Lesson Plan - Number 7

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Amal Yousef Karm

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order to grow


- Plan.
- Be prepared and organize.
- Be on time.
- Bring enough materials.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (School code and

Kg1 Math words):
- Students will be able to write and
identify number 7.

Resources (what Preparation (what do you need to make

materials/equipment will you and or check before class?)
the students use? Be specific) - Check the materials are enough.
- The smart board is working and
- Smart board connected with the internet.
- Box of fruits Key vocabulary
- Small board - Number 7
- Cubes
- Colors
- Papers
- Dishes
- Ice cream poster
- Strawberries
- Numbers
Time: 15 Whole

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of

small group activities)

I will engaged them by bring a box of fruits and make a story from that. For
example: I went yesterday to market and I bought,,,, . After students identify
the number 7 I will ask students how many fruits do we have in box? Lets
count it together. Then, shows them how the number 7 can be written and give
15 min Small Active Engagement (group working with the teacher)

I will Ask the students to write the number 7 on the floor and air. Clap and
jump 7 times.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)


Students will search for number 7 from the cubes that on the table and build 7
floors of cubes. While they are putting the cubes ask them to count loudly.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Students will set and each one will have a poster of ice cream cone with many
strawberries stickers. I will ask them what number we took today? If they
answered me I will tell them to take 7 stickers and stick it on the ice cream
cone poster.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

I will give for two groups of student papers that include number 7 to colour it.

Explain how you are going to differentiate

I will prepare the activities based on their abilities. For low level will have
15 Whole


In the end of the lesson, I will ask them to remember that what number did we
take today? then, bring the rainbow beaded abacus ask to count.


Write random numbers on the board and ask students to recognize number 7 and
make a circle on it.

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