13 Ağustos 2015 Tam Yds Deneme Sinavlari
13 Ağustos 2015 Tam Yds Deneme Sinavlari
13 Ağustos 2015 Tam Yds Deneme Sinavlari
B) depends on
1. The ---- of bromine in the Dead Sea water is
100 times that in the ocean.. C) cares for
D) puts forward
A) extraction
E) slows down
B) concentration
6. The word fossil ---- the English language from
C) composition
French at the time of Shakespeare meaning
D) complexity anything that was dug up or obtained by
E) sufficiency
A) broke into
2. North Korea is ---- to abandon its
nuclear programme without specific security B) turned out
guarantees from America and promises of
lots of aid.. C) carried away
D) went on
A) sincere
E) came into
B) nasty
7. Once the director ---- just how much was
C) boastful
at stake, he ---- immediate steps to deal with
D) unlikely the dispute..
E) provisional
A) realizes / will take
C) unexpectedly
D) extremely
E) alternatively
9. The name Kzlrmak emphasizes the colour 14. It took him several months to set ----
of this river, ---- the earlier name Halys the experiment, but results are beginning to
stresses its saltiness. . come ---- now..
A) whereas A) up / in
C) whereby C) in / up
10. Henry VII's foreign policy was unheroic and 15. A prominent research scientist claims that
unspectacular, ---- did he go to war and that limiting alcohol intake can improve the
was when he invaded France.. overall health ---- breast-cancer survivors,
based on the belief that cancer risk may be
increased ---- alcohols action in raising
A) this once oestrogen metabolism..
B) never before
A) from / with
C) once again
B) through / over
D) only once
C) of / by
E) once more
D) about / at
11. Little is known about life on the ocean floor -
E) in / before
--- scientists have only recently developed
the technology for exploring it..
16. ---- the terrible state of the roads following
the heavy rains, it is almost impossible to
A) yet reach the village except in a tractor..
B) as
A) Unfortunately
C) though
B) Owing to
D) whereas
C) Even so
E) while
D) Except for
12. If microchips ---- from diamond wafers, then
E) In spite of
computers ---- less heat..
A) make / generate
A) the most
B) most
C) many
D) little
E) least
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) While
B) Only if
17. I.
A) the most
B) all
C) fewer
D) the only
E) rather
18. II.
A) across
B) towards
C) about
D) without
E) through
19. III.
B) overcome
C) were overcoming
D) overcame
E) had overcome
20. IV.
A) perceive
B) conceal
C) abandon
D) explain
E) restrict
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) are studied
B) may be studied
23. II.
A) The wrong person got blamed
E) at
29. ---- who will become schizophrenic. .
24. III.
A) There seems to be a genetic predisposition
25. IV.
A) because of
B) just as
C) in terms of
D) along with
E) in spite of
30. Before the 21st century has run its course, - 34. His temperature has returned to normal ----..
B) countless technologies not envisioned yet will C) that he will take two more aspirins in the
be available to us evening
C) a great deal of scientific effort is being made to D) why we all worried so much about him
find solutions to complex problems
E) so there is no need to call a doctor
D) most people in developed countries enjoy a
state of true health throughout their lives
35. A report issued by the International Energy
Agency warned that oil prices could be
E) our knowledge of the world around us has
volatile in 2016, ----..
improved to a great extent
31. If there is too much mineral accumulation in A) even though Venezuela had suspended trade
the compost, ----.. agreements with several countries
B) some plants need less fertilizer than others C) just as the inflation rate in the EU economic
zone has risen well under 1%
C) the flowering season was greatly reduced
D) so that Europes finance ministers came closer
D) most plants grow far more quickly in wet areas to agreeing radical reforms in banking
E) the growing conditions also need to be E) because production and refining capacity are
considered not enough to meet world energy needs
32. ----, water-borne diseases such as cholera 36. ----, others are more resistant to change and
will never be stamped out.. become dysfunctional and fail..
A) Though there has always been an abundant A) While most companies quickly adopt new
supply of water in these parts information technologies and thus survive
B) So long as the \'natives are educated in the B) Because companies differ in their goals and the
ways of hygiene strategies designed to reach them
C) Until their understanding of hygiene had been C) That most senior managers do not realize how
reinforced fragile the ongoing viability of a company can
D) Unless there is a safe water supply
D) Provided that the most flexible companies
E) If the mere boiling of water were adequate rapidly acquire new knowledge and apply it
33. Some studies report greater weight losses -
E) Unless the best companies meet the challenges
that typically arise in the business environment
E) though there is a
38. On dokuzuncu yzyln sonlarnda X nlar
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye
kefedildiinde, bilim adamlar benzer tr
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke baka nlar bulmak iin hemen youn
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi aratrmalara giritiler..
A) Akcierler, toz, polen ve kimyasallar dahil A) Son on yl iinde imzalanm olan 60 kadar
havadan gelen eitli antijenlere fazlasyla ak madencilik szlemesi, Demokratik Kongo
olduklar iin alerjik reaksiyonlardan ok Cumhuriyeti hkmetinin geen hafta
etkilenirler. oluturmu olduu zel bir komisyonca
B) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile gelen
pek ok antijene ak olan akcierler, alerjik B) Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti hkmetince
reaksiyonlara olduka yatkndrlar geen hafta kurulan zel komisyon, ncelikle
son on yl iinde imzalanm olan 60 kadar
C) Alerjik reaksiyonlara fazlasyla yatkn olan madencilik szlemesini inceleyecektir.
akcierler, hava ile tanan toz, polen ve
kimyasallarn da arasnda bulunduu ok C) Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti hkmeti, son
sayda antijene aktrlar. on ylda imzalanm olan en az 60 madencilik
szlemesini gzden geirmek iin, geen hafta
D) Akcierler alerjik reaksiyonlara zellikle zel bir komisyon kurmutur.
yatkndr, nk toz, polen ve kimyasallar dahil
hava ile tanan byk miktardaki antijenlere D) Son on ylda imzalanm olan yaklak 60
aktrlar madencilik szlemesinin gzden geirilmesi
amacyla, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti
E) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile tanan hkmeti, zel bir komisyonu geen hafta
pek ok antijen, daima bunlara ak olan oluturmutur.
akcierlerde alerjik reaksiyonlara yol aar.
E) Geen hafta Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti
hkmetince kurulan zel komisyonun amac,
41. Deprived of the moderating effects of the
son on ylda imzalanm bulunan 60 kadar
oceans, much of Central Asia experiences
madencilik szlemesini deerlendirmektir.
bitterly cold winters and boiling hot
A) fat is stored in the body and causes the D) its consumption should be stopped immediately
development of obesity
E) people in most civilized communities know how
B) obesity can be prevented most effectively or to avoid obesity
treated properly
E) is triggered by exprements
Kenny :- ----
63. Manager: The Annual Shareholders Meeting Peter :- I dont have any precise information
is coming up. So we must get prepared for it. about them, but there are rumours that there
are at least two..
Secretary: Thats true. How, can I help?
Secretary: Of course, thats easy. It will be B) Do you know anything about the bidders?
ready by tomorrow..
C) How many people are employed at the bank?
A) Have the letters of invitation been sent out yet? D) Do you know whom they sold it to?
B) Wed better have a board meeting today. E) For how long has this bank operated?
64. John: What do you think is the most serious A) The series explores the limits of animal
threat to our childrens future? endurance in hostile environments.
Nicole: Well, probably that there wont be B) And over that time theyve been transformed
enough energy. We need to develop beyond recognition.
alternatives to fossil fuels like petrol.
C) Moreover, the films grow even more
John: ---- spectacular and sophisticated.
A) How will that work? Are you saying we should 67. Brian : The aim of this article, apparently, is
stop using our cars? to show that Shakespeare isnt as special as
hes made out to be!
B) That doesnt sound right. I am afraid I disagree Fred : ----
with you. Brian : Well; it points out that Shakespeares
King Lear and Cervantes Don Quixote were
C) What do you think is the best form of
written in the same year, and then asks
alternative energy?
which is the best?
D) Global warming is forcing everyone to think Fred : Yes. A tricky question. Thought-
about alternative energy. provoking, too..
C) In the past, even though Nigerias economic 71. Over the years researchers have learned a lot
status was constantly improving, people were about how and why cancer forms. .
often mistrustful of its ministers confident
views. A) Through their research into cancer, scientists
have finally discovered the causes of the
D) Though Nigerian ministers were previously
disease and suggested various forms of
sceptical of positive ideas about their countrys
financial status, it has become obvious that its
economy is advancing day by day. B) For many years, scientists have carried out
much research into different types of cancer
E) Today we see that Nigeria is progressing
and are now able to discuss them fully.
economically, but in the recent past, this was
not the case and economists were wary of the C) It has taken a long time for scientists to find out
optimistic views of its leaders. about various kinds of cancer and suggest
different methods of treatment.
69. An engineer must attempt to foresee possible
misuses of a product by a consumer, and D) For many years, cancer research has been a
take this into account in his design.. serious concern for researchers, who are now
able to explain the causes of this disease.
A) When designing a product an engineer should E) Those who are involved in cancer research
consider how a consumer might misuse it, and have, over time, come to know much about the
adjust the design accordingly. ways and causes of the diseases development.
A) If these tariffs were lowered, it would B) But Western ballet as we know it today first
dramatically increase access to appeared in Renaissance Italy, where it was a
pharmaceuticals form of court entertainment
B) Thus, even in places where tariffs are waived, C) Ballet developed further in the USA through the
other barriers remain work of George Balanchine and the American
Ballet Theater
C) To a large extent, the fault lies with the poor
countries themselves D) In fact, it was drama, rather than ballet, which
greatly appealed to the Greeks
D) Naturally, it is the right of any nation to raise
income as it sees fit E) In the 20th century, Russian ballet had a vital
influence on the classical tradition in the West
E) These regulatory constraints are imposed on a
wide variety of medical equipment as well as
drugs 75. ----. For instance, Alpine scenery
predominates in the Tatra Mountains to the
south, while the North is dominated by lakes.
73. Konya is well-known for the life and work of Mountain lovers can make use of the well-
Celaleddin Rumi, or Mevlna, the founder of developed infrastructure of hostels and
the Mevlevi dervish sect in 13th century. ---- shelters, such as those found in the Tatras.
He brought his teachings to Seljuk-ruled The countless lakes of Warmia and Mazuria,
Konya and died there in 1273.. collectively known as the Land of a Thousand
Lakes, are a haven for water-sports
A) Mevlna Museum, which contains the tomb of
Rumi, is similar to a dervish lodge (tekke).
A) Since 1989, many new luxury hotels have been
B) Spiritual union and universal love were the built in Poland and the majority of them belong
central beliefs of his philosophy. to international hotel chains
C) Konyas largest mosque, Alaeddin Mosque, was B) Polands borders have changed continually with
finished in 1220 by Alaeddin Keykubad I. the course of history
D) The Semahane used to be the setting for the C) Bordering the Baltic Sea, Poland is one of the
whirling ceremony, but now it is a museum. largest countries in Central Europe, with a
population of around 39 million
E) Rumis father and some other dervish leaders
also set up their own sects. D) Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is located at the
centre of Poland, on the banks of the Vistula
A) I
E) V
A) I E) V
E) V
80. (I) The brains functions are both mysterious
and remarkable. (II) From the brain come all
thoughts, beliefs, memories, behaviours, and
moods. (III) The brain is the site of thinking
and the control centre for the rest of the
body. (IV) Before performing a physical
examination, the doctor interviews the
patient to obtain his or her medical history.
(V) The brain coordinates the ability to move,
touch, smell, hear, and see..
A) I
E) V
1 B 41 D
2 D 42 C
3 A 43 E
4 D 44 C
5 B 45 E
6 E 46 B
7 C 47 A
8 E 48 C
9 A 49 B
10 D 50 D
11 B 51 E
12 D 52 B
13 A 53 A
14 D 54 D
15 C 55 E
16 B 56 A
17 A 57 E
18 C 58 A
19 B 59 E
20 D 60 A
21 A 61 D
22 E 62 C
23 A 63 D
24 B 64 C
25 D 65 B
26 C 66 B
27 D 67 C
28 D 68 A
29 C 69 A
30 B 70 D
31 A 71 E
32 D 72 C
33 C 73 B
34 E 74 B
35 E 75 E
36 A 76 C
37 C 77 E
38 E 78 E
39 D 79 B
40 D 80 D
5. The partially digested food is ---- as it passes
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
along the small intestine..
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi
A) got off
B) broke down
1. The practical ---- of soil mechanics includes
the design of foundations and earth- C) let down
retaining structures..
D) gave in
E) elimination
A) made up of
D) held on
A) subtle
E) broken away from
B) demonstrative
7. Professional tennis, which got its start in
C) deliberate
1926 when the French player Suzanne
D) excessive Lenglen ---- 50, 000 US dollars for a tour, only
---- full recognition in 1968..
E) attractive
A) had been paid / has received
3. The Abel Prize in mathematics is intended
to finally ---- the gap left by Alfred Nobel, B) was paid / received
who chose to ignore mathematics when he
established the Nobel prizes.. C) has been paid / would receive
D) is paid / receives
A) fill
E) would be paid / had received
B) link
8. Throughout his term in office, President
C) avoid
Clinton ---- by allegations relating to the
D) refuse Whitewater real estate deal in which he and
his wife, Hillary Clinton, ---- prior to the 1992
E) exceed election..
D) entirely
E) favourably
9. Unfortunately, ---- current 14. Immigrants who enter the borders of the
productivity growth looks impressive, the United States ---- early ---- 1900s and
rise in profits over the coming years is likely emigrated back to their original countries are
to prove disappointing.. estimated to be 30% of all admitted
A) since
A) such / that
B) just as
B) so / as
C) even though
C) more / than
D) if
D) too / for
E) which
E) as / as
10. ---- inflation and unemployment rise sharply
in Europe, the solidarity of the European 15. While fossil fuels took millions of years ----,
Union could break down in some damaging biofuels ---- in just a few months..
A) on A) whose
B) to B) that
C) at C) what
D) over D) whom
E) into E) which
A) By / over
B) After / on
C) Before / from
D) In / to
E) Without / with
A) through
B) at
C) by
D) in
E) over
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) has been prompting
B) is prompting
17. I.
A) upon
B) over
C) with
D) about
E) among
18. II.
A) so that
B) as long as
C) even though
D) as if
E) whereas
19. III.
A) exposed
B) objected
C) devoted
D) sentenced
E) entitled
20. IV.
A) as well as
B) rather than
C) as opposed to
D) instead of
E) due to
25. IV.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) cut down on
B) go in for
Cities, large and small, are at the heart of a fast C) turn back on
changingglobal economy they are a cause of, and a
response to world economic growth.Many urban areas D) fall behind with
are growing (I) ----their rural hinterlands are
E) make up for
depressed, which forces impoverished rural peopleto
move to the cities in search of work. These
newcomers often end up not (II) ---- the opportunities 26. V.
they arelooking for, so they become part of the urban
poor. (III) ---- arrival to the city, they often encounter A) Despite
lack ofhousing and infrastructure services. To (IV)----
the lack of available homes, newcomers often set up B) For the sake of
shelters on the cityoutskirts, usually on public-owned
land. They often live without electricity,running water, C) Unlike
a sewerage system, roads and other urban services. D) Owing to
(V) ---- dealing with poor sanitation andpollution from
dirty cooking fuels and primitive stoves, they are E) In addition to
exposed tomodern environmental hazards, such as
urban air pollution, exhaust fumes and
industrialpollution. 27. - 36.sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun
ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
22. I.
27. ---- that engineers do not restrict themselves
to technical matters. .
A) unless
B) To
C) Upon
D) For
E) By
29. When glucose or fatty acids are limited, ----.. 32. Kerrich carried out exhaustive experiments in
probability ----..
B) cells are forced to use amino acids for energy B) if he had been arrested when the Germans
and glucose invaded Denmark
C) plant proteins are of lower quality than animal C) whether the coin toss is truly random
D) while he was interned in a camp in Jutland for
D) the body would have no storage site for extra the duration of the war
amino acids
E) that he has been acclaimed as one of South
E) in a normal, healthy individual, most diseases Africa\'s leading mathematicians
never have a chance to get started
33. Manufacturers could bring down the prices of
30. ---- because he had led the country into four their products ----..
wars which he had lost, and brought
economic ruin to his people..
A) in spite of careful market research
E) Today Serbias writers constantly remind their B) though two negative ecological forces
people of the shameful past of their country cancelled each other out
under Milosevic
C) unless the dams actually held back a vast
sedimentation load
31. If only she had come up with some positive
suggestions, ----.. D) since they frequently trap migratory fish
A) If only their permit had been renewed A) Invariably, the basal metabolic rate falls to
40% as soon as thyroid function is reduced.
B) Once the fault in the system had been found
B) When the thyroid gland does not carry out its
C) So long as the electrical supply remains stable function, the basal metabolic rate is reduced by
about 40%.
D) Since the maintenance team were on leave
C) Since there is no thyroid function, the basal
E) However unwelcome the delay might be metabolic rate has dropped to a level of 40%.
37. Elmaslar, muhteem gzellikleri iin ok 39. Gladyatr dvleri ilk kez Romada, M..
iddetle arzu edilir, ancak basit gerek u ki 264 ylnda, Junius Brutusun oullar
onlar sadece sktrlm kristalize tarafndan babalarnn ansna
karbondur.. dzenlenmitir..
A) Because of their wonderful beauty, one always A) Gladiator fights were first organized in Rome in
has a great desire for diamonds, but the truth the year 264 B.C. by the sons of Junius Brutus
is that they are no more than just compressed in memory of their father.
crystallized carbon.
B) The gladiator fights, which were held in Rome
B) Although diamonds are always desired for their in 264 B.C. for the first time, were organized by
exceptional beauty, in fact they are really only the sons of Junius Brutus as they wanted to
compressed crystallized carbon. commemorate their father.
C) Diamonds are much coveted for their exquisite C) The sons of Junius Brutus, who organized
beauty, but the simple truth is that they are gladiator fights in Rome in the year 264 B.C. for
just compressed crystallized carbon. the first time, did so in memory of their father.
D) Invariably one has a strong urge for diamonds D) Gladiator fights date back to 264 B.C., when
because of their extreme beauty even though the sons of Junius Brutus first organized a ritual
in truth, they are only compressed crystallized of sacrifice in Rome in memory of their father.
E) The origin of gladiator fights goes back to 264
E) In fact, diamonds are merely compressed B.C., when the sons of Junius Brutus wished to
crystallized carbon, but there is always a honour the memory of their father in this way
widespread desire for them due to their in Rome.
magnificent beauty.
40. Albania remained under Turkish rule for more 42. Music in Western Europe in the fifteenth and
than four hundred years until it proclaimed sixteenth centuries reached such a high point
its independence on 28 November 1912.. of development that, like painting and
sculpture, it constituted one of the most
brilliant aspects of the era..
A) Arnavutluk, drt yz yl Trk ynetiminde
kaldktan sonra, 28 Kasm 1912de
bamszlna kavumutur. A) Bat Avrupada mzik, on beinci ve on altnc
yzyllarda yksek bir gelime noktasna
B) Drt yz yldan daha fazla Trk ynetiminde ulam olup, resim ve heykelin yan sra,
kalm olan Arnavutluk, bamszln 28 Kasm dneminin parlak bir ynn ortaya koymutur.
1912de elde etmitir
B) On beinci ve on altnc yzyllarda Bat
C) Bamszlna 28 Kasm 1912de kavuan Avrupada mzik, ylesine yksek bir gelime
Arnavutluk, drt yz yl akn bir sre Trk noktasna ulat ki, resim ve heykel gibi,
ynetiminde kalmtr dnemin en parlak ynlerinden birini
D) Arnavutluk, her ne kadar bamszln 28
Kasm 1912de elde etmise de, drt yz yldan C) Mzik, on beinci ve on altnc yzyllarda,
fazla bir sre Trk ynetiminde kalmtr resim ve heykele benzer yksek bir gelime
gstermi ve dneminin parlak bir ynn
E) Arnavutluk, 28 Kasm 1912de bamszln oluturmutur.
iln edinceye kadar, drt yz yldan fazla Trk
ynetiminde kalmtr D) On beinci ve on altnc yzyllarda Bat
Avrupada yksek bir gelime gsteren mzik,
tpk resim ve heykel gibi, dneminin en parlak
41. Undernutrition, a deficiency of essential
ynn temsil etmektedir.
nutrients, can result from inadequate intake
because of poor diet or poor absorption from
E) Mziin, on beinci ve on altnc yzyllarda Bat
the intestine..
Avrupada yksek bir gelime dzeyine ulam
olmas, tpk resim ve heykel gibi, dnemin ok
A) Temel besin eksiklii olan yetersiz beslenme, parlak bir ynn ortaya koymaktadr.
az beslenmeden veya barsaktaki az
emilimden dolay yeterli gda alnmamasndan
47. It is understood from the passage that ----.. E) families may not remain as transmitters of
physical traits in the future
B) larger groups are more effective than families A) effects of cultural differences in the
while transmitting culture to a new generation transmission of customs and traditions
C) a combination of factors compels people to B) human nature that needs to regenerate
form groups of families and preserve their continually for both biological and social
principles reasons
D) anthropologists efforts to explore into the C) superiority of the older generation over the
formation of ancient families are worth praising new in maintaining strong family relationships
E) cultural properties of a nation will still be D) improvement of the understanding of being a
conveyed despite structural changes in the family and a nation in general
E) historical and cultural aspects of the relation
between family and individuals
52. According to the passage, there had been a
51. - 54.sorular aadaki paraya gre
limitation for astronomers, since they ----..
51. It can be inferred from the passage that the B) is the most powerful device that has ever been
Multiverse model ----.. sent to space
Lawyer: _____
A) In fact, Picasso painted her portrait.
Client: Do you mean the chances are slight?
B) Yes. But she had the satisfaction of knowing
Lawyer: Well, I cant say Im very hopeful.. that people visited her to listen to her talking.
C) Year by year there is a growing need for more C) As far as de-miners are concerned, a lot of time
energy nationwide. is needed to undertake a search for mines in
areas where it is almost impossible to discover
D) In other words, the development of new energy them.
sources is very important to Americas energy
future. D) As we learn from de-miners, it takes some time
to look for mines in areas in which one
E) I am afraid the world is fast heading towards a discovers that actually there are no mines.
huge environmental disaster.
E) For de-miners, it takes little time to search for
mines in areas which in fact do not have them.
68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca
en yakn cmleyi bulunuz. 70. Stopping the international obesity epidemic
is as tough a problem as any now facing
public-health officials..
A) Of all the great buildings of Paris, the cathedral B) Public-health officials are finding it very hard to
of Notre-Dame holds a very special place prevent obesity throughout the world, which is
among the people. very serious like any other problem that
concerns them.
B) The only building in Paris that is of any real
significance is surely the magnificent cathedral C) Obesity is so common throughout the world
of Notre-Dame. that its prevention is a very difficult problem for
health-officials, who are already dealing with
C) Of all the buildings in Paris, it is the celebrated other problems.
cathedral of Notre-Dame that most truly
represents the past of that city. D) For public-health officials, the prevention of
obesity, which is widespread throughout the
D) Except for the famous cathedral of Notre- world, is an extremely difficult problem like any
Dame, none of the buildings of Paris are other they are currently concerned with.
historically representative.
E) It is not so challenging a task for public-health
E) With the exception of the renowned Notre- officials, who are already dealing with many
Dame, few of the buildings of Paris are in serious problems, to prevent obesity in the
anyway remarkable. world
71. Though management may not realize it, a 73. The science of computers and the technology
very large proportion of the success of this of their use are broad and complex subjects.
company is due to the loyalty and hard work _____ . Consequently, as in other similar fields
of its workers.. so in computer sciences, there is a great
variety of terminology and jargon..
B) Whatever management may say, the success B) Obviously there are several types of computers
of this company depends more than anything which would serve this particular purpose
else on the dedication of those who work here. adequately
C) Management should be made to recognize that C) The languages the computer understands are
the role of the staff is of first importance in the easily understood by even ordinary people
companys success.
D) One recent development is that computers are
D) As management realizes full well, it is the getting smaller and smaller
workers in the factory who make it so
successful. E) Moreover the rapid rate of change in this field
has contributed still further to this complexity
E) The workers in this company, with their hard
work and devotion, contribute more to the
74. Countries engage in international trade
success of the company than management
because they benefit from doing so. ---- Thus,
trade plays a vital role in achieving such an
essential task since it frees each countrys
residents from having to consume goods in
72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere,
the same combination in which the domestic
parada anlam btnln salamak iin economy can produce them. If the US
getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz. specialized its production but did not engage
in international trade, US residents would
have large quantities of wheat and soybeans
but no coffee or bananas..
72. People have lived on Earth for two million
years. For most of that time, the population
has remained small, as the number of births A) Any country that attempted to achieve self-
has more or less equalled the number of sufficiency by producing everything consumed
deaths. Improved medicine and health care, would face a difficult task.
better sanitation, improved farming methods,
producing more and better food, and less B) We can easily see the benefits from trade along
physical work have all led to fewer infant with productive specialization at the individual
deaths and more people living longer. ---- level.
Today the worlds population is nearly 7
billion, and is rising at the rate of about one C) The gains from trade arise because it allows
million a week.. countries to specialize their production by
allocating resources to their most productive
A) The population is concentrated on areas where
the climate is suitable for farming methods. D) The fact that political boundaries divide the
world into nation-states does not alter trades
B) Poverty drives many people to flee their potential for expanding output.
country in search of better life elsewhere.
E) In market-oriented economies, existing firms
C) This has caused a huge increase in population make most consumption decisions besides
over the last 150 years. controlling production patterns.
A) I
E) V
79. (I) The history of the German occupation of
France is dirty, tragic, and sometimes darkly
comic. (II) It is also one of the most intensely
researched subjects of the past decades. (III)
In May of 1940, the Germans attacked
France, and in June they entered Paris. (IV)
More than 8, 000 books and articles have
been devoted to this subject. (V) However,
Julian Jacksons recent book, France: The
Dark Years, 1940-1944, is an exceptional
contribution to the already-accumulated
knowledge of the occupation..
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 A 41 A
2 E 42 B
3 A 43 B
4 D 44 A
5 B 45 E
6 A 46 A
7 B 47 C
8 C 48 E
9 C 49 A
10 A 50 B
11 A 51 D
12 E 52 B
13 D 53 C
14 E 54 E
15 D 55 B
16 B 56 E
17 E 57 E
18 B 58 D
19 A 59 C
20 E 60 E
21 C 61 B
22 E 62 D
23 B 63 E
24 D 64 B
25 E 65 B
26 D 66 B
27 A 67 A
28 D 68 C
29 B 69 A
30 D 70 D
31 E 71 A
32 D 72 C
33 D 73 E
34 D 74 C
35 D 75 A
36 B 76 B
37 C 77 D
38 B 78 D
39 A 79 C
40 E 80 A
5. During the 1930's Japan, with its cost
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
advantage, began to ---- Britain's role as chief
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi exporter of textiles..
A) take over
C) extinction
6. Shortly after that volunteer firemen were
D) recovery called out with trucks and equipment to ----
the forest fire..
E) decline
A) get out
2. Both Saudi Arabia and China know that it is in
their ---- interest to cooperate economically B) put out
and increase trade between them..
C) hold up
C) mutual
7. It ---- a mistake to think that all bacteria are
D) responsible harmful, for, without some species, we ---- for
E) implicit
A) is / had not survived
3. In the steel industry there has been
a progressive increase in capital outlay; B) would be / could not survive
but fortunately this has been ---- by a fall in
labour costs.. C) will be / have not survived
C) hopefully
D) respectfully
E) profoundly
9. Changes in ownership taste and a preference 13. Compared with the United States after 9/11,
for alternate modes of transport over India has reacted ---- the Mumbai attacks ----
ownership will be significant factors ---- the restraint..
car industry transforms..
A) over / from
A) whether
B) for / in
B) such as
C) by / to
C) otherwise
D) to / with
D) as
E) at / over
E) but
14. The Houston Caribbean Festival brings a
10. ---- some countries possess nuclear feast ---- music and colour ---- the streets of
weapons and others do not, there will be downtown Houston each year..
chronic global Insecurity,.
A) on / by
A) Thanks to
B) at / over
B) In case of
C) of / to
C) So long as
D) above / off
D) Just as
E) to / within
E) As if
15. People who have deficiency of vitamin A tend
11. The assumption that mental functions are at to be more susceptible to infection and are
their sharpest ---- our brains mature in our more likely to experience severe symptoms -
early 20s has been questioned by a new --- a cold, flu or other type of non-serious
research study.. infection..
A) until A) in spite of
B) although B) regardless of
C) as if C) due to
E) unless E) in order to
12. Studying foreign languages obviously makes 16. Since typhoons depend on heat and moisture
you smarter about foreign cultures, but, to sustain them, these storms always form
quite frankly, that ---- the least important over warm oceans near the equator ---- sea-
reason for learning other tongues if you ---- surface temperatures are at least 26C..
to become a truly horizontal thinker..
A) which
A) was / wanted
B) where
B) has been / had wanted
C) when
C) will be / would want
D) that
D) is being / has wanted
E) what
E) is / want
20. IV.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) By
B) From
17. I.
A) Instead
B) For example
C) At least
D) In short
E) Similarly
18. II.
A) were to sign
B) had to sign
C) must sign
D) may sign
E) used to sign
19. III.
A) jeopardize
B) withdraw
C) underestimate
D) recognize
E) deteriorate
25. IV.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) without
B) by
A) once
D) but
A) underwater noise hasnt been fully recognized
E) since as a form of pollution
E) a number of such structures were acting E) unless they first activate our senses and are
similarly then represented as cognitive events
30. When sunlight hits a raindrop, ----.. 34. The distinctive decoration of scrolls, birds
and flowers on this Chinese vase indicates -
A) a ray of sunlight actually consists of a mixture
of differently-coloured light
A) why it had been comparatively rare
B) a typical raindrop is spherical in shape
B) whether or not it was actually Cantonporcelain
C) the rainbow is actually a circle which is
centered on the point that is directly opposite C) that it was made especially for the European
the sun from the observer market
D) there is a reduction in its speed and this causes D) but apparently it is not of the very best quality
the light to bend
E) since the style is still popular today
E) refraction is the bending of light as it passes
from one medium to another
35. ----, you can work on extinguishing any
undesirable behaviours.
31. If Iran were to go nuclear, ----. .
B) the United States may have taken preventive B) Although previous work experience is sought
action by almost all employers nowadays
C) other countries in the region would follow suit C) Once you are able to see yourself interacting
with others
D) the UN Security Council sanctions need to be
enacted without delay D) Whereas there is much to be learned about
human nature in general
E) it can fire hundreds of missiles at Israel
E) Just as any communicative event requires at
least one person to be around
32. ---- we really ought to leave as soon as
B) just as archaeological sites supply glimpses of A) Psychologists and brain researchers have
human history recently started to wonder how changes in the
environment cause the brain to experience
C) but nest-collecting was a popular boyhood time subjectively.
hobby in the 19thcentury
B) The question of how changes in the
D) despite the fact that they remain a largely environment give rise to the subjective
untapped scientific resource experience of time in our brains continues to
preoccupy psychologists and brain researchers
E) before they lay eggs in order to sustain the
continuation of their species C) How changes in the environment can lead to
the subjective experience of time in our brains
is a matter of discussion among psychologists
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye and brain researchers.
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi D) The subjective time experience of our brains
bulunuz. resulting from environmental changes has long
been a controversial issue among psychologists
and brain researchers
B) Homerosu seven Platon, onun destanlarna C) Baz ke yazarlar, 2000 ylnda dnyann
srekli atfta bulunsa da ahlk anlamda zararl dengesinin deitii konusunda gr birlii
davranlar tasvir eden blmlerin sansr iindedir.
edilmesi iin ok aba gstermitir.
D) Baz ke yazarlarnn da belirttii gibi, 2000 yl
C) Platon, bir yandan Homerosu sevmi, bir dnyann dengesini deitirdii yl oldu.
yandan da onun destanlarndaki ahlka aykr
davranlar ieren blmlere iaret ederek, E) Baz ke yazarlarnn da vurgulad gibi,
bunlarn sansr edilmesi iin srekli talepte dnya dengesinin en ok deitii yl, 2000
bulunmutur yldr.
A) once cells become cancerous, they lose their 46. It can be inferred from the passage that ----..
control mechanisms and divide continuously
C) mutations make cells more susceptible to B) where people live and what they eat may
carcinogens, thus increasing the risk of determine whether they will develop any type
developing cancer of cancer
D) cells can be more resistant to cancer after they C) even when the immune system functions
have undergone some mutations caused by normally, cancer can escape its successful
viruses protection
E) when genes are mutated, they may D) some environmental factors leading to cancer
malfunction and experience unusual growth, can be handled to decrease the risk while
which can cause cancer others have no way to be prevented
A) after pieces of the mantle burst through the A) dinosaurs may have become extinct because
Earths crust, creating vast oceans of lava all the trees and plants were wiped out
B) half a billion years after the formation of the B) it is not possible that the end of dinosaurs
planet could be accounted for by an asteroid crashing
into the Earth
C) when volcanic rocks from the surface were
forced deep into the mantle C) this new hypothesis helps us to understand
how the core was formed
D) when two sections of the planets crust were
blown apart D) the Earths crust is more fragile than was
originally thought
E) after they were forced out of Indias Deccan
traps E) there is a connection between extinctions and
large igneous provinces (LIPs)
60. One point made in the passage is that in
59. - 62.sorular aadaki paraya gre
order toprotect pedestrians, ----..
A) more research and development initiatives are 62. According to the passage, we ought to
required to improve their design welcomeelectric cars, as ----..
B) most of them prefer to drive internal-
combustion engines for safety reasons A) pedestrians will in the future learn to hear them
C) electric vehicles put the safety of pedestrians
first in crowded urban areas B) most people are indifferent to the waste
products of internal-combustion engines
D) they find them more expensive than those with
internal-combustion engines C) they offer an opportunity to reduce petroleum
E) they get more pleasure from the silence of
their electric cars D) they can go faster than the latest diesel-
engined vehicles
A) I think most people are responsible enough not C) And why is that? Are they really offering a very
to be affected. good price?
B) You do? In what way? D) Its not a buyers market at the moment.
C) Do you actually watch those programmes? E) Dont let him push you into a sale.
B) How interesting! I have always stated that E) The fact that central and South America come
people can take steps to break the habit of second, after the Middle East, for oil reserves.
tooth grinding.
67. Sue : Is your computer reasonably modern?
C) I see. Generally, a case like this results from
Wendy : ----
muscle spasms brought on by repeated muscle
Sue : Then its terribly out of date! With
or tooth clenching and tooth grinding.
computers there are new things happening
D) Of course, treatment is needed when a person all the time.
has jaw pain or trouble moving his jaw. Wendy : That may be. But Im comfortable
with mine and have no intention of changing
E) People with this condition need to suppress it..
yawns, cut food into small pieces, and eat food
thats easy to chew.
A) I suppose so. Ive never really thought about it.
A) Once students get used to being split up for B) I cant understand why people feel more
interactive discussion, their ability to cheerful when the sun shines.
concentrate generally improves.
C) Once the sun comes out I am sure we shall all
B) On the whole, when students know they are start to look more cheerful
going to be split up into small groups for
interactive discussion, they will concentrate D) I suppose most people are like me and feel
better. more cheerful when the sun shines.
C) One way to improve concentration is to split E) Like many people I become very happy as long
students up into small groups for interactive as the sun shines brightly
A) The dodsoniana, one of these newly identified B) By comparison, Japanese pay just 15 per cent
species, was found just 4 years ago of their medical spending out of pocket.
B) Five new species have been discovered in C) So the government has recently developed a
recent years in other parts of the country strategy to provide affordable medical
insurance to 90 per cent of its population by
C) Selva Negra is situated in a cloud forest an 2010.
ecosystem ideal for orchids and other air plants
D) In fact, the free market reforms in China were
D) If an orchids growing conditions are gradually first initiated in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
modified to acclimatize it to a new location, the
plant can make a healthy transition E) The Chinese government has already met
many of its economic goals and is now
E) In fact, the Stanhopea flower looks like a beginning to address scientific and
hovering butterfly, and some are very technological development.
aromatic, with a fragrance of vanilla or hot
75. ---- Like the French Revolution, they brought
down not only a regime, but an empire. Like
73. World War II left Europe a land of wreckage the French Revolution, they gave way to
and confusion. Millions of refugees travelled violence. And again like the French
hundreds or thousands of miles on foot to Revolution, they had sweeping international
return to their homes while others were consequences. These revolutions and the fall
forcibly displaced from their lands. ----. Food of the Soviet Union marked the end of the
remained in dangerously short supply, and Cold War, which had structured international
even a year after the war roughly 100 million politics and shaped the everyday lives of
people in Europe still lived on less than 1, millions of people since the end of World War
500 calories per day.. II..
A) In some areas housing was practically A) The Iron Curtain had established one of the
nonexistent, with no available means to build most rigid borders in European history.
B) The Eastern European revolutions of 1989 and
B) The Soviet campaign to control eastern Europe the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union
did not go unchallenged were a revolutionary turning point.
C) Historians estimate that in World War II nearly C) The collapse of the Soviet Union opened up
50 million people died both Russia and its former imperial dominions.
D) Even more than World War I, World War II D) In the 1970s and 1980s, the Eastern European
involved the combined efforts of whole nations faced serious financial difficulties.
E) The Czechs staged demonstrations against
E) Since industry was essential to winning the Soviet domination towards the end of 1988.
war, centres of industry became vital military
78. (I) Cervantess masterpiece, the satirical
76. - 80.sorularda, cmleler srasyla
novel Don Quixote, recounts the adventures
okunduunda parann anlam btnln of a Spanish gentleman, Don Quixote of La
bozan cmleyi bulunuz. Mancha. (II) Indeed, Cervantes was fully
aware of the developments of the novel as a
new literary form. (III) In the novel, Don
Quixote is fifty years old and has already
76. (I) Psychotherapy refers to the treatment become unbalanced by his constant reading
of mental disorders by psychological means of chivalric epics. (IV) His mind is filled with
(II) As a result, despite differences in all kinds of fantastic adventures. (V) So, he
techniques, most methods of psychotherapy sets out on a knightly adventure, imagining
have certain basic features in common. windmills to be giants, and flocks of sheep to
(III)The term embraces a variety of be armies of infidels..
techniques, all of which are intended to help
emotionally disturbed individuals modify
their behavior, thoughts and A) I
notions.(IV)Some psychotherapists believe
that modification of behavior is dependent on B) II
the individual's understanding of his or her
unconscious motives and conflicts. (V) Others C) III
focus on changing habitual patterns of
thinking and behavior rather than on
unconscious conflicts.. E) V
E) V
1 B 41 B
2 C 42 D
3 A 43 C
4 E 44 D
5 A 45 D
6 B 46 B
7 B 47 D
8 A 48 E
9 D 49 B
10 C 50 A
11 D 51 C
12 E 52 D
13 D 53 A
14 C 54 D
15 D 55 A
16 B 56 D
17 A 57 B
18 C 58 E
19 D 59 E
20 A 60 B
21 B 61 C
22 D 62 E
23 E 63 D
24 A 64 C
25 B 65 A
26 C 66 E
27 B 67 D
28 A 68 E
29 C 69 B
30 D 70 B
31 C 71 D
32 B 72 C
33 E 73 A
34 C 74 C
35 C 75 B
36 B 76 B
37 A 77 E
38 B 78 B
39 E 79 E
40 A 80 B
5. Team success ---- the cooperation and
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
collective efforts of human beings who may
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi or may not even like each other..
A) gets into
D) depends on
A) deceit
E) puts off
B) obligation
6. 40-50 percent of managers and executives
C) alteration
time is ---- meetings, that either they call, or
D) disturbance have to attend..
E) concern
A) brought up
C) but
D) while
E) unless
10. Some people have a talent for science and 15. Until its collapse, the Roman Empire, also
mathematics, ---- others are good at art and known as the Holy Roman Empire was ---- a
music.. feared opponent, ---- a respected territorial
power in the world..
A) such as
A) whether / or
B) rather than
B) so / that
C) while
C) too / as
D) no matter
D) not only / but also
E) otherwise
E) so / as
11. The Old Wives Tale is one of ---- impressive
novels I have read for a long time.. 16. Although ancient Persian potters ----
aluminum to their clay ---- their pottery, pure
aluminum wasn't discovered until 1825..
A) a more
A) from / with
B) on / to
C) by / from
D) into / by
E) off / through
A) through / in
B) of / with
C) in / of
D) from / to
E) over / for
A) under / for
B) on / with
C) in / by
D) at / above
E) within / as
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) competitive
B) dominant
17. I.
A) Represented
B) Destroyed
C) Followed
D) Changed
E) Founded
18. II.
A) In addition to
B) Rather than
C) Compared to
D) In case of
E) Contrary to
19. III.
A) by
B) with
C) in
D) from
E) about
20. IV.
A) had added
B) were adding
C) have added
D) will add
B) theirs
B) which
C) that
D) when
E) how
29. If teamwork were taught along with reading, 32. ----, the current flows steadily in one
writing and mathematics, ----.. direction, and this is called directed current..
A) some of the research in this area would centre A) When a battery is connected to a circuit
on bad behaviours that degrade a teams
performance B) Though the electric plugs have still to be
B) it is only after a great tragedy or triumph that
the importance of teamwork is drawn into the C) As electrical energy can easily be transformed
spotlight into other forms of energy
C) there would be enormous benefits to students D) Whenever the supply of electricity to homes
and society alike and factoriesis cut off
D) a crucial question that should be asked before E) Because the electric wiring has been specially
putting a team together is whether you need designed to carry heavy loads
one at all
33. Overconsumption of vitamin A is potentially
E) a successful team would deal with its members
most dangerous in pregnant women, ----..
who do not contribute anything to the group
30. ----, just as his sister represented female A) but pregnant women are not advised to eat
excellence.. liver because of its large vitamin A content
C) In mythology, Apollo, who was the twin brother E) and this makes no difference to the efficacy of
of Artemis, known also as Diana, was the vitamin A
considered to represent masculine physical
perfection 34. You can only write a good summary of a
passage ----..
D) Among the ancient Greeks, Apollo was
worshipped not only as the god of poetic and
musical inspiration but also as the god of the A) if you ever need to go back to review it
B) why you have read it carefully
E) In antiquity, Apollos temple at Delphi was
often visited by large crowds because it was a C) when you have fully understood it
major centre for prophesies
D) that it uses words from the essay
31. Although AIDS still has no cure, ----.. E) whether the summary is objective
A) the devastating effects of HIV infection seemed 35. Environmentalists are criticizing the patent
unstoppable office for delaying its decision on some new
measuring instruments ----..
B) remarkable progress has been made in
understanding and treating HIV infection
A) while the guidelines have been consistently
C) a specific dietary strategy for the treatment of ignored
the disease has not been devised
B) if applications for patents on plants are on the
D) the severity of wasting may determine the increase
duration of survival
C) before objections were filed against patents on
E) the causes of malnutrition and wasting in HIV a herbicide resistant plant
infection are related to the disease itself
D) since they believe that these are urgently
needed to detect certain problems
43. According to the passage, initially B) centres around following non-drug approaches
professionals assisted patients with sleep
deprivation by ----.. C) lies primarily in changing the way that patients
A) prohibiting the use of alternative drugs D) depends on extensive use of the sleeping pills
B) increasing the amount of sugar in their diet E) can be reached by substituting the sleeping
pills with antihistamines
C) monitoring their sleep patterns
47. It is clear from the passage that the E) was opened at the suggestion of a
decision taken at Basle ----.. dozenEuropean banks
55. It can be inferred from the passage that A) was introduced into New Zealand along with
thedestruction of species ----.. animals such as rats and feral cats
C) involved the necessary organizations D) What does your daughter think about having a
new little brother or sister?
D) bought new supplies of vital materials
E) Well, thats all right, then.
E) acted quickly to find a solution
64. Charles : Aircraft manufacturers are doing 66. Sam : Dont forget, clean coal means
their best to build ever more efficient, more different things to different people.
reliable, less polluting, quieter planes. Charles : I know it does. But at least people
Colleague : Yes, but there is a long way are beginning to realize that coal can be
before absolute reliability can be achieved! cleaned and, indeed, should be.
Charles : ---- Sam : ----
Colleague : Theres no doubt about that. Yet Charles : It used to be. But there are now
every effort must be made for ultimate new systems that are far more efficient and
reliability.. far less expensive..
A) Let me stress once again that, as the economy A) Whats the big problem, sulpher dioxide?
develops and per capita income rises, per
capita travel rises even faster. B) Clean coal technologies fall into three
B) Considered in technical terms, there have been
few dramatic changes in large-aircraft design C) But isnt the cleaning of coal an extremely
since the 1960s. expensive process?
C) It is a fact that, by the early 1940s, airplanes D) Coal that has been aged gives out more
had made it possible to cross the Atlantic in heat and fewer gases.
one long day of travel.
E) Is it really possible to clean coal?
D) On the other hand, in the 1960s, touring
families and students could fly from the US to
67. James : Are you planning to attend any of the
Europe on overnight charter flights.
plays at the Shakespeare festival this year?
Allie : ----
E) Agreed. However, despite occasional horrific
James : One critic, Harold Bloom, says that
crashes, modern airliners are about the safest
its because he teaches us more about
means of travel ever devised.
ourselves than any other writer.
Allie : That could be the reason..
65. Clark: I just read an interesting article in this
magazine about what makes business
successful. A) Id like to, but Im not sure Ill have time. Why
do you ask?
Sally: What does it say?
B) No, but did you know that he wasnt really
respected by the public during his own
Clark: ----
lifetime? It was only a hundred years later that
he was taken seriously.
Sally: Well, that sounds very interesting. I
never thought of it in that way before..
C) Im planning to see all of them. In fact, Ive
already bought a season ticket.
A) I dont know if I agree with you, because the
idea sounds ridiculous. D) Do you know, Shakespeares really not my
favourite thing.
B) It seems that high-performance businesses use
their expertise not just to serve markets, but E) Yes, of course. I wonder what it is that makes
also create them. his plays so popular, year after year.
E) Tourists flock to see the magnificent royal 74. Forensic science, which is a multidisciplinary
estate, Park Sanssouci, and to stroll in the field, involves the use of scientific techniques
Neuer Garten to solve criminal cases. TV shows in America
are giving their viewers a distorted view of
how it is carried out. The actors playing
forensic personnel, for instance, are a
mixture of police officer, detective and
forensic scientist. However, this job
description does not exist in the real world. -
--- In fact, specialization within forensic
laboratories has been the norm since the late
1980s. Every forensic scientist needs to know
about other disciplines, but no scientist is an
expert in every area..
A) I
76. (I) The brain has three tasks to carry out
when contemplating a chessboard. (II) It is a B) II
game that has strong adherents, but it is not
for everyone. (III)It must comprehend the C) III
rules, as each piece moves according to its
own powers and restraints. (IV) Then it must
analyze potential moves, which involves E) V
envisioning different configurations on the
board. (V) Lastly, it must decide which move
is most advantageous..
A) I
E) V
79. (I) On 26 July 1956, Egypt seized the Suez
Canal. (II) Egypts president at the time,
Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, announced the
nationalization of the Suez Canal Company.
(III) His main aim was to provide funding for
the construction of the Aswan High Dam. (IV)
Violence is endemic in the Middle East even
as the geopolitical landscape is changing
rapidly. (V) His unilateral decision led to the
invasion of the Canal area by a joint British
and French force..
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 E 41 D
2 C 42 B
3 C 43 D
4 B 44 A
5 D 45 B
6 B 46 C
7 C 47 A
8 B 48 B
9 E 49 D
10 C 50 A
11 C 51 B
12 D 52 E
13 D 53 A
14 D 54 A
15 D 55 A
16 A 56 C
17 E 57 E
18 A 58 D
19 B 59 D
20 C 60 E
21 D 61 B
22 B 62 C
23 A 63 A
24 C 64 E
25 D 65 B
26 E 66 C
27 D 67 E
28 B 68 E
29 C 69 E
30 C 70 A
31 B 71 E
32 A 72 D
33 C 73 B
34 C 74 C
35 D 75 C
36 C 76 B
37 C 77 B
38 E 78 D
39 C 79 D
40 B 80 B
5. The cardiovascular system is ---- of the heart
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
and all of the blood and lymphatic vessels in
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi the body..
A) spread out
A) intersection D) made up
C) interaction
6. The strengthening of a nation does not solely
D) perception ---- weaponry, but also economy, culture and
knowledge make nation a strong..
E) distraction
A) set out
2. In the past decade, technology has become -
--- to freeze human embryos and then B) take along
successfully transplant them into host
mothers, thereby giving some young women C) draw up
the option of postponing childbirth..
D) rely on
4. Since many people are unaware of the C) will start / are flourishing
miseries of poverty and hunger, it is ---- easy
D) start / will flourish
for them to feel contented..
E) started / would flourish
A) painfully
9. I may never be able to come back to Turkey, -
B) barely --- I want to see as much as possible while I
am here..
C) violently
D) offensively A) since
E) usually B) unless
C) because
D) so
E) although
10. Different tools are used to measure different 14. The Bush Administrations restoration of
things; ----, balances measure weight, stop diplomatic relations with Libya ---- more than
watches measure time, and thermometers a quarter of a century of often violent
measure temperature.. confrontation is largely the result of several
years ---- painstaking and mostly secret
A) for example
B) instead A) for / by
C) otherwise B) in / over
E) at / with
11. ---- commonly associated with hot and dry
environments, reptiles are found in a wide
range of habitats and climates around the 15. I sent an e-mail to everyone in the
world.. department, asking for articles for this
special issue, but ---- there has been no
A) Although
C) When B) on time
E) so far
12. If humans ---- forever, it ---- our civilization in
ways more profound than just about any
other technological breakthrough.. 16. After 1960 more and more scientists were
taking interest in the issue of global warming
as the observations declared ---- the level of
A) have lived / transformed carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has rapidly
B) could live / would transform
D) where
13. Psychological studies show that Belgian and
French workers place greater importance ----
E) that
personal independence than do workers ----
many other countries..
A) in / of
B) on / in
C) about / by
D) to / for
E) of / within
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) would have stood
B) stands
17. I.
A) with
B) which
C) that
D) its
E) whose
18. II.
A) carefully
B) always
C) rarely
D) immediately
E) repeatedly
19. III.
A) yet
B) sometimes
C) already
D) ever
E) also
20. IV.
A) for
B) at
C) with
D) about
E) to
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) from
B) for
A) as
A) It is true that Leonardo da Vinci lived in Milan
until 1499 when the city was captured by the
B) like
French forces
C) more than
B) Leonardo da Vinci was born in or near the small
D) such as town of Vinci, a days journey from Florence
E) sensitive
25. IV.
A) Furthermore
B) Likewise
C) Therefore
D) On the contrary
E) For instance
29. If the war is of short duration, ----. 33. ----, there is enough food and water for
C) a weak economy is obviously more vulnerable C) Unless we take care of our green fields
than a strong one
D) If we learned to respect the environment
D) in contrast with American ones, Europe\'s stock
markets have underperformed E) Provided that they are used well
31. Until people got into the habit of collecting 35. RNA interference, ----, can turn specific genes
and arranging documents .. off..
A) the best type of history is. after all, social and A) that a new technology could be developed
B) whose ability to understand the brain was
B) it was virtually impossible to record history with accelerating
any degree of accuracy
C) just as hypertension in animals is common
C) the present preferred style of history had
already come into being D) in that nanoparticles can latch onto cancer cells
D) the archaeological evidence would have been E) which scientists have only recently begun to
adequate understand
32. A colour-blind person cannot see any A) as we might expect coal to last another 200
difference between two colours ----.. years
E) whether the top light or the bottom light E) while tar is also formed by tobacco burning
signals stop
38. Son derece saygn bir yazar ve muhalif olan
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye
Vaclav Havel, 1989da ekoslovakya
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke cumhurbakan seilince, lkedeki aa
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi yukar 42 yllk komnist ynetim sona erdi..
E) Since carbon dioxide and many other A) Apart from some architectural works and some
greenhouse gases have increased in the coins, there are no reliable records about the
atmosphere, there is a great deal of serious early Ottoman sultans.
concern about the possibility of a major global
warming in the near future. B) Except for some architectural works and coins,
there are not enough sources related to the
early Ottoman sultans.
A) reflectsthequalityofeach production
A) the P300 wave refers to the nature of the 62. According to the passage, ----..
electrodes that are attached to ones head
B) the stimuli are determined beforehand to suit A) Dr. Ramaswamy does not share the opinions of
experimental purposes the other researchers in the field of cognitive
C) ones nervous system plays a vital role in his or
her identification by a machine B) studies reveal that the way in which letters or
symbols are presented should be changed if
D) ones imaginary world created by the electrical more accuracy is desired
activity in the brain overlaps with reality
C) criminals will have to generate a signature of
E) there is almost no chance of obtaining a their own first if they want to get access to the
password through eye tracking passwords of others
A) I am sure you know that the American Rivers C) Im not sure, but it is likely that youll need to
Administration analyzes and studies the get one soon.
condition of the major rivers in the country.
D) Maybe you should check with the tax office to
B) Most comprehensively prepared. It is very see whether you already have one or not.
upsetting to know how endangered most of the
nations rivers are. E) Im positive. Your tax number is the same as
your citizenship number.
C) Indeed, as you have just suggested, dams and
canals can be harmful to fish and wildlife
66. Sue : Did you know that there are three types
of zip and that each is used in a different
D) As I recall from previous reports, coal mining way?
operations fill streams with coal and dirt. Jane : ----
Sue : For instance, chain zips, largely
E) It has always been admitted that the use of suitable for luggage, have metal teeth and
rivers as a water supply for domestic and are, therefore, very strong.
industrial needs causes much depletion. Jane : I see. I didnt know that..
64. Under-secretary: We have received reports A) As far as I know, there are chain zips, coil zips
that the epidemic is spreading in the area. and concealed zips. Right?
Minister: Then we must take immediate B) What about coil zips? Ive read something
action. about them; they are lighter and synthetic.
B) There has been a slight drop in infant mortality A) If doctors were to impose treatment against the
in the area, resulting in an increase in life will of the patient, they then would be violating
expectancy from 45 to 72. the bodily integrity of the person without
C) However, the infant mortality rate has dropped
surprisingly, and life expectancy in the region B) Now that the patient thinks his health will affect
has risen from 46 to 72. his ability to make decisions in the future, he
can make an advance decision to refuse
D) The startling drop in the infant mortality rates medical treatment.
may be reflected in the increase in life
expectancy from 45 to 72 years. C) Unless the patient is 18 or over, his decision to
refuse medical treatment will not be valid and
E) The increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 accepted by health care professionals.
years can be fully accounted for by the
incredible decline in infant mortality there. D) Moreover, by law, a valid advance decision
refusing life-saving treatment means that the
patient cannot be treated.
72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere,
parada anlam btnln salamak iin E) Even if the patient does not want treatment
getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz. that is available, he could allow a new one.
B) Olfactory receptors that bind odorants and E) A considerable number of painters and
initiate nerve signalling, at first glance, appear sculptors have lived there, too
to respond in a very nonspecific way
A) I E) V
E) V
79. (I)There are several reasons why the
Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain
rather than in France. (II) In the first place,
Britain had the money necessary to finance
the larger enterprises. (III) The Industrial
Revolution brought about radical changes in
not only the economic arena but also the
social life. (IV) Further, England's supremacy
on the seas had encouraged commerce and
thus, indirectly, industry. (V) Moreover,
there was a new rich class in England, a
merchant class, which was ready to devote
itself to industry..
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 C 41 D
2 E 42 B
3 C 43 B
4 E 44 E
5 D 45 A
6 D 46 C
7 B 47 D
8 D 48 B
9 D 49 A
10 A 50 C
11 A 51 C
12 B 52 D
13 B 53 E
14 C 54 D
15 E 55 A
16 E 56 C
17 A 57 B
18 D 58 C
19 E 59 C
20 A 60 A
21 B 61 D
22 A 62 B
23 D 63 B
24 B 64 B
25 C 65 E
26 B 66 C
27 D 67 E
28 C 68 D
29 B 69 A
30 A 70 C
31 B 71 B
32 A 72 A
33 E 73 A
34 C 74 A
35 E 75 C
36 C 76 D
37 B 77 A
38 B 78 D
39 D 79 C
40 D 80 C
5. Results that were published by a national
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
institution on drug use say that illegal drug
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi use among teenagers in Portugal has actually
bulunuz. ----..
A) taken part in
1. Sometimes a seemingly modest business
deal can change the whole ---- of an B) hunted for
C) followed up
C) course
6. Plants differ in their tolerance for heat, cold,
D) relapse and moisture, so when selecting plants,
gardeners must ---- account the climate of
E) vitality their region..
D) figure out
A) possessive
E) take into
B) perceptive
7. People who ---- it hard to give up smoking
C) indicative
often ---- outside assistance..
D) inclusive
A) are finding / are sought
E) extensive
B) had found / are seeking
3. The green button on the far left of the
machine ---- the volume.. C) could have found / will seek
D) find / seek
A) interferes
E) would have found / had been sought
B) discloses
8. Psychologists from many different countries -
C) regulates
--- their findings in an effort to understand
D) allows the mystery of how the brain ----..
E) arises
A) combined / had functioned
B) accurately
C) adequately
D) irreversibly
E) inevitably
9. Knowledge of a second language can also 13. Most children are able to walk ---- holding on
bring you into contact with new friends, ---- to anything when they are fifteen months
exposing you to a different culture and way old..
of thinking..
A) for
A) provided that
B) from
B) otherwise
C) with
C) moreover
D) without
D) as well as
E) to
E) however
14. Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the highest
10. Drinking green tea could reduce the risk of mountain ---- Africa, rises 5, 895 metres ----
becoming infected by HIV, but it is not a cure sea level..
---- is it a safe way to avoid infection..
A) over / at
A) nor
B) across / into
B) for
C) at / through
C) as
D) below / to
D) so
E) in / above
E) either
15. Surveys often reveal that ---- half of all the
11. During the latter half of the twentieth teenage entrepreneurs that have recently
century, ---- is known today as modern emerged in the US are first born children,
agriculture was very successful in meeting a and many are from immigrant families..
growing demand for food by the world's
A) as much as
B) that C) so little
E) where
16. During the time in which he ruled Germany,
Hitler promised his followers ---- Germany
12. Ambitious plans ---- the expansion of the into a mighty empire that ---- a thousand
railway network have had to be abandoned years..
due to lack ---- funds..
A) rebuilding / lasted
A) in / of
B) to be rebuilt / has lasted
B) on / about
C) rebuilt / was lasting
C) from / in
D) having rebuilt / had lasted
D) for / of
E) to rebuild / would last
E) over / on
20. IV.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) just
B) before
E) On
17. I.
A) yet
B) since
C) rather
D) even
E) such
18. II.
A) in case of
B) as well as
C) as long as
D) as good as
E) on behalf of
19. III.
A) perfectly
B) permanently
C) freshly
D) crucially
E) selectively
25. IV.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) foster
B) reproduce
A) beneath
27. As soon as the possibility of their joining
B) for the European Union arose ----..
C) about
A) a great many young Norwegians came out
D) above strongly against the proposal
A) the consumers were\' even more conscious of a A) since the founder of the city was the emperor
need for government support Antiochus ll of the Seleucid dynasty
B) exposure to risk has continued to increase with B) when it was founded in the second quarter of
the increase in the number of cars the 3rd century B.C.
C) there is an increasing need for the protection C) because the only shrines that remain today are
offered by insurance a temple of Apollo and the cave-sanctuary of
D) insurance depends heavily on expert statistical
studies D) just as Pamukkale is today
E) long-term investments were to prove E) even if these date from the Hellenistic period
problematic due to the instability in the
33. ----, it would be regarded as a disaster at
home and abroad..
30. ---- until William Gladstone presented
his proposal for home rule in Ireland in 1886..
A) Since power generation in China fell by 7% last
A) The Republic of Ireland gained sovereignty
in1922 B) As India had enjoyed a big economic advantage
over China
B) Northern Ireland did not separate from the
South C) Because unrest and even insurgency are
widespread in many countries
C) Northern Ireland is composed of 26 districts
D) If Chinas growth rate were to fall to 5% or less
D) Northern Ireland is an integral part of the
United Kingdom E) While India is considered to be a major
economic power
E) The Irish nationalists are still struggling to end
the partition of Ireland
34. New radiocarbon dating of fossils suggests -
31. While man has been learning to control his
own environment, ----..
A) that mass extinctions of mammoths and wild
horses 10,000 years ago were caused by
A) they continue to blame each other in much the natural climate shifts
same way as their fathers had before them
B) whether humans were to blame for extensive
B) there would have been as many volunteers as destruction in the natural world and also for the
were needed pollution of the oceans
C) such adverse conditions will have to be avoided C) how scientists began to understand clearly
what dinosaurs ate and why they disappeared
D) this can only be achieved by the destruction of from the face of the Earth
other environments and this is to be avoided
D) if an olive branch buried for thousands of years
E) his activities have often upset the balance of in volcanic ash could have revealed the fate of
natural communities of animals and plants the great Minoan civilization on the Greek
island of Thera
A) Unless the draining canal retains its elasticity A) Doum oran, zellikle yoksul lkelerde,
there will be a build-up of pressure in the eye in yeterince denetim altna alnmazsa dnya
glaucoma. kaynaklar ksa srede tkenecektir.
B) By increasing the elasticity of the draining B) Dnya kaynaklarnn hemen tkenmemesi iin
canal in glaucoma one can reduce the pressure yoksul lkelerde doum oran denetim altna
in the eye. alnmaldr.
C) In glaucoma, one has to prevent pressure from C) Yoksul lkelerdeki doum oran denetlenmedii
building up in the eye by increasing the srece, dnyann kaynaklar yetersiz kalacaktr.
elasticity of the draining canal.
D) zellikle yoksul lkeler, doum orann denetim
D) In order to stop a build-up of pressure in the altna almadklar iin dnyadaki tm kaynaklar
eye in glaucoma, the draining canal has to be ksa srede tkenecektir.
E) Dnyada doum oran denetim altna alnnca
E) In glaucoma, increasing the elasticity of the kaynaklar zellikle yoksul lkelerce
draining canal can prevent the buildup of kullanlacaktr.
pressure in the eye.
42. In Egypt, a number of oil deposits have been
40. As Dr Fawcett has demonstrated in his latest discovered in recent years, but it is unlikely
article, it is the underdeveloped countries that oil will play a major role in the countrys
that have been worst hit by the economic economy in the near future..
B) Dr Fawcett, son makalesinde, ekonomik B) Msrda son yllarda birtakm petrol havzalar
bunalmlarn en youn olarak az gelimi bulunmu olsa da petroln, lke ekonomisinde
lkelerde yaandn ne srd. yakn gelecekte oynayaca rol ok nemli
C) Dr Fawcettin son makalesinde de belirttii gibi,
az gelimi lkeler ekonomik durgunluktan en C) Son yllarda Msrda, lke ekonomisinde yakn
ok etkilenenlerin banda geliyor. gelecekte nemli rol oynamas muhtemel olan
pek ok petrol havzas kefedilmitir.
D) Ekonomik bunalm nedeniyle ekonomileri
sarslan az gelimi lkeler Dr Fawcettin son D) Son yllarda Msrda kefedilen petrol
makalesine konu oldular. yataklarnn, lke ekonomisinde yakn
gelecekte nemli bir rol oynamas ihtimal
E) Son makalesinde Dr Fawcettin aklad gibi, dndadr
ekonomik durgunluktan en kt biimde
etkilenenler, az gelimi lkelerdir. E) Msrda, lke ekonomisinde yakn gelecekte
nemli bir rol oynamas muhtemel olmayan
petrol yataklar son yllarda ortaya karlmtr
44. It is clear from the passage that microchips
43. - 46.sorular aadaki paraya gre
placed in drugs ----..
E) were initially designed to observe the digestive E) may not help patients with their digestive
system of patients problems, even with the pre-arranged guidance
of health care providers
48. According to the passage, although the
47. - 50.sorular aadaki paraya gre
practice of imperialism may be varied, ----..
C) are definitely unsuitable for both children and 63. - 67.sorularda, karlkl konumann
the elderly bo braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.
D) are a concept that might become a reality in
the near future
E) are already providing a useful service in some 63. Frank : To learn a little bit about how to cope
countries with physical allergies, Ive done some
60. The passage tries to ----.. Celia : Tell me in simple terms what you have
Frank : ----
A) provide a guide for dealing with the social Celia : Sounds very sensible, doesnt it?.
problems caused by robots
B) warn the reader of the dangers involved in A) Surely you are aware that photosensitivity,
creating human-like machines which is an allergy, may also result from
concurrent use of certain drugs or substances
C) raise the readers awareness of our evolving applied to the skin.
relationship with social machines
B) My suggestion is that people who are very
D) persuade readers to buy more electronic toys sensitive to sunlight should use sunscreens and
and games minimize sun exposure.
A) The crisis can be avoided right from the start. B) But face it; thats not always possible.
B) I think inflation is worse than deflation. C) For long flights they now provide beds in
business class.
C) I hope neither of them will happen.
D) However hard they try to please the
D) What measures can be taken against them? passengers, I get bored!
E) How do you make your investments? E) You are hard to please, arent you?
B) Yes, that probably explains why they no longer B) It is only when the British Press is being
exist. The impact must have killed them all. criticised that it really shows its mettle.
C) Yes, so all the mammoths had to leave their C) The one time when the British Press really
natural habitat and move to South America. wakes up and acts is when it feels its own well-
being is endangered.
D) No, I think they died out much later than what
people think. D) The British Press has had much practice in
upholding its own interests in the face of
E) Exactly, so it seems that they have finally come opposition.
up with a reasonable theory.
E) Should its own freedom be threatened, the
British Press would unite to withstand attack.
66. Cheryl : Did Michelle tell you what happened
to her on her vacation in Thailand?
Mike : ----
Cheryl : Yes, thats it. Shed booked a hotel
room online, and when she arrived the hotel
was full. She had to spend four hours in the
rain trying to find another place to stay..
D) These scientists agree that the impact of a 72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere,
meteor over 65 million years ago must have parada anlam btnln salamak iin
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz.
D) It was only after the introduction of the theory B) No region in the world requires efficient
of natural selection that scientists paid logistics more urgently than Africa does
attention to the idea of organic evolution.
C) Logistics is considered one of the most
E) On the whole, the scientific world approved the important aspects of military campaigns
concept of organic evolution once the theory of
natural selection had been postulated. D) The problems of the logistics industry have not
been clearly identified yet
B) In Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere, 76. (I) Dyslexia is a reading disorder that persists
political chaos, imbalances of trade, and the despite good schooling and normal or even
practices of some pharmaceutical companies above-average intelligence. (II) The more
have often resulted in shortages of medicine. severely dyslexic Chinese do encounter
trouble comprehending and writing
C) As AIDS became a global health crisis in the characters. (III) The exact nature of the
1980s, international organizations recognized disease has puzzled doctors, teachers,
the need for an early, swift, and comprehensive parents and dyslexics themselves since it
response to future outbreaks of disease. was first described more than a century ago.
(IV) Evidence suggests that there is a flaw in
D) Through this process and alongside it, genetic
the neurological wiring of dyslexics that
engineers developed methods to alter the
makes reading extremely difficult for them.
biology of living things, including humans.
(V) Studies suggest that the right kinds of
E) Moreover, genetically engineered human instruction provided early enough could
growth hormone is required by some children rewire the brain so that the neurological flaw
to overcome growth deficiencies. disappears entirely..
A) I
E) V
77. (I) The declaration of Human Rights gives 80. (I) The global climate is changing as it always
great emphasis to education. (II) After all, has; species will go extinct as they always
the declaration shows how near the world is have; other species will prosper. (II) Humans
to being ideal. (III) This is natural as may be influencing the change, but they
advances in the cause of freedom and of didnt create the change. (III) Global warming
social rights depend very largely is as dynamic as many other earthly
on education. (IV) Indeed, educators must processes. (IV) Of course it is important
accept a major share of the responsibility for to monitor which changes are being
shaping a society's attitudes towards Human influenced by humans, but it must be
Rights. (V) If they do not do so, the document remembered that change is natural, and
will remain ineffective.. Earth will continue to change no matter what
humans may or may not do. (V) Humans as
a species must accept this, and figure out
A) I how best to adapt to the change, not how to
control it..
78. (I) Banking services in Hungary are expected
to improve dramatically this year. (II) The
E) V
installation of a computerised interbank
settlement system will greatly aid this. (III)
Typical banking transactions on the new
network will take less than two minutes. (IV)
Consequently no scheme for keeping down
inflation has been forthcoming. (V) Further
the capacity of the services will increase
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 C 41 A
2 C 42 A
3 C 43 D
4 B 44 E
5 D 45 B
6 E 46 D
7 D 47 C
8 B 48 D
9 D 49 B
10 A 50 E
11 D 51 C
12 D 52 B
13 D 53 C
14 E 54 B
15 B 55 D
16 E 56 B
17 D 57 C
18 B 58 A
19 A 59 E
20 C 60 C
21 E 61 A
22 A 62 B
23 B 63 D
24 C 64 D
25 D 65 B
26 E 66 E
27 A 67 B
28 D 68 C
29 C 69 A
30 B 70 E
31 E 71 B
32 D 72 E
33 D 73 C
34 A 74 D
35 B 75 B
36 E 76 B
37 A 77 B
38 A 78 D
39 E 79 C
40 E 80 C
5. The BBC reported that the Wimbledon tennis
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
tournament might be ---- due to the SARS
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi outbreak in Japan..
A) depended on
D) resorted to
A) disturbance
E) called off
B) destination
6. The 'intelligence' of any living being ---- its
C) circumstance
needs to survive in the environment it lives
D) support in..
E) denial
A) builds up
2. For the past 40 years, the ---- view about the B) depends on
formation of our universe has been that it
began about 14 billion years ago in a cosmic C) cares for
fireball known as the 'Big Bang.'.
D) puts forward
4. Losing a loved one is always painful, but for C) would discover / were composed
most people time ---- heals the wounds..
D) had discovered / had been composed
B) excessively
C) eventually
D) casually
E) cautiously
9. ---- philosophers had started to put received 14. Swine flu is diagnosed clinically by means of
wisdom to the test of rational examination, the typical symptoms and the patients
another fundamental question rapidly history ---- association ---- people known to
became obvious: How can we know?. have the disease..
B) Only if B) from / of
C) Unless C) through / by
D) In case D) on / in
E) While E) of / with
10. ---- I meet John, he complains about the 15. On entering a traditional Japanese home, you
neighbours.. should take ---- your slippers and leave them
---- the door..
A) Whenever
A) away / before
B) Whatever
B) out / at
C) Whereas
C) up / through
D) Whichever
D) over / by
E) While
E) off / in front of
11. ---- the news is out about tomatoes being
found for their cancer-fighting properties, the 16. Wheeled carts facilitated agriculture and
question is how to get sufficient amounts commerce by enabling the transportation of
every day.. goods to and from markets, ---- easing the
burdens of people traveling great distances..
A) Much as
A) despite
B) While
B) as well as
C) Now that
C) pertaining to
D) Just as
D) in order to
E) Even if
E) in excess of
12. Had the disease been diagnosed within the
first year of Taylor's life, she ---- an
opportunity to live a normal life..
D) was having
E) may have
A) any
B) little
C) a little
D) a few
E) much
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) those
B) what
17. I.
A) well-connected
B) well-preserved
C) well-established
D) well-built
E) well-kept
18. II.
A) about
B) towards
C) to
D) against
E) for
19. III.
A) as if
B) since
C) while
D) as though
E) even if
20. IV.
A) could save
B) were to be saved
C) should save
D) would be saved
B) instead of
23. II. 28. After Muhammed Ali had won a gold medal
in the Olympics, ----..
A) so
A) he turned professional
B) but
B) the newspapers are not aware of it
C) instead
C) there will be other fights in Europe
D) otherwise
D) he'd claim to be the best in the world
E) hence
E) he is still well-know
24. III.
29. Though frustration is a patent factor in
eliciting aggressive behaviour, ----..
A) substituted
D) must be trained
A) Nobody knows the cause A) Though the results of the incident were
B) Clearly an operation won\'t be necessary
B) However closely the boy kept his secret
C) It might be unwise to delay the operation
C) Since so many children witness violence within
D) A diagnosis of developmental dysplasia was their own family
D) When biological factors were also involved
E) They decided not to operate
E) When young people manifest serious emotional
31. ---- that active people need more protein than
do sedentary people..
35. Opposition politicians in Bangladesh say
that the country's natural gas should not be
A) They ignored the essential aim of the project sold abroad ----..
B) The evidence we have gathered through our
research suggests A) whether it would provide a respite from the
country\'s pressing economic problems
C) Long-distance runners are exceptional
B) due to the fact that there is an enormous
D) The reference is to athletes in training quantity of recoverable reserves
E) Activities of all kinds are encouraged C) since the entire economy will be transformed
benefiting everyone
32. ----, it is also a leader in many
D) just as decisions about the best way to expect
other manufacturing and processing lines,
this potential wealth had become entangled
including prepared cereals, machine tools,
with politics
hardware and furniture..
E) unless the government can prove that it has 50
A) While Michigan ranks first among the States in years of gas in reserve
the production of motor vehicles and parts
36. Many linguists advise mastering a
B) Because Michigan is rich in natural resources
vocabulary of two or three thousand words in
Chinese ----..
C) Even if Michigan produces important amounts
of iron, copper and other minerals
A) before beginning the difficult task of learning
D) Since Michigan is a prime area for both the language\'s symbols
commercial and sport fishing
B) when we hear words and expressions from a
E) Just as Michigan\'s forests contribute native speaker
significantly to the State\'s economy
C) that one ought to try to write sentences on the
33. ----, it is not surprising that it has a basis of the grammar rules
highly continental climate noted for its
D) so a knowledge of reading and writing may
extremes of temperature..
have been acquired
A) While agriculture remains the biggest single E) unless one had developed an adequate
industry in Hungary conversational ability for simple situations
47. The passage indicates that the new A) dont really know if it will be successful
menulabelling law in California has the
potential to ----.. B) often have to defend the lifestyle choices of
obese Americans
A) force chain restaurants there to offer less food C) are themselves regular customers of chain
to the public restaurants
B) encourage the habit of overeating in the D) oppose the tendency of Los Angeles residents
population at large to gain weight every year
C) persuade other states to consider passing E) believe much of the new law is irrelevant
similar laws affecting chain restaurants
A) was part of a larger meteorite that crashed into B) has to be made sure that it come from a
the Earth specific planet
B) is the first meteorite from Mars to be seen on C) should contain plenty of living organisms
the Earth
D) needs to remain intact for a sufficient amount
C) was recovered after remaining buried for of time
almost 100 years
E) is required to have basic minerals in its internal
D) was too contaminated to be of any real use to structure
B) the Languedoc canal would not make those A) I certainly have. And I hope to go again soon.
who build it rich
B) Not yet. I dont go to such exhibitions till
C) as ocean-going ships increased in size, the theyve been going for some time.
usefulness of the Languedoc canal declined
C) I was there at the opening. What about you?
D) the site of the Languedoc canal was ill-chosen
D) Yes. I was surprised at how few large paintings
E) many supported the building of the canal as there were.
there was such a great need for it
E) Of course. And it was quite an experience
64. Fred : Have you read this article on the 66. Stephen : By the way, what does the term
economies of the Middle Eastern countries? hydrologic cycle mean? Can you explain it?
Mike : No, not yet. Anything interesting in it? Martin : Basicly it means that water cycles
Fred : ---- from the oceans and land to the atmosphere,
Mike : Thats to be expected. After all, Iran is and then back to the oceans, and land. It is a
the second-largest producer of oil in OPEC.. complex cycle, which provides us with a
renewable supply of purified water on land.
Stephen : ----
A) Well, Irans nuclear aims seem to have Martin : Certainly, and also an important one.
increased international tension. As you might expect, forests release
substantial amounts of moisture into the
B) To my surprise, 50% of Irans revenue comes
atmosphere by transpiration, which then falls
from its oil exports.
as precipitation..
C) Clearly, the global economy is suffering heavily
from the current US economic crisis. A) When a forest is burned or cut down, how is the
climate of the region affected?
D) Just one point: every day, the world spends
around $5.5 billion at current price levels on B) Do you think forests influence an areas
crude oil purchases. climate?
E) It seems that China, India, and Japan have C) Do forests play a role in this cycle?
become the primary markets for the Middle
Easts oil and gas. D) How does transpiration by trees influence the
local temperature of forests?
65. John : Good morning, Christine. By the way,
E) What are the factors that determine climate?
have you seen this article on North Korea?
Christine : Ive just come to the office. You
know mornings are always a rush. Tell me 67. Sandra :- I saw a news programme on TV the
what the main argument is. other evening about the long-term negative
John : ---- effects of a global population decline.
Christine : Besides that, there may also be Leslie :- ----
other hidden reasons such as the provision of Sandra :- Thats right. And no easy solutions
nuclear weapons to international terrorist are on offer.
groups.. Leslie :- So it really is a serious problem..
A) Let me tell you this: historically, at the end of A) So did I. It seems that the industrialized
World War II, the Soviet Union occupied the countries especially are being threatened.
northern part of the Korean peninsula, while
the Americans held the south. B) Yes, I did. France seems to be making a quick
B) You know that, after the loss in 1991 of Soviet
patronage, the isolated North Korean C) The population in many industrialized nations
government faced a very serious economic has been increasing for decades.
disaster, with verified reports of local starvation
in some regions of the country. D) Of course not. People are having fewer children
these days as the cost of raising and educating
C) It emphasizes that the North Korean them has increased.
government has pursued the development of a
nuclear arsenal not for self-defence, but as a E) Improved medical services have also
bargaining chip against Japan and the United contributed.
70. Those in favour of capital punishment are B) Indeed, more US troops are absolutely
motivated only by desire for revenge.. necessary to defeat the insurgents in
A) People who wish to take revenge seek the C) It is a clear fact that Pakistan is connected to
death sentence. the Afghan insurgency.
B) Some people find capital punishment D) The Pakistani army remains primarily focused
acceptable, regarding it as a good way of on the perceived threat from India.
getting revenge.
E) However, US efforts so far to reach a decision
C) The death penalty is the only desirable for a complete withdrawal have been mixed.
punishment for getting ones own back.
A) Although plants do not move about in the way A) Scientists are beginning to adopt innovative
we associate with animals, they do move. approaches to convert available energy into
chemical fuels.
B) One of the remarkable aspects of the growth
process is that each part of the organism B) Currently, batteries are the dominant power
continues to function as it grows. sources for portable electronics.
C) Humans and many other organisms begin life C) This generally results from the excessive use of
as a fertilized egg, which then grows and hydrocarbon fuels.
develops specialized structures and body form.
D) Traditional chemical batteries are unable to
D) In contrast, the body of a human or an animal meet the demand for high energy intensity.
or a tree is made of billions of cells.
E) Power systems employing hydrogen or
E) Energy is required to maintain the precise hydrocarbon fuels offer much higher energy
order that characterizes living systems. density.
A) I D) IV
B) II E) V
E) V
1 C 41 C
2 B 42 E
3 D 43 A
4 C 44 C
5 E 45 B
6 B 46 D
7 C 47 D
8 B 48 A
9 A 49 C
10 A 50 A
11 C 51 E
12 A 52 D
13 D 53 C
14 E 54 B
15 E 55 E
16 B 56 A
17 C 57 C
18 D 58 D
19 C 59 B
20 D 60 C
21 A 61 E
22 A 62 C
23 D 63 B
24 C 64 B
25 B 65 C
26 E 66 C
27 C 67 A
28 A 68 A
29 D 69 D
30 E 70 E
31 B 71 C
32 A 72 E
33 E 73 D
34 E 74 C
35 E 75 D
36 A 76 C
37 A 77 E
38 E 78 D
39 A 79 C
40 A 80 B
5. If you have to ---- an unpleasant situation,
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
you have to accept it or bear it..
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi
A) take over
B) put over
1. It's worth remembering that his ---- of the
downward trends in output over recent years C) fill out
is not the only one..
D) cope with
E) unlikely
A) have used / predispose
3. Their Prime Minister has been able to act B) used / would have predisposed
more aggressively in the past year because
he has ---- his power within the government.. C) had used / will predispose
E) impaired
A) suggest / may not result
4. ---- any organ, including the kidneys, lungs, B) suggested / has not resulted
heart and brain, can be attacked by the
immune system.. C) will suggest / did not result
C) Fortunately
D) Profoundly
E) Extremely
9. Structural unemployment has often 13. It was ---- his efforts that the two sides finally
been associated with technological agreed to hold talks ---- the principles of
unemployment, ----, unemployment resulting economic cooperation..
from the increased use of labour-saving
A) by / through
A) So as B) ever / for
B) so far C) through / on
C) that is D) with / at
E) even so
14. Environmentalists claim that the construction
company felled ---- trees --- necessary while
10. All efforts by the Chinese government to building the new road..
eliminate the most widespread parasitic
infection in the country failed, ---- a new drug
arrived in the 1980s that was said to be A) more / than
highly effective in controlling the disease..
B) as / much as
D) even after
15. When you drink alcohol, your liver has to
work on ---- that, and sometimes it uses up
E) whereby
some of the enzymes and some of the
chemical reactions ---- to metabolize other
11. Few sociologists will admit that a city is things..
distinct ---- a village merely ---- the number of
its inhabitants..
A) metabolazing / needed
E) off / in
16. Although scientists have only just begun to
understand ---- reefs can contribute to
12. He looked ---- nervously ---- his shoulder medicine, already coral reef organisms are
hoping that no one was paying him any being used in treatments for diseases like
attention.. cancer and HIV..
A) out / of A) who
B) up / through B) how
E) in / for E) what
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) as if
B) when
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% C) even though
ofmalaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So
over 700,000 people die everyyear (I) ---- taking D) so that
thosecounterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (II)----
E) because
urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based
network is indispensable(III) ---- the health of millions
ofAfricans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food &
Drugs Board. They are (IV) ---- not interested. They
did noteven bother to answer why they are not
involved in the new anti-counterfeitcampaign, (V) ----
this network hascommitted itself to tackling the issue
of fake medicines by empoweringconsumers to get
involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products
before use.
17. I.
A) regardless of
B) in place of
C) in terms of
D) as a result of
E) in spite of
18. II.
A) was to be defeated
B) may be defeated
C) would be defeated
D) can be defeated
E) has to be defeated
19. III.
A) towards
B) for
C) into
D) with
E) upon
20. IV.
A) plainly
B) accidentally
C) favourably
D) delightfully
E) moderately
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) would infiltrate
B) had infiltrated
D) in
E) to
25. IV.
A) In case of
B) So far as
C) In addition to
D) By means of
E) In accordance with
29. While air quality may improve with increased 32. Novels often deal with characters and actions
biofuel use, ----.. that give readers an illusion of reality ----..
A) water quality can suffer due to over-use of A) in case it includes, among other things, a plot
fertilizers and overdrawn water supplies or story and a setting
B) worldwide ethanol demand has pushed up the B) though some of them are predominantly
cost of corn by 25% and sugar by 100% fanciful or fantastic
C) meanwhile, fuel crops had increased in value C) whether Dickenss novels are mostly social
novels, depicting life and society in Victorian
D) the energy balance of todays ethanol is England
D) while they were experiencing things that
E) 75 million gallons of biodiesel and 4 billion actually happened
gallons of ethanol were made last year
E) if Jane Austen had based her novels on the
people and places with which she was familiar
30. Long before Linnaeus established his system
for naming plants in the 18th century, ----..
33. ----, the landscape is rich with autumn
A) around the world, orchids have long been
symbols of fertility and potency as in the Greek
legend of Orchis A) Before we have begun to appreciate it
C) however well-nourished the community as a B) Homer apparently wrote down the epics of the
whole may appear to be Trojan War sometime in the 8th century B.C.,
but they had already existed in oral form for
D) while energy expenditure could vary centuries.
enormously from person to person
C) The Trojan War epics had probably existed for
E) as official recommendations were being centuries in oral form before they were finally
blatantly disregarded transcribed by Homer sometime in the 8th
century B.C.
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye D) The epics about the Trojan War written down
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke by Homer in about the 8th century B.C. may
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi have been preserved orally for several
bulunuz. centuries.
B) Since gold-silver alloys are much harder than B) The sponge is obviously multicellular, but the
pure gold and melt at lower temperatures, they cells are clearly too loosely connected to form
are easier to cast. tissues.
C) Gold-silver alloys, which are harder than pure C) Although the sponge is multicellular, its cells
gold, are easier to cast as they melt at lower are loosely connected and do not form specific
temperatures. tissues.
D) It is easy to cast gold-silver alloys as, D) Because the cells of the multicellular sponge
unlike;pure gold, they are hard and melt at low are loosely connected, they do not form
temperatures. specific tissues.
E) Gold-silver alloys are not only harder than pure E) The tissues of the multicellular sponge
gold, but they also melt at lower temperatures definitely evolve from the loosely connected
and are therefore easier to cast. cells.
40. Minority representatives in any political 42. A persons health history may reveal a
establishment must be made to feel that disease that interferes with the bodys use of
their interests are sufficiently protected.. nutrients or that affects the persons eating
E) Bir siyasal kurulu, aznlk temsilcilerine, D) Bir kiinin salk yksnden, hem onun yemek
karlarnn tamamen korunduunu yeme alkanlklarn etkileyen hem de bedenin
hissettirmelidir. besinlerden yararlanmasn engelleyen
hastalklar kolaylkla anlalabilir
41. Alcohol was used for centuries as an
E) Bedenin besinlerden yararlanma srecini
anaesthetic, but it was difficult to determine
etkileyen veya kiinin yemek yemesini
the correct dosage because doctors could
engelleyen hastalklarn ou, kiinin salk
never be sure how much would be fatal..
yksnden anlalmaktadr
D) may be more common among children living in B) are similar in that they both involve populations
European countries of children suffering from the same illness
E) may occur less frequently in those who have C) were incomplete in their assessments as they
had early exposure to viruses and bacteria both focused on children living in poor
47. As pointed out in the passage, since terrorist D) more threats from them will turn the American
attacks and threats have not ceased in the people against their government
world, ----..
E) their attacks on a number of cities, including
Istanbul, were not effective at all
A) the American government is convinced that
some major cities in the country can be the 50. As can be clearly understood from the
targets of terrorist attacks passage, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks,
almost all the Americans ----..
B) the United States has stepped up its operations
in Afghanistan in order to capture the al Qaeda
operatives A) thought that Americas invasion of Afghanistan
would be futile
C) Americans are very concerned about the
security and success of their forces in B) were disappointed with their governments
Afghanistan policies
D) the American people hardly believe that the C) believed that their country was still the safest
government will be able to win the war on place in the world
D) supported the way the war on terror was being
E) it is admitted by all the governments that the carried out
socalled Global War on Terror will
lastindefinitely E) believed that the government would soon bring
the war on terror to an end
53. We can understand from the passage that -
51. - 54.sorular aadaki paraya gre
A) caused the collapse of the economy in the C) the most important motive behind the cold war
Eastern European states was to create a free world
B) was the main reason which brought an end to D) the cold war eliminated the risk of potential
World War II invasions in Europe
C) ended because the United States and the E) super-powers should represent themselves as
Soviet Union both felt threatened by global the guardians of peace
A) receives a lot of freshwater from neighbouring B) the water transferred from the Red Sea will
rivers restore the Dead Sea to its original state
B) still enjoys stability thanks to the presence of C) despite the fact that Israel and Jordan are
regular water addition and evaporation pumping water from the sea, the loss of water
is minimal
C) has led to the development of a touristic site
along the borders of Israel and Jordan D) the Jordan River only exists today because of
the waters from the Dead Sea
D) is currently under serious threat of vanishing
completely E) the gaping holes have had little effect on the
Dead Seas touristic value
E) has become so contaminated that cleansing it
will be impossible
65. Tim : A recent study has found that, in the oil
63. - 67.sorularda, karlkl konumann
producing Arab countries in the Middle East,
bo braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek a quarter of the population lives below the
ifadeyi bulunuz. poverty line, defined by the World Bank as
earning less than $2 per day.
Tony : Unbelievable. Despite record oil profits
for those countries?
63. Hannah :- ---- Tim : ----
Bob :- Yes; it also seems that if women Tony : In that case, one can say that Arab
continue to have a larger share of the labour governments have been negligent of their
market, it will create social problems. social responsibility. .
Hannah :- Really? Like what?
Bob :- Well, it says in this article that male
unemployment and crime will rise, leading to A) Yes, indeed. In fact, this clearly shows that the
over-crowded prisons and difficult family current oil boom has not benefited the average
life.. Arab citizen at all.
B) It seems that women are now working outside C) Moreover, massive infrastructure and housing
the home more than ever before. projects have been undertaken.
C) It says here that in secondary schools, girls do D) So far, open economies have done much better
better than boys on standardized tests in all than the closed ones.
subjects, even in maths and science.
E) For instance, in the Gulf states, rising real
D) Women shouldnt be willing to work for less estate prices have pushed up rents and
money than men. housing costs.
C) Yes; theres an article about them in this D) One can point out that inventiveness was
journal. What a dangerous interest! highly prized in Byzantine culture.
A) Right. I didnt know that its effects were worst B) A deficiency in communicative skills was the
in confined places like hospitals, prisons, and most common complaint about new
monasteries. engineering graduates, according to a recent
B) According to a contemporary account, the city
of Florence lost 96,000 people between March C) The fact that recent engineering graduates do
and October of 1348. not have the ability to make themselves
understood was made clear by a new survey.
C) European men and women were convinced that
the plague had been sent as a divine D) The results of a new survey on engineering
punishment. graduates suggest that the most recent of
these graduates are only average
D) However, as one learns from the article, the communicators.
plague did not last long, but actually began to
dissipate by 1351. E) Good communication skills were rated in a
recent survey as the most sought-after quality
E) I feel that more study must be made of the in new engineering graduates.
social and political impact the plague had on
medieval Europe in general.
70. The rain continued for days and the
basements of most houses were flooded..
68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca
en yakn cmleyi bulunuz. A) It rained continuously for days and the
basements of nearly all the houses were filled
with water.
68. Great or notorious leaders seem to have B) The rain lasted for days, and floods carried
unusual and distinctive capabilities that mark some of the houses away.
them off from the rest of us..
C) The excessive rainfall caused flooding and
damage to the houses for many days.
A) Leaders, whether they are remarkable for good
or evil, are different from the rest of the world D) Flood water poured into the basements of
on account of their rare potential. many houses a few days after the heavy rains
B) It is the distinctive quality of uniqueness that
marks the great and the notorious leaders E) Within days, the continuing rain caused
alike, and that sets them off from the rest of us. flooding which damaged the basements of
most houses.
C) Leaders, both illustrious and infamous ones,
are apparently endowed with rare and
remarkable capacities that distinguish them
from other people.
A) Even a well-balanced diet cannot always C) He was adopted by the emperor Trajan, whom
provide all the vitamins and minerals the body he succeeded.
requires for its special needs.
D) It was damaged by the Picts on several
B) The vitamin A is usually synthesized from occasions, and abandoned in about 383 AD.
vegetable sources and therefore is suitable for
vegetarians. E) This practice was aimed at strengthening the
boundaries of the empire.
C) Multivitamin intake may also help to boost your
bodys defences against infections and other
minor illnesses.
E) V
76. (I) Combat stress may arise when an event,
situation or condition in a fighting zone
requires a soldier to alter his or her 79. (I) The face of education is changing rapidly
behaviour in response to new demand. (II) As as a direct result of innovative computer
a result, certain situations could have placed technology.(II) Gone are the days of studying
so much strain on an individual that he or she repetitive grammar exercises from an old
could not maintain a normal level of copy of A First Aid In English, while chalk
functioning.(III) This change in behaviour dust floats in the air. (III) Teachers are
typically presents cognitive, physiological becoming weary of teaching the same
and emotional challenges.(IV) Such stress is subjects in the same way year after year. (IV)
a normal and expected experience for The students of today are more likely to find
deployed personnel, and the vast majority of themselves in front of a computer screen
soldiers manage it effectively. (V) Many than a black board. (V) As the tools of
actually perform better under reasonable education change, so does the nature of
levels of stress.. learning and acquisition of knowledge..
A) I A) I
E) V E) V
80. (I) Seismic waves are the vibrations from
earthquakes that travel through Earth. (II)
The Richter magnitude scale was developed
in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California
Institute of Technology to compare the
intensity of earthquakes. (III) They are
recorded on instruments called
seismographs. (IV) Seismographs record a
zigzag trace that shows the varying
amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the
instrument. (V) Sensitive seismographs,
which greatly magnify these ground
movements, can detect strong earthquakes
from sources anywhere in the world..
A) I
E) V
1 A 41 A
2 E 42 B
3 D 43 E
4 B 44 C
5 D 45 D
6 C 46 A
7 A 47 D
8 A 48 B
9 C 49 A
10 D 50 D
11 B 51 E
12 C 52 A
13 C 53 C
14 A 54 B
15 A 55 D
16 B 56 B
17 D 57 A
18 E 58 C
19 B 59 D
20 A 60 E
21 C 61 C
22 B 62 A
23 A 63 B
24 E 64 A
25 C 65 A
26 D 66 E
27 D 67 A
28 D 68 C
29 A 69 C
30 E 70 A
31 A 71 A
32 B 72 C
33 D 73 B
34 E 74 E
35 C 75 E
36 C 76 B
37 E 77 C
38 D 78 C
39 C 79 C
40 B 80 B
5. The only genetic test currently available is
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
one for a condition called familial
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi hypercholesterolemia, which ---- less than
bulunuz. one per cent of people with cardiovascular
C) joins in
A) treatment
D) picks up
B) surgery
E) brings out
C) care
D) simple
7. Even with the newly-announced policy, US
E) confident scientists who ---- to study human embryos to
learn more about infertility and genetic
anomalies ---- government funding to do so..
3. A fresh look at the final months of
the presidency of John F. Kennedy ---- that
a second Kennedy term might have produced A) want / cannot use
a rapprochement with Cuba..
B) would have wanted / had not used
D) indicates
8. For a long time, scientists believed that
E) involves functional deficits in certain brain regions ----
autism the result of complications in brain
structure that no change in wiring among
4. The rise of lay education during the medieval neural networks ----..
intellectual revival was an ---- important
development in the history of Western
Europe.. A) might cause / had fixed
E) abnormally
9. ---- corporations grow in size and diversity, 13. The most useful geothermal resources are
the difficulty of managing employee hot water and steam trapped in subsurface
relations increases.. formations or reservoirs and having
temperatures ranging ---- 80 ---- 350
A) Lest
B) In case A) from / to
C) Whether B) between / of
D) So that C) among / at
E) As D) within / over
E) under / off
10. ---- James assures me that he's telling
the truth, I'm pretty sure that he's actually
telling a lie.. 14. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the
opening of formerly closed borders, traders -
--- Georgia and Armenia, crossed over the
A) On the contrary borders ---- Turkey to make a living..
B) Just as
A) at / with
C) So as
B) of / about
D) Whenever
C) from / to
E) As if
D) between / back
11. The East European countries are strongly
E) on / towards
convinced that European Economic aid, ----
welcome, is not a substitute for market
access and eventual membership of the 15. Supercells are similar to other
European Union.. thunderstorms, ---- they're strong enough to
produce several tornadoes..
A) just as
A) rather than
B) lest
B) except that
C) since
C) because of
D) when
D) regardless of
E) though
E) but for
Surely almost every child at one time or 16. A school is a particular community of persons
another, watching a bird fly, ---- that he, too, ---- central purpose is to understand some
---- wings and could swoop through the air. subject truly..
A) who
A) will wish / would have
B) that
B) wished / had had
C) when
C) wishes / will have
D) whose
D) would wish / has
E) why
E) has wished / had
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) not only
B) either
17. I.
A) subside
B) assert
C) interpret
D) witness
E) underestimate
18. II.
A) had come
B) comes
D) came
E) was coming
19. III.
A) so that
B) in case
C) just as
D) that
E) although
20. IV.
A) at
B) in
C) through
D) over
E) to
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) defined
E) amendments
A) there is evidence to suggest that rocks of up to
320 kilograms are moved by the wind across
24. III. the floor of Death Valley in California
B) however
C) moreover
D) therefore
E) so
29. ---- unless you are interested in psychology.. 33. ----, astronomers want to take pictures of
galaxies of various ages from infancy to
A) Hes thinking of going to a psychiatrist
B) This is the book youve suggested A) Because Hubble has taken long exposures of
small patches of sky
C) You could solve your problems
B) In order to get an idea of what the Milky Way
D) There is no point in reading that book might have looked like in the past
E) This book will be very useful for you C) Even though old galaxies were smaller in size
and more irregular in shape than modern ones
30. ---- how words in a language have changed
D) As one would expect, if todays galaxies formed
from the union of several smaller ones
A) Linguistic studies revealed some years ago E) If the rate of star formation reached its peak
around seven billion years ago
B) Tribal diversity in Africa demonstrates
34. Most viruses cannot survive very long outside
C) A group of linguists were involved in a special
a living host cell, ----..
B) I am standing at the corner of the road D) so their survival depends to a great extent on
their being transmitted from animal to animal
C) he doesnt know anyone is watching him
E) yet under a microscope, most bacteria appear
D) the pavements are still wet with rain similar in size and form
B) because each type of lipoprotein serves a C) even though new technology has also affected
different purpose the music itself
C) but about one in 500 babies inherits a disease D) when hundreds of thousands of musicians form
called hypercholesterolemia amateur symphony orchestras and chamber
music groups
D) although it circulates in the blood, mainly in
particles called low-density lipoproteins E) though many countries were giving
considerable encouragement to young
E) yet it is essential for the functioning of all our conductors and composers
36. Practically all the problems associated with 38. Kresel snma hzlandka ve
the musculo-skeletal and body-fluid systems enerji gereksinimlerimiz artmaya devam
could be alleviated or avoided in space ships ettike, bizim daha temiz ve daha srekli
----.. enerji kaynaklarna sahip olmamz gerekir..
A) if artificial gravity similar to that on Earth could A) Cleaner and more reliable sources of energy
be provided must be found or global warming will
accelerate, and it will be impossible to meet
B) as current countermeasures are limited to the energy demands.
use of exercise equipment
B) As the process of global warming speeds up
C) since technological progress might have solved and demands for energy rise, we need to find
this problem cleaner and more sustainable sources of
D) before further complications had developed
C) If global warming continues and the demands
E) although the spaceship could be linearly for energy increase, we shall be forced to seek
accelerated in the desired direction cleaner and more sustainable sources of
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye D) The demand for cleaner and more reliable
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke sources of energy will increase if global
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi warming continues and energy requirement
bulunuz. increase.
B) Saturn has a magnificent ring system, A) The newly published book, The Future of Social
composed of innumerable ice covered particles. Theory by Nicholas Gene, draws heavily on a
series of interviews conducted by the world\'s
C) The special characteristic of Saturn is its leading social theorists.
fantastic ring system made up of millions of ice
covered particles B) Nicholas Gane\'s newly published book The
Future of Social Theory brings together a series
D) The incredible ring system of Saturn is made up of interviews held with the world\'s leading
of ice-covered particles socialtheorists.
E) Saturn is noted for its magnificent ring system, C) A series of interviews with the world\'s leading
which is composed of myriads of ice-covered social theorists was the starting point for
particles. Nicholas Gane\'s newly published The Future of
Social Theory.
A) Gemiteki pek ok biyoloun, eserlerinde, A) 3 Kasm 1890da hizmete giren Sirkeci tren
sngerlerden bitki olarak sz etmesinin nedeni, istasyonunun hava gaz lambalaryla
bu canllarn bir yerden bir yere hareket aydnlatlan bekleme salonu, ou
etmemesidir. Avusturyadan ithal edilen sobalarla stlyordu.
C) Gemiteki pek ok biyoloun eserlerinden C) 3 Kasm 1890da, bekleme salonu hava gaz
rendiimiz kadaryla, sngerler bir yerden bir lambalaryla aydnlatlan ve Avusturyadan ithal
yere hareket etmedii iin onlarn bitki olduu edilen sobalarla stlan Sirkeci tren istasyonu
sanlyordu hizmete girdi.
D) Gemite, sngerler, bir yerden bir yere D) Sirkeci tren istasyonu 3 Kasm 1890da hizmete
hareket etmedikleri iin bitki olarak kabul girdiinde, hava gaz lambalaryla aydnlatlan
edildii halde, pek ok biyolog bu gre bekleme salonunu stmak iin Avusturyadan
eserlerinde yer vermemitir. soba ithal edilmiti.
E) Sngerler, bir yerden bir yere hareket E) Sirkeci tren istasyonunun Avusturya sobalaryla
etmedikleri iin, gemite bitki olarak stlan ve hava gaz lambalaryla aydnlatlan
snflanyordu; fakat birok biyolog, eserlerinde bekleme salonu, 3 Kasm 1890da hizmete
bunun yanl olduunu belirtmektedir girmiti
A) keep itself from getting infected as a first A) the physical barriers against infection are more
precaution effective than chemical barriers
B) weaken its various surfaces B) the physical and chemical mechanisms work
together to protect the body against infections
C) balance the physical and chemical barriers
present in it C) chemical barriers present a more effective
response against infection than physical ones
D) break down its external and internal surfaces
D) neither the chemical nor the physical barriers
E) improve the effectiveness of medicines are very effective against bacterial infections
prescribed by doctors
E) both physical and chemical barriers need to be
strengthened by artificial drugs to be effective
49. Upon reading the passage, one can say that -
47. - 50.sorular aadaki paraya gre
A) the excitement that was caused by the arrival D) they would have to fight for higher wages
of large amounts of silver from Spanish
E) the lives of ordinary people varied very little
from one century to the next
B) a picture of the steady economic growth of
Europe over the centuries
51. It is suggested in the passage that, when the C) mainly depended on superior technology and
Austrian archduke and his wife were very strong armies
assassinated in June 1914, ----..
D) seemed a lasting one, but it was, in fact, fragile
A) the European balance of power was not E) was not affected at all by the assassination of
affected by this incident, and the European the Austrian archduke
peace was maintained
B) the British government immediately began 54. According to the passage, although Europe
negotiations for an alliance with France and had achieved a balance of power by 1914, -
Russia ---..
59. It can be understood from the passage that - E) the ovules contained in some seeds are
---. . protected while those in others are not
B) Moreover, as far as I am concerned, the E) Dont you think such a huge volume of trash
Spanish colonial economy was dominated by can be processed to produce electricity?
66. Harry : Today, at the conference, two
C) On the other hand, the Portuguese government
professors were involved in a fierce debate
allowed only Portuguese merchants to trade
about the Marshall Plan. They really got on
with their own colonies.
each others nerves. Janet : Sorry, dear. I
D) Absolutely. For instance, Europes growing know nothing about the Marshall Plan. You
wealth in the eighteenth century was simply must first tell me about it. Harry : ---- Janet : I
the result of its colonial possessions. see. Since it was certainly to the benefit of
Europe, I cant understand why the two
E) To compete with the British, the French professors should quarrel about it..
government encouraged the development of
sugar-producing colonies in the West Indies.
A) As far as I am concerned, among the most
striking aspects of World War IIs aftermath was
64. Bill : As a firm, we are doing our best for fuel the speed with which Germany was
improvement. reintegrated into Europe.
Bob : Indeed, we must develop new
technologies to reduce the environmental B) Indeed, the United States countered the
impact of gasoline and diesel. expansion of Soviet power and kept communist
Bill : ---- movements based in Europe.
Bob : Yes, of course. Also you know we have
already developed an innovative formula C) It was an American programme that started in
designed to help reduce fuel consumption.. 1948 and provided $13 billion in aid for the
industrial redevelopment and economic
recovery of Europe.
A) Have other firms been investing in long-term
solutions like hydrogen fuel? D) The American government forced certain terms
on the countries participating in the Marshall
B) Can you tell me how we can produce fuels from Plan such as decontrol of prices, restraints on
lots of different sources in order to meet the wages, and balanced budgets.
growing demand?
E) On the other hand, the Soviets viewed the
C) Dont you think the solution is a combination of Marshall Plan as the United States deliberate
cleaner fuels and cleaner engines? intervention in Europes affairs and, therefore,
strongly objected to it.
D) How can we produce lead-free and low-sulphur
A) I
E) V
79. (I) In November 1859, British biologist
Charles R.Darwin published one of the most
important and controversial books ever
written. (II) Entitled On the Origin of Species
by Means of Natural Selection, Darwins book
was an immediate bestseller.(III) Darwins
second point was to propose a mechanism for
evolution. (IV) This book soon made his name
almost synonymous with the concept of
evolution. (V) For this reason, Darwin stands
out in history with people like Newton and
Einstein, scientists who synthesized ideas
with great explanatory power..
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 E 41 A
2 D 42 B
3 D 43 A
4 B 44 C
5 A 45 E
6 C 46 B
7 A 47 E
8 B 48 C
9 E 49 B
10 D 50 A
11 E 51 D
12 E 52 B
13 A 53 D
14 C 54 C
15 B 55 C
16 D 56 A
17 E 57 B
18 B 58 D
19 D 59 E
20 C 60 A
21 A 61 B
22 E 62 C
23 C 63 D
24 A 64 C
25 B 65 C
26 D 66 C
27 E 67 E
28 A 68 B
29 D 69 B
30 D 70 D
31 A 71 E
32 E 72 E
33 B 73 E
34 D 74 E
35 A 75 C
36 A 76 C
37 E 77 B
38 E 78 E
39 B 79 C
40 C 80 D
5. All science is ---- the fact that every natural
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
event has a natural cause..
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi
A) come across
B) put through
1. In the Philippines, with its numerous scandals
and continuing power struggle, the public is C) carried on
frustrated, and economic ---- is in jeopardy..
D) based on
E) failure
A) keep up
D) show off
A) severe
E) find out
B) dependent
7. Twenty years ago, the study of aging ----
C) extinct
as somewhat misdirected, but now it ---- into
D) desperate an important science..
E) valuable
A) was regarded / has developed
3. In an aircraft, the cabin lights are dimmed B) had been regarded / would develop
during take-off and landing to help
passengers to ---- themselves to darkness in C) has been regarded / would be developing
the event of an emergency..
D) would have been regarded / had developed
4. In cancer care, Britain still compares ---- with B) can be developed / has been supported
other similar countries in five-year survival
rates after diagnosis.. C) will be developed / was supported
C) unreservedly
D) consciously
E) infrequently
9. From Antarctica to the Galapagos Islands, 14. The scheme has been ---- consideration for a
penguins find themselves threatened by long time now, but I doubt whether it will
human activity ---- overfishing, oil spills, and ever be put ---- effect..
global warming..
A) under / into
A) such as
B) within / through
B) much more
C) for / to
C) so much
D) in / off
D) the most
E) over / ever
E) much like
15. Sugar causes a decline in tissue elasticity
10. ---- the annual influx of tourists exceeds and function; ---- sugar you eat, ---- elasticity
Corsicas population six times, tourism has and function you lose..
not destroyed the place..
E) maintain / to protect
12. The Hollywood studio system in film making,
which began ---- 1920 and flourished from the
early 1930s ---- the 1950s is unique in
Western culture..
A) throughout / into
B) around / through
C) by / until
D) within / over
E) along / till
A) Through / above
B) By / of
C) From / from
D) Under / with
E) After / over
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) similarly
B) extraordinarily
17. I.
A) reduce
B) live
C) discharge
D) expose
E) persist
18. II.
A) precautions
B) supplements
C) occurrences
D) setbacks
E) levels
19. III.
A) beyond
B) of
C) with
D) on
E) till
20. IV.
A) either
B) more than
C) also
D) as such
E) as well as
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) subtract
B) allow
B) it reminded me of my father
22. I.
C) there was a great deal of truth in what he said
A) would have grown
D) we remember similar experiences
B) will grow
E) his opponent objected to the interruption
C) will have grown
28. ----, but he always avoided Italy on principle..
D) has grown
C) would produce
D) having produced
C) He still hasnt read the book C) just as I was leaving the house
D) I wish youd recommended the book to him D) even if her sisters are going to be unreasonably
E) He thought the idea behind the book was
brilliant E) until the whole family knew every detail
31. If the balance of nature is disturbed, ----.. 35. One really ought to visit Singapore soon, ----..
A) there has obviously been great cause for A) before all signs of its past have disappeared
B) if the old and the new still existed side by side
B) the result may be a number of possibly
unforeseen effects C) that many of its buildings have already been
C) this would usually have been the result of
mans interference D) until the Orchid Garden was reopened
D) the extinction of one species has left another E) as there was excellent seafood to be found in
species without a natural predator its many restaurants
D) if it seemed likely that it wouldnt take up too D) until a specific reporting point or height is
much time reached
E) as more and more people are starting to work E) so long as the landing gear retracts correctly
on it in their free time
C) Nearly half of the Netherlands does not exist on D) British tobacco and cotton traders held their
medieval maps but later large areas were first football match in Salonika during the time
recovered from the sea. of the Ottoman Empire.
D) Medieval maps show that large areas of the E) The first football match to be held in Salonika
Netherlands used to be under the sea, but they was during the time of the Ottoman Empire and
have since been reclaimed. was organized by British tobacco and cotton
E) Medieval maps show nearly half of the
Netherlands under water, but since then large
areas have been claimed from the sea. 40. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Earths
magnetic field that shields people on the
ground from cosmic rays, but rather the bulk
38. 1 Mays 2004'te on yeni lkenin Avrupa of the atmosphere..
Birlii'ne girii Demir Perde ile zorla
blnm bir ktann bir araya geliini
simgelemektedir.. A) Yeryzndeki insanlar kozmik nlardan
atmosferin deil daha ok yerkrenin manyetik
alannn koruduu, yaygn bir yanl inantr.
A) The entrance, on1 May 2004, of ten new
countries to the European Union symbolizes the B) Halkn inandndan farkl olarak, yeryzndeki
coming together of a continent forced apart by insanlar yalnz atmosferin kalnl deil
the Iron Curtain. yerkrenin manyetik alan da kozmik nlardan
B) Ten new countries joined European Union on
1May 2004 symbolizing the reunion of a C) Yaygn inancn tersine, yerkre kozmik
continent forced apart by the Iron Curtain. nlardan kendi manyetik alanndan ok
atmosferin kalnl sayesinde
C) On 1 May 2004, when ten new countries korunabilmektedir.
entered the European Union, the forced division
of a continent by the Iron Curtain symbolically D) Yaygn inancn tersine, yeryzndeki insanlar
came to an end. kozmik nlardan koruyan, yerkrenin
manyetik alan deil daha ok atmosferin
D) The entrance of ten new countries to the kalnldr.
European Union on 1 May 2004 can also be
regarded as symbolizing the reunion of a E) Yeryzn evreleyen kaln atmosferin yan sra
continent forced apart by the Iron Curtain. yerin manyetik alannn da insanlar kozmik
nlardan koruduuna yaygn olarak
E) With the entrance of ten new countries to the inanlmaktadr.
European Union on 1 May 2004, the symbolic
division of a continent by the Iron Curtain was
finally broken.
41. In the last century, much attention was given
to the language of literature and the
question of whether there was in fact a
separate literary language..
55. It is suggested in the passage that, unlike A) as it is impossible for every scientist to agree to
mathematics, physics ----.. it
B) formulates laws that need not be verified by D) unless it is confirmed through experiment and
experimentation observation
C) has undergone much development since E) because the methods used for verification are
Newtons time often controversial
A) His famous novel Emile tells the story of how a C) Are you saying that electronic systems and
young man learns virtue and freedom. devices designed to create, store and share
information have become more powerful and
B) I didnt know that he was better known for his accessible?
writing on education and moral virtue.
D) Are you claiming that embattled ethnic
C) We know that Enlightenment thinkers minorities have found worldwide audiences
considered education key to human progress. through on-line campaign sites?
D) The Social Contract was the least understood of E) What does that exactly mean? Can you be
his works, wasnt it? more specific?
Arthur: Ive never thought of it; youve given A) Petroleum is the world\'s most traded
me a great idea. I really appreciate your commodity, and after that come coffee beans.
B) Petroleum and coffee beans share the honour
of being the world\'s most traded commodities.
A) The broker in my quarter says a client has
already bought one at a reasonable price.
C) Coffee beans vie with petroleum as the world\'s
most sought-after commodity.
B) Ive talked to several brokers in town, and they
say Ill have no problem getting a mortgage.
D) Coffee beans are not the world\'s most sought-
after commodity.
C) Ive already applied to the local bank for a loan
and Im waiting for a reply.
E) Petroleum has superseded coffee beans as the
world\'s most traded commodity.
D) I know, but I have to do it, as Ive got a large
debt and I need to repay it urgently.
A) I A) I
E) V E) V
A) I
E) V
1 A 41 C
2 E 42 D
3 B 43 D
4 B 44 B
5 D 45 A
6 C 46 D
7 A 47 E
8 B 48 B
9 A 49 D
10 E 50 C
11 C 51 E
12 B 52 D
13 D 53 B
14 A 54 C
15 A 55 D
16 E 56 E
17 B 57 B
18 A 58 D
19 D 59 B
20 C 60 C
21 E 61 D
22 D 62 E
23 E 63 E
24 A 64 E
25 B 65 B
26 C 66 B
27 A 67 D
28 C 68 D
29 E 69 A
30 E 70 B
31 B 71 C
32 A 72 D
33 D 73 D
34 C 74 C
35 A 75 D
36 D 76 B
37 E 77 B
38 A 78 D
39 B 79 D
40 D 80 B
5. This recent scientific breakthrough exposes
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
every genetic mutation acquired by cancer
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi patients over their life times that eventually
bulunuz. caused healthy cells in their bodies to ----
1. The cells of all living organisms have the ---- A) turn into
to harvest energy from the breakdown of
organic fuel molecules.. B) break up
C) go over
A) amount
D) wear out
B) clarity
E) pass up
C) performance
C) indifferent
7. All the reports ---- handed in last week, but
D) susceptible some of them still ---- me..
E) deficient
A) should have been / haven\'t reached
3. For the control of the deadly brain disease in B) were / didn\'t reach
cows (BSE), surveillance is being stepped up
in Canada, but the US claims to be testing C) have been / won\'t reach
enough cattle already to ---- the risk..
D) had been / didn\'t reach
E) discourage
A) have been discovered / were
4. In Central Africa, the rains are ---- abundant B) were discovered / are
in the southern regions, but they are reduced
to a single very short period in the central C) have been discovered / had been
zone and disappear almost completely in the
D) would have been discovered / are being
extreme north..
E) had discovered / have been
A) reluctantly
B) appropriately
C) scarcely
D) solely
E) relatively
9. ---- the embargo imposed on us is lifted in the 14. Gregor Mendel probably chose to study
near future, we cant hope for any economic gardenpeas because he was familiar with
recovery.. them ---- his rural upbringing; they were easy
to grow, and they came ---- many readily
distinguishable varieties..
A) Whereas
B) While A) from / in
C) Because B) at / for
D) In case C) with / on
E) Unless D) in / by
E) on / over
10. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in
sales towards the end of the year ---- he had
predicted.. 15. ---- the smells that some may be tempted to
associate with methane, it is odourless and
A) such as
B) even so A) After
C) in case B) Furthermore
D) just as C) Despite
E) so far as D) Due to
E) Besides
11. I finally learned what had happened ---- the
nurse was wheeling him into the operating
room.. 16. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has
approved the first human trials of human
embryonic stem cell research, authorizing
A) in case researchers to test ---- the cells are safe to
use in spinal injury patients..
B) so that
C) just as A) although
D) during B) whether
E) as soon as C) what
D) in that
12. Fighting ---- in Rwanda in two or three
months unless a political settlement ----
E) whose
A) under / for
B) at / to
C) for / over
D) over / into
E) in / of
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) when
B) which
17. I.
A) the more
B) the most
C) most
D) more
E) the least
18. II.
A) in
B) at
C) by
D) on
E) of
19. III.
A) not only
B) as well as
C) either
D) both
E) also
20. IV.
A) overlooking
B) overlooked
C) overlooks
D) to have overlooked
E) to overlook
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) would have become
B) has become
A) Although
28. While the manager was on the phone, ----..
B) Because
A) Turkey was hosting an important summit A) even if we could have the opportunity to take a
organized by the European Commission scenic journey through space and time with a
cosmic flight simulator
B) the government has still not taken the
necessary measures B) whether they are viewing the Earth from outer
space or seeking out other planets
C) the Minister of Finance has a huge debt
C) whereas the claim that black holes are crucial
D) big companies were taking their money out of to enable galaxies to form is highly
the markets controversial
E) dealers will know about this crisis beforehand D) since humans would have undoubtedly asked
how the Earth evolved
31. ---- that runs between Paris and Lyon..
E) until the suppositions concerning the universe
were experimentally tested in order to gain
A) High-speed trains in France are famous for their validity
superb meals
35. In recent years, some neuroimaging
B) The French high-speed train, known as TGV, is
experiments have shown that the brain
an electric train
maintains a high level of activity ----..
C) In France, most trains are extremely crowded
A) since other routine tasks require minimal
D) The French railway system is very complicated additional energy
E) The French government invests a lot of money B) even when it is nominally at rest
to improve its nationwide railway system
C) although some understanding was needed of
32. ----, it generally refers to elite kinds of the physiology of the brains intrinsic activity
artistic works such as operas, poetry,
D) if the idea that brain could be constantly busy
classical music and serious novels..
is not new
A) When the term 'culture' is used in connection E) even if performing a particular task increases
with the arts the brains energy consumption
C) Bitter experiences lived at early ages will D) nsanlk tarihinde herhangi bir etkenden daha
definitely affect one\'s later life in some way. nemli olan kltr vastasyla, homo sapiens,
yeryzndeki yaam tarihindeki tek g
D) Bitter experiences in early childhood can olmutur.
definitely affect a person until adulthood.
E) nsanlk tarihinde baka etkenlerin yan sra
E) The effects of bitter experiences at early ages kltr olmasayd, homo sapiens yeryzndeki
will appear in one\'s adult life. yaam tarihinin emsalsiz gc olamazd.
41. Meteorites provide the best available data
about the chemical and physical processes
that occurred during the first few million
years of our solar systems history..
A) all mice appear to have inborn protection E) trapping animals is a difficult task, best left to
against the harmful effects of radiation hunters native to the area
B) only the mice born in the Exclusion Zone were 46. We understand from the passage that, on
immune to the chromosomal damage caused their visit to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone,
by high levels of radiation the scientists ----..
C) mice certainly have better-developed DNA-
repair mechanisms than other animals A) did not expect to find animals that were
physically normal
D) the meltdown of the nuclear reactor at
Chernobyl caused greater than usual diversity B) themselves began to suffer from exposure to
among the mammals living nearby high levels of radiation
E) their makeshift laboratory did not produce C) mainly wanted to observe the effects of the
valid results for their experiments with the reactors meltdown on the surrounding plant
mice life
A) the Middle East was geopolitically so important E) travel by sea between East and West
that the superpowers came to believe that underwent great changes
involvement in the area was desirable
B) the geopolitical importance of the Middle East 50. It is pointed out in the passage that, from the
was recognized for the first time nineteenth century onwards, European
involvement in the Middle East ----..
C) the European powers competed with each
other in the Middle East in order to have full
A) was solely concerned with the security of the
control of the oil reserves in the Persian Gulf
Suez Canal
D) the superpowers not only increased their
B) was strongly resisted by the Ottoman Empire,
activities in the Middle East but also formed
which thus prevented the colonization of the
alliances with the countries of the region
whole region
E) the superpowers were attracted by the oil of
C) has largely been motivated by the regions
the Middle East more than by its geopolitical
geopolitical importance
D) led to various conflicts with the Ottoman
Empire and finally ended its presence in the
E) governments of developing economies have A) prices of commodities and stocks reach higher
taken every measure in order to avoid the kind levels, opening the way to hyperinflation and
of political crisis that may trigger an economic political manipulation
B) governments begin to interfere in the affairs of
their neighbours and, hence, may cause
political risk
Interviewer: ______
63. Polly :- This is terrible! Have you read this
article on dirty needles being used for Candidate: No, I havent, but I do have
vaccinations in poor countries? professional qualifications and enthusiasm..
Karin :- Yes, and it is terrible. Apparently,
anti-tetanus shots given with used needles
are spreading HIV. A) So, really you havent much experience.
Polly :- ----
Karin :- Well, you know, they may not have B) In that case youre the sort of person we are
enough needles, so they may have to use looking for.
them more than once..
C) Tell me about your work background in more
A) I think wealthy countries should donate
disposable needles to poorer countries. D) Did you enjoy the work you did?
B) How can the health workers in those countries E) Then you may know my brother; he was the
do such a thing? managing director there.
D) Pollination is the process by which most plants 75. The Internet is a computer-based global
reproduce, but there are exceptions. information system. ----. Each of these
networks may link tens, hundreds, or even
E) While some insects protect themselves with thousands of computers, enabling them to
their poison, others use camouflage. share information with one another. The
Internet, in this sense, has made it possible
for people all over the world to communicate
73. Aboriginal occupation of Australia goes back with one another effectively and
at least 40, 000 years and probably longer. inexpensively..
While there are significant differences in
aboriginal occupation of space and the
meaning they attach to the environment, A) It does not have a centralized distribution
there are also some common threads. system as do radio and television
Traditional aboriginal culture is very
interesting in that it invests very little B) It is composed of many interconnected
meaning in architecture or artificial spatial computer networks
structures. ---- There is a bond between one's
country and its sacred places which house C) It has become increasingly common, especially
the spirit of certain species for which one has over the past two decades
D) Anyone who has access to the Internet can
reach a vast source of information
A) Australia was invaded by Britain, initially as a
means of banishing what was perceived to b e E) Many individuals use the Internet for
a genetically criminal class. communication and research
A) I E) V
A) I
E) V
E) V
80. (I) Researchers at the Washington University
School of Medicine have invented a new type
of technology that could revolutionize the
diagnosis of gum disease. (II) They have
developed a thumb-nail-sized chip that can
detect gum disease long before your dentist
can. (III) The automated system analyzes the
patient's saliva. (IV) These antibodies attach
to the proteins secreted by unhealthy cells.
(V) Brightly glowing cells in the saliva
indicate high levels of protein and, thus more
A) I
E) V
1 E 41 E
2 D 42 E
3 B 43 A
4 E 44 B
5 A 45 C
6 E 46 A
7 A 47 A
8 B 48 D
9 E 49 E
10 D 50 D
11 C 51 D
12 C 52 E
13 E 53 C
14 A 54 B
15 C 55 D
16 B 56 A
17 D 57 C
18 C 58 B
19 E 59 D
20 A 60 C
21 D 61 A
22 E 62 E
23 A 63 B
24 D 64 D
25 E 65 A
26 B 66 D
27 C 67 C
28 E 68 C
29 C 69 D
30 B 70 D
31 B 71 E
32 A 72 C
33 B 73 D
34 B 74 A
35 B 75 B
36 B 76 D
37 A 77 D
38 C 78 E
39 A 79 D
40 B 80 D
5. Several research groups have been racing to
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
---- how to regenerate hair cells..
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi
A) figure out
B) go for
1. The ---- of potassium in the human body is
dramatically demonstrated when too much or C) connect with
too little of it is secreted..
D) set up
A) comparison E) make up
A) representative E) open up
E) converts
A) had resulted / does not sweat
C) as well as
D) in addition to
E) in the event of
10. Gang violence is deplorable and cannot be 14. Generally, social media platforms can be
tolerated, ---- simply cracking down on it is thought of as virtual meeting places which
not the solution.. function to encourage the exchange of media
content among users who are ---- producers -
--- consumers..
A) so that
E) so long as D) so / that
E) such / as
11. The works of the ancient Greek physician
Hippocrates commonly known as the
Hippocratic Collection consist ---- about 70 15. As well as ---- the introduction of electricity in
works, ---- which only a relatively small homes throughout the Western world, the
number are possibly by him. . invention of light bulb also ---- a rather
unexpected consequence of changing
people's sleep patterns..
A) with / by
B) At / in A) who
D) Until / to C) whether
E) whom
13. Even prior to the 1930's, Swedish banks
played an important role ---- the financing ----
long-term industrial projects..
A) at / for
B) for / in
C) in / of
D) by / with
E) into / over
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) while
B) if
17. I.
A) territory
B) area
C) region
D) part
E) land
18. II.
A) have continued
B) continued
C) had continued
D) are continuing
E) continue
19. III.
A) A
B) Some
C) The
D) Much
E) Many
20. IV.
A) about
B) for
C) at
D) after
E) along
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) which
B) where
A) movement
A) During World War II, Germany invaded
B) shuffle Yugoslavia, which the included Croatia and
C) turnout
B) Slovenia and Croatia became part of the
D) arrangement Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the mid-
E) settlement
C) Slovenia was able to separate itself from
24. III. Yugoslavia with relatively little violence
D) shows
E) brings
25. IV.
A) On
B) Behind
C) Through
D) About
E) To
29. Because of the ever-increasing cost 33. ----, there is still a slight chance that a
of election campaigns, ----.. rogue black hole could come out of the
depths of interstellar space and catch us
A) both sides would have been regarded with
A) If only an early warning system could be
B) idealism alone was to be regretted devised
C) perhaps I am being too pessimistic about our B) Because black holes would fling light at us in a
chances pattern of concentric rings
D) the backing of the rich and the generous is C) Whether a black hole is presently within the
indeed desirable range of our telescopes
E) no published figures are completely reliable D) The scientists working on black holes were
30. ---- for whatever her imagination dreams
E) Although black holes are rare in our Galaxy
up next..
C) Since the past means different things to D) Though more than 20 different kinds of amino
different people, we must question what the acids are present in proteins in different
meaning is. combinations, each type of molecule is distinct
in itself.
D) When we ask what the past means, it certainly
means different things to different people. E) Since each kind of molecule has distinct
properties, there are 20 or more different kinds
E) As the meaning of the past varies from people of amino acids, in varying combinations, that
to people, clearly we must ask how these make up the proteins.
meanings are made.
40. Due to high fertility and the high number of
38. Bilim adamlar bir byk depremin, bir young people in the population, the
sonrakinin zaman ve yeri zerinde kayda proportion of adolescents in the total global
deer bir etkisinin olmadn dnrlerdi, population is likely to increase in the coming
fakat son aratrmalar durumun byle years..
olmayabileceine iaret ediyor..
43. It is understood from the passage that ----.. B) there are many differences which still require
further explanation
A) the proteins encoded in the human genome C) human disease genes do not affect fruit flies
and that of the fruit fly bear many similarities when implanted into them
B) all human genes cause disease symptoms in D) fruit flies are much more prone to suffer from
flies disease
C) humans have the same number of proteins in E) several of their proteins display the same
their genome as fruit flies pattern of arrangement and function
C) resultsinthedisappearanceof localcommunities
B) goes back for over four decades B) has been to attract a great deal of foreign
C) has, apart from the Uluburun Wreck,
proveddisappointing C) is that our knowledge of ancient shipping and
trade has increased
D) has just about exhausted all possible sites
ofwrecks D) has been to solve a long controversy
concerning trade links between Anatolia and
E) has so far only been concerned with theBronze Egypt
Age wrecks
E) has been to establish the definite dating of
Egypt\'s expansion into Lebanon
57. It is implied in the passage that herbicides
55. - 58.sorular aadaki paraya gre
used for weed killing ----..
C) Russias Bolshevik government did not support 63. Judy : What do you know about John Stuart
his schemes Mill?
Tom : As far as I can recall, he was the most
D) his plans were never implemented committed and influential defender of
personal liberty in Victorian Britain in the
E) other inventors made use of his ideas on 19th century.
aircraft design Judy : ----
Tom : Indeed, he was. He wrote many essays
on womens political rights..
60. We see from the passage that Severskys
1942 book Victory through Air Power ----..
A) Agreed. In his On Liberty, he defended
individual freedom in the face of the state and
A) made him more famous than his ideas for the tyranny of the majority.
inflight refuelling
B) I know his On Liberty became one of the
B) was extremely unpopular in Bolshevik Russia defining texts of Western liberalism.
C) was used as a training manual by the US War C) He strongly argued that human freedom was
Department essential to social progress.
D) extensively detailed his plans for in-flight D) Yet, for me, more importantly, he was a
refuelling dedicated supporter of suffrage for women.
E) remained unpublished at the time of his death E) Historically, the Reform Bill of 1867 in Britain
marked the high point of British liberalism.
64. Peter: I've just been to the European Festival 66. Richard : Ive been reading about the ancient
Science on Stage. Alison:Yes, I heard about Egyptians lately.
it. There was a lot of talk about young Antony : How interesting! Anything
people, wasn't there? Peter : There was, particularly drawing your attention?
especially on how to ensure that in the future Richard : It is claimed by some linguists that
we have enough scientists. Alison : ---- the early Egyptian language might represent
Peter:That's exactly what I think too. the survival of a root language from which
Children are our future.. the other languages of the Afro-Asiatic group
evolved in the past.
Antony : ----.
A) There\'s no problem. We\'ll always have enough
people who want to be scientists.
A) Possible. In fact, the language of the ancient
B) Personally, I don\'t think it has anything to do Egyptians has for long been a matter of debate
with age. among linguists.
C) There has really been a decrease in the B) Actually, as you may remember, the first
number of young scientists. known permanent settlement in Egypt dates
back to approximately 4750 B.C.
D) Yes, it\'s all to do with education. Science
teachers need to inspire young people. C) You know that the patterns of development in
ancient Egypt differed greatly from those of the
E) I think scientists are really lucky. They\'re doing Sumerians in Mesopotamia.
a job that they love.
D) It is true that, due to the Nile, ancient Egypt
was able to forge a cultural and political unity.
65. David: Hello, Tina. Hows your job hunt
E) You must recall that the Egyptian system of
Tina: As a matter of fact, I just got a new job.
pictographic writing, called hieroglyphs, has
Ill be starting next week.
always fascinated modern scholars.
David: ----
Tina: At the African Development Bank. Their
main goal is to reduce poverty and improve 67. Terence :It is a fact that the oversea
living standards in Africa.. maritime explorations in the late fifteenth
and early sixteenth centuries improved our
knowledge of geography tremendously.
A) How much money will you be making? Its not Jim : Well, we all know it. Why do you bring it
easy to get by these days, you know. up?
Terence : ----
B) Thats okay! Keep looking. You never know
Jim : Naturally, the same view was held by
what will come up.
the Church and also the crusaders..
C) Are you sure you are ready? Working at a bank
means a lot of responsibility. A) Ancient geographers divided the earth into five
climatic zones that are still recognized today.
D) Congratulations! Thats great news! Where will
you be working? B) Actually, in antiquity, geography owed most of
its development to the Hellenistic astronomer
E) Is there anything I can do? I have friends that Eratosthenes.
can help you find a good job.
C) The amazing thing is that, by means of sundials
placed some hundreds of miles apart, the
astronomer Eratosthenes calculated the
circumference of the earth.
D) The fact that languages are a means of E) I was under no obligation to offer you a loan,
communication does not stop us from using but nevertheless did so gladly.
them for other purposes such as shaping our
B) Chemical warfare involves the use of 75. One of the primary causes of the 2001
compounds to kill an enemy. currency crisis was the unhealthy structure
of the banking sector, stemming from several
C) Biological weapons use living microorganisms
factors. For instance, there were problems
to infect large masses of people.
with the state banks, which the governments
D) Both biological and chemical weapons are used for noncommercial objectives. ----
considered weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, the banking sector faced problems
created by high public sector deficits. The
E) Chemical warfare agents can be grouped into steps they took against this made them open
two general types. to risky changes in interest rates and
exchange rates..
A) I E) V
A) I
E) V
80. (I) Science, which was once thought to
provide the answer to all human needs, has
proved its inner contradiction. (II) On the one
hand, it has enormously broadened and
disseminated mans understanding of himself
and of his environment, while on the other
hand it has unleashed forces of immense
destructive potential. (III) The prime example
is of course nuclear power. (IV) This
ambivalence of science has destroyed the
belief that science is essentially good in
human terms and that the more science there
is, the better it is for man. (V) Therefore,
governments are urged to allocate more
resources for further scientific research..
A) I
E) V
1 C 41 B
2 D 42 A
3 D 43 A
4 B 44 D
5 A 45 B
6 B 46 E
7 E 47 A
8 D 48 C
9 A 49 D
10 C 50 E
11 D 51 B
12 A 52 D
13 C 53 E
14 A 54 C
15 A 55 A
16 A 56 D
17 D 57 E
18 B 58 C
19 C 59 D
20 B 60 A
21 D 61 C
22 E 62 B
23 A 63 D
24 C 64 D
25 D 65 D
26 A 66 A
27 A 67 D
28 D 68 E
29 D 69 E
30 B 70 B
31 D 71 C
32 C 72 E
33 E 73 B
34 C 74 D
35 D 75 C
36 B 76 D
37 D 77 C
38 E 78 C
39 B 79 A
40 B 80 E
5. Various surveys have ---- that organizations
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
which encourage their employees to air their
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi opinions have better productivity and lower
bulunuz. turnover ratios..
A) got into
1. Organized youth camps provide young people
with not only different forms of outdoor ---- B) found out
but also training in co-operation, initiative,
and resourcefulness.. C) broke into
D) swept away
A) sustenance
E) put in
B) irresponsibility
6. Few people know that many research
C) permanence
projects are ---- solely by the EU..
D) relevance
A) settled down
E) recreation
B) put up with
2. Microorganisms are of ---- value to the
Earths ecology, disintegrating animal and C) written up
plant remains and turning them into simpler
D) set out
E) carried out
A) consecutive
7. Janet Malcolm, who is an admired
B) disputable photographer and ---- pictures since the early
1960s, generally ---- her summers
C) controversial
photographing people and places in Africa..
D) resistant
A) took / has been spending
E) incalculable
B) had been taking / will spend
3. As the automotive sector continues to ---- its
operations, it creates even more jobs and C) has been taking / spends
opportunities in the communities where it
D) takes / has spent
does business..
E) had taken / would spend
A) settle
8. Although book reviews ---- whether a given
B) extract book ----, many works succeed commercially
despite negative reviews..
C) expand
B) flexibly
C) nearly
D) usefully
E) externally
9. The doctor advised him to have monthly 14. Lung cancer is the most common cause of
check-ups ---- any return of symptoms might death ---- cancer ---- both men and women..
be detected immediately..
A) about / with
A) if ever
B) from / in
B) in case
C) with / for
C) such as
D) in / over
D) even though
E) through / about
E) so that
15. Huge cities create enormous amounts of
10. Many ordinary people don't realize that fat waste, and the urban lifestyle includes
is not digested in the stomach, ---- in the creation of waste that is mostly non-
small intestine.. biodegradable, ---- the generous use of
plastic wares..
A) although
A) in exchange for
B) but
B) in return
C) because
C) besides
D) unless
D) rather than
E) while
E) thanks to
11. Even if they ---- with a great care, they ----
that a student can speak a foreign language 16. The idea ---- birds descended from dinosaurs
to any degree at all.. has got stronger and stronger since it was
proposed a couple of decades ago..
A) lesser
B) a few
C) few
D) more
E) most
A) after / with
B) on / to
C) of / on
D) without / by
E) between / beside
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) As
B) By
17. I.
A) inferior
B) identical
C) approximate
D) impossible
E) enormous
18. II.
B) were to be preserved
C) will be preserved
19. III.
A) within
B) above
C) into
D) through
E) onto
20. IV.
A) Moreover
B) Therefore
C) However
D) Otherwise
E) Likewise
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) continue
B) exceed
22. I.
27. ---- before the technology has been shown
to work in animals..
A) rare
25. IV.
A) have developed
B) are developed
C) to develop
D) develop
E) were developing
29. Until science develops ways of predicting 32. In an attempt to reach India by sailing
natural disasters earlier and more accurately, across the Arctic, the English navigators Sir
----.. Richard Chancellor and Stephen Burrough
sailed into the White Sea in 1553, ----..
A) Their technological success is still being 34. ---, some people regard their local dams
questioned as beautiful..
B) Many new materials have been adapted for
battery use A) Because dams incontestably destroy
C) Mercury, too, has recently been eliminated
from batteries on account of its toxicity B) Just as a bridge or canal or industrial building
can become a valued part of the scenery
D) The lifespan of these batteries are expected to
improve C) Since many past dam projects would never
have been started in today\'s more ecologically
E) The first major advance in flashlight batteries aware conditions
came in 1959
D) Even though dams embodied the American
ideal of progress in the past
B) that did not include intermediate take-offs and E) After fire was discovered, human beings
landings became aware that, due to high temperatures,
certain rocks and minerals began to change.
C) until a natural disaster has occurred
D) so long as the driver was experienced 39. Deiik sektrlerden byk Avrupa ve Kore
irketleri Brezilyann daha yoksul olan
E) which could have been prevented kuzeydou blgesine yatrm yapmaya karar
37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye A) The poorer north eastern region of Brazil is
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke attracting the attention of large European and
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi Korean companies of various sectors.
B) Some of the large European and Korean
companies from various sectors are eager to
invest in the poor north eastern region of
37. Enzim bozukluklarn ieren yzlerce insan Brazil.
hastalna gen deiimlerinin neden olduu
anlalmtr.. C) Large European and Korean companies from
various sectors have decided to invest in the
poorer north eastern region of Brazil.
A) Hundreds of human diseases involving enzyme
defects have been found to be caused by D) The poor north eastern area of Brazil is
genetic mutations. attracting investors from various large
companies in Europe and Korea.
B) It has been established that genetic mutations
have caused hundreds of human diseases E) The poor north eastern part of Brazil would
including enzyme defects. benefit from investments made by European
and Korean large companies involved in a
C) Genetic mutations have been found to be the variety of fields.
cause of hundreds of human diseases as well
as enzyme defects.
A) St rnleri ya da kalsiyum ynnden zengin A) Akdeniz ile Kzl Denizi birletiren Svey
dier besinleri tketmeyenler nerilen kalsiyum Kanal, Fransz mhendis De Lesseps tarafndan
miktarnn ancak yarsn alabildiklerinden tasarlanm ve ina edilmitir.
kalsiyum desteinden yararlanabilirler.
B) Fransz mhendis De Lessepsin tasarlam ve
B) Tavsiye edilen kalsiyum miktarnn yarsn bile ina etmi olduu Svey Kanal, Akdeniz ile
karlayacak miktarda st rnleri ya da Kzl Denizi birletirir.
kalsiyum bakmndan zengin dier besinleri
tketmeyen insanlar kalsiyum desteinden C) Svey Kanaln tasarlayp ina eden Fransz
yararlanabilirler. mhendis De Lesseps, Akdeniz ile Kzl Denizi
birletirmeyi amalamtr.
C) Tavsiye edilen kalsiyum miktarnn yarsn
karlayacak kadar kalsiyum desteinden D) Svey Kanalnn Fransz mhendis De Lesseps
yararlanan insanlar st rnleri ve kalsiyum tarafndan tasarlanp ina edilmesiyle,
ynnden zengin dier besinleri Akdenizin Kzl Deniz ile birlemesi
tketmeyebilirler. salanmtr.
D) nerilen kalsiyum miktarnn yarsn karlasa E) Akdeniz ile Kzl Denizin birlemesi, Fransz
da kalsiyum desteinden yararlanan insanlar mhendis De Lessepsin Svey Kanaln
st rnleri ve kalsiyum bakmndan zengin tasarlayp ina etmesiyle olmutur.
dier besinleri de tketmelidirler.
A) became popular when it was published, but is A) the improvements he saw taking place in
not popular anymore mental hospitals
B) concentrates on the better aspects of life in a B) his three-year confinement in mental hospitals
mental hospital
C) his having been chained for long periods of
C) did not gain much popularity among the public time
D) did little to inform the public about what went D) his reading of the book A Mind That Found Itself
on inside mental hospitals
E) various scientific advances
E) made people more interested in mental health
than they had previously been
49. It is suggested in the passage that a
47. - 50.sorular aadaki paraya gre
major cause for Norway's reluctance to
cevaplaynz. cooperate with foreign companies is ----..
B) has preserved its traditional agricultural D) are taking a strong proactive approach to
patterndespite the discovery of North Sea oil theglobal economy
and gas
E) have no decisive policy as regards
C) is still in the forefront of European economy globalpartnerships
B) having lost the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire A) the contribution of the Central Powers to the
looked to join forces with central Asia to attack Ottoman attempts to remain a major power
B) the break-up of the Ottoman Empire and the
C) the Ottoman Empire was looking for ways to ineffective efforts to stop it
recover its former glory through its alliance
with Germany and Austria C) the conditions under which Germany became
the most powerful nation in Europe
D) the Ottoman Empires decision to ally itself with
Germany was very unpopular with Austria D) how the European powers wanted to control
weaker peoples and nations
E) Enver Pashas decision to enter into war
against Russia was based on his desire to free E) the tactics the Ottoman government used to
the city of Sarajevo prevent the war
56. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that it
55. - 58.sorular aadaki paraya gre
is very hard to ----..
A) engineers have developed a chemical process D) the cost of reprocessing is reduced to a viable
to get rid of adhesives level
B) it is essential that, among other chemical E) the ability of a fibre to make strong bonds
procedures, de-inking is first to be completed decreases
to enable fibres to bond strongly
C) there is actually no need to depend on pure 62. It is pointed out in the passage that
pulp since the fibres are adequately bonded engineers in the paper industry ----..
E) one serious and costly handicap is the problem B) have made a breakthough in strengthening the
of adhesives that get stuck in the machines bonding capacity of recycled fibres
A) I\'ve never heard that theory before. B) Good. Are you thinking of applying?
B) I\'ve heard that theory before; haven\\'t you? C) That\\'s a surprise! It won\'t last long!
C) Has that theory been thoroughly researched? D) Who says so? I\'m sure you\'re wrong!
D) Surely it has been established that the weather E) Well; it shouldn\'t be allowed to happen!
does not affect the incidence of migraine.
A) It reminds one of science-fiction films, with B) Windows 2000 is certainly different in several
everything neatly planned. aspects from NT4 with the result that it is less
rigid, safer and upkeep is less complex; but
B) It seems a bit like a game to me. The suits are these changes do not by any means constitute
a brilliant orange colour. the main goal.
C) The antigravity suit squeezes the legs to C) The main aim with Windows 2000 was to give it
prevent blood from pooling in them. certain features like flexibility, security and
ease of maintenance so as to distinguish it
D) Apparently shuttle bailout is a last resort, to be from NT4.
used only if landing becomes impossible.
D) The main goal in producing Windows 2000 was
E) Lets hope the Challenger catastrophe is not not to distinguish it from NT4 by making it less
repeated. rigid, safer and easier of upkeep, but those are
certainly some of its features.
68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca E) Flexibility, security and ease of maintenance
en yakn cmleyi bulunuz. are some of the features that distinguish
Windows 2000 from NT4 and these constitute
the main aim in producing it.
68. However much effort he puts into it, Im sure 70. China's determination to put people in
hell never make a success of the business.. space dates back to the 1960's..
A) Unless hes willing to make more of an effort, A) it was only in the 1960s that China could
the business is never likely to be a success. contemplate travel in space
B) Hes a failure as a businessman even though he B) China has been resolutely sending people into
is extremely hard-working. space ever since the early 1960s.
C) It follows that the harder he works the more C) As far back as the 1960s, China also recognized
likely the business is to be successful. the need to send people into space.
D) The success of the business will obviously D) From the 1960s onwards, China has been
depend upon the amount of hard work he puts captivated by space travel.
into it.
E) China has been set on getting people into
E) No matter how hard he tries, its clear that he space ever since the 1960s.
wont ever turn that business into a going
71. Paediatricians warn parents to avoid 73. The irreversible loss of biodiversity has a
excessive food restriction which may cause serious impact on the ability of the remaining
nutritional deficiencies in children.. species, including humans, to survive.
Humans depend on the diversity of species
and healthy ecosystems to provide food,
A) As put forward by the paediatricians, nutritional clean air and water, and fertile soil for
deficiencies in children are inevitable and agriculture. ---- As many as 40 per cent of our
harmful results of excessive food limitation. modern pharmaceutical medicines are
derived from plants or animals. A small plant
B) Both parents and paediatricians share the
from Madagascar, the rosy periwinkle, for
same opinion that excessive food restriction
instance, produces substances that are
causes children to lack essential nutrients.
effective in fighting two deadly cancers,
Hodgkins and leukaemia..
C) What paediatricians warn parents about is that
excessive amounts of nutrients children take
may require food restriction. A) However, the survival of ecosystems depends
on their variety of plants, animals, and
D) According to the paediatricians, parents should habitats.
not go extremes when it comes to food
restriction, otherwise children may end up B) In addition, we benefit greatly from the many
having nutritional deficiencies. drugs that biodiversity provides.
E) Parents sometimes ignore the warnings of C) In contrast, modern medicine makes use of
paediatricians about excessive food restriction, medicines derived from both natural and
and their children have nutritional deficiencies. chemical sources.
A) I D) IV
B) II E) V
E) V
79. (I) Man differs from the lower animals
because he preserves his past
experiences.(II) In recent decades a growing
number of historians have embarked on
research in political and social history. (III)
What happened in the past is lived again in
memory.(IV) With the animals, an experience
perishes as it happens, and each new doing
or suffering stands alone. (V) But man lives
in a world where each occurrence is charged
with echoes and reminiscences of what has
gone before, where each event is a reminder
of other things..
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 E 41 A
2 E 42 A
3 C 43 E
4 C 44 A
5 B 45 D
6 E 46 B
7 C 47 D
8 A 48 C
9 E 49 B
10 B 50 E
11 A 51 C
12 C 52 D
13 C 53 A
14 B 54 B
15 E 55 E
16 B 56 C
17 E 57 B
18 A 58 D
19 E 59 E
20 C 60 A
21 D 61 E
22 A 62 C
23 C 63 C
24 B 64 A
25 D 65 D
26 E 66 A
27 D 67 B
28 B 68 E
29 D 69 B
30 A 70 E
31 E 71 D
32 C 72 B
33 B 73 B
34 B 74 B
35 C 75 C
36 A 76 E
37 A 77 D
38 B 78 D
39 C 79 B
40 B 80 B
5. I dont know how we are going to ---- the
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
expected surge of immigrants into the
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi country..
A) look over
D) bring up
A) competitive
E) sort out
B) confident
7. The first English immigrants to what is now
C) degenerate
the United States ---- the Atlantic long after
D) appropriate colonies ---- in Mexico and South America..
E) impetuous
A) would be crossing / must have been
3. All organisms have some capacity to adapt to
environmental changes, but the extent of this B) had crossed / were established
adaptive capacity ---- greatly..
C) will be crossing / have been established
C) discards
8. Congereels, which ---- any large marine eels
D) abolishes of the family Congridae, ---- in shallow water,
hiding in crevices during the day and are
E) merges active by night, feeding on fish and crabs..
D) gradually
E) intentionally
9. Nearly 10% of the Earth's crust is made of 14. Life has become ---- mechanical, materialistic
aluminium ore, ---- the metal itself was not and competitive ---- the tension and stress
discovered until the 19th century.. building up as a result of this is enormous..
A) so A) as / as
E) as E) so / that
10. Nairobi's rich history, ---- its abundance of 15. If nothing is done ---- emissions substantially,
wildlife, cuisine, and shopping, makes the we ---- coral reefs as we know them, with
city a great place for a holiday.. major coral extinctions..
11. The Gulf countries have achieved substantial 16. Those ---- received government jobs were
progress ---- regional integration ---- the past grateful and were expected to campaign
20 years.. vigorously for Democrats on election day..
A) through / of A) which
C) for / on C) what
D) over / by D) who
A) with / across
B) by / on
C) within / over
D) through / for
E) off / from
A) at / on
B) for / from
C) to / through
D) by / in
E) over / with
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) implication
B) decision
17. I.
A) condition
B) experience
C) potential
D) description
E) preference
18. II.
A) over
B) towards
C) through
D) to
E) against
19. III.
A) even
B) whether
C) unless
D) since
E) so
20. IV.
A) treating
B) withdrawing
C) releasing
D) relieving
E) withholding
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) traces
B) aims
22. I.
27. As soon as slender steel column began to
replace massive piers in building construction
A) was discovered ----..
B) will be discovered
A) inflammable materials would not be used again
C) was being discovered in high-rise buildings
24. III.
A) Turkey is one of several countries
25. IV.
A) even
B) still
C) ever
D) just
E) hardly
29. Though Kenya had been self -sufficient until 33. ----, Earths overall temperature increases..
the 1980s, ----..
30. ---- if heat energy is being passed on from 34. The early Arctic explorers could locate
one molecule to the next.. themselves by looking at the stars ----..
A) They decided not to use aluminium A) for the purpose of using the most accurate
compasses available
B) Silver and copper were the metals chosen
B) that they worked out the latitude by using
C) The transmission of heat by convection proved sextants
equally dangerous
C) since longitude is difficult to determine
D) Conduction caused the fire to spread with
alarming speed D) as long as they could determine the exact time
C) that fighting on foot is still the only way to B) which took more effort for their height and
occupy an unfriendly town or city weight
D) as the infantry man had most to gain from new C) while heavy people often underestimate their
advances in military technology weight
E) which demonstrates the need for yet more D) so some individuals perceive themselves as
improvements having lost almost no weight
C) if the multiple stairways had not all been in the B) The work of proteins in various parts of the
central core of the building body is supported by zinc which also affects the
metallo enzymes that are related to metabolic
D) so long as effective fire-proofing had been functions.
C) The work of many proteins in the body and also
E) after so many of the offices had already been the metallo enzymes supporting many different
vacated metabolic processes interact with zinc.
B) it is only in modern times that there has been D) Herodotus and Aristotle were the earliest
any serious interest in fossils pioneers of fossil studies
C) human interest in fossils has only been aroused E) the very first discovery of fossils was in the
through the fascinating explanations and Libyan desert
discoveries made by modern science
B) can be regarded as a humourous attempt to A) painting provided a greater capacity for artistic
bring about a peace between Cellini and creativity
B) Cellinis understanding of the arts was a grossly
C) is a light-hearted attempt to avoid the issue distorted one
D) is unbiased and favours neither C) painting came easily, but sculpture offered
many challenges
E) has no relevance outside the Renaissance
period D) the practice of any art requires a great deal of
invention and imagination
B) bacteria in wine could best be destroyed A) Have they finished their homework yet this
through a prolonged process of heating was evening?
commonplace among nineteenth-century
French winemakers B) Tell them to turn it off and read a book!
C) pasteurization prevented milk from spoiling C) Why dont you ask if theyd like to read a book?
quickly spread outside France in the nineteenth
century and has never since been challenged D) I dont remember watching this much TV when
by scientists I was a child.
D) fermentation by bacteria spoils wine is no E) But I think they should be involved in other
longer current, since various new methods activities as well.
have been developed for better wine-making
65. John :- Have you heard about the apart-hotel
E) fermentation was caused by a chemical
in the Netherlands that has moveable cloth
reaction in living cells wasnt accepted by many
walls in the rooms?
scientists until well into the nineteenth century
Anne :- ----
John :- What a good idea.
Anne :- Yes, it really allows for a lot of
63. - 67.sorularda, karlkl konumann
bo braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) No, I havent. What do you mean by cloth
63. Reporter:- Could you give me your views on B) Yes, since the walls are made of cloth, the
Britain's National Health Service? rooms can be made larger or smaller to suit the
Politician: - ---- needs.
Reporter: - What makes you say that?
Politician - Well, people used to feel they C) Yes, but since the walls are made of cloth,
were terribly lucky if, for instance, they were wouldnt that be a fire hazard?
given a-kidney transplant. Now they consider
D) I think its a terrible idea. Youd be able to hear
it a right..
everything through the cloth walls.
A) Are you by any chance referring to the dire E) Why do they need moveable walls in the room?
shortage of human organs for transplant? Youd have to rearrange the furniture every
time you moved the walls!
B) I hope you are not asking me about funding. As
more and more treatments become available, 66. Becky: - I want a serious answer to this
costs inevitably go up. question. What makes you laugh?
Jackie: - ----
C) A great many operations are now almost risk
Becky:- Good. That's what I want you to do.
free, but they still require a team of experts to
Laughter is important. It creates a bridge
carry them out.
between people and facilitates amicable
D) I think that people\\'s expectations concerning behaviour.
the service have risen excessively. Jackie: - I'm sure you're right..
B) Wont that lead to unemployment in the drug C) Share prices have dropped noticeably in Japan
industry? for it is feared that the strong yen will
adversely affect exports and make the nation\'s
C) Are the goats even aware of what has been economic recovery impossible.
done to them?
D) The sudden drop in share prices, and worries
D) Why has the government allowed the about the strong yen, are having an adverse
producers of this drug to go so far beyond what effect on Japan\'s exports and indeed her
is normal? economic recovery at large.
E) What do the goats do that a factory cant? E) The noticeable drop in share prices in Japan has
set people worrying about the yen, about
exports and even about the process of
68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca economic recovery
en yakn cmleyi bulunuz.
70. He's rather hopeful that he'll get the
appointment since the other candidates are
at a disadvantage, which is his fluency in
68. We will never be able to get all these exhibits French as none of the candidates for the
dated and labelled for the opening of the appointment know any..
museum unless we get a lot of assistance..
72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere, D) Definitions are so blurry that one can hardly
parada anlam btnln salamak iin find a workable one.
getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz.
E) The definition based on interbreeding is the
only one accepted.
72. The problem for companies that use a legal 74. Geneticists seek to understand how the
basis for ethical behaviour is that laws vary information encoded in genes is used and
among countries. ----. The industrial controlled by cells, and how the smallest
countries, which have strong laws concerning differences in genes can disrupt an
intellectual property rights, argue that organisms development. Increasingly,
developing countries need to strengthen modern genetics involves genetic
such laws and their enforcement.. engineering, a technique used by scientists
to manipulate genes. Genetic engineering
has led to many advances in medicine and
A) The law represents a consensus derived from
industry. ----..
significant experience and deliberation
B) Given that 25 per cent of the worlds population A) Nevertheless, there has been less misconduct
is Islamic, it is important to understand how than was once predicted
Islam is translated into rules that govern
economic transactions B) For instance, there are controversies over the
possible unethical use of this technique
C) In some cases, such as with health and safety
standards, extraterritoriality should not cause C) In fact, much of the controversy over the use of
problems genetic engineering has nothing to do with
recreating life
D) For example, a major area of contention
between industrial and developing countries is D) As a result, there has been much unethical use
the protection of intellectual property, such as of genetic engineering
computer software
E) However, the potential for abuse of this
E) A major challenge that companies face in the technique has also provoked many ethical and
global environment is how to deal with product legal controversies
liability issues
75. Sri Lanka, known as Ceylon from the early 77. (I) In modern world, political crime poses
sixteenth century until 1972, is typical of cruel political and moral problems. (II) These
most developing economies. It has a low per problems are particularly acute in more
capita income, and high dependence on a few democratic societies. (III) At the other hand
minerals and agricultural products. ----. Its of the political spectrum, a totalitarian
literacy rate, standards of nutrition, health regime is virtually immune to terrorism. (IV)
care and life expectancy are one of the For here the security apparatus of the state
highest among developing economies.. makes it almost impossible for terrorist
groups even to exist.(V) Therefore, among
the reasons of terrorism can be mentioned
A) In many other ways, however, it is atypical bad economy..
B) One by one, European powers came to
dominate Sri Lanka to acquire products A) I
unavailable at home
C) To solve its problems, Sri Lanka has basically
followed three different trade policies since the C) III
D) Recently, Sri Lanka has targeted information
technology as a new growth industry E) V
A) I
E) V
80. (I) Writing in the 1930s, J.M. Keynes was
mainly concerned with unemployment. (II)
For him, the question was why it persisted.
(III)Since 1945 the twin objectives of
economic growth and full employment have
been the primary concern of developed
countries throughout the world. (IV) His own
answer to this was that employment was
determined by the level of output, and this
was determined by demand. (V) Therefore,
the level of employment could be regulated
by managing the level of demand..
A) I
E) V
1 D 41 D
2 D 42 C
3 B 43 B
4 C 44 C
5 E 45 B
6 A 46 E
7 E 47 A
8 D 48 C
9 B 49 D
10 E 50 B
11 E 51 D
12 A 52 E
13 A 53 B
14 E 54 A
15 D 55 B
16 D 56 D
17 C 57 A
18 E 58 D
19 C 59 E
20 E 60 A
21 D 61 D
22 A 62 E
23 B 63 D
24 E 64 E
25 C 65 B
26 D 66 E
27 D 67 E
28 A 68 D
29 E 69 C
30 E 70 E
31 A 71 C
32 C 72 D
33 C 73 B
34 D 74 E
35 C 75 A
36 C 76 C
37 B 77 E
38 A 78 B
39 C 79 B
40 D 80 E
5. The man who created the first computer
1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan
virus has been sentenced to 20 months in
yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi an American federal prison, and it is
bulunuz. generally agreed that he has been ---- very
D) given up
A) occurrence
E) brought in
B) falsehood
6. It took me a long time to translate his
C) disturbance
business letter as I had to ---- so many words
D) ignorance in the dictionary..
E) negligence
A) make up
D) get off
A) remarkable
E) take up
B) redundant
7. By the time the general manager ---- back
C) progressive
from his inspection tour of the overseas
D) contemporary branches, the staff here ---- the annual
E) relevant
A) had got / completed
3. Traditionally, medicine has taken a
paternalistic stance towards patients, with B) has got / will complete
the all-knowing physician ---- wisdom from on
high, but that is becoming increasingly C) got / have completed
D) gets / will have completed
C) rapidly
D) generously
E) steadily
9. Millions of children in these third 14. The advance of the steel industry has been
world countries will suffer and die ---- marked ---- a progressive increase in the size
these infectious diseases remain and complexity of the plant used and a fall -
uncontrolled.. --- labour costs..
A) if A) off / through
C) as soon as C) up / with
D) however D) by / in
E) so as E) in / of
10. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into the 15. ---- popular belief, the use of ear buds is
coastline give Norway an overall ocean front more harmful than beneficial when it comes
of ---- 12, 000 miles.. to cleaning the ears.
A) more than
A) Contrary to
B) just as
B) Whereas
C) the same as
C) Instead of
D) so far as
D) Lest
E) as well as
E) In case of
11. Reinforced concrete was used for the new
buildings ---- there should ever be another 16. There have been many arguments ----
landslide in the vicinity.. whether intelligence is biologically or socially
A) due to
A) just
B) in spite of
B) how
C) according to
C) because
D) in case
D) if only
E) instead
E) as to
12. If the borrowing ---- on collateral from other
stocks the trader owns outright, it ---- a
maximum of a certain percentage of those
other stocks' value..
A) bases / will be
C) based / might be
E) is based / can be
A) Into / over
B) through / for
C) out of / from
D) over / into
E) from / on
21. V.
17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) single
B) multiple
17. I.
B) to have treated
C) to treat
D) being treated
E) to be treated
18. II.
A) availability
B) discovery
C) interaction
D) compatibility
E) reliability
19. III.
A) against
B) to
C) over
D) towards
E) on
20. IV.
A) conducts
B) rejects
C) disputes
D) acknowledges
E) denies
26. V.
22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) where
B) which
B) would be developed 28. --- so long as you pay attention and stick to
the rules..
C) will have been developed
E) onto
25. IV.
A) so
B) thus
C) only
D) by far
E) in accord
29. Although Japan has one of the world's 32. Symptoms, ----, are similar in viral and
most rapidly ageing populations, ----.. bacterial pharyngitis..
A) Japanese companies will be world leaders in A) when gargling can relieve throat discomfort
catering for the elderly
B) since the mucous membrane may be inflamed
B) other countries such as China and South Korea
and most of Western Europe are closing the C) if there was a high white blood cell count
D) though the cause is usually viral
C) in 2004 one-fifth of its population will be 6 or
over and there will be more than 20,000 people E) which include a sore throat and pain in
over the age of a hundred swallowing
A) they could not have been more different in D) for huge physical demands have been put on
appearance and temperament their bodies
B) neither of them would have admitted the fact E) that they are required to follow strict fitness
to anyone and dietary regimes
C) second-generation Jewish-American business 34. Unlike most animals, the baby elephant very
families may be expected to have certain traits often has to be up on its feet and moving
in common with the herd ----..
D) the suggestion couldn\'t be considered
A) whether it is fully functional straight away
E) these two women have nothing at all in
common B) so it has an amazing ability to learn and
remember things
31. When the comet fragments plunged
C) as if there were a long period of juvenile
into Jupiter's atmosphere, ----..
A) it has a speed of over 200,000 kilometers per D) before it is even an hour old
E) because a nomadic life-style necessitated such
B) the same thing can happen to Earth practices
C) they exploded, and released the energy of 35. Naturally he was amazed to learn ----..
around 50,000 H bombs
D) Jupiter has been struck at least four times over A) whichever business managed to increase their
the past 100 years profits towards the end of the year
E) Earth must be guarded against a similar attack B) how anyone can survive even two days in the
North Sea
C) A lot of people are of the opinion that, through B) As inhabitants of the universe, we cannot help
exercising, they will start to eat much more wondering how the first source of light formed,
even though this is not absolutely correct. how life came into existence and whether we
are alone as intelligent beings in this vast
D) A number of people claim that exercising will emptiness.
make them eat more although this is not the
case. C) As this universes only intelligent inhabitants, it
is up to us to ask questions such as how the
E) Several people imagine that too much first light source was formed, how life on Earth
exercising will lead to too much eating, but this started, and how we came to inhabit a tiny
is not quite correct. planet in this vast emptiness.
A) Genlik sona erince, zntye ve d krklna A) zellikle deniz yaamnn fotoraflarn ekmek
den baz insanlar, yaamlarnn bu dnemini iin kullanlan kameralar, suyun basncna
gz ard ederler. dayankldr.
B) Genlik gelip geince, baz insanlar ac ve B) Deniz yaamnn fotoraflarn ekebilen, suyun
znt iinde geriye bakp yaamlarnn bu basncna dayankl zel kameralar yaplmtr.
dnemini hatrlarlar.
C) Deniz yaamnn fotoraflar, suyun basncna
C) Genlik elden gidince, baz kiiler, yaamlarnn dayanacak biimde yaplm olan zel
bu dnemine zlemle ve ac duyarak bakarlar. kameralar kullanlarak ekilmektedir.
D) Genlik yllar geip gidince, baz insanlar, D) Suyun basncna dayanabilen kameralarn
krgnlk ve umutsuzluk iinde yaamlarnn bu yaplmas, deniz yaamnn fotoraflarnn
dnemini gzden geirirler. ekilmesini salamtr.
E) Genlik geince, baz insanlar geriye dnp E) Deniz yaamnn fotoraflar ekilirken, basnca
yaamlarnn bu dnemine znt ve pimanlk dayankl zel kameralar kullanlmaktadr.
ile bakarlar.
A) are concerned that using pigs to grow human D) was stopped by the researchers discovery of a
immune cells might be harmful dormant pig virus in the DNA
B) should first convince the researchers to safely E) was refused by him or her out of fear of the
test the technique against specific diseases possible dangers it might bring
A) a realistic deterrent
C) court entanglements
D) misinterpretation of a situation
E) bystander apathy
E) Patents on genes of unknown medical value E) What do you think is the reason for this
should be discouraged. situation?
64. Fred : I have been doing some research for a 66. Doctor: Now that you are receiving
paper on the emergence of fascism in Italy. chemotherapy, I must warn you against
There is a vast amount of material that I have opportunistic infections.
to consult. A tough job. Patient: What exactly are you talking about?
Colleague : I agree. Not an easy one. You Doctor: ----
know, like many European nations, Italy Patient: So that probably means bacteria that
emerged from World War I at a heavy cost, are usually harmless can overwhelm my body
but surely there were various causes for the and cause disease..
rise of fascism in the country.
Fred : ----
Colleague : I am sure, as I gather from what A) Well, you know chemotherapy weakens your
you are saying, your paper will provide us immune system.
with a full account of how Italy turned to
fascism.. B) Perhaps you should bring me your vaccine
report, so that we can check what diseases you
are immune to.
A) Under Mussolini, the Italian economy was
placed under the management of twenty-two C) Well, I think it would be best if you avoided
corporations, each responsible for a major close contact with people who have even the
industrial enterprise. common cold.
B) In fact, I will mainly focus on how Italy was D) Once your chemotherapy is over, well have to
divided into a prosperous industrialized North check your body functions and infection
and a poor agrarian south. resistance again.
C) To tell you the truth, World War I had cost Italy E) Well, there are infections that affect people of a
nearly seven hundred thousand lives and over certain age group.
$15 billion.
C) What good would that be? E) Petroleum is one of the most internationally
traded products, but coffee surpasses it.
D) Oh, another new technology.
70. Huntingtons has been described as the most
E) Dont believe everything you read or see on the
disastrous disease known to man because of
its peculiarly cruel characteristics, as it
progressively strips a person of control of his
muscles, reason and emotion..
68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca
en yakn cmleyi bulunuz.
A) Huntingtons disease is described as not only
the worst disease in the world but also the
most cruelly progressive, as it slowly takes
68. Bird migration is similar to an extreme away a persons ability to control their muscles,
endurance sport, but even the most reason and e
impressive human athletic efforts lose
significance in comparison to it.. B) To describe Huntingtons as a cruel disease
could be disastrous as people know that it
eventually takes away a persons ability to
A) No matter how excellent a human athlete can control their muscles as well as to reason and
be in his attempts in an extreme endurance feel emotion.
sport, it cannot be likened in any way to bird
migration. C) Due to its cruel characteristics that gradually
take away a persons control of their muscles,
B) Even though migrating birds can be likened to reason and emotion, Huntingtons is said to be
human athletes in extreme endurance sports, the most devastating disease in the world.
the best athletes prove to be far superior to
birds. D) When a person starts to rapidly lose control of
his muscles and no longer is able to reason or
C) Both bird migration and human athletic control his emotions, he can be described as
activities are similar in that the best examples having the most disastrous disease ever
in both cases are very impressive. Huntingtons.
C) It was up to me to choose between them, but I A) But though China has now become the worlds
really didn\'t want to. third largest manufacturer of solar panels, most
are exported.
D) He wanted me to choose for him and I agreed
to do so. B) By some estimates, China has now overtaken
America to become the worlds largest
E) I would have done the choosing if they had producer of greenhouse gases.
asked me to.
C) Chinese investment in clean technology is on
the increase according to industry experts.
72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere,
parada anlam btnln salamak iin D) The Chinese government is also introducing
getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz. environment targets of its own in areas such as
building regulations.
A) Despite his white appearance, Dennis carries A) According to official figures, India currently
genes that could result in his own descendants process 150,000 tons of e-waste a year and
being born with dark features. illegally imports that amount from the West
B) However, Dennis father decided to settle down B) India is unlikely to impose any type of taxation
in Europe and marry an English woman. or fee to cover recycling costs, as is done in
other countries
C) In fact, slavery is the primary reason why there
is no agreement about whether genes play a C) In New Delhi alone about 10,000 people
role in ones skin colour. dismantle old computers and other equipment
searching for gold, copper, palladium, or
D) It is only natural that Dennis had white skin, anything else that can be turned into cash
since there is no evidence in science linking
genetics and skin colour. D) Currently, India has only 22 computers for
every 1,000 people, but that number is
E) Biologists can account for the differences expected to increase to 120 in the next five
between the English and the Africans that they years
E) European firms that have come to India with
plans to start recycling centres are put off by
the lack of legislation
75. The liver receives blood from both the 77. (I)By about 3500 B.C., there had developed in
intestine and the heart. Tiny capillaries in the Egypt and Mesopotamia a highly advanced
intestinal wall drain into the portal vein, social and economic life. (II) Copper and
which enters the liver. ----. The hepatic artery bronze were being used, although on a
brings blood to the liver from the heart. This limited scale, and trading contacts with other
blood carries oxygen for the liver tissue itself countries had been established. (III) It is the
as well as cholesterol and other substances opinion of most archaeologists that
for processing.. civilisation first developed in the Middle
East.(IV) Many of these contacts were with
Syria, which, lying between Egypt and
A) The liver converts substances in digested food Mesopotamia, had participated at an early
into proteins date in the general advance of material and
cultural development.(V) Moreover, Syria was
B) The liver manufactures about half of the bodys
endowed with a number of resources that
were lacking in Egypt and Mesopotamia..
C) Abnormalities of liver function can be divided
broadly into two groups A) I
D) Sugars are stored in the liver as glycogen B) II
E) The blood then flows through tiny channels C) III
inside the liver
A) I
E) V
E) V
79. (I) In 1965 when Mrs Indira Gandhi became
the prime minister of India, she faced serious
political problems in the country. (II) For
instance, she followed a pro-Soviet foreign
policy and, hence, did not react against the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. (III) In the
first place, she had to consolidate her
authority in the Congress Party against the
opposition from the Partys old guard. (IV)
Also she had to deal with the terrorist
activities in various parts of the country. (V)
However, she took courageous steps in her
rule and won a landslide election victory in
A) I
E) V
A) I
E) V
1 A 41 A
2 A 42 C
3 D 43 A
4 A 44 C
5 B 45 E
6 C 46 A
7 D 47 E
8 A 48 D
9 A 49 A
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12 E 52 D
13 E 53 E
14 D 54 C
15 A 55 B
16 E 56 B
17 E 57 D
18 C 58 A
19 E 59 B
20 D 60 A
21 A 61 D
22 E 62 E
23 A 63 C
24 E 64 E
25 B 65 C
26 A 66 A
27 C 67 C
28 C 68 E
29 B 69 B
30 E 70 C
31 C 71 A
32 E 72 A
33 A 73 B
34 D 74 C
35 E 75 E
36 C 76 A
37 B 77 C
38 B 78 A
39 B 79 E
40 E 80 A