Khan 2013
Khan 2013
Khan 2013
Abstract— With the increased involvement of Distributed system is to disconnect the DPGS as soon as the primary grid
Power Generation Systems (DPGSs) into the conventional power fails to energize the distribution line. It is crucial to understand
system, the structure has evolved and therefore has brought in that the anti-islanding requirements are only for the low-power
various challenges albeit improving flexibility and smartness of
DPGSs like the PV panels, as opposed to the higher power
the system. This paper addresses modeling one of these
challenges where a Simulink model for inverter-based distributed DPGSs like wind plants, that due to their communication
generation (IBDG) active islanding detection technique is benefits and supervisory control can be help improving the
introduced. Out of the various types of active islanding detection stability of the grid, and are therefore not required to be
methods, the modeling of the general electric islanding detection disconnected during faults.
method which uses the positive feedback of the voltage or As the main concern of the paper is the island detection,
frequency at the point of common coupling (PCC) for the uncontrolled islanding is the main concern therefore the anti-
detection of an island is presented. This methodology is modeled
islanding detection technique should have the following
and applied for an IBDG connected to a low voltage distribution
network. The simulation results are presented for a 20kW, three- characteristics; the detection system should be reliable and
phase IBDG showing that the system is able to detect islanding selective, and allow minimum disturbance to the power quality
and cease the current flow from the IBDG even under critical of the grid in order to ensure suitable operation of parallel
operating condition of a close matching between the power DPGSs. A reliable system would be functional in all types of
delivered by the inverter and the load demand (zero non- grids and involvement of DPGSs, and a selective system
detection zone operation). would differentiate between a true islanding condition and a
temporary simple disturbance in the grid [1][2].
Index Terms— Active Island Detection, Inverter-Based It should also be noted that the main parameters which can
Distributed Generation, Distributed Generators, Low Voltage be used to identify the missing of a grid connection (island) at
Distribution Networks.
the point of common coupling (PCC) are the variations of the
voltage amplitude and frequency. Having a grid-connected
system would not allow for such variations. In case of close
the load power stays the same using the power generated by be able to detect an island. Different methods of performing
the PV system. The grid voltage then can be illustrated by (3). active island detection include:
1. Drifting the frequency to activate over/under frequency
V' =ඨ *V (3) (OUF) protection
Pload 2. Drifting voltage amplitude to activate over/under
As seen in (3), if PDG <Pload , there will be a decrease in the voltage (OUV protection
amplitude of voltage and vice versa. 3. Detecting islanding by measuring the Grid Impedance
The key point to note here is that if the power mismatch is 4. Using Phase Locked Loop (PLL) based technique
very small, which it is hard to detect, then this leads to the 5. Negative Sequence detection.
problem of NDZ [3] and could keep the DPGS connected to
the PCC despite islanding situation. In the simplest of terms, it
is required to know how the anti-islanding performs when the The General Electric Anti-Islanding (GEAI) technique is
power mismatch is very close to zero (i.e. no power one of the active methods. The primary idea utilized in the
mismatch). This means that, while in grid-connected mode, GEAI scheme is to use the positive feedback to basically
the grid does not contribute to feeding the load and when there reduce the NDZ completely, which is a major drawback of the
is a fault in the grid, its removal does not affect the operation passive anti-islanding systems. The positive feedback would
and goes unnoticed. This is where the main advantage of the help identify an island by drifting the voltage and frequency
parameters out of the OUV and OUF limits.
active islanding method lies because it introduces a small
x Positive Feedback
perturbation in the DG output which helps in amplifying the
If the voltage at the inverter output increases, then the
voltage and frequency fluctuation and hence detecting the
controller instructs the inverter to increase the active power
island situation.
according to (4).
The primary purpose of this paper is to model, using
Matlab/Simulink, an inverter-based distributed generation P= (4)
(IBDG) system where islanding can be detected under the R
most critical condition of a zero power mismatch [3] [4]. An
active method which can achieve a zero NDZ is selected and
The key approach here is to positively feedback the value of
the voltage and frequency parameters at the PCC to increment
the current references that are going to be fed to the PWM
generator. Any present island would be detected as these
fluctuations would result in the voltage and frequency limits to
be crossed and therefore disconnecting the IBDG.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a
short overview of different island detection methods. Section
III describes and models the selected active method, which is
based on the General Electric technique. Section IV gives and
discusses the simulation results. Finally, section V concludes
this paper.
2013 IEEE GCC Conference and exhibition, November 17-20, Doha, Qatar
2013 IEEE GCC Conference and exhibition, November 17-20, Doha, Qatar
For comparison of the voltage and frequency parameters to during grid fault. In fact, when the fault occurs at 0.04
the OUV and OUF limits, a simple Matlab embedded function seconds, the product of voltage difference and the gain is large
was incorporated in the Simulink model. A zero-hold function enough to drift both the voltage and frequency levels outside
with a sample time of 2.1 ms was used to implement this the OUV and OUF limits.
algorithm successfully. Fig. 7 shows the current waveforms at the PCC before and
after a grid fault occurring at 0.04 seconds. Clearly notice that
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS the currents have increased alongside the frequency, due to the
added positive feedback of both voltage and frequency
A. Simple Case
deviations due to the fault.
Fig. 4 demonstrates how the active power changes when a
grid fault is introduced at time t=0.4 seconds. With the Ia
situation shown in Fig. 3, the system should normally detect 10 Ib
Current (Ampere)
that islanding has occurred and the breaker at the inverter side Ic
should be tripped in order to stop providing current to the load 0
while the grid has been disconnected. Similarly, Fig. 5, shows
how the frequency varies after the fault has occurred in the
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Time (s)
2800 Fig. 7. Current at the PCC after fault occurs at 0.04 seconds
Active Power (Watts)
Fig. 7 illustrates also how the circuit breaker at the inverter
side is tripped after the grid fault occurs at 0.04 seconds, and
the load is not fed anymore as no current is allowed to flow.
2200 B. Zero Power Mismatch Case
Zero power mismatch is the critical case we are primarily
interested in, where all the load power is being fed by the
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Time (s) DPGS solely and the grid disconnection due to a fault would
Fig. 4. Active Power response when a fault occurs at 0.04 seconds not be recognized by passive methods [8][9]. It is critical to
test our control system’s performance in such a scenario. This
150 condition was simulated with a grid fault occurring at 0.04
seconds as shown in Fig. 8.
Frequency (Hz)
Active Power (W)
50 5000
0 3000
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Time (s) 2000
Fig. 5 Frequency response when a fault occurs at 0.04 seconds
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
800 Time (s)
Fig. 8. Active Power before and after fault occurring at 0.04 seconds for the
(Vgrid - Vd)*Gain
2013 IEEE GCC Conference and exhibition, November 17-20, Doha, Qatar
same algorithm was implemented and we came up with the time of 0.021 seconds is chosen and the control signal is
following results. Fig. 8 shows how the voltage (Vd) at the multiplied by the modulation index that is fed to the PWM
PCC behaves as the fault occurs. There is a fluctuation generator. The implemented system is able to perfectly detect
detected, that would be helpful in setting the criteria for islanding and disconnect of the IDBG even during zero power
switching the DPGS off. mismatch scenario.
Voltage, Vd (V)
Ic 2011-June 3 2011
[3] Xiaoyu Wang; Freitas, W.; Wilsun Xu, "Dynamic Non-Detection Zones
0 of Positive Feedback Anti-Islanding Methods for Inverter-Based
Distributed Generators," Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on , vol.26,
-10 no.2, pp.1145,1155, April 2011
IBDG Disconnected [4] Pengwei Du; Zhihong Ye; Aponte, E.E.; Nelson, J.K.; Lingling Fan,
"Positive-Feedback-Based Active Anti-Islanding Schemes for Inverter-
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Based Distributed Generators: Basic Principle, Design Guideline and
Time (s)
Performance Analysis," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on ,
Fig. 11. Current at PCC after fault occurs vol.25, no.12, pp.2941,2948, Dec. 2010
[5] Pengwei Du; Aponte, E.E.; Nelson, J.K., "Performance analysis of
Fault Occurs Va positive-feedback-based active anti-islanding schemes for inverter-based
400 Vb distributed generators," Transmission and Distribution Conference and
Vc Exposition, 2010 IEEE PES , vol., no., pp.1,9, 19-22 April 2010
Voltage (V)