An Assessment Od Distributed Generation Islanding Detection Methods PDF
An Assessment Od Distributed Generation Islanding Detection Methods PDF
An Assessment Od Distributed Generation Islanding Detection Methods PDF
The advancement in new technology like fuel cell, wind turbine, customer demands for better power quality and
reliability are forcing the power industry to shift for distributed generations. Hence distributed generation (DG)
has recently gained a lot of momentum in the power industry due to market deregulations and environmental
concerns. Islanding occurs when a portion of the distribution system becomes electrically isolated from the
remainder of the power system yet continues to be energized by distributed generators. An important
requirement to interconnect a DG to power distributed system is the capability of the DG to detect islanding
detection. Failure to trip islanded generators can lead to a number of problems to the generators and the
connected loads. Typically, a distributed generator should be disconnected within 100 to 300 ms after loss of
main supply. To achieve such a goal, each distributed generator must be equipped with an islanding detection
device, which is also called anti islanding devices. This paper discusses the relevant issues and aims regarding
existing techniques used for islanding detection.
KEYWORDS: Islanding detection, distributed generation, remote techniques, interconnected system, non
detection zone etc.
These days, electric power utilities are concerned with distributed generators including photovoltaic,
wind farm, fuel cells, micro-sized turbine, and internal combustion engine generators as many good
alternatives to solve environmental problems and to cope with rising energy prices and power plant
construction costs. Distributed generation (DG) may make a contribution to improve quality of power,
minimize peak loads and eliminate the need for reserve margin [1], [2]. Most DGs may be connected
in parallel and supply power into power grids as well as local loads. Therefore, DG must be operated
in such an inherently safe manner that DG should supply the generated power to the network loads
only if the utility power supply is present. If DG is feeding the power to the networks without the
utility supply, then it produces several negative impacts on utility power system and the DG itself,
such as the safety hazards to utility personnel and the public, the quality problems of electric service
to the utility customers, and serious damages to the DG if utility power is wrongly restored [2],
[3].Therefore, during the interruptions of utility power, the connected DG must detect the loss of
utility power and disconnect itself from Power grid as soon as possible. This paper deals with a
particular problem that occurs at the interface between a distributed generation plant and the rest of
the power system. The problem can be described as islanding detection in power systems. The
problem has been investigated and discussed extensively in the last few years.
Islanding is the situation in which a distribution system becomes electrically isolated from the
remainder of the power system, yet continues to be energized by DG connected to it. As shown in the
figure1. Traditionally, a distribution system doesnt have any active power generating source in it and
it doesnt get power in case of a fault in transmission line upstream but with DG, this presumption is
no longer valid. Current practice is that almost all utilities require DG to be disconnected from the
grid as soon as possible in case of islanding. IEEE 929-1988 standard [3] requires the disconnection
of DG once it is islanded .Islanding can be intentional or Non intentional. During maintenance service
on the utility grid, the shutdown of the utility grid may cause islanding of generators. As the loss of
the grid is voluntary the islanding is known. Non-intentional islanding, caused by accidental shut
down of the grid is of more interest. As there are various issues with unintentional islanding. IEEE
1547-2003 standard [4] stipulates a maximum delay of 2 seconds for detection of an unintentional
island and all DGs ceasing to energize the distribution system,
This method has the advantages of its simplicity of control and its reliability. In a radial system there
is only one transmitting generator needed that can continuously relay a message to many DGs in the
network. The only times the message is not received is if the interconnecting breaker has been
opened, or if there is a line fault that corrupts the transmitted signal.
There are also several significant disadvantages to this method, the fist being the practical
implementation. To connect the device to a substation, a high voltage to low voltage coupling
transformer is required. A transformer of this voltage capacity can have prohibitive cost barriers
associated with it that may be especially undesirable for the first DG system installed in the local
network. Another disadvantage is if the signaling method is applied in a non radial system, resulting
Figure 4. Distributed Generation Multi Power Line Signaling Islanding Detection Issue
Another problem for power line communication is the complexity of the network and the affected
networks. A perfectly radial network with one connecting breaker is a simple example of island
signaling; however, more complex systems with multiple utility feeders may find that differentiation
between upstream breakers difficult.
The weaknesses of the transfer trip system are better related to larger system complexity cost and
control. As a system grows in complexity, the transfer trip scheme may also become obsolete, and
need relocation or updating. Reconfiguration of this device in the planning stages of DG network is
necessary in order to consider if the network is expected to grow or if many DG installations are
planned. The other weakness of this system is control. As the substation gains control of the DG, the
DG may lose control over power producing capability and special agreements may be necessary with
the utility. If the transfer trip method is implemented correctly in a simple network, there are no non-
detection zones of operation.
3.2 Local Detection Techniques
It is based on the measurement of system parameters at the DG site, like voltage, frequency, etc. It is
further classified as:
Where, P is power mismatch at the DG side
H is the moment of inertia for DG/system
G is the rated generation capacity of the DG/system
Large systems have large H and G where as small systems have small H and G giving larger value for
df/dt ROCOF relay monitors the voltage waveform and will Operate if ROCOF is higher than setting
for certain duration of time. The setting has to be chosen in such a way that the relay will trigger for
island condition but not for load changes. This method is highly reliable when there is large mismatch
in power but it fails to operate if DGs capacity matches with its local loads. However, an advantage
of this method along with the rate of change of power algorithm is that, even they fail to operate when
load matches DGs generation, any subsequent local load change would generally lead to islanding
being detected as a result of load and generation mismatch in the islanded system.
(c) Rate of change of frequency over power: df/dp in a small generation system is larger than that of
the power system with larger capacity. Rate of change of frequency over power utilize this concept to
determine islanding condition .Furthermore, test results have shown that for a small power mismatch
between the DG and local loads, rate of change of frequency over power is much more sensitive than
rate of frequency over time [11].
(d) Voltage unbalance: Once the islanding occurs, DG has to take change of the loads in the island.
If the change in loading is large, then islanding conditions are easily detected by monitoring several
parameters: voltage magnitude, phase displacement, and frequency change. However, these methods
may not be effective if the changes are small. As the distribution networks generally include single-
phase loads, it is highly possible that the islanding will change the load balance of DG. Furthermore,
even though the change in DG loads is small, voltage unbalance will occur due to the change in
network condition. [12-13]
(e) Harmonic distortion: Change in the amount and configuration of load might result in different
harmonic currents in the network, especially when the system has inverter based DGs. One approach
to detect islanding is to monitor the change of total harmonic distortion (THD) of the terminal voltage
at the DG before and after the island is formed [14].The change in the third harmonic of the DGs
voltage also gives a good picture of when the DG is islanded.
3.2.2. Active Detection Techniques
With active methods, islanding can be detected even under the perfect match of generation and load,
which is not possible in case of the passive detection schemes. Active methods directly interact with
the power system operation by introducing perturbations. The idea of an active detection method is
that this small perturbation will result in a significant change in system parameters when the DG is
islanded, whereas the change will be negligible when the DG is connected to the grid.
( ) (5)
Kd is chosen such that the d-axis current variation is less than 1 percent of q-axis current in inverter's
normal operation. The additional d-axis current, after the suspicion of island, would accelerates the
phase shift action, which leads to a fast frequency shift when the DG is islanded. There is no single
islanding detection technique which will work satisfactorily for all systems under all situations. The
choice of the islanding detection technique will largely depend on the type of the DG and system
characteristics. Recently, hybrid detection techniques have been proposed and it seems that the hybrid
detection technique is the way to go with passive technique detecting the islanding when change in
system parameter is large and initiating the active technique when the change in system parameter is
not so large for the passive technique to have an absolute discrimination.
Detection Advantages Disadvantages Examples
Transfer trip scheme
Remote Expensive to implement
Highly Reliable Power line signaling
Techniques specially for small system
Rate of change of output
power scheme
Difficult to detect islanding
Rate of change of
Short detection time when the load and generation
frequency scheme
Do not perturb the in the islanded system closely
Rate of change of
Local Techniques system match
frequency over power
a) Passive Accurate when there is a Special care has to be taken
Techniques large mismatch in while setting the thresholds
Change of impedance
generation and demand If the setting is too aggressive
in the islanded system. then it could result in
Voltage unbalance scheme
nuisance tripping
Harmonic distortion
Introduce perturbation in the
Detection time is slow as a Reactive power export
Can detect islanding result of extra time needed to error detection scheme
b) Active even in a perfect match see the system response for Impedance measurement
techniques between generation and perturbation scheme
demand in the islanded Perturbation often degrades Phase (or frequency) shift
system (Small NDZ the power quantity and if schemes (like SMS, AFD,
significant enough, it may AFDPF and ALPS
degrade the system stability
even when connected to the
This paper describes and compares different islanding detection techniques. Fast and accurate
detection of islanding is one of the major challenges in todays power system with many distribution
systems already having significant penetration of DG as there are few issues yet to be resolved with
islanding. Islanding detection is also important as islanding operation of distributed system is seen a
viable option in the future to improve the reliability and quality of the supply.
A heartily thanks to my Guide Prof Bharti Dewani, who not only helped me in my research but also
enhance my knowledge in the field of power System and encourage me for preparing and publishing
this paper. I also like to thank to all my colleagues and friends for their kind support and cooperation.
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Chandra Shekhar Chandrakar was born in Raipur, Chhattisgarh on 6th of october 1987.He
received his B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from DIMAT Raipur,
Chhattisgarh ,India in the year 2009 and currently he is a M-tech student in Disha institute of
management and technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. His special field of interest is power
Bharti Dewani received her B.E. (Electrical) Degree from NIT, Raipur, India in 2007 and
M.E. (Power System Engg.) from SSCET, Bhilai in year 2010.She is working as Sr. Lect. in
deptt. of Electrical & Electronics engg. (DIMAT, Raipur) since 2007.She is currently
pursuing Ph.D from Dr. C.V. Raman University. Her field of interest is power system
restructuring and power system optimization.