Egr 120

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Official Course Outline

Discipline Prefix: EGR Course Number: 120 Course Title: Introduction to Engineering

Credit Hours: 2 Lecture Hours: 1 Clinical Hours: Lab Hours: 2

Contact Hours: 3 Studio Hours:

Course Description
Introduces the engineering profession, professional concepts, ethics and responsibility. Reviews hand
calculators, number systems and unit conversions. Introduces the personal computer and operating
systems. Includes engineering problem-solving techniques using computer software.

Textbook requirements are accessible at

Prerequisites: MTH 164, MTH 166 or placement into MTH 173

Co-requisites: None

General Education Core Competencies Supported by this Course

After completion of this course, students will be able to:

X Critical Thinking
A competent critical thinker evaluates evidence carefully and applies reasoning to decide what to
believe and how to act.
X Information Literacy
A person who is competent in information literacy recognizes when information is needed and has
the ability to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively.
X Written Communication
A competent written communicator can use writing to communicate with others, resulting in
understanding and being understood.

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Course Learning Outcomes
After completion of this course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a knowledge of the engineering profession including engineering disciplines, societies,
accreditation, and licensing.
Use the NSPE Code of Ethics to discuss case studies in engineering ethics.
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the engineering design process.
Demonstrate proficiency in Excel for graphing and analyzing engineering data and for engineering
problem solving.
Describe basic concepts associated with working in teams.
Gain familiarity with the architecture and programming of a microprocessor, such as the BASIC Stamp
or the Arduino Uno.
Describe various types of peripheral devices to be controlled by microprocessor including servos
and sensors (such as infrared optical sensors, ultrasonic rangefinders, temperature, and humidity
Develop and implement algorithms for programming the BASIC Stamp based robot.
Participate in team-based robotic experiments.
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate information and scholarly literature.
Demonstrate effective search strategies with library databases.

Topics Covered in this Course

Introduction to the Engineering Profession including engineering disciplines,
societies, accreditation and licensing
The engineering design process and teamwork
Engineering Problem Solving
Using Microsoft Excel for engineering problem solving and for graphing and
analyzing data
Microprocessor hardware and software
Microprocessor-based robot, such as the BASIC Stamp robot (BOEBOT)
Controlling the peripheral devices with a microprocessor, including servos and
sensors (such as infrared optical sensors, ultrasonic rangefinders, temperature
and humidity sensors
Team project - communicating with a microprocessor
Team project - controlling servos
Team project - using sensors

Team competition - navigating a robot on a track using various methods of navigation

Team reports/presentations
The Design Process
Information literacy: evaluation of information and scholarly literature
Library databases: effective search strategies

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Methods of Assessment Used in this Course

Direct Assessments Indirect Assessments Other Assessments

(please describe below)

X Tests/Exams/Quizzes X Mid-Semester Evaluations

X Essays X Participation points awarded
X Projects
X Studio/Lab Performance
X Demonstrations,
X Lab Practical

Methods of Delivery
X Face-to-Face
X Hybrid

Date Last Reviewed: 03/07/2017

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