Lesson Plan: Teacher: Date: Time: School: Class

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Class profile: 15 year-olds, A2B1

Teaching unit : Module 5: Water; Underwater Treasure

Type of lesson : Presentation, practice

Sources: Challenges 4 Students' Book; Workbook; Teacher's Handbook

Aims and objectives : Read about treasure hunters; learn about modal verds for speculation

Teaching methods : conversation, presentation, reading comprehension, writing, speaking

Class management : whole class, individual work, pair work

Teaching aids, materials
and equipment : students book, workbook, CD; board, chalk, CD-player

Aims and Class organization procedures and activities Interaction Teaching Possible problems
objectives aids and and solutions

Introduce the Homework check;
topic, elicit ideas Get Ready: Introduce the module and the key words. T Ss SB 10
and vocabulary, CD min
arouse interest Exercise 1: Students discuss the question as a class. Encourage any Ss who have been scuba diving or T Ss CD player
snorkelling to tell the class about their experiences.

Provide key
vocabulary and Exercise 2: Explain that 'HMS' stands for 'Her/His Majesty's Ship'. Play the recording for Ss to read and T - SS
Main part

target language listen to find out why 'HMS Sussex' was an interesting find.
in context SB
Exercise 3: Ss work in groups or pairs, discussing the questions. The groups/pairs then report back to T - SS CD
the class. Encourage Ss to talk about any famous shipwrecks they have heard of. S-S CD player

Present target Exercise 4: Ask Ss to find the sentences in the text and complete them with the missing words. Help Ss T - SS board
language complete the rules.

Exercise 5: Help Ss match the modals with the sentences. T - SS 25

Exercise 6: Advise Ss to read through the dialogue quickly for general understanding befor they start T - SS
Practice target completing it. Check with the whole class.
Exercise 7: Set this exercise for homework. Elicit a couple of sentences to set a model. T - SS

Exercise 8: Ask a student to read the first sentence, then elicit the rephrased version (with a modal T - SS
verb). Elicit the second answer. Students then continue completing the task individually or in pairs. S-S

Ending the lesson:

Use target
language T-S SB 10
Exercise 9: Read a few cues with the class. Elicit a couple of sentences. Ss work in pairs or groups of S-S min
three, reading the cues and speculating about the man's present and past. Encourage Ss to agree or
disagree with each other's opinions.

Homework: Exercise 7.

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