AJK Annual 2011-12

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Muzaarabad (AJ&K) Pakistan

Vice Chancellors
Annual Report
2011 - 2012
Prof. Dr. Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardezi

Vice Chancellors

2011 - 2012

Prof. Dr. Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardezi

Chancellors Message .................................................................................................................... 4
Vice Chancellors Message........................................................................................................... 5
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 7
About the University .................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 1 : Academic Activities ....................................................................................... 11

Chapter 2 : Research and Development .......................................................................... 19
Chapter 3 : Quality Assurance .......................................................................................... 37
Chapter 4 : Faculty Development..................................................................................... 41
Chapter 5 : Access .............................................................................................................. 45
Chapter 6 : Universities Building Economics ................................................................. 47
Chapter 7 : Strengthening Physical Infrastructure ........................................................ 49
Chapter 8 : Strengthening Technological Infrastructure .............................................. 51
Chapter 9 : Universities Building Communities ............................................................ 69
Chapter 10 : Sports ............................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 11 : University Building Leadership ................................................................... 75
Chapter 12 : Finance ............................................................................................................ 81
Chapter 13 : University Governance.................................................................................. 87
Chapter 14 : Office of Resource Generation/Development ............................................ 95
Chapter 15 : Health Centre/Medical Facilities ................................................................. 99
How to Get to the UAJ&K ............................................................................ 100
Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


t is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction
for me that the University of Azad Jammu &
Kashmir has completed another year in its
march towards quality higher education. UAJ&Ks
commitment to national goals has always been
tremendous, mainly due to its vital role in higher
education. The University now enjoys a respectable
place in the comity of national universities.

Role of higher education and research in the national

development needs no explanation; only education
and research can bring us at par with the advanced
countries. It is heartening to note that the university
reoriented its activities with more emphasis on top
quality research in both traditional and modern

The reported developments indicate the dynamicity of the University in Faculty and Management.
The Vice Chancellor and his team deserve congratulations for attaining excellence in academic and
research pursuits.

As the Chancellor, I am committed to quality education and the development of the University.
We will continue our support and patronage to the University in every possible way. I know that
promotion of education, research and related infrastructure are inter-related.

I am confident that the University will soon become one of the best universities of the country.
No doubt, this requires a lot of effort and hard work. The progress and standards achieved by the
university during the past years make me believe that all those associated with the university are
working with missionary zeal and enthusiasm.

Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan

Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Chancellor University of AJ&K

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


am thankful to Almighty Allah for blessing
the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
with an opportunity to complete another year
in its march towards academic excellence.
The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir was
established in 1980 with an aim to provide higher
education facilities to the people of Azad Kashmir
and the adjoining areas of Pakistan. Since its
inception, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir is
playing a vital role in human resource development.
It is the sole affiliating public sector university
in Azad Kashmir with the authority to affiliate
educational institutions within and outside Azad
Kashmir, also acting as an examining body for them.
The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir consists of two campuses at Muzaffarabad and Kotli
with its main administrative set-up at Muzaffarbad.

There are many academic disciplines at both the campuses for the students to choose from. These are
supported by well equipped laboratories, departmental libraries, a central library, sports facilities
and enough dormitory accommodation to house more students who need campus housing. The
university is blessed with highly committed, competent and experienced faculty, mostly holding
Ph.D. and M.Phil. qualifications. The students, coming to the university, hail from different areas
of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan. We support them in acquiring higher education in their chosen
fields. On account of its outstanding and excellent performance, the University of Azad Jammu
& Kashmir has attained a prominent position among the public sector universities of Pakistan. A
growing number of students seek admissions to the University and the enrolment of the students
has gone up from 4959 in 2010 to 5922 in 2012. Besides a large number of students graduating, 05
Ph.Ds. and 50 M.Phils. have been produced this year. Two new disciplines in postgraduate studies
Biotechnology and Education have been initiated this year. Peaceful and stimulating atmosphere
conducive to academic and research activities is prevailing over the campuses. Students and faculty
members are fully engaged in research activities involving the exploration and exploitation of

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

indigenous natural resources. These activities have yielded products of economic importance. In
future, public-private entrepreneurship will be encouraged to market these research projects to
generate revenue.

The University is striving hard to launch new departments. We have started four year BS degree
programmes in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, English, Economics, Education
and Sociology. AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad has been added to the list of constituent colleges
of the University during the year 2012. We intend to start some new professional degree programmes
including Engineering Technologies in future. It is wisely said that a man without religion is a horse
without bridle, therefore, we plan to launch Islamic and Sharia faculty to equip the students with
modern as well as religious teachings. The University is focusing on the welfare of the students and
HEC sponsored need-based scholarship programme has been launched to support the deserving
but talented students.

The construction of King Abdullah Campus at Chatter Klass is in progress. With the completion
of this campus, state of the art academic and infrastructural facilities will become available to
the students. We will be in a position to provide more facilities to them. University has made
commendable progress in both graduate and postgraduate level academic programs. Every year, the
number of graduating and postgraduating students is increasing. All this has been possible through
the untiring and concerted efforts of academic and administrative staff. As a result, University has
been able to attain a better ranking position in the comity of national universities.

I wish the university rapid progress and achievements in the pursuit of learning and education.

Prof. Dr. Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardezi

Vice Chancellor

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


he University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir was established 1980. Initially, it consisted of
four campuses at Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Kotli and Poonch with the main administrative
setup at Muzaffarabad. Its Mirpur and Poonch campuses have been upgraded into complete
full fledged universities. The main campus at Muzaffarabad is divided into two sub campuses-City
and Chellah campuses. Kotli campus contains administrative sciences. The University of Azad
Jammu and Kashmir consists of four faculties viz faculty of Sciences, faculty of Arts and faculty of
Health Sciences at Muzaffarabad whereas the faculty of Administrative Sciences at Kotli.

Diverse programs have been going on in different faculties. Besides B.S programs, Masters, M.phil
and Ph.D programs are running in different disciplines. The details of the outgoing academic
programs is as follows:

Undergraduate Programs
BA/BSc, BCom, BBA, BEd, BFA, BS Computer Science, BS (Software Engineering), BS Applied
Geology, BSIT, BSED, BA, BED and LLB

Masters Programs
MSc (Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics Sociology and
Rural Development, Kashmir Studies and Computer Sciences & Information Technology), English,
Islamiat, Urdu, History, Political Science, Education, MCom, MBA, LLM, Med and MPA.

MS/M.Phil Programs
Applied Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Biotechnology, English,
Computer Sciences & Information Technology, Economics, Education and Management Sciences.

Doctorate (Ph.D) Programs

Geology, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Physics, English (Languastics), Economics, Biotechnology,
Education and Computer Sciences.
Academic and administrative affairs of the university are regulated by the following statutory
1. Syndicate
2. Academic Council
3. Finance and Planning Committee
4. Selection Board

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

There are 04 Merotorious Professors, 37 Professors, 16 Associate Professor, 63 Assistant Professors

112 Lecturers and 13 Research Associates engaged in their teaching and research assignments.

On account of its outstanding performance, University of Azad jammu and Kashmir has attained
a respectable position in public sector universities, which is evident from the increase in the
enrollment of the students. The enrollment of the students has gone up from 4959 in2010 to 5922
in 2012.

Faculty members of different faculties and departments are fully involved in academic and research
activities. They supervise research assignments of the students. As a result, they have been able
to bring out considerable number of research papers in national and international journals. This
year 118 papers have been published in research journals. 30 Seminars, 5 workshops and 3 Art
exibitions have been arranged in the University. Co-curricular activities like sports activities have
been given due consideration. The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is the only public sector
University with the authority to affiliate educational intuitions in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and it
also acts as an examining body for them. 67 examinations have been held this year for the students
of affiliated colleges.

The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of the UAJK evaluates academic and research programs
running in the university and enforces a system to monitor them. Due to its efficiency and excellent
performance, HEC has placed University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in W-category of the

ORIC has been established to facilitate research activities of the students and faculty members.

05 PhDs 50 M.phil scholars have been produced this year.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


he University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJK) is a multi-campus university with the
central registry located at Muzaffarabad, the capital of the state of Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
The university was established in 1980 in order to cater to the educational needs of the
population. Up till now, four faculties have been launched namely; the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty
of Sciences, and the Faculty of Health Sciences (including the AJK Medical College) are working
in Muzaffarabad while the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is running at Kotli, Azad Kashmir.

The detail of disciplines in each faculty is given below in alphabetical order.

Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Kotli

1. Department of Business Administration

2. Department of Commerce

3. Department of Human Resource Management

4. Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

5. Department of Public Administration

6. Directorate/Center for Higher Studies & Research

Faculty of Arts, Muzaffarabad

1. Department of Art & Design

2. Department of Business Administration

3. Kashmir Institute of Economics

4. Institute of Education

5. Department of English

6. Institute of Kashmir Studies

7. Institute of Languages

8. Department of Law

9. Department of Sociology and Rural Development

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Faculty of Sciences, Muzaffarabad

1. Department of Botany
2. Department of Chemistry
3. Department of Computer Sciences & Information Technology
4. Institute of Geology
5. Department of Mathematics
6. Department of Physics
7. Department of Statistics
8. Department of Zoology
9. Department of Biotechnology

Faculty of Health Sciences, Muzaffarabad

1. Institute of Medical Technologies
2. Department of Public Health
3. AJ&K Medical College

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 1:

Academic Activities

Fresh Enrollment 2011-12 Overall Students Strength 2003-2012

2% MPhil/MS/MSc
6000 5922
(Hons) 5543
BS 4-Year MA/MSc
Programs 46% 2455
45% 1925
2000 1759

PhD 1000
MPhil/MS/MSc (Hons)
MA/MSc 0
BS 4-Year Program 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Programs

The following degree programs are being offered in various disciplines.
Graduate Programs
3-year, 4-year and 5-year programs

Duration Eligibility Degree Discipline

Faculty of Science
2-Year 14 Year of schooling or graduation M.Sc./MCS Botany, Chemistry, Computer
with relevant combination of subjects Science and Information
Technology, Geology,
Mathematics, Physics, Statistics,
4-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant BS(CS)/ BCS/ BS Computer Sciences &
combination of subjects Information Technology,
Faculty of Arts

2-Year 14 Year of schooling or graduation with M.A. Economics, English, Kashmir

relevant combination of subjects Studies, Sociology & Rural
3-Year 14 Year schooling or graduation LLB Law
with relevant combination of subjects
3 and half-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant BBA Business Administration
combination of subjects
4-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant BBA, B. Ed. Education, Law
combination of subjects
5-Year 12 Year schooling LLB Law

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

3 and half-Year 14 Year schooling or graduation with MBA/MPA/ Business Administration

relevant combination of subjects M.Com
4-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant BBA/ BCS Business Administration,
combination of subjects Computer Science & Information

Faculty of Health Sciences

2-Year Graduation in relevant subjects MPH Public Health

4-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant BS (Health Health Sciences
combination of subjects (F.Sc.) Sciences)
5-Year 12 Year schooling with relevant MBBS Medicine
combination of subjects
(F.Sc., Pre-Medical)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Post-Graduate Programs

The University understands the role of research in the development of any society and has put
lot of emphasis on the research programs in various fields. These Post-Graduate Programs are
tailored in a way to give the scholars a firm theoretical background of the field before they are
exposed to a particular area of research.

Duration Eligibility Degree Discipline

Faculty of Science
2-Year 16 Year of schooling with MPhil/MS Botany, Chemistry,
specialization in a relevant subject Computer Science and
Information Technology,
Geology, Mathematics,
Physics, Zoology
3-Year 18 Year of schooling or MPhil/ MS PhD Botany, Chemistry,
in relevant subject Computer Science and
Information Technology,
Geology, Mathematics,
Physics, Zoology
Faculty of Arts
2-Year 16 Year of schooling with MPhil Economics, English
specialization in a relevant subject
3-Year 18 Year of schooling or MPhil/MS PhD Economics, English
in relevant subject
Faculty of Administrative Sciences
2-Year 16 Year of schooling with MPhil Business Administration
specialization in a relevant subject
3-Year 18 Year of schooling or MPhil/MS PhD Business Administration
in relevant subject

9th Convocation of UAJK

Around 3512 students received their degrees during the 9th Convocation of the University of AJK
held at the City Campus, Muzaffarabad. The graduating students of M.A/M.Sc., B.A/B.Sc./B.ED, M.
Sc. Agriculture, B.Sc., Agriculture, M.Sc. Engineering, B.Sc., Engineering, BS Geology, B.Sc., Home
Economics, BBA,MBA,M.Com/MPA,BFA,B.S Ed and B.Com were awarded degrees. As many as 40
students were decorated with gold medals.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Academic Achievements

The number of graduates produced by an institution of higher education is considered to be one

of the most important achievements of any academic institution because the basic requirement
to establish such institutions is to satiate the requirement of trained/educated manpower. The
university is consistent in meeting this mission.

Following table shows our achievement in this regard:

Fresh Enrollment 2011-12

Degree BS MSc MPhil/ MS PhD
Enroll- Gra- Enroll- Gra- Enroll- Gra- Enroll- Gra-
ment duates ment duates ment duates ment duates
Faculty of Science
Botany 0 0 49 46 14 13 5 0
Chemistry 0 0 104 43 13 12 1 5
CS & IT 125 35 45 28 21 0 5 0
Geology 195 174 71 4 10 8 1 0
Mathematics 0 0 54 43 17 0 4 0
Physics 0 0 96 39 13 0 7 0
Statistics 0 0 43 46 0 0 0 0
Zoology 0 0 52 46 10 4 2 0
Total 320 209 514 295 98 37 25 5
Faculty of Arts
Art & Design 25 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
Administration 40 0 36 0 0 0 0 0
Economics 58 49 24 0 2 0
Education 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
English 0 0 69 35 18 11 5 0
Studies 0 0 35 12 0 0 0 0
Languages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Law 56 47 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sociology 68 37 0 0 0 0
Total 148 68 266 133 42 11 7 0
Faculty of Business Administration, Kotli
Administration 79 89 52 87 0 0 0 0
CS & IT 120 70 0 0 0 0 0 0
Commerce 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Resource 0 0 36 34 0 0 0 0
Public 0 0 33 29 0 0 0 0
Directorate for
Higher Studies 0 0 26 5 0 2 4 0
& Research
Total 235 159 147 155 0 2 4 0
Faculty of Health Sciences, Muzaffarbad
Health Sc. 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AJK Medical College, Muzaffarbad
MBBS 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 892 436 927 583 140 50 36 5

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Foreign Academic Linkages

The academic linkages with foreign universities are envisioned to bring the taught courses of UAJK
at par with other universities of the world. Presently, the university is lacking in the such linkages.
However efforts are being made first to compare the nature of courses offered and establish linkages.

AJKMC has established following academic linkages:

1. Xinjiang Medical University, China.

2. Cyberjia School of Medicine, University of Malaysia, KL.
3. Charapasha Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, Turkey.

Honours and Awards

The accomplishments of employees of an institution are reflected by the awards and honours
received by them during a specified period of time. These awards not only signify the personal
efforts of such individuals but also show the quality working environment prevailing there. In
addition, these also reflect the facilitaties provided by the administration to the employees. UAJK is
very lucky to have such notables showing the excellence in their respective fields.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Following table enlists the honours and awards received by our faculty members:

Sr. No. Name of Employee Field of Award/ Honour


1. Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, SI Chemistry Honorary Fellowship of Zoological Society of Pakistan

2. Prof. Dr. Chemistry University Best Teacher (Science)

Muhammad Haleem Khan

3. Prof. Dr. Botany University Best Teacher (Science)

Muhammad Qayyum Khan

4. Prof. Dr. English University Best Teacher (Arts)

Nadeem Haider Bukhari

5. Dr. Kh. Rafiq Ahmad Physics University Best Teacher (Science)

6. Syed Mudasser Gardazi Law Best Memorial prize in National Round Henry Dunant
Lecturer Shakeel Ahmed Moot Court Competition organized by International
Syed Farukh Bukhari Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) at Islamabad.
M. Sadat Danish

7. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Mathematics Productive Scientists of Pakistan

8. Dr. Shaukat Ali Zoology Best PhD Thesis for 2011 at Lieden University, Holland

9. Mr. Riaz Aziz Minhas Zoology Technical Editor, Journal of Wildlife

(ISSN: 2227-3157 (Online)

10. Prof. Tariq Baqai AJKMC Selected as Member of Pakistan Medical research
Council technical advisory committee among total
twelve members from whole Pakistan.

11. Prof. Dr. AJKMC Selected as Member of Pakistan Medical research

Muhammad Saeed Shafi Council technical advisory committee among total
twelve members from whole Pakistan.

12. Prof. Dr. AJKMC Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saeed Shafi selected as
Muhammad Saeed Shafi Convenor of Pakistan Medical Research Councils
Expert Panel in Anatomy.

13. Prof. Dr. AJKMC Elected as Vice President, Pakistan Association of

Muhammad Saeed Shafi Anatomists for session 2012-13

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Institutional Linkages

UAJK is doing its best to provide the customized skilled manpower to different sectors of the society
in keeping with the prevailing requirements. Therefore, we have established though informal but
very strong linkages with different public and private sector organizations of the country. These
institutions range from academia to research, governmental to non-governmental as well as to
finance/funding related organizations.

Department/ Institute Partner organization Type of Collaboration

Physics National Center for Physics, Qauid-i-Azam University, MoU


Institute of Education Pre-STEP (USAID) MoU

Health Sciences King Edward Medical university Informal

Sindh institutes of Urology And Transplantation. Collaboration
University Of Health Sciences Lahore

Botany Pakistan Institute of Engg. & Applied Sciences (PIEAS), MoU


Chemistry 1. Azad Kashmir Mineral & Industrial Corporation MoU (under Process)
(AKMIDC) Informal
2. PISTECH for MPhil/ PhD research work Collaboration
3. Chemistry Department, Quaid-i-Azam University,
4. International Centre for Chemical & Biological Sciences
(ICCBS), University of Karachi

CS & IT National Institute of Laser and Optronics (NILOP) Informal

Islamabad on various research projects. Collaboration
Department of Engineering, Bio Engineering University
of Leicester UK


Mathematics 1. FAST Lahore Informal

2. QAU FMG Islamabad Collaboration
3. IIU Islamabad
4. PINSTECH Islamabad

Zoology 1. Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad Informal

2. Bioresource Research Center, Islamabad Collaboration
3. University of Lahore, Lahore
4. University of the Punjab, Lahore
5. BZU, Multan
6. PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 2:

Research and Development

R&D - An Overview
Research, the prime activity that determines the future avenue of a nation, can be both socio-
economic and academic. The former benefits the present and future of a society while the later
is linked to the intellectual progress of mankind. Universities are considered to be the hubs of
research. In our country, the HEC also relates the ranking of the university to their respective
research output. Therefore, cautious measures and well planned strategy is the need of the hour.

UAJK regards R&D as a highly significant activity and offers optimum administrative and financial
support to the researchers. The research conducted at UAJK covers both academic and applied
aspects in the areas of natural science, social science as well as the financial areas.

Funded research projects not only serve to answer many problems identified by the researchers and
various end users but also strengthen the academic departments for particular requirements.

Following tables list the completed/ in-progress and newly launched projects at UAJK.

i. Completed

Sr. Principal Investigator Department/ Project Details Amount

No. Institute

1. Prof. Dr. Chemistry Extraction of essential oils from HEC

Habib-ur-Rehman high altitude plants of Azad Kashmir

2. Prof. Dr. Chemistry Study of the effects of Surfactants HEC

Muhammad Haleem Khan on sensitivity and selectivity of
spectrophotometric methods used
for the determination of
commercially important methods

3. Prof. Dr. Chemistry Synthesis and Characterization of UAJK

Sadiq-ur-Rehman Germylpropianic acid derivatives
of Titanium

4. Dr. Tehseen Ghous Chemistry Determination of Environmental UAJK

pollutants by enzyme inhibition

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

ii. In Progress

Sr. Principal Investigator Department/ Project Details Agency

No. Institute
1. Dr. Hamayun Shaheen Botany Phytodiversity, anthropogenic HEC
pressure and sustainability of dry
temperate forests of Shoonthar
Valley, District Neelum, AJ & K
2. Prof. Dr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman Chemistry Synthesis and spectral characteri- UAJK
zation of new organotin (IV)
complexes of biological importance
3. Dr. Tehseen Ghous Chemistry Developing enzymatic methods in HEC
flow injection analysis
4. Prof. Dr. Economics The Role of Values, Social Capital HEC
Syed Nisar Hussain and Spiritual Capital in Normal
and Post Disaster Economic
5. Prof. Dr. Raja Nasim Akhtar Education The Role of Collaborating Teachers Pre-STEP
Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan in Facilitating Prospective Teacher
for their First Teaching Experence
6. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Establishment of High-Tech HEC
Centralized Instrumentation
Laboratory (HTCIL)
7. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Computational Physics Laboratory UAJK
Dr. Muhammad Rafique
Dr. Ayaz Arif Khan
8. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Fabrication and characterization of URF, UAJK
Porous silicon
9. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Distillation and deionized water Department
Nasar Ahmed plant (upto 18 M). budget and university
research support
10. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Sol-Gel method for synthesis of Department
Nano-particles. budget and university
research support
11. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Installation of Keithley Source Department
Meter (2400) interfaced with budget and university
computer via GPIB research support
12. Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Physics Grant for maintenance of scientific HEC
13. Prof. Dr. Khursid Anwer Zoology Effect of Antioxidants pretreatment HEC
on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)
toxicity in mammals
14. Mrs. Saiqa Andleeb Zoology Antimicrobial Activity of some UAJK
traditional herbal drugs against
animal and human pathogens

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

The world is a global village and people benefit from the findings of one another. Research results
need to be published regularly to remain current in a particular field of study. The faculty at UAJK
is actively involved in research which is evident from the following sections showing the details
of publications. A representation of the papers published by our faculty members is shown below.

Publications for the Year 2011-12

Chemistry 28


Zoology 16

Physics 10




Ad. Sciences



Art & Design 2

Statistics 2
Geology 2

Business Ad. 1

Faculty of Science
1. Hamayun Shaheen, Rizwana Aleem Qureshi and Zabita Khan Shinwari, Forest structure, vegetation dynamics
and anthropogenic impact on lesser Himalayan Subtropical forests in Bagh District, Kashmir, Pakistan Journal of
Botany, 43(4): 1861-1866, 2011.
2. Hamayun Shaheen, ZahidUllah, ShujaulMulk Khan and David M Harper, Species composition and community
structure of western Himalayan moist temperate forests in Kashmir, Forest Ecology and Management, 278(1):
138-145, 2012.
3. Hamayun Shaheen and Zabta Khan Shinwari, Phytodiversity and Endemic richness of Karambar lake vegetation
from Chitral, Hindukush-Himalayas, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(1): 15-20, 2012.
4. Hamayun Shaheen, ZK Shinwari, RA Qureshi and ZahidUllah, 2012, Indigenous plant resources and their
utilization practices in village populations of Kashmir Himalayas, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(2): 739-745,

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

1. Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Phytotoxic Activities of Essential Oil of Angelica glauca, M. Irshad, Habib-ur-
Rehman, M. Shahid, Shahid Aziz and Tahseen Ghous, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23 (5), 1947-1951, 2011.
2. New Indol Alkaliods Isolated from Eleagnus umbelata. Syeda Farina Ashgar and Habib-ur-Rehman. Int. J. Res. &
Dev., 1 (1), 115-118 (2011).
3. GC/MS Analysis of Petroleum ether Extarct oil and Bio-assays of Crude Extarct of Iris germanica. Syeda Farina
Ashgar, Habib-ur-Rehman, M.I. Choudahry and Ata-ur-Rehman. Int. G. Gen. & Mol. Bio., 3 (7), 95-100 (2011).
4. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential oil of Skimmea laureola Growing wild in the State of Jammu
and Kashmir. Muhammad Irshad, Shahid Aziz, Habib-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Naeem
Ahmed, Fiaz Aziz Minhas and Tufail Sherazi, Int. J. Med. Plant Res., 6(9), 1680-1684, 2012.
5. GC-MS Analysis and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential oils of Angelica glauca, Plectranthus rugosus and
Valeriana wallichii, Habib-ur-Rehman, M. Irshad, S. Aziz, H. Hussain, Atta-ur-Rahman and M. I. Choudhary,
Journal of Essential Oils Bearing Plants, 15(1), 15-21, 2012.
6. Shabnam Shahida, Muhammad Haleem Khan, Muhammad Mufazzal Saeed, Akbar Ali, Flow Injection On-
line Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium after Preconcentration on XAD-4 Resin Impregnated with
Nalidixic Acid (Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2012.D01, 10.1007/S10661-012-2655- 4 first online
on 12 May,2012) (U.K).
7. Yasir A. Abbasi, Muhammad Haleem Khan, A.Ali, M.Saeed and Kashif Naeem Liquid-liquid Extraction of
scandium with nalidixic acid in Dichloromethane Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: Volume 292
277-283 (2012) (Jointly published by Elsevier Science, Budapest).
8. Shahida S, Muhammad Haleem Khan, A. Ali and M.Mufazzal Saeed, Flow Injection online determination of
uranium after preconcentration on XAD-4 resin impregnated with dibenzoylmethane. Journal of Radioanalytical
and Nuclear Chemistry: Volume 289 (3) 929-938 (2011) (Jointly published by Elsevier Science, Budapest).
9. Muhammad Haleem Khan, S. Manzoor H. Bukhari and A. Ali, Spectrophotometric determination of uranium
with arsenazo-III in the presence of N- etyl-N,N,N-tri-methylammonium bromide as surfactant Journal of
Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: Volume 289 (1) 113-119, (2011) (Jointly published by Elsevier Science,
10. S. Shahida, Muhammad Haleem Khan, A. Ali and M. Mufazzal Saeed, Online thorium determination after
preconcentration in a mini column Having XAD-4 resin impregnated with N-benzoylphenylhydroxylamine by
FI- Spectroscopy. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 288 (3), 735- 743, (2011) (Jointly published
by Elsevier Science, Budapest).
11. Sadiq-ur-Rehman, M. A. Choudhary, M. H. Bhatti and S. Ali, Synthesis, Structure Elucidation and Biological
Activities of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-propenoic Acid,
Journal of Iranian Chemical Society, 9, 35 (2012).
12. M. Safdar, S. Mustafa, A. Naeem, T. Mahmood, M. Waseem, S. Tasleem, T. Ahmad, M. T. Siddique Effect of
Sorption on Co (II), Cu (II), Ni (II) and Zn(II) Ions Precipition. Desalination 266 171-174 (2011).
13. Sadiq-ur-Rehman, S. S. Kiani, M. A. Choudhary, K. A. Yasin and M. Safdar, Synthesis, Characterization and
Biological Studies of Organotin (IV) Thiocarbamate, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23(4), 1497-1502 (2011).
14. M. Waseem, S. Mustafa, A Naeem, K.H. Shah, H.Y. Samad and M. Safdar Modeling of Cd(II) sorption on mixed
oxide J. Chem. Soc. Pak. Vol. 33, No. 5, 619-627 (2011)
15. Aamir Rasheed, Tahseen Ghous, Muhammad Khan and Raja Summe Ullah, (2012) A Simple Flow Injection pH
Indicator Method for the Determination of Metal Ions by Urease Inhibition Study, Journal of Chemical Society of
Pakistan, 34(2), 317-320. (Impact factor; 1.377)
16. Abul Hakim Elosta, Tahseen Ghous and Nesar Ahmad, (2012), Natural products as antiglycation agents and their
possible role in prevention of diabetes; a review, Current Diabetes Review, 8, 92-108. (Impact Factor; in process)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

17. M. Hafeez, W. P. Kretschmer, and R. KempeHafnium Trialkyls Stablilized by Bulky Electron Rich Aminopyridinates
Zeitschrift fur Anorganiche und Allgemeine Chemie 2012, 638, 324-330.
18. Faiz-ul-Hussan Nasim, Saiqa Andleeb, Mazhar Iqbal and Tahseen Ghous, (2012) Evaluation of antimicrobial
activity of extracts of fresh and Spoilage spoiled Spinacia oleracea against some mammalian pathogens, African
Journal of Microbiology Research, 6 (29) 5847-5851. (Impact Factror; 0.533)
19. Saiqa Andleeb, Tahseen Ghous, Nosheen Shahzad, Ume-Kalsoom, Sundus Siddique (2012) In vitro screening of
medicinal herbal extracts and antibiotics against bacteria isolated from fish products at retail outlets, Journal of
Pharmaceutical and scientific Innovation (JPSI), M-284.
20. A. Ansarifar, F. Saeed. S. Ostad-movahed, L. Wang, K. Ansar Yasin and S. Hameed (2012) Using a sulfur-bearing
silane to improve rubber formulations for potential use in industrial rubber articles. Journal of Adhesion Sciences
and Technology, 1-14.
21. Abdul Rehman Khan and Fazli Rabbi Awan. Mining of protein based biomarkers for type 2 diabetic patients.
Pakistan J. Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol.25, No.4, October 2012, pp.889-901
22. Muhammad Irshad, Shahid Aziz, Habib-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Naeem Ahmed,Fiaz Aziz
Minhas and Tufail Sherazi, Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Skimmea laureola growing
wild in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(9), pp.1680-1684,9 March,
2012. ISSN 1996-0875
23. Congenital atrichia with popular lesions resulting from novel mutations in human hairless gene in four
consanguineous families. The Journal of Dermatology 2011; 38: 16
24. R. Buckley, A. N. Khan, and H. Heaney, Mannich Reactions of Alkynes: the Role of Sub-Stoichiometric Amounts
of Stable Polymeric Alkynylcopper (I) Compounds in the Catalytic Cycle Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 3855-3858.
IF (5.925)
25. Bilal A. Khan, A. E. Buba, L. J. Gooben, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 1577-1581: Oxidative Trifluoromethylation of
Arylboronates with Shelf-Stable Potassium (Trifluoromethyl)trimethoxyborate
26. P. Mamone, M. F. Grnberg, A. Fromm, Bilal. A. Khan, L. J. Gooben, Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 3716-3719: Pd(-Br)
(PtBu3)]2 as a Highly Active Isomerization Catalyst: Synthesis of Enol Esters from Allylic Esters.
27. A. N. Khan, I. Fatima, A. Malik, and H. Rasheed, Caragisides A-C, New Antiplatelet Isoflavone Glucosides from
Caragana conferta Helv. Chim. Acta. 2011, 94, 438.
28. M. Hafeez, W.P. Kretschmer and R. Kempe Titanium Complexes Stabilized by Bulky, Electron-Rich
Aminopyridinates and their Application in Ethylene and Styrene Polymerization,European Journal of Inorganic
Chemistry 2011, 36, 5512 5522.

Computer Sciences & Information Technology

1. Wajid Aziz, Fernando S. Schlindwein, Michael Wailoo, Taher Biala and Federico Cardona Rocha (2012). Heart
rate variability analysis of normal and growth restricted children. Clinical Autonomic Research, 2012, Volume 22,
Number 2, Pages 91-97. (Impact Factor 1.32)
2. Junaid Gul, Sammee Mushtaq, Rabia Riaz OPTIMAL GUARD NODE PLACEMENT USING SGLD and ENERGY
FACTOR, , Journal of Computing, vol. 4, issues 6, page87-92, June 2012, (Impact Factor 0.21 )
3. Taher Biala, Wajid Aziz, Michael Wailooe, Fernando S. Schlindweina (2012). Heart rate variability: Linear
and non-linear analysis of pre-awake period for normal and intrauterine growth restricted children at 10 year.
Measurement Available online 22 May 2012. (Impact Factor 0.846).
4. Muhammad Rafique, Iftikhar Ahmad, M. Abdul Basit, Romana Begum, Wajid Aziz, Muhammad Farooq, Kamran
Rasheed Qureshi, Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection Heat Transfer Along a Vertical Cylinder,
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow.21(1), pp. 112-130, 2011. (Impact Factor:

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

5. S. A. Shah, Sun Xingming, Ali Hamadou, Xiaoliang Wang:Combined Watermarking Solution for XML Documents,
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications Vol.5, Number.11, November 2011, pp.
6. S. A. Shah, Sun Xingming, Abdul Majid, Ali Hamadou: Query Preserving Watermarking for Relational Data,
Informatica Vol. 35 (2011) pages. 391396.
7. A. Hamadou, X. Sun, S. A. Shah, and L. Gao. A Weight-based Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Integrity
Verification of Relational Data. International Journal of Digital Contents and its Applications (JDCTA), 2011,
vol.5, no. 8, pp. 148-157.
8. A. Hamadou, X. Sun, S. A. Shah, and L. Gao. A Hybrid Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases Copyright
Protection and Tamper Proofing. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT),
2011, vol.3, no. 8, pp. 18-28.
1. Basharat, M., Rohn, J., Baig, M. S., Ehret, D. (2012).The lithological and structural control of Hattian Bala rock
avalanche triggered by the Kashmir earthquake 2005, Sub Himalayas Northern Pakistan. Journal of earth sciences
vol. 23, No. 2, P. 213-224.
2. Kamran, S. M., Khan, M. S., and Siddiqi, M. I. (2012). Petrography of sandstone of molasse deposits (Rawalpindi
Group) and their tectonic setting from Khairi-Murat Area, Potwar Sub-Basin, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of
Hydrocarbon Research Islamabad.
1. M. Sajid, N. Ali, I. Ahmad, Z. Abbas, T. Javed Comment on HAM soloution for boundary layer flow in the
region of the stagnation point towards a stretching sheet. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation 20111670-1674.
2. M. Rafique, I. Ahmad, M. Abdul Basit and Romana Begum, Wajid Aziz, Muhammad Farooq and Kamran
Rasheed Qureshis Numerical Simulations of Natural convection heat transfer along a vertical cylinder
International Journal of Numerical Method for Heat & Fluid Flow 2011, 112-130.
3. Iftikhar Ahmad, Manzoor Ahmed, Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Sajid Hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer over a
bidirectional stretching surface in a porous media Thermal Sciences 2011 DOI Ref. 10.2298/TSCI100926006A.
4 I. Ahmad on unsteady boundary layer flow of a second grade fluid over a stretching sheet Advances in Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics.
5. I. Ahmad, T Javad, T. Hayat and M. Sajid Series solutions for the radiation-conduction interaction on an unsteady
MHD flow Journal of porous Media 2011 (14)927-941.
6. I. Ahmad, Flow induced by non-coaxial rotations of porous disk and a fluid in a porous medium, African Journal
of Mathematics and Computer science research, 2012, 5(2), 23-27.
7. Adil Jhangeer, M N Qureshi, S. Sial and S. Sharif, Analytic solutions and conserved quantities of wave equation on
torus Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol 64, issue 6, 1627-1635, 2012
1. Saeed ur Rahman and Muhammad Rafique 2012, 226Ra, 232Th and 40 K activities and associated radiological
Hazards in Building Materials of Islamabad Territory, Pakistan, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol.
XXVII, No. 4.
2. Matiullah, Fariha Malik and Muhammad Rafique Indoor radon monitoring near an In-Situ leach mining site of
D.G Khan J. Radiol. Prot. 32 (2012) 111 UK
3. Muhammad Rafique, Sajid Qayyum, Saeed Ur Rahman and Matiullah (2012) The influence of Geology on Indoor
radon concentrations in Neelum Valley Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, Indoor and Built Environment 1420326X11434181,
first published on April 5, 2012 as doi:10.1177/1420326X11434181,
4. Muhammad Rafique, Saeed Ur Rahman, Matiullah, Fariha Malik and Asad Qayyum, (2012) Exposure of

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Population from Residential Radon: a case study for district Hattian, Azad Kashmir, Sub-Himalayas, Pakistan,
Radiat Prot Dosimetry first published online August 19, 2012 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncs198
5. Muhammad Rafique, Matiullah, Muhammad Masood, Muzahir Hussain (2012) Estimation of indoor radon
concentration in district Kotli, Azad Kashmir Pakistan, CJEES, 7(2) 49-56
6. Muhammad Rafique, Najma Manzoor, Said Rahman, S. U Rahman, M.U. Rajput and Matiullah Assessment of
lung cancer risk due to indoor radon exposure in inhabitants of the state of Azad Kashmir; Pakistan Iran. J. Radiat.
Res., 2012; 10(1): 19-29
7. S. U. Rahman, M. Rafique, A. Jabbar, and Matiullah Radiological hazards due to naturally occurring radionuclides
in the selected building materials used for the construction of dwellings in four districts of the punjab province,
Pakistan Radiat Prot Dosimetry first published online July 13, 2012doi:10.1093/rpd/ncs109(9 pages)
8. Muhammad Rafique, Saeed ur Rahman, Muhammad Akram, Matiullah (2012) Estimation of Concentration
and Exposure Doses due to Radon by using CR-39 Plastic Track Detectors in the Residences of Sudhnuti, Azad
Kashmir; Pakistan, Journal: Earth and Environmental Sciences. 66(4), 1225-1232.
9. Muhammad Rafique, Fariha Malik, Matiullah, Muhammad Usman Rajput (2012) Assessment of annual effective
dose due to the indoor radon exposure in districts Bagh and Kahuta of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, Indoor and Built
Environment 21(3): 458-464 (I.F 2.00).
10. Preliminary study of Radon/Thoron at workplaces of Muzaffarabad city, (2012), Bilal Shafique Said Rahman,
Muhammad Rafique, Saeed Ur Rahaman, Matiullah, NARE 2012 JAPAN

1. Kamran Abbas, Muhammad Zakria and Syed Masroor Ahmad, (2011). Modeling the Grade Point Average
(G.P.A.): A case study of the postgraduate students of the University of AJ&K. The Journal of Humanities and
Social Sciences, 19(1):1-10.
2. Azhar Saleem, Aamir Sagir, Raja Naseem Akhtar, Nabila Bibi, Nazish Asif (2012).Students Satisfaction Regarding
Higher Education:A Study in Azad Kashmir,Pakistan.Sci.Int.(Lahore), 24(1):91-94.

1. Bushra Khan, Sulman Basit, Muhammad Touseef, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Nasim Khan, Wasim Ahmad,
A novel chondroectodermal dysplasia mapped to chromosome 2q24.1-q31.1., European Journal of Medical
Genetics, 55(89):441-502, 2012
2. Ali, S., Champagne, D.L., Richardson, M.K., Behavioral profiling of zebrafish embryos exposed to a panel of 60
water-soluble compounds, Behav Brain Res., 228(2): 272-283, 2012
3. M Tayyab Akhtar, S Ali, R Verpoorte, MK Richardson Behavioural effects of cannabinoids on zebrafish larvae
Planta Med., DOI: 1055/s-0032-1320481, 2012
4. Minhas, R.A., Ahmed, K.B., Awan, M.S., Qamar Z.Q., Dar, N.I And Ali, H., Distribution Patterns and Population
Status of the Himalayan Grey Langur (Semnopithecus ajax) in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir,
Pakistan, Pakistan J. Zool., 44(3): 869-877, 2012
5. Khan, M.B., Ahmed, K.B., Awan, M.S., Ali, U., Minhas, R.A. And Choudary, S.A., Distribution, Population Status
and Habitat Utilization of Common Otter (Lutra Lutra) In Neelum Valley Azad Jammu And Kashmir, Pakistan J.
Zool., 44(1): 233-239, 2012.
6. Qamar Z.Q., Ali, U., Minhas, R.A., Dar, N.I. And Anwar, M., New Distribution Information on Woolly Flying
Squirrel (Eupetaurus cinereus Thomas, 1888) in Neelum Valley of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, Pakistan J.
Zool., 44(5): xxx-xxx, In pres, 2012
7. Goursi, U.H., Awan, M.S., Minhas, R.A., Ali, U., Kabir, M. And Dar, N.I., Status and Conservation of Indian Rock
Python (Python molurus molurus) in Deva Vatala National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, Pakistan J.
Zool., 44(5): xxx-xxx, In press, 2012

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

8. Faiz-Ul-Hussan Nasim, Saiqa Andleeb, Mazhar Iqbal, Tahseen Ghous, Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of
extracts of Fresh and Spoiled Spinacia oleracea against some mammalian pathogens, African Journal of Microb.
Research, 6(29): 5847-5851), 2012
9. Rabia Habib, Sulman Basit, Saadullah Khan, Muhammad Nasim Khan, Wasim Ahmed, A novel splice site mutation
in gene C2orf37 underlying Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome (WSS) in a consanguineous family of Pakistani origin
Gene, 490(1-2):26-31, 2011
10. Muhammad Arif Nadeem Saqib, Bilal Malik Awan, Mehwish Sarfraz, Muhammad Nasim Khan, Sajid Rashid,
Muhammad Ansar, Genetic analysis of four Pakistani families with achromatopsia and a Novel S4 motif mutation
of CNGA3, Japanese Journal of Ophth., 55: 676-680, 2011
11. Ali S, Champagne Dl, Spaink Hp, Richardson Mk., Zebrafish embryos and larvae: A new generation of disease
models and drug screens, Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 93: 115-133, 2011
12. Ali S, Champagne Dl, A. Alia, Richardson Mk., Large-scale analysis of acute ethanol exposure in zebrafish
development: a critical time window and resilience, PLoS ONE, 6(5): e20037, 2011
13. Ali S, Mil Hgjv, Richardson Mk, Large-Scale Assessment of the Zebrafish Embryo as a Possible Predictive Model
in Toxicity Testing, PLoS ONE, 6(6): e21076, 2011
14. Wielhouwer EM, Ali S, Al-Afandi A, Blom MT, Olde Riekerink MB, Poelma C, Westerweel J, Oonk J, Vrouwe EX,
Buesink W, Vanmil HG, Chicken J, Van T OR, Richardson MK., Zebrafish embryo development in a microfluidic
flow-through system, Lab Chip, 11: 1815-1824, 2011
15. Zulfiqar, S., Minhas, R.A., Awan, M. S. And Ali, U, Population and Conservation Status of Barking Deer (Muntiacus
muntjac) in Pir Lasorha National Park and other areas of District Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan),
Pakistan J. Zool., 43(5): 993-997, 2011
16. Sidra Maqbool, Abdul Aziz Khan And Muhammad Siddique Awan, Burrowing Characteristics and Food Hoarding
Behaviour of Bandicota bengalensis wardi Wroughton in Wheat Fields, Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu & Kashmir,
Pakistan, Pakistan J. Zool., 43(5):987-992, 2011

Faculty of Arts

Art and Design

1. Safina Latif, Khan, R Y. (2012). Textile Designs Based on Kashmiri Wood Work Motifs Identified and collected
from the Traditional buildings located in Neelum Valley and Muzaffarabad, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 001-007.
2. Safina Latif, Khan, R Y. (2012). Creation and exploitation of new Textile designs derived from Kashmiri Namda
and Gabba Motifs, Greener journalin Art and Humanities, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 008-016.

Business Administration
1. Bilal Ahmad Abbasi, Mutual funds performance evaluation: A case of Pakistani mutual funds industry in years
2008-10, Global Journal of management & Business research, Volume: 12, Issue 17, Version 01

1. Khan, A.M, Murtaza, A.(2011). An I investigation into the Application of Information Technology in Distance
Education Present Status, Future Possibilities(Language in India :Volume 11:11 November,2011:ISSN 1930-2940)
2. Khan, A.M, Murtaza, A(2011.Role of Teachers in Managing Teaching Learning Situation(Interdisciplinary Journal
of Contemporary Research in Business:Volum.3,No.5 September 2011:ISSN 2073-7122)
3. Khan, A.M, Murtaza, A.(2012)An Evaluation of Classroom Management in Effective Teaching(International
Journal of Business and Social Science:Volum.3,No.3 February 2012.ISSN 2219-1933)
4. Khan, A.M, Murtaza, A.(2011)Effectiveness of Parents Teacher Association (PTA) in Public Educational
Institutions in Pakistan(Language in India:Volume 11:12 December 2011:ISSN 1930-2940)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

3. Haroon-ur-Rashid, Akhtar, N., & Sohail, A. (2011). A brief introduction of Hindko language, Language in India,
11, 471-482.
4. Haroon-ur-Rashid, & Sohail, A. (2012). An introduction to Hindko syllable typology. Language in India, 12, 768-
5. Khan, A. Q., & Bukhari, N. H. (2011). An acoustic study of VOT in Pahari stops. Kashmir, Journal of Language
Research, 14(1), 111-128.
6. Khan, A. Q., & Khanam, T. (2012). English pronunciation problems for Pahari learners: An acoustic study.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2(2), 36-46.
7. Rahman, G., Khan, A. Q., & Bukhari, N. H. (2012). English problematic consonants for Pahari speakers. Academic
Research International, 2(1), 695-704.
8. Hamid, N., & Muhammad, S. (2011, October). A corpus-based study of Pakistani and Indian newspaper English.
27th International SPELT Conference, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Faculty of Administrative Sciences
1. Junaid Arshad, Paul Townend, Imran Jokhio, A Machine Learning Based Impact Analysis Scheme for Clouds in
the Mehran University Research Journal, January 2012.
2. Junaid Arshad, Imran Jokhio, Mahmood Shah, Intrusion Damage Assessment for Muti-stage Attacks for Clouds
in the Proceedings of the International Multi-topic Conference (IMTIC2012), Jomshoro, 2012
3. Junaid Arshad, Imran Jokhio, Paul Townend, Intrusion Damage Assessment for Multi-stage Attacks for Clouds for
the International Journal of Security and Communications, Wiley Publisher
4. Dr. Ifikhar Hussain, Non-governmental organizations and KM: A human centric approach, Management Science
Letters, Vol. 2 No. 03 (2012). pp. 877-886.
5. Dr. Ifikhar Hussain, SMEs development and failure avoidance in developing countries through public private
partnership, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6 No. 04(2012), pp. 1581-1589.

Faculty of Health Sciences

# Title No.
1. Papers presented in international conferences 7
2. Papers presented in national conferences 2
3. Original Research papers published by faculty 22
4. Original Research papers published by 1st year students 01
5. Research projects of faculty in progress 27
6. Research projects of students in progress 18

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Exhibition etc

Conferences and seminars not only provide a platform to discuss the results of research, they also
give an opportunity to the scholars from different institutions to meet and develop the institutional
linkages. Similarly, the workshops are meant to train people in those areas which are newer to them
or to expose them to latest developments. UAJK facilitates the employees to take advantage from
such events. Following is the detail of conferences attended by the faculty members or organized by
different academic disciplines:

Faculty of Sciences
Department of Botany

1. Dr. Ghulam Murtaza attended and presented research paper entitled Effect of salicylic acid on sucrose synthase
activity during seed development and germination in pea (Pisumsativum L.) in 5th International Botanical
Conference organized by Bangladesh Botanical Society at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh held on 9-11 December
2. Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul Majid participated in Three Day workshop by Pre-STEP, USAID organized at Serena Hotel,
Islamabad from January 30 to Feb. 01, 2012.
3. Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul Majid, participated in ERRA national Seminar on Rain Water Harvesting and Conservation
Organized by National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad on March 21, 2012
4. Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul Majid participated in Two days workshop on the subject Building Quality in Higher
Education organized by University of Management and Technology, Lahore from March 28-29, 2012.
5. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan participated in Two Day Workshop on Strategic Management organized
by Learning Innovation Division in Collaboration with The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir held at
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.
6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan participated in one day workshop on Implementation of QA mechanism
in Department of Education Schools (AJK) Male and Female for awareness to ADE Programs and Preparation of
Self-Assessment Report for Principals and Subject Specialist to assess the ADE Program organized Elementary
College (Female), Mirpur on 18, 2012.
7. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan participated in National Media Workshop 5 organized by The National
Defence University Islamabad, Pakistan from 2-13 July, 2012.

Department of Chemistry
1. Dr. Humera Yasmin Gondal, Assist. Prof., Chemistry Department, University of Sargodha delivered a talk on
Towards Organoselenium Chemistry on May 11, 2012.
2. Dr. Bilal Ahmad Khan, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, UAJK spoke about his PhD research conducted in
Germany on May 11, 2012.
3. A workshop on Survey of Mass Spectroscopy was organized in the department (Apr. 30- May 03, 2012). Dr.
David L. Smith, Emeritus Professor, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA was kind enough to come as a resource
person. The participants included the students of MSc (3rd semester) and scholars of MPhil and PhD programs.
The workshop topics included not only the basics of the techniques but the latest developments were also discussed
by the learned professor.
4. One day orientation workshop on Compilation of Annual Report was held at city campus, UAJK (May 2012). Dr.
Kh. Ansar Yasin acted as one of the resource persons while Prof. Dr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman and Raja Amjad Waheed
Khan attended the said event.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

5. Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, SI participated in Conclave on Educational Linkages in Jammu & Kashmir
Confidence Building across Divides, November 22-26, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
6. Shabnam Shahida, Akbar Ali and Muhammad Haleem Khan Online flow injection determination of Th (IV) after
preconcentration on solid sorbentposter presentation in Xozhou 2012 Internationall Forum on Modern Medicine
during the June 9-10, 2012.
7. Shabnam Shahida, Akbar Ali, Muhammad Haleem Khan and Muhammad Mufazzal Saeed Selective
preconcentration of thorium in the presence of uranium using Amberlite XAD-4 resin impregnated with
oxytetracycline (OTC) by FI- Spectrophotometery national Science conference at the University of Arid
Agriculture Rawalpindi, held on January 10-12, 2012.
8. Shabnam Shahida, Akbar Ali, Muhammad Haleem Khan and Muhammad Mufazzal Saeed On-line
Spectrophotometric Determination of scandium after preconcentration on XAD-4 resin impregnated with
nalidixic acid 3rd Chemistry Conference on Recent Trends in Chemistry at PINSTECH held on 17-19 October,
9. Shabnam Shahida, Akbar Ali and Muhammad Haleem Khan Selective preconcentration of thorium in the
presence of uranium using amberlit XAD-resin impregnated with N-Benzoyl-N-Phenylhydroxylamine (BPHA)
by FI- Spectrophotometery10th international and 22nd national chemistry conference at the department of
chemistry and biochemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad held on November 21-23, 2011.
10. Prof. Dr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman participated in On Strategic Management Sponsored by HEC, of Pakistan, held at the
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad May 02-03, 2012
11. Dr. Tehseen Ghous participated two days training workshop Capacity Building in Geospatial Information and
Environmental Data, organized by Environmental Protection Agency, P&DD and National Environmental
Information Management System (NEIMS), 4-5 July 2011.
12. Dr. Tehseen Ghous participated and made paper presentation in an International conference of chemical
engineering and industrial biotechnology, held in Malaysia on 28th Nov. -2nd Dec. 2011.
13. Dr. Tehseen Ghous participated and made paper presentation in the 2nd National Conference on Biotechnology
and Microbiology, organized by Peshawar University on 7-9th July. 2012.
14. Dr. Bilal Ahmad Khan presented a paper Selective Hydrogenation of Carboxylic Acids to Aldehydes: B. A. Khan,
L. J. Gooen GDCh Wissenschalftlishforum 2011, Bremen.
15. Dr. Amna Nisar Khan presented a paper Mannich Reactions of Alkynes in 3rd chemistry conference 2011 on
Recent Trends in Chemistry, 17-19 October, 2011 at PINSTECH, Islamabad.
Department of CS & IT
1. Dr. Wajid Aziz Loun made a seminar presentation on Neural Networks in the Deptartment of Mathematics,
University of AJK.
2. Dr. Wajid Aziz Loun gave a seminar on Role Symbolic Time Series Analysis for quantifying dynamics of
Physiological signals on In Dept. of mathematics, 2011
3. Mr.Umar Gul From CISCOM Islamabad gave a seminar/training on Data Networks with IPv4 and IPv6
Communications on December 28, 2011 In Dept. of CS & IT, Muzaffarabad.

Department of Mathematics
1. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed attended International workshop on Mathematical Science and their application. Dated 27 to
29 November 2011at COMSTECH, Islamabad.
2. Dr. Iftikhar Ahamd, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics delivered a seminar on Steady, Unsteady
Plane Couette Poiseullie and Generalized Couette Flows, Mathematical Formulation dated 28-09-2011.
3. Mrs. Aliya Shaheen. Lecturer Department of Mathematics UAJK delivered a seminar on Time Expplicit Method
for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations dated 07-12-2011.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

4. Mr. Muzamil Hussain, M. Phil Scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Symmetry Conditions for 1st Order
Ordinary Differential Equations dated 14-12-2011..
5. Dr. Wajid Aziz Loun, Assistant Professor Department of CS&IT Muzaffarabad delivered a seminar on Artificial
Neural Networks dated 21-12-2011.
6. Shamaila Rashid, M. Phil Scholar mathematics delivered a seminar on External Transformation for One-
Parameter Lie Group of Transformation dated 28-12-2011.
7. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Qureshi, HOD, Department of Mathematics delivered a seminar on On Mathematics for
Decision Making dated 29-02-2012.
8. Mr. Manzoor Ahmad, Research Associate department of Mathematics delivered a seminar on On Basics of The
Fluid Modeling dated 07-03-2012.
9. Mrs. Sumaira Aziz, M. Phil Scholar delivered a seminar on Basics Conservation Laws in Fluid Dynamics dated
10. Mrs. Nighat Ghulam Rasool, Lecturer Department of Mathematics & M. Phil Scholar delivered a seminar on
Open Channel Flow dated 28-03-2012.
11. Mr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Research Associate, Department of Mathematics delivered a seminar on Optimal System
of Discrete Heat Equations dated 04-04-2012.
12. Mrs. Aliya Shaheen M. Phil Scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Lies First Fundamental Theorem dated
13. Muhammad Waseem Awan, M. Phil scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Study of Viscoelastic Fluid
Through a Porous Medium over a Stretching Sheet dated 18-04-2012.
14. Mr. Muzamil Hussain, M. Phil Scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Peristaltic Motion of a Newtonian
Fluid a Planner Channel.
15. Mr. Aamar Kamal Abbasi, PhD Scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Binomial Probability Distribution
dated 02-05-2012.
16. Mr. Moeen Taj, M. Phil scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Un Steady Flow of Newtonian Viscous
Rotating Fluid dated 09-05-2012.
17. Mr. Muhammad Ayub Lecturer COMSATS Abbotabad delivered a seminar on Lie Canonical Forms and their
Generalization for System of ODEs dated 16-05-2012.
18. Sana Majeed, M. Phil Scholar Mathematics delivered a seminar on Soft Rings dated 23-05-2012.
19. Dr. Qamar Din delivered a Seminar on Higher Order Runge-Kutta Methods for Impulsive Differential System
dated 30-05-2012.
20. Shamaila Rashid, M. Phil Scholar mathematics delivered a seminar on Lie Group dated 06-06-2012.

Department of Physics
1. Dr. Muhammad Rafique has participated in ESDev 2011 conference held at Abbot Abad and published following
two research papers in proceedings of the conference.
2. S.U. Rahman, Muhammad RAFIQUE, S. Faaruq, J. Irfan, F. Khan, J. Anwar and A. Jabbar NORM and associated
radiation hazards in some building materials commonly used in dwellings Proceedings of ESDev 2011 Pakistan
ISBN: 978-969-487-018-2.
3. S.U. Rahman, A. Naim, R. Muhammad, F. Khan and Muhammad RAFIQUE Annual effective dose due to
residential radon exposure in the dwellings of Abbotabad, Proceedings of ESDev 2011 Pakistan ISBN: 978-969-
Department of Statistics
1. Mr. Azhar Saleem Chairman Department of Statistics participated in workshop titled Major Applications of
Statistics for Academia held on 10-12 May 2012 at NIBAF State Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Department of Zoology
1. A Seminar was organized on Human-leopard conflict-an emerging issue in AJK by the department of Zoology
with collaboration of Pakistan Wildlife Foundation and Breath Foundation AJK on June 23, 2012 at the department
of Zoology, Challa Bandi Campus Muzaffarabad. World renowned Ecologist Prof. Z. B. Mirza alongwith
Mr. Muhammad Aziz Khan, Mr. Muhammad Siddique Awan (Associate Professor), Abdul Rauf Qureshi
(Conservator of Forests) and Naeem Iftikhar Dar (Deputy Director Wildlife and Fisheries) shared the facts of
issue to the participants.
2. The department organized a Lecture delivered by Mr. Hassan Ali, GIS Analyst, Worldwide Fund for Nature-
Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan) for M. Phil. and M.Sc. students on the Geographic Information System (GIS) and
Remote Sensing on April 26, 2012
3. Mr. Muhammad Siddique Awan, Associate Professor, participated in the VIIth International Symposium on Wild
Fauna, The University of Edinburgh, UK on October 20-21, 2011 and presented the research article entitled A
Pioneer Study on Conservation Status of Indian rock python (Python molurus molurus) in Deva Vatala National
Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
4. Dr. Shaukat Ali, Assistant Professor, participated in Annual symposium, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY from cells to
ecosystems Institute of Biology, Leiden University, The Netherlands, on 17th of November 2011and presented
research article entitled High-throughput compound screenings in zebrafish embryos.
5. Mrs. Saiqa Andleeb, Lecturer, participated in Second National Conference on Biotechnology and Microbiology,
July 7-10, 2012 organized by University of Peshawar at Bara Gali. She presented a research article entitled Cloning
and Expression of AV2 Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) protein through Bacterial and Gateway
recombination systems.
6. Muhammad Siddique Awan, Associate Professor participated in an Five-day International Training Workshop
on New Research Techniques in Ecology organized by Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH), Pakistan
Science Foundation in collaboration with Department of Animal Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU)
Islamabad and Snow Leopard Foundation, Pakistan on April 16-20, 2012 at Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad.
7. Mrs. Saiqa Andleeb, Lecturer, participated in International Workshop on Marine Biology: Ecology and
Applications, Advancements and Issues of the 21st Century held on 26-28 June 2012, at COMSTECH Building,
33-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
8. Mrs. Beenish Shahid, Lecturer and two M.Sc. students (Mr. Nazim-ud-Din and Muhammad Tafail) participated in
a one-day workshop on Disaster Risk Management Organized by the QEC and Kashmir Institute of Economics
at City Campus Muzaffarabad in December 2011.
9. Mrs. Beenish Shahid, Lecturer, participated in National Conference on the Thyroid gland: Understanding
basis and clinical aspects held on May 25, 2012 at Department of Animal Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University,
Islamabad. This conference was organized by Quaid-e-Azam University in collaboration with HEC and Hazara
10. Riaz Aziz Minhas, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Usman Ali, Muhammad Nasim Khan, Naeem Iftikhar Dar, Qamar
Zaman Qamar and Hassan Ali, 2012. Ranging Behavior of Himalayan Grey Langur (Semnopithecus ajax) In
Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu And Kashmir, Pakistan. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International)
held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
11. Rashida Munir Awan, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Usman Ali, Riaz Aziz Minhas and Nazneen Bungish, 2012.
Population Estimation and Distribution Of White Crested Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos hamiltonii)
In Garhi Dupatta Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu And Kashmir, Pakistan. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology
(International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore,
12. Sakhi-Uz-Zaman, Nuzhat Shafi, Usman Ali, Zeenat Janat, Javaid Ayub, 2012. Distribution of Fish Fauna with
Impact of Water Quality in River Neelum and Its Tributaries In Gurez, Neelum Valley Azad Jammu And Kashmir,
Pakistan. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology,
Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

13. Mir Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Usman Ali, Riaz Aziz Minhas, 2012. Population Dynamics
and Habitat Utilization of Western Horned Tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) In Machiara National Park,
Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu And Kashmir, Pakistan. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on
March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
14. Syeda Shaista Bibi, Riaz Aziz Minhas, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Usman Ali and Naeem Iftikhar Dar, 2012.
Study Of Ethno-Carnivore Relationship In Dhirkot, District Bagh, Azad Jammu And Kashmir (Pakistan). 32nd
Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government
College University Lahore, Pakistan.
15. Irsa Shafique, Ayesha Kiyani, Atiya Zafar and Saiqa Andleeb, 2012. Identification of Unknown Bacterial Pathogens
through Various Biochemical Techniques. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8,
2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
16. Saiqa Andleeb*, Tehseen Ghous, Nosheen Shahzad, Affia Rafique, 2012. Analysis Of Sensitivity Of Poultry
Associated Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Against Medicinal Plants And Standard Antibiotics. 32nd Pakistan Congress
of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University
Lahore, Pakistan.
17. Uzma Azeem, Ayesha Kiyani, Atiya Zafar, Irsa Shafique, Saiqa Andleeb, 2012. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity
Of Antibiotics And Medicinal Herbs Against Some Human Bacterial Pathogens. 32nd Pakistan Congress of
Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University
Lahore, Pakistan.
18. Ansar Ahmed Abbasi, Khurshid Anwar, Muhammad Nasim Khan and Zahid Latif, 2012. Effect of Vitamin E
Pre-Treatment on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Toxicity In Chicks (Gallus domesticus). 32nd Pakistan
Congress of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College
University Lahore, Pakistan.
19. Lubna Ejaz, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Riaz Aziz Minhas, Usman Ali and Naeem Iftikhar Dar, 2012. Distribution
Pattern And General Habitat Assessment Of Herpetofauna In Pir Lasorha National Park And Surrounding Areas
Of District Kotli, Azad Jammu And Kashmir (Pakistan). 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held
on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
20. Qamar Zaman Qamar, Naeem Iftikhar, Usman Ali, Riaz Aziz Minhas and Javed Ayub, 2012. Status And Distribution
of Galiforms in Azad Jammu And Kashmir. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on March
6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
21. Zeenat Janat, Nuzhat Shafi, Sakhi-Uz-Zaman, Javaid Ayub, Usman Ali, 2012. Water Quality and Fish Fauna of
Zalzal Lake, Chikar, Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International)
held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.
22. Nuzhat Shafi, Danish Kiani, Muhammad Rafique and Javaid Ayub, 2012. Study of Ichthyo Fauna of River
Poonch. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) held on March 6-8, 2012 at Department of Zoology,
Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.

Faculty of Arts
Department of Art and Design

1. Faculty members organized Faculty Art Exhibition which was held on May 22-23, 2012 in City Campus and was
inaugurated by Chief Guest President Advisor Mr. Raja Sajid and Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Habib ur Rehman.
Chairperson Associate Porf. Ms. Fatiha Shahzadi, Assistant Prof. Mrs. Safina Latif, Lecturer Ms. Fatima Yaqoob,
Mr. Amir Rasheed , Mr. Waqas Tanvir and Mis Misbah Kiran displayed their Art pieces .
2. Department held a Seminar on the occurring of Earthquake 8th October 2005 by Lec. Mr. Amir Rasheed & Lec.
Mr. Wakas Tanveer in City Campus on October 08, 2011. The memorial was writhed by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr.
Habib-Ur-Rehman and Minister of Tourism Mr. Tahir Khokhar.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

3. Department had arranged a Painting Exhibition and Poster Competition on October 24, 2011 in City Campus.
Lec. Miss Abida Haneef supervised the students; the theme of paintings was the life of leaders of Kashmir. Lec.
Miss Maria Khalid and Lec. Miss Misbah Kiran supervised the students of Graphics, posters were representing the
campaign on earthquake 2005 in Kashmir. The Chief Guest was Dean Faculty of Arts Prof. Dr. Raja Nasim Akhtar
4. The department had arranged Art Exhibition on June 27, 2012 in City Campus. The students displayed their work
in exhibition at the end of their semester in the guidance of all faculty members. Chief Guest Minister of social
welfare Miss Farzana Yaqoob inaugurated the exhibition along with his Excellency the Vice Chancellor prof. Dr.
Habib ur Rehman and the Dean Faculty of Arts Prof. Dr. Raja Nasim Akhtar.
Kashmir Institute of Economics
1. Mrs. Maryam Bashir, Mrs. Arooj Shaukat and Miss Sobia Hafeez Kiani, Lecturers Kashmir Institute of Economics
attended 2-Day training workshop on Disaster Risk Management organized by the University of the Azad
Jammu & Kashmir, NIDM, NDMA & UNDP at UAJ&K City Campus from 22-23rd December, 2011.
2. Miss Fozia Munir & Mr. Ashar Awan Ph.D and M.Phil scholars respectively presented Research Article The
Impact of worship on individuals well being in 3rd SAICON International Conference on Business, Ethics,
Economics and Management held on 29th December, 2011 in Lahore.
3. Miss Maryam Bint-e-Ajaz Lecturer, Kashmir Institute of Economics and Miss Fozia Munir Ph.D Scholars Kashmir
Institute of Economics participated in 6-day workshop on Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques
held in International Islamic University Islamabad from (12-17th) February 2012.
4. Mrs. Amber Imtiaz, Mr. Muhammad Luqman Khan & Mr. Kamran Khan Lecturer, Kashmir Institute of Economics
participated in one day workshop on Plagiarism Policy and Hands on Exercise on Turnitin organized by Quality
Enhancement Cell at the (University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir City Campus) on March 12, 2012.
5. Mrs. Mariam Bashir Lecturer, Kashmir Institute of Economics participated in HoDs Workshop on Strategic
Management held at the University of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir in collaboration with Higher Education
Commission on 02-03 May 2012.
6. M.Phil Scholar presented their Research Proposals in a special workshop conducted by Kashmir Institute of
Economics on May 22-23, 2012. Zahid Siddique, Assistant Professor FAST Islamabad critically evaluated research
proposal and suggested improvements. It was mandatory for all M.Phil and Ph.D scholars to understand criticism
on each proposal.
7. M.Phil/Ph.D scholars of Kashmir Institute of Economics participated in a two days workshop on Questionnaire
Designing, Survey Techniques and Data Issues organized by HEC assisted Divine Economics project of the
Kashmir Institute of Economics on (29-30th) June, 2012 in Islamabad. The training sessions were hosted by the
Pakistan Insitute of Development Economics (PIDE) Islamabad and Federal Bureau of Statistics Islamabad. The
Kashmir Institute of Economics acknowledges the enthusiastic cooperation by Dr. Usman Mustafa, Mahmood
Khalid from PIDE and Mr. Abdul Sattar from Federal Bureau of Statistics.
8. Director Kashmir Institute of Economics Dr. Syed Nisar Hussain Hamdani, attended the 8th International
Conference in Tehran on Doctrine of Mahdism on July 05-06/2012 and presented paper on Arts Education and
Training Strategies in Islamic Seminaries in perspective of Madism. He also visited the Islamic Research Institute/
Islamic Economics Center in Mashad. Director KIE delivered one lecture on divine Economics at Al-Mustafa
International university Qom Iran and 12 lecture at Al-Mustafa open university Qom during July 2012.
Department of Sociology and Rural Development

1. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted One Day Seminar on Anti Tobacco Day with
the coordination of Basic Development Needs (BDN) AJK. Department Faculty members, students, DHO
Muzaffarabad and other officers of Health Department participated in the Seminar.
2. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted a session on Human Trafficking & Emigration with
the coordination of Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment, Islamabad Pakistan, Faculty members and
Students of the department attended the session.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

3. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted one day field work on awareness of Drivers about
Traffic Signals in urban Areas of Muzaffarabad AJK. Students Department of Sociology & Rural Development
participated in the field work.
4. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted one day workshop on report writing Skills with the
coordination of Department of Social Welfare & Women Welfare AJK Muzaffarabad.
5. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted one day field work on Role of Women in Natural
Resource Management in Rural Areas of Muzaffarabad AJK.
6. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted one day Signatory Campaign to Salute the Martyred
and Disabled Volunteers in Humanitarian World with the coordination of Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS)
AJK Muzaffarabad..
7. Department of Sociology and Rural Development conducted one day workshop on Report Writing Skills with the
coordination of Red Crescent Society AJK Muzaffarabad.

Institute of Education
1. Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan participated in Three days workshop on the subject ADE/B.Ed(Hons)Courses workshop
Teaching of Social Studied organized by Pre-STEP at University of the Punjab, Lahore from November 15-17,
2. Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan & Asma Zia participated in two days workshop on the subject Consultative Workshop
on Teacher Education Strategy 2018, at Muzaffarabad from December 27-28, 2012.
3. Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan participated in Three days workshop on the subject Curriculum Development course
design workshop organized by Pre-STEP at University of the Education, Lahore from January 23-25, 2012.
4. Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan participated in Three days workshop on the subject Educational Psychology course
design workshop organized by Pre-STEP at University of the Punjab, Lahore from January 26-28, 2012.
5. All Faculty Members of the Institute of Education participated in Three days workshop on the subject Research
Workshop organized by Pre-STEP at University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad from November 23-25,

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

1. Faculty of Administrative Sciences conducted one day seminar on Business Communication techniques
2. Faculty of Administrative Sciences conducted one day seminar on Dengue Virus, Symptoms and precautions.
3. Faculty of Administrative Sciences conducted one day seminar on the topic, We and Our Responsibilities
4. Faculty of Administrative Sciences conducted Workshop on Teaching Methodologies
5. A Seminar on Effective Research Writing by Prof. Dr. Mahmood Shah, University of Central Lancashire, Preston,
UK held on 16th May 2012
6. A Workshop contucted by Administrative Sciences titled Mobile Application Development using Android
Platform held on 25th-27th May 2012

Faculty of Health Sciences

1. 2nd International Conference of TCM, Modern WesternMedicineand Medical Education, organized by the
Xinjiang Medical University, China from 16-21stSep. 2012.
2. AMEE-Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference-2012 held in Lyon, France from 25th
29th August, 2012.
3. AEME Association for Excellence in Medical Education; 2nd International Conference organized by the Pakistan
Medical & Dental Council in collaboration with FAIMER, UHS, DUHS, Isra University and university of Illinois
Chicago, in March 2012.
4. International Conference of Vascular Surgery held at Cairo, Egypt in Dec. 2012. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal khan
was a key Note speaker in the conference.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Research Journals
Department of English brought out Kashmir Journal of Language Research Vol 14, No. 1 & 2.

Research Collaboration
Research was once thought to be confined to certain specific fields but now due to the ever growing
multidirectional concerns, it needs to be multifaceted. Collaboration amongst various types of
research groups in many institutions is the need of the hour. Our researchers are well aware of this
fact and have started working in partnership with other in-land and foreign groups.

Following table shows the efforts of different disciplines in this regard:

Sr. No. Teaching discipline Collaborating institution Country


1. Botany PIEAS Pakistan

2. Chemistry ICCBS, Karachi University, Karachi Pakistan

Chemistry Department, Quaid-i-Azam University
Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Technology (PINSTECH),
National Centre of Physics, Islamabad (in progress)

3. CS & IT National Institute of Laser and Optronics (NILOP) Islamabad Pakistan

Department of Engineering, Bio Engineering University UK
of Leicester
4. Law Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan (in progress) Pakistan
5. Mathematics FAST, Lahore Pakistan
FMG, QAU, Islamabad
IIU, Islamabad
PINSTECH, Islamabad
6. Physics National Center for Physics, Islamabad Pakistan
COMSATS, Islamabad
Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad
NORI Hospital, Islamabad
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research Australia
School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National
Dr. Janja Vouptic (in progress), Details Slovania
7. Zoology Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan
Bioresource Research Center (BRC), Islamabad
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan
University of Lahore, Lahore
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
GIS Lab, WWF-Pakistan
Primate Research Center, Kyoto University Japan
University of Leister UK, Wild Animals Vigilance Euro- UK
Mediterranean Society (WAVES), University of Edinburgh
University of Leiden The Netherlands

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 3:

Quality Assurance
Impact of Quality Assurance in the University

Quality Enhancement Cell is working smoothly in the University based on QA mechanism
proposed by the Higher Education Commission. QEC has organized various seminars/ workshops
to transmit the Self-Assessment concept to the stakeholders.

QEC Secretariat
QEC is running in the premises of City Campus in close association with the Vice Chancellor

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Staff Members:
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan, Professor BPS-21, appointed as Director QEC.
2. Ms. Mahwish Batool is transferred to QEC as Deputy Director.
3. Mr. Lall Hussain appointed as Assistant Director QEC/ Programmer.

QEC Ratings
The Higher Education Commission has quantitatively assessed the QECs of Phase IV for the
period from January 01, 2012 to June 30, 2012 on the basis of their QECs Secretariat Establishment,
Implementation Status of Quality Assurance Mechanism, Empowering the QECs, Membership of
International bodies, Participation/ Contribution in National/ International events and various
other quality criteria. The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir was assessed and scored 88 out
of 100 lying in the Highest W Category in its ranking.

Implementation Status of QA Mechanism:

At present, 10 Departments of the University have completed their Self-Assessment Reports according
to the Self-Assessment Manual and the remaining are in progress. Besides, QEC has organized
Assessment Team meetings of 07 departments. The Assessment Team experts from other renowned
national institutions have contributed valuable comments, guidelines and recommendations to
improve the departments to fulfill the teaching & research requirements to meet national and
international standards of quality education. The departments have undergone this self-assessment
process and identified certain shortcomings to be rectified for further improvement. The AT experts
in different meetings of each department have recommended revision of curriculum, improving
laboratory facilities, students support and guidance, strengthening of faculty, library facilities,
e-facilities etc. Besides, QEC has requested the HoDs to arrange orientation programs at the start
of each semester. Likewise, departments are requested to ensure completion of course files, lecture
plans, access to electron media to enrich the research methodology.

Empowering QEC:
QEC is processing theses of M.Phil. students through Turnitin software. Up till now, three Plagiarism
workshops have been conducted for M.Phil. and Ph.D. supervisors and research scholars to get
the benefit from this facility. Moreover, faculty members are encouraged to use this service in
checking assignments, quizzes and research work. Various other workshops have been organized to
further strengthen the concept. Besides, the HEC Best University Teacher Award 2011 is processed
and finalized through QEC. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan, Director QEC and Mr. Lall
Hussain, Assistant Director QEC participated in Strategic Planning meetings of USAID-Pre-STEP,
Institute of Education, University of AJK and made valuable contributions and recommendations.
The Director QEC is also a member for the Board of Advanced Studies & Research (BASR),
the Academic Council, the Finance & Planning Committee, Selection Committees for Adhoc /
Contract Faculty and the Board of Studies of all departments in order to ensure observance of

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

the norms established for Quality Assurance. Recently, the worthy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Syed
Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi emphatically directed the QEC to monitor the daily performance of
teaching faculty through a prescribed proforma. Beside, QEC has also initiated the assessment
of individual programs in the relevant departments for which HoDs are requested to constitute
separate Program Team, Assessment Team and preparation of Self-Assessment Report as course
and teacher evaluation is the important measure to assess the quality of education according to
internationally recognized assessment method. Next to it, QEC is also working with the Cyber
Vision International to fully computerize the evaluation proforma to get feedback at each semester
as desired by the higher education commission of Pakistan. This will help all the departments to get
feedback of all concerned well in time.

Activities held under the QEC:

Organized one day Workshop on Self-Assessment Report Writing Methods and new QEC-AT
review methods for Program Team members and Faculty members, Faculty of Administrative
Sciences, Kolti on December 21, 2011. Mr. Lal Hussain, Assistant Director was the Resource
Organized workshop on How to use Turnitin Software Hands on Exercise for M.Phil. /
Ph.D. supervisors and scholars Faculty members, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Kolti on
December 21, 2011. Mr. Lal Hussain, Assistant Director was the Resource Person.
Organized workshop on How to use Turnitin Software Hands on Exercise for M.Phil./ Ph.D.
supervisors and scholars Faculty members, Dept./Institute of Economics, Zoology, English, CS
& IT, Muzaffarabad on March 12, 2012. Mr. Lal Hussain, Assistant Director was the Resource
Organized one Day Workshop on Implementation of QA mechanism in Department of
Education Schools (AJK) Male and Female for awareness to ADE Programs and Preparation
of Self-Assessment Report for Principals and Subject Specialist to assess the ADE Program
organized Elementary College (Female), Muzaffarabad on May 04, 2012 and May 10, 2012,
Rawalakot. Mr. Lal Hussain, Assistant Director is the Resource Person.
Mr. Lal Hussain Assistant Director Presented a paper entitled Real-Time Emotion Recognition
in Human Speech, Using Neural Networks in 1st International Conference in Engineering
Science ICES 2012 from Feb. 28-29, 2012.

Membership of Associations/ Networks

Local Network
Acquired membership of QEC-Network of Pakistani Universities at Yahoo

Foreign Network
QEC is in process of acquiring membership of Asia Pacific Quality Assurance Networks (APQN).
Under this membership, we have submitted a proposal in 3rdQS MAPLE Conference in South
Africa to be held on May 22-23, 2013. Under this membership of APQN, QEC has received
various such opportunities to participate/ contribute in International events and same shall highly
reflect in the promotion of the quality of education in University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

The Quality Enhancement Cell at University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir has also expanded its
functionality on assessment and QA concept in Elementary Colleges to assess the ADE Programs.
The ADE programs have been started in collaboration with Pre-STEP (USAID), AJK Government
(DCRD) and are assessed by QEC University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. In this regard, QEC has
conducted its 3rd workshop to disseminate the QA concept at Elementary College (Male/ Female)
Mirpur A.K. on May 18, 2012.

Accreditation of Programmes from relevant Councils

Department Heads are requested to accredit their program from relevant accredited council. In this
regard, one day workshop on General Criteria for ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering
& Technology) accreditation & Preparation of Course Files and binders is organized in video
conference room for all HoDs on August 27, 2012. Dr. Raja Imtiaz Hussain, Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Computing and Technology, King Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is
the resource person.

Faculty of Health Sciences

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College (AJKMC)

Both, undergraduate and postgraduate programs of AJKMC have been accredited by the Pakistan
Medical & Dental Council, Islamabad and College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan respectively.
These programs have also been accredited by the International regulatory bodies like AMEE, WFME
and AAMC. AJKMC has a very stringent quality assurance and quality management system. The
Curriculum development is based on a six step approach. Both, faculty and students participate in
the planning & development of each module.

A multidisciplinary team of 10-15 experts under supervision of Medical Educationist dedicates at

least 150-man hours of intense brainstorming, discussions and deliberations; in preparation of core
contents, learning outcomes, teaching & learning strategies, Table of Specifications (TOS), schedule
and tools of assessment for a module. At all stages of planning & development, study guide of
module is presented in faculty forum for open debate and criticism.

The end of module assessment is scrutinized by the Assessment Committee and Post-Hoc analysis
for validity, reliability, difficulty index and discriminatory index is done by the module team on the
basis of statistical item analysis done by OMR. The results of post-hoc analysis are presented in
faculty forum for defense & debate.

Each module program is evaluated by 3600 evaluation through qualitative as well as quantitative
approach, by the Quality Enhancement Cell in the Department of Medical Education. After
triangulation of evaluation results, the findings are presented in the CAC (the highest academic
forum of medical college) and remedial measures are proposed for faculty and/or students. At the
end of the academic year, all modules are revisited in annual retreat of curriculum, to make them
more effective to the constantly changing needs of the healthcare.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 4:

Faculty Development
Impact of Quality Assurance in the University

Faculty development programmes (MS/PhD local + foreign)

UAJK is firmly committed to facilitate the faculty members for higher education in their particular
fields of study. In this regard, many initiatives have been taken which include

Fully funded PhD programmes at foreign universities

Incentive/ scholarship along with study leave for MPhil/ MS/ PhD studies at in-land universities
Subsidized tuition fee for MPhil/ MS/ PhD studies at UAJK

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Returned Scholars
In consequences of the efforts of UAJK and faculty members, many faculty members have joined
their departments after successful completion of their degrees. The details are accounted in the
following table:

Sr. No. Department Name of Returned Scholar Degree Institution

1. Chemistry Dr. Bilal Ahmed Khan PhD Technical University Kaiserlantern,


Dr. Muhammad Hafeez Khan PhD University of Bayreuth Germany

2. CS & IT Dr. Saeed Arif Shah PhD Hunan University, China

Dr. Sajjad Ahmed Nadeem PhD University of Paris, France

3. Economics Dr. Imran Hussain Shah PhD Leicester University, UK

4. Physics Dr. Khizar-ul-Haq PhD University of Shanghai, China

Dr. Ayaz Arif Khan PhD Bielefeld University, Germany

5. Zoology Dr. Shaukat Ali PhD The Netherlands

6. Directorate/Center Dr. M. Mahroof Khan PhD Wuhan University, China

for Higher Studies
& Research

7. Department of Dr. Junaid Arshad PhD University of Leeds, UK

Mathematics and
Computer Science

8. Department of Dr. Iftikhar Hussain PhD Shinghai University, China


Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Present Scholars
Many faculty members of our teaching departments are pursuing their higher education (MS/
MPhil/ PhD) at various Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The department-wise list of these
scholars is as follows:

Sr. No. Department Name of Present Scholar Designation Degree HEI

1 Art & Design Mrs. Fatiha Shazadi Associate Professor MPhil Hazara University,
Mrs. Safina Latif Assistant Professor MPhil Hazara University,
Mrs. Rukhsana Saad Lecturer MPhil QAU Islamabad
2. Botany Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Dar PhD AIT, Thialand
Mrs. Rahana Kosar Assistant Professor PhD PMAS-Arid Agriculture
University, Rawalpindi
3. Chemistry Ms. Seema Naseer Kyani Assistant Professor PhD UAJK/ QAU, Islamabad
Mrs. Kalsum Akhter Lecturer PhD UAJK
Mr. Muhammad Naeem Lecturer PhD UAJK/ Tsinghua
Ahmad University, China
Raja Amjad Waheed Khan Lecturer PhD Beijing University, China
Ms. Srosh Fazil Lecturer PhD Hazara University,
4. CS & IT Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Awan Assistant Professor PhD UAJK
Mr. Sharjeel Saeed Assistant Professor PhD UAJK
Mr. Abdul Majid Lecturer PhD China
Mr. Nasir Ali Lecturer PhD Germany
Mr. Mohsin Manshaad Abbasi Lecturer PhD UAJK
Mr. Zaki Hassan Kazmi Lecturer PhD UAJK
Ms. Saima Rathore Lecturer PhD PIEAS, Islamabad
Ms. Uzma Naqvi Lecturer MS Bahria University,
Ms. Sana Shoukat Lecturer MS Bahria University,
Mr. Zahid Younas Lecturer MPhil QAU Islamabad
Mr. Aftab Naseem Khan Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Ms. Sobia Hassan Kazmi Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Ms. Summera Aziz Lecturer MPhil UAJK
5. Economics Mr. Ghulam Yahya Khan Lecturer PhD Kingston University, UL
Ms. Samina Sabir Lecturer PhD PIDE, Islamabad
Ms. Maryam Bint-e-Ajaz Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Mrs. Asma Hanif Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Mrs. Amber Imtiaz Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Mr. Luqman Khan Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Mrs. Arooj Shoukat Lecturer MPhil UAJK
Ms. Sobia Hafeez Kiani Lecturer MPhil UAJK

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Sr. No. Department Name of Present Scholar Designation Degree HEI

6. English Haroon-ur-Rasheed Associate Professor Ph.D UAJK
Abdul Qadir Khan Assistant Professor Ph.D UAJK
Mr. Naveed Sarwar Lecturer Mphil UAJK
Ms. Nayab Sami Lecturer Mphil UAJK
Ms. Qudsia Ishaq Lecturer Ph.D UAJK
Ms. Shahida Khalique Lecturer Ph.D UAJK
7. Law Syed Hasnat Ahmed Gillani Lecturer PhD IIU, Islamabad
Syed Mudasar Fida Gardazi Lecturer (Contract) PhD IIU, Islamabad
8. Physics Mr. Javeed Iqbal Assistant Professor PhD UAJK
Mr. Tahir Iqbal Res. Assoc. PhD UAJK
Mr. Shujhat Bukhari Res. Assoc. (Contract) PhD UAJK
Mr. Nasar Ahmad Res. Assoc. (Contract) PhD UAJK
9. Sociology & Ms. Nazneen Habib Lecturer MPhil PMAS Arid Agricultural
Rural University Rawalpindi
10. Statistics Mr. Azhar Saleem Assistant Professor PhD BZU, Multan
Mr. Kamran Abbas Lecturer PhD China School of Finance
& Statistics, China
11. Zoology Mr. M. Siddique Awan Associate Professor PhD BZU, Multan
Ms. Nuzhat Shafi Assistant Professor PhD UAJK
Mrs. Saiqa Andleeb Lecturer PhD NIBGE, Fasialabad
Mr. Riaz Aziz Minhas Lecturer PhD UAJK
Mrs. Beenish Shahid Lecturer PhD UAJK
12. Department of Mr. Syed Ali Abbas Lecturer PhD Chonqing, China
and Computer

Pre-Service and In-Service Professional Development Programs

Foreign Faculty
At present UAJK is devoid of this very important facility. But the departments are being
encouraged to invite foreign faculties so as to harvest the maximum benefit of their expertise.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 5:


Basic Enrollment
At present, the total number of enrolled students under different academic programs is 5922.

All the applicants have a fair and open access to admission process. The students may apply on
the normal or reserved quotas as the case may be. Once admitted, all the students are treated
impartially to benefit from every type of facilities available to them.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Keeping in view the requirement of society, the university is offering graduate and post-graduate
programs so that the passing out graduates may have equal chances to be absorbed in different
sectors of the society. The prime sector in AJK is education, so graduates of this department may
contribute their services in this sector very well after completion of degree. However, specializations
are being offered in four faculties so as to enable the graduates to be absorbed in different public
and private sector research/commercial/financial organizations as well as industries and the NGOs
where basic requirement of induction is Masters degree. Various initiatives are being taken to train
the students for self-employment in various fields.

Faculty-Student ratio
The University, i the past few years, has inducted mor ehighly qualified faculty commensurate with
the rapid increase in the student strength during the year 2011-12 UAJK had the faculty student
ratio of 1:23.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 6:

Universities Building Economics

Impact of Quality Assurance in the University

This section is still being worked upon. Although individual examples are there in which some
faculty members have played the key role in the development of some economic sectors, yet a
collaborative effort at university level is envisaged.

Student Counseling and Career Guidance

A Career Counseling Society has been set up at the university level by Directorate of Students
Affairs (DSA). The society guides the candidates seeking admissions to various degree programs. In
addition, each department has its own Student Advisory committee which channelizes the students
in various professional and academic issues.

Student Career Counseling

Admissions in 4 year BS programs for academic session 2012-2016 were announced. For the sake of
admission in different disciplines, students from all over the country visit the DSA office. As most
of the new comers are unaware of the admission process, therefore, the DSA office has directed
career counseling society to guide new students regarding the admission process. For student
career counseling, the career counseling society has established a guidance camp at DSA office. The
society members have started their work under the supervision of the Amjad Bashir (the President
of the society). The camp continued to work till the last date of admission.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

University Officers receiving the Saudi Ambassador

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 7:

Strengthening Physical

Development Construction Projects (on going):

1. Construction of AJ&K University at Chattar Klass Muzaffarabad. (Covered area 1.100 million
sft) with tender cost of Rs. 5.560 billion has been awarded to an international construction
firm SAMBU-Sarco (JV) Lahore during July 2011 with completion period 3 years. Foundation
work of most of the buildings has been completed.

2. Construction of Public Administration & Commerce Block (covered area 45000 sft) with
cost of Rs. 81.495 million (Funded by GOAJK) is in progress and will be completed by the
end of December 2013. However, basement and ground floor is being utilized by the Faculty.
Muhammad Yaseen is the Contractor.

3. Construction of Faculty Hostel at Chatter Klass Muzaffarabad (covered area 28000 sft) with
cost Rs.92.000 million is in process to award to a construction firm M/S Pak UK Associate
Islamabad and will be completed within 18 months.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Development/Construction Projects (completed):

1. Construction of Shelter with Jammia Mosque at Chellah Campus Muzaffarabad with cost of
Rs. 784344/-.
2. Rehabilitation of Old Well at Kotli campus with cost of Rs. 157423/-.
3. Construction of Parking Shed at U/C Rawalakot campus with cost of Rs. 421362/-.
4. Construction of Wall from Khoi Ratta Road to Masjid Sharif Kotli campus.
5. Fixing of Grill at Public Administration and Commerce Block Kotli with cost of Rs. 799760/-.
6. Fixing of Grill with Department of Zoology at Chellah Campus Muzaffarabad with cost of Rs.
7. Fixing of Grill with Admin Block at Chellah Campus Muzaffarabad with cost of Rs. 872545/-.
8. Construction of Parking Shed with residence of Imam Masjid at City Campus Muzaffarabad
with cost of Rs. 121567/-.
9. Construction of Class Rooms (Rear side Block A) at City Campus Muzaffarabad with cost of
Rs. 1240693/-.
10. Construction of Rooms for UPS at City Campus Muzaffarabad with cost of Rs. 541085/-.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 8:

Strengthening Technological
As The University of AJ&K is passing through a process of change aimed at developing University
Management Information System (UMIS) to provide a fully automated environment to the
University and network is being established to connect all campuses and departments. Therefore,
there should be a well managed central unit that will be responsible for providing all sort of support
related to Information and Communication Technology to all the departments and employees of
the university.

Therefore Information Technology Centre (ITC) has been established vide order No. F.7-66/
Establishment/3771-3806/2011 and Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad Awan Assistant Professor, Department of
CS&IT has been appointed as the Director ITC for the smooth execution of IT related activities
within the university.

1. Functions of proposed Information Technology Centre (ITC)

This Centre is responsible for the following functions:

Implementation, updating and maintenance of UMIS

To provide and maintain the overall Information and Communication Technology

infrastructure at all campuses of the university.

Content management and updating University/Faculty/Student web portal regularly.

To provide technical skills related to programming to faculty/researchers to complete their

research work where such technology will be needed.

To provide video conferencing system at all campuses for online lectures and Net-meeting
when required.

Students and teachers will avail the facility of Internet and digital library for which bandwidth
(PERN) has already been arranged from HEC.

University/Faculty/Student web portal can be updated for teachers and students to increase
the efficiency. There can be email as well as the link for every subject that could include
notices, teaching material for students to download, upload assignments, display results and
attendance. The site will have different rights for different users.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Arrange special training/workshops for the existing computer faculty and IT professionals to
update them with new technology in different areas of computer science when required.
To establish well equipped computer Labs in different departments where required.
Lab Engineers/Network Admin/System Engineers will be responsible for carrying extensive
lab work from students given by concerned teacher.
There will be computer workshop under this center supervised by a qualified computer
hardware engineer to provide hardware maintenance to different departments and sections of
the university.
Data entry operators of different departments will work under the supervision of this center
after UMIS deployment and all these operations will be monitored for the smooth execution.
To provide IT training to concerned employees (teachers, officers and university employees) to
use different modules of UMIS when needed.
To establish software development section to provide software solutions to other departments
of government on commercial basis to increase the university income.
To collaborate with IT industry involving computer science and engineering students to
enhance their skills.
To collaborate with other organizations working on IT, telecom and engineering sectors to
improve the standard of education in the university.

In order to achieve the above objectives, a well defined hierarchy for this Centre have been defined
that will streamline all these activities at central level. This Centre is further divided into the
following two sections:

1.1 UMIS Maintenance & Software Development section

The responsibilities of this section will be as follows:

For Implementation, updating and maintenance of UMIS after final deployment.

To supervise data entry process in all departments and sections.
To update university/faculty/student web portal on daily basis.
To organize training and workshops for the faculty and IT professionals.
To develop software modules when required.
To provide technical support and perform the over all activities related to UMIS and other
development tasks.
Other related tasks and duties assigned by the head of the ITC.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

1.2 Networks and Communication Section

The responsibilities of this section will be as follows:

To provide and maintain networks and communication infrastructure at all campuses and
departments of the university for the implementation of UMIS.

Management of Network Servers.

Management of Network applications.

Designing and implementing new Network requirements.

Management of switches, routers, firewalls.

Management of other Network services/equipment.

To facilitate software development section regarding network and communication.

User and account management for all departments and sections.

Installation and configuration.

To establish and maintain computer workshop for hardware maintenance.

To establish and maintain computer labs in different teaching departments when required.

To ensure the network security and data integrity.

Tasks and duties assigned by the head of the ITC.

2. University Management Information System (UMIS)

University Management Information System (UMIS) for the University of Azad Jammu &
Kashmir, Muzaffarabad has been developed and deployed for the computerization of its different
departments in order to increase efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of their
core operations and decision making.

All the UMIS modules have been deployed on AJK University servers. Here is the attached link. Currently UMIS project is at its final implementation stage that includes
demonstrations for feedback of concerned focal persons/technical focal person/end users for the
purpose of evaluation. Also the data entry process and end user training has been started in parallel
to avoid un necessary delay.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

2.1 List of deployed UMIS modules:

S. No. Deployed Modules

1. Administrator/Security Management System

2. University/Faculty/Student Web Portal

3. Admission Management System

4. Academic Management System

5. Fee and Dues Management System

6. Schedule Management System

7. Alumni Management System

8. Electronic Notice Board Management

9. File Movement and Record Management System

10. College Affiliation Management System

11. Events Management System

12. Library Management System

13. Hostel Management System

14. Transport Management System

15. HR / Payroll/ Pension Management System

16. Fixed Asset Management System

17. Budget & Accounts Management System

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Main Dashboard Interface

2.2 Description of Functionalities of UMIS Modules

Administration/Security Management System

Administration/Security Management System will be providing comprehensive multilevel

security to ensure proper authentication and authorization of system users as per role and
their responsibilities in University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad which includes
the following:

Role based security

User based security
Module level security
Function level security
Screen level security

Administration/Security Management System will allow the System Administrator to configure

and manage the application smoothly and efficiently.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

University/Faculty/Student Web Portal

The Web portal will be developed, providing self service and information to students, teaching
staff & management of the University comprising the following details:

Faculty Portal

Students attendance entry

Syllabus coverage tracking for the Subjects & Grade wise
Examination Mark entry
Class teacher comments on students
Faculty schedule report
Assignment to students
View submitted assignments
Discussion forums

Student Portal

Self service for students to view assignments

Students can view class schedules & Examination Marks
Students can apply for leave online
Students can reply to / post their comments about Management or Faculties
Assignment can be submitted online
Discussion forum for students
Student portal comprises of reports like Fee outstanding, Fee ledger, student attendance
ledger etc

Admission Management System

The Admission Management System shall enable and assist admission office in organizing effective
student enrollment and applicants tracking from initial inquiry to final enrollment. The Admission
Management shall store and enable admission office to view:

Applicant Enquiry Information Management

Applicant Admission and Recruitment Management
Applicant Information Management
Online Application Submission Facility
Online Attachment of Documents Facility for Application Submission
Test Scores and Results Management
Interview call letter and its Dispatch Management
Online Status of Interview Result Management
Applicant Short Listing Management
Online Publication of Short Listed Candidates
Applicant Seat Allocation Management

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Admission Letter Generation and Dispatch Management

Confirmation and Batch Registration Management
Automate Re-Enrollment Process
Tracking of Student/Applicant status like accept, reject, enrolled etc
Reports (as per requirement)

Academic Management System

The Academic Management System shall be possessing comprehensive features covering the
following sub-modules in order to facilitate and streamline all processes and operations concerning
the Academia:

Curriculum Management System

Student Management System

Student Personal/Profile Information Management

Student Academic History Management
Student Enrollment Management
Scholarship Information Management
Student Attendance Management
Student Awards and delinquency Management

Course & Batch Management System

Session Information Management as per University Polices

Batch Record Management System
Program curriculum and Semester Management
Courses fundamentals Management
Courses and Programs Linkage Management
Courses Plan and Credit Hours Management

Examination Management System

Examinations Information Management as per University Polices (Annual, Semester wise

Cut List, Consolidated Cut List and Centre Statement Management System
Roll Nos. Slips Generation and printing Management System
Answer Sheets and Additional Sheets Management System
Supervisory Staff Management System
Factious Roll Numbers Management System
Rules and Regulation management System

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Examination Schedule and Date Sheet Management

Examination Attendance Management
Unfair means management (Cheating cases and its resolution)
Examination Records/History management
Result compilation and Analysis Management
Gazette Preparation and printing
Results Notifications
Online publication of results
Degree Preparation management
Online Degree Verification

Faculty Management System

Department Profile Management

Faculty Information Management
Course Allocation Management
Faculty Attendance Management
Faculty Workload Management
Faculty Performance Evaluation Management

Fee and Dues Management System

The Fee and Dues Management System shall be providing the following features in order to avoid
any confusion regarding the fee and dues:

Fee Structure as per University Policies (Semester wise, Annually etc)

Fee invoice creation
Bulk invoice generation
Fee discount request and approval
Fee refund
Fee Collection
Automatic Fine Calculation
Fee Settlement
Fee Waiving
Fee outstanding and collection reports
Fee Analysis Reports
Student Wise Fee & Dues History Management
Automatic Email Notification to Students regarding their Fee and Dues

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Schedule Management System

The Schedule Management System shall be equipped with the features for streamlining and
improving efficiency in scheduling the following:

Period definition
Flexible period allotment pattern for Faculties
Class Schedule for Faculties/Subjects
Automatic and Manual Class Scheduling
Free period search
Maximum and minimum periods of Subjects
Available patterns for Faculty, course & room
Scheduling Clashes and Re-Scheduling Management

Alumni Management System

The Alumni Management should provide former students of University of AZAD Jammu and
Kashmir, the following functionalities:

Alumni Login
Viewing Grades
Transcripts and their Status
Degree Status
History of their Academics
Events Calendar & Bulletin Board
News and Events
Discussion Forums

Electronic Notice Board Management

The Electronic Notice Board shall provide the Management, Faculty and students the information
of all the events, activities and functions occurring or about to occur in the University.

Files Movement and Record Management System

The file movement and record management system will be providing the following:

System generated File/Letter ID or number

Record of files, their movement, status and their location where they are placed
System generated letters
Letter received and dispatched record along with details of entitys/individuals who the sent
the letters and to whom letters are dispatched
History of files records
History of letters received and dispatched

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Searching facility to get record and other details of files or letters

Reports (as per requirement)

College Affiliation Management System

The College Affiliation Management System shall comprise the following:

Affiliated College Information Management

Affiliation Criteria Management
Online Affiliation Request Submission Facility
Online Attachment of Documents
Evaluation and Selection Management
Contract Management
Student Registration Management

Event Management System

The Event Management System shall comprise the following:

Events Information Management

Events publishing on the Electronic Notice Board
Events search Facility

Library Management System

The Library Management System shall comprise following for increasing efficiency and transparency
in managing library operations:

Library Record Management

Books/Articles/Magazine Purchase Management
Books/Articles/Magazine Supplier Record Management
Library Budget Management
Books/Articles/Magazine log Management
Books/Articles/Magazine Classification Management
Student Registration Management
Library Card Issuance Management
Books/Articles/Magazine Issuance, Clearance and Receipt Management
Books/Articles/Magazine Control Management as per University Policy
Automatic Alters for issued Books/Articles/Magazine Management
Email notification to the holder of Books/Articles/Magazine for back submission to Library
Late Submission Fine Management

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Hostel Management System

The Hostel Management System shall be equipped with the features covering complete cycle
pertaining to the Hostel Management and shall encompass the following:

Hostel Information Management

Room properties & services
Room Booking & Allocation
Room Check-in & Check-out
Leave request
Visitor log
Complaints and Action Taken
Hostel Dues Management
Hostel Mess Management
Student Clearance Management
Reports (as per requirement)

Transport Management System

The Transport Management System shall be providing the following for proper and accurate
Transport Management:

Route Details
Vehicle & Driver Details
Details of Arrival/Departure time
Allocation of Students/Staffs
Fuel Consumption Details on each vehicle
Maintenance incurred & Schedule
Vehicle request
Break down & Incident log
Driver Memo & Action Taken
Vehicle Maintenance History

Human Resource / Payroll Management System

The salient features of Human Resource / Payroll Management System are depicted as follows:

New Hire Request and Process Management

Online Job Placement Management
Online Job Application submission Management
Online attachment of document facility for application submission

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Recruitment & Selection Management

Candidate Tracking and Selection Management
Employee Performance Management
Employee Promotion Management
Employees Profile Management
Employee Career Development & Training Management
Employee Transfer Management
Employee Compensation & Benefits Management
Employee Leave Administration and Management
Employee End of Services/ Termination Management
Disciplinary Actions & Grievance Management
Contract Management, Monitoring & Control
Comprehensive Reporting for the above mentioned modules
Pension Management

o Calculates termination, retirement, death, disability and accrued benefits

o Generates forms and letters
o Contributions Tracking
o Custom Pension Calculation
o Retroactive Adjustments
o Beneficiary Management
o Allow employee loans and track loans and Adjustments
o Payment Processing
o Create and print cheques
o Pension Tracking and History Management
o Comprehensive Reporting for the above mentioned modules

Fixed Asset Management System

The Fixed Asset Management System should be equipped with the features covering complete life
cycle management of Fixed Assets like:

Depreciation Policy(s)
Asset Group
Asset Item
Asset Serial
Asset Acquisition
Asset Disposal & Sales
Asset Transfer
Asset Register
Depreciation Register

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Budget & Accounts Management System

Budget and Accounts Management System should provide powerful and flexible features to
meet the requirements. The System shall facilitate the attachment of documents, spreadsheets, or
images to an application functionality to provide users with additional information or required
documentation. The Budget and Accounts Management System will have its tight integration with
all other modules involving any kind of financial transaction like Payroll, Fee & Dues etc.

The Budget & Account Management Systems salient features: User definable Chart of Accounts,
Multiple Book Types for different transactions (e.g. payments, receipts, vouchers) with user
privilege settings, User defined Book Templates for storing predefined voucher details for book
types, Maintain customers, accounts receivables and aging statements, Manage suppliers, bills,
accounts payables and supplier aging statements etc.

Double Entry Accounting System

Book Types and Template Management
Accounting Calendar Management
Chart of Accounts Management
General Leger Management
Sub Ledger Maintenance and Management
Account Receivable Management
Accounts Payable Management
Cash and Bank Payment Management
Cash and Bank Receipt Management
Budget and Control Management

o Budget Structure
o Budget Entry Management
o Budget Control Management

Schedules and Periods Management

Constraints, limitation, Revision and Adjustment Management

o Budget Tracking Management

o Budget Analysis Management
o Budget Utilization Management
o Budget Monitoring Management

Aging Analysis of Account Receivable and Account Payables

Petty Cash Management
Grants Management
Invoice and Payables Management
Cash and Bank Management
Cheques Management and Automatic Printing

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Financial Planning and Forecasting Management

Cash Flow Management
Audit Trails
Financial Statement generation and Management

o Profit and Loss Statement

o Balance Sheet Management

3. Digital Library

Availability of more than 30 databases providing access to over 20,000 full text journals
from the worlds leading publishers
DL accessible by more than 250 institutions (Public Universities, Private Institutions, R &
D Organizations)
More than 2 million articles downloaded in 2006.
Access to collection of more than 150 million items available through British Library
Document Delivery Service
Selection of over 10,000 e-books available through open access for researchers
40,000 E-Books to Go Online through HECs Digital Library
23,000 journals that have been made available through the Digital Library Programme.
47 leading international medical Journals available through Highwire Press, without any

Main Resources available:

American association of physics teachers

American chemical society
American institute of physics
American physical society
American society of agricultural engineers
Association of computing machinery
Edinburgh university press
Esdu - engineering solutions for academia
Institute of electrical & electronics engineers (IEEE)
Mcgraw hill collections
Royal society of chemistry
Science online
Taylor & francis journals
Wiley-blackwell journals
Free medical journals

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

4. Web Portal
The web portal is the main hub for university activities where students, faculty members, researchers
and visitors can interact online to get the latest happening in the university. The web portal provides
the central part for the latest happening in the university which includes
Recent activities and extra circular activates
examination result of the students on the same day is available online
digital library with more than 20,000 international Journals
Official email for faculty members/administration staff
Alumni Section
Date Sheet and exam information
News portal
All forms for Downloads are available
Information of different faculty, faculty members, and course details of each program

New web portal is on the way and will be lunched in couple of months.

The university web portal every month gets approximately more than 50,000 Hits from across the
globe. It plays a vital rule to facilitate the students, researchers, and visitors in every possible way.

The email system will be replaced by university own exchange server in near future.

5. Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN)

Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) is part of the overall vision and objectives
of IT Action Plan that was launched by Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman as Minister of Science and
Technology. The project is financed by the Government of Pakistan in cooperation with PTCL
(Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) Research and Development funds. The network
is designed, operated, and maintained by NTC (National Telecommunication Corporation). The
project is aimed to be an integral part of the overall Education System of the country and is designed
to interlink all Public / Private Sector Chartered Universities / Degree awarding Institutes registered
with Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan.

PERN provides high speed internet and internet facilities to the member educational institutions
of Pakistan.

Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) was initially installed in 2007 at City Campus,
University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad with a high speed bandwidth of 8MB. During
this year the PERN facility is extended from City Campus UAJ&K to the Chellah Campus of UAJ&K,
Muzaffarabad. Now the entire departments at Chellah Campus including the administration Block
and the residential blocks can also use all the facilities provided by the PERN.

To cope up with the increasing requirements of high speed internet, we are planning to increase the
internet bandwidth form 8Mb to 20MB Link via PERN2 Services provided by HEC.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


Video Conference setup in AJK University was established in 2008, Through Video Conferencing
facility, the students have the opportunity to learn from high profile teachers, exchange their ideas,
contribute & share their research work. This will not only enhance their knowledge & capabilities
but eventually the standard of education. During the last year following events were held using this
facility in university of AJK.

HEC DVC Session-graduate application to the U.S invitation from UEEF Pakistan was arranged
through Video Conference dated March 25, 2011.Students of all the departments participated in
this event.

Save Education Save Pakistan a video conference with other universities by HEC for the survival of
education of our country Pakistan was arranged on dated April 07, 2011. The students and faculty
members participated in this event.

A meeting of Executive Director of HEC with the university regarding their accreditation of the
final year DVM students was held on October 17, 2011.

A video conference scheduled by the R&D division of HEC on pursuance of The Executive Director
HEC on Nov 2011, in which the Vice Chancellor and senior faculty members participated through
Video conference link.

Fifth International Conference on Open-Source Systems and Technologies was arranged by UET
Lahore on 23rd - 24th December 2011, through video conference. Our students participated in that
event through video conference link.

HEC arranged a virtual debate contest with the collaboration of HEJ Karachi. Our students
participate in that event through video conference link.

A two days workshop title An Introduction to Publishing with Emerald. Speaker was Alastair
Cook, Regional Business Manager/Vice President Middle East (Emerald). The digital library
representative, faculty members, and scholars participated in that event using video conference

On 30th December 2011, the inauguration of the Educational Resource Center at Murree by Chief
Minister of Punjab was carried out. During the inauguration, he talked with the students of different
universities through video conference facility which was established there with the collaboration of
HEC Islamabad and District Government of Punjab Province. This program was arranged through
video conference link in which students and faculty members of the university participated.

In 2012 UAJK arranged more online lecture through video conference link with East Carolina
University, as we have in past, for the students of our university to contribute and communicate
their views in order to enhance their knowledge and research capabilities.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

This facility is aimed towards connecting different universities in Pakistan, so that students of the
universities, who are not in a position to avail benefit of high profiled teachers, could have the
opportunity to learn from them, and enhance their knowledge and capabilities. With the provision
of this facility, our students educational standard has increased and become comparable with the
other universities. The facility is utilized for conducting conferences/meetings and saving precious
resources including time and money.

6. Network & IT Infrastructure

Total Bandwidth and current utilization:

The Muzaffarabad campuses of UAJ&K has Total 8Mb Bandwidth through PERN (Pakistan
Educational Research Network), which is provided to all the available network nodes in both
campuses of UAJ&K at Muzaffarabad, i.e., City Campus Muzaffarabad and Chellah campus
Muzaffarabad. This 8Mb bandwidth is available for utilization at both campuses from 8:00 am to
6:00 pm. Furthermore, for the utilization of available bandwidth, the network administrators of
both campuses has already submitted the proposals to extend the availability time of link till 10:00
pm for your kind consideration.

The Kotli campus of UAJ&K has 2Mb DSL Link, which is provided to all students, faculty members
as and the administrative staff members.

No. of Users (Category wise):

City Campus Muzaffarabad:

No. of Available Nodes Total No. of Active Nodes Total

Available No. of
Students Teachers Employees Nodes Students Teachers Employees Users
201 64 39 304 163 52 34 249

Chellah Campus Muzaffarabad:

No. of Available Nodes Total No. of Active Nodes Total

Available No. of
Students Teachers Employees Nodes Students Teachers Employees Users
58 47 117 222 44 47 93 184

Kotli Campus:

No. of Available Nodes Total No. of Active Nodes Total

Available No. of
Students Teachers Employees Nodes Students Teachers Employees Users
64 22 14 100 64 22 14 100

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Distribution of PERN IP Address:

The UAJ&K, Muzaffarabad has PERN IP Subnet pool: Keeping in view active
user nodes in City Campus and Chellah Campus Muzaffarabad, the IP Addresses from said IP Pool
have been allocated to both campuses of UAJ&K at Muzaffarabad.
As we have total of 249 active network nodes in City Campus Muzaffarabad, from which 163 nodes
are in use of students, 52 nodes are in use of teaching/faculty members and 34 nodes are in use
of administrative staff members, therefore to facilitate these internet users and to provide video
conferencing facility available at city campus Muzaffarabad, 4 IP Addresses from above mentioned
IP Pool are assigned to City Campus Muzaffarabad.
To facilitate 184 active network users at Chellah campus 2 IP Addresses have been assigned. From
these two assigned IP addresses at Chellah campus, one IP address provides internet services to 93
active nodes for administrative staff members and second IP address provides services to 91 active
network nodes which are in use of students and faculty members at Chellah campus Muzaffarabad.

7. Future Plan
Currently, all the administrative and academics departments are on network and using the internet
facility till 6.00PM. Due to the unavailability of technical staff for evening shift, we are unable to
continue this facility up to 10.00 PM. However a proposal is in its preparatory stage and will be
submitted to competent authority to provide internet facilities to students and employees in late
hours at least till 10:00pm.
Also we are working to provide Wi-Fi networks infrastructure to all the campuses along with the
existing network in near future.
After the final deployment of UMIS, no. of users will be increased, therefore, to meet the user
requirements, we are working for PERN2 (20 Mb) to further increase the band width to provide
fast internet speed, for this purpose, is being prepared.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 9:

Universities Building

1. First position in bilingual declamation contest held at Arid Agriculture

The Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi organized students week 2012 from 27th to 31st
March, 2012. The following inter-university competitions were held

Qiraat & Naat Competition.

Solo Performance Competition (one man show)
Bilingual Declamation
Arfana Kalam Competition

In the above mentioned events the following six students participated.

1. Mazhar Ali (Geology).

2. Sumaira Farooq (Botany).

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

3. Raja Rashid Mehmood (Botany)

4. Abid Afzal Andleeb (Geology)
5. Rabia Saeed Gillani (English)
6. Usman Riaz (Computer Science)
Mr. Raja Rashid Mehmood and Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb participated in the Bilingual Declamation.
Mr. Raja Rashid Mehmoods topic was We are nuclear power with no electric power and Mr. Abid
Afzal Andleebs topic was . Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb won first position in the
Urdu debate.

Second position in Quaid-i-Azam National Conference debate contest and general

knowledge competition
7th Quaid-i-Azam National Conference was held by Baqai Medical University during 10 to 13
August 2011, in which following programs were included.
1. General Knowledge Competition.
2. Singing Competition.
3. Debate Contest.
Mr. Abid Afzal and Mr. Jawad Najmee of Geology department participated in debate competition
and general knowledge competitions. The title of debate was .
Mr. Abid Afzal was placed at 2nd position in the debate competition. Mr. Jawad Najmee was placed
at 2nd position in the general knowledge competition.

A successful contestant of Debate contest being awarded by the Director Students Affairs

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 10:


A female sports contestant receiving her price from the Chancellor UAJK

Inter-departmental Sports
The competitions of the following events were held for all the Students from November 2011to May

For Boys: Cricket, Hockey, Football, Volley ball, Badminton, Athletics and Table Tennis.
For Girls: Athletics, Volley ball, Badminton, and Table Tennis.

Intercollegiate Boys Championship.

For the Students of all affiliated and constituent colleges, the UAJ&K organized All Azad Kashmir
Intercollegiate Boys Athletics, Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Hockey, Badminton, Hike and Table
Tennis championships at different places of Azad Kashmir and for girls students, Intercollegiate
Athletics, Volleyball, Badminton & Table Tennis championships.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Participation in National Championships

The UAJK participated in the following Intervarsity sports Championships.

1. All Pakistan intervarsity Rovering (Hiking+ Trekking) championship 2010-11 held at UAJK,
Rawalakot campus on July 03 to 07, 2011.

2. Intervarsity Football Championship Zone C organized by Comsats Islamabad and played final
round at Comsats Lahore from October 29 to November 2nd, 2011.

3. Intervarsity Cricket championship, organized by Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad from

December 13 to 16, 2011.

4. Intervarsity Volleyball championship Zone C organized by (PMAS) Arid Agriculture University

Rawalpindi from December 21 to 24, 2011.

5. All Pakistan Intervarsity Girls Badminton championship Organized by NUST from December
23 to 26, 2011.

6. Intervarsity Badminton championship Zone C organized by UAJ&K at Muzaffarabad from

February 10 to 12, 2012.

7. All Pakistan Intervarsity Athletics championship organized by COMSATS, Islamabad from

March 11 to 14, 2012.

8. All Pakistan Inter University Girls Table Tennis Championship organized by Fatima Jinnah
women University Rawalpindi from April 14-17, 2012.

9. All Pakistan Intervarsity Mountaineering Championship Organized by International Islamic

University Islamabad.

10. All Pakistan intervarsity Prime Minister of Pakistan Athletic Championship, organized by
PSB, Islamabad on June 23 to 27, 2012

Achievements at National Level

1. The UAJ&K got 3rd position in all Pakistan intervarsity Rovering (Hiking+ Trekking)
championship 2010-11, organized by UAJ&K on July 3rd-7th,2011

2. Got 1st position in intervarsity Foot ball (boys) championship Zone (C) Organized by Comsats
Ismamabad from October 29 to November 02, 2011.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Incentives: Honors/Awards for Sports persons

1. One admission in Master and one in Bachelors degree programme in each discipline of the
university have been made against sports reserved seats for the year 2011-12.

2. In all Azad Kashmir intercollegiate athletics championship for boys and girls, the student
athletes winning 1st 2nd and 3rd positions in each athletic event were awarded Sports shields.

3. In inter-departmental athletics championship for boys and girls, the student athletes winning
1st 2nd and 3rd positions in each athletic event were awarded Sports shields in annual prize
distribution ceremony by the Chief Guest Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan President Azad
Jammu & Kashmir on January 13, 2012.

4. In All Azad Kashmir Intercollegiate sports competitions the colleges winning 1st 2nd and
3rd positions in each competition were awarded the Winner, Runner-up and 3rd position

5. In inter- departmental sports competitions the departments winning 1st 2nd and 3rd positions
in each competition were awarded winner, Runner-up and 3rd position Trophies.

6. The University awarded sports merit certificates to all position holder sportsmen/women who
got 1st and 2nd positions in intercollegiate & iner-departmental competitions and 1st three
positions certificates in each Athletic event.

7. On the basis of overall best performance in boys sports, the university awarded over all General
trophy to the 1st position holder institution university college Rawalakot, and on the basis of
best performance in girls sports, the over all General Trophy was awarded to Ghazi Ellahi
Bakhsh Govt. Degree College for Women Mirpur.

8. Actual numbers of lectures missed on account of participation in inter-departmental/collegiate

and intervarsity tournaments were awarded to the players concerned and Quizes, midterm
exams were re-scheduled in F/O the Student players during the year 2011-12.

9. The UAJ&K provides all required facilities (transport, sportswear, equipment, daily allowance,
coaching & training etc) to the student sportsmen/women for taking part in sports competitions
within AJK and in Pakistan.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 11:

University Building

Intramural Activities:
The Director Students Affairs launched different events to develop the positive intramural activities
for the students in the university. For this purpose, presidents of all student societies were selected
from amongst the students by the Directorate of student affairs and for the monitoring of students
intramural activities. For these activities, different societies were formulated by the directorate,
among these were:
1. Debating Society 4. Career Counseling Society
2. Literary Society 5. Sports Society
3. Seerat Society

Flood Relief Activities:

In September 2011, flood relief centers at the four different campuses were set up by students and
faculty members with the approval of honorable Vice Chancellor.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

The purpose of these Flood Relief Centers was to collect the donations in cash and goods for the
flood affected people of Pakistan.

The honorable Vice Chancellor approved to set up flood relief centers at the following university

1. City Campus, Muzaffarabad.

2. Chellah Campus, Muzaffarabad.
3. Rawalakot Campus.
4. Kotli Campus.

The students and faculty members took part in relief activities. According to Chief Student
Coordinator, the students collected 24,000 rupees and handedover the amount to the director
students affairs. The director students affairs presented the cheque to the Vice Chancellor. The
Vice Chancellor presented it to the Chancellor.

Candlelight March in the memory of 8th October 2005 Martyrs:

On 8th October 2011 a candlelight march was organized by the career counseling society. A large
number of students of different departments of UAJ&K participated in the march. Registrar of
UAJ&K was the chief guest. Among other guests were Mr. Zafar, Mr. Ilyas Khan Afraidi from law
department and Prof. Ikram-ur-Rasheed Director Students Affairs. For media coverage, a large
number of journalists were also present there. The march ended at the memorial of martyrs where
the Director Students Affairs and other participants prayed for the souls of martyrs.

All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation Contest at PAF Risalpur:

All Pakistan bilingual declamation contest was held by PAF academy at PAF Risalpur from 21st
November 2011 to 25th November 2011. In this contest, the following students participated.

1. Syed Qasim Bukhari (Education)

2. Abid Afzal Andleeb (Geology)

Mr. Syed Qasim Bukhari participated in the English language debate; his topic was This is mad
mad world.

Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb participated in the Urdu language debate and his topic
was .

14th All Pakistan Inter University Debate Contest for the Award of
Allama Iqbal Shield
All Pakistan Inter-University Allam Iqbal Shield Debate Contest is an annual activity of HEC
for public and private sector universities of Pakistan. Debates promote the art of public speaking

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

among the university students. These co-curricular activities not only promote communication
skills but also provide an opportunity to develop better understanding of social, economic and
political issues among the students.

The 2nd round of 14th All Pakistan Inter-University Debate Contest for award of Allama Iqbal
Shield was held on 28th December 2011 at the International Islamic University Islamabad, in its
Faisal Mosque Campus.

In order to participate in the debate competition; the first round of debate (both English and Urdu),
was held at University level in which following students got top positions.

In English:

1. Mr. Syed Qasim Bukhari

2. Ms. Sana Liqat

In Urdu:

1. Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb

2. Raja Rashid

Therefore, the above mentioned students were nominated for the 2nd round of all Pakistan inter
university debate contest for the award of Allama Iqbal Shield.

Pak China Friendship Program:

The year 2011 was declared as the Pak-China Friendship Year during the recent visit of Chinese
Premier Wen Jiabao to Pakistan, wherein the two governments decided to celebrate 60th anniversary
of the establishment of Sino-Pak diplomatic relations with full fervor.

The debating society of the UAJ&K had arranged a fabulous function at the university to strengthen
the Pak-China friendship. Some Chinese engineers were also invited. During his speech, the
honorable Vice Chancellor appreciated the work of debating society as they conducted such
a function. After this, the students highlighted the Pak-China friendship in their speeches and
emphasized that the Pak-China friendship is higher than the Himalaya and deeper than the sea.

Prize Distribution Ceremony:

A prize distribution ceremony was held at university auditorium in which all members of different
societies were awarded shields and certificates. Chairman Institute of Kashmir Studies was the
chief guest. The Director Students Affairs was also awarded a shield. Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb was
declared as the best debater of the UAJ&K and was awarded a shield for his performance.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Students Week 2012 at Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

The Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi organized students week 2012 from 27th to 31st
March, 2012. The following inter-university competitions were held
Qiraat & Naat Competition.
Solo performance Competition (one man show)
Bilingual Declamation
Arfana Kalam Competition

In the above mentioned events, the following six students participated.

1. Mazhar Ali (Geology).

2. Sumaira Farooq (Botany).
3. Raja Rashid Mehmood (Botany)
4. Abid Andleeb (Geology)
5. Rabia Saeed kiani (English)
6. Usman Riaz (Computer Science)

Mr. Mazhar Ali and Ms. Sumaira Farooq participated in the Qirat and Naat Competition. Mr. Raja
Rashid Mehmood and Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb participated in the Bilingual Declamation. Mr. Raja
Rashid Mehmoods topic was We are nuclear power with no electric power and Mr. Abid Afzal
Andleebs topic was . Mr. Abid Afzal Andleeb got first position in the Urdu
debate. In Solo Performance, Ms. Rabia Saeed Gillani participated. Mr. Usman Riaz participated in
the Arfana Kalam.

Convention Arranged by Al-Arifeen Student Organization

Under Seerat Society (AJ&K)
A convention was held at university auditorium on 27th March 2012. This convention was organized
by Serat Society. The subject of the convention was The purpose of human creation & unity of
Muslim Ummah.

There were around 250 student participants in auditorium. The whole program expenditures were
PKR 29,000. The chief guest of the convention was Prof. Dr. Haji Muhammad Nawaz Sahib from
darbar allyia haqbahoo Pakistan. The special guests were Dr. Amir Tofail Sahib and Dr. Shabbir
Hussain Shah Sahib. The president of the convention was Prof. Ikram ur Rasheed Sahib from
university of AJ&K.

The program started with the recitation from the holy Quran by Usman Iqbal (2nd Semester,
Geology). The stage secretary was Zeeshan Ahmed (6th Semester, Geology). After recitation, the
Naat was presented by Sumaira Farooq (3rd Semester, Botany).

The chief guest threw the light on the subject of convention and also advised the students to devote
their lives for the welfare and prosperity of their nation and the glory of their religion Islam. After

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

the address of chief guest, the DSA of university thanked all the guests and also advised the students
for their bright future.

Promotion of Dialogue for Peace building through Media and

Youth Mobilization in Pakistan
To promote peace and coexistence across Pakistan through the Promotion of Dialogue for Peace
building through Media and Youth Mobilization in Pakistan, Sustainable Development Policy
Institute (SDPI) tended to include media personnel, local activists and youth, in peace building
activities. For this purpose SDPI tended to select youth from following twenty five districts from
all over Pakistan:

DI Khan, Mansehra, Charsadda, Swabi, Peshawar, Haripur, Lahore, Sargodha, Multan, Sahiwal,
Bhawalpur, Mustang, Quetta, Gawaddar, Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana, Sukkur, Mirpur,
Muzaffarabad, Rawalakot, North Waziristan, Swat and Gilgit.

Selected youth and local leaders will be called and trained in respective Provincial Capitals and in
Islamabad on peace building and its related aspects.

Inter Departmental Debate Contest

The inter departmental debate was held on 4th June, 2012. Debating society organized this debate.
The program was started at 10 am, at university auditorium city campus Muzaffarabad. The
honorable Vice Chancellor was the chief guest of this event.

Students from different departments participated in this event. Their names & department names
are as under;

1. Syed Qasim Bukhari (Education)

2. Amina Sheikh (Education)
3. Mr. Majid Rasheed Raza (Botany)
4. Raja Rashid Mehmood (Botany)
5. Babar Nazeer (Physics)
6. Raja Mubashar Ahmed (Physics)
7. Israr Ahmed Khan (Physics)
8. Sundas Tariq (Art & Design)
9. Samina Razzaq (Art & Design)
10. Anam Saba (Mathematics)
11. Sidra Shabbir (Mathematics)
12. Muhammad Hamza Sawati (Mathematics)
13. Sania Hafeez (Mathematics)
14. Shakeel Majeed (Mathematics)
15. Zartasha (Geology)
16. Saba (Geology)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

17. Haq Nawaz Mughal (Kashmir Studies)

18. Touseef Ahmed
19. Tanveer Younas
20. Babar Bukhari
21. Sana Liaqat

The debate comprised Urdu and English topics.

The Urdu topics were as under:

Urdu (Serious) Urdu (Humorous)

The names of the students, who got first three positions in Urdu debate, are as under:
1. Abid Afzal Andleeb
2. Raja Rashid Mahmood
3. Toseef Ahmad
The names of the student, who got team trophy in Urdu debate
1. Amina Sheikh
The English topics were as under:

English (Serious) English (Humorous)

Choice not chance determines the destiny Drugs in my blood, no tensions, no worries
Wake up, burning Kashmir Disadvantages of being university students
Challenges recycle the strength Boys are more intelligent or girls

The names of the students, who secured first three positions in English debate, are as under:

1. Sana Leyaqat
2. Babar Bukhari
3. Haq Nawaz Mughal
The name of the student, who won Team trophy in English debate
1. Syed Qasim Bukhari

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 12:

Financial Year at a Glance
The summarised statement of income, expenditures and all types of grants/funds for the financial
year 2011-12 follows as:

A. Receipt Amount in Rs. Millions

Cumulative Total
I. Opening Balance as on 01-07-2010 238.624
II. Receipt from HEC/Federal Government:
a. Recurring Grant 307.350
b. Additional / Supplementary Grant 44.273
c. Special Grant TTS 10.531
d. Special Grant for QEC 0.914
III. Receipts from Own Resources 393.744
IV. Other Resources / Misc. Receipts 0
V. Donations 0
VI. Provincial Grant 5.000
Total (Receipts): 1000.616
B. Loan(s) Borrowed (if any)
I. Internal Borrowing: (students/employees funds etc.) 0
II. Bank Borrowing: 0
C. Actual Expenditure:
I. Pay of Officers 387.099
II. Tenure Track Pay 10.530
III. Pay of Staff 151.187
IV Other Charges 352.546
Total (Expenditure): 906.579
D. Closing Balance ( A - C ): 94.037

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Recurring Budget
The detail of recurring budget for the financial year 2011-12 follows as:

Head of Account 2011-12
Opening Balance carried over (+ ) 238.624
i) Grants 368.248
(ii) Own Resources 393.744
G. Total: 1000.616
PAY 548.816
Non- Salary Expenditures 357.84
Surplus 93.967

Prof Dr. Habib-ur-Rahman presiding over 37th meeting of Finance & Planning Committee

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Self Generated Income: The detail of self grant income for the financial year 2011-12 follows as:
Code # Heads Grand Total
C02813 Education General Fees 236,582,327
C0281301 Admission Fees 13,445,984
C0281302 Tuition Fees - Regular Fee Structure 21,768,112
C0281303 Tuition Fees - Self-Support Scheme 0
C0281304 Tuition Fees - Self-Financing Scheme 0
C0281305 Registration Fees - Regular Students
(a) Registration Fees - University Students Only
(on campus and constitutent units) 2,452,998
(b) Registration Fees - Affiliated Colleges Students only 36,422,854
C0281306 Registration Fees - Private Students 12,464,753
C0281307 Examination Fees - Regular Students
(a) Examination Fees - University Students Only
(on campus and constitutent units) 10,433,152
(b) Examination Fees - Affiliated Colleges Students only 42,315,487
C0281308 Examination Fees - Private Students 44,326,728
C0281309 Library Fees 13,322,013
C0281310 Degree / Transcript Fee etc. 8,662,015
C0281320 Other Misc. ID Card,Research & Sports Fee etc. 30,968,231
C02812 Hostel Fees / Charges 23,166,678
C0281201 Hostel Admission Fees 6,790,278
C0281202 Hostel Room Rent 4,215,832
C0281203 Hostel Utilitiy Charges 5,308,842
C0281204 Hostel Service Charges 562,013
C0281205 Income from Transport / Buses 6,289,713
C0281220 Other Misc. Charges (please specify) 0
C02810 Income from Endowments 8,303,241
C02815 Income from Services Rendered 0
C0281501 Income from Research/ Consultancy/ Testing etc 0
C0281502 Income from Commercialization of Research 0
C0281503 Receipts from Patents 0
C0281504 Receipts from Alumni 0
C0281520 Other Misc. Receipts 0
C02818 Others 35,423,158
C0281809 Affiliation Fees Received from Other Institutions 8,913,000
C0281810 Sale of Publications 0
C0281811 Sale of Prospectus / Forms 15,760,500
C0281812 Rent / Lease of University Buildings / Shops etc. 425,000
C0281813 Income from Farm Produces / Livestock etc. 0
C0281814 Interest on Investments / Cash Balances etc. 0
Migration/Selection Board /Auction &Tender Fee etc. 10,324,658
C0281520 Other Misc. Reciepts (Service Recoveries etc.- Specified) 0
Total 303,475,404

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad


Salary Heads G. Total Salary Heads G. Total

Pay of Faculty 89054984 Spec. Add. Allow. 374638

Pay of Officer 64387985 Deputation Allow. 84786

Pay of Staff 70833679 Orderly Allow. 2274480

TTS 10057756 Over-Time Allow. 2932759

M.P.II 3767000 Honorarium 471752

Special Pay Allow (Officer) 94000 Medical Charges 1360338

Special Pay Allow (Staff) 23040 Contingent Paid 5608239

Senior Post Allow 801983 Dearness Allow. 821043

House Rent Allow 41750371 Charge Allow. 1080787

Conveyance Allow 18208378 Group Insurance 1600000

Headship Allow 538789 Warden Allow. 17266

Entertainment Allow. 842339 Over Time Driver 880930

Computer Allow 670524 Supervisory Allow. 651377

Teaching Allow 20000 Adhoc Relief 2011 18599657

Qualification Allow. 12800097 Adhoc Relief 2010 67527809

K.C.A 1036685 Endowment Fund 2000000

Washing Allow 271293 Leave Salary Pension Contrb. 172643

Dress Allow 105135 Ad hoc Rel. 2009 2242127

Medical Allow 50816956 Total 476074807

Special Rel. Allow. 688758 Gratuity TTS 1138800

Ad hoc Relief 15% 604424 Grand Total 477213607

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Non Salary Expenditures: The detail of non salary expenditures for the financial year 2011-12 follows as:

Sr. # Name of the Head Grand Total Sr. # Name of the Head Grand Total
1 Purchase of Transport 4950000 36 Law Charges 457600
2 Purchase of Plant & Machinery 23991432 38 Advertising & Publicity Charges 977112
3 Purchase of Furniture & Fixture 6688588 39 Other Contingencies 5931708
4 Purchase of Sports Material 681687 40 Refund of Dues 2811495
5 Textile Lab. Material 101463 41 Prize / Medals/Awards 242270
6 Purchase of Lab. Equipment 7728488 42 Entertainment & Gifts 2334166
7 Promotion of Research 7287614 43 Farm Requirement (S & Feeds) 598819
8 Structures 6256529 44 Conferences/Seminars/ 830844
9 Repair & Maintenance of Transport 4380212 Workshops/Syn.
10 Repair of Machinery & Equipment. 1349092 45 Remuneration to Examiners 11622827
11 Repair of Furniture & fixture. 153744 46 Remuneration to Supervisory Staff 5683868
12 Repair of Office Buildings. 1177184 47 Rem.to Partime Secrecy Officer 1112643
13 Repair of Residential Buildings. 654954 48 Rem. of Part time Teachers/Visting 12596156
14 Repair of Hostel Buildings. 703594
49 Sports Activities 815157
15 Repair of Lab Equipments 804511
50 Conduct of Sports 140270
16 Travelling Allowance(T. A / D. A.) 11051486
51 Conduct of Examinations 3933540
17 P. O. L Charges 15757104
18 Field work 2086656 52 Unforeseen Expenditure/ 155000
19 Postage and Telegraph 1798939
53 Chemicals/Glassware 4782619
20 Internet Charges(PERN) 1200388
54 House Building Advance 25800000
21 Telephone & Trunk Calls 1880962
55 Student Activities/Welfare 275120
22 Automation 1882240
56 Merit Scholarships 1058750
23 Gas Charges 123995
57 Hostel Requirements 527025
24 Water Charges 189010
58 Motorcycle/Scooter Advance 150000
25 Hot & Cold Weather Charges 48765
59 Motorcar Advance 1200000
26 Electricity. 8688279
60 Consultancy Charges 732541
27 Stationery 5716226
61 Pension 43000000
28 Printing & Publications 13935923
62 Commuted Value of Pension 18500000
29 Newspapers, Periodicals & Books 8730398
63 Assistance Family Package(ERB) 3000000
30 Herbarium 59875
64 Superannuation Encashment 1719938
32 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 944653
of LPR
33 Rent for Office Buildings 0
65 Exhibitions, Fair and National 30890
34 Rent for Residential Buildings 1097384 Celebrations
35 Bank Fees 0 Total 293121733

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman Chairs 36th meeting of Syndicate

A view of the PhD Review Committees meeting at UAJK

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 13:

University Governance

37th meeting of the Syndicate was held on January 27, 2012 at City Campus of the University of
Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad. H.E. Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan, President, Azad
Jammu & Kashmir/ Chancellor, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, presided over the meeting.
The following attended the meeting:

Chairman Vice Chancellor UAJK, Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman S.I., Nominee of the Chairman HEC
Vice Chancellor Hazara University, Mansehra Prof. Dr. Syed Sakhawat Shah , Eminent National
Mr. Arif Kamal, Secretary Education (Colleges), Azad Govt. of the State of J&K, Prof. Saima Shah
Jahan, Dean, Faculty of Sciences UAJK, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haleem Khan, Dean, Faculty of Arts

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

UAJK Prof. Dr. Raja Nasim Akhtar, Dean Faculty of Administrative Sciences,UAJK Kotli Prof. Dr.
Mushtaq A. Sajid, Dean Faculty of Agriculture UAJK Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Syed Dilnawaz Ahmed
Gardezi, Chairman Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission Sardar Muhammad Latif
Khan, Principal Govt. Degree Model Science College Muzaffarabad Mrs. Matlooba Rasheed Dar,
Principal, Govt. Degree College for Women Kharik Rawalakot Mrs. Zeenat Azam Khan, Nominee
of Vice Chancellor Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmed, Nominee of Vice
Chancellor University of Engineering & Technology Lahore Prof. Dr. S. Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi,
Nominee of Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab Lahore Prof. Dr. Kh. Haris Rashid, Nominee
of Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture Faisalabad Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nisar Khan, Institute
of Geology Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Khan, Institute of Geology Associate
Professor Raja Muhammad Khurshid Khan, Department of Physics Muzaffarabad Assistant
Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rauf Khan and Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot Lecturer Mr.
Muhammad Jameel. Registrar University of AJ&K Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan, acted as
Secretary of the Syndicate. . Besides appointments / promotions, the annual budget of the UAJK
was approved in the meeting.

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Academic Council
16th meeting of the Academic Council was held on January 09, 2012 at the City Campus,
Muzaffarabad. Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman (S.I.), Vice Chancellor, chaired the meeting. The
following members of the Academic Council attended the meeting:

Dean, Faculty of Sciences UAJK, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haleem Khan, Dean, Faculty of Arts UAJK
Prof. Dr. Nisar Hussain Hamadani , Dean Faculty of Administrative Sciences,UAJK Kotli Prof. Dr.
Mushtaq A. Sajid, Dean Faculty of Agriculture UAJK Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Syed Dilnawaz Ahmed
Gardezi, Director Finance and Planning Prof. Dr. Ghulam Ghous, Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot
Prof. Dr. Yousaf Ali Ch., Institute of Geology Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Khan, Controller of
Examination Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rustum Khan, Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Akhtar Qureshi, Incharge Bachelor of Eastern Medicine & Surgery Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr.
Abdul Hamid, Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fareed Khan, Chairman, Department
of CS&IT Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jameel Ahmed, Chairman
Department of HorticultureFaculty of Agriculture Rawalakot Dr. Muhammad Maqsood Chaudhry,
Chairman Department of Food Technology Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot Dr. Muhammad
Siddique Awan, Acting Chairman Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences Faculty of
Agriculture, Rawalakot Mr. Nasir Raheem, Director QEC/ Department of Botany Muzaffarabad
Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul Majid, Chairman Department of Physics Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid,
Department of Zoology Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Kh. Khurshid Anwar, Director Institute of Geology
Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabir Khan, Director Advanced Studies & Research Prof. Dr.
Munir-ul-Hassan Munir, Director Students Affairs Muzaffarabad Mr. Ikram-ur-Rashid, Chairman
Department of Chemistry Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman, Chairman Department of
CS & IT Muzaffarabad Dr. Wajid Aziz Lone, Chairman Department of Law Muzaffarabad Raja
Muhammad Khurshid Khan, Chairman Department of English Muzaffarabad Prof. Dr. Nadeem
Haider Bukhari, Chairman Department of Botany Muzaffarabad Dr. Ghulam Murtaza, Chairman
Department of Mathematics Muzaffarabad Dr. Zahid Hussain, Chairman Department of Statistics
Muzaffarabad Mr. Azhar Saleem, Director Institute of Languages Muzaffarabad Dr. Ayesha Sohail,
Chairman Department of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli Mr.
Ghulam Nabi, Principal, Govt. Post Graduate College for Girls Muzaffarabad. Registrar University
of AJ&K Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan, acted as Secretary of the Academic council.The
Academic Council recommended the cases regarding the courses of studies and research to the
Syndicate for approval.

Board of Advanced Studies Meetings

The 11th meeting of the Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASR&B) was held on 17-09-2011 at
10 a.m. in Committee Room, City Campus, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.
The items of the agenda were as follows:

Confirmation of the minutes of the 10th meeting of AS&RB. Approval of course works and
supervisory committee in favor of M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

of revision of Ph.D thesis titles in favor of Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval of
revised research topics, in favor of M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval
of synopses of M. Phil. scholars and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval/confirmation
of course works in favor of M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Nomination of the
Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) as member of Board of Advanced Studies and Research.
Approval of research topics /proposals of M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments.

The 12th meeting of the Board of Advanced Studies & Research

The 12th meeting of the Board of Advanced Studies & Research (BASR) was held on 17-05-2012 at
11:00 a.m. in Committee Room, City Campus, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.
The main items of the agenda were approved

Confirmation of the Minutes of the 11th meeting of BASR.

Approval for Co-Supervisors in favor of M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments.
Approval of Revision of Ph.D Thesis titles in favor of Ph.D Scholars. Approval of synopses of MSc.,
M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval of supervisory committee of MSc.,
M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of various departments. Approval of the Panel of External Examiners
for Evaluation of Ph.D. Theses. Approval of Course Works of M. Sc, M. Phil. and Ph.D scholars of
various departments Approval of Course Works of Ph.D Scholars, Department of Plant Breeding &
Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot, Session 2010-12.

University Statutory Committee

The meeting of University Statutory Committee, constituted by the Syndicate for framing of statutes
for various posts, was held on 21-06-2012. Dean, Faculty of Sciences Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haleem
Khan chaired the meeting. The following members of University Statutory Committee participated
the meeting:
Registrar Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rustam Khan and Deputy Secretary Services Azad Govt. of the
State of J&K. Deputy Registrar(Meetings) acted as Secretary of the meeting.

Selection Committee:
The meeting of Selection Committee for the posts of LAN Technician (BPS-16) was held on 10-
02-2011 and that for the posts of Librarian (BPS-16) and Personal Assistant (BPS-16) was held on

Selection Committee for the posts of Senior Clerk (BPS-9), Junior Clerk (BPS-7), Overseer/ Sub-
Engineer (Mechanical) BPS-11, Overseer/ Sub-Engineer (Civil) BPS-11,Photographer (BPS-7),
Duplicate Machine Operator (BPS-4), Security Guard (BPS-1) held on March 15-16, 2012.

Selection Committee held on 22-06-2012 for the posts of Administrative Officer BPS-16.

Selection Committee held on 02-02-2012 for the posts of Cook (BPS-4)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

69th Selection Board

The Selection Board, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, was held on 09-10 February, 2012, in
the Committee Room of the University. Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, S.I., Vice Chancellor, chaired
the meeting. The following members were present:

Nominee Chairman HEC Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Baig, Prof. Syed
Ahjaz Hussain Gillani, Secretary Education (Colleges) Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir
Muzaffarabad Prof. Saima Shah Jahan, Nominee Chairman Public Service Commission Azad
Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Khan, Dean Faculty of Agriculture
Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi, Dean Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli
Prof. Dr. Mushtaq A. Sajid, Chairman Department of Eastern Medicine Faculty of Agriculture
Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, Chairman Department of CS&IT Faculty of Agriculture
Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jameel Ahmed, Chairman Department of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot Prof. Dr. Muhammad Safdar Anjum,Chairman Department of
CS&IT Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli Mr. Muhammad Qasim.

Various items were considered including mainly:

Selection for the Post of Assistant Professor on Tenure Track in the Subject of Veterinary Medicine.

Selection for the Post of Lecturer (BPS-18) in various subject on premenent/ contract basis.

Selection for the Post of Assistant Registrar (BPS-17)/ Assistant Director (BPS-17)/ Assistant
Controller of Examinations (BPS-17) and Assistant Director Finance (BPS-17)

Award of Financial Benefits of BPS-20 to Assistant Professors

70th Selection Board

The Selection Board, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, was held on July 16, 2012, in the
Committee Room of the University, Chela Campus, Muzaffarabad. Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman
(S.I.), Vice Chancellor, chaired the meeting. The following members were present:

Mr. Tariq Masud (Retd) Additional Chief Secretary, Prof. Syed Ahjaz Hussain Gillani, Prof. Dr.
Muhammad Haleem Khan Dean Faculty of Sciences University of AJ&K Muzaffarabad, Prof. Dr.
Raja Nasim Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Arts University of AJ&K Muzaffarabad, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq A.
Sajid, Dean Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, Prof. Dr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman Chairman
Department of Chemistry University of AJ&K, Prof. Dr. Abdul Majid Chairman Department of
Physics University of AJ&K and Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Chairman Department of Botany University
of AJ&K

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

The following items were considered:

Selection for the Post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor (under TTS) in the various Subjects
Selection for the Post of Assistant Engineer Civil (BPS-17)/ Assistant Engineer Electrical (BPS-17)
Up-gradation (one step above) of faculty member
Promotion of Mr. Nisar Ahmed Khan as Librarian (BPS-17) and Mr. Liaqat Hussain (Late) as DPE (BPS-17)
Appointment of Dr. Ghulam Murtaza as Professor Botany (BPS-21)

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College (AJKMC)

College Academic Council of AJKMC conducted ten meetings during 2012 and unanimously
approved all important academic and administrative issues of AJKMC after through deliberation.

Academic activities are the main events held at universities. Including teaching in particular
disciplines as well as assessing the students for award of degrees. UAJK has the advantage of having
his own teaching campuses besides many constituent and affiliated colleges. Semester system is
the mode of examination at own campuses while Annual system is allowed at affiliated colleges.
A large number of examinations are held every year for the wide range of degrees awarded by the

Following is the list of examinations conducted and results notified during the reporting period:

S. # Notification No. Name of Examination Date of Decl.

1 1865 B.Sc Electrical Engineering IV Prof. S/05-A/06 06/08/2011
2 1866 M.Com Part-I-IV Aut 09-Sp-10 15/08/2011
3 1867 L.L.B Part-II A/2010 07/10/2011
4 1868 L.L.B Part-III A/2010 07/10/2011
5 1869 M.B.A 4th Term Autum/2010 12/10/2011
6 1870 L.L.B Part-I A/2010 28/10/2011
7 1871 B.Sc Annual 2011 22/11/2011
8 1872 B.Sc Nursing Annual 2011 22/11/2011
9 1873 B.A Elective Subjects Annual 2011 22/11/2011
10 1874 B.A Annual 2011 22/11/2011
11 1875 BSCS 2003-2007 (Mirpur) 21/11/2011
12 1876 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 1st Prof. S/10 24/11/2011

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

S. # Notification No. Name of Examination Date of Decl.

13 1877 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 2nd Prof. S/10 24/11/2011
14 1879 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 3rd Prof. S/10 24/11/2011
15 1880 B.Com Part-II Annual 2011 26/12/2011
16 1881 B.B.A Part-I Annual 2011 28/12/2011
17 1882 B.B.A Part-II Annual 2011 28/12/2011
18 1883 B.Com Part-I Annual 2011 29/12/2011
19 1884 M.B.A I-Term Sp/2011 23/02/2012
20 1885 M.B.A II-Term Sp/2011 29/02/2012
21 1886 M.B.A III-Term Sp/2011 29/02/2012
22 1887 M.Com I-Term Aut/10-Sp/11 29/02/2012
23 1888 M.Com II-Term Aut/10-Sp/11 29/02/2012
24 1889 M.Com III-Term Aut/10-Sp/11 29/02/2012
25 1890 M.Com IV-Term Aut/10-Sp/11 29/02/2012
26 1891 M.Sc Stat Part-I Annual 2011 07/03/2012
27 1892 M.Sc Stat Part-II Annual 2011 07/03/2012
28 1893 M.Sc Stat Part-II Annual 2011 (Revised) 09/03/2012
29 1894 M.A Political Science Part-II Annual 2011 12/03/2012
30 1895 M.Sc Economics Part-I Annual 2011 12/03/2012
31 1896 M.Sc Economics Part-II Annual 2011 12/03/2012
32 1897 M.A Islamic Studies Part-I Annual 2011 12/03/2012
33 1898 M.A Urdu Part-II Annual 2011 12/03/2012
34 1899 M.A Political Science Part-I Annual 2011 12/03/2012
35 1900 M.A English Part-II Annual 2011 13/03/2012
36 1901 M.A Islamic Studies Part-II Annual 2011 13/03/2012
37 1902 M.A History Part-II Annual 2011 14/03/2012
38 1903 M.A Urdu Part-I Annual 2011 14/03/2012
39 1904 M.A History Part-I Annual 2011 15/03/2012

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

S. # Notification No. Name of Examination Date of Decl.

40 1905 M.B.A 4th Term Spring/2011 26/03/2012
41 1906 M.A English Part-I Annual 2011 26/03/2012
42 1907 B.S.Ed Part-III S/10 A/11 23/04/2012
43 1908 B.S.Ed Part-I S/10 A/11 24/04/2012
44 1909 B.S.Ed Part-II S/10 A/11 24/04/2012
45 1910 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 1st Prof. A/11 10/05/2012
46 1911 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 2nd Prof. A/11 10/05/2012
47 1912 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 3rd Prof. A/11 10/05/2012
48 1913 Bachelor of Easterh Medicine 4th Prof. A/11 10/05/2012
49 1914 B.Sc Supply. 2011 16/05/2012
50 1915 B.A Supply. 2011 16/05/2012
51 1916 B.A Elective Subjects / Comp. Sub. Supply 2011 16/05/2012
52 1917 M.Ed Supply 2009 - Annual 2010 24/05/2012
53 1918 B.Ed Supply 2010 Annual 2011 05/06/2012
54 1919 B.Ed Supply 2010 Annual 2011 (Revised) 07/06/2012
55 1920 B.Com Part-I Supply 2011 26/06/2012
56 1921 B.Com Part-II Supply 2011 26/06/2012
57 1922 B.Sc Electrical Engineering IV Prof. A/08 (Rev.) 26/06/2012
58 1923 M.B.A 1st Term Autumn 2011 04/07/2012
59 1924 L.L.B Part-I Supply 2010 - Annual 2011 04/07/2012
60 1925 L.L.B Part-II Supply 2010 - Annual 2011 20/07/2012
61 1926 L.L.B Part-III Supply 2010 - Annual 2011 20/07/2012
62 1927 B.B.A Part-I Supply 2011 20/07/2012
63 1928 B.B.A Part-II Supply 2011 20/07/2012
64 1929 B.Sc Engineering 1st Prof. Annual 2008 26/07/2012
65 1930 B.Sc Engineering 2nd Prof. Supply 2007 26/07/2012
66 1931 B.Sc Engineering 3rd Prof. Supply 2007 26/07/2012
67 1932 B.Sc Engineering 4th Prof. Supply 2008 26/07/2012

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 14:

Office of Resource
Generation / Development
Initiatives and Implementation
It has long been recognized that academic research plays an important role in promoting
technological progress and economic growth. In particular, universities play two key roles: they
contribute to economic growth through training of skilled personnel, especially in science and
engineering; and they produce, store and disseminate research results, which form the basis for
follow-on R&D by firms.

Promotion of Research is one of the core strategic aims of UAJK. To organize the research activities
of university, the UAJK has established fully functional ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation and
Commercialization). The ORICs will provide strategic and operational support to the Universitys
research activities/program, and will have a central role in facilitating the Universitys research

Objectives of ORIC establishment

The objective of the establishment of the Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialization
(ORIC) is to develop, expand, enhance and manage the universitys research programs and to
link research activities directly to the educational, social and economic priorities of the university
and its broader community. The ORIC is also responsible for ensuring that the quality of research
reflects the highest international standards and advances the stature of the university among the
worlds best research institutions.

In pursuit of this mission, the ORIC has the responsibility of guaranteeing that all research programs
and policies reflect the core values of academic freedom, professional integrity and ethical conduct
and full compliance with all policies, legal requirements and operational standards of the university.

In short, the ORIC seeks to enhance the environment for all research and learning by:

Supporting the UAJKs strategic research directions and policies

Promoting cooperative research with enterprises and pulling in more funds from governmental/
private bodies for collaborative research or teaching programs;

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

o Improving recruitment and retention of top faculty.

o Improving integration of research and education at all levels of the university

o Improving translation of research into the public benefit ORIC will also look for
Strengthening university-industry relationships by:

Promoting entrepreneurship, technology-transfer and commercialization activities that

energize and support the local and national economy

Promoting and enhancing cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary research initiatives

Acquisition of an access to up-to date equipment;

Discovering opportunities for staff and students to become familiar with state-of-the-art
industrial science and technology and management systems and enhancement of their
familiarity with the constraints of industry;

Improving interaction of higher education departments and employers for the development
and adaptation of technology oriented degree programs.

Future plans
Research in any field cannot be carried out without availability of funds. In order to make research
environment more conducive in the university, ORIC has posted a list of funding agencies on
university website. The researchers are encouraged to visit the links for funding options and making
interactions. The list is also reproduced below.

National Funding Agencies

Higher Education Commission (HEC),


Pak-US Joint Academic & Research Program


Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF),


Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST), Pakistan


Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC)


Pakistan Academy of Sciences


International Funding Agencies

European Research Council (ERC)


Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)


SASNET , Swedish South Asian Studies Network


Global Environmental Facility (GEF)


Talented Researcher Exchange Program (TRXP), International Strategic Partnerships In

Research & Education (INSPIRE)


Rockefeller Foundation


The World Bank


Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

TWAS-COMSTECH Joint Research Grants, For young scientists in OIC countries working in
science and technology to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance
their productivity. Deadline: 31 August each year.
International Foundation for Science (IFS)
International Foundation for Science
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Ausaid (Only in the field of Climate change)

Vice Chancellors Annual Report
AJ&K University, Muzaffarabad

Chapter 15:

Health Centre/ Medical Facilities

Medical facilities available
Although on-campus medical facilities are not available at present, however, ambulance service
and university medical consultant are available to all the students/ employees at any time. In case
of complications, referral facility to other advanced hospitals of the country is also available. Lastly,
medical allowance is also a part of the salary of the employees.

In the recent past, Faculty of Health Sciences and AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad have started
the academic activities. They have a definite strong effect on the available medical facilities in the
university as renowned physicians and surgeons are available in the university for most of the
working hours.

H O W T O G E T T O T H E UA J & K

Starting from Islamabad you
should follow the Kashmir Road to
Murree till you reach Kohala and
Muzaffarabad. In Muzaffarabad
follow the Neelum Road. You will
reach the Chella Campus after
crossing the Chehla Bridge.

Starting from Islamabad
follow the Pindi-Kahutta-
Holar Road. After crossing
the bridge follow this road till
you reach Kotli City.
Compilation of this report was assisted by:
Muhammad Burhan Bukhari
Public Relations Ocer/Incharge News Desk


City Campus Muzaarabad (AJ&K) Pakistan
Ph: 05822-920910, Fax: 05822-960480
E mail: [email protected], URL: www.ajku.edu.pk

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