lp8 Creative Arts - Shadow and Sculpture

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Lesson Plan 8

Sculpture and shadow

Brief description

Students explore their understanding of artist and the meaning of the artwork through;
• Watching the videos and share their ideas with others
• Try to create their own artworks.
Students focus on the light and shadow through;
• Experimenting how to fit the shadow in A4 paper using content knowledge they had
acquired through science lessons.
Students represent their understanding through;
• Creating 3D sculpture and drawing the shadow
Students evaluate their learning through;
• Looking at others’ art work.

Duration: 45 minutes
Outcomes Indicators

VAS2.1 Represents the qualities • select and explore different aspects of subject matter
of experiences and things that in particular ways in their making of artworks
are interesting or beautiful by
choosing among aspects of
subject matter.
VAS2.4 Identifies connections • how artists, including themselves, have intentions
between subject matter in that affect the look of the work and its details
artworks and what they refer to,
and appreciates the use of
particular techniques.

Students will be seated at the regular seating arrangement until the teacher guide students.

Engage l Show some images and YouTube video

Engage students with an activity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M58oMKBO7S0)
or question. Captures their of Alberto Giocometti.
interest, determines what they l Discuss the outcome of this lesson.
know about the concept or skill

Misaki K. 1
Lesson Plan 8

being developed, makes

connections between what they
know and the new ideas.
Explore l Play a musical statue. Instead of freesing, ask
Hands-on activities with concrete students to gesture their own shape or form on their
materials which explore the spot.
concept or skill. Students l Allow them to discuss with their neighbours about
investigate describe the problem why they chose to create their pose as well as how
in their own words. Allows the neighbour can improve their pose.
students to acquire a common
set of experiences that they can
use to help each other make
sense of the new concept or skill.
(10 minuets)
Explain l Discuss how to create body parts using the pipe
Teacher provides the concepts cleaner.
and terms used by the students
to develop explanations for the l Provide pipe cleaner and allow them to explore the

phenomenon they have shapes they can create.

experienced. Explanation follows
l Provide 5 piece of aluminum for each student and
(10 mins) allow them to cover their shapes with aluminum.

Elaborate l Leave their work on the table and allow students to

Students apply what they have walk around the room to see others’ work for 5
learned to new situations, minutes.
develop a deeper understanding l Go outside and trace the shadow.
of the concept or greater use of l Guide students to make a pair.
the skill. Students discuss and l Encourage students to use their prior-knowledge to
compare their ideas with each figure out how to fit the shadow on the paper.
other. Potential for differentiation
(10 mins) Advanced learners – Encourage students to discuss
in pair before asking teacher.

Misaki K. 2
Lesson Plan 8

Emerging learners – Providing guiding question

such as “How do we make the shadow
Evaluate l Come back to the room and colour them in.
Students to review and reflect on l Display the work in front of the classroom.
their own learning and new
understanding and skills.
Students provide evidence for
changes to their understanding,
beliefs and skills.
(10 mins)
Use of ICT’s Communication board
YouTube video “ Alberto Giacometti | TateShots”
Resources • Images
• Pipe cleaner
• Aluminum
• Paper
Assessment Strategy • Observe students how to figure out to fit the shadow
on the paper
• Observe students’ response to why they chose the

Misaki K. 3

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