Lesson 1 Change 1

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University of North Texas Art Education

I. Lesson Number, Grade Levels, Title, and Duration:
Lesson : Who I am Inside...
8th Grade
7- 50 min class periods
II. Lesson Rationale: Students will learn about changes that could occur or have occurred to them.
This helps the student learn about change on a personal level, and it will help them understand changes
that take place in their life.

III. Key Concepts:

Change can be internal or external.
IV. Essential Question:
What kinds of changes can happen to us internally and/or externally?
V. Lesson Objectives:
Students will illustrate external and internal changes.
Students will utilize the Aurasma app to create AR images of themselves.
Students will use collage techniques to develop interesting compostions.

VI. Specific Art Content:

-collage techniques -Aurasma app (augmented reality)
-proportion, perspective, emphasis -self portraiture
-shape, color, texture
VII. Resources & Materials for Teacher:
List the instructional resources needed--reproductions, objects, websites, equipment, videos, dvds,
parents, experts, literature, performances, local sitesetc. In the case of images/reproductions or
motion pictures to be used in the lesson, be sure to include the artist/director; title of the work(s); and,
if the reproduction is commercially available, the source for obtaining them.

VIII. Resources & Materials for Students:

Magazines (pre-screened) Permanent Markers Paints
Scissors Glue Paint brushes
Construction paper Colored Pencils

IX. Instruction and Its Sequencing:

Day 1: Introduction Day

1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 mins)
Intro on change and internal/external changes that can occur.
Show video on augmented reality (https://youtu.be/wY8vaSvwfj0)
2. Guided Practice: (15 Mins)
o Group discussion on internal and external changes that can occur in their lives or that
have occurred.
o Make sure to talk and ask questions about how they could represent these changes
3. Independent Practice: (20 mins)
o Introduce project and give them a copy of the project sheet/rubric
Take a printed copy of a photo that is at least the size of printer paper and use
collage (magazines, drawings, paintings, construction paper) to show external
A second printed copy of the same photo will be used to make a collage or
painted self that represents internal changes.
o Have students brainstorm and draw in their sketchbook individually the changes they
want to include and how they will represent it
4. Closure (10 Minutes)
o Take photos of students while they are brainstorming to be printed or tell them to bring
their own photo if they prefer. (Make sure they make a copy of their photo if they are
bringing it so they don't alter any photos that their parents want back)
o Last 5 minutes put away sketchbooks and materials
5. Formative Evaluation
o Walk around the class and make sure the students are brainstorming changes effectively
and ask them questions about their thoughts
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Allow 5 minutes for students to put away their sketchbooks and drawing materials.
o No one leaves until all materials are returned to their proper places
o Class tub available for storing projects
Day 2: Begin planning and cutting materials for collage
1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 mins)
o Show Trenton Doyle Hancock Video from Art21
2. Guided Practice (8 mins)
o Teacher will do a quick walkthrough of materials available for the students to use
throughout the project.
o Teacher will quickly demonstrate how to use the materials in their self portraits
3. Independent Practice (30 mins)
o Students will begin working on 'external' self portrait
o Teacher will roam room and assist when needed.
4. Closure (7 mins)
o Have students clean their stations and leave their projects with teacher for safe keeping.
o As students are cleaning have them discuss their projects with their classmates.
5. Formative Evaluation
o Teacher will consult with students as they work.
o Teacher will make sure that students are on task and assist students who seem to be
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Teacher will have materials spread out on tables when students come into class.
o Teacher will constantly be monitoring the room.
o Students are responsible for the areas they are working on.
o Expectation will be set that each student must clean up after themselves completely
Day 3: Work day
1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 mins)
o Show a brief PowerPoint w/ examples of collage pieces & show student or teacher
examples if available
o Tell the students they should be finishing up the external collage today
2. Guided Practice: (5 mins)
o Ask the students if they have seen any examples of collages
o Show how to trace or grid specific areas of the photo onto paper to draw their own
features like clothes or to cut out clothes out of patterns found online or in mags.
3. Independent Practice: (35 mins)
o Students will continue working on their projects independently but they may talk to
peers quietly near them to get feedback
4. Closure: (5 mins)
o Allow 5 minutes to clean up
o Tell students that they will have 10 minutes at the beginning of next class to put on final
touches on collage, other work should be done outside of class if they are behind.
o Remind them to download Aurasma
o Remind them that next class they will begin altering the second photo for internal
5. Formative Evaluation
o Make sure students are on track and close to finishing up. Have them turn in finished
projects to the front.
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Have stacks of magazines, construction paper, drawing paper, markers, colored pencils,
scissors, etc. spread on tables before class enters
o Students must throw away paper scraps and clean up messes before they can leave class
o Students will store finished work on drying rack for teacher to look over
Day 4: Begin Internal Changes Collage
1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 mins)
Show video on Elliott Hundley (https://art21.org/watch/exclusive/elliott-hundley-
2. Guided Practice: (5 mins)
o Tell students that the changes don't have to be realistic because they should represent
internal changes
o Give one or two examples (making yourself look like a lion to represent gaining
courage or something like this)
o Pass out second copy of original photo
3. Independent Practice: (35 mins)
o Students will begin working on altering their second photo for internal changes
o This may be collage style again or they may just draw or paint on the photo
4. Closure: (5 mins)
o Remind students that they will only have one more class period to work on altering
o Have students clean up materials and paper scraps
o Place unfinished work in class tub
5. Formative Evaluation
o Walk around while students are working and ask them questions about their choices for
o Ask how these changes represent an internal change
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Have tub or drying rack for unfinished work
o Students may not leave unless they have cleaned up
o Materials will be on desks before students arrive
Day 5: Work Day
1. Introduction/Motivation: (2 mins)
o Remind students that this is their last work day to work with collage materials
2. Guided Practice: (5 mins)
o Ask students what they have liked and learned from collage
3. Independent Practice: (38 mins)
o Students will work on their altered photo independently
4. Closure: (5 mins)
o Students will clean up scraps and organize materials on table
o Tell students to have "aurasma" downloaded on phone for next class (there will be an
ipad or something avaliable in class for those who don't have smart phones)
o Turn in finished work to drying rack
5. Formative Evaluation
o Go over finished projects and see if they demonstrated collage techniques discussed and
make sure they demonstrated changes in some way
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Supplies will be on tables before students arrive
o Drying rack for finished projects
o Students may not leave until area is clean
Day 6: Aurasma
1. Introduction/Motivation:
o Show ARt Gallery Video
o Show tutorial video on Aurasma app.
2. Guided Practice
o Demo the process of layering the two self portraits with teacher example.
3. Independent Practice
o Create a class channel on Aurasma and show them how to join the channel
o Have students pair up and help each other 'upload' their self-portraits into Aurasma class
o Teacher will assist any students who are having trouble uploading projects.
4. Closure
o Teacher will have students discuss what they think of the Aurasma app.
o Have students use to Aurasma app to view the teacher example before leaving class for
the day.
5. Formative Evaluation
Teacher will check that all students have uploaded their projects to the Aurasma class
6. Classroom Management Procedures
What will I do to keep students on task and safe?
Day 7: Gallery Walk
1. Introduction/Motivation: (5 minutes)
o Talk about appropriate critique etiquette
o Tell students to phrase things that could be improved in the form of a question "What if
you did this instead of that?"
o Use aurasma app on your phone to see the double portrait with internal changes
2. Guided Practice (40 minutes)
o Lead the gallery walk and try to ask questions about the pieces if the students have a
hard time coming up with things to say.
3. Independent Practice
o Students will explain their choice of changes at the end of the critique of their work if
they feel comfortable
4. Closure: (5 mins)
o Tell the students that they will start a new project next class
o Ask students what they learned about change through this project
5. Formative Evaluation
o Make sure students are polite in critique and pay attention during gallery walk
o Each student should speak at least two times during the full critique
6. Classroom Management Procedures
o Hang up first collages on the walls or lay them on tables before class starts

X. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:

Grade Excellent Good Developing
Attention The student shows a clear The student shows a The student and
to theme understanding of the theme. The fairly reasonable collage show little
relationship is clear without understanding of the to no understanding
__/40pts explanation. theme. The relationship is of the theme.
somewhat clear in the
Creativity The student used a wide variety of The student uses some The student uses
images, both drawn and found in found or drawn images. little to no found or
__/20pts their collage. drawn images.
Time and Class time was used wisely. It is Class time was some Class time was not
Effort clear that the student put in time what used wisely. The used wisely. No
and paid attention to planning and student could have put in time or effort was
__/25 designing the collage. more effort to planning put into designing or
and designing the collage. planning the
Quality of The collage shows considerable The collage shows some The collage appears
Constructio attention to construction. All items consideration to "slapped together."
n are securely attached and there are no construction. Most items are Items are falling off or
smudge marks or glue stains securely attached and there unsecure with
__/15 a very little smudge marks excessive smudge
or glue stains. marks and glue stains.
XI. Interdisciplinary Connections:
This project could relate to English classes because it has them analyzing themselves for internal and
external changes so they should feel more comfortable analyzing a character in a book for these
changes as well.
XII. References & Resources:
[Art21]. (2015, 6 5). Evoking Emotions. Elliot Hundley [Video File]. Retrieved from
[Art21]. (2013, 11 1). "The Former and the Ladder or Ascension and a Cinchin" Tenton Doyle
Handcock [Video File]. Retrieved from https://art21.org/artist/trenton-doyle-hancock/
[Aurasma]. (2016, 1 29). Aurasma at Disney Star Wars Weekends 2015 [Video File]. Retrieved from
Handcock, T. D. (2003, 9). "It Came from Studio Floor" Trenton Doyle Handcock (Art21, Interviewer).
Art21. Retrieved from https://art21.org/read/trenton-doyle-hancock-it-came-from-studio-floor/
Ohler, J. [Jason Ohler]. (2013, 4 13). Augmented Reality art (ARt) gallery (longer version explination-
7 minutes) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE4CxNxQxxk
[Teaching Palette]. (2013, 5 30). Aurasma in Art Education [Video File]. Retrieved from


117.204. Art, Middle School 3
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Foundations: observation and perception.
(3) Historical and cultural relevance.
(2) Creative expression.
(4) Critical evaluation and response.
XIV. National Art Standards
VA:Cr2.1.8a Demonstrate willingness to experiment
VA:Cr2.3.8a Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually clear and compelling
VA:Cr3.1.8a Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or
design in progress.
VA:Pr6.1.8a Analyze why and how an exhibition or collection may influence ideas, beliefs, and
VA:Re.7.1.8a Explain how a persons aesthetic choices are influenced by culture and environment and
impact the visual image that one conveys to others.

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