YDS Eş Anlamlı Cümle Soru Tipi

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1 – 15: For these questions, choose the 2. Some cancer patients use a food
best rephrased form of the given sentence. journal to track nutrition to ensure they
are getting enough vitamins and
1. In addition to being heavily exploited,
China's waters are also growing
A) To control the proper intake of
polluted, due to lack of adequate
vitamins and protein, some cancer
pollution controls and reinforcement.
patients employ the food journal to
record nutrition.
A) China's waters are becoming highly
B) As a natural approach for cancer
polluted not only by inadequate
patients, it is recommended to track
pollution controls, but also by being
nutrition via a food journal to ensure
extremely utilized.
enough vitamins and protein are
B) The pollution of China's waters has
arisen due to a lack of adequate
C) Vitamins and protein are essential in
pollution controls and reinforcement,
the diet, and thus most of the doctors
in addition to heavy exploitation.
recommend a food journal to keep
C) It is a shortage of adequate pollution
track of them.
control and reinforcement that is
D) Cancer patients recommend a food
polluting China's waters increasingly,
journal to keep a record of nutritional
besides being seriously exploited.
values, and ensure a proper intake of
D) As the pollution control and
vitamins and protein for patients.
reinforcement are being ignored,
E) A lack of proper vitamin and protein
China's waters are being used so
intake and not keeping track of it with
heavily that they will be polluted
a food journal can lead cancer
patients to make their condition
E) Exploiting extensively led China's
waters to become highly polluted at
present, as well as inadequate
pollution controls and reinforcement.

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3. Regular consumption of almonds can 5. Vivaldi composed many of his works
reduce the chances of weight gain for the orphanage musicians, writing
when consumed at least twice a week. concertos for almost every instrument
known in Europe at the time.
A) If almonds are consumed twice a
week, they can reduce consumption A) Vivaldi composed and performed
of other foods, and thus increasing many of his wide ranging concertos
the chances of losing weight. while in an orphanage.
B) The chances of gaining weight can be B) Many of Vivaldi's works, concertos
lowered by regularly eating almonds utilizing nearly every European
at least twice in a week. instrument, were composed, by
C) Eating almonds twice in a week Vivaldi, for the orphanage musicians.
reduces the chances of a weight gain C) While Vivaldi composed many works,
without consuming them regularly. his concertos, which utilized nearly
D) To minimize the possibility of weight every contemporary European
gain, it is recommended that one instrument at the time, were written
should consume almond two primarily for the orphanage musicians.
successive days. D) The orphanage musicians were
E) The possibility of lowering weight gain composers known for using a wide
can be provided by consuming a range of instruments in their music;
handful of almonds not every day the most famous of these composers
regularly, but twice in a week. was Vivaldi.
E) The orphanage musicians, writing
concertos utilizing almost every
instrument known in Europe at the
4. Smoking cigarettes, while harmful in time, got much of their inspiration
many ways we can see, also is harmful from Vivaldi.
to the body in ways we can't see.

A) Although smoking cigarettes may be

detrimental to our body in ways we
can't see, it has much more effect on
B) Besides physical impacts caused by
smoking cigarettes, it also leads to
internal damages when consumed too
C) Because cigarette affects the body in
many ways, they are mainly harmful
in ways we cannot see.
D) Smoking cigarettes can cause a
series of health problems in our body
by damaging in different ways we
cannot see at all.
E) In addition to harming us in various
ways we see it, smoking cigarettes
will also harm us in ways we cannot

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6. Arsenic has been used in glass 7. Head lice cannot survive longer than 48
production, but because of concerns of hours without the host, so they tend to
environmental contamination it has stay on a person's head so that they
been discontinued by a lot of can continue to feed.
A) By feeding, head lice will be able to
A) Arsenic has been banned by many stay alive on a person's head until
glass manufacturers since they were they find a new host within 48 hours.
worried about its detrimental effects B) Head lice are inclined to feed from the
on the environment. head of a person and will continue to
B) The majority of manufacturers have do so only for two days.
excluded arsenic from the production C) If head lice do not remain on a
of glass because it was a source of person's head and do not keep on
contamination for the environment. feeding, they will die after no more
C) Arsenic has been a part of glass than 48 hours.
manufacturing; however, countless D) Head lice should find a new host,
producers have stopped using it due particularly a person's head, every 48
to environmental pollution concerns. hours to stay alive.
D) Many producers believe that arsenic E) A person’s head is the perfect host to
is highly poisonous; therefore, it feed for head lice, that's why they
should be withdrawn from the keep thriving for up to 48 hours.
production of glass in order not to
contaminate the nature.
E) Though arsenic has been utilized
mainly for glass production, most of
the manufacturers has given up using
it owing to environmental

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8. A major advance in farming practices 9. Many people don't become aware of
occurred in 6000 to 5000 BC, as farmers their own colour blindness until they
began to settle the plains of reach adulthood, when things like
Mesopotamia. driving can become an issue.

A) Since farmers embarked on dwelling A) The issue is that a lot of people don't
on the plains of Mesopotamia take sensible precautions against
between 6000 and 5000 BC, great colour blindness before realizing how
progresses were experienced in important it is in their lives.
agricultural methods. B) Until daily tasks like driving become
B) Mesopotamia became the centre for problematic, a lot of people will pay no
major advancements in farming attention that they might have colour
throughout history, but especially blindness.
between 6000 and 5000 BC when C) Colour blindness is an important issue
farmers started to move into there. which can be noticed only after
C) Traditional farming first began and adulthood, especially when people
then developed considerably in 6000 start to drive.
to 5000 BC, when farmers migrated D) Before the stage of adulthood, when a
and started to dwell on the plains of lot of people need things necessary
Mesopotamia. like driving, they are oblivious of their
D) Major advancements in farming own colour blindness.
practices have been occurring since E) Although many people are unaware of
6000 to 5000 BC, when people first it, the colour blindness is reach its top
began farming on the plains of during the adulthood at a faster rate.
E) During 6000 to 5000 BC huge
developments took place in 10. Levels of depression and antisocial
agricultural practices, because people behaviour in children have increased
all around the world started to living in dramatically in modern societies.
the plains of Mesopotamia.
A) Children in the other societies are
more depressed and antisocial than
those living in modern societies.
B) In modern societies, there is a
dramatic increase in the levels of
depression and antisocial behaviour
in children.
C) The number of children with severe
depression has surpassed those with
antisocial behaviour.
D) More developed societies indicate a
low level of depressive tendency and
antisocial behaviour in children.
E) In modern times, children with
antisocial behaviour have reached a
high level of depression for some

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11. While the world has been working to 12. Scientists have discovered that, all
reduce carbon emissions to combat across the world, humans tend to
climate change, there's been a spike in display the same expressions in
another dangerous gas: methane. response to various emotions.

A) Methane is a dangerous gas that has A) Scientists have discovered that

spiked, even though the world has emotional expressions are quite
greatly increased carbon emissions in limited to all humans tending to
order to fight climate change. display the same responses to
B) Methane is one of the dangerous various emotions.
gases that has dropped to worrying B) Scientists discovered that although
levels as the world has worked at humans have many differences, their
reducing carbon emissions to fight emotions are consistent with their
climate change. expressions.
C) In order to reduce carbon emissions C) Though there are many feelings,
in the fight against climate change, scientists have discovered that, all
the world has released a large across the world, humans have a
amount of another dangerous gas: tendency to form the same
methane. expressions.
D) The dangerous gas, methane, has D) Recently, scientists all across the
increased rapidly as the world fights world, found that humans display a
climate change by reducing carbon variety of emotional responses to the
emissions. same expression.
E) Methane has been working to reduce E) Scientists found out that humans all
carbon emissions to counteract around the world are prone to show
climate change, but there's been the same expressions in reply to
another dangerous gas that has had a different feelings.
troubling spike.

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13. With technological advances, scientists 14. The Chinese, though not so early as the
have discovered a wealth of new Sumerians and the Egyptians, were the
species in areas assumed to be barren, third people to produce books on an
previously inaccessible to humans. extensive scale.

A) Scientists have recently discovered a A) The Chinese, Sumerians, and

lot of new species in lands which were Egyptians all produced books on a
previously thought to be dangerous, considerable scale; though not at the
and thus inhospitable for human same time.
beings. B) The Sumerians and Egyptians are
B) Technological advances have mostly credited as being the
enabled scientists to discover a large forefathers of modern book
number of new species in areas production; but actually the Chinese
thought to be arid, formerly out of played as much a role as them.
reach for people. C) The mass production of books was
C) Areas which were uninhabited and first undertaken by the Sumerians and
formerly inaccessible by humankind Egyptians, but later on, it was
were eventually discovered with the perfected by the Chinese.
aid of scientists when technology D) The Chinese, seeking to improve
experienced its greatest improvement. Sumerian and Egyptian design, were
D) Using latest technologies, scientists the third people to produce on a large
have found new species in areas that scale.
were mistakenly believed to be out of E) The Chinese did not emerge as early
reach and uninhabited. as the Sumerians and the Egyptians,
E) As technology advances, scientists yet they were the third civilization to
have come to study on a variety of manufacture books on a large scale.
new species living in areas which
were presumed arid and inaccessible.

7 www.remzihoca.com
15. Many volunteers from all over the world
raised a lot of money in numerous ways
to help needy people in Pakistan.

A) There are numerous ways to raise

money and volunteer for the sake of
helping the hungry and homeless
people in Pakistan.
B) A lot of money needs to be raised
urgently in numerous ways by
volunteers to help needy people in
C) Many volunteers worldwide have
countless ways to raise a lot of money
in order to help the needy
D) There are countless people in
Pakistan who need volunteers to raise
a lot of money and to help them
E) To meet impoverished people's need
in Pakistan, countless volunteers
worldwide collected a lot of money
through various means.


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1 C
2 A
3 B
4 E
5 B
6 C
7 C
8 A
9 D
10 B
11 D
12 E
13 B
14 E
15 E

9 www.remzihoca.com
Çeviri, kelime, okuma çalışmaları ve soru çözüm stratejileri ile
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Sosyal Bilimler, Sağlık Bilimleri ve Fen Bilimleri alanlarına yönelik
çeviri, kelime, okuma çalışmaları ve soru çözüm stratejileri ile
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Akademik Çeviri Dersleri ile kısa sürede İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çeviri
bilginizi geliştirebilirsiniz. Çeviri dersleri aracılığıyla çeviri bilginizin
yanı sıra hem okuma-yazma becerinizi hem de kelime bilginizi ileri
seviyeye taşıyabilirsiniz.

YDS ve YÖKDİL’e yönelik titizlikle hazırladığımız kitaplarımızı, internete
erişiminizin olmadığı zamanlarda YDS ve YÖKDİL sınavlarına eksiksiz
hazırlanmak için rehber olarak kullanabilirsiniz.

İnternete bağlanabilen tüm cihazlarda rahatça kullanabileceğiniz
İngilizce öğrenme uygulamalarımızla, öğrenmeyi hem zevkli hale
getiriyor hem de bireyselleştiriyoruz. Üstelik tüm uygulamalarımızı
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