Deed of Divorce

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I,_____, Son of ______, Muslim, adult, holding CNIC No._______, resident of ______, entered into
a marriage contract with Mst.______ Daughter of _______, Muslim, Adult, resident of_________
currently residing at __________, under the Muslim Family Laws on __________ at______,
Pakistan. The dower was fixed as Rs.____ and the said amount is attached herewith in payment of
the same.
WHEREAS, the marriage was solemnized and registered, under the laws of Pakistan.
WHEREAS, the marriage has ____ children out of the above-mentioned wedlock namely:-
Master_________ age __years
AND WHEREAS, the parties in the first instance lived amicably for about ___ years, but later,
differences cropped up and there were constant quarrels and unhappy altercations which gave rise to
bad blood between the parties and inspite of repeated efforts of the parties’ relations to bring about a
settlement the affairs of the parties went from bad to worse; and no alternative having been let with
me but to divorce Mst._____
Therefore, the husband in exercise of his right of divorce, and in accordance with section 7 of the
Muslims Family Ordinance announces Talaq upon his wife by this divorce deed, in the presence of
Mr._______ son of __________ resident of_____________ and Mr._______ son of __________
resident of_____________
That from this day onwards, Mst.__________ daughter of___________ is no longer my wife and
after confirmation of divorce according to Muslims Family Law Ordinance, 1961, she will be
absolutely free from the wedlock.
That the dower amount, fixed at Rs.____ has already been paid by the husband to the wife.
That our children from our wedlock, namely________ are currently residing with you shall not
prejudice my parental right and or right of access to them in any manner whatsoever.
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, I __________, hereto set my hand at ______ with my own freewill
and without any force or pressure, with my full presence of mind and sound mental disposition.

WHEREAS A MARRIAGE CONTRACT was entered into on: _________________

at __________________ between Mr. _______________ S/o

________________, NIC #: _________________ R/O

……………………………………………………………., District Islamabad of

one part, and Mst. ___________________ D/O ________________  R/O

………………………………………………………………………., District

Islamabad of the other part.

AND WHEREAS the parties have mutually agreed upon to dissolve their

marriage on their free consent on the following terms and conditions:

1. The first party can meet with the minor children on every
alternate Saturday, twice a month.

2. Whereas child custody remains with the second party.

3. Child custody would remain with the second party even in case
of remarriage of the second party.

4. The first party can meet with the minor children in the house of
maternal grandparents.

5. Due to the fact that sisters of the second party reside in Australia
and the nature of her job requires frequent traveling thus the
minor children can travel within
Pakistan or abroad with the second party. For every such visit,
prior permission from the first party would not be needed.
WITNESSES that Mr. _______________ S/o _____________,
NIC #: ____________, and Mst. ____________ D/O
_______________________ NIC #: _________________,
District Islamabad is final.
6. That hence this day the wedlock relation between both parties
has been revoked forever.

7. That both parties are free from wedlock relation from each other.

8. After the expiration of the period of Iddat and arbitration

proceedings by the Arbitration Council, it shall be lawful for the
second party to contract marriage with whoever she may choose
to do so.
IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have subscribed their respective

hands here at Islamabad on the day _______ of the __________ month of

the year 2020.

1st Party                                                                                                                2nd Party

Name: ____________                                                                             Name:


NIC #: ____________                                                                               NIC #:


Signature: _____________________                                                  Signature:




NIC #: _________________                                                          NIC #:

This DIVORCE DEED is made at Karachi, on this _____ day of July 2012.

Know all man by these present that I, ____________ son of ____________,

Muslim, Adult, Holding CNIC No. ____________________, resident of House
NO. ___________________________, Karachi, do here by declare and state as

Whereas I was married with Mst. ________________ D/o. ________________,

Muslim, Adult, Resident of __________________, with the consent of the both
families, the marriage was solemnized on ____________ according
to MUHAMMADAN LAW at Karachi.

That, I tried my best to maintain the matrimonial tie but could not succeed to
achieve happily matrimonial relation-ship due to our mental level, we could not
understand each other, in view of above circumstances I reached at the conclusion
that there is no possibility to live with her as a husband and wife in accordance
with the prescribed limits of Al-Mighty Allah.

That, I have already announced verbal/oral divorce to her but she

demanded/pressurized me that divorce will be announced in written, so on her
demand I again announce divorce to her in the presence of two witnesses in

1.    I, _______________S/O. __________ DIVORCE TO MY WIFE MST.

____________ D/O. _____________.
2.    I, _______________S/O. __________ DIVORCE TO MY WIFE MST.
____________ D/O. _____________.
3.    I, _______________S/O. __________ DIVORCE TO MY WIFE MST.
____________ D/O. _____________.
I have paid Dowry amount of Rs. _________/- (Rupees _______________
only) in cash, according to the Nikahnama’s point No. 13.

That by virtue of this Divorce Deed I have released MST. ________________

from the matrimonial clutches and she will be at liberty to contract to marry with
anyone after expiry of iddat period.
Whatever is stated above in Divorce Deed is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.    


1.      __________________        2.       __________________
          __________________                  __________________
          __________________                  __________________
          __________________                  __________________

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