Civics12s PDF
Civics12s PDF
Civics12s PDF
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Ethiopia is a land of antiquity that has long centuries of political existence. The long years of political experience to which the
country was exposed capacitated her to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of attempts by foreign powers to
violate its independence from time to time. The country has also played a commendable role in international affairs which enabled
her to be one of the founding members of the organization of African Unity now the African Union, the United Nations Organization
and many more others. But the countrys good international image had been dwarfed by her internal instability and backwardness
which was the results of her political system.
Internally Ethiopia was ruled for many years by autocratic emperors, and in her recent history, by a military dictatorship of the worst
kind. The rulers of Ethiopia had never been accountable to the people and never observed the rue of law. Consequently, the
Ethiopian peoples were forced to pass through gross violation of rights in the hands of their governments, leading them to revolt
against their oppressors, resulting in civil wars that brought human and material destruction and negatively impacted on the
development of the country.
Following the transition to democracy in the 1990s, attempts have been made to institutionalize the protection of human and
democratic rights of citizens, and also a popular constitution was set in place. To further enhance the ideals of democracy and
constitutionalism, civics education was introduced into the education system. In the quest to consolidate the democratic process in
the country and enlighten citizens in their right and obligations, since 2002/03 the curriculum of civic education was revised and a
new Civics and Ethical Education, which is based on major social values, is adopted across the grade levels.
Objectives of civics and ethical education
Civics and ethical education aims to create:
Democratic citizens who safeguard their rights and respect the rights of others.
Citizens who work within the provisions of the constitution and abide by the rule of law.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Patriotic citizens who uphold the democratic ideals and the principles of the constitution as well as defend the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of their country.
Responsible citizens who nurture tolerant culture and resolve differences peacefully.
Industrious citizens who are self-reliant.
Citizens who are active participants in the political process of their country and dedicated to work for the common good.
Citizens who have a decision making capacity on the basis of knowledge and objectivity.
Bearing these objectives in mind, teachers especially have a national responsibility to work diligently for the materialization of the
mission of civics and ethical education. Moreover, attempts should be made to include the contents of the civics and ethical
education in pre and in in-service teachers training at any level, in the organization of manuals and in all other educational activities
pertaining to capacity building of teachers.
Last but not least, it should be noted that methodologies for contents at each topic are indicated. However, we will like to draw the
attention of teachers to the fact that that these methodologies are not exhaustive and meant to serve only as models. Cognizant of this
fact teachers need to be creative to come up with their own methodologies which they deem fit for the accomplishment of their tasks.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Explain the principles of the 1.5 Ethiopian foreign relations: Form one group consisting of three students. Give the following title in advance
Ethiopian foreign policies. (3 periods) (before a week) to the group so that it can have enough time for preparation. Let
1.5.1 Principles and policies. the group undertake a research on what are foreign relations? And what should be
1.5.2 Interactions with other the basis of the Ethiopian foreign policy? Let the group present their findings, and
nations. discuss with the whole class.
1.5.3 National resource utilization
and international relation.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following
description, based on the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level.
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to:- explain the principles of democracy, explain
the features of a constitutional democratic system, identify between direct and representative democracy, state the
difference between the parliamentary and presidential democracy, describe what is meant by authority, describe
that authority should be exercised within a legal framework, enumerate their constitutional rights and constitutional
obligations, explain the level of human and democratic right at global level, explain the structure of the state and
political power distribution in federal Ethiopia, and explain the principles of the Ethiopian foreign policies.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized.
They should be encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following
description, based on the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: - describe the methods of making a
constitution in Ethiopia, explain the relation between a constitution and other laws, explain the role of rules of law
as an instrument for maintaining order and security, enumerate the criteria for evaluating rules, explain the judicial
protection due to individuals or groups, explain what distinguishes limited government from the unlimited one,
describe the ways of struggling corruption.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized.
They should be encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Describe the conflicting 3.2 Conflict of interest:(2 periods) Form two groups consisting of two or three students. Distribute the two topics
notion of priority to the 3.2.1 The notion of equality Vs, between the two groups i.e. which right should have priority? Individuals or group
individuals rights and individuals and groups rights? Should one enjoy the right of benefit without shouldering burden? Organize a
group rights. rights. debate between the two groups. Give the groups enough time to prepare themselves
3.2.2 Benefit and burden. for the debate.
explain the essence of 3.3 Equality and the notion of Form a group consisting of two or three students. Let the group study the
affirmative action in affirmative action: discrimination perpetrated against women in Ethiopia; what is now being done to
(2 periods)
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following
description, based on the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: - describe the different struggle the Ethiopian
people waged against the autocratic governments of Ethiopia, describe the conflicting notion of priority to the
individuals rights and group rights, explain the essence of affirmative action in terms of women, explain the role of
affirmative action in redressing past discrimination against women, explain how cultural equality strengthens the
unity of the country.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They
should be encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Students below minimum requirement level
Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra help if they are to catch up with the rest of
the class. They should be given extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the end of the
day. In the assessment process the teacher should give special attention and the necessary help for special needs
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following
description, based on the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: explain the importance of equity of benefits
and burdens for creating equality among the peoples of Ethiopia, describe the role of justice and the judiciary in a
democracy, enumerate the different crimes that occur in the world, explain the notion of tax evasion, fraud, and
avoidance, describe the place of taxation in the national economy, elaborate the imperative of compliance with tax
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized.
They should be encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Students below minimum requirement level
Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra help if they are to catch up with the rest
of the class. They should be given extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the end of
the day. In the assessment process the teacher should give special attention and the necessary help for special needs
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on the
competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: explain that respecting the human and democratic rights of citizens to be one of the
qualities of patriot, describe Ethiopias contribution to the world, describe what should be the duties of a patriot citizen, understand the importance of the
symbol of a flag to demonstrate unity, explain the way they can show their commitment to the international community as global citizens.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Explain the methods of 6.5 The severity of HIV/AIDS Form a group which consists of 3-4 students. Let the group study the international
transmission and as a global pandemic perspective of HIV/AIDS i.e. number of patients and the preoccupation of the
protection as well as the (2periods) international community with fighting the disease and present their findings. What the
effects of HIV/AIDS on 6.5.1 HIV/AIDS pandemic and world could have done (in terms development) had HIV/AIDS pandemic not in place.
international level. other contagious diseases
(global perspective)
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on the
competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: describe the benefits an individual gets as a result of shouldering
responsibilities, explain the cost one under goes when executing responsibilities, describe what others could gain when an individual executes
his/her responsibility properly, explain how one contributes to the maintenance of international peace, describe how countries of the world could
cooperate for their common good, explain the methods of transmission and protection as well as the effects of HIV/AIDS on international level.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to
continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on the
competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: describe that work enhances both personal and social development, explain
work as an instrument for national development, explain the factors that influence the world of work, explain the instrumentality of work for
world civilization.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to
continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
describe the 8.2 Dependency: (2 periods) Most 3rd world countries are highly dependent on the economic support of the
consequences of 8.2.1 Psychological impacts. capitalist countries. What impact does this support have on the receiving countries?
Dependency. 8.2.2 Economic impacts. Do the 3rd world countries and those of the 1st have an equal say in international
struggle against 8.2.3 Social impacts. affairs? Let students discuss these points in groups and reach a general agreement.
Dependency. 8.2.4 Dependency in the
international context.
- less regard by the great
- less role in international
- Loss of security.
- violation of national
Sovereignty by powerful
Describe how a self- 8.3 Self-reliance and morally
reliant person makes sound Decision making
morally good decision. capacity (2 periods)
8.3.1 the role of the government
in the fight against
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on
the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: describe the characteristics of a self-reliant person, be self-reliant,
describe the consequences of dependency, struggle against dependency, explain the role of government in the fight against contraband,
describe the need for cooperation between the government and the citizens to fight contraband, describe how self- reliant person makes
sound decisions.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They should be
encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on
the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: explain the necessity of planning production and consumption,
describe the importance of relying on ones own national product, describe the international economic principles, describe the situation
of the Ethiopian economy, explain the difference between micro and macro economy, describe the role the local, national and
international monetary organizations play in development, explain the relation between money, capital the world politics.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They should be
encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
The teacher should assess each students work continuously over the whole unit and compare it with the following description, based on
the competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum required level
Students at minimum requirement level
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: describe the quality a leader should have to promote participation of
citizens, explain what civic participation is, and explain the role of associations and groups in civic participation.
Students above minimum requirement level
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised and their achievements recognized. They should be
encouraged to continue working hard and not become complacent.
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12
Civics and Ethical Education Syllabus Grade 12