapse of molecular structures during magnetic storms. All
by Fort a r e interrelated in some mysterious fashion. Science kinds of objects literally fall apart when magnetic conditions

are just right. Volunteer airline pilots carried Smith's in-

struments around the world and he was able to make crude
charts of the phenomena. Unfortunately, no one continued his
experiments after his death.
Charles Fort perceived a truth that had been ignored by
scientists and historians. Our world has two sets of natural
laws. One set tells us stupidly simple things about gravity
and nature. The other tells us that space and time are con-
stantly distorted in our reality, and that we are all subject to
the still undefined laws of that second set. We never know
when we might step through that magic door that will sud-
denly transport us 10,000 miles away. We never know when
A Short History of
we might encounter a beast or a being from "somewhere else
in our existence." Fish may rain on us, or red snow, or clouds

of insects that no scientist can identify. Flying saucers will gentleman named Lester J. Hendershot surfaced
continue to buzz our farms and swamps, just as they have for in 1928, offering the world a wonderful "miracle
thousands of years. Science attempts to work with the first motor" he had perfected. It derived its energy
set of laws and they come up with Black Holes. Magicians, oc- from "the earth's magnetic field," he claimed. He
cultists and psychics strive to manipulate the second group of ppily demonstrated it for many. A Major
laws. In the closing years of this century, science and magic Thomas Lanphier of the US. Army became one of his biggest
are merging. When Fort studied the bizarre events of the boosters and even stated that he had helped assemble one of
super-spectrum (a spectrum of energy beyond the known and the motors and there was nothing fraudulent about it. It
the visible) he was obliged to ask, "If there is a Universal weighed less than ten pounds and seemed to generate an in-
Mind, must it be sane?" credible amount of power. It ran sewing machines, lit electric
lights, and powered meat grinders, all without being hooked
up to any outside wiring or fuel tanks.
Inventors have been trying to peddle wonderous perpetual
motion machines and magical motors since the beginning of
time. There is, however, a fascinating sidebar to the Hender-
shot story. He managed to develop an archenemy. A sinister
Dr. Frederick Hochstetter, also of Pittsburgh, followed Hen-
dershot around, holding press conferences attacking him and
his motor. According to Hochstetter, the Hendershot motor
ran on flashlight batteries and would destroy faith in science
for 1,000 years. His only motive for exposing this shameless
hoax, he explained, was to assure that "pure science might
shine forth untarnished."
Charles Fort followed the careers of that duo with great in-
terest. The newspapers chronicled the appearances of Hen-

dershot and quoted Dr. Hochstetter's angry assaults a t great Millions of people discovered they could bend spoons just as
length. Then, while visiting a patent attorney in Washington, easily, that when they concentrated on the metal it would be-
D.C., Hendershot was showing off his little motor when he come as soft a s putty and could even be tied in knots. Spoon
suddenly received a shock from "a bolt estimated a t 2,000 bending parties became the rage. A C.1.A.-sponsored study a t
volts" which paralyzed him and sent him off to a n emergency a major university began examining spoon benders and con-
hospital. ducting complex tests with the bent metal. Dr. Puharich even
That was the last anyone heard of Lester Hendershot. And established a home for gifted children who were able to per-
i t also seems to have ended Dr. Hochstetter's career as a form the feat. Did all this give Randi pause? Certainly not.
defender of the scientific faith. But there were many, many To his credit, Geller has simply ignored the little man who
scholarly gentlemen who would follow in his footsteps across affects a flowing cape and a graying beard. He toured the
the decades. Whenever a new Hendershot appears on the world (he was especially popular in Japan), getting richer and
scene, a dozen Hochstetters eager to share his limelight rise richer, while Randi pursued him impotently, getting angrier
to protect the gullible public. and angrier. Randi eventually wrote a book, The Magic of Uri
%u may recall the sudden appearance of Uri Geller in the Getter, an expose based in large part on the testimony of Gel-
1970s. Geller had a magic show in Israel. He was a per- ler's former chaffeur.
sonable young man, handsome and charismatic. One day he In 1987, Geller was invited to Washington to confer with
discovered that he had what Fort would have called a "Wild the President and members of the Cabinet on ways to bring
Talent." Spoons and keys and heavy metal bars seemed to about world peace. The Secret Service noted that there was
bend mysteriously in his presence. Geller, discovered by Dr. an odd person in a cape lurking outside the White House
Andrija Puharich, a world-renowned parapsychologist, was gates.
soon appearing on TV screens around the world. People sit- The Hochstetter Syndrome
ting in his audiences would discover that the keys in their
pockets and purses had bent by themselves! Geller became When the first "flying saucer" craze erupted in June 1947,
very famous. scores of enthusiastic advocates emerged. Some of them had
Early on, Geller's personal Hochstetter began to dog his been collecting reports of odd aerial things for years and they
steps. His name was James Randi. A diminutive fellow had ready-made conclusions. The leader of the pack was
magician with a motorized mouth, Randi decided to crusade Raymond Palmer, editor of Amazing Stories and founder of
against the new science-busting art of metal bending. He fol- Fate magazine. There was Dr. Meade Layne and his spiritual-
lowed Geller around the country, denouncing him as a fraud ists who had been talking to the saucer people for years. Tif-
and spoon bending as a mere stunt. When Geller appeared on fany Thayer and his hardy band of Fortreans saw great
the stage of the Johnny Carson Show, Randi lurked in the governmental conspiracies behind the phenomena.
shadows backstage, trying to catch him in some act of trick- However, the skeptics far outnumbered the believers in
ery. Like the other Hochstetters of this world, Randi became those days. Most newspapers treated the incoming UFO
entwined in a foggy belief system of h i s own. By his reason- reports with levity. Comedians, columnists, and radio com-
ing, everything that seems impossible must be the product of mentators created a whole new category of saucer humor.
deception, lying, and pure skullduggery. Spoons do not bend Anyone with any scientific credentials sneered and guffawed.
by themselves, so therefore Uri Geller must be bending them Flying saucers were impossible, they snorted in unison. Such
somehow. things could not be. It was all just a silly fad.
The t r u t h is that this odd talent is not confined to Geller. But the damnable things did not go away. Since they were
buzzing around our military and atomic installations and or drunks. That took care of that.
landing on highways and in farm fields with impunity the In 1966, Dr. Menzel appeared on a TV show with author
United States Air Force was terribly embarrassed. If UFOs John Fuller. Fuller had just spent weeks in Exeter, New
were real they were making fools of our military, proving that Hampshire, living among people who were literally under
our expensive air force was incapable of defending the skies siege from a massive UFO wave taking place a t that time. Dr.
over the United States. The government's solution to this Menzel quickly denounced all the key witnesses as drunks,
dilemma was simply to deny the existence of the objects. To even though he hadn't been near Exeter. Fuller put up a
this end they set up a phony public relations office known as brisk, logical, well-documented defense and millions watched
Project Blue Book and they enlisted the aid of a prominent as Dr. Menzel fell apart on national TV. I t was like watching
Harvard astronomer, Donald Menzel. Dr. Menzel had been in- Humphrey Bogart play Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny,
volved in various classified government projects and wrote clicking a pair of ball bearings and ranting about the missing
science fiction as a hobby. It is possible that the government strawberries. Menzel seemed to fade away after the show and
paid him to become an anti-UFO spokesman, but perhaps he died not long afterwards.
was just another victim of the Hochstetter syndrome and be- The most hated man in the history of ufology was Dr. J. Al-
came anti-UFO because of some deep psychological need. The len Hynek, minion of the air force. Every time he made a
same kind of need that drove Randi to hound Uri Geller. public statement, the entire ufological community went into a
Dr. Menzel became ufology's earliest critic. He wrote state of apoplexy. In a silly and extremely costly air force
reasonably well and his byline appeared in many popular boondoggle, Project Grudge, published i n 1949, he contributed
magazines. He had a simple, scientific explanation for all a list of over two hundred reported UFO sightings that he
UFO sightings. They were caused by air inversions. This is a claimed were merely stars, assuming that people were stupid
meteorological condition created when pockets of cold air get enough to report stars to the U. S. Air Force. He was teaching
trapped in warm air. The difference in density causes lights at a small college near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
from the ground to reflect or refract. Dr. Menzel wrote count- home of Project Blue Book; what's more, he could be had for a
less magazine articles and several books on this theme small amount of money. The air force needed all the help it
though he didn't investigate any UFO sightings. If he inves- could get to keep an irate UFO-watching public off its back.
tigated any sightings he might have discovered that the air They were looking for someone with academic credentials who
inversion theory wasn't workable. That, of course, would would lend authority to their wild anti-UFO statements.
jeopardize his entire belief system. Somebody who would just take the money and run.
Dr. Menzel spent twenty years attacking UFOs and ufology
and antagonizing the hell out of the thin red line of UFO buffs Swamp Gas
who took his insults personally. They dreamed of making For eighteen years, the US. Air Force paid Dr. Hynek an
UFOs "respectable" so t h a t they would become respectable by average of $5,000 per year as a "consultant" but, by his own
association. But each tirade from Menzel branded them admission, he was never consulted about anything. When offi-
crackpot psychotics and they would drool and fume and fill cial committees were formed to review the UFO "problem,"
their mimeographed journals with anti-Menzel editorials. the air force called in Dr. Menzel and a young upstart named
Refracted light from air inversions explained the funny Carl Sagan. Hynek's role, according to the director of Project
glows in t h e sky but how did Menzel explain all the car Blue Book, Major Hector Quintanilla, was simple. Twice a
chases, abductions, landings, and weird manifestations? His year Project Blue Book sent him a manila envelope filled with
scientific answer was t h a t all the witnesses were liars, fools, sighting reports. His job was to check through the star charts
and astronomical catalogs and come up with celestial ex- Two years later, in March 1966, an incredible nationwide
planations. Quintanilla complained that he often botched the UFO wave began. Early sightings in Michigan around a girl's
task by claiming that stars that were not even visible on the school received so much publicity that Major Quintanilla
night in question were mistaken for UFOs. Whenever Hynek's visited the area personally, dragging Dr. Hynek along with
friends and colleagues chided him about hi# UFO connection, him. (The Pentagon issued a statement a t the time asserting
he always explained that he only stuck with it so he could put that "more than one hundred investigators from Project Blue
his child through college. But for fourteen years he Book have been dispatched.") The Major committed a gross
maintained a very sincere anti-UFO stand. He was frequently tactical error when, in front of a group of civilians, he ordered
interviewed by the press and he always gave seemingly Hynek to identify the UFOs as marsh gas. Hynek was repor-
plausible reasons for regarding the whole subject as hogwash. tedly flabbergasted and complained that marsh gas was a
During those fourteen years be never investigated a single rare summer phenomenon and certainly would never appear
UFO report personally. When a spectacular UFO event occur- in Michigan in March under any circumstances. Quintanilla
red and received heavy press coverage, the air force called was adamant. He reminded Hynek that he was on the air
upon Hynek to explain it away as a weather balloon, flight of force payroll and had better take orders.
birds, meteor, or mass hallucination. Sometimes the air force Most men would have responded, "You can take this job and
didn't even bother to consult him. They just issued a silly shove it!" But Hynek meekly went back to his motel room and
statement in his name. prepared a cautious statement saying that the sightings
If Dr. Menzel raised the bile of the UFO buffs and their or- might have been caused by swamp gas. He read the statement
ganizations, Dr. Hynek drove them into an absolute frenzy. later a t a press conference in Detroit and the reporters guf-
They threw darts at his picture and frothed a t the mouth fawed. Swamp gas! The entire country was seeing uniden-
everytime he gave the Christian Science Monitor an inter- tified flying objects that month. They seemed to be every-
view. They assumed he was a big shot government scientist, where. Swamp gas, indeed!
probably in the employ of the C.I.A. To have such a for- J. Allen Hynek became the laughing stock of America.
midable enemy gave them imaginary status. In reality, he Newspaper editorials and cartoons razzed him. Comedians
was just a humble college teacher, mediocre in his chosen across the country made jokes about the nutty professor and
field. his swamp gas. The air force didn't take the rap. Hynek did.
On April 24,1964, a police officer saw an egg-shaped object He was slandered, denounced, and derided all across the
land outside Sccorro, New Mexico, and two small, white-clad county. He was called "Professor Swamp Gas." Swamp gas be-
figures walked around it before it took off again. The officer, came a kind of national battle cry. And the derision continued
Lonnie Zamora, was badly shaken and the case received ex- for months.
tensive newspaper coverage. This was the first case that Anybody else subjected to this kind of public ridicule would
Hynek actually went to investigate. He was convinced there have quietly gone on permanent vacation to Alaska. Dr.
was a natural explanation. In his published confessions, The Hynek seemed almost to enjoy the ridicule and notoriety. He
UFO Experience, Hynek told how he tried to get the air force capitalized on it by writing articles for Playboy, Saturday
to conduct a broader investigation but they just weren't inter- Evening Post, and Popular Photography. Even more astound-
ested. For Dr. Hynek, the Socorro incident was a major turn- ing, the hardcore UFO buffs who had bated him for years now
ing point. H e began to realize, after fourteen years of total embraced him as one of their own. Overnight Dr. Hynek be-
disbelief, t h a t perhaps there really were some funny uniden- came a hero to that sad group who desperately needed a hero.
tified things "buzzingabout our skies. He published a letter in Science magazine declaring, "Where
there's smoke there must be fire." He appeared on so many Zamora's sighting. Zamora left the police force to enjoy the
television shows that he was forced to join AFTRA, the TV
fruits of his involvement in the scheme ... by getting a job in a
union, and was paid scale for each appearance. local gas station pumpinggas.
For the next twenty years, Hynek traveled all over the A meteorologist named James McDonald plunged into the
world, always a t somebody else's expense, giving empty UFO fray in the 1960s and when Klass was not perusing
speeches in which he carefully admitted that he didn't know Hynek statements, he was scmtinizing Dr. McDonald's
anything about UFOs and was just as confused as everyone learned papers under a magnifying glass. McDonald was an
else. At each public appearance he would make a plaintive expert on lenticular clouds (natural formations that resem-
plea for funds to launch an expensive computer study of the bled saucers) and was asked to testify a t hearings in
subject. The money never did materialize. He wrote books Washington where controversial plans for a supersonic pas-
based on other people's books and extracts from air force files. senger plane were being discussed. Dr. McDonald felt that the
The title of Steven Spielberg's movie, Close Encounters of the SST (supersonic transport) would be detrimental to the en-
Third Kind, was taken from a chapter title from Hynek's vironment. Someone fed the congressional committee info on
book, The UFO Experience. McDonald's UFO interests and he was subjected to cruel at-
Like Lester Hendershot and Uril Geller, Dr. Hynek also had tacks by the senators representing the aircraft, interests and
his Hochstetter. The editor of an aerospace trade journal by the press.
seemed to spend all his spare time poring over Hynek's Thrown into a deep depression by the assault on his reputa-
statements and public pronouncements. Dr. Hynek did have tion, and fearing that his career was mined, Dr. McDonald
a n unfortunate habit of making undocumented claims or get- shot himself in the head. His aim was bad and he succeeded
ting all his facts scrambled. He seemed to be ignorant of a only in blinding himself. As soon as he was released from the
wide range of subjects, particularly astronomy (!I and psychic hospital he somehow acquired another gun. This time his aim
phenomena. The editor, a leather-lunged fellow named Philip improved.
Klass, gleefully pounced on each of Hynek's errors and issued
long, well-written attacks. Klass first surfaced in March 1966 MagnificentObsessions
a t a UFO press conference staged by Donald Keyhoe, a pulp
What strange quirks produce the Hochstetters of this
writer. He heckled Keyhoe unmercifully and thus became the
chief heckler of the rather trivial UFO field. In 1987, be was
still attending UFO conventions, causing disruptions, and For forty years I have blundered around the landscape as
heckling the speakers. an editor, syndicated columnist, radio and TV producer, inves-
tigatwe reporter, and gadfly author. I've written millions of
Dr. Menzel had his air inversions. Dr. Hynek had swamp
gas. Mr. Klass has been promoting the corona effect as the words and have read an average of five books a week all of my
life. This frenetic activity has brought me into contact with
only plausible explanation for UFOs. It is a rare phenomenon
that occurs around power lines. Excess current sets up a glow hundreds of different belief systems and True Believers of
every sort. What has this lifetime of study, investigation, ex-
not unlike swamp gas. This, according to Klass, explains the
perience, and observation taught me?
innumerable UFO sightings reported around power lines.
Klass began publishing pieces about the corona effect in the Butterfly collectors, stamp collectors, tattoo artists, jug-
glers, ventriloquists, and even morticians at1 have their
1960s. He also published his definitive solution to the Socorro
Hochstetters. I t seems to he a rule of human endeavor that for
landing. I t was, h e says, a scheme to promote tourism. The lo-
every obsession there is a counter-obsession. For every
cal Dairy Queen started selling "Saucer-Burgers" after
Donald Keyhoe there is a Phil Klass. The True Believer has
an answer for everything within the framework of his belief offs, all supported by Mr. Lamont's millions. A great many
system. A scholarly friend once told me that you can never ar- academic types and college professors, always a naive and
gue with a Marxist or a Hindu because their beliefs provide gullible bunch, have been sucked into Mr. Lamont's sphere. A
an answer for every question. How comforting it must be to few years ago, the AHA set up a group dedicated to Hochstet-
think you know everything. After forty years in this game I terism. They declared themselves to be skeptics of almost ev-
find that I know less and less. The non-believers operate on erything and they staged frequent press conferences designed
the premise that they know more than the True Believers, to get their names into the newspapers by denouncing social
that they know The Truth while the True Believer is just a evils like dice-throwing, sea serpents, and (gasp) UFOs. Some
misguided dolt. of the professors decided they would expose the ancient
Political True Believers are the most worrisome of all be- science of Astrology once and for all. They set up a study, too
cause they act on a theory for manipulation of people and complicated to explain here, by which they intended to prove
events. There are thousands of political belief systems; none that the influences of the stars was all hokum. But, to their
of them are really workable. But belief in their workability horror, the study proved them wrong! They found that the
keeps them alive. And keeps a lot of people in very miserable basic tenets of Astrology really seemed to work! There was no
states. room for truth in a skeptical organization, so they cancelled
Obsessions with belief systems are worsened when the the press conference they had planned and tried to sweep
fragile human ego becomes involved. People with large egos their findings under their humanist carpets. Some of the
usually have large obsessions. In politics, they become rabid members who had worked on the study quit the dub in a
dictators. I n religion, they become "holier than thoun types rage. The whole skeptical cause seemed endangered for
filled with terrible hatreds which in turn cause guilt com- awhile. But they managed to recover, perhaps by tying-in
plexes that drive them deeper into their religious frame of with the "Man Was Never Meant to Fly" Club that meets an-
reference. The outlet for their scrambled emotions is to try to nually a t Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
foist their beliefs-and their f e a r w n t o the rest of us. As you might surmise, outstanding members of the skeptics'
Somewhere along the line, the Hochstetters of ufology have sewing circle include Mr. Klass and Mr. Randi. At their 1987
decided t h a t belief in little green men is dangerous and will convention, Dr. Carl Sagan and Dr. Isaac Asimov were among
drag us all into some new Dark Age. Actually, ufology is a the featured speakers.
harmless obsession compared to the others I have mentioned. Passport To Oblivion
But the Hochstetters are something to worry about. In recent
years, they have been getting organized. Dealing with learned critics is hardship enough but we also
Corliss Lament is an elderly New Yorker who is rather have to worry about mysterious, well-financed hoaxers who go
proud of his title, "the millionaire communist." He's loaded to incredible lengths to stir things up. One of the most out-
and has give a lot of money away to worthy causes and in- standing examples took place in 1966, when a handsome
stitutions. One of his pet enterprises is the American young man in expensive clothes suddenly appeared in New
Humanist Association (AHA) which be rules with benign York City, accompanied by two stunning young ladies. They
despotism. The organization has about 2,000 members, checked into a luxury hotel and then Me1 Noel (that's the
publishes a magazine, and adheres to a Humanist Manifesto name he used) systematically visited all the leading
which is a disturbing version of the Communist Manifesto. magazines and newspapers.
For years, t h e AHA was reportedly on the F.B.1.k notorious He was signing reporters up for a trip into outer space.
list of "comraunist fronts." There have been numerous spin- According to Mr. Noel, a flying saucer was scheduled to land
on the set of the Jackie Gleason television show in Florida. pensive hoax of all for over twenty years. Citizens of the
Anyone who wanted to go aboard had to apply for a space planet UMMO have been sending long, complicated letters
passport. I t was free but Noel needed a couple of passport pic- about cosmic matters in several different languages with
tures from each eager participant. He took top editors, postmarks from Australia, Tibet, Africa, South America, etc.
newspapermen, and authors to fancy lunches in the best res- These letters almost make sense. They deal with science and
taurants. He was articulate, well-mannered, and appeared to philosophy and someone has obviously spent a great deal of
be sincere. We all wondered what the scam was but we all time in preparing them.
gave him the required photos. Insiders knew that comedian
In the 1970s,the UMMO fraud gripped the entire country
Jackie Gleason was obsessed with the flying saucer myth. He
of France. Everyone from the Prime Minister, his cabinet
even built a saucer-shaped hideaway m the Catskills and he members and leading French scientists became involved. The
often boasted about his huge collection of books on psychic UMMO letters poured in and the government of France was
phenomena and UFOs. He was a hardcore True Believer and convinced that the long-awaited contact with extraterrestrials
it is possible that he was financing Noel's travels about the was about to take place. French civilian ufologists were
U.S. The girls may have been from his famous chorus of Glee ecstatic. Gradually they all began to realize they had been
Girls. duped; how and by whom was never clear. The French Intel-
I fully expected to receive some kind of space passport in ligence service could never pinpoint the actual source of the
the mail but Mr. Noel and his companions faded away and i t letters. Eventually, the French government decided to turn
never came. No flying saucer ever landed on the Gleason set. the whole matter over to the civilians. And by the late 1970s,
Around the same time, a mysterious Mr. Alexander swept even the hardcore ufologists were discouraged. They decided
into Manhattan, rented office space, and hired a secretary. that UFOs were not extraterrestrial visitants, but a socio-
Then he contacted various Forteans and ufologists, indicating psychological phenomenon. France became the first nation in
that be was about to start a magazine. But after a few weeks the world to have its civilian ufologists take a negative stance.
he, too, vanished. Later, he appeared in other cities, tracked They all became Hochstetters!
down local UFO buffs, and repeated the charade. He even Though we learned much about the UFO phenomenon i n
predicted the appearances of UFOs in Los Angeles and, sure the last twenty years, newcomers t o the field have to wade
enough, they showed up right on schedule. Maybe he rode off through old literature, most of it insane or incoherant. To
in one of them because be hasn't been seen since. grasp fully the meaning of the UFO phenomenon, we need to
Another kind of seemingly well-financed hoax is the mailing have knowledge of history and be able to view all of man's
of sophisticate! "documents" to second-string researchers a t beliefs objectively. There are no visitors from UMMO in our
regular intervals. Usually, these purport to be secret govern- midst. I guarantee it. But something is happening to this
ment documents about crashed saucers and little green men planet. Something off the wall and unexpected.
pickled in bottles. Some deal with the Men In Black who are
an integral part of witchcraft lore. For the hoax to succeed,
several psychological conditions must be present: it helps if
the recipient is alatent paranoid, and total suspension of dis-
belief coupled with a hungry ego incapable of sound logic are
certainly necessary. Such conditions are more than abundant
in the hardcore UFO field.
European ufologists have been enmeshed in the most ex-
reason they didn't bother to produce a single papyrus explain-
ing how the pyramids were built, when, or by whom. So ar-
chaeologists have been engaged in a great guessing game for
centuries, often ignoring all the known facts in their struggle
to support their own hypotheses. Scribblings on random
stones-graffiti left by ancient work gangs-have often been
accepted as conclusive evidence of the identity of the tomb's
occupants. A drawing of a horde of workmen hauling a huge
statue with ropes is regarded as proof of how the huge stones
of the pyramids were moved.
The workmanship in the Great Pyramid is impressive, and
is generally superior to the workmanship found i n the other
Disease pyramids. Much has been made of the fact that the largest
single block in the Great Pyramid weighs about eighty tons

ardly a month passes that some scientist or and the question remains: How did the ancient Egyptians
member of the academic community doesn't move these enormous blocks from quarries hundreds of miles
pontificate for the press and chew a bit on his away?
own shoe. A recent candidate for the coveted Most pyramidologists overlook other smaller pyramids
Foot-In-Mouth award is a retired British which contain stones weighing almost twice as much a s that
physicist named Dr. Kurt Mendelssohn. At a meeting of the Great Pyramid monolith. Surprisingly, several of the small
American Association for the Advancement of Science (an or- pyramids pose questions far more puzzling than those offered
ganization that seems headed by Alfred E. Neuman), Dr. by the Great Pyramid.
Mendelssohn soberly announced that he thought Egypt's "six The Pyramid Age
major pyramids" were all built within a single century by
70,000 out-of-work fanners. One, the Meidum pyramid, was We now know that pyramid building was once a universal
redesigned i n mid-construction when i t partially collapsed, practice throughout the world. Over six thousand years ago
according to the scientist. unknown peoples were assembling great pyramids in Mexico.
It is quite possible that Dr. Mendelssobn has never been to Gigantic man-made mounds were constructed in China, Great
Egypt, or t h a t he may have done his research in the air-con- Britain. North America, and on remote Pacific islands while
ditioned lounge of the Mena Hotel a t Giza. I lived in Egypt for the Egyptians were still living i n mud huts along the Nile.
a year and I spent much of that time exploring desert ruins During World War I1 pilots flying "the hump" reported seeing
and visiting most of Egypt's ninety pyramids. I spent several one or more massive pyramids standing silently in isolated
days inside and around the Great Pyramid a t Giza alone. I Himalayan valleys.
have been continually appalled by the pseudo-scientific rub- Most of these early mounds were built slowly, in layers,
bish spun by "experts" around the ancient structures. I am over a long period of time. On special religious holidays each
particularly annoyed by the Everest-sized mountain of gar- year the natives would gather to haul laboriously baskets of
bage that h a s been published about the Great Pyramid. dirt and stone to the mounds and complete another layer.
The ancient Egyptians left us complete records on every- From Babylonia to South America it was the practice to erect
thing from weldings to crop failures, but for some mysterious a special temple on the summit of the mound or pyramid. The

choicest local maiden was then selected to wait in the temple old pyramids. Some cultures sacrificed animals. Abraham of
for a visit from some mysterious god. The god was supposed to the Bible was ordered to take his son to a mountaintop and
descend from the sky and have sexual intercourse with the cut out his heart. (The voice of God intervened a t the last
sacrifice. Tables, chairs, and beds made of solid gold were minute and said, in effect, "I was only kidding, Abraham.")
placed in these cosmic bridal chambers, because, according to Today when someone hears a voice in his head urging him
legend, the gods were attuned to the frequency of gold. This is to do destructive things, we toss him into an asylum and
also emphasized in the Bible. The wandering tribes of Israel brand him a schizophrenic. But in earlier times such people
went through a lot of trouble to build gold artifacts which were often considered to be holy prophets and were elevated
they left on mountaintops for the gods. Children born from to positions of leadership. Long periods of history were
the supernatural liaisons were given special status as rulers. dominated by crazed fanatics who led their people into hor-
They were man-gods in the eyes of their followers. ribly destructive wars.
Who were those sexy gods of yesteryear? Were they Tools of the Gods
astronauts from some other planet who viewed our world as a
kind of celestial Playboy Club? Until recent times religion was the most important single
Gold in itself was a totally worthless ore to early man. force on this planet. Men suffered incredible hardship and
Scarce in supply, it was too soft for use for tools or cookware voluntarily performed the most arduous kind of labor to prove
and it was difficult to mine. But all over the ancient world i t their faith. Building the mounds and pyramids was un-
was regarded a s a sacred metal. The gods put us to work min- doubtedly just another demonstration of faith. The gods of the
ing the stuff from Africa to Brazil. We fashioned holy objects ancients were feared more than loved, and whole societies
from the metal and left them in temples and tombs where, revolved entirely around religious rites and practices. Nearly
supposedly, the gods appeared and carted them away. all of the great monuments and structures of the ancient
From the very beginning man's purpose was to provide world that remain standing today were of a purely religious
slave labor to supply the gods with gold and female com- nature. Men lived in grass huts while they built mighty stone
panionship, This is universal to countless legends from every and gold temples for their gods. Great cities were erected, not
part of the world. as centers of commerce but as centers of worship. Each year
the believers traveled for many miles to these centers to con-
The pyramids and mounds were part of a worldwide system tribute labor to the local pyramid project. Perhaps they also
to serve t h e gods, not just worship them-with one exception. witnessed mysterious manifestations which increased their
So far as we know, the Egyptian pyramids were not part of belief.
this system. There is no record indicating that Egyptian vir-
gins were left in pyramid chambers surrounded by gold furni- Studies of thousands of modern UFO sighting have dis-
ture to await the arrival of sex-starved astronauts. covered that the enigmatic "flying saucers" tend t o appear
around the twenty-first through the twenty-fourth of the
The residue of these ancient beliefs is still with us. We still month. This pattern was true in 1879 as well as 1987.
furnish our churches with gold artifacts and even embellish Strange lights and aerial objects were frequently seen in an-
their ceilings with gold leaf. Emperors and kings in many cient times, too, and were probably concentrated around the
parts of t h e world (such as Japan) still claim to be direct des- same days of the month. Coincidentally, the biggest pagan
cendents of the ancient sky gods. holidays in ancient times were the Summer and Winter
Over a long period o f time, the temple system degenerated Solstice (June twenty-first and December twenty-first). These
and demonology intervened. The young maidens now bad are the days when the sun has no northward or southern mo-
their hearts cut out by wild-eyed priests on the steps of the
tion and seems to reverse itself (the days grow longer or shor- raised i t slowly, in layers, like the mound and pyramid
ter). The Winter Solstice became the most important single builders of the Americas. The layout of the Grand Gallery and
holiday in most cultures and was generally celebrated on other interior features suggests that the partially built
December twenty-fourth, three days after the actual event. pyramid served for years as an astronomical observatory,
Stonehenge and many other ancient monuments were care- using aligned stones in the same way that the henges and
fully aligned with the movements of the sun and stars so burrows of northern Europe acted as computers. The only ob-
priests could pinpoint the time of the solstices. The appearan- ject in the Great Pyramid, a crude, stone bathtub-like sar-
ces of mysterious lights and objects concurrent with the cophagus, was installed in the uppermost chamber during
holidays were undoubtedly viewed as godly activities. construction and may have served a purpose other than that
Although Christ was probably born sometime in March or of a coffin. The so-called ventilation shafts leading into the
April (no one knows for certain), Christians eventually chose chamber from the outside walls were lined up with the star
to celebrate his birthday on the Roman holiday of Saturnalia: group known as the Pleiades. Other features of the pyramid
December twenty-fifth, the Winter Solstice of the ancient are aligned to the position of the sun during the Solstices. It
calendars. It was a tradition to exchange gifts on Saturnalia, was never used as a tomb, but it may have served as a storage
so the early Christian leaders, a clever and devious lot, con- place for some special religious relic. There are theories that
tinued that tradition while changing the meaning of the the Ark of the Covenant of Moses was once stored there, or
holiday. the mysterious Black Rock of the Moslems was kept in that
Those same clever Christians pulled another coup when stone bathtub.
they declared that Christ had died around the time of the We do know that the Great Pyramid survived a number of
vernal equinox, when day and night are of equal length. This earthquakes and that it was even repaired after one quake.
was already an ancient pagan holiday paying tribute to our One fanciful theorist has suggested that the Egyptian priests
old friend Ashtar, known as Eastre to the Anglo-Saxons. As foresaw some horrible disaster and built the pyramid to house
the goddess of fertility, it was natural that she was associated scrolls containing all ancient knowledge. After the disaster
with rabbits and eggs. Again, the Christians adopted the passed, the scrolls were removed again.
trappings of the holiday while altering its meaning. Traces on the walls of the inner chambers indicate that
Thus, two of the most important holidays of antiquity, great quantities of salt were once stored there. Salt? Could i t
based upon observations of the sun through henges and be that the pyramid area was once underwater?
medicine wheels, were perpetuated by the new Christian How were the enormous stones in the pyramids quarried?
religions. Where men had once gathered in forests and holy Primitive copper tools have been found, and archaeologists
places to offer sacrifices on the solstices, modern worshippers believe that the soft metal served the pyramid builders. But a
unwittingly continued the ancient traditions by gathering in number of pyramids have inner chambers of carved yellow
buildings with vaulted ceilings and fluted pillars meant to quartzite, a very tough substance. Copper tools could not cut
emulate t h e atmosphere of the forests on the same dates. In it. Skillfully carved blocks of quartzite weighing over 100 tons
some religions, wine replaced the blood that was drunk were used for the tomb of Imandes and others. The Mortuary
during the earlier pagan ceremonies and new legends replac- Temple of Mycerinus contains blocks weighing 200 tons!
ed the old. The ancient Egyptians had methods that have now been
Ancient Observatory lost. They were able to transport the huge blocks hundreds of
miles and then lift them into place. The same methods may
The builders of the Great Pyramid a t the Giza undoubtedly have been used to move the giant stones of Stonehenge in

England, and the building blocks of the mysterious structures

found i n the Andes Mountains in South America. There had
to be a single worldwide culture a t one point in ancient his-
tory. We do our ancestors a great injustice by singling out a
solitary project-the Great Pyramid-as deserving of our awe
and admiration. Some thing or someone inspired the ancients
to perform incredible feats of construction. Was the source of
this inspiration godly apparitions or astronauts from across
the cosmos? Was all of mankind once the slaves of the mys-
terious gods?
f/"v/ngLegends and
Dying Worlds

s everal million years ago some super-civilization in

a distant galaxy launched an unmanned satellite
to our solar system. Its purpose was to search for
life and, if i t found any, to keep tabs on its
development. The satellite is still functioning and
circles the earth periodically, presumably sending reports
back to its home planet.
This may sound like a crackpot theme form some obscure
fringe journal but actually it is a theory that has been put
forth by a number of leading scientists after repeated obser-
vations of an artificial satellite of unknown origin. The object
was first sighted by Dr. Lincoln La Paz of the University of
New Mexico i n 1953, four years before the Soviet Union
launched Sputnik I. As more reports poured in from obser-
vations around the world, the Department of Defense assig-
ned Dr. Clyde W. Tombaugh to run a search for the strange
"bogey." Dr. Tbmbaugh was the distinguished astronomer who
discovered Pluto in 1930.
The results of Dr. Tombaugh's study were never formally
leased by the Pentagon. Nothing further was heard about the
object until December 1957, when Dr. Luis Corralos of the
Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it,
somewhat to his own astonishment. The first man-made satel-
lite, Sputnik I, had been launched two months earlier and he
was taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas.

His photograph revealed a trace of a second, unknown object communicate with it. The question is: How?
closely following the Soviet's dog-carrying satellite. Laika, the Radio experimenters in the 1920s noted a strange phenom-
first earthly animal to enter space, had company! enon which they labeled LDELon Delayed Echoes. Signals
sent out from earth sometimes came bouncing back several
The Black Knight seconds later, as if they had been reflected back by something
While both the United States and the Soviet Union were in space. In a few instances these LDEs returned days later.
racing to launch relatively small satellites into orbit in the This effect was unexplainable unless something was picking
late 1950s. astronomers and military tracking stations were up the signals in space and retransmitting them!
following the course of something huge. On January 4,1960, Researchers in Norway, Holland, and France reported
scientists discovered two large objects in a polar orbit. To date LDEs in 1927,1928, and 1934. The echo pulses were delayed
neither the U.S. nor Russia had achieved a polar orbit. The from three to fifteen seconds and the researchers kept careful
objects were estimated to weigh a t least fifteen tons. The lar- records which were duly filed away and eventually forgotten.
gest US. satellite a t that time weighed 450 pounds and the In more recent years, LDE has become an extremely rare
largest Soviet satellite 2,925 pounds. phenomenon. However, between 1957 and 1961 when the
Late i n February 1960, the US. Department of Defense Black Knight was most active, all kinds of odd radio signals
formally announced that an unidentified satellite was circling were received by radio astronomers, ham operators, and
the globe. I t was tracked and studied by several different ob- military stations. Some of these signals seemed to be receding
servatories and the National Space Surveillance Control Cen- from the earth as if the transmitter were mounted in an ob-
ter a t New Bedford, Massachusetts. Professor Alla Masevich, ject that was traveling out into space.
the Soviet scientist heading the Russian Sputnik tracking Broadcasts t o Other Worlds
program, flatly denied suggestions that the mystery satellites
belonged to the Soviet Union. In the early 1960s science mobilized t o study natural radio
The press labeled the intruder "The Black Knight" and it waves pouring into our solar system from the stars. Radio as-
was extensively discussed in the New York limes, Newsweek, tronomers also tackled the problem of communication with
Life,and other major periodicals. other worlds. In April 1960, Project Ozma tried to pick up in-
terstellar signals with a radio telescope a t Green Bank. West
It vanished as mysteriously as it had arrived. But it has Virginia. Russian astronomers also made similar efforts and
quietly reappeared from time to time ever since and been created a stir when they mistakenly interpreted natural radio
buried in the fine print of NASA's weekly catalog of debris and
waves from massive stars called pulsars as "a beacon from a
objects orbiting the earth.
Echoes from Space In 1962, Dr. Bracewell expanded his original theory. He
If a satellite from another world exists, i s there any way we visualized a satellite equipped with a computer which would
can communicate with it? Dr. Ronald N. Bracewell of Stanford scan all radio frequencies as i t traveled through space. When
University addressed this problem in an article i n the British it picked up an intelligible signal it would record it and then
scientific journal Nature (May 2 8 , 1960). He noted that com- broadcast i t back on the same frequency. Suppose, he
munication with planets in other star systems would be speculated, that the instrument was programmed so that if
difficult, if not impossible, because of the great distances in- the message was returned again, indicating the system was
volved. B u t if some other civilization has already planted a understood, it would then transmit a message of its own? A
satellite i n o u r solar system there might be some way to message about life on other worlds. The LDEs of the 1920s
could have come from such a satellite, he thought, and i t was and already put such a system to use? Were the LDEs and
still waiting up there for us to send some kind of ack- other odd signals we had been receiving over the years or-
nowledgement so it could flood us with the wisdom of the ganized in some similar fashion?
Greetings from Epsllon Bootis
Bracewell's ideas were not well received. No one tried to
send signals to the mystery satellites. Astronomers decided A young Scottish astronomer named Duncan Lunan re-
they were natural objects, miniature moons. Our moon-bound viewed the LDE records of the 1920s and set out to decode
astronauts were instructed to keep a sharp eye for the satel- them. He laid out the LDE data on a graph, using dots to
lites. Although plagued by strange radio transmissions, ap- represent the pauses between echoes. To his excitement, a
parently from some source in space, they failed to spot the map began to take shape.
elusive Black Knight. "The dots made up a map of an easily-recognized constella-

.. Beep Seep Stoop

Four generations of scientists have been enthralled with
tion," Lunan said. "the Constellation of Bootis in the northern
sky. The curious pattern of delayed echoes was actually a pat-
tern of star positions."
the notion of communicating with other worlds. Dr. Hans He worked up other LDE maps and found that they all
Freudenthal of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands seemed to center around Epsilon Bootis, a star in the constel-
even invented a special language called "Lincos," a cosmic lation.
language based on mathematics. It started with basics-beep "If Lunan is right in his thinking, this material did contain
. beep beep beep beep beep. Then punctuation of a sort a message," Dr. Bracewell declared after studying Lunan's
was introduced with different sounds ... beep beep bloop. More graphs. "It is saying that the people or entities came to Earth
complex ideas were added with special sounds for plus and from the Constellation Bootis."
minus. Beep beep bloop beep beep tweet beep beep beep beep Lunan submitted his findings to the prestigious British In-
would tell the extraterrestrials that two plus two equals four. terplanetary Society. Kenneth Gatland, vice president of the
That venerable science fiction writer, Arthur C . Clarke, society, noted, "Lunan's findings are utterly astounding. I
author of 2001:A Space Odyssey, came up with a n even better have studied the maps and must come to the same con-
idea-transmission of simple pictures through carefully or- clusions he did."
ganized code signals-a simplified form of television. Then Dr. Other scientists have endorsed Lunan's discovery and a
Frank Drake, America's reigning genius of radio-astronomy, fresh search for LDEs with special equipment was launched
devised a n improved system in which a series of dots inter- in the 1970s-without much success.
spersed with dashes could be broadcast in such a way that
they would form a picture when laid out on paper. Each group Bridging Time
of signals represented a line, like the lines of a TV picture,
and the dashes could be grouped so that a crude picture of a Epsilon Bootis is hardly our next-door neighbor. The star is
man, for example, would appear when all the lines were some 103 million light-years from Earth, meaning that the
reassembled. Black Knight would have to be so constructed that i t could
survive and function for a mind-boggling period of time. Un-
Though this idea was never really implemented, its less, of course, time and space are far different from our
development started others thinking. If we were capable of human conception and a superior technology could somehow
inventing this simple yet effective system, might it be that bridge this vast distance in a shorter period of time.
some extraterrestrial race had followed the same reasoning
Lunan's star charts are not perfect. In fact, they are o u l 01
date by about 13,000 years. That is, they show Epsilon Bootis Sweden in 1934 were clearly connected to the "ghostflier"
in the position it held 13,000 years ago. Lunan posits that the wave then taking place in those countries, and some of those
satellite was placed in orbit between 11,000 and 13,000 B.C. signals did piggyback on the beams of commercial radio
A number of alternate theories are springing up. Suppose, stations.
for example, that visitors from Epsilon Bootis looked over our Still, the concept of an alien satellite broadcasting to Earth
planet thousands of years ago and decided to leave a little is an exciting one. "Once we firmly established its existence,
momento behind. Instead of erecting a monument like the we must interrogate it,"hthony Lawton, head of a British
pyramid, they decided on orbiting an object that would be safe computer firm said recently. "When i t realizes that i t is in
from earthquakes, floods, and other natural calamities. So touch with an intelligence, it could be ready to give up the
they launched the Black Knight, rigging i t to be activated enormous store of information which it must have."
thousands of years later when, according to their calculations, But if the Black Knight exists as a computerized satellite,
mankind would be technologically capable to receive and in- what message will i t have for us? Will i t tell us something
terpret its signals. about life on other worlds, or will it just recite forgotten
A satellite constructed near Epsilon Bootis would un- memories of our own distant past?
doubtedly view the universe from the position of that star,
and their star maps would be quite incomprehensible to Interstellar Radio
Earth. But Lunan's maps view the universe from the Earth's Ninety years ago radio broadcasting seemed like an impos-
position 13,000 years ago, which incidentally, coincides with sible dream, even though a young Italian named Marconi was
the myth ofAtlantis toying with coils of wire and glass tubes filled with iron
The Fatal Flaw filings. Prominent scientists of the day scoffed a t Marconi's
claims, pointing out that even if his long waves of electro-
The biggest flaw in Lunan's (and Bracewell's) theory is the magnetic energy could be sent through the air, they could
dependence on the radio echoes of yesteryear. During the never be broadcast over great distances. But five years later
1930s there existed a top secret project to develop a system of the youthful inventor proved them wrong when he managed
piggybacking secret messages on the beams of conventional to transmit a long wave across the Atlantic.
radio stations for use by spies. One method was t o intercept a Short waves, capable of spanning thousands of miles, were
signal and rebrbadcast it a second later with breaks contain- not developed until the 1930s. Very short microwaves became
ing a secret message. Another method was to cut into the con- a reality during World War 11, when radar saved England
ventional signal with static which was really a code. More ad- from the German Luftwaffe. During that same period a small
vanced systems were developed later by the Germans before group of scientists began to quietly investigate the radio
World War U.A spy merely located his equipment a mile or waves pouring in from outer space. Radio astronomy was born
two from a cornmerical radio station, or even a military sta- and earthbound scientists started to wonder if there might be
tion, and he could use their signal to broadcast his own mes- powerful transmitters on distant planets beaming intelligent
sages without fear of detection. signals to our remote sector on the fringes of the Milky Way.
It is very possible that the LDE phenomenon was part of In the 1950s this search for extraterrestrial broadcasts he-
the early experiments and were totally unrelated to the Black came a major scientific endeavor. Gigantic radio telescopes
Knight. The pauses and fluctuations which fascinate the sci- were constructed all over the world, and men who called
entists could he a code something like Lincos when laid out in themselves "exobiologists" applied for massive grants from
a different way. Radio messages received in Norway and governments and foundations. In the late 1950s and early
1960s the U.S.alone poured $500,000,000 into the challeng- years later. By then we may have progressed far beyond radio
ing search for extraterrestrial radio signals. Scientists in the telescopes and, just as we cant audition a wire recording
Soviet Union became world-famous overnight by issuing today, we would be unable to intercept the message.
periodic announcements claiming they had discovered cosmic
radio beacons from the far reaches of the universe. But again Biological Radio
and again those "beacons" proved to be natural radiation from Modern technology is incapable of communicating with a
highly energized stars called Pulsars and Quasars. distant civilization and efforts to do so are a waste of time and
I n the relatively short span of ninety years we progressed money. If a Martian scientist had attempted to reach us by
from Marconi's wireless telegraph to color television. We radio in 1876 he would have failed because we had no radio
opened a magical cornucopia of electromagnetic energy and receivers then. If another Martian should try to contact us in
we are still exploring the electromagnetic spectrum as we the year 2176 he might also fail because we would no longer
build larger radio telescopes and even broadcast signals of our be using primitive radio. One hundred years from now we will
own into space in the hopes that there is someone out there in all likelihood be using a powerful form of biological radio
who may be listening. Radio astronomy has become a fruitful broadcasting on frequencies now undefined. It is quite pos-
(and profitable) pursuit. However, two problems confront sible that these biological frequencies are being used today.
these efforts. The first is the fact that radio waves can only Parapsychologists have been studying biological radio for
travel with the speed of light. If an inhabited planet exists some years now. It is usually called ESP and means that one
twenty light years away it will take forty years for us to ex- human brain is broadcasting to another human brain. Such
change a simple "hello." Secondly, our radio telescopes are transmissions are instantaneous. Once we fully understand
using knowledge gained in a mere ninety years. If we are to the processes behind ESP, we can broadcast mentally to
communicate with another civilization by radio we must as- brains on a distant planet, circumnavigating the limitations
sume their radios are also only ninety years old. Forty years of space, time, and the speed of light. Conversely, brains on
ago we would have been unable to receive a microwave that far-off world could broadcast to earthly minds and might
broadcast. Forty years from now our present equipment and even control us without our being aware of it.
theories will have undergone radical changes. We may dis- A few select humans have been utilizing these biological
cover new frequencies as yet undreamed of. We might even channels for thousands of years. Some people have even
find a whole new media for communication that will render claimed the ability to leave this planet and cruise among the
radio itself obsolete. stars on beams of biological energy. If mankind ever manages
An advanced civilization could be thousands of years ahead to escape this puny little solar system, it will not be by tech-
of us, and our radio astronomy is so primitive that they have nological means (e.g., spaceships), but will involve utilization
no way to receive and reply to our broadcasts ... just as the of the biological frequencies of the so-called "super-spectrum."
wire recorders of the postwar era have been replaced by tape The process calls for the human consciousness to abandon the
recorders. A box of reels of wire recordings is worthless today frail biochemical machine that houses it. This process has
because we have nothing to play them on. A decade from now been known for thousands of years and is called astral projec-
your collection of long-playing records will be nothing more tion or O.B.E. (out-of-body experience). It isn't limited to a few
than worthless plastic disks when an entire opera will be random crackpots and cultists. There have been scientists,
recorded on a chip smaller than your thumbnail. scholars, and important public figures who have claimed this
If by chance one of our transmissions into space reaches a ability.
planet 400 light-years away, their reply would reach us 800 Apparently the thing we call consciousness is a fragment of
energy somehow inserted into our bodies by an outside force UFO phenomenon is the notion that astral projectionists on
or energy field. I t gives us an awareness of self which sepa- other planets visit our orb frequently and are seen only by
rates us from all other animals. Persons near death fre- humans with psychic ability. Dr. Carl Jung, the great psy-
quently report that they found themselves floating in the air chologist who had some 0.B.E.s himself, visualized astral
above their bodies, able to watch doctors and nurses working projection as going swimming in the cosmic sea of the collec-
over their dormant form. Others have taken bolder flights tive unconsciousness. We are all linked to some greater intel-
across the country, over oceans, and even into outer space. ligence, or intelligent energy field, Jung suggested, that
When they returned to their human shell they were able to remains separate from our physical world, our faltering
describe accurately distant events they witnessed. Dr. Edgar reality. We are boxed in physically by finite space and the
D. Mitchell, one of the astronauts who left his footprints on stream of time flowing in only one direction. But our cons-
the moon, calls this "externalization." Our individual cons- ciousness is capable of escaping from this three-dimensional
ciousness may be part of a larger energy field, capable of world by hitchhiking on some super energy field that per-
cruising that field like a bird gliding along with an air cnr- meates the universe and may even control it.
rent. Ancient peoples were much more aware of the multi-dimen-
sioned universe. They measured the flow and effect of the
Wandering the Dimensions cosmic energies with astrology. Marconi helped us begin the
Most astral projectionists claim they are escorted into the long road back. He saw the electromagnetic spectrum and
strange world of die super-spectrum by a "guide." These how it could be used to serve us. Today new scientists like Dr.
guides usually look like Indians or Tibetan lamas and care- John Lilly, the man who learned to communicate with dol-
fully tutor the wandering consciousness. Some UFO contac- phins, and Dr. Edgar Mitchell are pioneering the exploration
tees have had an O.B.E. without understanding it. Alone in a of inner space. We may be on the threshold of a new age when
forest or desert, they were zapped by energy from the super- the miracles of our minds will replace the lesser miracles of
spectrum, fell into a trance, and their consciousness was led our technology. Each of us may be able to glide into the night
into the Twilight Zone by strange beings who posed as sky, leaving our feeble bodies behind as we cross into a
spacemen. Although the experience seemed very real to the : strange new dimension where death is unknown and nn-
contactee, it was a subjective mental adventure with no tan- necessary and all human values are exposed as psychotic con-
gible effect on their entranced body. Like dreams, time is dis- structions. In ninety years we have gone from Marconi's
torted during an O.B.E. A second becomes an hour, a n hour magic box to the moon and beyond. In the next ninety years
becomes a week. And when the percipient returns to his body we may learn that intelligent life exists but is forever beyond
he is surprised to find that only a few minutes have passed. the reach of our radio-telescopes just a s our conscionsnesses
Astral projectionists often drift into other dimensions and are beyond the reach of medical science.
find themselves grotesquely huge, looking down a t an earth
and moon the size of marbles. They cross the entire universe
in a n instant and find themselves looking back a t a Milky
Way that has become nothing more than a feeble glint of light
in the cosmos. They feel that they are an infinitesmal part of
something much larger.
There a r e thousands of books recounting the experiences of
astral projectionists across the centuries. One theory for the
least. And during the strange weeks of the UFO flap of 1908
there was a t least one incident of this type. A Baptist
preacher, the Rev. T. H. Feagin, conducted an outdoor revival
meeting on the night of July 3, 1908. After his sermon, he
stepped among his congregation and was chatting and shak-
ing hands when a bolt of lightning singled him out and struck
him dead on the spot! This was reported in the New York
Times, July 5,1908.
We have other reports of lightning bolts entering churches
and killing ministers on the pulpit. Some of these date back to
Asfropaphobia antiquity- Small wonder that people have always associated
lightning with the wrath of God.
n Memorial Day, 1987, a prominent Louisiana On the other hand, there are innumerable cases in which
attorney named Graves Thomas stood on the people have been slammed by a bolt and remained completely
I deck of his newly acquired boat and raised his unharmed although their clothes were blown off and even the
hands to the sky, proudly declaring, "Here I am, coins in their pockets were welded together. Even the old
Lord!" saying that certain great men were "struck by lightning" has
Suddenly, without warning, a bolt of lightning crashed from a basis.
the clear sky and killed him. During that puzzling Fortean year of 1908 a young man in
Mr. Thomas was just one more victim of a strange phenom- Kansas was zapped by a blast of lightning. It stunned him
enon that has been haunting mankind since those good old but, miraculously, he was unhurt. He went on to become one
days in the caves. of the most important men of this century. His name was
Dwight David Eisenhower.
One of t h e most neglected branches of meteorology is the
study of lightning. We have many reports of people being kill- Naked In the Rain
ed by lightning bolts from a clear, cloudless sky. There are
over 800 lightning deaths around the world each year. For many years the Museum of the Royal College of Sur-
Strangely, deaths by lightning seem to increase during UFO geons in London displayed a glass case containing the clothes
waves, and both people and animals have been found dead in of James Orman, who was struck by lightning in an English
areas where flying saucers have been observed. In some cases, field on June 8, 1878. The stroke hurled him several feet
lightning bolts seem t o have somehow been directed. For ex- through the air, scorching his eyebrows and beard and frac-
ample, a few years ago a researcher in Florida was sitting a t turing his leg. The remarkable thing is that he was stripped
his desk typing u p an important UFO report he planned to of all his clothing in the process. His sturdy hoots were even
send to me. Suddenly he felt an overwhelming compulsion to left behind and his watch had a hole burned through it, as if a
get up and leave the building he was in. As soon as he went soldering iron had been used, and the coins in his pocket were
out the door, a, bolt of lightning crashed into the old windmill fused together. Mr. Orman recovered and lived a full life.
where his study was located and completely demolished it! A more grisly incident occurred near Cracow, Poland in
His report, and the notes and documentation he was using, 1869, when a boy of twelve was hit by a lightning bolt that
were destroyed. amputated his right leg on the spot.
The selectivity of lightning bolts is unnerving, to say the Although we have been studying lightning since Ben
Franklin's day we know pathetically little about this mur- is no safe place. Even deep-sea divers have been knocked in-
derous phenomenon. Some lightning bolts start from the sensible when lightning struck their ship and traveled down
ground and shoot skywards. Others dart down from the their lines to their diving suits deep underwater.
clouds and skitter across the ground like a miscued billiard If you have a fear of being struck by lightning don't worry
shot. Whole herds of cows and sheep clustering together in a about it. You have plenty of company. Caligula, Augustus,
rainstorm have been wiped out by a single stroke. Henry 111, and many other famous personages all cowered in
Occasionally a ground-to-sky lightning stroke leaves a big terror during lightning storms. The fear is called astropapho-
perfectly formed circle or hole behind to puzzle eager UFO in- bia and it is better to be an astropaphobiac than, say, a pan-
vestigators. However, lightning explains only a few of the tophobiac. Pantophobia is the fear of everything,from backing
many "fairy circles" that turn up each year in the wake of into doorknobs to getting your zipper caught in bicycle spokes.
flying saucer sightangs, just as ball lightning, a very rare phe-
nomenon. can be used as the real explanation for only a few Gods Shoot Back
sightings of luminous spheres. Ball lightning is a round mass Atmospheric phenomena controlled by some mysterious
of electrical energy that can sail in through the window and force played a n important role in the lives of ancient peoples
exit through the fireplace. There are documented cases of the world over. For thousands of years men associated light-
people and animals being killed by ball lightning inside solid ning with their gods. Every culture appointed a special god as
structures, just as more ordinary lightning darts into chur- custodian of thunder and lightning. The mighty Thor was
ches. On July 11, 1819, nine persons were killed and 82 worshipped by Norsemen. Zeus, chief god of the Greeks, was
wounded when three successive lightning bolts smashed into given a bolt of lightning as his symbol. Legends and myths
the church at Chateauneuf, France. But perhaps the most from every continent repeat the belief that to speak the name
embarrassing case of all took place in Philadelphia in 1869 of a god aloud was to invite sudden death by a bolt from the
when a sixty-five-year-old woman answering nature's call in blue. So early on men began to substitute respectful euphe-
an outhouse was struck by a bolt while she was sitting there misms for the godly names. Only the high priests were per-
minding her own business. I t knocked her unconscious but mitted to invoke the proper names aloud on very special holy
she recovered. days.
Churches were frequently struck by lightning during the Were these strange superbeings really astronauts from
Middle Ages, probably because they were the tallest struc- some distant planet as a number of modern theorists now
tures around. Curiously, many of these lightning manifes- claim? If so, were they armed with electrical weapons which
tations were allegedly accompanied by the appearances of they used to keep lowly earthmen in line? In the bible we are
large, fearsome animals. A gigantic pig-like thing is supposed told that Elijah wiped out a n army by summoning "the fire of
to have materialized in the church a t Andover, England on God" from the skies (Kings El). Scholars are still debating
Christmas Eve, A.D. 1171, just as the priest at the altar was the nature of this "fire." Was i t a meteor shower or lightning
struck a n d killed by a lightning bolt. storm? Or did the gods really intervene in human affairs?
September seems to be the worst month for fatal lightning The natives of Ecuador in South America still repeat the
bolts. Each year September produces news stories about story of how a band of giants landed in their country and
sportsmen being killed on football and soccer fields. A number caused considerable havoc before a mass of fire came down
of times whole teams have been flattened i n the midst of a from the sky and destroyed them. An early Spanish writer
play. Golf courses are also dangerous places during the light- named Cieza recorded the story in 1553.
ning season. But if a lightning bolt has your name on it there T h e r e by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large
boats, some men who were so tall that from the knee down tage of its marvelous acoustics to record a dramatic tale of a
they were as big as the full length of an ordinary fair-sized pharoah's curse. Tape recorders were a fairly new develop-
man, and the limbs were in proportion to their bodies, so ment in those days and we used a type which employed a
misshapen that it was monstrous to look a t their heads, as clockwork mechanism to turn the reels. The program was
large a s they were, and with the hair that came down to the recorded without any serious problems and when we played
shoulders. Their eyes they give to understand were the size of the tapes back in our Cairo hotel they were perfect. However
small plates," according to a translation of Cieza located by the ghosts of the pharoahs were apparently displeased with
research William R. Corliss. "They had no beards and some our effort.
were clad in skins of animals, while others came as nature On the long flight back to Frankfurt, Germany we passed
made them, and there were no women along." through some bad weather and lightning struck our plane.
Like the giants recorded in other ancient myths, these There was no damage hut i t was an unnerving experience.
visitors to Ecuador were a loathsome and troublesome lot. When we got back to the AFN studios we discovered that our
"The natives abhorred them,"the account continues, "for they precious tape recordings had somehow been ruined by that
killed their women in making use of them, and the men they lightning bolt. We were left with several reels of static.
killed for other reasons. The Indians did not feel strong Finally, let's not forget the flight ofApollo 13 which lifted off
enough to kill these new people that had come to take their a t 1300 hours on April 11,1970 and was immediately struck
country and domain, although great meetings were held to by lightning on its way through the earth's atmosphere. Mas-
confer about it, but they dare not attack them...." sive power disruptions forced astronauts Lovell, Haise, and
The dilemma was apparently solved when "an angel" des- Swigert to abandon their scheduled moon landing. NASA en-
cended from heaven, landing unerringly on the giants' settle- gineers had mischievously planned the timing of the flight to
ment and wiping them all out. The early Spanish explorers lay to rest forever the "superstitious nonsense" surrounding
were convinced that the story was true because they found the number 13. Instead, the nearly disastrous lift-off has
gigantic bones and human (?) skulls with teeth that were reinforced it. The manifestations of lightning-and the far-
"three fingers broad and four in length." Centuries later, sci- fetched coincidences that often accompany them-which in-
entists such a s H. F. Osborne of the American Museum of spired the beliefs of ancient times are still with us.
Natural History decided the Spaniards had actually found the The U.S. government did establish a lightning investigating
remains of ancient mastodons. project in the 1970s. They built towers and a special lab in a
Some historians have speculated that the giants were place where lightning storms were unusually frequent. A
destroyed by a volcanic eruption or a Tunguska-type meteor. place called Socorro, New Mexico. The lab proved to be a
Whatever happened, it was a most fortuitous event to the In- strong attraction for tourists.
dians and must have convinced them that the gods were, in-
Magnetism and UFOs
deed, watching over them.
If you are a regular reader of New Age books you know
Curse of the Pharoahs
more about flying saucers than the U S . Air Force. The reason
In 1953, a team from the American Forces Network in is simple enough. The American public has not been telling
Germany flew to Egypt to record a special Halloween the USAF the truth about UFOs. And when a witness was
broadcast in the inner chambers of the Pyramid of Giza. I was bold enough to try to give the USAF the details of his or her
then the Chief o f Continuity and Production for the network experiences, they were usually ignored or, as in the days of
and we spent many hours inside the pyramid taking advan- Project Blue Book, their report was consigned to the notonou1-

'crackpot file." But farflung writers and civilian investigators phenomena.

have listened carefdly to UFO percipients and recorded their It may be that UFOs become more visible to human eyes
experiences. Some of their stories have been, admittedly, during magnetic disturbances; that the subtle forces of mag-
seemingly far out but UFOs are a far out subject and en- netism have a mysterious influence on some human brains.
compass all kinds of eerie manifestations which border on the
supernatural. Pfoject GARP
In 1967,we reported that our own preliminary studies of Beginning in 1966, scientists from Munich's Max Planck In-
the sightings revealed a definite correlation between UFO stitute have been quietly collaborating with NASA on a
waves and fluctuations of the earth's magnetism. The air force project to map the earth's magnetic field. Over the last decade
never bothered to examine this interesting facet. Even the hundreds of rockets have been fired into the upper atmos-
numerous private UFO organizations tended to sneer a t this phere where they release huge clouds of barium gas. These
finding, convinced that UFOs were from outer space and were gases become ionized and glow brightly as they drift along the
in no way related to the earth's own magnetic field. earth's magnetic currents. Although the project has cost many
In 1974,seven years after our scientific scoop, Dr. C. Poher, millions of dollars it has received remarkably little publicity.
a leading scientist a t Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales i n Barium rockets have been sent up from Australia, northern
Toulouse, France, published a formidable study comparing Sweden, Canada, and even from Easter Island off the coast of
flying saucer sightings with geomagnetic disturbances. Using Chile. The experiments have produced very few spurious UFO
635 French sightings from the year 1954 (there was a major reports because most witnesses think they are seeing some
UFO wave in France that October), he compared the UFO ac- kind of natural phenomena-like the Northern Lightso
tivity with the scientific data on the disturbances of the that they are watching fireworks.
declination of the earth's magnetic field for the same period. In the summer of 1974 scientists from sixty-six nations par-
The peak magnetic disturbance in 1954 occurred simul- ticipated in a massive new project on the earth's equator.
taneously with the UFO wave! Or, as Dr. Poher put i t in Scores of ships laden with scientific equipment, and specially
cautious scientific terms: "A good statistical correlation bet- designed research submarines and airplanes fanned out over
ween disturbances of the earth's field and UFO observations thousands of square miles of ocean to study the earth's mag-
during one month in the remarkable year 1954 ...." netism and atmospheric phenomena. Known as the Global
In short, when the earth's magnetismgoes slightly haywire, Atmospheric Research Program (GABP), the project involved
UFOs begin to appear in great numbers. This does not mean the launching of special satellites, cloud studies, and under-
that the UFOs produce the magnetic disturbances, but rather water exploration to a depth of five thousand feet. I t cost $53
that magnetic disturbances produce UFOs. There is already million.
abundant scientific literature on the strange spheres of light Like the barium cloud experiments, Project GARP has
which appear in the sky immediately before, during, and after received very little publicity. But obviously many nations, and
major earthquakes. This is certainly a related phenomenon. countless scientists, are deeply concerned with our magnetic
However, this is not a full explanation for UFOs. They are and atmospheric problems these days. We have spent-and
not mere sparks of static electricity or plasmoid energies cast will continue to spend-enormous amounts of tax dollars on
into the sky by grinding earthquake faults or magnetic these semi-secret explorations of the earth's hidden mysteries.
anomalies. There were scores of UFO landings in France in Even the Soviet Union kicked in $18 million for GABP.
October, 1964, and many occupant sightings. Entities clad in For years Chester Gould's Dick Tracy comic strip carried an
space s u i t s would certainly not be generated by natural incongruous little box containing the words, "The nation that
rules magnetism will rule the universe." Maybe Gould knew !
something we don't.

Mysterious Crime
ach summer strange phantoms ride across the
landscape, committing bizarre crimes and leav-
ing absurd clues in their wake. Police in a
thousand scattered cities hold reluctant press
conferences and admit their bewilderment. Some
of the crimes are so weird that they are never even entered on
police blotters. The State Police, F.B.I., and other law enfor-
cement agencies exclude these acts from their statistics, while
local newspapers treat them as human interest anecdotes to
be hidden among the classifieds. Nevertheless, somewhere out
there an international band of shadowy burglars and cut-
throats lurks, hiding in alleys and graveyards, performing in-
sane deeds year after year and generation after generation.
Or maybe "sleepers" are carrying out these crimes while in an
amnesiac state.
For the past five years someone has been ripping off anti-
que weather vanes in New England. Literally ripping them
off old barns and houses. Some antique weather vanes date
back to the early 1700s and are valuable collector's items. Ac-
cording to eyewitnesses, our phantom burglars fly over the old
farms in a helicopter and actually lasso the weather vanes
with a rope and wrench them off their roofs. Housewives and
farmers, alerted by the noisy engines, have dashed outside
just in time to see a bright orange chopper rising upwards, a
prize weather vane snarled in a dangling rope. The phantom
weather vane thief has been active in Massachusetts, New ground. She and her husband were walking along a street in
Hampshire, and Vermont. No one has managed to track down Alexandria, Egypt, when the sidewalk suddenly parted and
the owner of that orange helicopter or locate its base. Helicop- the young woman vanished into the crevice. A rescue squad
ters are difficult to fly and expensive to maintain. Your was quickly summoned to the scene, and they dug down
average helicopter owner can find easier legal ways to make a thirty feet without finding a trace of her.
dollar. Stealing and fencing hot weather vanes would be a
Vampires From Outer Space?
difficult way to make a few bucks.
Other odd objects get stolen regularly. In 1973, a five-ton In recent years thousands of cows, sheep, dogs, and horses
wrecking ball belonging to the Dowling Construction Co. in have died under very mysterious circumstances. Someone or
Indianapolis, Indiana suddenly vanished. Workmen had left i t something has expertly drained the blood from the carcasses
hanging 200 feet in the air from a crane. When they returned and "surgically" removed their sex organs, tongues, and ears.
to the site the next morning the crane was still there but the This is not a new phenomenon. We have been following it for
ball was gone. twenty years, and periodic waves of animal mutilations have
A couple of years ago an inoperable bulldozer weighing occurred worldwide for a t least two hundred years. I n the
several tons disappeared from the yard of a construction firm early 1970s, the mutilations saw marked increase in the
in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Since its engine was filled with Eastern U S . Angry farmers in Pennsylvania held meetings,
sand, whoever accomplished the deed had to haul the huge believing they were dealing with cattle rustlers. And by 1975,
machine away with an even larger machine ... without leaving several states i n the Midwest and West were in a similar
tracks or clues. uproar. The senseless slaughter reached a peak that summer
and local authorities concluded they were dealing with a
In Newton, Utah someone stole a whole barn while the
secret band of devil worshippers. Others blamed marauders
owner was off on a trip. But the disappearances of entire from outer space-because strange flying objects and phan-
buildings have become commonplace in recent years. Prefab tom "helicopters" were often sighted in the vicinity of the
houses erected a s summer homes are especially prone to mutilations.
house-napping. Someone just moves in with a truck, disas-
sembles the house, and carts it away. But stone houses have Our old friends, the Big Hairy Monsters (BHM), also got
also vanished in this fashion, as have steel bridges, entire into the act. Alarmed witnesses were reporting the presence
railroad trains (parked on sidings), and airplanes. That's of the giant bipeds outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, simul-
right, today there are rings of airplane thieves, just a s there taneously with the disappearance or butchering of domestic
are rings of auto thieves (18,000 autos are stolen off the animals. The creatures allegedly raided chicken coops, in-
streets of New York City each year). One minor mystery was vaded pig pens, tore out the throats of hapless sheep, and, in
solved after airports on the West Coast reported that someone general, conducted a terror campaign against our rural com-
was stripping the plastic from sailplanes tied down in their munities. By January 1976, many Texas residents were
fields. I t turned out that packs of hungry wild dogs were in- speculating that their epidemic of animal mutilations was
vading the airports and actually eating t h e gliders! related to the appearances of the "Big Bird" which was terrify-
ing residents of the Chicano community around Brownsville.
But what could eat a stone house, a five-ton wrecking ball. The Bird-some reliable witnesses described it as resembling
or a steel bridge? an ancient pterodactyl-had been seen sporadically since
People vanish, too. 1945. It may also be linked to the legendary Thurderbird
In March 1973, Mrs. Miriat Ahmed Shinata, a twenty-year- which frequently appears in the legends of the American In-
old bride of four months, was swallowed up by a hole in the dians.

The Land Down Under hasn't produced any Big Bird removed. Failing to find such traces, authorities are baffled.
reports lately, but giant apelike monsters have been raising a Are these animals first paralyzed by some mysterious force
ruckus in Australia's Outback country. Most of the activity in the same way that humans have often been paralyzed in
has been concentrated around an obscure little town called the presence of UFOs? Instead of using drugs, the mutilators
Goolma. The BHM sightings also have been accompanied by may be using some form of electrical energy which im-
UFOs and animal mutilations. Something that left footprints mobilizes the entire nervous system.
15 inches long and six inches wide apparently broke the necks In innumerable Men in Black cases, witnesses have claimed
of a number of cattle. Several dogs were also killed or disap- they felt a numbness or paralysis when confronted by the
peared. The hairy monsters were seen several times by reli- strange MIBs. In Middle Europe these black-garbed mystery
able witnesses in May 1975 as the animal mutilations men were once thought to be evil vampires. Legend has it
reached epidemic proportions. Flying saucer sightings peaked that they first paralyzed their victims with a hypnotic stare
around the same time in Goolma, Wellington, Gerie. and Gul- and then drank their blood. Could these legends he based on
gong i n New South Wales. fact? Fortunately, there have been no verifiable cases of vam-
On the other side of the globe, in the province of Soderman- pirism in modern times, but there a r e a great many disap-
land in Sweden, farmers were up in arms over a sudden out- pearances of people every year, and we might speculate that
break of mutilations in the spring of 1976. As in the American the modern vampires are now clever enough to hide or bury
cases, the mutilators ignored the edible cuts of meat and the incriminating evidence. Or perhaps they have turned
removed useless organs like the heart and sex organs. In their bloodthirsty practices to animals, because killing human
nearly every instance, the carcasses had been drained of beings has become too difficult and too involved.
blood. There have been many hairy monster sightings in All of this revives one of Ivan Sanderson's more chilling
Sweden, too, and, of course, flying saucers are a familiar sight theories: That the Earth is a farm and we are the crop. Do
in the thinly populated provinces north of the Arctic Circle. UFOs raid us frequently to satisfy their thirst for blood,
While investigating animal mutilations in the mid-1960s. I operating behind a smoke screen of deception and confusion?
was perplexed by the constant absence of blood. A freshly kill- Secret Cults
ed animal bleeds profusely and there should always be traces
on the ground, grass, and surrounding area: The phantom Another theory which got popular support in the 70s is that
mutilators accomplish the impossible: They manage to kill the animal mutilations are the work of a secret devil cult.
and cut u p their victums without spilling a drop of blood! Such cults do exist, and have always existed, but the worst of
Even more bizarre, they somehow drain all the blood from the the rites of black magic involve the sacrifice of small children,
carcasses without leaving a single telltale puncture mark. not whole herds of sheep. Any cult that can run rampant in a
Experienced veterinarians and pathologists have painstak- dozen states a t the same time, slaughter thousands of
ingly examined t h e bodies of mutilated animals in t h e U S . animals, and not leave a single clue must be very large, very
without finding a s much as a puncture or surgical incision on well financed, and very organized; but if they could afford to
the bloodlesscarcass. operate on a national, even an international, scale they could
One common theory i n law enforcement circles is that the also certainly afford to maintain their own ranches and
animals a r e krst downed by a tranquilizer gun. Such weapons slaughterhouses. They wouldn't need to sneak into some Ok-
are rare, require some training to use, a n d employ a tran- lahoma pasture to drain the blood of a few random cows.
quilizing agent with a nicotine base. Traces of nicotine should However, there have been many false clues pointing to i l i v
be present in various organs, even if t h e blood has been existence of a n animal-slaughtering cult. Expert investijyt,ors

like Jerome Clark and Ed Sanders (famous for his study of The Vanishing Footprints
t h e Charles Manson cult) have actually interviewed people
who claimed to know something about this cult. But, like the Still another puzzling feature of the animal mutilations is
police, they have ultimately come up empty-handed. the total absence of footprints or tire tracks around the
bodies-even when the carcasses are in the middle of mud or
Occasionally, however, there is a startling report involving snow. Proponents of the cultist theory have suggested that the
mysterious hooded men seen i n the mutilation areas. Back in culprits throw down pieces of cardboard to walk on. Not a far-
the 1960s a woman in Ohio claimed that tall men i n white fetched theory since Arab bandits in the Middle East have
garments were killing her cows. She had gone after them with known for centuries how to erase their tracks in soft sand.
a shotgun, she told me, and was amazed when they were able One western farmer claimed that he discovered a cow dead in
to leap high fences with apparent ease. a sea of mud. He walked around it and examined it, leaving
In September 1975, Don Mitchell, a Forest Service employ- deep footprints. A day or so later he returned to the site with
ee, reported seeing hooded men a t a place called Cabin Creek local police officers and-to the party's astonishment!-his
i n Idaho. own footprints were gone.
"The cows in the corral had been making a lot of noise but Aerial objects, usually thought to be helicopters, have been
suddenly got real quiet," Mitchell said. "My horse was also seen frequently in the vicinity of the mutilations, leading to
quiet and watching the hillside. I thought there might have speculation that the mutilators are doing their dirty work
been elk, and moved along to see. When I got around a group from the air. Carl Whiteside, an agent for the Colorado
of willows I saw them: two guys with black hooded robes, one Bureau of Investigation, doubts this theory.
about five feet ten inches tall and the other about five feet "If they do use a helicopter, think of how much money is in-
eight inches. The taller guy had a canvas sack over his volved," Whiteside said. "A helicopter costs from a quarter of a
shoulder which seemed to be empty. They were moving a t a million to half a million dollars and costs for fuel would be
good clip a n d headed straight down Cove Creek." about nine dollars an hour."
Mitchell was about 50 yards from the men, and even
The Colorado Cattlemen's Association offered a reward of
though he was on horseback, couldn't catch up with them. $5,000 for a solution to the mystery. And with good reason,
Later, officers of the Blaine County Sheriff's Department
because, in 1975, in four months, a total of 175 mutilations
searched t h e area with negative results.
were reported in twenty-one Colorado counties.
Why would anyone moving around in such a remote wooded
"In order to solve a crime, you have to establish a motive,"
area bother to wear long black robes? It's like wearing a
agent Whiteside recently complained, "hut this is a senseless
tuxedo to go hunting.
crime. The purpose of taking these animal parts is something
There have been many odd reports of hooded, robed men we're not aware of, since these parts have no retail value.
who have been seen in many parts of the world ...leaping There's no profit motive. All we have now is dead cattle that
across roads in England, ambling down isolated highways in have been mutilated."
Minnesota and West Virginia, running from old farmhouses in Reports have been coming in from Australia, Sweden,
New England, Who are they? If you think about it, a hood and
Africa, and other foreign nations as well indicating that we
long robe might be necessary. These "people" may not look
are dealing with one of two things: 1)A worldwide organiza-
like u s a t all. In order to move in our midst they must cover
their possibly alien bodies from head to toe. Underneath those tion staffed with highly trained personnel, who are both well
financed, and strangely motivated; 2) The Unknown; a force
robes they might b e completely covered with hair!
that employs UFOs, higfoot-type creatures, and other b i z a m '
phenomena to accomplish a mysterious mission here on dow breaking have been repeated many times since.
Earth. Each year dozens of towns across the country experience
The mutilators, over the years, have caused losses i n the the efforts of the phantom windshield smashers. Police
many millions of dollars. The situation seems to call for a generally assume that teenagers with sledge hammers are
massive international investigation by all law enforcement responsible. But rugged safety glass is hard to smash, and
agencies. We spend more time and money tracking down these smashings occur in waves of from forty to one hundred
stolen cars than we do investigating this mysterious and cars i n a single night. A variation of this is the "phantom
costly phenomenon. If a human organization is behind this, sniper." Car windows are partially broken with what looks
we should be trying to put them out of business and behind like bullet holes. Except no bullets or projectiles of any kind
bars. are ever found inside the vehicles. The biggest wave of
But, as the lawmen say, we've got to find the motive. If the windshield smashing took place in the U S . in 1952-54. But
culprit is non-human, perhaps we're better off not knowing. there was a smaller wave in scattered communities across the
country in the spring of 1975.
Supernatural Vandalism
The major utility companies have been trying to corner the
Local police also grumble about "teenaged vandals" when mysterious phantom wire gang that has been stealing miles of
the cemeteries i n their town are visited by some unknown heavy electrical cable for years. Copper is scarce today, and
force. Tombstones are toppled over in a neat row. Some are thefts of copper are not unusual. In 1966, a ship laden with
snapped off or sheered off a t the bottom. Since modern copper vanished off the coast of Indochina. But the wire gang
tombstones are usually attached to their bases with thick is doing i t the hard way. They actually scale the steel towers
steel rods, a gang of bored teenagers could not be responsible and cut into the cables carrying lethal voltages of current.
for the damage. It would take a heavy tractor or bulldozer and They must then roll the heavy cable into huge drums and
heavy chains to knock over such tombstones. Again, there are haul i t away. Aside from the obvious risks of such an opera-
never any tracks or footprints. The stones~sometimestwenty tion, the time and effort required to steal wire in this manner
or thirty of them-are knocked over in a precise row. This would seem to exceed whatever small profit the thieves
kind of damage occurs in hundreds of scattered cemeteries manage to gain from the venture.
every year. No law enforcement agency has made a study of It would be easier to swipe weather vanes.
the phenomenon. After the damage has been discovered,
policemen a r e usually assigned to sit in the cemetery for days Are We Supplying Ultraterrestrials?
or weeks. Naturally, the "vandalism" ceases. We don't claim that people from another planet are stealing
Another interesting form of vandalism is the shattering of wire, glass, and weather vanes from us. But the record proves
windshields that takes place periodically. A curious variation that some kind of phantom burglars were busy one hundred
of this occured i n Naples, Italy, in 1972, when no less than years ago and are still active today. Some investigators,
forty motorists complained that the windshields had been perplexed by the absence of clues in many of these cases, are
stolen from the r cars. It can take a skilled mechanic over a n seriously wondering if we may not be unwittingly supplying a
hour to remove a single auto windshield. Were forty strange extradimensional world with raw materials. Oh-
mechanics running amok that one night in Naples? viously, someone or some thing needs enormous quantities of
According to theNew York Times, April 24,1921, more than animal and human blood, and we have been furnishing it for
2500 expensive plate glass windows were smashed in London hundreds of years. Then, too, there are baffling UFO manifrs-
that year by "a mysterious band of men." Epidemics of win- tations around garbage dumps and factories. Are little grwn
men from Mars making off with our garbage?
In a number of cases witnesses have claimed that they saw
huge UFOs being loaded with supplies of some sort. Detroit-
made autos have been seen driving into giant disks on the
ground. A quartet of amazed witnesses in Cherry Hill, New
Jersey allegedly saw a huge hlimplike machine hovering
about a computer plant in 1966, and men on the roof of the
building were transferring boxes to the craft!
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have lost ex-
pensive satellites shortly after sending them into orbit around
the earth. Could they have been snatched from us by the un-
known saucerers? Some students of the Bermuda Triangle Snallygasters
have suggested that the planes and ships that have vanished
there were really pirated by UFOs.
It does sometimes seem as if everything on this planet is up
and Sea Serpents
for grabs and someone not quite human has been doing the orteans will remember 1973 as the year of the
grabbing. Snallygaster. The word is a corruption of the
German term schnelle geeschter, meaning "quick
spirits" and according to Webster's Third New In-
ternational Dictionary is "a mythical, nocturnal
creature, half-bird and half-reptile, chiefly reported in rural
Maryland, which preys on children and poultry."
Snallygasters have cropped up all over the United States,
usually answering to the classic description of the tall, hairy
red-eyed monsters which haunted Lake Worth in Texas a few
years ago andlor the giant winged weirdo which plagued West
Virginia in 1966-67 and Texas in 1975. As with the legendary
Snallygaster of Maryland, these critters leave flocks of dead
chickens and dogs in their wake.
Where these giant animals come from-and where they
g o ~ r e m a i n sa mystery. Sheriffs around the country have tur-
ned out armed posses, complete with bloodhounds and
helicopters, to hunt them down. Always t o no avail.
In June 1973, there were six Snallygaster sightings within
two weeks around the little town of Sykesville, Maryland.
Witnesses said heht was from seven to ten feet tall and
covered with hair.
Hundreds of miles away, in Enfield, Illinois, a midget Snal-
lygaster baffled authorities. This one was only about four-and-
a-half feet tall, had a grayish-colored body and, incredibly, the Snallygasters could be visitors from some other planet.
seemed to stand on three legs. I t thoughtfully left behind But are flying saucers really dumping dinosaurs on us?
some footprints, as did the Sykesville critter. There is one important common denominator in the
Up in Durham, Maine local police spent the summer chas- majority of our Snallygaster-dinosaur-UFO sightings. They
ing a "gorilla" which also left footprints indicating it weighed take place near bodies of water ...
reservoirs, rivers, and
a t least 300 pounds. Gorillas are very rare creatures. Experts lakes. Both UFOs and the tall, hairy monsters seem to fre-
estimate there are only 400 gorillas alive in the world today, quent swamps, too. The phantom animals could be am-
including those in zoos. No gorilla was reported missing in phibians who spend most of their time underwater. And the
Maine so we can assume the Durham animal was just occasional "dinosaur" sightings could actually be glimpses of
another Snallygaster. the creature which has produced the worldwide lore of sea
How Extinct Is the Dinosaur?
S e a Serpents and Dinosaurs
Akin to the Snallygaster are the extinct dinosaurs which
occasionally wander across farm fields, leaving perfect Paranormal events seem to hapen in cycles and all kinds of
dinosaur footprints behind. Police in France chased a crazy things happen a t once when these cycles peak. While
dinosaur unsucessfully in the early 1930s. In 1969, a dinosaur some people are seeing UFOs and atmospheric phenomena,
is supposed to have turned up in Texas and forced a car off others are viewing sea serpents and tall, hairy monsters.
the road. A year later, another dinosaur created a stir in the Outbreaks of ghosts and poltergeist cases also seem to
mountains of Italy. In 1934, a dinosaur allegedly attacked coincide with such events.
sheep a t Campbell Lake in South Dakota and, incidentally, On June 24, 1908, the entire crew of the steamship
scared the daylights out of some of the farmers living around Livingstone reported seeing a 200-foot sea serpent in the Gulf
the lake. of Mexico. Their story appeared on page one of the New York
Generations of pygmies in the Congo in Africa have al- Times on July 1 , 1908. The ship belonged to the Texas-
legedly been seeing a large dinosaur-like critter that they call Mexican line and was making a routine trip between Galves-
the mokele mbemebe in a place known as the Likouala ton and Frontera, Mexico. About fifty miles outside of Fron-
Swamps. The rumors have inspired innumerable hardy ex- tera, the monster appeared off the port bow. "The ship got
peditions over the past fifty years. In the past decade alone, within sixty feet of the creature," according to the Times, "and
groups from Japan, France, England and Chicago University for fifteen minutes stood by while all on board viewed tho ser-
have fought their way through the jungles in the hopes of get- pent through the glasses. It was apparently sleeping, and was
ting a glimpse of the monster. These brave would-be explorers not less than 200 feet long, of about the diameter of a flour
suffered incredibly from insect bites, tropical diseases and barrel in the center of the body, but was not as round. The
chronic humiliation. They usually left their home bases with head was about six feet long by three feet a t the widest part.
much fanfare and then later returned from Africa very, very The color was dark brown, and near its tail were rings or
quietly, with their tails dragging. Even now, a group of college circles that appeared larger in circumference than the body a t
professors, bright-eyed students and True Believers are that point. As it swam away the tail was erected, and a rat-
preparing for yet another trek to the swamps of the Congo. tling noise as loud as that made by a gatling gun in action
Strange aerial lights and unidentified flying objects have startled the watchers on the Livingstone.
been sighted- in the immediate vicinity of some of these As soon as the ship docked in Frontera, the captain, his
monster sightings, causing some ufologists to speculate that crew, and fifteen passengers, signed a sworn affadavit before
Charles W. Rickland, the United States Consular agent. ...
boat or a sub can't go in this lake It had a hump that looked
The late Harold T. Wilkins, a British authority on the un- like a glass tower."
explained, reportedly saw "two remarkable saurians" in the Mr. Jan-Ove Sundberg, a Swedish journalist, has supplied
waters of a stream in Cornwall, England on July 5,1949. The us with several detailed accounts of these alleged lake
monsters were identical to the ancient, longextinct "monsters." The following item appeared in the newspaper
plesiosaur, Wilkins noted afterwards. Could this distant Motala Tidning, July 26,1950:
cousin of the dinosaur still be alive and well in Cornwall?
The monster in Lake Rasvalen has appeared again, this
There are innumerable other plesiosaur sightings. Bulky- time three times within one hour. A man who was scepti-
bodied creatures with elongated necks have been seen fre- cal of the monster reports saw it in Kallernas Bay hut
quently in Lake Champlain, New York; Lake Catemaco, when he tried to get closer to it it disappeared.
Mexico; Lake Walker, Nevada; Flathead Lake, Montana;
Payette Lake, Idaho; Okanagan Lake, Canada; Lake Iliamna, "One has got to believe one's own eyes," said Sigvard
Alaska, and even in Lake Vorota in the Soviet Union. Barnstrom from Vedehags Bruk today. "The monster was
about 5 metres long and looked almost like a black whale
Apparently the Indians were well aware of these creatures or an upside-down boat. I was on the lake together with a
in the earliest times. In Peebles, Ohio there is a huge man- friend to look in our nets when we suddenly spotted this
made mound of earth covering several acres of land. When strange creature about 300 metres from our boat. When i t
viewed from the air, this mound assumes the precise shape of showed up we tried to get closer to it, but i t submerged in
our water monsters. 'The bulky frontal portion, thin neck and a funny way and disappeared." After a few minutes the
long tail square with the land sighting descriptions from monster appeared again, and this time both men saw that
Ireland and Scotland," Mr. F. W. Holiday, one of the world's i t was longer than 5 metres, black in color and somewhat
leading experts on sea monsters, has said. He calls the mound round in front and back. The time was 5 a.m. Again they
"probably the best surviving dragon-simulation." tried to get closer, and again it disappeared. Around 8 a.m.
Land sightings of such animals are rare but they have been i t turned up again about 200 metres from the boat and
seen waddling into or out of lakes in British Columbia, was in view for about 15 minutes. "This time it circled the
Canada, and the haunted lakes of Great Britain. Witnesses of lake a t terrific spead," Mr. Barnstrom said, "unlike any
these rare overland sojourns seem to he describing the an- animal I have ever seen. Then it submerged like a sub-
cient plesiosaur. marine."
Scientists eager to explain away the mystery have tried t o A thing like "an upside-down boat" has been seen scooting
identify these creatures as everything from giant eels and sea over the surface of Storsjon Lake in Jamtland, also. At
slugs t o sea cows, whales, and even overgrown mackerel. Stensjon Lake in Ostergotland a witness saw what looked like
Lake Mysteries the conning tower of a submarine jutting about the water.
Vasterbotten's Tavelsjon Lake has also produced reports of an
Northern Scandinavia is dotted with lakes, large and small, elongated something that behaved like a submarine. And a t
and there a r e endless stories about lake monsters like Scot- Vattern Great Lake in Ostergotland witnesses once watched
land's Loch Ness monster. But many of these monster reports two "torpedoes" about forty feet long which submerged
sound more like submarine sightings. How would submarines abruptly when an airplane flew over.
manage to rea-ch these remote, often shallow, inland lakes?
One witness a t Bullaren Lake in the Province of Bohuslao, Dragons and Discs
Sweden said, '*It looked more like a boat I would say, yet a Mr. 'Ted" Holiday was an outstanding scholar nml
researcher who spent many long summers watching the set the ecological balance of the lake. And why haven't any of
murky waters a t Scotland's famous Loch Ness, home of Nes- the oldtimers died and floated to the surface?
sie, the best-known of all monsters. In his book, The Dragon There have been about 3,000 known sightings of Nessie in
and the Disc, Holiday offers some astonishing findings linking this century, but photographs are extremely rare and con-
the water monsters with flying saucers. In earlier works (e.g., troversial. Other monsters are equally camera shy. Califor-
The Great Orm of Loch Ness) Holiday labored to support the nia's Big Foot and Canada's Sasquatch, both Snallygaster
notion that Nessie was a real flesh-and-blood creature capable types, have avoided posing for their portrait for years. No one
of being caught. But after digging deeper and deeper into the ever succeeded in filming West Virginia's "Mothman" (a
Nessie lore he has turned towards the paraphysical theory; seven-foot, red-eyed creature with wings). And even authen-
the suspicion that the celebrated creature of the Loch may be ticated UFO photos are rare in relation to the many thou-
somehow related to the elusive Snallygaster. sands of sightings annually. Why are these things so difficult
In revisiting the many churches and monuments through- to photograph?
out England which feature ancient "dragon" carvings, Holiday Author Holiday suggests that Nessie is somehow tied in
was impressed with the fact that such carvings usually in- with the mysterious psychic world around us. I t may even be
cluded discs and figures which closely resembled modern that the creature is somehow being protected by unknown
UFOs. Holiday concluded that earlier peoples recognized psychic forces.
there was some connection between the dragons and UFO- Each summer teams of scientists and investigators man
forms. Even the ancient Chinese on the other side of the cameras mounted around Loch Ness. These cameras are
world believed that dragons and UFOs were interrelated. positioned to cover almost the entire surface of the lake. Al-
Adding to the mystery, all kinds of psychic manifestations most, but not quite. There are a few blind spots. In August
have plagued the scientific investigators at Loch Ness. Expen- 1968, Holiday was present when Nessie reared his ugly head
sive electronic instruments malfunction, cameras refuse to for a look around. Though there were a number of good wit-
operate, and strange misfortunes haunt the investigators. nesses along the shore, Nessie chose to pop up in one of the
There have even been "mystery men" or "Men In Black" very few places that were obscured from the various cameras!
episodes. After returning to Sweden, one journalist was ap- "The Loch Ness Investigation Bureau had a camera truck
proached by a stranger in a restaurant who sternly advised a t Quarry Brae," Holiday reports, "and another one four miles
him to discontinue his research into UFOs and sea serpents. away a t Tor Point. The observers were watchful and keen but
Photographing the Unknown they had seen nothing. The phenomenon had concealed itself
so there was nothing for them to see."
The strongest evidence for the reality of UFOs are the Eager UFO photographers the world over have been puz-
numerous radar sightings recorded over the years. Nessie has zled when their expensive cameras failed to function a t the
been picked up on radar's underwater equivalent-sonar. In critical moment, returning to normal as soon as the UFO had
fact, some sonar readings have indicated that several of these soard out of view. Holiday cites a number of instances in
creatures a r e frolicking in the mile-deep lake. Yet, like the which this same effect has occurred a t Loch Ness. In some
flying saucers which appear and disappear just as suddenly cases, the cameras seemed t o work but the developed film
from the radar scopes, these herds of monsters are elusive came out completely blank. This, too, has happened to UFO
and scientifically impossible. If the herds come to the Loch to photographers ... and Snallygaster chasers ... and ghost hun-
breed (one popular theory), what do they feed on? Such huge ters.
animals m u s t have prodigious appetites and could quickly up-


Sea Serpents from Outer Space Phantom Boatmen
Whenever we fail to uncover solid evidence to support our Legends dating back to the year 1456 describe an under-
observations of paranormal phenomena, we tend to indulge in water connection between Lake Mossarpegolen and Lake Yx-
fanciful speculation. After chasing flying saucers for forty ningen in Ostergotland, Sweden, according to researcher
years we find we have no more real evidence that when we Lennart Karlsson. Lake Mossarpegolen is surrounded by a
began, so we decide preemptively that they are space ships dense forest and is only about 300 feet wide and 600 feet long.
from outer space. Since humming, buzzing multicolored UPOs People vacationing a t the lake have claimed that i t sometimes
hang around the lakes and rivers inhabited by our plesiosaur lights up, as if the waters were illuminated from below, with a
and his relatives, and the swamps and woodlands frequented strong reddish color. This phenomenon was last observed in
by our Snallygaster, i t should be obvious that all these things July 1972.
share a common cause. Karlsson and Sundherg report: "The people in the lake area
No one seriously contends that sea serpents are visitors claim they have seen a 'mystery boat'on Lake Mossarpegolen.
from some other planet. Rather, it is becoming more evident In the boat were two figures resembling human beings. Some-
that all unexplained phenomena are connected in some in- times on dark nights the boat and figures disappeared with a
explicable fashion. Some could be tricks of time, with the sharp, blinding light. The 'mystery boat' seems to be an old
monsters and dinosaurs popping into our time zone tem- legend come true, as local inhabitants claimed to have obser-
porarily. Some could be pure hallucination. ved it many years ago. There are fish in the lake, but nobody
The reality of these things is not only unproven and un- in the area knows who the figures in the mystery boat are,
provable, but the integration and logical, objective study of all where they keep their boat, or where they are from. They just
these matters has been made impossible by the intrusion of seem to disappear into thin air."
belief. Loch Ness investigators sneer at the whole subject of Disappearing boats and phantom boatmen are no strangers
UFOs. Ufologists ignore Snallygaster reports. Psychical re- to collectors of Forteana. There is also a growing body of lore
searchers are so busy hunting ghosts they have little time for about mysterious frogmen who climb out of small lakes and
flying saucers and monsters ... although all these subjects inlets in full diving gear, waddle ashore and get into waiting
produce the same effects.... black Cadillacs to drive off into limbo. The late Ivan T. San-
In the past few years, however, a handful of investigators derson was particularly concerned with stories like those
have begun to try to view the whole scene rather than recounted here and he collected many others...such as the
isolated fragments of it. One of Britain's leading ufologists, mysterious voices and music heard by divers deep in the
Brinsley Le Poor Trench, now admits "there is considerable water off the shores of Great Britain. He speculated that
evidence that the UFOs appearing in our skies have some strange things may be happening a t the bottom of our oceans,
connection with psychic phenomena." lakes, rivers, and fiords while all the UFO enthusiasts are
looking eagerly in the wrong direction-to space. The real
The helicopters vainly chasing dinosaurs, the posses track- secret of these phenomena may be as earthbound (or water-
ing down ten-foot "gorillas," the hordes of teenagers sitting on bound) as we are.
hilltops and scanning the skies for flying saucers, and the
patient cameramen shivering in the cold night air a t Loch When the great flying saucer wave of October 1973 occur-
red, the case that received the most publicity was the story of
Ness, a r e all engaged in the same pursuit. But they don't
know it. the two fishermen in Pascagoula, Mississippi who were i l l
egedly taken aboard a UFO while fishing in Mississippi':;
famous "singing river" so named because for years the river automobiles and haunting popular lover's lanes. Back in
has produced a mysterious humming sound like the buzzing 1949, Ivan T. Sanderson was sent by NBC to Florida to track
of bees. A sound which has long been associated with UFOs. down reports of a giant creature that had been seen roaming
Flying saucers have demonstrated a penchant for bodies of along river banks. Sanderson concluded, after studying
water, diving into rivers and reservoirs around the world. The eyewitness reports, that the thing had been a 15-foot tall pen-
majority of the best-known UFO contacts have taken place on guin. The king penguin can reach a height of four feet, but
beaches and river hanks. there have been vague, unverified reports of a much larger
type isolated on frigid, uninhabited islands in Antarctica.
Mysterious Marsupials Sanderson speculated that one of these creatures, which are
said to be covered with fur rather than feathers, somehow got
In July, 1975, another old friend popped up near Du Quoin,
Illinois. Several people reported seeing a kangaroo about five caught in an ocean current which eventually deposited it in
feet tall hopping through cornfields. Kevin Luthi said he was Florida.
hesitant to report his sighting a t first "because I thought Kangaroos in Illinois! Wild chimps and giant penguins in
everyone would think I was crazy." Florida! Wild monkeys have even been shot and killed in Ten-
nessee! Back in 1967, police in New Jersey shot and killed a
There have been many kangaroo reports from Illinois in
recent years. One witness was a police officer who gave chase ...
huge Himalayan Brown bear a very rare creature found in
only a few zoos. No one has ever managed to explain how a
but, of course, soon lost the trail. As usual, local authorities
checked nearby zoos and circuses only to learn that no one Himalayan bear appeared in New Jersey.
had lost a kangaroo. Ridiculous Reptiles
A decade ago a kangaroo was bouncing around the New
When I returned from India I brought back a "two-headed"
England states and even turned u p in Ohio. In fact, there are
sand boa and three fanged cobras. (Herpetology, the study of
periodic kangaroo flaps in the United States and i t all sug-
reptiles, has been a hobby of mine since I was a boy.) To
gests that there are several kangaroos living unnoticed in the promote a book I had written, my publisher ensconced me in
American countryside.
the window of a store in Times Square where I did a daily
The Macropus giganteus grows to about five feet tall and snake charming act. Later I traveled around the country lec-
can leap 25 feet in a single bound. Some of our agile, leaping turing about Oriental magic and giving demonstrations with
monsters, which a r e usually seen in the dark, could be one of my snakes. People were always coming up to me after my
these renegade kangaroos. Like elephants, they are timid fel- talks t o tell me of their own incredible experiences with
lows unless they're cornered. Then they can disable a big man snakes right here in America. To hear them tell it, one would
in seconds with their vicious four-toed claws. think this country is overrun with 30-foot boa constrictors,
A number of other odd animals live wild in the US.Years giant alligators, and other bizarre reptiles.
ago a movie company lost some chimpanzees while filming a Two tales that I heard over and over again (usually the
Tarzan epic in Florida. The chimps are still seen occasionally teller said he had heard about it from a friend who knew the
and have undoubtedly grown and multiplied over the years. witness involved and was very reliable) concerned the lcgcn-
Some skeptics try to blame them for all the sighting8 of dary hoop snake and the milk snake. When frightened, the
Florida's famous smelly "Sandman"; the Southern counterpart hoop snake is supposed to take his tail in his mouth, form :I
of the great Sasquatch of the Northwest. However, the hoop, and roll away a t great speed. The milk shake is said I.,)
Sandman i s much larger than a chimp, is accompanied by a approach cows and suck all the milk from their uddrrs.
foul odor, and like monsters everywhere is fond of chasing
Neither of these snakes actually exists, but stories about the answer. The horse survived but lost "a patch of hair"
them can be found in ancient literature and the myths were where the snake had bitten it. Packer suffered agonies for
probably brought to this country by early immigrants and years afterward. There is nothing in my snake catalogs that
passed down from generation to generation ever since. could explain this incident. The bite of the notorious bush-
I've heard about flying snakes in the U S . but so far as I master injects a substance which causes the blood to lose its
know none have ever been caught. There really are flying ability to coagulate. Some bushmaster victims find their pores
snakes in Venezuela and Asia. They lurk in trees and when opening up and oozing blood when they enter the final stage
their lunch strolls past they flatten their ribs and spiral down before death. Packer's inability to heal suggests a similar
like a stream of confetti. kind of venom.
Stories of unusual poisonous snakes also abound. There are In any case, you don't have to go off on an African safari or
actually only two snakes in the world that are aggressive join a n expedition into central Brazil to see rare and exotic
enough to chase a man. They are the black mamba of Africa, a creatures. The United States is still populated with a wide
member of the cobra family, and the bushmaster of Central variety of peculiar wildlife ranging from West Virginia's spec-
America. Both are very ugly customers and their bites are tacular "Mothman" and occasional reports of ancient
nearly always fatal. Natives claim that the only way to escape pterodactyls on the wing to kangaroos, Himalayan bears, and
either of them is t o run uphill. If there are no hills around ridiculous reptiles. Several U S . lakes are supposed to contain
Perhaps the strangest snakebite story of all occurred in giant sea serpents, and from the reports that pour into my
Kenton, Ohio on June 9,1946. Mr. Orland Packer was horse- mailbox each year our woods seem to be filled with huge hairy
back riding near his home when a giant snake appeared sud- monsters.
denly in his path. He said i t was about eight feet long and
four inches i n diameter. The horse threw him and the snake
coiled about his leg, breaking his ankle and biting him in the
heel. Then i t bit the horse and slithered off into the woods
and vanished. A huge search party combed the woods but
never found it. The snake was described as having a flat head
and a diamond shape on its back. I t was definitely not one of
our run-of-the-mill Ohio snakes.
Years later I mentioned the Packer incident in one of my
books and I was surprised to receive a letter from Mrs. Packer
outlining h e r husband's horrible ordeal. His wound refused to
heal, she wrote, and he finally had to have part of his heel
amputated. "He was on crutches for almost two years His ...
fever would rise till he would almost go out of his head then
after he broke cut i n sweats where you could wring water out
of his clothes. I changed his bed several times a day so I
I sifted through all my reptile books trying to identify the
culprit. Although t h e basic description sounds like a king
cobra. Packer would have died within hours if that had been
count is the "Barisal Guns" of India. British colonists fre-
quently heard the inexplicable booms around Bengal. Others
reported similar aerial blasts in the West Indies, around
Haiti, and in far-off Central Australia. Lake Bosumtwi,
Africa, a n d Lough Neagh i n Ireland were also frequently
visited by the mysterious cannons. The Indians in the Black
Hills of South Dakota have legends about the explosions, and
the Lewis and Clark expedition is supposed to have heard the
phenomenon in the Rocky Mountains. Lake Seneca, one of the
Finger Lakes in New York state, has a long history of

Skyquakes and HITIS "airquakes,"as the newspapers of 1977 dubbed the sounds.
The gas bubble theory was already old h a t in 1897, and was
generally discredited by witnesses who reported the lake was
n October, 1976,I was pecking away a t a typewriter in frozen over a t the times of the blasts.
the foreign press office in Stockholm, Sweden when On December 2, 1977, a skyquake jarred the residents of
the entire city was suddenly shaken by a mammoth New Canaan, Connecticut and was accompanied by strange
explosion. Windows rattled and objects rolled off lights in the sky. The aerial sounds followed a course that led
tables. Local newspapermen besieged the airports and southwards over New Jersey to the Carolinas, suggesting that
military with queries. Strangely, nothing had exploded in the some object had passed along that route into t h e famous
area and the authorities had no idea what had happened. Var- Bermuda Triangle. Military authorities and aviation officials
ious rumors circulated, the most popular being t h a t a Soviet staunchly denied that any supersonic aircraft were operating
submarine base had suffered a disaster hundreds of miles in those areas a t the time.
away on t h e other side of the Baltic. A few days later another Back in 1952, when supersonic aircraft were still limited to
violent blast shook Oslo, Norway and, like the Stockholm ex- a few experimental models, officialdom carried out the same
plosion, seemed to occur somewhere in the upper atmosphere exercise in futility. Residents of Long Island, just east of New
without leaving a trace. York City, were plagued that year by skyquakes and the only
Skyquakes are a relatively common phenomenon but only a newspaperperson to take an interest was the late Dorothy
handful of Forteans were researching the subject until Kilgallen. She tried to find out if any military authority knew
December 1977, when a series of mysterious aerial blasts the cause and was given the usual runaround. Like flying
shook the Atlantic seaboard. Overnight a wide variety of sci- saucers, skyquakes were a non-subject and the authorities
entists a n d self-styled experts embraced the subject, and reasoned that if we didn't pay any attention to them they
President Carter ordered the U S . Air Force to investigate. would just go away.
One scientist widely quoted in the press actually proposed The sobering truth is that skyquakes are on the increase.
that the explosions were caused by bubbles of methane gas They tend to occur when UFO sightings increase, and they
coming u p through fissures in t h e ocean's bottom. Methane follow the general patterns of the UFO phenomenon. I t is pos-
gas. That's swamp gas, folks! The explanation is even more sible that skyquakes are produced by the rapid transit of
unlikely t h a n the phenomenon itself. unidentified flying objects. There is no known atmospheric
Actually these mysterious blasts have been occuring i n the condition that could cause them, and the huudred-year old
Northeast for many years, and there are legends of "phantom scientific speculation that bubbles of gas are the culprits is i n
artillery'' goimg back several centuries. The most famous ac-
supportable. traveled as far south as the Carolinas. Any object traveling a t
WO Routes supersonic speed and thus leaving a stream of sonic booms in
its wake, would have to be under some kind of control to cover
There are two major UFO channels or belts on this planet. such a great distance. So if the skyquakes were caused by an
One lies 60 degrees North and indicates that a great deal of object we can conclude it was a controlled object, one which
unobserved UFO activity has been taking place north of the was flying rather than falling.
Arctic Circle since 184).The second channel stretches north There is nothing in nature that we know of which would be
to south along 65 1.0 75 degrees West from Canada to Argen- capable of producing a series of sonic booms over an area of
tina. This belt includi!s wwc of the busiest and most mys- 1,000 miles or more. The aviation authorities have assured us
terious places on riirl.b...nuch as the Bermuda Triangle i n the that no man-made aircraft was responsible for the noises. So
Atlantic and tin* I m f ' f l i n ~area ; around Bahia Blanca, Argen- we are left with a n unidentified, phantom aircraft which
tina, site of's<ii~ir o l ' t l i ~ iulrangest UFO cases. presumably entered the 65 to 75 degree West channel over
We could li-11, wiiriw of ptzuliar events along this belt from New England and soared southwards into the Bermuda Tri-
New 1Ciij:h1111l 1.0 tln4!11rolinas.For example, a t 8:15 p.m. on angle. It must have been a very special Unidentified because
the ni~:lil #if' Apnl 2r>, 1906, a spectacular "meteor" passed many UFOs have been clocked by radar and theodolites in our
along l l w r l n ~ ~ n ~Thu c l . brilliantly illuminated object was seen atmosphere and traveling at supersonic speeds without creat-
by I ~ I I ~ ~ I : I I I I Iill' I ~ II II I ~ I ~ Iin I ~ several
I ~ states. Anumber of amateur ing sonic booms. Indeed, most UFOs travel in total silence. A
~ i t ~ l ~ i ) ~ , r i iI ~I I~~ lI n I I ~I Ii ~nIto
H ~ snap pictures of it. In Pennsyl- UFO that leaves sonic booms in its wake must be unique. So
V I I I i i i i I lnw, W I W ~ ciim-N in which witnesses claimed their unique that the noises might mean it was not what we now
I I I C ~ I ~I ~II I~~ ~J I ~I Iulnll~d II WI ~ inexplicably as the object passed call a flying saucer.
I A H t w t , i - ~ ~ i i ~ i nvcr m: South Carolina the thing disap- The correlation between the "meteor" of 1966 and the Tash-
I I t i l l ~ i v i ~WnI Tl ~ tbc Atlantic. kent earthquake suggests that some other force is a t work
A! r \ i ~ / ! v t l w ~mintitime, exactly on the opposite side of the here. It could be geological...some environmental force that is
mi-111 in Ilin ' I ' I I ~ ~ I ~ Iregion - I I ~ of the Soviet Union, a violent affected by geological changes. The lights seen during
w i i l~i i I ~ ~ , i l i1.1 ~ irink, killing ten and leaving 200,000 people earthquakes could be a product of that force, a form of static
I I I ~ I I I ~ ~llnw ~ I ~ ~~ It r~ m l j l,liut : ~ a major disaster would strike on electricity generated by the movements of the earth's crust.
I I 1 ' I liw wo1'11l while thousands of people on the other Skyquakes could be implosions rather than explosions, caused
I 1 1 V I I W I I I ~nn nwrsome "meteor." Could the two events by the rush of air into holes or empty pockets in the atmos-
I I I sni~~rhitw rclnt.ed? phere. Such holes might be caused by geo-physical changes, or
I ~ I ~ 1igl11 I I ~ n U I I II iwriitl phcnmena have been observed before they could be created when a solid object suddenly disappears
I I I I I I I ~ : niii,pir n ~ i l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ini imany
~ k c sparts of the world. and the air rushes in to the space it had occupied. There are
Ihil. I In' nl ritii~!vI I ~ ~ I I I mid M tikyquakes of December 1977 were countless reports of UFOs disappearing suddenly, often ac-
I ~ I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I liy I I I ~,iirl.liqunkcs. However, the path of the companied by a loud retort.
-sky~i~~nkrs i l i d I'tilhiw 1.11e siirne route a s the "meteorn of So what causes our skyquakes? They seem to be somehow
1 9 ~...;' f;;i 1.11 75 ~ l r ~ ; r rWest r channel. The "meteor" related to UFO phenomenon yet the observational evidence
traveled in -silence, i~i!liriil.ingit was high above the atmos- precludes a UFO explanation. What they are, what causes
phere. A natural ob~cil,~~nU;riitg the atmosphere over New them, and what they mean all remain mysteries. Ironically,
England would nt;ike ;I imisc, but it would be in a retrograde the skyquakes of December 1977 led the media to rediscover
orbit and would probably burn u p or hit the ground before it them and give them a new credibility. They suddenly became
a subject even tliougli tliry have been shattering the peace area reported hearing a sharp explosion. Two months later a
and quiet of the coi~ilrysklcfor hundreds of years. After hunter splashing his way through the swamp in Smaland
President Carter reciignizcd their existence the boondoggling came across a four foot square hole that hadn't been there
began. Governnicnt J I ~ I : I I C ~ Idoled
!~ out fat contracts to univer- earlier in the year.
sities to investigirt~:.Al'trr several years of such expensive in- Believing that a piece of space debris or a meteor may have
vestigations we wrrc ol'liwd new variations on the tired old
crashed in Smaland, Dr. Sture Wickerts of the FOA (Swedish
Swamp Gas theory urn! whatever-or whoever-is behind the Defense Department) left his comfortable home in Stockholm
"airquakcs" con,,inin~tlLII rattle our windows with impunity.
and spent two weeks in the swamp. At the same time, mem-
Holes In the Ice bers of UFO Sverige, the local UFO club, mobilized to carry
out their own investigation. Wickerts and his men worked
A hole throe ffct in diameter suddenly appeared in the over the hole in the daytime while the civilian UFO research-
eighteen inch ice covering a small pond near Wakefield, New ers labored there a t nights and on weekends. I t was a kind of
Hampshire on(! January and set off a national furor. The comic race to get to whatever was a t the bottom of the hole.
owner of the pond, William McCarthy, poked around with a
All they found were the remnants of a n ancient fhonsand-
stick md rlaitncd he struck some kind of object under three
year-old logging road.
feet of wiitcr. Puzzled, he reported his find to the local
authorities rind was quickly surrounded by Civil Defense ex- The hole was off the beaten track and difficult to find, being
perts, Nutionirl Guardsmen, reporters and television cameras. in the midst of a swamp so gooey that Wickerts had to lay
Efforts wore made to pump out the pond and some eyewitnes- down a road of heavy boards so that pumps from a volunteer
ses cliiimcd that National Guardsmen removed something fire unit could be hauled in. What impressed me most was
and hauled it away in a truck. But the official explanation that there was no evidence that the hole had been made by
was that there was nothing there. something falling from the sky. It was in the midst of some
trees, none of which had been damaged, and the hole itself
Mysterious holes in thick ice are comparatively rare in the was almost perfectly square. There was no sign of an explo-
U.S. but are a common feature in UFO reports half-a-world sion and no debris had been thrown up out of the hole ...which
away in Sweden. Known as HITIs (Holes In The Ice), they would have been the case if something had dropped there
crop up annually in the frozen lakes of central and northern from any distance. It was about 12 feet deep. Divers at-
Sweden. Swedish scientists and military experts investigate tempted to descend into i t but found the water too murky and
them frequently in an atmosphere of sullen silence. too thick with mud to function. Special electrical instruments
Three months before Mr. McCarthy discovered someone had detected a small metallic sphere in the ooze but i t was never
punched a hole in his pond I was standing in the middle of an recovered.
isolated swamp in Sweden staring a t another mysterious Swedish UFO researchers have been openly competing with
hole. Representatives of the Swedish Defense Department the FOA for years, but it has been a gentlemanly conflict
were braving the damp cold in a n attempt to pump it out. when compared to the often virulent battle between the U.S.
Since i t w a s in a swamp, the faster they pumped, the more Air Force and American researchers. Dr. Wickerts' predeces-
water gushed into t h e hole. sor, Dr. Tage Eriksson, was an advocate of the swamp gas and
In July 1966, a Swedish astronomer had reported seeing a weather balloons explanation for UFOs, but Wickerts seems
bright object flashing over southern Sweden. He was able to to take the subject more seriously and avoids any grandiosely
calculate i t s trajectory and predict the place where it would negative statements, perhaps because flying saucers are now
probably impact. A few days later scattered residents i n that taken very seriously by a large part of the Swedish popula-

tion. UFO corridors of Varmland.

On October 16, 1976, UFO Sverige held a convention in Both Swedish and Norwegian authorities are particularly
Stockholm. The huge hall they rented was filled to capacity concerned with reports of unidentified helicopters and sub-
and several hundred people had to be turned away. Those marines which frequently violate their territories, often
lucky enough to get in were treated to films and slides about penetrating miles inland along the fiords. Meticulous records
extraterrestrial life. The late George Adamski, the controver- of these border violations are kept by the FOA. Officials in
sial UFO contactee of the 1950%even has a large following in Stockholm told me they had reason to be convinced that the
Sweden. Following the patterns found everywhere else in the interlopers were not from the Soviet Union or the United
world, the numerous UFO clubs are a bit antagonistic States, the two logical suspects. When I deliberately men-
towards each other and there are the usual personality tioned a very obscure submarine incident that happened some
clashes and difTerences of opinion. While the New Ufology is years earlier, they instantly produced a large file containing
sweeping Europe with its anti-extraterrestrial, pro-Fortean the most minute details of the incident. Obviously they are
approach. New Ufologists are a minority in Sweden, headed keeping a close watch on these matters.
by a few quiet academic types like Hakan Blomqvist. Flying Saucer literature in all languages is freely available
Swedish and Norwegian UFO events receive poor but objec- in the major cities of Scandinavia, and there have been a
tive news coverage and conform to the patterns found number of original books in the local languages, including
throughout the world. There have been a number of cases in several contactee accounts. Several well-printed UFO
which percipients have been injured, apparently by actinic newsletters and magazines are in existence there and UFO
rays from the objects, and several hair-raising abduction events receive occasional television coverage (the television
cases have been investigated. The UFOs seem to be most ac- stations are government operated). The weekly
tive in the thinly populated, hard-to-reach northern regions. newsmagazines and tabloids are more apt to cover new sub-
The "ghostflier" enigma, which dates back to the early 1930s, marine and ghostflier reports than is the daily press. There is
is continuing. These most often take the form of mysterious no censorship of UFO news, but, as in all countries, the
airplanes which cross the Swedish-Norwegian border in the military officials offer the press only the barest details.
worst weather. One group of witnesses I interviewed had seen Sweden set up the world's first flying saucer bureau in
the ghostfliers periodically and timed their flights. They pas- 1910, following the great wave of 1909. Another major inves-
sed over and returned in 45 minutes, indicating that if they tigation was launched in the 1930s. I made an effort to locate
were landing a t all they were doing so in the nearly inacces- the records of these earlier investigations but came up empty-
sible forests of Varmland. handed. The records are either lost or are anonymously filed
Since Dr. Wickerts has assumed charge of the Swedish UFO away in some government depository.
investigation all reports are thoroughly investigated. I spoke Aside from the ghostfliers, phantom submarines, MIB and
to a number of people who had already been carefully inter- HITIs, Sweden has also had its share of Big Foot sighting5
viewed by FOA officials. The notorious Men In Black have and several Swedish lakes are well-known for their sea ser-
also been active in Scandinavia for years, dashing about in pents. It's worth noting that these same lakes also develop
big black cars and, on occasion, warning civilian researchers mysterious holes in the winter and there's a rich lore of phan-
to drop their investigations. Phantom photographers have tom boats and phantom boatmen, usually accompanied by
also turned up there, appearing unexpectedly to snap pictures luminescent phenomena.
of witnesses or investigators, then darting away. There have Norway and Sweden are countries where the sun never sets
also been a number of strange, unsolved murders in the busy in the summer, but where i t is a law that you must drive with


your headlights on in the daytime. A vast section of both

countries are so thinly populated and so inaccessible it would
be possible to hide an entire army there. In fact, the Nor-
wegian military suspects there might be actual submarine
bases some 3,000 feet below the fjords. One popular rumor
claims the Germans began building such bases during World
War 11. If the bases still exist, someone might still be operat-
ing from them. But no one has an inkling of who that some-
one might be.

An Idaho Triangle? -

-shirts declaring "I traveled the Bermuda Tri-
angle" are a hot souvenir in the Bahamas, and
sooner or later there will probably be T-shirts an-
nouncing "I survived New Jersey" and "I got out of
Idaho alive." Warp zones with high accident rates
and frequent disappearances are not confined to the famous
Triangle in the South Atlantic. Every community in the
country has a t least one "Dead Man's Curve" or hazardous
stretch of highway where several terrible accidents occur each
year. Most of these places are well-known to the local in-
habitants and carefully marked with warning signs. But
every state also has a patch of highway, usually a
straightaway free from ordinary hazards, that produces
several fatal accidents each year, much to the bewilderment of
the local authorities. A few years ago Ivan T. Sanderson was
called upon to investigate such a warp zone in New Jersey.
We know of similar places in New York and several other
states. In West Virginia we once investigated a strip of
atraight road where, for no discernible reason, drivers were
always veering into a river. Most of them drowned. Those who
survived could not explain their actions.
The ten-mile stretch of Interstate 15 between Inkom and
McCammon, Idaho is known locally as a "mystery road" be-
cause so many automobiles have suddenly become junk while
trying to traverse it. Two drivers were killed there in a single
month one summer, and there were four accidents within four
days that July. The Idaho Highway Department and the State

Police have been gravely concerned with this seemingly harm- to this the growing number of stories of witnesses who in-
less length of road for several years. Rumble strips to shake nocently stopped to aid what appeared to he a fellow motorist
up sleeping drivers have been installed, along with special in distress, only to he suddenly attacked by Men In Black
guard rails, patches of light and dark colored pavement and types who grimly warn them to keep quiet about something
other safety devices. The police patrols have been tripled they saw previously. I t is easy to conclude that driving can
there. Still the accidents continue. really be hazardous to your health.
Six years ago the police started taking statements from Some people are susceptible to a form of hypnosis when
people who happened to witness the accidents. In most cases, driving, particularly on long trips. They actually lapse into a
the doomed drivers were proceeding normally a t moderate form of trance, although they generally remain in complete
speed when, for no apparent reason, they chose to swing off control of their car. Trees or telephone poles whizzing along
the road, often with fatal results. In one case, a truck carrying the side of the road can induce such a trance. A barren
two men was followed by a car filled with highway engineers. straightaway where traffic is light, such as a road across a
Suddenly the truck left the road, slammed into some rocks desert, can have the same effect. The first thing that is affec-
and overturned. The two men survived and had no idea what ted is the sense of time, just as the sense of time is distorted
had happened to them. The men in the car behind them saw in a real hypnotic trance. Professor Graham Reed, a Canadian
no reason for the accident. psychologist, calls this a "time gap experience" because the
Other survivors of crashes on the mystery road told the driver can cover many miles safely in this state. They don't
same story. One minute they were driving along leisurely. The snap out of it until they reach an intersection, a town, or a
next, they were off the road and upside down with no recollec- sudden change in scenery. Then they find they can't recall
tion of what had happened. Medical tests of the victims have having driven those miles, and they think the trip was
yielded negative results. The drivers were well-rested and remarkably short until they glance at their watch. While this
healthy. The police even tested for unusual gases in the area, seems like a genuine DUNK to the driver, it is really not un-
and a wind speed study was carried out. No explanation for usual. Investigators often waste much time and paper record-
the accidents has been found, and none of the safety measures ing this commonplace experience.
have worked. Probably the only solution is to build a bypass On the other hand, there are many DUNKS and time gap
and close Interstate 15's haunted ten miles forever. experiences which cannot be so deftly explained. Idaho's mys-
Warps, Gaps, and Dunks tery road is too short to induce such trances. Yet from the
statements of surviving victims of the phenomenon it is clear
With millions of people barrelling along our highways each that they were entranced by something. Whatever that some-
day, i t is not unexpected that Driving Unknowns (DUNKS) thing was, it interfered with their conscious minds and forced
are becoming more and more common. The UFO literature is them to drive irrationally.
now filled with reports of the strange things that happen to Several years ago a British case received considerable
people i n automobiles. A majority of our monster and tall, publicity, when a driver reported that his headlights suddenly
hairy humanoid reports come from solitary motorists, usually seemed to bend into a nearby field a t a spot where several
those driving alone along country roads late a t night. In the strange accidents had occurred previously. Light can be bent
average account, the car passes around a bend in the road by a powerful gravitational field, but a force strong enough to
and suddetly happens upon a landed UFO or a monster bend a light beam would certainly be strong enough to be felt
shuffling across like a chicken seeking the other side. Many of by the driver, and i t would certainly pull the car itself off the
the classic episodes in the UFO annals began in this way. Add road. We have no reports of bent headlight beams from 1d:tlio.
There are other possible explanations for DUNKS, though. time warps. Such distortions of space can only be accounted
Radio waves, particularly microwaves such as radar beams, for by some direct, mysterious warping of our physical reality
affect the human body and brain in many ways. A radar itself. If you draw two dots on a piece of paper, they remain a t
sweep from a n airport or weather station could, when con- a fixed distance so long as their reality-the two-dimensional
ditions are just right, affect a driver and he might instinc- world of the paper-remains static. But if you fold the paper,
tively, unconsciously, swerve his car in a futile attempt to get you can bring the dots closer together. By folding it, you have
out of the beam. Doctors and radiologists have been aware of altered its physical state. Space itself can be folded somehow
this for years, and there are frequent studies made to monitor SO that the immediate reality of a plane or car is altered, and
this electromagnetic pollution caused by the growth of the seemingly fixed distance between points A and B are al-
microwave relay towers and radar stations. Some people are tered. Machines and people caught in these space warps also
so adversely affected by these radio waves they become experience a compression of time.
violently ill. Others develop great thirst because the waves There is now strong evidence that some UFOs are sur-
dehydrate the body...they literally cook you from the inside rounded by a force field which exerts a strong influence on the
out like a microwave oven broils a chunk of meat. space-time coordinates of our reality. I t is not a gravitational
Pilots who have survived harrowing experiences in the pull in the accepted sense of the term, yet i t possesses some of
famous Bermuda Triangle have reported that their radios and the characteristics of gravity. The headlights of the car in
instruments went haywire, and that they felt physically and England were diverted by such a space-time warp. If i t had
mentally disoriented; clues pointing to electromagnetic pollu- been stronger, the car and its driver probably would have pas-
tion. But since there are no relay towers or radar sets out in sed through a reality distortion, as in so many other cases.
the Atlantic, what could be the source? We can theorize that a DUNK occurs when a moving object
We know that beams of energy on all frequencies are con- enters the periphery of such a field. A stationary object, on the
stantly bathing the earth from space. Some of these beams other hand, might be unaffected, just as the dot on the piece
are trapped or a t least weakened by the Van Allen Belt and of paper is essentially unaffected physically when you fold the
the planet's atmosphere. But some of these beams get through ( paper. Also, the greater the acceleration of the ohject, the
intact and sweep over our planet in much the same way that greater the change when it passes through the warp. Thus a
our radar beams have explored Venus and Mars. Ancient jet plane will experience a greater change in space and time
astrologers were aware of this, and they based their science than a speeding automobile. A human being standing or walk-
on their fragmentary knowledge of these "rays." Could i t be ing in the same warped area will undergo a much less
that someone on some distant world is examining our globe pronounced change. He might "lose" only five minutes or so,
with radar, and occasionally when a human is caught in one 4 and cover only a few yards. A car moving through the same
of their probes, he drives his car off a cliff or dives his plane 4 warp might lose twenty or thirty minutes and hopscotch over
into the ocean? several miles. A bullet passing through the warp could
' theoretically zip a thousand miles and plop to the ground
Trips Through Time days before it was fired! Some of the apported objects wich
Many motorists have now experienced bizarre distortions of continually turn up suddenly and unexpectedly could be the
time that can't be explained by psychologists or radiologists byproducts of these warps.
because they traveled great distances in impossibly short While flying saucers usually get the credit for DUNKS, it is
periods of time. In a number of well-documented instances, possible that these wandering warps are a natural phenome-
airplanes have also passed through one of these inexplicable non, and that the UFOs have learned to utilize them. If our
scientists would get off their duffs and get out into the field to
study these things, we might find a way to take advantage of
these natural anomalies. We might discover we can hitchhike
on them and travel from New York to Los Angeles in seconds.
The logical place to begin such research is any one of the
hundreds of mysterious roads like Idaho's Interstate 15.
Maybe if we can learn why perfectly competent drivers sud-
denly run off the road, we can also learn how to eliminate
roads altogether. The oil companies won't like it very much,
but the world of Star Trek may be just around the corner or
the next bend in the warp. Where Did The Earth
Come From?

he popular scientific explanation for the creation
of the Earth is a lot of rubbish. The sun is an
atomic bomb composed of hydrogen atoms con-
stantly ripping apart and turning into helium. A
chunk of the sun is not likely to cool and solidify.
I t would convert to energy and gas and dissipate into space. If
the process proposed by scientists could produce a planet the
size of the earth (and i t can't), the original object would have
to be larger than the sun. And helium would be a basic in-
gredient of the resultant atornosphere. Our atmosphere is
mostly nitrogen. Helium is one of the rarest of all gases. It is
found only in the United States, mainly in Texas. If the Earth
was, in fact, an offshoot of the solar process, there should be
pockets of helium everywhere. (The great dirigibles of the
1920s and 1930s had to be abandoned because the high cost of
helium led the designers to rely on dangerous hydrogen gas
for their gas bags.)
We know from the study of rock formations that the Earth
is around three billion years old. Until very recently astrono-
mers believed the moon was created about the same time as
the Earth and was even made of a piece of material wrenched
from the Earth itself. But the moon rocks brought back by our
astronauts indicate the moon is older than the earth by a t
least a billion years!
Finally, the Earth seems to be dramatically different from
all the other planets in our solar system (most of the others Eiseley, the great naturalist, put it this way a few years ago:
are gaseous). How come? Were the nine planets created a t dif- "Somewhere across space great instruments, handled by
ferent times in different ways? strange, manipulative organs, may stare vainly a t our floating
As we learn more about Mars we may find that i t is far ol- cloud wrack, their owners yearning as we yearn."
der than the Earth or moon and could have supported life We seek to find meaning in our meaningless existence. We
aeons ago. That life no longer exists. Did the Martians hope that we are not alone, and we view the Sky People with
migrate? Or were they transported somewhere else by "metal optimism as a n indication that we are not. But the Sky People
birds" a t a certain period in their development? have always looked back with hollow eyes, viewing us as
If the Pleiadians are a super-race with a super-culture, specimens in some galactic test tube. The ancients who busied
maybe they not only have the means for space travel; maybe themselves with stone constructions oriented with the
they also have a technology so incredible they can manipulate Pleiades may have known more about our heritage than we
whole planets. Some of the more mysterious features on our do. They may have yearned not for contact with some ex-
planet could be their handiwork. After earlier colonies had traterrestrial race but for the hills of home.
failed or perished, they set up a system of elaborate ex-
periments, dumping some earthlings in the Arctic, planting
Serving Man ...On A Platter
others in arid desert regions, and so on. They chose to reside Several years ago a short story appeared describing how the
temporarily, according to tradition, in the rarified atmosphere flying saucers arrive on Earth and their pilots quickly win us
of our highest mountains and in Tibet while they supervised over with their wisdom and kindness. They even offer to
this fantastic project. transport large numbers of earthlings to another planet for a
Some historians have suggested that our memory of the new, more fruitful life. Millions of people clamor to make the
Garden of Eden i s really a memory of some other world. More trip. Huge spaceships arrive to collect these willing emi-
likely i t is just the memory of bewildered ancients who found grants.
themselves suddenly transported to inhospitable deserts, In the course of the story, a book discarded by one of the
their memories a s behddled as the memories of our modern spacemen falls into the hands of a scholar who laboriously
UFO contactees. translates it. The book is titled. How To Serve Man.
All of this is merely an intellectual exercise The case for The story ends with the revelation that it is a cookbook!
extraterrestrial life is built upon a very fragile premise. While the little apochryphal tale was only pure fantasy, it
Probabilities are not certainties. Myths and legends have revived the earlier warning of Charles Fort. He wrote that he
been so distorted through constant telling and retelling that suspected this planet was owned by something or somebody;
they are hardly reliable sources for hard facts. We can only that we are all property.
base our speculations on what we know and have learned The late Ivan T. Sanderson, a great Fortean thinker,
through t h e modern appearances and manipulations of reached a similar conclusion. He suggested that the earth was
unidentified flying objects. And the major lesson of the UFO a gigantic farm and that wemankind-are only the crop.
events is that the source of the objects is occupied with deceiv-
ing and confusingus. Our Pleiadians are allegorical. Sounds silly, doesn't it? To think that cannibals from outer
space might one day laud and solve our overpopulation
Man's search for extraterrestrial life may be a fruitless en- problem overnight.
terprise based upon our growing and fearful loneliness. If
there are people sitting on a doomed planet in the Pleiades, But if you give it just a little thought, you will realize that
they may Toe only sharing our fear and loneliness. Dr. Loren billions of people have understood and believed this very
thing for thousands of years. This belief is the foundation of
all our great religions.
based upon the transcribed testimony of Barney and Betty
The Mysterious Prophecy Hill while under hypnosis. They had been treated by a
psychiatrist for emotional problems suffered after a strange
In 1966-67, Ivan Sanderson and I appeared together on encounter with a UFO in 1961. The actual recordings of their
many speakers' platforms in the Northeast. Wherever we recollections under hypnosis are hours long, and when Fuller
went someone invariably stood up in the audience and asked condensed the tapes for his book, he left out many important
us a bizarre question. I t was always the same question, and i t details. Details which tend to discredit the reality of their
was always asked in grim seriousness. We heard it mostly on remembered experience.
scattered college campuses. So far as we could determine, the But Fuller's book on the Hill case was a bombshell. Among
question had never been published anywhere. It was just a other things, it implied that the flying saucers were, in fact,
rumor that had somehow spread over the entire country in capable of inducing amnesia (the Hills had no conscious
those years. memory of the story they related under hypnosis). An even
Here's how i t went: Was it true, the questioner would ask, more condensed version appeared i n a national magazine,
that flying saucers were landing on college campuses and lending undue credibility to an already incredible situation
kidnapping hundreds of students, mostly females, never to be and inadvertently supporting the rumor.
seen again? Was it also true that all the relatives, friends, and In summary, the Hills recalled being taken aboard a flying
teachers of the kidnapped students were then being saucer in the mountains of New Hampshire and being subjec-
brainwashed i n some mysterious manner so that they lost all ted to a medical examination there, They were then told they
memory of the missing students? In short, the kidnappings would remember nothing of the experience. And they didn't ...
were carried out in such a way that it was as if the victims until recurrent nightmares drove them to the psychiatrist.
had never existed. No one who knew them could remember
them. Curious Backlash
Sometimes our questioners would credit this incredible idea Although the authenticity of the Hill story can be seriously
to Jeanne Dixon, the famous Washington seer. Eventually, the questioned, i t did produce a curious backlash. Other people
rumor did reach her ears, and in 1968 she issued an emphatic came forward with similar stories, some dating back to the
denial to the press. She had never said-or. even thought 1940s. These people had remained silent for years, fearing
about-such a thing. ridicule. Essentially, they all recalled being stopped on lonely
The kidnap plot rumor alarmed and worried a great many highways and taken into some kind of a structure (not always
people coming, a s i t did, a t a time when UFO sightings a flying saucer), where they were thoroughly examined medi-
around colleges were occurring in great numbers. cally. Characteristically, their memories of these episodes
We did not know very much about flying saucers. Only a were as cloudy as the Hills'!
handful of cultists and cranks were following the UFO situa- But historical records of this kind of adventure cover the
tion closely, and relatively few books on the subject were then past two thousand years! There is nothing new hew.
available t o :-he general public. Very few people knew that Earthlings have been suffering strange distortions of reality
amnesia often seized UFO witnesses. And fewer still were ever since. Occult and religions lore, and the widespread fairy
aware t h a t a number of people had apparently been kidnap- stories of the Middle Ages all recount the same thing. Mrs.
ped by UFOs. So the 1966 rumor was remarkably sophis- Hill recalled some kind of long needle being thrust into her
ticated considering the scarcity of UFO information. abdomen. This needle feature can be found in stories dating
In 1967, a writer named John Fuller published a non-book back 500 years.

When you view all these tales in toto it sounds as if some-

one has been periodically collecting human beings and in-
specting them as we might inspect cattle.
The flying saucer believers of the 1960s tried to find all
kinds of meaning in Fuller's fragmented account of the Hill
case. They saw i t as proof that curious visitors from another
planet were merely studying a sample of life here. But there
is really much more to it. Much more.
Someone from somewhere has been keeping- - close tabs on us
for thousands of years.
n 1925 Charles Fort wrote that "... ships from other

I worlds have been seen by millions of the inhabitants of

this earth, exploring, night after night, in the sky of
France, England, New England, and Canada ..."
Fort was reporting a phenomenon which would not officially
exist for another twenty-two years, and which ceased to exist
officially in 1969, when the U.S.Air Force quietly put away its
flying-saucer-chasing equipment. The odd little man with the
walrus mustache knew something the governments of the
world did not. He knew from his extensive research into
scientific journals and old magazines that mysterious ma-
chines and aerial constructions had been widely seen
throughout history; that the occupants of these marvels had
often been viewed by amazed earthlings, and, in fact, some of
man's most cherished myths were based upon contact with
such objects.
One example is the legend of the Watchers. Strange beings
from some other place or some other space-time continuum
have always been sitting in our skies, silently watching us
struggle upward from our caves. In the mountains of Tibet
the ancient lamas knew all about the Watchers. Occasionally
westerners would stumble upon them, too, in that distant and
inhospitable land. Nicholas Roerich, the artist, explorer, and
humanitarian reported seeing gleaming metal disks soaring
above the Himalayas in the 1920s. Frank Smythe, the famowi

mountain climber, observed a "pulsating tea kettle" hovering offer gentle assistance. They taught men to farm, and gave
nearby, as he struggled alone up the face of a mountain in them the fundamentals of law and mathematics. Man, in
Nepal. Before he saw i t he had the uneasy feeling that some- turn, dedicated his greatest works to these gods. He carved
thing or someone was watching him, benevolently, as if con- their images from blocks of stones. The arts of dance, paint-
cerned about his safety. ing, and storytelling all began as a means of paying tribute to
In the big UFO years of 1966-68 missionaries on the the wondrous Watchers.
Himalayan roof of the world wrote letters describing their Over time the benign Watchers changed. They demanded
own encounters with the phantom aircraft. During that same first animal sacrifices, then human sacrifices. They claimed
period a handful of scientists laboring in remote Antarctica credit for natural disasters, and men began to fear them,
were reportedly watching great circular objects soaring over Around the world great pyramids were built, and beautiful
ice fields near the South Pole. young women were left in temples on their summits at special
The Watchers enjoyed another year of tourism over this times of the year. The gods came down from the sky and, ac-
cosmic Disneyland in 1973-75, popping up almost everywhere cording to legend, mated with the human women. These
a t once, and then disappearing as suddenly and mysteriously women bore special children, giants with incredible physical
as they had come. From the long history of this phenomenon and psychic strength who assumed command of tribes and
we know we haven't seen the last of them. They will be back, whole nations. The world was divided into a score of zones or
and a new generation of young people will stand on the kingdoms, each ruled over by one of these hybrid kings. To
earth's hills and study the night skies expectantly. preserve their godly lineage, the royal families intermarried;
but the Watchers retained control by appearing frequently
Gods or Spacemen? before the kings and issuing orders, even laying the plans of
battle for ancient wars. Men were disciplined to obey the
One morning in the year 40,000 B.C. a hairy man-animal
kings and their gods without question. In a sense, these gods
heard a buzzing sound outside his cave. When he crept to the
owned the earth and had direct control over all its inhabitants
entrance he was stunned to see a strange intrusion into his through the God-king system; a system still in effect in many
rugged environment; a gleaming metallic object rimmed with parts of the world into the twentieth century.
transparent windows. Behind those windows stood the tall,
silent Watchers, their faces dark and exprehsionless. The "I Think We Are Property."
man-animal retreated and. for the benefit of his descendents,
sketched the object onto the stone wall of his cave. The Charles Fort recognized the subtle warp and woof of human
sketches still exist in Africa, Australia, France, and China. history when he stated, "I think we are property. Someone
owns this earth. All others warned off." The gods were, a t one
Were these Watchers gods, as the first man supposed them time, very real, and their directives to mankind were not in-
to he, or astronauts from some distant planet? Perhaps they itiated out of concern for the human condition but calculated
were earthlings, beings from a splendid continent separated to protect the earth itselfi Man was caught up as the pawn in
and protected by the oceans from the hostile jungles of the some dark and forbidding celestial chess game. Events that
cave men, thriving in a land where magic and technology seemed totally senseless to one generation would suddenly
were one. Their flying machines spanned the world, and they acquire important meaning several generations later. We
watched with detachment as the man-animal appeared and tried to rationalize our predicament with inventive theologies
mutiplied. and cosmologies. We rewrote history until it matched our
Later, a s the men spread slowly across the landscape, the ideals and concealed our often ugly motivations. Our true his-
Watchers came forward from the skies and from the seas to tory became myth and our myths became our substitute for
history. modern times had bothered to see. Stretched out along the
That part of history and pre-history which lay beyond our rolling hills were thin lines or tracks, pursuing absolutely
feeble memories was filled in for us by entities who professed straight courses for miles. They traversed impossible terrain,
to belong to the Watchers. An oral history was passed on to loping up steep mountains, cutting across swamps and bogs,
the men who consorted with the Watchers, and we accepted connecting England's most ancient stone monuments like
much of i t without question. After the great libraries of China Stonehenge and the tumuli (man-made mounds). These
and Egypt were destroyed, our prophets filled in the lost tracks or leys, as they are now called were apparently laid out
chapters of human progress. thousands of years ago by some unknown race, for some un-
We passed through ages of magic, when superstition and known purpose,
fear of the unknown cast deep shadows across the human Accompanying these leys are mammoth man-made ridges of
psyche. Later, when we embraced anew the cosmic overlords earth which do not appear to have served any practical pur-
and became enslaved in the Dark Ages, we rewrote history pose. They could not have been part of some irrigation sys-
again. In 1848 we began the long, painful escape from the tem, and they are too low to serve as fortifications.
God-king system and entered the modern industrial age. To compound the mystery, Watkins' leys are by no means
Political ideologies replaced religion as the forces which unique to England. Identical systems can be found in South
moved us, and the old gods grew misty and mythical while the America, Africa, China, and elsewhere.
new gods, the alleged beings from outer space appeared in our At one time in the distant past primitive men everywhere
farm fields. were engaged in the construction of these tracks and the
Is Ashtar, the self-appointed chief of the Intergalactic strange monuments that adorn them. Enormous labor must
Federation, merely an updated version of Ashtoreth, the have been required, with thousands of people struggling
multi-breasted goddess of the ancients? generation after generation to haul baskets of dirt and huge
Meanwhile, Back in Atlmtls ... stones, sometimes for hundreds of miles, to build them.
But why?
About three hundred years ago we stopped believing in
witches, goblins, and leprechauns and became very scientific. Traces ofa Lost World
We finally figared out that the Earth revolves around the sun On many remote Pacific Islands there are vast stoneworks
instead of vice versa. We even discovered that the blood in our as impressive as Stonehenge. Some of these monuments are
bodies circulates through veins. In 1969, Neil Armstrong made of stones not even found on the islands. On the coral
came back from the moon with the news that it wasn't made atoll of Tonga-Tabu, for example, we found two upright stone
out of green cheese after all. columns weigh seventy tons each, topped by a crosspiece
There is, however, disquieting evidence that none of this in- weighing twenty-five tons. How did the builders get these
formation i s new. Our planet is at least three billion years old huge stones to the atoll in the first place? And why did they
and there i s growing evidence that great civilizations existed bother?
here while our ancestors were still climbing trees. They prob- The ancient city of Metalanim on the shore of Ponape Is-
ably knew all about the circulation of blood and the mineral land in Micronesia is now in ruins, but it once could have
content of the moon. And they seem t o have known things housed two million people. No one knows who built it or
about our planet t h a t we are still trying to rediscover. when. Some of the blocks in these ruins weigh fifteen tons,
In the 1920s a man named Alfred Watkins stood on a hilltop and the stone used in the city is not from the island. Canals
in England and suddenly noticed something no one else in and waterways intersect the city, some of them big enough to
float a battleship. into the pot, such as the Piri Re'is maps, a startling picture of
Three thousand miles t o the southeast of Ponape Island, on the ancient world takes form. (The Piri Re'is maps were made
tiny Maiden Island i n the Line Island chain, there are the in 1513, apparently copied from much earlier maps, and
ruins of forty stone temples whose architecture is identical to depict parts of the world then unknown, including An-
that of Metalanim. Basalt roads lead from these ruins into the tarctica.)
Pacific Ocean. The island is uninhabited and covered with
guano (bird droppings). But if we draw a n imaginary line Where Did They Go?
southward from Malden for twelve hundred miles, we arrive We have a reasonably complete history of the past two
a t Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. Here another ancient road thousand years, and a half-baked archaeological reconstruc-
of basalt blocks rises out of the ocean. tion of the past five thousand years. But there are so many
Other scattered Pacific islands boast of huge man-made gaps i n our knowledge that most of the popular archaeological
mounds like those found throughout the United States and theories really have very little merit. Indeed, we can't even be
England. And strange statuary though the natives of the sure that the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Gizah.
Pacific were not statue builders. Peter Tompkins, a leading authority on the pyramid, has
The intricate network of leys in England is somehow con- ...
stated, " a s more is discovered i t may open the door to a
nected to similar formations in China on the other side of the whole new civilization of the past, and a much longer history
world. Great man-made ridges have been measured from the of man than has heretofore been credited."
air in Florida, England, and Peru. The ridged field a t Lake It is generally assumed that the British Isles were
Titacaca in the Andes covers two hundred thousand acres and populated by scattered tribes of very primitive cavemen types
is spread over 160 miles. All of these things seem to be inter- a t the time Stonehenge and the leys were built. Yet recent
related, as if they were once part of some great civilization-a ; computer studies have shown that Stonehenge was a very
common culture that spread throughout the world and then j sophisticated structure, built by someone with a modern
died. knowledge of astronomy. I t was hardly the work of cavemen.
In the last century stone chests dug up in the mounds of the '
And the leys were already ancient when the Romans invaded.
Mississippi Valley were found to be identical to chests un- In fact, the Romans built some of their roads along the old
earthed in mounds in Yorkshire, England. But we call the leys.
American tumuli "Indian mounds," even though the American The Great Pyramid may have already been in existence
Indians deny any knowledge of who built them or why. when the first Egyptian empires were formed, just as the
In the early 1800s a great religion was founded by a boy great mounds of North and South America were already here
named Joseph Smith, who discovered a stone chest filled with when the first Indians arrived on the scene.
gold plates i n a mound in New York state. He claimed to be The unanswerable question is: Who preceded modern man
able to translate t h e plates and so produced the Mormon and what happened to them?
bible, a purported history of North Americain ancient times. :
Whoever they were, they were inspired by something or
A number o f scholars-and not a few crackpota-have someone to construct great ground markings which can only
studied these archaeologica3 mysteries and accepted them as be seen from the air. The leys of England had gone unnoticed
evidence for the lost continents, of Atlantis and Mu (or for hundreds of years until Mr. Watkins spotted them from his
Lemuria). And, in fact, these things do seem to verify ancient hilltop. Since then aerial surveys have discovered gigantic
myths of a super-culture that blossomed i n the Atlantic or figures cut into the hills and valleys of Great Britain. There
Pacific thousands of years ago. When you toss other things are giant horses and even the form of a huge caveman bran-
dishing a club. It is almost as if someone were marking a hill covered that UFOs followed specific routes over France year
t o inform aerial visitors "Cavemen live here." after year. Other ufologists, such as the late Dr. Fontes of
Here in the United States, many of the great mounds of Brazil, extended this discovery and tried to trace worldwide
Ohio, Minnesota, and Mississippi are built to resemble the UFO routes. This "Straight Line Mystery" became a ufological
figures of serpents and elephants. Elephants! The beasts have controversy. Some scientists said it worked, others called i t
been extinct in North America for many thousands of years. hogwash.
Again, you could stand on the top of one of these mounds and Here in the U S . it has been noted that UFOs seem to ap-
never recognize its true shape. They can only be seen from pear frequently in the mound areas of Ohio, etc., and even
airplanes. seem to traverse lines between such areas.
From Florida to California there are intricate patterns of This planet is surrounded by a magnetic field which follows
lines cut into the ground and visible only from the air, just as different courses in different parts of the world. Places
the astounding Nazca lines of the Peruvian desert forming marked by magnetic anomalies and compass deviations do
spiders, snakes, and other animals can be recognized only seem to experience more UFO sightings than places where
from a n airplane. the natural magnetism is more normal.
Why did our mysterious ancestors devote so much time and Even more peculiar is the fact that many of the ancient
energy building these seemingly worthless mounds and temples of both the East and West were carefully built
designs? directly over magnetic anomalies. How did the ancient
peoples locate these spots? Was their science as advanced as
The Tracks of the Dragons our own?
Until Marco Polo's adventurous journey, China was very I t could he that they located these places through observa-
isolated from the western world. There was no communication tion alone, by studying the flights of mysterious objects cen-
between ancient China and ancient Britain, yet both of these tury after century, until they had determined their exact
widely separated countries maintained identical legends of routes and could mark the places where those routes intersec-
great dragons. Along the leys of England there are in- ted.
numerable churches and monuments raised to commemorate Did they then lay out designs on the ground to guide these
historic battles with fierce dragons, hideous animals which aerial visitors or pay homage to them in some way?
were described in much the same way as the Chinese
dragons. The Tragedy of Wllhelrn Reich
But the Chinese dragon lore extended beyond mere fights Dr. Wilhelm Reich was recognized as one of the most bril-
with wild animals. The Chinese laid out dragon paths, noting liant psychiatrists of his day. He was a close friend and col-
that weird flying objects appeared year after year, following league of Sigmund Freud. His books on psychiatry have be-
the same routes. These routes became sacred, and persons of come standard texts. But in the 1950s, Dr. Reich was seized
high position were carefully buried in mounds planted along by a strange obsession. He retired to a house in Maine to
these routes. The Chinese also developed their complex Yin work on an elaborate theory. He came to believe that there is
and Yang concept, believing that electromagnetic currents or a high frequency field of force surrounding us which supplies
fields of forces pursued specific lines. This field was mapped energy and life. He called it Orgone.
out over t h e centuries and marked in much the same way as In many ways, Reich's Orgone theories duplicated ancient
the leys o f England. Chinese beliefs. He suspected that UFOs (which he saw I'rr
In the 1950%France's leading ufologist, Aim6 Michel. dis- quently in Maine) somehow used this Orgone for their prop111
sion, and he constructed instruments which, believe i t or not, less a s roads, but they did point out the flow of magnetic cur-
caused UFOs ta explode or dissipate. rents. Did the craft of the "sky people'' depend on these cur-
Today many scientists are engaged in research similar to rents as a glider depends on air currents?
Reich's. We may be on the threshold of new discoveries which Did we map out this entire planet to satisfy the needs of the
will explain some of these ancient mysteries. But, in a sense, mysterious aerial gods?
history just seems to be repeating itself. We may be only Dr. Reich may have been on the right track. There may be
rediscovering the things the ancients knew. forces surrounding us which were well-known to the ancient
For the past ten years German scientists from the Max peoples, which have been loosely defined in the mathematical
Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics (Munich) have art of astrology, and which are a vital part of the UFO mys-
been working with NASA to chart the earth's magnetic field. tery.
Hundreds of rockets have been launched inta the upper What will happen when we a t last learn the answers to
stratosphere all over the world, where they release clouds of these riddles? Will we hegin working on ley8 of our own? Or,
barium gas. These luminous clouds spread out in the mag- having unlocked the secrets of the universe, will we simply
netic field like Iron fillings clustering about a magnet. These disappear as suddenly and mysteriously as the learned an-
experiments, and many others like them, have gone largely cients did?
unnoticed by the public, but modern science is coming to grips
with these problems and mysteries.
Dr. Reich may one day be vindicated and hailed as a great
Linking the Mysteri@s
Evidence that ancient people had an incredible knowledge
of astronomy has been found throughout the world. Stone
calendars found in South America are accurate down to a
decimal point. Ancient records from the Middle East reveal
knowledge that could only have been gained through the use
of telescopes and sophisticated instrumentation. The intricate
ley systems of Britain and China prove that the ancient
peoples knew as much-or more-about the earth's magnetic
field as we do.
Many legends of early man suggest that the "sky people"
who once visited the earth taught us the rudiments of agricul-
ture and astronomy. These mysterious "gods" were of such
great imporlance iu the lives of the ancients that the only
traces left of some ancient civilizations are the stone
monuments and temples built in tribute to the gods.
Is it possible, we must ask, t h a t these "sky people" might
have conned early man into coustructing guideposts t o aid
them in their sorties over this planet? The leys were worth-
orbital mechanics, the earth turned cold and more than one-
fourth of the land surface was covered with glacial ice. The ice
receded around 35,000 B.C. But that didn't end our trouhles.
Authorities such as Professor Charles Hapgood contend that
sometime around 12,000 B.C. there was another planetary
upheaval. Perhaps the entire globe tilted over on its axis,
Dramatic changes of climate and topography occurred. Fos-
sils, sea shells, etc. found deep in Africa's Sahara desert prove
that it was once underwater. The rich coal and oil deposits of
The Missing Years the Arctic and Antarctica are proof that those regions once
nourished all kinds of plant life.
Were our ancestors cowering in caves and frantically swing-

onyt anybody leave the planet. Ten thousand ing from tree to tzee while these catastropbes were taking
years are missing! There is a baffling void io our place? Or were they removed to a safer place-even another
scientific knowledge of the years between 15,000 planet-until the crises had passed?
B.C. and 25,000 B.C. I t is as though those ten
thousand years never existed. Modern methods Today there are many warning signs that a new global dis-
can date ancient relics and bones with a fair degree of ac- aster is in the making. Polar ice is melting a t an alarming
curacy. The Leakeys in Africa have turned the clock back five rate. The earth's rotation is now measurably slowing down. A
million years by finding human bones indicating that our an- distinct wobble has developed on the earth's axis. The ecologi-
cestors were roaming this mud ball even then. Archaeologists cal balance of the planet is upset. Major climate changes are
have uncovered primitive tools and living quarters from as beginning to occur. The earth's natural magnetic fields are
many as 30,000 years ago. But the finds stop at around fluctuating wildly. Even the old reliable sun is beginning to
25,000 B.C. The stratas of earth become barren until we reach misbehave. Sunspot cycles are changing and explosions on the
sun have been so massive they have endangered some of our
the 15,000 year level. The five-million-year-old humans seem
. space flights.
to have vanished entirely for a long period.
Where did all the people go? Did human life on Earth come History Repeats
to a dead halt for 100 centuries? And, if so, how did i t start up
How often has this happened before? The earth is ap-
proximately three billion years old. Three billion. Our records
There a r e innumerable theories far this anomaly. Believers of man's chaotic habitation extend back a mere 5,000 years.
in the Atlantis legend claim that Atlantis, the fabled hub of Beyond that point we have to rely entirely on archaelogical
ancient civilization, was destroyed sometime between 12,000 speculation and anthropological guesswork. Dr. Leakey found
B.C. and 15,000 B.C. Sometime later, a new civilization arose a human skull that was a t least two million years old. It is
in the Indus Valley in India and in Egypt. probable that intelligent forms of life were struggling here ten
Did the Quaternary Period (Ice Age) wipe out some great million-even twenty million years ago. They may have gone
ancient civilization? If intelligent life existed five million or through all the stages we have passed in 30,000 years, from
more years ago, there was plenty of time for i t to grow and caves to space exploration. Just measure our progress in the
flourish b e f o ~the planet went into the deep freeze about last 500 years. five centuries ago most of the world was un-
three million years ago. Due to some inexplicable change in known. The people of Asia, Africa, and South America k n e w
nothing about Europe, and vice versa. the process is milled "IUumination."
Even while the Wright Brothers, Ford, and Edison were Today we tend to relate these beams of light, and their ef-
working to alter our entire civilization, there were still mil- fecb on humans, with the UFO phenomenon. Each year thou-
liorw of people living in Africa, Asia, and South America under sands of people are the foci of such beams and, very often,
primitive conditions. It is probable that five million years ago, develop increased IQs and dramatic changes of personality af-
even 30,000 years ago, human life existed in various stages of ter their experiences, Once a relatively rare occurrence, this
progress simultaneously. The gods of the cave men living on reprogramming process has become commonplace in the past
the fringes of the great glaciers may have been advanced thirty years.
earthlings; survivors of an earlier civilization, earthlings who Did this same mysterious force control men and direct
were even then reaching for the stars while the cave-dwellers human events five million years ago? Is i t a force from outer
were still trying to invent the wheel. Then around 25,000 B.C. space? Or is it a force unleashed millions of years ago by some
something terrible happened, The advanced culture all but super-culture here on earth-a culture that once had the
vanished. The few scattered survivors, vastly outnumbered by ability bI construct biological robots? Is that super-culture
the primitive cave men, labored to preserve millions of years still i n command?
of knowledge by teaching the primitives the rudiments of
astrology, alchemy, and the laws of magic (which are really The Monolith
advanced physics). The catastrophe of 12,000 B.C.finished off The end product of evolution will not be a superman. It will
the super-culture, and primitive man inherited the earth. be a machine, probably a supercomputer. Computer tech-
Are We Robots? nology is advancing so fast that within a few years we will
undoubtedly perfect a mechanical brain superior to the
All great religions teach us that we are robots, mysteriously human brain. Transistms and miniaturization will enable us
controlled by a supernatural force; that we were constructed to build this brain compactly. It may look like nothing but a
in the image of our Master. While Darwin's Theory of Evolu- metal cube a few feet square.
tion satisfactorily explains what happens to life a h i t is We are just discovering the psychic potential of the human
created, it fails to explain the act of creation itself. Many sci- brain. Experiments in ESP and psychic phenomena are
entists have abandoned the concept of evolut~on,grudgingly reverifying what the ancients already knew: that the human
admitting that the more complex life forms on this planet mind can, within certain limitations, manipulate physical
seem to he the product of design rather than some hit-or-miss matter and reality itself. Our supercomputer will have this
natural process. same capability, but to a very advanced degree. Its sensors
From birth you are programmed in much the same way will inform i t of everything that is happening on earth. It will
that a computer i s programmed. A genetic code predetermines be able to read the minds of the survivors of the next
all of your basic characteristics. This system is augmented by cataclysm, and perhaps even control them. Their descendents
a supernatural system. Millions of people in every generation will worship it, having lost all memory of our civilization.
have their minds reprogrammed hy this supernatural system. Tbey might build a temple around the supercomputer and
I t involves a beam of high-frequency energy transmitted on guard i t zealously without ever knowing exactly why.
the exact frequency of the recipient's brain waves. I n many This may sound like a very outlandish concept. But our
instances, the beam is visible and appears to be a beam of civilization is heading in this very direction. Our space
light coming From the sky, or from a n object in the sky. This is program is winding down. If-rather, when-real economic
a well-obserwd, carefully recorded phenomenon. In religion disaster strikes, we will altogether abandon our dream o f

colonizing the planets. Development of the supercomputer, a together and they form a ~ingle,collective mind with in-
kind of ultimate dictator for the whole planet, will assume credible abilities. They devise military stratagems and even
priority. Forty years ago the first cmde UNIVAC computer execute elaborate feats of engineering. Alone, an ant is a
filled a whole building, and it was inferior to the pocket cal- brainless biological automaton. In a group, i t becomes an in-
culators you can buy today in any electronic store. The super- tegral part of a larger, intelligent organism.
eomputer of tomorrow will be designed to run the whole world There are other examples in the animal world. Tiny under-
more efficiently and more ohjectively than any man could. water animals join together to form larger organisms which
Stanley Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey visualized have the ability to lure and catch large fish and feed the
such a computer. A slablike monolith that influenced apes and whole colony. A microscopic African flea forms a tiny ball witb
turned them into men appeared, placed here by the denizens thousands of its fellows on the tip of a blade of grass. When
of some other planet to watch over us and guide us. an animal bmshes past, the ball clings to it, breaks up, and
Such a monolith may already exist on earth. It may have the fleas spread all over the animal's body. When all are in
been built millions of years ago and now is growing old and position a signal is somehow passed among them, and they all
tired, so it is guiding us to a point where we will be able to bite the animal simultaneously. It falls screaming in agony
replace it with a new model. And then we will vanish and fu- from a thousand tiny jaws pinceringinto its flesh.
ture archaeologists will be puzzled because human history Dr. Carl Jung, the psychologist, speculated that mankind is
will seem to cease after the year 3000 A.D. Then around somewhat like those ants and fleas. The unconscious minds of
13,000 A.D. a cave man will be clawing his way over a glacier, all of us might be joined collectively, he suggested, by
when a beam of light will strike him and he will invent the radiolike waves of energy. The collective unconsciousness of
wheel. mankind would thus form a single massive brain quite inde-
Over two thousand years ago a metallic black cube was dis- pendent of us hut capable of manipulating us and our reality,
covered in the aands of the Arabian desert and the people of just as our individual minds can dream and, within strict
that time viewed it with awe. They actually built a city limitations, reshape our immediate environment.
around it and have guarded it so closely that any non-Arab Zoologist Ivan Sanderson went a step further, He saw our
who dared to penetrate its temple was p ~ to t death. A planet as a living organism with its own mind and hidden
thousand years later the cube-it is called the Kaaba-was pnrposes. Today many scientists have adopted this view, They
absorbed into the Muslim religion and became the most speak of the "biosphere," the total planet as a single or-
prized artifact of the Muslims. I t still exists. It is still heavily ganism. The ecological forces on this planet are p a r t of the
guarded i n Mecca. Skeptical scientists who have never even whole. Wind and water currents are like the arteries of the
viewed i t dismiss i t as a meteorite. But millions believe it human body. Each system supports the others. If you inter-
somehow runs the world. fere witb one system you disturb the whole organism. Since
Where did the Kaaba come from? Tradition states that i t 1848 we have been deliberately destroying many of the inter-
was given to Abraham hy a supernatural being. Was this a locking systems. The earth is screaming in agonlr and perhaps
being from oubr space, or was i t a straggler from an ancient that great mind, the collective unconsciousness, is desperately
civilization, o r even a psychic projection generated by the reaching out to us, trying to communicate with us on our
Kaaba itself? level.
For the pa& twenty years the ufonauts have been repcai,ing
two phrases over and over again to the flying saucer c o n t : ~ < ~
Individual a n t s are quite stupid, but put a thousand ants tees (who now number in the many thousands). "We sire OIW,"
is one of their favorite declarations. T o u are endangering the
balance of the universe," is their warning. They are apoplectic
over our atomic experiments (over 1,000 nuclear bomba have
been exploded in the earth's atmosphere since 1945), crying
that we are not only threatening o u r world hut are also affect-
ing "many other worlds."
When Thor Heyerdahl crossed the Atlantic in a reed boat,
he noted that the entire ocean was now polluted with oil slicks
and human garbage. Most of the oxygen in our atmosphere is
produced by a tiny algae that grows in the ocean. Pollution is
killing off the algae at an alarming rate. The planet is hat-
tling for survival. Since all lesser organisms have a built-in
The Moonstone
instinct for self-preservation, we can assume that earth has a
similar instinct. When the earth is viewed as a living or- Mystery

ganism, mankind becomes a kind of disease-billions of germs housands of years before the Indians settled in
or parasites spreading out and witlessly destroying the inter- North America, another culture thrived there,
dependent eco-systems. They were primitive by modern standards but,
As the pace of the planetary crisis quickens, the Watchers like the early Egyptians, they were fine craftsmen
increase their myst,erious surveillance. The night skies are and very industrious people. They mined copper,
filled more often with thousands of cosmic eyes. More and iron, lead, gold, and even coal. They drilled for oil. They were
more people are stopped on lonely roads by strange forces also great builders and dug canals and irrigation systems all
which reprogram their minds a s easily as we alter and over the continent. Remnants of their efforts still survive, in-
reprogram computer tapes. Humans are tagged just as we tag cluding massive stone walls, roads, and pyramids of earth.
wild animals t o watch their migratory movements and chart They measured the seasons and the movement of the stars by
their habits. The UFOs do not seem to be part of some distant erecting circular stone astronomical computer8 similar to
intergalactic system a t all, but are closely related to both England's Stonehcnge.
mankind and the earth itself. In those far-off days, huge mastadons still roamed this
In its early time the earth may have needed man, but now land. Our unknown predecessors carved artifacts from mas-
we have become a plague threatening the entire organism. tadon tusks and scratched pictures of the animals in the faces
The signs and wonders of our present day may he the subtle of cliffs. They even left depictions of dinosaur-like creatures,
beginnings of global convulsions to come-convulsions that resembling the fable dragons of China and Great Britain. And
will spring from t h e planet's urge for se1f.preservation and ul- in the tradition of the Chinese and British dragon carvings,
timately destroy us. they usually drew a circle or disc in front of the creatures.
The earth is not inhabited. It is infested. The disc was, in fact, a very significant part of that culture,
Thousands upon thousands of tiny s b n e discs, lahoriously
carved by human hands, have been found a t archaeologic:~l
sites throughout the country. Most of them are less than six
inches in diameter. Many look like miniature cog whwls
notched with such precision that they almost seem macl11111~-
made. A large quantity of these cogged stones have been spheres. No one knows who carved them, when, or why. Were
found in the Bolsa Chica area of southern California in a they the bowling balls of giants? Did they have some religious
stratum of earth dating hack 8,000 years. Others have been significance? One thing is certain. I t would take an enormous
found in the lower levels of the huge man-made mounds of the amount of effort to carve just one of these balls and grind it
Ohio and Mississippi valleys. down to a perfect sphere. To do the job, the ball would have to
Scientists have failed to come up with a comfortable ex- be constantly rotated, and rotating a sixteen-ton block of
planation for these curious artifacts. Some have suggested stone would he no easy task. Some of these spheres have been
they were used in games, like modern checkers. Others think found laid out in a measured geometric pattern on the jungle
they might have been used as money. They must have had floor. How were they transported and moved into place?
some important purpose for the task of carving them was cer- One group of large spheres are laid out in neat row aligned
tainly arduous and time consuming. Lacking a better term, with magnetic north. Did the carvers have a magnetic com-
archaeologists call these things "Moonstones." They are a con- pass?
stant embarrassment to scientific theorists; most of these Colonel Fawcett, the explorer who vanished while searching
moonstones are hidden away in boxes in museum basements. for a legendary lost city in the jungles of Brazil, studied na-
One set of moonstones found in New York state was doubly tive stories about stone spheres which glowed so brightly a t
embarrassing. The New York discs are rimmed with a series night they were used as street lights.
of carefully spaced holes and were found in the lower layer of
Some of the spheres in Costa Rica are mounted on stone
a mound which dated them as having been carved long before
pedestals. If some magnetic anomaly caused them to glow a t
the first Europeans arrived. When scientists studied the
night, they would probably light up a large area.
holes, they were nonplussed to discover they had been drilled
with a steel drill. Of course, the Indians did not have steel But can stones glow?
drills. Morehemoodus
Even more puzzling were the three discs found a t the Old
Crow site a t Lindenmeir, Colorado. Archaeologists date the East Haddam, Connecticut was the site of a very strange
artifacts found there as being 170,000 years old! The discs ; luminous rock story in the late 1700s, according to an article
have uniformly carved edges and are identical to discs found ,, published in the American Journal of Science in 1840.
half a world away a t Laugerie-Haute, France. Other objects "About fifty years ago, a European by the name of Steele
found a t both sites include bone needles, stone spear points, came into the place and boarded in the family of a Mr.
and awls. These things were apparently created by a pre-Ice Knowlton for a short period,"Reverend Henry Chapman
Age culture. reported. "He was a man of intelligence, and supposed to be in
The stone and bone discs may have been used as money. Or disguise. He told Mr. Knowlton in confidence that he had dis-
maybe the cavemen just like to play tiddlywinks. covered the place of a fossil which he called a carbuncle, and
that he should be able to procure it in a few days. Accordingly,
Stone Spheres he soon brought home a white round substance resembling a
stone in the light, but which became remarkably luminous in
The North American moonstones are dwarfed by the the dark. It was his practice to labor after his mineral in the
hundreds of stone spheres scattered in the jungles of Central night season. The night on which he procured it he secreted it
America, largely i n Costa Rica. Some are a s big as eight feet
in Mr. Knowlton's cellar, which was without windows, yet its
in diameter and weigh more than sixteen tons. Others are
illuminating power was so great that the house appeared to
only a few inches in diameter. All are perfectly formed
be on fire, and was seen a t a great distance. The next mornini;
The American Indians were mostly nomadic hunters and
he enclosed i t in sheet lead, and departed for Europe, and has lacked the advanced knowledge necessary to build such a
never since been heard of." thing. Some of these mysterious monuments are thousands of
The Indians called the East Haddam, Connecticut area years old.
Morehemoodus, meaning "places of noises." Strange ex- The ancient American builders also left a massive system of
plosions, like heavy cannon shots, have always haunted the irrigation canals so carefully surveyed and laid out that their
place and are still heard there occassionally. Fortean construction was far beyond the abilities of the Indians.
researcher William R. Corliss has located a number of modern
reports of this phenomenon, known locally as the Moodus As the first Europeans in North America drove the Indians
Sounds. Scientists are a t loss to explain the noises. back, they also wantonly destroyed most of these ancient
structures. Treasure hunters chopped up the great mounds,
The Stone Workers usually finding nothing but a few bones, pots, and beads. Set-
tlers broke up the stone walls and buildings to use the stones
While the natives of Costa Rica were making stone spheres
for their own cabins. Only a few hundred of the largest
and the Indians were seemingly senselessly carving thou-
mounds were preserved, largely in the Ohio and Mississippi
sands of tiny stone discs, other mysterious stone masons were
areas. The mounds of Mexico met a similar fate. A Christian
hard a t work all over the world. During the Vietnam War a
place called the Plain of Jars was the scene of several battles. church was built on top of one of the largest ones. The largest
The Plain of J a r s is a high plateau surrounded by mountains of all, larger and older than the Great Pyramid of Egypt, is
and gets its name from the fact that it is strewn with huge the step pyramid a t Cuicuiko, Mexico. Archaeologists have
stone jars; over one thousand of them. Some of these jars are found that the lower layers were covered with volcanic ash
six feet high, and some are big enough to hold six men. They which could be carbon-dated, and they estimate that the
are carved of limestone and granite, and they seem to have pyramid was constructed a t least 8,500 years ago! In other
always been there. The people of Indochina don't even have words, an advanced pyramid culture was hard a t work in the
any myths to explain their existence. Why would anyone Americas thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization
devote so much labor to carving such useless artifacts in such began.
a remote and inaccessible place? We know shamefully little about that culture because ar-
When the first Europeans landed in New' England, they chaeologists can't fit i t into their theories. They still maintain
were surprised to find ancient stone towers, great man-made the myth that the Indians migrated to this continent from
mounds of earth and other strange structures dotting the Asia across the Bering Straits even though there is no
landscape. Many of these important monuments were torn evidence t o support the notion. The Indians themselves have
down and plowed under in the early years of occupation. But other explanations for their origins. The Cherokees claim they
new discoveries continue to he made. In the 1930s hundreds came from the East, across the Atlantic ocean. The Hopiis and
of miles of fine roads, some forty feet in width, were found in other southwestern tribes believe they migrated north from
the Southwest. The Indians did not have horses or wheels and Central and South America.
so had no real need for roads. Scientists digging in New York state have unearthed ar-
Dolmen (standing stones) and massive Stonehenge-type tifacts that were obviously made by Eskimos. Eskimos in New
structures are also scattered across the United States and, York! How did they wander so far from their Arctic tundra?
like their many counterparts in Denmark, Great Britain, and Or did they start from here, driven northwards by the invad-
France, they were built with mathematical precision. Modern ing mound builders?
scientists believe they were used as astronomical computers. Throughout the Mississippi and Ohio valleys there arc 1111
kinds of ancient structures and traces of a civilization that Virginia claimed that a bizarre group of "moon-eyed people"
may have been comparable to the early civilizations of the In- once lived in those places. They had pale skins and large
dus Valley i n India and the Nile Valley in Egypt. Stone cities round eyes so sensitive to light that they rarely ventured out-
dating back as far as 8,000 years are now being unearthed in side during the day. They lived in villages of stone houses
the Mississippi Valley. Excavations into the upper layers of which they guarded fiercely. The Indians learned to avoid
some of the so-called Indian mounds have turned up metal ar- them and, in fact, the rich, fertile hills of West Virginia were
tifacts of iron, copper, and various alloys. The American In- never settled by the Indians because it was the land of the
dians had no knowledge of metallurgy and were limited to moon-eyed people.
hammering ax heads out of meteoric iron, a substance so rare Modern armchair anthropologists have speculated that the
that the axes were reserved for religious and ceremonial pur- moon-eyes may have been remnants of the famous "lost
poses. Yet suits of copper armor, carefully and expertly colony." Soon after Virginia Dare, popularly referred to as the
worked from copper tubing, have been discovered in some first American, was born in 1587, she, her parents, and the
mounds. Large numbers of skeletons with copper noses have entire Roanoke Island colony disappeared into thin air. When
been found. The noses were apparently part of the burial supply ships arrived from Europe they found the island deser-
preparations; preparations as delicate and complicated as the ted. The nearest Indian tribes were not hostile and were also
Egyptian mummification process. baffled by the mass disappearance. The only clue left behind
In the Great Lakes region a huge network of ancient copper was a meaningless word carved into a tree: CROATOAN.
mines can be seen. Some of these mines were in use 2,000 For five hundred years the Vikings maintained a large set-
years ago and must have required thousands of workers to ex- tlement on Greenland and then, like the Virginia colony, the
tract and process the ore. The Indian culture centered around entire population vanished suddenly and mysteriously. Had
flint arrowheads and animal skins, not mining and metal- they simply migrated en masse to North America?
lurgy. Indian legends about tall, blond, pale-skinned gods abound.
Oil was a useless liquid to the Indians. They used it only in Some of these gods sound like armor-clad Vikings. But others
medicines, in very small quantities. The first important were supposedly dressed in long, flowing robes. The Piutes
modern oil well was discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania in speak of sacred plateaux where these gods resided out west.
1860, but later very ancient shafts were discovered there in- They were said to be equipped with magical rods which
dicating that someone had been digging for oil hundreds- caused the skin to prickle (electric shock?) and induced
even t h o u s a n d s ~ o years
f before. Tools, ladders, and construc- paralysis. In some legends these gods are described as having
tion methods similar to those found in the old copper mines the power of flight. They rode the night skies in great metal
around Lake Superior were unearthed a t Titusville. Another 'birds."
ancient oil well was discovered at Enneskillen, Canada. And a The Eskimos, who bear an interesting resemblance to the
worked lead mine was found on a farm outside Lexington. ancient Olmecs of Central America, maintain that they were
Kentucky. originally flown to the far north in "metal birds." Like the
North America was once a beehive of industrial enterprise. Virginia colony and the Greenland settlement, the Olmecs
The Moon-EyedPeople vanished suddenly and mysteriously.
Aside from the moon-eyed people and the blond gods, the
Indian myths and traditions tell us that large parts of this Indians also had to contend with giants. The Delaware In-
continent were once inhabited by strange white men. The dians believe that their tribe once lived in the west bitf.
tribes around what are now the states o f Kentucky and West migrated eastward. In those days the land east of the M i w i s
sippi was inhabited by a race of giants who built mighty cities
and fortifications. They were called the Alligewi. Both the Al-
legheny River and Mountains were supposedly named after
them. The migrating Indians asked for permission to pass
through the Alligewi country and were refused. So the In-
dians went to war against the giants and eventually drove
them out. The Alligewi are said to have fled westward, down
the Ohio River and up the Mississippi into Minnesota. Bones
of people seven to ten feet tall were found in the Minnesota
mounds in the last century.
The natives of Ecuador in South America also have an old
story of how a tribe of giants landed on their shores in reed Clones, Hybrids and
rafts and tried to take over. From the knee down "they were
the size of an ordinary fair-sized man" and their eyes were
"the size of small plates." These giants slaughtered the In-

dians and raped their women, but were finally wiped out by ram the mountains of northern Sweden t o the
some cosmic d i s a s t e r 4 meteor struck their settlement and hills of Tennessee one of ufology's most persistent
destroyed them. rumors has been enjoying a rebirth. The rumor
Were these giants the moon-eyed Alligewi from North first began circulating in 1950, only three years
America looking for a new home? after flying saucers had suddenly emerged as a
topic for discussion and investigation. In the 1960s it swept
Our Lost History the world and became an accepted truth to many advanced
Hard physical evidence found all across this continent in- ufologists. But its basic premise was so obscure and prepos-
dicates t h a t an advanced culture thrived here long before the terous that many rejected i t and forgot i t until the upsurge of
Indians made their mythical migration across the Bering landings and contacts in 1973. This is the rumor or theory
Straits from Asia. Because the mounds, henge,-etc. are strik- that the ufonauts are conducting biological experiments with
ingly similar to constructions found in Europe, Asia, and even human beings and may even be creating an army of pseudo-
remote Pacific islands, we can speculate that this culture was humans by using the sperms and ovaries from unsuspecting
once worldwide. I t probably reached its zenith before the Ice earthlings.
Age ten thousand years ago, then deteriorated in the wake of The number of reported contacts supporting the biological
the geological calamities. That early culture mapped the experiment theory is mounting rapidly now as more and more
whole planet, and fragments of those maps were handed down investigators take an interest in the once shunned contact
over the centuries until they reached Columbus. The giants, cases. In the mid-19608 I visited several college communities
who once tossed huge blocks of stone around and built the in the northeast and collected a series of incredible reports
puzzling monoliths that still stand on every continent, from sincere young men and women who claimed they had
gradually reverted to a fierce, uncivilized state, driven by the been abducted by UFOs and subjected to sexual experimenta-
urgent requirements of survival. tion. The males said that their sex organs had been examined
Atlantis may not have sunk into the ocean. You may be and special instruments had extracted semen from them. The
living on it. females claimed they had either been forcibly raped aboard
UFOs, or instruments, usually long needles, had been insor-
ted in their lower abdomens to remove substances from their believe that any woman who is seduced by the devil has spe-
ovaries. cial powers afterwards and such women are given very special
Only two cases of this type received any publicity: the Vil- respect. Numerous rites i n Black Magic involve sex practices
las-Boas incident in Brazil in 1957, and the Betty and Barney and sexual submission to the strange entities who materialize
Hill abduction in 1962. However, neither case had been pub- during the rites.
lished when I came across the first witnesses to tell me these In Oahspe, the amazing book written by a New York dentist
things. while in a trance state back in the 1880s, there are pages of
Early ufologists, however, knew of such reported biological pictures of special children with sober faces and deep black
experiments and based their hybrid theory on them. Essen- eyes who were supposedly hybrids planted here by some un-
tially, the theory asserts that there are living among us today known force.
people who are crossbreeds, half earthling and half space per- Several modern contactees have seen strange things hap-
son. These people are allegedly loyal to, and controlled by, the pen to their families. Their teenaged daughters have stag-
ufonauts. They are hybrids. The time will come, the theory gered home claiming they had been sexually assaulted by
goes, when a large part of the earth's population will be space beings. Their wives have disappeared for hours or even
hybrid. days and returned suffering from amnesia and pregnant.
There's more. Many women involved in close encounters Several of the early contactees in the 1950s enraged the
with UFOs become pregnant soon afterwards, although they "scientific ufologists" with their tales of having been required
have no memory of anything beyond a simple UFO sighting, to express their manhood on other planets or while flying
Some are more than a little astonished by their unexpected around in saucers.
pregnancies. I have kept in close contact with several of these The hybrid concept has a marked effect on the ufologists
ladies and followed the developments with great interest. The who accept it blindly. They become totally paranoid. They
children they produced seem exceptionally bright and are fre- believe that hybrids have infiltrated highest government
quently surrounded by poltergeistic manifestations in their circles; that they are even running our world. In the 1960%
early years. Otherwise they appear to be normal. In more Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara was frequently ac-
than one case the lady's husband was slightly disturbed be- cused by contactees of being a hybrid.
cause their offspring did not resemble him or her. A related theory is the clone rumor. A clone is a n exact
It all sounds like John Wyndham's science fiction classic duplicate of a living organism. Theoretically, a clone can be
The Midwich Cuchoos but the facts are there. In the 1960s 1 manufactured from a single cell of your body. Each cell con-
tried to interest several different editors in an article on this tains all the necessary biological information to construct a
intriguing aspect of the UFO phenomenon but they all felt i t duplicate. Scientists around the world have been working on
was "too far out."as indeed it is. this process for years. Several modern contactees told how
I t will come as a shock to many ufologists who are now cir- they were taken aboard a UFO and a small sample of their
culating t h e hybrid rumor that this concept is thousands of skin was scraped from their arm. If we had the technology
years old and is, i n fact, an important part of occult, psychic, and know-how, a small sample is all we would need to create
witchcraft a n d religious lore. The sexual intervention of su- an exact duplicate of a person.
pernatural entities is mentioned throughout the Bible (in the Exact duplicates of several well-known ufologists have been
story of Abraham, for example) and Christianity is founded on seen by reliable witnesses. In occult lore, such duplicates arc
the belief that Mary was impregnated by the angel Gabriel. called dopplegangers. They are an age-old psychic phenomc-
Witches a r e said to have intercourse wifh the devil. Gypsies non. In the 1960s, a doppleganger of New York ufolorisl,

James Moseley turned up on a number of occasions. And a Sleepers

doppleganger of yours truly appeared repeatedly in several In the esoteric parlance of the intelligence community a
states, from Long Island, New York to West Virginia, while I "sleeper" is a spy who is kept deliberately inactive for years
was actually occupied elsewhere. Were these charcters clones; while living in "deep cover." He or she remains on the payroll
physical entities made of solid flesh? Or were they psychic but doesn't do any actual spying until finally, sometimes years
projections of some sort? after entering the intelligence service, the Organization has a
Several years ago a young Englishman came to me with special need. For example, it was recently revealed that an
some very interesting photographs. He had attended an out- East German spy was sent to live in West Germany and carry
door rally in Britain and had snapped pictures of the crowd. out one specific mission. His job was to train his own five-year
When he examined the photos later he was surprised to see old daughter and promote her into a job, after she had grown
two strange-looking men standing in the crowd. They were up, as a secretary in a West German government office. It
not together, but were widely separated in the crowd. Both sounds incredible, but this kind of long range planning and
were dressed identically in black turtleneck sweaters. Both manipulation is common in the shadowy James Bond world of
had very short hair (unusual for that time and for men of intelligence and espionage.
their apparent age). Oddest of all, both had identical facial Sleepers are planted throughout our society. Some live and
characteristics. They looked like twins. They had high work in a community for twenty years or more, accepted by
cheekbones, angular faces and thin lips. They really stood out everyone as teachers, journalists, or businessmen, drawing a
in the photograph. monthly check from some agency in addition to their regular
Similar beings form an integral part of our Men In Black income, and waiting for the day when they might suddenly be
(MIB) lore. These MIB have even attended flying saucer lec- called upon to break open a safe, take furtive photographs, or
tures and conventions. In some reports there have been three even in extreme cases shoot somebody between the eyes.
of them, all looking exactly alike. Were they clones? Candy Jones, the famous model and wife of the late Long
Today there are many people who have become convinced John Nebel, the New York radio talk show star, was a slightly
that they, themselves, really are hybrids. A number of contac- different kind of sleeper. Through hypnosis and drugs, the
tees, some of them quite well known, started life as orphans C.I.A. turned her into a deep cover spy. She was sent on mis-
and never learned the identity of their true parents. Like Lee aions in a trance state, using a false name and even, believe it
Harvey Oswald, some contactees have been seen in places or not, a false personality given to her through brainwashing
where they had never been. How the "scientific ufologists" techniques. When she returned from these missions she
ranted and railed against Howard Menger when he told resumed her own life and personality and had no memory
stories of dopplegangers and teleportation! whatsoever of her escapades as a spy. She was a victim of an
Some contactees have lived in terror for years, fearing that intelligence practice that has been in use for forty years.
they were going t o he whisked off to some farm on some other In the 1960s I discovered to my astonishment that sleepers
planet and bled like cattle. are common in the UFO phenomena. Like Candy Jones, ordi-
Are there really hybrids and clones living among us? If nary people report being employed to carry out all kinds of
there are, I have never personally met one, but I have met a missions, but have no conscious memory of those missions
lot of very peculiar people. Perhaps you lost a few minutes of when they return to their normal lives. In contactee ter-
time when you saw a weird object in the sky a few years ago. minology they are said to have been "used."
Perhaps there's another you out there somewhere. Like all contactees, such sleepers have two important
characteristics. They have latent or active psychic abilities, be repeated periodically. This is why percipients who claim a
and they are very suggestible; that is, they are easily hyp- close encounter often have repeated experiences spaced no
notized. Very often, as I have pointed out in my various ar- more than three years apart. Unfortunately, the subsequent
ticles and books, a false memory or confabulation is planted in experiences are usually well hidden in the unconscious mind
their minds to account for the periods during which they were and the witness may have no conscious memory of them, Only
being used. A person who has no memory of, say, one week, the initial experience, with its vivid surface confabulation,
returns with the vivid impression that he or she has been can be recalled a t all by ordinary techniques.
taken to another planet. The human mind is such that layers Silent contactees who suffered some form of UFO contacts
can be laid in the unconscious mind. The confabulation fills years ago, even as children, can become sleepers and ex-
the uppermost layer while memories of the sensory impres- perience periods of temporary amnesia throughout their lives
sions of the actual experience are hidden in a deeper layer. An without ever relating them to their first UFO contact.
inexperienced investigator using hypnosis reaches only the The minds of some percipients are too unstable to adjust to
surface confabulation and does not even attempt to reach the this kind of overt tampering. In some cases a classic conflict
layers below. Once the amateur has brought the confabulation develops between the conscious and unconscious minds. The
to the surface, the hidden layer is buried deeper than ever material hidden below the surface layers works its way
and becomes almost impossible to reach. through and there is an overlap that leads to confusion, even
As in conventional intelligence procedure a la Candy Jones, partial insanity. Betty and Barney Hill sought out psychiatric
the sleeper must first be hypnotized or drugged into a deep help because they were bothered by horrible nightmares, a
trance. Subsequent trances are easily induced by a "trigger." standard result of overlapping. Others suffer to a great degree
Triggers can take many forms. A sound a t a specific pitch can because the material in the lower layers infiltrates the cons-
cause the victim to lapse into a trance. Such sounds can even cious mind. They become fanatics ... UFO evangelists con-...
be transmitted by telephone. Lights flashing in a specific pat- vinced that this material is very real. Still others, like Candy
tern can do the job. Or even a simple word or command can be Jones, find themselves battling two personalities. In in-
used. After Dr. Benjamin Simon first hypnotized Betty and numerable cases in my UFO records we find that the hidden
Barney Hill he was later able to put them into a hypnotic material actually took over the conscious mind causing the
state by simply saying, "Trance, Barney." MFS. Nebel often contactee to assume an entirely new personality and, in ex-
went into a spontaneous trance when she looked a t herself in treme instances, declare himself or herself to be a space per-
a mirror. son!
I have examined contactees who were keyed to fall into a People who make the adjustment without these problems
trance when they saw a certain written symbol,..usually a can serve as sleepers in all kinds of ways. A mysterious phone
Greek letter, o r combination of Greek letters. They believed call of beeping sounds can send them into a trance, during
they had seen these letters painted on the side of a spacecraft. which they may write and mail a "crank" letter or carry out
It is more probably that the letters were shown t o them and some other activity which they normally would not do under
they were given a post-hypnotic suggestion, along with a sur- any circumstances. After they have performed this action they
face confabulation of a spacecraft and their minds blended the return to normal and have no memory of it whatsoever.
two. The frightening thing about all this is that each new UFO
Ordinarily a post-hypnotic suggestion will wear off in a few wave may bring more people under the hidden control of this
months or*,at most, a few years. Therefore once a person has phenomenon. We have no way of estimating how in;tn,y
undergone a contact experience, the hypnotic episodes must sleepers there may be after forty years of UFO sighting. Am!

we have no way of finding out the triggers in use. We can say

that almost every person who develops an obsession with
UFOs has been subjected to some form of processing a t some
time in his life.
Who or what is doing this? Is there some sinister organiza-
tion plucking us off highways to hypnotize or drug us? Are in-
vaders from outer space embarking on a worldwide campaign
to brainwash us prior to landing and taking over our world?
This doesn't seem too likely. This phenomenon has always ex-
isted and lies a t the root of all our religious beliefs, our myths
and superstitions, the ancient arts of witchcraft and black
magic, and the fundamental fictions that have given us most

of our social and political ideas. From the medical symptoms arapsychologist Dr. Meade Layne was one of the
of the contactees we can deduce that the phenomenon consists first serious UFO investigators in 1947 and his
of an energy form rather than a solid physical structure. This Round Robin newsletter was a pioneer publica-
energy, like a radio wave, is sometimes visible to us as glow- tion eventually imitated by hundreds of others. In
ing shapes or beams of bright light. those days very few educated observers dared to
Years ago the intelligence community discovered ways to enter the flying saucer controversy. Dr. Hermann Oberth of
produce the same effects through hypnosis, drugs and 1 Germany and astrophysicist Morris K. Jessup of the US.
brainwashing techniques. But i t is unlikely, if not altogether
impossible, that any nation could or would attempt to use
these methods on whole populations. Perhaps i t was the
1 stood almost alone. Both were enthralled with the extrater-
restrial explanation while Layne took a more unpopular posi-
tion. He saw links between the UFOs and psychic manifes-
C.1.A.k studies of UFO contactees that gave them the idea 1 tations. He labeled the UFO pilots "Etherians" and speculated
and led to the creation of sleepers like Candy Jones. 1 that they did not come from some other planet hut were cross-
ing over into our reality from some other dimension or space-
i time continuum. I t has taken ufology nearly forty years to
I catch up with him.

1 Dr. Layne witnessed the UFOs mysterious vanishing act in

the early yeare and coined the words "matn and "demat" (for
I materialization and dematerialization) to describe their be-
! havior. Next to the famous "falling leaf motion, this was the
, most frequently reported action of the strange aerial objects.
; Years later photographers equipped with infrared lenses and
; film added to the puzzle by successfully photographing aerial
objects which were not visible to the naked eye. Apparently
the disappearing act really consisted of an ability to somehow
traverse the visible spectrum of light (which is very narrow)
and pass from the invisible field of infrared a t one extreme to
the invisible area of ultraviolet a t the other extreme.
It has now been well established in thousands of sightings the air in our atmosphere), rather they defy all of our laws of
that the UFOs emit both infrared rays (heat) and ultraviolet motion. They levitate. They are not disturbed by turbulent air
rays (which burn the skin and eyes). But passing across the as our airplanes are, and they have often been seen making
visible spectrum is not really an interdimensional action. It is right angle turns at high speeds, demonstrating their disas-
more likely that some UFOs are masses of plastic energy sociation with normal inertia and gravity forces. Of course, if
which are normally invisible to us, but which can-when the they hail from another dimension or a n alternate reality their
conditions are just right-alter their frequencies and enter actions may be governed by an entirely different set of
the visible spectrum. In other words, UFOs are always natural laws. The forces that bind us to Earth are not neces-
present in the skies but can only be seen at certain times ...or sarily uniform throughout the universe.
by certain people; people with latent or active psychic abilities If most UFOs are actually masses of energy with the ability
whose eyes are tuned to see slightly beyond the visible to tune their frequencies~thevibrations of their atoms-up
spectrum. Recent studies by ufologists all over the world and down the electromagnetic scale, they could not only alter
have, in fact, found that a majority of UFO witnesses do have their color while in the visible spectrum, but they could
some psychic ability. The most exclusive group, flying saucer change their sizes and shapes as well. A reddish cigar-shaped
contactees, are very psychic. object seen a t one point could become the silvery saucer-
Alternate Realities shaped object seen a few miles away. If the saucer should land
and discharge a tall spectral passenger, he could actually be
A few years ago Alien Greenfield ofAtlanta, Georgia revived an integral part of the saucer itself ... a robotized extension of
Layne's findings by postulating the theory of alternate the energy mass. The mass would possess intelligence, not the
realities. He wondered if UFOs could not be coming to us from robot. And, in fact, innumerable witnesses have muttered in-
another reality very similar to our own. They had somehow comprehendingly, "I don't know why, but I had the feeling
figured out a system for crossing some mysterious barrier of that the saucer itself was alive!"
time and space t o visit us. They did not come from a distant Is there an alternate reality populated with living masses of
planet but, in a sense, were our next-door neighbors even
energy something like intelligent lightning bolts?
though we were not fully aware of their existence.
Some of the UFO contactees also spoke of "time travellers" From Seances to Science
and offered cryptic explanations for the UFOs' wild talents. Dr. Layne's method for communicating with the Etherians
Others who had close experiences with the objects and en- was simple but unscientific. He spoke to them through trance
tities hut did. not claim direct contact, offered information mediums and transcripts of some of these amazing seances
which seemed to indicate that while the flying saucer oc- are still available. (In the 1980s, this is called "channeling.")
cupants looked human or nearly so, they lacked free wills and As a parapsychologist Layne was familiar with the weird
were almost robotlike. When they spoke, they seemed to phenomenon of materialization. And it occurred to him that
recite like a computer. They rarely revealed any humanlike UFOs were following the unnatural laws of psychic
emotions but seemed more like confused ghosts, humanlike phenomena. Their appearances and disappearances could be
yet very inhuman. If they came from another reality like our equated to the materializations of ghostly entities in the
own, it mustbe a very grim place. seance room.
The best clue about their place of origin lies in the defi- Spiritualism was all the rage in the last half of the
nitely unearthly behavior of the objects themselves. Flying nineteenth century and materializations were almost corn-
saucers d o not actually fly (that is, they are not supported by monplace. Entities would slowly appear in dimly lit rooms
and then perform physical acts, shake hands with the sitters, tigators regard this as a reaction to the smell (which is often
even leave fingerprints in trays of wax. Then they would just terrible) or energies radiated by the object. But since these
as mysteriously fade into thin air. While they came i n all sizes events follow the same course as comparable psychic manifes-
and shapes, the most common type was a n Indian-like figure tations it is more probable that the collapse of the witness
with high cheekbones and Oriental eyes. Often these charac- contributes directly to the UFO materialization. Parapsychol-
ters wore some kind of metal headpiece. People are still ogists have long suspected that the occult force needs to draw
describing such beings except that they no longer pop up in on energy from this reality. Human mediums apparently
seance rooms; they step out of glistening flying saucers. Ray supply this energy. There are also innumerable cases in which
Stanford, a famous psychic and the twin brother of Dr. Rex cows, horses, dogs, and cats may have been the energy source.
Stanford, a well-known psychiatrist, claims to have been Barney Hill, the best-known of all modern contactees, stepped
present a t the materialization of such a n entiry. into a field with a pair of binoculars to look a t an aerial object.
Perhaps the most famous of all the witnesses to Later he found the strap on the binoculars had been broken,
materializations was Sir William Crookes (1832-1919). As an hut he had no memory of how i t happened, probably because
inventor, he ranked with Edison and Einstein, and developed he was entranced. He was barely conscious throughout the in-
the Crookes Tube, forerunner of the X-ray tube and an impor- terruption in his Interrupted Journey, but his wife, Betty, was
tant step towards the perfection of modern television. He was apparently awake throughout.
also one of the first men of science to become interested in In the Pascagoula, Mississippi incident in 1973. Calvin
psychic phenomena and he made many important con- Parker was unconscious while Charles Hickson was only
tributions to the infant science of parapsychology. paralyzed. Both men were allegedly hauled into a UFO and
'I have seen a solid self-luminous body, the size and nearly examined by neckless beings with crablike claws. Was Parker
the shape of a turkey's egg, float noiselessly about the room," the medium in this case?
Crookes wrote. "I have had questions answered by the flash- If you sift through the UFO literature you will find many
ing of a bright light a desired number of times in front of my comparable cases, such as the Flatwoods, West Virginia
face ... In the light, I have seen a luminous cloud hover over a monster story of 1952. A young National Guardsman passed
heliotrope on a side table, break a sprig off, and carry the out in the presence of that weird creature. This need for
sprig to a lady." energy could also explain why so many luminous UFOs have
Was he describing UFOs? No, he was writing about things been seen hovering around power lines and the antennae of
that had materialized i n seance rooms. But his most famous radio transmitters. Ivan Sanderson studied cases of this sort
experiments were his study of the mysterious "Katie," a and wondered, "Are we providing a free lunch for energy
female entity who appeared no less than forty-five times and forms from space?"
permitted the scientist to touch her and even to give her a Brinsley Le Poer Trench and Gordon Creighton of England,
medical examination. She only appeared after a lady medium Dr. Jacques Vallee and Aime Michel of France, and most of
collapsed i n a. trance. (Katie was taller than the medium and the leading ufologists around the world have quietly aban-
different i n other ways.) Sir William naturally explored every doned the extraterrestrial (interplanetary) theory. They now
possibility for trickery but could find no explanation for the regard the alternate reality or interdimensional concept as a
phenomenon, more valid explanation for the things that continue to haunt
In countless modern UFO cases we have examples of our skies. Several important parapsychologists such as Dr.
mediumship. One or more of the witnesses collapses before or Jute Eisenbud and Dr. Berthold Schwarz have quietly entered
during t h e materialization of a UFO or entity. Usually inves- into UFO investigations. Ideas that once seemed laughalilv

are now being carefully considered by a generation of new

ufologists. The "hardware boys" (those who believe UFOs are
manufactured machines from another planet) have had over
forty years in which to prove their case. It is plain that they
have failed.
Dr. Meade Layne's Etberians are beginning to seem more
real than the Martians and Venusian8 of yesterday's ufology.
But proving that they come from a n alien space-time con-
tinuum populated by living energy will be just a s difficult as
proving they come from another planet with "a superior tech-
nology." Earth will be a free lunch counter for a long time to
On Top of
Mount 0iympus

he story of Antonio Villas Boas of Brazil is now
very well-known. In 1957, he was allegedly taken
aboard a UFO and introduced to a blonde space
lady with whom he had sexual intercourse. Before
his X-rated adventure began, the little men on
board the object pulled off his clothes and bathed him with a
wet sponge. "The liquid was a s clear as water," he later told
Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, "but quite thick, and without smell. I
thought it was some sort of oil, but was wrong, for my skin
did not become greasy or oily."
The Greeks and Romans believed that the gods used am-
brosia as an ointment when they bathed. In many ancient
cultures, human sacrifices were annointed with oil before
their hearts were ripped out. This practice overlapped into
Christianity. Christ's followers rubbed him with an expensive
oil before He was crucified, and, in fact, the very name Christ
comes from the Greek Khristos which means "the annointed
one." (His real name was Yehoshuah ... Joshua. The name
Jesus Christ was not applied to Yehoshuah until several
hundred years after His death.)
It is intriguing that Antonio underwent the ancient ;IIV
nointing ceremony aboard that space ship in Brazil.
Larry Foreman of California didn't receive a cosmic hi~fli,
but during a series of UFO contacts near Socorro, New Mrxico
in the 1960s he claims to have tasted ambrosia. To him it w i i s

'some kind of punch, berry of some kind, I think." Foreman's the gods. The fairies of the Middle Ages were also regarded as
story includes stone walls that weren't there, and a variety of residents of earth. One popular belief was that they lived un-
obvious hallucinations common to the victims of enchant- der the seas.
ment. We are forced to base our speculations about the phenome-
In May 1969, a Brazilian soldier named Jose Antonio un- non on the testimony of scattered witnesses who, no matter
derwent a remarkable experience when he was kidnapped by how sincere and truthful they might be, are seeing only what
a group of tiny humanoids and transported t o a cavern-like they are supposed t o see and remembering only what they are
room of stone. There his captors offered him a drink from a supposed to remember. Their trips to other worlds may be
stone cube with a pyramidal-shaped cavity in the center. I t trips of another kind altogether, produced by sips of ambrosia
was a dark-green liquid with a bitter taste. But he said he felt rather than the roaring rockets of some advanced extrater-
better after drinking it. restrial civilization.
Woodrow Derenberger, a contactee in West Virginia, also The Ambrosia Factor
felt better after he drank a liquid given to him by an alleged
ufonaut in 1967. Derenberger had been suffering from a When mortal men were ushered into the presence of the
stomach ailment and he claimed the outer space potion gods i n ancient times, according to mythology, they were in-
cleared i t up. variably handed a goblet containing a thick, syrupy liquid and
were told to drink it. If they were suffering any ill effects from
Can These Things Be? their visits to the palaces of gods (usually on top of some
Those who guzzled ambrosia on Mount Olympus were sup- mountain), their symptoms vanished a s soon as they drank
posed to have enjoyed increased intelligence and heightened from the goblet. So the first legend to spring up around this
perceptions afterwards. In the modern UFO cases many of the ambrosia claimed that it had medicinal powers, that it was a
percipients have undergone dramatic changes after their ini- magical cure-all. Later this was greatly embellished. Ambro-
tial contact experience. Their I.Q. increases, they develop sia was supposed to make the drinker immortal, and it ren-
psychic abilities, and they acquire very suddenly new dered divine powers ... the ability to communicate directly
knowledge of science, astronomy, and ontology. Others, unfor- with the gods.
tunately, deteriorate instead. They become nervous wrecks, Even though belief in the gods of the Romans and Greeks
divorce their wives, lose their jobs, go bankrupt, and have a gradually faded away, the Ambrosia factor remained an in-
very hard time. But the ancient gods had a nasty reputation tegral part of supernatural manifestations. In the Middle
for causing the same kind of havoc in the lives of those who Ages, most of Europe was engulfed in a n epidemic of fairies
were privileged to meet them. and little people. Millions saw the diminutive creatures and
Could it be that the modern UFO phenomenon is nothing thousands even claimed to have been kidnapped and taken
more than a n updated version o f these ancient games? The into their underground palaces. Some men even returned
gods of old were accepted as residents o f this planet. I t is un- with bizarre tales of having been forced to mate with the
necessary t o assume they are visitors from some far-off Fairy Queen, presumably to introduce a human strain into
planet. They have always been right here, manipulating us, the fairy world. A s in more ancient times, those selected for
muddling o u r lives, festering our beliefs in spiritual and su- these palace visits were plied with food and drink ... espe-
pernatural matters. The rites of many modern religions are cially drink, a thick, sweet substance identical (apparently) to
nothing more t h a n slightly modified versions of the rites of the ambrosia of the old-time gods of the mountain tops.
the ancient Druids and other cults which dealt directly with Scholars, historians, and priests who investigated the fairy
Within a few days huge cigar-shaped objects were landing on
manifestations eventually decided that the little people did
the desert near Mount Palomar and tall, long-haired
not really exist. The witnesses, they speculated, had been
Venusians were holding face-to-face meetings with the aging
"enchanted" by some mysterious force. Nothing was known
guru. Modesty not being one ofAdamski's virtues, he gleefully
about hypnotism in those days, and even less was known I told his followers about his experiences and soon his story
about hallucinogenic drugs, but the voluminous descriptions
was appearing in newspapers and magazines.
of these fairy episodes clearly indicate that the victims were
exposed to one or both. The fluids forced down their throats Adamski's new friends were quite obliging. They invited
may have been a forerunner of LSD, opening their minds to him aboard their craft and flew him to the moon. But, of
complex hallucinations and clouding their memories of what course, before they whisked him into outer space they offered
really happened. It was not uncommon for an "enchanted him a drink. One of the beautiful Venusian women on the
man to stagger home like Rip Van Winkle, thinking only a few space craft handed him "a small glass of colorless liquid." It
hours had passed but finding that several d a y s ~ e v e n tasted like water, he later wrote, but was "a little denser, with
weeks-had elapsed since he had entered the fairy domain. a consistency something like a very thin oil."
This compression of time is a sure sign that the victims had Since he was one of the first UFO contactees to publicize his
been hypnotized in some way, and had a completely false alleged experiences, Adamski quickly became the center of
memory inserted into their minds to account for the period in controversy. The self-styled "scientific ufologists" who then
which their bodies had somehow been used by the enchanting were few in number (and still are) frothed a t the mouth each
force. It could be a form of possession; the occupation of the : time his name appeared in print. He was denounced as a liar
human body by an outside intelligence. and a fraud despite the fact that he produced photographs to
The fairy faith died out after 1848 and the introduction of I
back up his story and, on a number of occasions, other witnes-
spiritualism. Spirit mediums lapse into an unconscious state ses were present when he met with the saucer pilots. He was
and willingly turn their bodies over to forces professing to be taken more seriously in Europe, where he traveled in the late
the spirits of the dead. The rapid spread of spiritualism made 1950s, and was accorded meetings with various luminaries
the old fairy game unnecessary. The enchanting force now had and a private audience with the Pope.
a growing army of willing victims. 1
I In 1965 he was stricken with a heart attack and died.
Venuslan Booze Penniless.

During the 1930s a Polish emigre named George Adamski Route to the Stars
set up shop in California as a teacher of universal truths and '
Throughout the 19506, the flying saucers endlessly repeated
mysticism. He served as the guru to a small following of a few the well-known fairy games of old, frequently pausing to pail
hundred people and would have remained totally obscure in a water from streams and wells in front of astonished witnesses
state filled with countless obscure cults if flying saucers had (an old fairy practice), and indulging in the kind of mis-
not suddenly appeared in 1947. Soon strange aerial objects chievous pranks which had led the American Indians to label
were appearing nightly over Adamski's home on the slopes of the little people "Tricksters." (Indians were seeing the wer
Mount Palomar. folk long before the Europeans arrived on this continent.)
Adamski was already steeped in the lore and practices of More and more UFO contactees bravely followed Adamski's
self-hypnosis, spiritualism, and the esoteric religions of the example and revealed their experiences publicly, often to their
Far East. His mind was already trained to accept cosmic in- everlasting regret because they were usually ridiculed and
terlopers. He embraced the UFO mystery with enthusiasm. harrassed into silence.
A sign painter in New Jersey, Howard Menger, claimed that probably also one of the most important.
UFOs were landing on his farm and on one occasion he met a These strange beings have trouble breathing.
tall entity in a suit of shining armor who sounded exactly like They seem to be gasping for air when they speak, as if they
one of the ancient Greek or Roman gods. In another age were suffering from asthma. Their faces turn red with the ef-
Adamski and Menger would have probably been elevated to fort. When they move, they stagger uncertainly, almost as if
the rank of High Priest and their tales of these encounters they were drunk. They have trouble putting one foot in front
would have been carved into stone. But in these enlightened of the other. Their eyes don't seem to focus. Sometimes they
times the general public viewed the contactees as clowns and look right through, or right past, the witness. Or one eye
lunatics while the believers in UFOs and extraterrestrial in- seems out of synch with the other. When they talk, the words
telligences snarled that they were hoaxers and puhlicity-seek- come out in clipped phrases between gasps, as if they were
ing charlatans. reciting something they had memorized.
As more and more wntactee stories appeared, a number of In short, these mysterious visitors show all the symptoms of
interesting facts and similarities developed. It was especially a well-known medical ailment called aeroembolism, also cal-
common for the contact experience to begin with a sudden, led "the bends."
almost blinding flash of light, then the object or entity would
materialize in front of the startled percipient. (This same fac- General Marshall's Statement
tor was present in many of the fairy stories, and in many In 1955, Dr. Rolf Alexander, a prominent British ufologist,
religious miracles.) Often the percipient would find himself had a remarkable conversation with his old friend General
rooted to t h e spot, unable to move. This is a clear indication George C. Marshall. General Marshall was one of the top men
that he or she was in a trance state after the light flashed. Af- in government in the 1940s, serving as Army Chief of Staff.
ter the object departed the percipient would cease to be According to Dr. Alexander, Marshall told him, "Visitors from
paralyzed and would discover that several hours had passed outer space are trying to work out a method of breathing and
even though it had seemed like only a few minutes. staying alive in our atmosphere before landing and establish-
Adamski and Menger both sincerely believed they had been ing contact."
aboard a space ship and had even flown to the moon. But Apparently the general was privy to detailed secret reports
were the memories of their experiences any more reliable containing information of such a bizarre nature that even
than the memories of the men who had been seduced by the when this same sort of information became available to
Fairy Queen i n her underground palace? What the witnesses ufologists in the 1960s they chose to ignore it.
see is not nearly a s important as what made them see it.
When a British contactee named Arthur Bryant described
The Strangling Spacemen his first encounter with UFO pilots in 1965, he said, "When I
first saw them their breathing was laboured, but after some
Descriptions o f the ufonauts have been varied, from little minutes this seemed to wear off."
men a few inches high to towering giants. But one type has
turned up mcreoften than any other. He is of normal height- This labored breathing is a common factor in many contact
five t o six feet tall-and resembles a normal earthling except cases and in many Men In Black episodes as well.
that his facial features are quite angular. Often he appears to During my UFO investigations around the country I have
the witness to b e of Oriental extraction, with elongated eyes, collected many interesting stories which I have never pub-
high cheekbones, and a dark complexion. lished, usually because the witnesses refused to let me u x
One of the most ignored aspects of these contact cases is their names in print. But here are some documented accounts
from my personal files.
"They had a n odd manner of speaking ... as though they seemed to have great difficulty breathing. When asked where
would inhale, then speak until they had expelled all their he was from, he replied, "You wouldn't understand." The
breath, then inhale again and begin to speak again." driver was thinking of going straight to the local police sta-
-From a deputy police officer's description of his encounter tion as soon a s he let the man out. But when the person got
with three mysterious men in black suits in 1968. out of the car on the main street of the town he wheezed,
"He seemed to wheeze ... like a man with asthma. He ap- "Nobody is going to believe you, so don't bother? He appeared
peared to have difficulty breathing ... One of his eyes appeared to stagger uncertainly as he moved away.
to have a 'cast,'like a glass eye. His eyes did not seem to move Too Much Nitrogen
in unison."
What ails these strange black-suited people? Apparently
-Itestimony of a family in Cape May, New Jersey, describ-
our atmosphere is getting to them. At sea level the earth's
ing a mysterious visitor who appeared shortly after they had atmosphere is approximately 80 percent nitrogen and 20 per-
experienced some unusual UFO sightings in 1966. cent oxygen. Aeroembolism, also called Caisson disease, is
In 1967, a young family man from Belpre, Ohio had some caused by bubbles of nitrogen. According to the Merck
interesting sightings. Shortly afterwards he had a brief en- Manual, a reference book for doctors, "In decompression from
counter with two black-garbed Oriental-looking men. He said greater than atmospheric pressure, localized sharp pains in
they appeared confused or drunk and seemed to have the abdomen, or about the joints of the extremities ( t h e
difficulty walking. bends'), vertigo ('the staggers'), nystagmus (oscillatory move-
In the spring of 1968 an "Indian" in black clothes appeared ment of the eyeballs), tinnitus (subjective roaring or hissing
in the middle of the night on a college campus in Minnesota ...
in the ears) may be present."
following a series of UFO sightings. He behaved in a drunken Apparently these entities are like deep sea divers who come
fashion. The witnesses were interviewed by Jerome Clark. up too fast. When they step into our atmosphere their bodies
well-known American ufologist. are suddenly attacked by nitrogen and they suffer from ver-
tigo and nystagmus.
In 1969, a "drunken Chinaman" staggered into a newspaper In a number of cases, such as the Cape May incident above,
office in New York state while a reporter was typing up a local these beings asked for a glass of water so they could take a
UFO report. He was dressed in a black suit. After much pill. After swallowing the pill their behavior became more
wheezing, h e managed to say, "Don't print that story." He normal.
staggered out, bumping into furniture. The reporter followed Noxious gases play a role in many UFO reports. The ob-
after him immediately but the street outside was completely jects, and sometimes the entities, are often surrounded by the
deserted. smell of rotten eggs. Chemists identify this as being the smell
In the fall of 1969, a n astonished motorist in Massachusetts of hydrogen sulfide.
found the road blocked by a large saucer. A red-faced man In a few cases, the witnesses have been deliberately gassed
with "popping eyes" came up to his car and asked the witness before the ufonauts made their entrance. The best-known in-
to drive him imb t h e nearest town. The man wore a abort cident of this type is the previously discussed story of Antonio
black coat a n d "very shiny green trousers made out of some Villas-Boas, the young Brazilian farmer who, in 1957, went
material I have never seen before." As soon as the man got aboard a UFO and had a sexual liaison with a blonde, long
into the car the object on the road lifted silently into the air fingered female. Before the girl showed up, he said, a nausea-
and vanished. The witness tried to talk to the person hut he inggas that smelled like "burning oil cloth" filled the chamber

where he was waiting. It made him ill and he threw u p before was taken by a fireman in England in the 1960s. He snapped
he adjusted to it. Could he have been exposed to the normal a picture of his daughter in a park near an atomic laboratory
atmosphere of these people? and when the film was developed, there was the image of a
tall man in a white spacesuit with a helmet of some sort on
Gods and Gases his head. A man no one had seen a t the time the picture was
Were the gods of the ancient peoples actually ufonauts play- taken.
ing strange games? Descriptions of the ancient gods match If these photos are authentic, and there will always be
the modern ufonaut descriptions and this apparent problem doubts about that, they clinch the argument that some
with aeroembolism may explain why the gods always chose to ufonauts need artificial aids in our atmosphere.
settle on mountaintops. They seemed to prefer places where If sulfur and hydrogen-sulfide are important components of
the air was thinner and, possibly, the risk of aeroembolism their atmosphere, where could they come from? Methane gas
was not so great. (good old "swamp gas") seems to be the main gas in the at-
In many parts of the world, people still believe there are mosphere of Jupiter. Perhaps the only place in our solar sys-
gods in the mountains, from the Andes in South America to tem rich in hydrogen-sulfide is-the center of the earth itself.
Tibet. The Piute Indians in North America have legends about And if anybody is walking around down there they're under
blonde, long-haired, long-fingered gods who lived on sacred very high pressure. If they came up to the surface abruptly
plateaux. Indians who wandered into these areas were they would get the bends just like a deep sea diver.
paralyzed by "metal tubes" wielded by these gods. The Hopi Since 1944, there has been a large group of people who ac-
and Navaho think their gods, the Kachina people, ride around tually believe that flying saucers and ufonauts do come from
in luminous aerial objects and reside in the San Francisco the center of the earth. There are even people who claim to
mountains. When that "fiery cloud" visited Moses it settled have visited the deep caverns populated by these mysterious
atop Mount Sinai and Moses struggled to the summit alone to beings; beings who look very much like us except for the
spend forty days there. Oriental cast to their features.
In earlier times the smell of brimstone (sulfur) was as-
King of the World
sociated with the appearances of these strange airborne phan-
tasms and the demons and gods who supposedly accompanied There are countless myths about the Elder race who once
them. So the modern sightings-and smells-are nothing populated this earth but were driven underground by some
new. catastrophe. In the Orient there still exist beliefs in this un-
Questions of Origin derground race ruled over by the King of the World. It is even
said that this race controls human events on the surface, and
There a r e many reports describing ufonauts seen wearing that various surface cults take orders from this hidden race,
helmets o r breathing apparatus of some kind. These stories committing political assassinations and other crimes to fur-
cover everythng from a simple tube running up the ufonaut's ther the Elders' mysterious ends.
nose to elaborate space helmets attached t o tanks worn on the A writer named Richard Shaver gave the Elders a new
back. There are a t least two photographs of helmeted name in 1944 when he updated the ancient legends. He called
ufonauts. One was filmed by an engineer named Monguzzi in them "deros,"acronym for "detrimental robots," and claimed
the mountains of Italy in 1952. (Unfortunately for Mr. Mon- they controlled us through the use of fiendish rays.
guzzi, his pictures were too clear. He was accused of a hoax According to the dero believers, the flying saucers come I,(#
and even lost his job after he released the pictures.) The other us from gigantic holes a t the North and South poles.

But perhaps we should take a new look a t the old legends.

It does seem to be a fact that a god-like race of superior
beings existed alongside early man. Who were they? Where
were they from? Where did they go? Did they go underground
into the volcanic interior of the earth leaving only a dim racial
memory behind? Are they still there, breathing sulfuric
fumes, rising from their dark dominion from time t o time to
stagger down our streets on unsure feet, eyes rolling, bodies
tortured with aeroemholism?

New Age of the Gods -

n a warm June evening in A.D. 1430, four pea-
sants in the village of Jaen, Spain, witnessed a
remarkable procession. From four separate
locations they watched an estimated 500 people
parade along dusty roads, led by a tall, beauti-
ful woman in a white robe carrying an infant in her arms. She
wore a glowing mantle ablaze with iridescent colors casting so
much light it nearly blinded the witnesses. The procession
was headed by seven youngsters dressed in white and bearing
white crosses, followed by twenty priests marching in two
rows, all chanting in an unintelligible tongue. Hundreds of
people swarmed behind them with hordes of barking dogs
bringing up the rear.
The procession wound its way through the deserted streets
to San Ildefouso church where the flowing lady ascended a
silvery throne. Suddenly, a t the stroke of midnight, the entire
mob vanished inexplicably, leaving the four amazed peasants
standing alone in the darkness. There was not a sin&
footprint or trace of the procession in the dirt along their
When they reported their strange experience, the four wit
nesses were subjected to weeks of questioning and invest i;;u
tion by civil and religious authorities. They had all appiin~iiilv
seen the same identical things and their report lcd l o lln,
origin of a sacred cult that flourished in Spain for s c v i w ~ il ~ w
According to the extensive records of the evcnl., I I I N . 1 1 1 ' I I w
witnesses had heard a voice on June 7th and 8th which The Propagandists
whispered: "Do not sleep and you will see good things."
[Source: Nuestra Senora de la Capilla, Madre, Patrona y All of the manifestations of the past have served one
Reina de Jaen by Vincente Montuno Morente, published in primary purpose. They have advanced belief in some thcologi-
Madrid in 1950.1 The procession appeared a t 11:30 p.m. on cal, philosophical, or technological concept, and supported one
the 10th of June. of the many frames of reference employed to hide the real na-
ture of the phenomenon from us. They engage in what we now
Ghostly parades were not restricted to the fifteenth century. call psychological warfare, and they have always exploited
In my own investigations I have heard many bizarre tales our eagerness to believe. The modern UFO scene is a
from sincere witnesses describing gatherings of strange sociological minefield because it has produced a worldwide
beings on beaches and hilltops. There have been mysterious propaganda movement of willing evangelists advocating the
convoys of automobiles racing through small towns in the wee
existence of people from another planet who altruistically in-
hours, their drivers pale and seemingly entranced. In one case tend to save us from ourselves. The leading extraterrestrial
on Long Island, two witnesses reportedly saw "hundreds of proselytizers have not had direct experience with the phe-
dogs, all sizes and breeds" blocking roads and converging on a nomenon themselves. Most have not even seen a funny light
field where UFOs had previously been seen. Oddest of all,
bobbing across the sky. Nevertheless, they are convinced that
phantom police cars and men in police uniforms have ap-
there's someone out there and they happily spend all their
peared in remote places, diverted traffic, and then vanished.
time lecturing, appearing on radio and televsion, and making
Ivan Sanderson and his wife were once detoured by a mystery
man in a naval uniform on a back road during one of their in- movies advancing their ideas of the great benign invasion
vestigative stories. from the cosmos. There are obviously many grave dangers in
this kind of blind belief.
In a simpler age the testimony of a solitary witness was
sufficient to launch a legend. The thousands of religious Our studies of the UFO percipients and eontactecs are
miracles* so carefully investigated by religious authorities teaching us that these encounters are more hallucinatory
through the ages, were usually witnessed by one or two than real, that some complex hypnotic process is involved.
people, most often small children. It is probable that a large and that the real phenomenon is hiding behind a carefully
part of ail mythology and folklore has a basis in fact; that a engineered smokescreen of propaganda. Those funny lights
few witnesses actually saw (or thought they saw) the gods or and their hypnotic waves of energy are part of something that
monsters. I n the days before the printed and electronic media, is related to this planet, and to us. But that something may be
such incidents were preserved by oral tradition. When a suc- far beyond our meager powers of comprehension. There are
cession of witnesses had reported essentially the same thing, forces that can distort our reality and warp our fields of space
often in t h e same geographical location, generation after and time. When we are caught up in these forces we struggle
generation, the existence of the god or demon became an es- to find acceptable explanation for them, and then the
tablished fact. Even the most hardnosed skeptic regarded the manifestations begin to conform to that explanation and so
cumulative testimony as empirical. reinforce it. Every few centuries, however, we abandon the old
explanations and come up with new ones. Then the phenome-
The gods of ancient India and Egypt undoubtedly found life non obligingly tailors itself to those new beliefs. This factor
in this fashion, just as Ashtar and his cronies from outer
alone indicates that part of the phenomenon, a t least, is
space are nowbecoming a part of our modern culture.
directly related to the human psyche, and these events are i n
part the work of the individual and collective uncon.s-
In the past several years a number of psychiatrists, doctors, Are UFOs to Blame?
and scientists have quietly gathered empirical evidence that
We now know that this phenomenon operates in many
some force whose origin and purpose remain unknown to us ways, ou many levels, using many different frames of
has the power to produce amnesia ... and other even more reference. The flying saucer concept is just a frame of
horrendous effects. Usually we hear about these incidents by reference, like the secret caverns of the fairies in a n earlier
accident. There is no way of knowing how many thousands of
epoch. Flying saucers may be no more real than those legen-
people may have been temporarily abducted and examined in dary caverns. But they can become real if you believe in them
recent years. It could happen to you on the way home from a
hard enough. For the past forty years or so a small knot of
party. You could wake up the next morning in your own bed,
evangelistic types have served as unwitting propagandists for
puzzled because you couldn't remember anything that hap-
the phenomenon by trying to convince the rest of the world
pened after you left the party. But you would naturally decide
that flying saucers are real spaceships from another planet.
you probably had had too much to drink and dismiss i t from
Yet there is no more hard evidence today for the reality of
your mind.
UFOs than there was back in 1947. There is, however, now a
The historical record indicates this inspection process is a considerable body of lore. A modern mythology based upon
continuing one. Also, from what we now know of this-which questionable observations and enthusiastic speculation.
is admittedly not enough-it seems to be hereditary. If your
great-grandfather had an experience of this type during the People who indulge in spiritualistic beliefs, witchcraft, and
black magic, and a dozen other frames of reference also ex-
great UFO wave of 1897, you are likely to have had i t in 1967.
perience these medical-type "dreams" and spells of lacunar
Persons with Indian blood are more likely to have some form
amnesia. They blame evil spirits, the devil, and other
of UFO experience than anyone else, except for Gypsies. The
chimerical entities for these events ...and just as convincingly
phenomenon is selective, and a study of the UFO records s u g
as the UFO enthusiasts who are stumping for extraterrestrial
gests that certain groups are selected more often than others. visitors.
Although Jews represent about 6% of the US.population, less
than 1% of the known UFO witnesses have been Jewish. The The true source of these phenomena has concealed itself
phenomenon is more intense in Catholic countries (i.e. Brazil, behind all these frames of reference by creating manifes-
France, Spain, etc.) than in others. Barney Hill was hlack, tations aimed a t supporting each frame and advancing each
and black witnesses are a rarity, but this may be because the particular set of beliefs. It-the source-is thus able to go
black people are still cut off from normal channels of report- about its mysterious business unimpeded while we all search
ing (newspaper reporters in many regions of the U S . might vainly for visitors from space.
still tend to ignore a black witness). Holes in the Sky
Finally, studies by Dr. Jacques Vallee and others demon-
strate that ace is often a factor in the selection process. A This planet has always heen a Disneyland for the Gods.
twenty-year-old is more apt to undergo a UFO experience Since man first started swinging in the trees he has been
than a fifty-year-old. aware of the existence of another, higher intelligence. And he
has lived in terrible fear of It. When he pronounced Its name
But maybe everyone in the selected groups undergoes these outloud a sudden bolt of lightning would part his hair. T h e
experiences when they are in their late teens or early Old Testament is a chronicle of horror, describing an ogoccn-
twenties ... even though very few remember anything about tric collection of supernatural beings who were always doing
it. rotten things to gentle souls like Job. If we can believe all ihc
myths and legen& that have been handed down to us, man to be a 30,000 year old Atlantean, spouting juvenile philoso-
has just been a pawn in some unintelligible cosmic game. The phy.) The follower types have flocked to the channels and. in
Gods have alway been inimical to the human race. some cases, showered them with money. But it is all just a
We now know that there are forces on this planet that can tired old game revived largely by a movie star, Shirley Mac-
be invisible to limited powers of perception. These are Laine, who has blundered into bewhiskered occult notions
blobs of energy I hat can assume any form, create any belief like reincarnation, crystals and all of the basics of witchcraft.
system, distort ilur reality in any way they see fit. They are She took her show on the road and many thousands of people
paid $300 a piece to hear her message. People who had missed

the Watchers, 1, rt of what H.G. Wells called W.0.W.-Wings
Over the Worl . They were probably here when giant the great psychic explosion of the 1960s and early 1970s, now
saurians siomp 1 about the planet. They probably watched embraced the New Age.
the first. m:ih- I I I kmale homo sapiens scratching their flea- Pagan religions have also enjoyed greater popularity than
rithlcn I i ~ i i l i v i i . I , C I They separated those primitives into ever. People suffering from the economic miseries of inflation,
d r r a J ~ I I I I lull rrs and gave them obsessions and compul- unemployment and the grave decline of America's industries,
sioiis l i i w ~ w kl&ir simple lives. The first man to play with have turned t o witchcraft and magick (spelled with a "k") in
fire w m i p ~ o l i n l i l ynpposed by a Hochstetter who denounced the hopes that somehow they can manipulate the invisible
unrealistic and dangerous.
t l i r l l n i i ~ c i itw l w l f t ) ~ forces that are the target of every prayer and incantation.
Tlw I i n i l ~ i r y of* ( l i e past forty years shows how little we Today there are stores all over the country selling the things
I I I I ~UlW iny~t.rryhas been studied and solved again needed for pagan rites. We are clearly entering into a new age
I i i ~ l"irat
. t.hrrr was Dr. Layne with his occult connec- of magick while conventional religions whither.
1I lly I!iri'i, thorc w:is a wealth ofliterature, a small part of As I have already explained, i t doesn't take much proof to
wliirli vivwnl tho phenomenon with great accuracy and un- launch a new cult or belief system. Great religions have been
I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I ~I{ut ; . the True Believers persistedin accepting the founded on the claims of a single person who professed to talk
n l . w l . ~ wmiltabulations a t face value. Newcomers always to God, angels and/or demons. George Adamski and others
mil Id ~ t t i r all t over again. In 1969, an Air Marshal for the have built up worldwide followings on the silliest of asser-
Royal Air Force, Sir Victor Goddard, gave a lengthy speech in tions. The majority of people have a built-in urge to believe in
London, revealing all that the RAF had learned about UFOs something ... anything. Those who are too pragmatic or
in its years of investigation. That should have been the end of scientific to accept religious frames of reference can get swal-
the matter. But i t wasn't. Sir Victor discussed many of the lowed up in other belief systems like ETs or eccentric
things that are described in this book and the True Believers scientific or political ideas. The key ingredients are a charis-
were baffled, befuddled and angry because he had failed to matic leader (who is often a schizophrenic) and followers who
acknowledge the wonderful extraterrestrials. are obsessive-compulsive personalities. The Hochstetter types
So the parade of ignorance continued. who will always appear after a frame of reference has been
established, have the same characteristics as the followers
In the ISSOs, the trance mediums of t h e old-time spiritual- but are more extreme. They are True Believers in the opposite
ist seances have been replaced by "channels." Whereas the of whatever the belief system may be. Like all the others, they
communicating entities of the late 1800s had posed as In- have a "trigger" which can set them off. Religious fanatics can
dians, Tibetans and Atlanteans (there was a big Lost Atlantis be turned on with a single phrase from the bible.
craze around the turn of the century), the modern "channels"
All of the assorted cults and groups of believers and dis-
were purportedly space beings. (Although one of the most believers are beginning to froth a t the mouth as we approucli
popular was a woman who strutted about the stage claiming
the end of this century. Almost every frame of reference has a these entities have appeared they have always promised that
set of established beliefs for the millennium. The bible tells us they would return again one day. And their next visit would
that Armageddon will begin in a field in Palestine. In 1917, mark the end of the world. Since one does not argue with an
the phantom lady seen by three children a t Fatima, Portugal apparent godly being, this promised return has become an in-
supposedly left a message about the end of the world which tegral part of many belief systems. The Jews have been wait-
Pope John refused to reveal to the public. The hardy UFO ing for thousands of years for a Messiah to appear. The Chris-
believers have suffered through many predicted end-times tians believe that Joshua will come back riding on a glowing
over the years, sometimes going t o sit on mountaintops to cloud and it'll be curtains for this tired old planet The
wait for the UFOs to arrive and save them. I t has been a very modern "spacemen" from flying saucers always say they will
long wait. Almost every year the UFO buffs have tensed their come back one day, supposedly to evacuate the chosen few to a
loins for a "C" Day, M Day, "D" Day or just plain Evacuation safer planet. The Hopi Indians have long referred to the big
Day. The bible even spells i t out, telling us that 144,000 pow-wow in the sky as Purification Day. Other tribes have
chosen people will be rescued. Everyone else will fry while all labeled i t The Harvest.
the dead rise up from cemetaries and general havoc breaks The Harvest?
loose. Ancient Navajo legends state that the first sign of the ap-
The French prophet Nostradamus predicted that a "great proaching end will be the appearance of a nine-pointed star.
terror from the sky" would hit this planet in 1999. There have been many sightings of nine-pointed UFOs in
In 1961, four young girls in the little village of Garabandal, recent years. Many other ancient prophecies are coming true
Spain, shared a vision of a 'lady" with long, thin hands, a long in these closing years of the twentieth century. Across the
angular face and thin lips. On the lady's right, they said they planet millions of people are already mentally packing their
saw "a square of red fire forming a triangle with an eye and suitcases.
some writing. The lettering was in old Oriental script." The There have been countless dry runs of the End of The World
entity gave the children several messages, one which clearly but somehow we never seem to learn. A large number of
stated t h a t the coming end of the world would be signaled by people believed that 1844 was going to be the big year. And
the appearance of a hole in the sky. A hole in the sky? That there was almost wholesale hysteria in 1899 when everyone
didn't make much sense in 1961. was convinced there would be no 1900. Spiritualism had star-
The girls had a series of conversations with the lady. Since ted in earnest in 1848 and by 1899, nearly everyone was talk-
they were solid Catholics they assumed she was the Virgin ing to a wide assortment of spirits who, as always, were filled
Mary. Thousands of True Believers poured into Garabandal with lies and fiendish pranks. Today the "channels" are
and watahced as the girls went into trances. No one else was repeating the same charade.
able to s e e the lady. A large cult has grown up around "the You can bet your britches that there will be a growing
miracle of Garabandal." When, i n the early 1980% scientists cacophony of End of the Worlders as we plunge into the 1990s.
in Antarctica discovered a huge hole in the ozone layer above The same antiquated scenario will be played over and over
the South Pole, the Garabandalites flipped out. Once more i t again. By 1999 there will be a kind of universal panic.
was time to get ready for the end. When the very first atomic bomb was exploded in New
Let's not forget the American Indians. They also have many Mexico, the attending scientists made bets among themselves.
solemn predictions about the gland finale. Their messengers Some thought the bomb would set off a chain reaction lh;it,
and gods were copycats of the longhaired folks on Mount would destroy the whole planet. Others bet it wouldn't. For.
Olympus and in t h e Arabian desert. Whenever and wherever tunately, the optimists won the bet. In a way, I am making thv
same bet. I agree with the bible, that the end will come sud- Or is there a new beginning somewhere in the near future?
denly "like a thief in the night." But I don't think it will hap-
pen soon. Nor do I think we need fear an atomic war, even
though the Pentagon has been successfully terrorizing the
American public, and the world, with that threat for forty
In his farewell address to West Point, General Douglas
MacArthur announced that he believed that one day we
would be caught up in a war with "evil forces from another
planet." The General was an avid UFO fan. But in the
twenty-five years since his speech we have spent millions and
millions on exobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life.
Our scientists have come up empty-handed and now they are
stampeding to the old anti-ET position. Even science
fictioneers like Arthur C. Clarke are now begrudgingly admit-
ting that it looks as if there is no such thing as extrater-
restrial life. They myriad planets we o m imagined do not ex-
ist. There is no evidence of any form of life in our own solar
system outside of earth. The universe consists of debris from
some great explosion long before the beginning of time and it
took a long series of coincidences and freak accidents for this
planet to become infested.
Apparently, particles of energy left over from that explosion
first took charge of this mudball and they've been in charge
ever since. H.F?Lovecraft called them The Elders. They have
been leading us around by our collective noses for aeons. But
now, for some reason that is not yet clear, a merging is taking
place. The Elders are slowly revealing themselves to us. What
was once forbidden knowledge is now becoming known to mil-
lions. Even our scientists, those poor backward slobs, and the
Hocbstetters are recognizing the presence o f these forces. The
Industrial Age i s coming to a close and science is rediscover-
ing magick. Our civilization, which took centuries to build, is
now coming apart. Violence stalks the whole planet.
Dishonesty and corruption grip our decaying governments.
Our schools have become warehouses for children who.
thanks to t h e Pentagon's terrorist campaign h a v lost interest
in our fragile society.
But is it t h e End Time?
These myriad creatures are not real in the same sense that
a gorilla is real. They march across muddy fields leaving
tracks that end abruptly as if they had vanished into thin air.
Then the sad, misanthropic Hochstetters attack the witnes-
ses, lending their peculiar brand of lunacy to a n already
lunatic situation.
Large groups of people often see astonishing things in the
sky. Like our monsters, these things also come and go in a
mysterious manner. Countless witnesses have said they

The Last Laugh vanished "like a light bulb going out." Again, the Hochstetters
have simpered and snickered. Since such things can't be
within the confines of our reality, the witnesses must all be

hey've got us surrounded. Those chimera of the liars and kooks.
ancient Greeks, reeking with fire and brimstone The truth is that we are dealing with distortions of reality,
(sulphur), still stalk us. The tall, hairy monsters with hallucinations and transmogrifications, with energy
with the glowing red eyes march through suburbs forms that feed upon magnetic storms and sometimes upon
in Ohio. Kangaroos prance around New living things. The evidence is in. The answers are here.
Hampshire. Dinosaurs frighten motorists in Texas and Pyg-
But the believers do not want crass scientific answers to the
miesin Africa. Ninety-foot sea serpents frolic in lakes with
complex notions of their theologies. They want their beliefs
only a few inches of water in Ireland. Little green men visit
confirmed, not explained.
Brazilian farmers and French vineyards. Tall, long-haired
gods in shining armor chat with sign painters in New Jersey Each generation has produced its own Shirley MacLaines.
and fertilizer salesmen in Nebraska. Weirdly iridescent In some generations, whole countries have been seized by the
wheels of light pursue airliners in Alaska and lonely motorists blind, irrational fanaticism that produced the Children's
in the Ozarks. Crusade of the Middle Ages and Hitler's Germany. A large
part of the folklore of Ireland is based upon the presence of
Aside from the small band of Forteans scattered around the
little people living in magical hills. There are many places in
world, nobody seems to notice all aspects of this phantas-
magoria. It has been going on since the beginning of our race the United States so haunted that the Indians always refused
and it will continue long after we have all shipped out to to go near them. Today, those same places are still haunted by
another planet because our prophets have warned us that this weird aerial lights and hairy creatures that scream in the
place in space is unsafe. night.
We are like ants, trying to view reality with very limited
We have never learned.
perceptive equipment and then basing our theologies and
Thousands of years ago, the authors of the Bible told us to philosophies on what are essentially misperceptions. The real
beware of those who claimed to represent distant states, problem is that there is a much larger reality around us that
powers and principalities. Did they mean those sly characters we can not see but can only sense. While we grovel on our way
who now profess to be visiting from other planets? Un- to the twenty-first century, someone or some thing is watching
doubtedly. with amusement. Like Columbus, we don't know where we've
The RAF tried to tell us about these things in 1969. been, where we've going or even where we are.
But the believers went on believing. Belief is the enemy.
The Coming of the New Age anew, though it did. But because the mysterious intelligences
of some other world began to intersect with our own, just as
When the people of Ireland first discovered the wee people, they had done in very ancient times. Their influence upon the
they founded a whole new subculture based upon the human condition was widespread and subtle. It engulfed a
firsthand experiences of reliable people. Similarly, the out- whole new generation beginning with culture and music, just
break of UFO contactees in the early 1950s led to the creation as the ancient Sky People influenced early culture and intro-
of a whole new belief system. Most of those first contactees duced art, story-telling, even dance.
were simple people ... farmers, housewives, factory workers
Experimenters with LSD discovered they could sometimes
and quasi-mystical "seekers!' Though the majority were
induce hallucinations identical to the visions of the earlier
barely literate, they often spent months or even years
mystics and contactees. The frightening Drug Culture burst
laboriously writing books about their experiences. In many
onto the scene. In Liverpool, the Beatles revolutionized music
cases, these hooks were even allegedly dictated by the long-
almost overnight. The long-hair they affected in 1964 seemed
haired entities directly. Legitimate publishers frowned on
silly to most of us, but within three years long-hair had be-
these amateurish efforts, so many of these would-be authors
come the badge of a whole generation. Eccentric dress became
scrimped and saved and published their books themselves.
the norm. A new kind of non-conformist conformity swept over
Their dedication was fanatical, and many of them suffered in-
youth around the world, spreading out from England and
credible hardships to get their message across. Usually such
reaching even behind the Iron Curtain.
books found an audience of a few hundred and were quickly
forgotten. Simultaneously, also in 1964, UFO sightings increased
One recurrent theme in this ofrbeat literature of the 1950s phenomenonally everywhere in the world. A new breed of con-
was the prophecy that we were about to enter a New Age. An tactee appeared The long-haired Sky People were now stop-
age when there would be a wholesale stampede to the occult, ping lawyers, doctors, government officials, police officers, and
to Ouija boards, tarot cards, and astrology. This prediction newspapermen on deserted back roads. Unlike their zany
seemed patently ridiculous in 1955, when we were in the predecessors, most of these new contactees remained com-
midst of total materialism and preoccupied with the expan- paratively silent. A few, like a prominent physicist in Califor-
sion of our technological society. Nevertheless, New Age nia who underwent contact in 1966, tried to rationally apply
groups sprang up around the world, issuing newsletters filled the teachings of the Sky People. Interested groups of educated
with messages from the Sky People and prophecies of the people clustered quietly on college campuses and institutes of
Brave New World. higher learning, exchanging news of The Space People.
The press and establishment science snickered. Flying It took awhile for the press to catch on to what was happen-
saucers and long-haired space pilots were so much rubbish. ing. The dam didn't burst until March 1966 when, finally, the
And the world was now too scientific and too reasonable to multitude of UFO sightings began to make the headlines ev-
ever again take a serious mass interest in the occult. erywhere. Flying saucers became a 90-day wonder again. Na-
tional magazines like Look and Life were filled with UFO
The New Age people and the UFO contactees would have stories. The U.S. Air Force squirmed uncomfortably and han-
the last laugh. ded the whole mess to a group of scientists a t Colorado
The Revolution of the Mind University.
Meanwhile, the predictions of the New Age groups of the
The 1960s became one of the mosi important periods in 1950s were coming to pass. Millions of people began to e x -
human history, not because the world embraced the occult plore the psychic and occult literature, after having UFO
sightings and psychic experiences of their own. By 1970, The Winding Down
Ouija boards were outselling Monopoly sets.
In July, 1969, men walked on the moon for the first time,
Changes in the Patterns achieving a n ancient dream and, perhaps, fulfilling some im-
Flying saucer sightings and incidents remained a t an all- portant but mysterious phase of man's destiny. That same
time high from 1964 to 1968 and then they seemed to die year, Colorado University informed a weary public that UFOs
away. During that period UFO contacts occurred on an un- were not extraterrestrial spaceships, and the US. Air Force
precedentedly high level. Many of the people who had these shut down Project Blue Book, its flying saucer investigation
experiences showed peculiar changes of personality and life- group. The press rarely mentioned UFOs after that, although
style. Some divorced their wives and abandoned their careers. they are still being seen with tiresome frequency.
Some became convinced that they were space people themsel- Books on the occult were outselling books on such perennial
ves, like the West Virginia high school teacher who soberly in- topics as sex. (A decade earlier no major publisher would
formed his students that he was really a Venusian, or the touch a n occult book because there was then only a "fringe
Nebraskan police officer who sacrificed a promising career af- market.") The New Age had not crept up on us. I t had arrived
ter his UFO experience. with awesome suddenness. Whereas only a few thousand
On more tragic levels, there was an increase in the num- "crackpots" had believed in flying saucers in the 1950s, by the
bers of murders and crimes carried out by people who claimed late 1960s millions of people all over the world believed we
the space people had ordered them to do it. And multitudes of were receiving visitors from outer space. In 1971, the ambas-
young people were marching to a different drummer, tuning sador from the African state of Uganda stood up in the United
in and dropping out, rejecting the materialism of our society, Nations and delivered a speech about the UFOs in his
going off to live in caves on Mediterranean islands or the country, demanding that somebody ought to do something. Dr.
forests of Canada. J. Allen Hynek, the air forces' UFO consultant for twenty
years and a leading UFO skeptic for most of that time, pub-
High schools and colleges around the country installed lished a book declaring "where there's smoke there must be
courses in witchcraft and the occult. Black magic and even fire." Some members of the Colorado UFO project, such as Dr.
Satanism replaced the goldfish swallowing collegiate fad of David Saunders, also defected to the ranks of the believers.
yesteryear. Fourteen-year-olds held serious discussion of
reincarnation and their past lives. Men and women accepted Is all of this accidental and coincidental? Or are we going
or rejected each other according to their astrological signs. through a repetition of history; not physical history but
spiritual history? The myths and the religious lore of
All of these things took place in unison, during a single epic mankind demonstrate that the arrival of the Sky People
decade. On the good side, we became collectively conscious of wrought great changes, often in a very short time. In some
the horrendous damage our technology "was doing to our epochs these changes were for the worst. We do not have the
planet (the early UFO contactees had been warned of this necessary historical perspective to look hack on the 1960s and
very thing). Frenetic movements such as Women's Lib, Civil accurately weigh the full merits of the revolution which took
Rights, and the Sexual Revolution all began t o make inroads place. But it does appear as if the coming of the great UFO
during this period, altering our sociological structure wave of 1964-68 was inexorably linked with the many chan-
dramatically a n d producing political reforms. Each of these
ges of the period.
movements had their prophets and visionaries and "il-
luminated" leaders. The term "consciousness raising" became Evolution seems to have gone into reverse! Educational sys-
a part of o u r new vocabulary. terns are collapsing worldwide. Illiteracy is rising so h s t it,
About the Author
can hardly be measured. People who can't read are, of course,
cut off from the past, from history, from the thoughts and per-
ceptions of great minds, from art and culture, from everything John A. Keel, world-traveler and self-taught investigator
that has any meaning. The loss is staggering. We are becom- into t h e unknown, began writing professionally a t t h e age
ing a race of animals living only for the immediate moment, of sixteen. He is recipient of honorary Ph.Ds for his work
with no vocabularies, speaking in grunts and guttural noises in herpetology and archaeology, a n d many other awards.
like the cavemen. In 1987, there were five billion of us. In less His previous booksinclude The Mothman Prophecies, Our
than twenty years there will be ten billion. Ten billion un- Haunted Planet, Operation Trojan Horse, his auto-
educated animals fighting for food, killing each other wan- biography Jadoo. and numerous other titles. John Keel lives
tonly. a n d works in New York City.
The optimists among the New Age thinkers hope that we
are really entering a new phase in our evolutionary progress
but I'm afraid all the signs are negative. Man has ceased to
evolve. Look at how we've slid backwards in just the past
decade! Our social structures are falling apart. Armed
motorists are shooting each other on California's highways.
People are killing each other over parking spaces in New
The 1970s were called the "Me Decade" because selfishness
and greed suddenly became acceptable qualities. This obses-
sion with self was even more destructive that the "Positive
Thinking" mania that swept the 1950s and destroyed critical
reasoning, a very important and necessary ability in this
modern world. In a twenty year span we became a group
without any critical faculties, dedicated entirely to self-inter-
e s t ~and to hell with everybody else. It was only natural that
there would be a frantic search for workable beliefs in the
1980s and 1390s. The shallow, unthinking couch potatoes of
the TV age need someone else to tell them what to do and
they don't have the critical reasoning ability to judge the
validity of thebelief systems they pursue.
We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces
that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use
us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us
forever. We are caught up in a poker game being played with
marked cards. Yet, in the closing years ofthis century, we are
like the inveterate gambler who, when informed that the
game is crooked, shrugs and says, "I know ... but it's the only
game in town!"

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