Credit Risk Management

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The key takeaways are that credit risk management involves identifying, measuring, managing and controlling risk both at the portfolio and individual level according to an organization's risk policies and appetite. Statistical tools like VaR and CVaR form the core of credit risk management which looks forward to assess likely adverse outcomes.

Credit management involves selecting borrowers and examining the 3 Ps while credit risk management involves identifying and analyzing risk, measuring and controlling risk according to an organization's credit philosophy. Credit risk management also provides exit options through asset sales while using more advanced statistical tools.

Techniques for credit risk modeling include econometric models, neural networks, optimization models and hybrid systems. Econometric models use statistical models while neural networks are computer-based systems using economic techniques. Optimization models identify optimal weights and hybrid systems use direct causal relationships in simulation.

Credit Risk Management


Probability of loss from a credit transaction is the plain vanilla definition of credit risk.
According to the Basel Committee, Credit Risk is most simply defined as the potential that a
borrower or counter-party will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has defined credit risk as the probability of losses associated
with diminution in the credit quality of borrowers or counter-parties. Though credit risk is
closely related with the business of lending (that is BANKS) it is Infact applicable to all
activities of where credit is involved (for example, manufactures /traders sell their goods on
credit to their customers).the first record of credit risk is reported to have been in 1800 B.C.


The credit risk architecture provides the broad canvas and infrastructure to effectively identify,
measure, manage and control credit risk --- both at portfolio and individual levels--- in
accordance with a banks risk principles, risk policies, risk process and risk appetite as a
continuous feature. It aims to strengthen and increase the efficacy of the organization, while
maintaining consistency and transparency. Beginning with the Basel Capital Accord-I in 1988
and the subsequent Barings episode in1995 and the Asian Financial Crisis in1997, the credit risk
management function has become the centre of gravity , especially in a financially in services
industry like banking.


Although credit risk management is analogous to credit management, there is a subtle difference
between the two. Here are some of the following:


1. It involves selecting and identifying the 1. It involves identifying and analyzing
borrower/counter party. risk in a credit transaction.
2. It revolves around examining the three 2. It revolves around measuring, managing

Ps of borrowing: people (character and and controlling credit risk in the context of an
capacity of the borrower/guarantor), purpose organizations credit philosophy and credit
(especially if the project/purpose is viable or appetite.
not), protection (security offered, borrowers
capital, etc.)
3. It is predominantly concerned with the 3. It is predominantly concerned with
probability of repayment. probability of default.
4. Credit appraisal and analysis do not 4. Depending on the risk manifestations of an
usually provide an exit feature at the time of exposure, an exist route remains a usual option
sanction. through the sale of assets/securitization.
5. The standard financial tools of assessment 5. Statistical tools like VaR (Value at Risk),
for credit management are balance CVaR (Credit Value at Risk), duration and
sheet/income statement, cash flow statement simulation techniques, etc. form the core of
coupled with computation of specific credit risk management.
accounting ratios. It is then followed by post-
sanction supervision and a follow-up
mechanism (e.g. inspection of securities, etc.).
6. It is more backward-looking in its 6. It is forward looking in its assessment,
assessment, in terms of studying the looking, for instance, at a likely scenario of an
antecedents/performance of the adverse outcome in the business.


The word `process connotes a continuing activity or function towards a particular result. The
process is in fact the last of the four wings in the entire risk management edifice the other three
being organizational structure, principles and policies. In effect it is the vehicle to implement a
banks risk principles and policies aided by banks organizational structure, with the sole
objective of creating and maintaining a healthy risk culture in the bank.
The risk management process has four components:
1. Risk Identification.
2. Risk Measurement.
3. Risk Monitoring.

4. Risk Control.

While identifying risks, the following points have to be kept in mind:
All types of risks (existing and potential) must be identified and their likely effect in the
short run be understood.
The magnitude of each risk segment may vary from bank to bank.
The geographical area covered by the bank may determine the coverage of its risk
content. A bank that has international operations may experience different intensity of
credit risks in various countries when compared with a pure domestic bank. Also, even
within a bank, risks will vary in it domestic operations and its overseas arms.

MEASUREMENT means weighing the contents and/or value, intensity, magnitude of any object
against a yardstick. In risk measurement it is necessary to establish clear ways of evaluating
various risk categories, without which identification would not serve any purpose. Using
quantitative techniques in a qualitative framework will facilitate the following objectives:
Finding out and understanding the exact degree of risk elements in each category in the
operational environment.
Directing the efforts of the bank to mitigate the risks according to the vulnerability of a
particular risk factor.
Taking appropriate initiatives in planning the organizations future thrust areas and line
of business and capital allocation. The systems/techniques used to measure risk depend
upon the nature and complexity of a risk factor. While a very simple qualitative
assessment may be sufficient in some cases, sophisticated methodological/statistical
may be necessary in others for a quantitative value.

Keeping close track of risk identification measurement activities in the light of the risk,
principles and policies is a core function in a risk management system. For the success of the

system, it is essential that the operating wings perform their activities within the broad contours
of the organizations risk perception. Risk monitoring activity should ensure the following:
Each operating segment has clear lines of authority and responsibility.
Whenever the organizations principles and policies are breached, even if they may be to
its advantage, must be analyzed and reported, to the concerned authorities to aid in
policy making.
In the course of risk monitoring, if it appears that it is in the banks interest to modify
existing policies and procedures, steps to change them should be considered.
There must be an action plan to deal with major threat areas facing the bank in the
The activities of both the business and reporting wings are monitored striking a balance
at all points in time.
Tracking of risk migration is both upward and downward.

There must be appropriate mechanism to regulate or guide the operation of the risk management
system in the entire bank through a set of control devices. These can be achieved through a host
of management processes such as:
Assessing risk profile techniques regularly to examine how far they are effective in
mitigating risk factors in the bank.
Analyzing internal and external audit feedback from the risk angle and using it to
activate control mechanisms.
Segregating risk areas of major concern from other relatively insignificant areas and
exercising more control over them.
Putting in place a well drawn-out-risk-focused audit system to provide inputs on
restraint for operating personnel so that they do not take needless risks for short-
term interests.
It is evident, therefore, that the risk management process through all its four wings facilitate an
organizations sustainability and growth. The importance of each wing depends upon the nature

of the organizations activity, size and objective. But it still remains a fact that the importance of
the entire process is paramount.


Risk taking is an integral part of management in an enterprise. For example, if a particular bank
decides to lend only against its deposits, then its margins are bound to be very slender indeed.
However the bank may also not be in a position to deploy all its lendable funds, since obviously
takers for loans will be very and occasional.
The basic techniques of an ideal credit risk management culture are:
Certain risks are not to be taken even though there is the likelihood of major gains or
profit, like speculative activities.
Transactions with sizeable risk content should be transferred to professional risk
institutions. For example, advances to small scale industrial units and small borrowers
should be covered by the Deposit & Credit Insurance Scheme in India. Similarly, export
finance should be covered by the Export Credit Guarantee Scheme, etc.
The other risks should be managed by the institution with proper risk management

Thus credit management techniques are a mixture of risk avoidance, risk transfer and risk
assumption. The importance of each of these will depend on the organizations nature of
activities, its size, capacity and above all its risk philosophy and risk appetite.


The RBI has laid down the following forms of credit risk:
Non-repayment of the principal of the loan and /or the interest on it.
Contingent liabilities like letters of credit/guarantees issued by the bank on behalf of
the client and upon crystallization---- amount not deposited by the customer.
In the case of treasury operations, default by the counter-parties in meeting the
In the case of securities trading, settlement not taking place when its due.

In the case of cross border obligations, any default arising from the flow of foreign
exchange and /or due to restrictions imposed on remittances out of the country.


For any organization, especially one in banking-related activities, losses from credit risk are
usually very severe and non infrequent. It is therefore necessary to look into the causes of credit
risk vulnerability. Broadly there are three sets of causes, which are as follows:

Any kind of concentration has its limitations. The cardinal principle is that all eggs must not be
put in the same basket. Concentrating credit on any one obligor /group or type of industry /trade
can pose a threat to the lenders well being. In the case of banking, the extent of concentration is
to be judged according to the following criteria:
The institutions capital base (paid-up capital + reserves & surplus, etc).
The institutions total tangible assets.
The institutions prevailing risk level.

The alarming consequence of concentration is the likelihood of large losses at one time or in
succession without an opportunity to absorb the shock. Credit concentration may take any or
both of the following forms:
Conventional: in a single borrower/group or in a particular sector like steel, petroleum,
Common/ correlated concentration: for example, exchange rate devaluation and its effect
on foreign exchange derivative counter-parties.

A strong appraisal system and pre- sanction care are basic requisites in the credit delivery
system. This again needs to be supplemented by an appropriate and prompt post-disbursement
supervision and follow-up system. The history of finance is replete with cases of default due to
ineffective credit granting and/or monitoring systems and practices in an organization, however
effective, need to be subjected to improvement from time to time in the light of developments in
the marketplace.


Foreign exchange and derivates contracts, letter of credit and liquidity back up lines etc. while
being remunerative; create sudden hiccups in the organizations financial base. To guard against
rude shock, the organization must have in place a Compact Analytical System to check for the
customers vulnerability to liquidity problems. In this context, the Basel Committee states that,
Market and liquidity-sensitive exposures, because they are probabilistic, can be correlated with
credit-worthiness of the borrower.


An organization dedicated to optimally manage its credit risk faces conflict, particularly while
meeting the requirements of the business sector. Its customers expect the bank to extend high
quality lender-service with efficiency and responsiveness, placing increasing demands in terms
of higher amounts, longer tenors and lesser collateral. The organization on the other hand may
have a limited credit risk appetite and like to reap the maximum benefits with lesser credit and of
a shorter duration. An articulate balancing of this conflict reflects the strength and soundness of
risk management practices of the bank.


The entire credit risk management edifice in a bank rests upon the following three building
blocks, in accordance with RBI guidelines:

All banks cannot use the same policy and strategy, even though they may be similar in many
respects. This is because each bank has a different risk policy and risk appetite. However one
aspect that is common for any bank is that it must have an appropriate policy framework
covering risk identification, measurement, monitoring and control. In such a policy initiative,
there must be risk control/mitigation measures and also clear lines of authority, autonomy
and accountability of operating officials. As a matter of fact, the policy document must
provide flexibility to make the best use of risk-reward opportunities. Risk strategy which is a
functional element involving the implementation of risk policy is concerned more with safe
and profitable credit operations. it takes in to account types of economic / business activity to
which credit is to be extended, its geographical location and suitability, scope of
diversification, cyclical aspects of the economy and above all means and ways of existing
when the risk become too high.
Depending upon a banks nature of activity, and above all its risk philosophy and risk
appetite , the organization structure is formed taking care of the core functions of risk
identification, risk measurement, risk monitoring and risk control.
The RBI has suggested the following guidelines for banks:

The Board of Directors would be in the superstructure, with a role in the overall risk
policy formulation and overseeing.
There has to be a board-level sub-committee called the Risk Management Committee
(RMC) concerned with integrated risk management. That is, framing policy issues on
the basis of the overall policy prescriptions of the Board and coming up with an
implementation strategy. This sub-committee, entrusted with enterprise wide risk
management, should comprise the chief executive officer and heads of the Credit Risk
Management and Market and Operational Risk Management Committee.
A Credit Risk Management Committee (CRMC) should function under the
supervision of the RMC. This committee should be headed by the CEO/executive
director and should include heads of credit, treasury, the Credit Risk Management
Department (CRMD) and the chief economist.

Implementation of Credit Risk Policy.
Monitoring credit risk on the basis of the risk limits fixed by the board and ensuring
compliance on an ongoing basis.
Seeking the boards approval for standards for entertaining credit/investment proposals
and fixing benchmarks and financial covenants.
Micro-management of credit exposures, for example, risks concentration/diversification,
pricing, collaterals, portfolio review, provisional/compliance aspects, etc.
Besides setting up macro-level functionaries on a committee basis each bank is required to put in
place a Credit Risk Management Department (CRMD), whose functions have been prescribed by
the RBI.

Measuring, controlling and managing credit risk on a bank wide basis within the limits
set by the board/CRMC.
Enforce compliance with the risk parameters and prudential limits set by the
Lay down risk assessment systems, develop an MIS, monitor the quality of loan
/investment portfolio, identify problems, correct deficiencies and undertake loan
review /audit.
Be accountable for protecting the quality of the entire loan/investment portfolio.


Measurement and monitoring, along with control aspects, in credit risk determine the
vulnerability or otherwise of an organization while extending credit, including deployment of
funds in tradable securities. As per RBI guidelines, this should involve three clear phases:
Relationship management with the clientele with an eye on business development.
Transaction management involving fixing the quantum, tenor and pricing and to
document the same in conformity with statutory / regulatory guidelines.

Portfolio management, signifying appraisal/evaluation on a portfolio basis rather than on
an individual basis (which is covered by the two earlier points) with a special thrust on
management of non-performing items.
In the light of all the above three phases, a bank has to map its risk management activities
(identification, measurement, monitoring and control). It has to emphasize on the following
There should be periodic focused industry studies identifying, in particular, stagnant and
dying sectors.
Hands-on supervision of individual credit accounts through half-yearly/annual reviews of
financial, position of collaterals and obligors internal and external business environment.
Credit sanctioning authority and credit risk approving authority to be separate.
Level of credit sanctioning authority is to be higher in proportion to the amount of credit.
Installation of a credit audit system inhouse or handed-out to a competent external
An appropriate credit rating system to operate.
Pricing should be linked to the risk rating of an account --- higher the risk, higher the
Credit appraisal and periodic reviews----- together with enhancement when necessary---
should be uniform, but operate flexibly.
There should be a consistent approach (keeping in view prudential guidelines wherever
existing) in the identification, classification and recovery of non-performing accounts.
A compact system to avoid excessive concentration of credit should operate with
portfolio analysis.
There should be a clearly laid down process of risk reporting of data/information to the
controlling / regulatory authorities.
A conservative long provisionary policy should be in place so that all non performing
assets are provided for, not only as per regulatory requirements but also with some
additional cushioning (some banks in India provide for a fixed percentage-----usually
0.25%------of standard assets).

There should be detailed delegation of powers, duties and responsibilities of officials
dealing with credit.
There should be sound Management Information System.
These make it clear that operations/systems in credit risk management become really
effective tools only when they are led by principles of consistency and transparency.


A credit risk model is a quantitative study of credit risk, covering both good borrowers and bad
borrowers. A risk model is a mathematical model containing the loan applicants characteristics
either to calculate a score representing the applicants probability of default or to sort borrowers
into different default classes. A model is considered effective if a suitable validation process is
also built in with adequate power and calibration. As a matter of fact, a model without the
necessary and appropriate validation is only a hypothesis.

Banks may derive the following benefits if they install an appropriate credit risk model:
It will enable them to compute the present value of a loan asset of fixed income security,
taking into account the organizations past experience and assessment of future scenario.
It facilitates the measurement of credit risk in quantitative terms, especially in cases
where promised cash flows may not materialize.
It would enable an organization to compute its regulatory capital requirement based on an
internal ratings approach.
An appropriate credit risk model will facilitate an impact study of credit derivatives and
loan sales/securitization initiatives.
It facilitates the pricing of loans and provides a competitive edge to the players.
It helps the top management in an organization in financial planning, customer
profitability analysis, portfolio management, and capital structuring/restructuring,
managing risk across the geographical and product segments of the enterprise.
Regulatory authorities find it easier to evaluate banks that have suitable credit risk model
in place.

Above all, a credit risk model enables achieving the objectives of what to measure, how
to measure and how to interpret the results
Credit Risk Modelling
Altmans z score model
Credit metrics model
Value at risk
Merton Model

Altmans Z Score Model

Altman Z-Score variables developed to measure the financial strength of a firm Z Score = a1 x
V1 + a2 x V2 + a3 x V3 + a4 x V4 + a5 x V5
V1 = Working capital / Total assets
V2 = Retained earnings / Total assets
V3 = Earnings before interest and taxes / Total assets
V4 = Market value of equity / Book value of total liabilities
V5 = Sales / Total assets
a1 to a5 are the model constants identified through statistical analysis (discriminate analysis)
Usage of Z score of the firm
Z1 or more Excellent firm
Z2 to Z1 Safe
Z3 to Z2 Doubtful performance
Below Z3 Expected to become bankrupt Where: Z1 > Z2 > Z3
Credit Metrics Model
Assessment of portfolio risk due to changes in debt value caused by changes in credit quality
Reduces portfolio risk
Sets exposure limits
Identify correlations across portfolio
Reduce potential risk concentration
Results in diversified portfolio
Reduction of total risk

Value-at-Risk Model

Estimate of potential loss in loan portfolio over a given holding period at a given level of
Probability distribution of a loan portfolio value reducing by an estimated amount over a given
time horizon.
Time horizon estimate is over a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Merton Model
Bank would default only if its asset value falls below certain level (default point), which is a
function of its liability.
Estimates the asset value of the bank and its asset volatility from the market value and the debt
structure in the option theoretic framework.
A measurement that represents the number of standard deviation that the banks asset value
would be away from the default point.Merton Model Historical default experience to compute
Expected Default Frequency (EDF) Distance from Default (DFD) is the estimation of asset value
and asset volatility and volatility of equity return DFD = (Expected asset value Default point) /
(Asset value x Asset volatility) Expected default frequency (EDF) is arrived at from historical
data in terms of number of banks that have DFD values similar to the banks DFD in relation to
the total number of banks considered for evaluation. Model Efficiency Difference between the
estimated default values and actual default rate Merton Model (Example)
Expected asset value (1 year hence) 200 billion
Default point (DP) 140 billion
Volatility of asset value 12%
Asset value 250 billion
If from historical observation the number of banks among 80 banks that have a default point of
2.00 are 12, then EDF = 12/80 =15%
()2001402.000.12250tvEVDPDFDVMerton Model (Example)
Relationship between DFD and EDF
EDF 15% 2.0 DFD
Mark-to-market concept
Allocates capital to a transaction at an amount equal to the maximum expected loss (at a 99
percent confidence level)

Techniques are methods to accomplish a desired aim. In credit risk modeling, the aim is
essentially to compute the probability of default of an asset/loan. Broadly the following range is
available to an organization going in for a credit risk model:
Econometric technique: Statistical models such as linear probability and logit model,
linear discriminant model, RARUC model, etc.
Neural networks: Computer based systems using economic techniques on an alternative
implementation basis.
Optimization model: Mathematical process of identifying optimum weights of borrower
and loan assets.
Hybrid system: simulation by direct casual relationship of the parameters.

Financial Ratio and Credit Risk

Financial ratios play two roles in credit analysis
They help quantify the borrowers credit risk before the loan is granted.
Once granted, they serve as an early warning device for increased credit risk
Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its short-term financial obligations when
they fall due
Quick ratio and Current ratio are commonly used liquidity measures
Both ratios contain the assets in the numerator to include items that potentially can be
converted into cash
The higher both the ratios, the higher the liquidity position of the firm
Current ratio
Frequently used measure of liquidity
Assumes that current assets have a liquidation value, i.e. the firm could sell all its current
assets to pay back its current liabilities, if it runs out its business
Some guidelines to asses the level of Current ratio:
CR > 2 Good

1<= CR <=2 Satisfactory
CR < 1 Weak
Quick ratio
Another frequently used measure of liquidity
Assumes that inventories do not necessarily have any liquidation value, if they are sold
Some guidelines to asses the level of Quick ratio:
QR > 1 Good
0,5 <= QR <= 1 Satisfactory
QR < 0,5 Weak
Net working capital ratio
Measures the difference between current assets and current liabilities
Net working capital ratio is calculated as follows:
Turnover ratios
These ratios measure how effectively a firm uses the
components of net working capital
A firm should minimize the amount of working capital Reduces invested capital, and
hence, increases EVA
On the other hand, a firm must meet all its obligations
when they are due
Frequently used ratios
o Account receivables turnover rate
o Account payables turnover rate
o Inventory turnover rate
Account receivables turnover rate
How quickly (or slowly) the firm receives its receivables from sales

Account payable turnover rate
How quickly (or slowly) the firm pays its bills
Inventory per sales-%
How effectively inventory management works
Financial ratios and credit risk
Financial ratios predict
Profitability: Weakened earnings may launch the process that leads firms into financial
distress (early warning signs)
Financial leverage: All too much debt is a signal of already existing financial troubles
(mid-term warning signs)
Liquidity and working capital: Liquidity straits are a strong signal of anticipated distress
(final warning signs)
Main questions are
How to use financial rations in distress prediction?
Can we improve their prediction power by using other information?


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