Development of MATLAB-based Software For The Design of The Magnetic Circuit of Three-Phase Power Transformer

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Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

2014; 2(1): 28-35

Published online March 30, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.jeee.20140201.15

Development of MATLAB-based software for the design of

the magnetic circuit of three-phase power transformer
Obinwa Christian Amaefule1, Afolayan Jimoh Jacob 2, Akaninyene Bernard Obot2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri, Nigeria
Department of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Uyo, AkwaIbom, Nigeria

Email address:
[email protected] (O. C. Amaefule), [email protected] (A. J. Jacob), [email protected] (A. B. Obot)

To cite this article:

Obinwa Christian Amaefule, Afolayan Jimoh Jacob, Akaninyene Bernard Obot. Development of MATLAB-Based Software for the
Design of the Magnetic Circuit of Three-Phase Power Transformer. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014,
pp. 28-35. doi: 10.11648/j.jeee.20140201.15

Abstract: Essentially, transformers consist of two electrical conductors called the primary winding and the secondary
winding which are coupled magnetically together by a magnetic circuit. Transformers work based on the principle that energy
can be efficiently transferred by magnetic induction from one winding to another winding by a varying magnetic field
produced by alternating current. The magnetic circuit or core of a transformer is designed to provide a path for magnetic field,
which is necessary for induction of voltages between the windings. In this paper, MATLAB-based software was developed
for automatic computation of the magnetic circuit parameters of a three phase power transformer once the input specifications
are supplied. A sample design problem was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program. Apart from its flexibility
and speed, the program removed the drudgery involved in the design. In addition, the MATLAB-based software presented in
this paper will serve as a useful teaching and laboratory tool for undergraduate courses in transformer design.
Keywords: Transformer, Magnetic Circuit, Power Transformer, Three Phase, Single Phase, MATLAB

Consequently, the complexity of transformer design

1. Introduction demands reliable and rigorous solution methods. ). In
A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy view of the challenges, a user-friendly and effective way for
from one electrical circuit to another purely by magnetic calculating the magnetic circuit parameters of power
coupling. Essentially, transformers consist of two electrical transformers through the use of software is seriously
conductors called the primary winding and the secondary required. Given that MATLAB is one of the most popular
winding which are coupled magnetically together by a mathematical programs used in engineering analysis, in this
magnetic circuit. A transformer works based on the principle paper a MATLABbased software tool will be developed for
that energy can be efficiently transferred by magnetic the design of the magnetic circuits of power transformers. In
induction from one winding to another winding by a varying this case, the software tool will make use of the MATLAB
magnetic field produced by alternating current. The Application Program Interface (API) to extend the
magnetic circuit or core of a transformer is designed to functionalities of MATLAB application to include the
provide a path for the magnetic field, which is necessary for design of the magnetic circuit of power transformers.
induction of voltages between the windings. A path of low Specifically, this paper presents the design of the
reluctance (that is, low resistance to magnetic lines of force), magnetic circuit of power transformers using
is normally used for this purpose. In addition to providing a MATLABbased software presented in this paper. Sample
low reluctance path for the magnetic field, the core is design problem is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of
designed to prevent the circulation of electric currents within the software solution.
the core. Such circulating currents, called eddy currents
cause heating and energy loss in the transformer. In addition, 2. Review of Related Works
in transformer design, engineers must ensure that
compatibility with the imposed design specifications is met, A transformer has been defined by ANSI/IEEE [3] as a
while keeping manufacturing costs low [1, 2]. static electric device consisting of a winding, or two or more
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2014; 2(1): 28-35 29

coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for power transformer based on the mathematical expressions
introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits [2] . presented in this paper.
Transformers operation depends on electromagnetic aggregating the various GUIs and computation
induction between two stationary coils (the electric circuit) modules into a unified standalone application using the
and a magnetic flux of changing magnitude and polarity (the MATLAB deployment tool.
magnetic circuit). In practice, transformers transform In all, the design and implementation of the MATLAB
electrical energy into magnetic energy, and then back into software was done using the MATLABs GUI development
electrical energy. environment, also known as the M-GUIDE. The
Given its importance, transformer design is a big business methodology used for the design and testing of the GUI is
in the electric power industry. Basically, the aim of given in Figure 3.1.
transformer design is to obtain the dimensions of all parts of
the transformer in order to supply these data to the
manufacturer. The transformer design should be carried out
based on the specifications given, using available materials
economically in order to achieve low cost, low weight, small
size and good operating performance. The transformer
design is worked out using various methods based on
accumulated experience realized in different formulas,
equations, tables and charts [4]. Transformer design is a
complex task in which engineers have to ensure that Figure 3.1. GUI Design and Testing.
compatibility with the imposed specifications is met, while
keeping manufacturing costs low [1 , 2] In addition, in order The useful specifications for the design of magnetic
to compete successfully in the global economy, transformer circuit of power transformer are listed in this section. They
manufacturers need design software capable of producing include:
manufacturable and optimal designs in a very short time. 1. Transformer Power rating, S in KVA
Over the years, several design procedures for transformers 2. Frequency, f in Hz
have appeared in many literatures [5, 6, 7]. Some of the 3. Line voltage of the high voltage (HV) winding, Vinhv
literatures are targeted at transformer design for teaching 4. Connection type star or delta
and hands-on training purposes [8, 9]. Furthermore, other 5. Percentage impedance, Z%
literatures presented the development or the use of various 6. Tapping on the H.V winding, Tp1, Tp2
computer programs for transformer design [5, 10, 11, 12].
Specifically, this paper presents the design of the 3.1. Output Power Equation of Power Transfomer
magnetic circuits of power transformer and the In order to derive the equation for output power, S of
implementation of sample design problem using the power transformers, the equation for the induced voltage in
MATLABbased software presented in this paper. the windings of the transformer will be derived first.
Suppose a coil of N-turns is wound on a core that is
3. Methodology carrying a sinusoidal flux , then
First, it is assumed that certain design specifications are = mSin2ft (3.1)
given. Based on this assumption, the mathematical
expressions for computing the values of various parameters where m is the maximum flux density is Webbers, f is
of the magnetic circuit of power transformer are derived. frequency in Hz, t is time in seconds, then the
Secondly, an algorithm was developed for the software that electromagnetic force (emf), e induced in the coil is given by
will use the mathematical expressions to automatically Faradays law as [13]:
compute the values of various parameters of the magnetic e = N(d /dt) (3.2)
circuit of power transformer. Thirdly, the MATLAB-based
software was developed to read in the design specifications e = 2mfN Cos(2ft) (3.3)
as input and then automatically compute and display the
various parameters of the magnetic circuit of power The maximum emf, Em is given from Equation 3.3 as
transformer. Em = 2mfN (3.4)
The development of the MATLAB software for designing
the magnetic circuit of power transformers consists of the The root mean square (rms) value of Em is given as
E= 4.44fmN (3.5)
the design of different graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
for entering the design input parameters where E = Em / 2. The maximum flux density, Bm in the
the design of program to automatically compute and core is given as
display the remaining parameters of the magnetic circuit of
30 Obinwa Christian Amaefule et al.: Development of MATLAB-Based Software for the Design of the
Magnetic Circuit of Three-Phase Power Transformer

Bm = m/Ai (3.6) Let Kw stand for window space factor where ;

where, Ai is the cross sectional of the iron core area.
Kw = ,
Kw = 4aN/Aw (3.19)
m = BmAi (3.7)
From equation 3.13c, a = Ip/J
Substituting m into Equation3.5 gives
So equation 3.19 becomes 4IpN/J = KwAw
E= 4.44f BmAi N ( 3.8)
IN = (KwAwJ)/4 (3.20)
The voltage per turn, Vt is given as E/N. Thus from
For 3-phase transformer, S =3EI 10-3 (3.21)
equation 3.8
Substituting equation 3.8 into equation 3.21 gives
Vt =4.44f BmAi (3.9)
S=3.33fBmAiAmJKw 10-3 (3.22)
Thus from equation 3.5
For single phase transformers,
Vt =4.44fm (3.10)
IN= (KwAwJ)/2 (3.23)
Thus, from equation 3.9
Ai = Vt/ 4.44fBm (3.11)
S1-phase= 2.22fBmAiAwJKw 10-3 (3.24)
For 3-phase each core window contains two sections of
high voltage (HV) coils and two sections of low voltage (LV) The power rating (in KVA) can also be expressed in terms
coils [13, 14]. If Nphv and Nplv are the numbers of turns of magnetic potential gradient. If Dsc is the diameter of the
per phase and ahv and alv are the cross sectional areas of circumscribing circle for the core limb, then the area of the
each conductors per window, then the total copper area per iron Ai is then given as
window is given by;
Total copper area per window = 2(Nphv ahv + Nplv alv) Ai = kiksDsc2/4 (3.25)
where the Ks is stacking factor, Ki is the iron space factor
The current density J is the same in both HV and LV coils.
given in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Iron Space Factor (Ki) and K (The Ratio Of The Diameter Of
J = Iplv/ alv (3.13a)
The Circumscribing Circle To The Maximum Core Limb Length For
J = Iphv/ ahv (3.13b) Various Core Steps).

J = Ip/a (3.13c) Core Number
Space K=Lmc
Diameter of Core
Factor /Dsc
where Iphv and Iplv are phase current in the high voltage (mm) Steps
and low voltage side. Also, recall that for transformers Single Frame Duct
< 100 1 0.64 0.71
Without Duct
Vplv/Vphv = Nlv/Nhv = Iphv/Iplv < 100 2 0.79 0.85
< 10 3 0.84 0.90
Thus, < 100 4 0.87 0.93
100-250 5 0.89 0.95
Iplv Nlv = Iphv Nhv = IpN (3.14) 250-300 6 0.89 0.96
From equations 3.13a, 3.13b, and 3.13c, Iphv = ahv/J, Longitudinal 350-750 6-8 0.86 0.97
Iplv = alv/J, Ip = a/J. Hence substituting Iphv, Iplv and Ip in Framed Duct
equation 3.14, gives 550-1000 7-10 0.98 0.98

Nlvalv/J = Nhv ahv/J = Na/J (3.15) Now, the magnetic potential gradient, Hm is given as
Hence, Nlvalv = Nhv ahv = Na (3.16)
Hm =
Substituting for Nlv alv from Equation 3.16 into Equation
3.12 gives Then for a 3-phase transformer, the total magneto motive
force, mmf over one limb is given as
Total copper area per window= 4 Nhv ahv (3.17)
mmf = 2NI (3.27)
Putting in general terms, whether it is LV or HV value
Putting Eq 3.27 into Eq 3.26 and solving for NI gives,
Total copper area per window = 4 Na (3.18)
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2014; 2(1): 28-35 31

NI = HmHlmb/2 (3.28) Where k, ki and ks are the same as the ones used for the
core in Equations (3.31) and (3.32)
Putting Eq 3.28 into equation Eq 3.24 gives
3.2.2. The Core Window Dimensions
S= 5.23fBm Dsc2 HmHlmbkiks 10-3 (3.29)
From Equation (3.22), the core window area, Aw is given
For single phase transformer, mmf = NI. Thus as

S1-phase= 3.48fBm Dsc2 HmHlmbkiks 10-3 (3.30) Aw = S/ ((3.33 fBm Ai J Kw) x 10-3) (3.37)

3.2. The Core Dimensions Table 3.2 gives the window space factor, kw. With kw
selected from Table 3.2 and the value of current density, J
Power transformer cores are built of thin strips of chosen, Aw can be computed from Equation (3.37). In
laminations arranged in a number of steps so as to obtain practice, the ratio of the window Height, Hw to the window
nearly round cross sectional area so that better space factor width, Ww is between 2 and 4. If Rhw represent the ratio of
for accommodating iron in the most useful ways can be Hw to Ww , then
achieved. The numbers of steps usually chosen are 3, 4,5,6,7
or 9 [13, 14]. The iron core area, Ai is given in Equation Rhw = Hw /Ww (3.38)
3.25.It is expressed with respect to Dsc, ki and ks. The value It means from the statement above that 2 Rhw 4
of Ai for various core steps can be obtained from table 3.1
above. Table 3.2. Window Space Factor, Kw, Balbir, (1982).
Ki, the iron space factor is there because of the use of steps
KVA 3KV 10KV 30KV 100KV
of iron instead of one solid round section of iron core. Ks is
due to paper or vanish insulation between the laminations of 100 0.28 0.20 0.14 0.13
the core. 800 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.15
2000 0.40 0.31 0.23 0.16
Dsc = 4Ai/kiks (3.31)
10000 0.45 0.37 0.28 0.21
ks= 0.92 for all steps of core. The maximum length of the
core limb, Lmc is given in table for various core steps. It is However, values of Rhw beyond this range can be used,
expressed with respect to Dsc in the form from Equation (3.38)
Lmc= k(Dsc) (3.32) Hw = Rhw Ww (3.39)
Where k is the factor relating Lmc to Dsc. The value of k is Now Aw = Hw Ww (3.40)
given in table 3.1 for the various core steps.
Thus Aw = Rhw Ww2 (3.41)
3.2.1. Core Yoke Dimensions
Hence, Ww = (Aw/Rhw) (3.42)
The flux in the core limb is the same as the flux in the
yoke [13, 14] Hence, from Equation (3.32) 3.2.3. The overall Core Frame Dimension
Blmb Almb = Byk Ayk (3.33) Overall core frame height, H is given as
H=Hw+2Lmy (3.43)
Where Blmb and Byk are the flux density of the limb and
yoke, Almb and Ayk are the cross sectional area of the limb The center to-center distance, Dcc is given as:
and yoke respectively. Note that BImb = Bm and Aimb = Ai.
Then from Equation (3.33) Dcc = Ww +Dsc (3.44)

Ayk = Ai (Bm / Byk) (3.34) The overall core width

In practice, Byk Bm. Empirical values for Byk can be W = 2Dcc + Lmc (3.45)
chosen from the relation 1 Bm / Byk 1.25. Put another
3.2.4. Weight of the Core
way Bm / 1.25 Byk 1.
The volume of iron core can be found from the product
The diameter of the circumscribing circle for the core
Ai.Lmf , where Lmf is the mean flux path including the core
yoke is given as in Equation (3.31)
limb and yokes. For single phase transformers
Dsyk = % 4 Ayk / +kiks (3.35) Lmf = 2(Ww +Dlmb)= 2 (Hw +Wlmb) (3.46)
Similarly, the maximum length of the yoke, lmy is given as For 3-phase transformers,
in Equation (3.32)
Lmf = 2(2Ww + 2 Dlmb)= 3(Hw +Wlmb) (3.47)
Lmy = k (Dsyk) (3.36)
Where Dlmb = Dsc is the diameter of the circumscribing
32 Obinwa Christian Amaefule et al.: Development of MATLAB-Based Software for the Design of the
Magnetic Circuit of Three-Phase Power Transformer

circle for the core limb cross section, Hw is the window S = (4.44f m NI) x 10-3 (3.58)
height. The volume of iron, Vi is given as
Putting IN = m/r into Equation (3.58) gives
Vi = Ai.Lmf (3.48)
S = 4.44 f (m2/r) x 10-3 (3.59)
If the density of the iron core in cm /kg is Pic, then weight
of iron, Wi is given as m = % S. r / 4.44f 1045 (3.60)

Wi = Vi Pic (3.49) Putting m from Equation (3.60) into Vt = 4.44f m gives

3.3. Weight of the Copper Vt = (4.44f) % S. r / 4.44f 1045 (3.61)

If Ephv and Eplv are the phase voltages of the H.V and L.V Vt = ((4.44f) (r) x10-3)(3.62)
winding respectively, then
If we define C = % 4.44f r x 1045 ,
Nhv = Ephv/Vt (3.50)
Vt = C S (3.63)
Niv = Eplv/Vt (3.51)
Where, S is the power rating in KVA. From Equation
Note, for star connection, phase voltage is given as (line (3.63),
voltage/ 3).
To calculate the weight of copper, an approximate value C = Vt /S (3.64)
can be obtained from the conductor cross sectional area and
the mean length of turns, Lmf. Assuming that the window 3.4.1. Significance of C
space is completely filled with oil, we can allocate half of the From C = % 4.44f r x 1045 , C is proportional to r.
window space to coils on each core limb. The mean diameter Also, from Equation (3.58) r is proportional to m. As such,
of the coil Dmt is therefore given as [14] C is proportional to m and hence an increase in C will result
to increase m, if other variable remain constant.
Dmt = Dlmb +Ww/2 (3.52) Now, m = BmAi. If Bm is kept constant increasing m will
result to increase in Ai, which is the amount of iron used in
Since Dlmb = Dsc the transformer. On the other hand, N, the number of turns
Dmt = Dsc + Ww /2 (3.53) indicates the amount of copper used in the transformer. For
any given e, (E = 4.44 f N m) and for a particular S, if m is
Lmt = Dmt (3.54) decreased, N will increase. So it will be observed that
increasing the value of C will increase the amount of iron (Ai)
The volume of copper Vcp is given as used and decrease N, the number of turns of copper. On the
other hand decreasing the value of C will decrease the
Vcp = Kw Lmt (Ww/2)Hw (3.55)
amount of iron (Ai) used and increase N. Therefore, C is a
Where Kw is the window space factor. If cp is the density constant that indicates the amount of iron, Ai used and the
of copper, then weight of copper Wcp is given as number of turns, N, of the transformer. Table 3.3 below
gives the average values that are usually used in practice for
Wcp = Vcpcp (3.56) C [13, 14]

3.4. Empirical Formula for Voltage Per Turn, Vt Table 3.3. Empirical Average Values For The Factor C.

In the design of a transformer, the value of voltage per Transformer Type Range of Values for C
turn, Vt is often needed to be chosen or calculated quite Core Type Distribution Transformer 0.35 to 0.45
fairly from the available parameters. The value of Vt so
Core Type power Transformer 0.555 to 0.65
chosen affects the size and weight of the transformer as well
as other performance characteristics of the transformer Shell type Transformer 1.0 to 1.25
Experts have proffered some empirical formula for Vt. Two
of the formula will be discussed here. 3.4.2 . Second Empirical Formula for Vt
Suppose we define Another empirical formula for Vt is given as Bilbir,
r = (Magnetic Loading)/Electric Loading) (1982)
Where Magnetic Loading = m and Electric Loading =
IN Vt = (1/40) ((Sx1000) / Number of Legs) (3.64)

r = m/IN (3.57) Where, S is in KVA. The number of legs for 3-phase core
type is 3 while it is 2 for sing phase transformers. Equation
Thus, IN = m/r and from Equation (3.10), Vt = 4.44f m (3.61) or Equation (3.64) can be used to obtain a fairly
Also from Equation (3.21), S = 3EI x 10-3 and E = Vt N. accurate value for Vt.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2014; 2(1): 28-35 33

3.5. Algorithm for Designing the Magnetic Circuit of Dsc + Ww /2

3-Phase Power Transformer 27. Compute mean diameter length of turn, Lmt from Lmt =
3.5.1. Design Specifications 28. Compute volume of copper, Vcp from Vcp = Kw Lmt
Obtain the value of the following parameters from the (Ww/2)Hw
given design specifications 29. Compute weight of copper wcp from Wcp = Vcpcp
1. Transformer Power rating, S, in kVA The flowchart for the design of the magnetic circuit of
2. Frequency, f in Hz 3-phase power transformer is shown in Figure 3.2
3. Line voltage of the high voltage (H.V) Winding, Vinhv
4. Line voltage of the low voltage (L.V) Winding, Vinlv
5. Connection type star or Delta
6. Percentage impedance, Z%
7. Tapping on the H.V winding, Tp1, Tp2
3.5.2 . Core Parameters
1. Compute volt per turn, Vt from Vt = C S or Vt = (1/40)
((Sx1000) / Number of Legs)
2. Compute cross sectional area of core, Ai from Ai = Vt/
3. Select window space factor from Table 3.2
4. Choose value for current density, J
5. Compute window area Aw from Aw = S/ ((3.33 fBm Ai J Figure 3.2. Flowchart for the Design of the Magnetic Circuit of 3-Phase
Power Transformer.
Kw) x 10-3)
6. Select suitable ration for window height to window
width from 2 Rhw 4 4. Results and Discussions
7. Compute window area, Ww from Ww = (Aw/Rhw)
After coding, the MATLAB-based program was tested
8. Compute window height, Hw from Hw = Rhw Ww
with a sample power transformer design. The design input
9. Choose number of steps for the Core
and the results obtained are shown in the various screenshot
10. Choose iron space factor, Ki from Table 3.1
of the program user interfaces. The sample design problem
11. Choose stacking factor ks = 0.92
is as follows:
12. Choose diameter of circumscribing circle of Core limb,
Design the electric circuit for a 8000kVA 3-phase, 50Hz,
220kV/11kV, delta/delta connected power transformer;
13. Select K from Table 3.1 for the chosen number of
construction- core, cooling-OFAF, temperature rise of oil
steps in core
50oC, percentage impedance 11.5%. The transformer is
14. Compute maximum length of core, Lmc from Lmc= k
provided with tapping 2.5%, 5% on the high voltage (HV)
windings. The voltage per turn is 40, Ai = mm2 W= mm, H =
15. Choose flux density of the yoke, Byk from 1 Bm / Byk
mm, Dsc = mm, where H is the overall frame height, W is
overall frame width and Dsc is the diameter of
16. Compute diameter of circumscribing circle of yoke,
circumscribing circle.
Dsyk from
4.1. The Input Specification Module
Dsyk = % 4 Ayk / +kiks
The input specification module for the electric circuit
17. Compute maximum length of yoke Lmy from Lmy = k parameters of power transformer consists of the input
(Dsyk) interfaces used to capture transformer input data and to
18. Compute center to center distance of limb, Dcc from process the data as shown in Fig 4.1
Dcc = Ww +Dsc
19. Compute overall core width, W from W = 2Dcc + Lmc 4.2. The Input Preview Module
20. Compute overall core height, H from H=Hw+2Lmy
21. Compute mean length of flux path, Lmf from Lmf = The input preview module Fig 4.2 renders supplied input
2(2Ww + 2 Dsc) data from the input specification module with no editable
22. Compute the volume of iron, Vi from Vi = Ai.Lmf field on its own. It provides the user option to either proceed
23. Compute the weight of iron, Wi from Wi = Vi Pic with computation or return to input specification module for
24. Compute number of turns in H.V winding, Nhv from correction.
Nhv = Ephv/Vt 4.3. The Output Module
25. Compute number of turns in L.V winding, Nlv from
Nlv = Eplv/Vt 4.3.1. Tabular Output
26. Compute mean diameter of the coil, Dmt from Dmt = The design output interface (Fig 4.3) displays result
34 Obinwa Christian Amaefule et al.: Development of MATLAB-Based Software for the Design of the
Magnetic Circuit of Three-Phase Power Transformer

obtained from calculations made by the design software. The 4.3.2. Graphical Output
results are displayed in tabular format (Fig 4.3). The design Fig 4.4 presents result obtained for graphical output
output interface also has option to proceed and plot a interface of the Matlab-based software for designing power
graphical view of the sample design output (shown in Fig transformer.
4.4); option to return to compute new data, option to close
application and option for printing the design result.

Figure 4.1. Screenshot of the Input Specification Module.

Fig 4.4. Plot of Volt Per Turn (Vt) vs Constant, C for a given transformer
Power Rating, S.

4.4. Discussion of Results

The output in Fig 4.2 and Fig 4.3 show that for the given
power rating, S = 8000kVA, and Volt per Turn (Vt) of
40.82KV, the amount of iron (Ai) used is 114934.7
and the number of turns for the high voltage and for the
low voltage windings are 5.38 and 1.27 respectively. In
addition, from the graph plot of Fig 4.4, it can be seen that
for any given power rating S of the power transformer, the Vt
is proportional to the constant C. This result is in line with
Eq 3.64 which states that C = Vt /S. With the aid of the
Matlab program, it can also be demonstrated that, for any
given C, increasing S, will increase Vt according to the
Figure 4.2. Screenshot of the Input Preview Module. relationship, Vt = C (S). Similarly, other useful
relationships among the transformer parameters can be
easily demonstrated using the Matlab program. In particular,
given that C is a constant that indicates the amount of iron,
Ai used and the number of turns, N, of the transformer, hence,
it can be demonstrated with the Matlab program that if other
variables remain constant, increasing the value of C will
increase the amount of iron (Ai) used and decrease N, the
number of turns of copper.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion

In this paper, a standalone program was developed in

MATLAB for the design of the magnetic circuit of a 3-phase
power transformer. Mathematical models were developed
for all the parameters to be computed and then a design
Fig 4.3. Screenshot of the Design Output Interface Showing the Sample
Design Results Displayed in Tabular Format. algorithm was developed. Based on the mathematical
models and algorithm the MATLAB-based software was
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2014; 2(1): 28-35 35

developed and then a sample design problem was used to [3] IEEE (2002) IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and
demonstrate how the program can be used. The simplicity of Distribution Transformers, IEEE Std C57.12.80-2002.
the mathematical models and the modular nature of the [4] Mittle VN, Mittal A (1996) Design of electrical machines, 4th
program make them relevant for teaching and hands-on edn. Standard Publishers Distributors, Nai Sarak, Delhi
training on power transformer design. It is also easy to
[5] Amoiralis. E. I., Georgilakis. P. S., Tsili. M. A., Kladas
upgrade the programs to accommodate the design of other A.G.and Souflaris A. T. (2011) A complete software package
kinds of transformers and the use of other design for transformer design optimization and economic evaluation
methodologies and also for incorporating optimization analysis . Materials Science Forum Vol. 670 (2011) pp
issues in the program. 535-546) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

5.2 Recommendation for further Works [6] Judd F. F., Kressler D. R. (1977), IEEE Trans. Magn., vol.
MAG-13, pp. 1058-1069.
The scope of this paper covers only the design of the [7] Poloujadoff M., Findlay R. D. (1986), IEEE Trans. Power
electric circuit of 3-phase power transformers. In particular, Sys., vol. PWRS-1.
the design considered disc winding with rectangular
conductors only. Further work is needed to cover other types [8] Jewell W. T. (1990) IEEE Trans. Power Sys., vol. 5 , pp.
of transformers and other form of winding layouts and
conductor shapes. Also, design optimization was not [9] Grady W. M., Chan R., Samotyj M. J., Ferraro R. J.,
considered in this paper. However, the modular nature of the Bierschenk J. L. (1992) IEEE Trans. Power Sys.,vol. 7 (1992),
program makes provision for the program to be easily pp. 709-717.
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