Author Info Source Type Categorical Definitional Causal Evaluation Action Jurisdiction

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Author Info Source Type Categorical Definitional Causal Evaluation Action Jurisdiction

Up to three names, (popular, scholarly, Does X exist? Is X a Y? Does X cause Y? Is it good or bad? What should be Who is responsible?
write them all; 4+, trade, government) Is Y a result of X? Fair or unfair? done about X?
write first name et Harmful or
al. (i.e., Smith et beneficial?
1. Mann, Scholarly, Despite the The climate As sea levels rise, If America Donald Trump
Michael E. Scientific current warming is more cities like wants to be a needs to get
-director of the American presidents causing sea Miami are having leader in the behind the clean
Earth System denial of levels to rise at their streets flood world, it needs energy movement
Science Center Climate a faster pace, and causing high to start with and stop telling
at Pennsylvania Change, the more drought, financial burdens clean energy Americans its a
State University warming of the more fires, reaching into the research and hoax because it
Hassol, Susan Earth is more floods, billions of development. will lead to
Joy- Director of manifesting and more heat dollars. America
Climate itself in all waves. relinquishing its
Communication regions. international

2 Reid, Robert Scholarly, Civil Ports such as Climate change In Miami, 2 If no changes
L. Engineering those in Miami, is the cause for million people are made,
New York, and sea levels to are estimated to models predict
New Orleans rise in the cities be exposed to the that three
are most that article effects of rising times as many
vulnerable to mentioned, the sea levels, calling people are
concern destruction that for a very going to be in
regarding the rising sea dangerous danger,
safety as sea levels can do situation raking it stresses that
levels rise can be said to 4th on the list of there is a need
be a result of cities most for many
climate change vulnerable, different
approx.. 416 solutions to
billion dollars in combat the
asset are in threat of rising
danger sea levels
3.Ross, Michael Scholarly, Ecosystems of Interactions Rising sea levels Because the
S., Joseph J. Frontiers in coastal islands between rising are a threat to any sea levels are
O'Brien, Glenn Ecology & the face threats sea levels and ecosystem on expected to
R. Ford, Keqi Environment from sea-level pulse small oceanic rise
Zhang, and rise that are disturbances islands. substantially
Anne Morkill distinct from like fires will in Florida,
those cause there needs to
threatening vegetation to be
ecosystems of change sooner conservation
continental than the measures
margins projected rise taken so the
in sea levels ecosystems
alone species dont
go extinct
4. Frank Paul Scholarly, The Glaciers are Meltwater from Due to the ice In order to
Nature contribution of created by glaciers and ice caps melting, the determine the
Geoscience glaciers and ice snowfall and caps rise in sea level degree of
caps to global they lose mass contributes overall has severity that
sea-level rise is by melt and significantly to amounted to half the rise in sea
uncertain: they partly also by global sea-level a meter levels will
are calving rise have, more
incompletely icebergs research needs
counted and the to be done as
calculation is soon as
challenging possible

5. NASA Government The The more the Most climate

(popular), greenhouse greenhouse gas scientists have
NASA, The effect is goes into effect, come to the
Blanket Around warming of the the warmer the consensus that the
the Earth earths climate earth will main cause of the
that results become and the current warming
from the more likely climate trend is
atmosphere glaciers will the increase of the
trapping heat continue to "greenhouse
that radiates melt effect" done by
from the earth humans
to the sun

Author Info Source Type Categorical Definitional Causal Evaluation Action Jurisdiction
Up to three (popular, Does X exist? Is X a Y? Does X cause Is it good or bad? What should Who is
names, write scholarly, trade, Y? Is Y a result Fair or unfair? be done about responsible?
them all; 4+, government) of X? Harmful or X?
write first name beneficial?
et al. (i.e., Smith
et al.)
6. A. B. Scholarly, Sea level An increase in effects, such as To be able to
A.Slangen Surveys in changes is a mean sea level coastal evolution provide policy
F. Adloff geophysics result of can increase the and sediment makes with
S. Jevrejeva changes in impacts of better
P. W. Leclercq many different storm surges estimates to
B. Marzeion parts of the and the risk of determine
Y. Wada climate system flooding events what action to
R. Winkelmann and can in coastal zones take
therefore be
seen as an
measure of
climate change
7. Joey Flechas Popular, Miami The Some Mayor Calrose The city will
Herald conversation homeowners Giminez quote: embark on a
Miamis fight between worry that Lets be clear, $100 million
against rising taxpayers and raising streets sea-level rise is a project to raise
seas City Hall about to keep them very serious roads, install
the changes the dry will cause concern for pumps and
city is going to flooding on Miami-Dade water mains
make in an their properties County and all of and redo
effort to South Florida sewer
prevent connections
flooding in the during the
city next two years

8. Erin A. Thead Popular, Not only are The rise in the Many large cities To protect While humans sea levels global sea level are located on coasts against overall are the
Sea Levels rising but the caused by the coastlines that are tidal flooding, cuase of the
Rise: Risk and rate of sea melting of particularly NYC plans to warming of the
Resiliance in levels are rising glaciers and vulnerable to sea reinforce earth climate,
Costal Cities creating a more land-based ice level rises which beaches, build governments need
pressing need caps are highly bulkheads, to place
to find populated areas and protect legislation that
solutions to and can be a huge sand dunes takes measure to
protect and cause for concern that act as protect coastlines
eventually natural barrier and its citizens
prevent this as they kept
from happening Sandy in mind
again as the worst
case scenario

9. MICHENER, Scholarly, Global climate The magnitude Rising sea level Before a plan Persistence of
BLOOD, Ecological change is of these and even modest of action can coastal wetlands
ILDSTEIN, Applications expected to projected changes in the be drawn out will be determined
BRINSON, affect physical frequency, more intensive by the interactions
GARDNER temperature changes and intensity, timing, research needs of climate and
and their and distribution to be done in anthropogenic
precipitation subsequent of tropical storms order to effects, especially
patterns, impacts on and hurricanes develop a how humans
oceanic and coastal are expected to deep respond to rising
atmospheric wetlands will have substantial understanding sea level and how
circulation, rate vary regional impacts on further human
of rising sea coastal wetland encroachment on
level, and the patterns and pro coastal wetlands
frequency, affects resource
intensity, exploitation,
timing, and pollution, and
distribution of water
hurricanes and

10. RICHARD Scholarly, The Greenhouse climate models the earth is Human activity is
WARRICK and Royal 'greenhouse gases consist of are unable to warming and the number one
GRAHAM Geographical effect' is likely CO2, CH4, predict regional there needs to driver of the
FARMER, Society to change the N2O, CFC climate changes be something greenhouse gases
Senior Research global climate with enough done but, the which causes the
Associates, accuracy to issue is that warming of the
Climatic Rese determine the scientists earth
impact dont have
enough data to
know exactly
what to do
11. Brady Popular, The Sea levels Places like Its predicted that If high levels In the century
Dennis and Chri Washington could rise South Florida, if the conditions of greenhouse beginning in
s Mooney Post nearly twice as Bangladesh, of the warming gas emissions 2100, truly
much as Shanghai, continue in the continue, catastrophic
previously Hampton future it could oceans could shifts, unless
predicted Roads in lead to rise by as societies make
scientist for the Virginia and monumental and much as two extreme changes
end of this parts of irreversible meters in total in greenhouse gas
century if carbo Washington, increases in sea by the end of emissions.
n D.C., could be levels the century if
dioxide emissio covered in nothing is
ns continue water in the done
future due to
rising waters

12. John D Popular, CNN The tide near that one Miami Beach humans are
Sutter Miami Beach, a dramatic has promised warming the Earth
smaller island consequence of to put $400 by pumping
off the coast of warming is that million in carbon out of the
the South sea levels are recent years to ground and into
Florida has going up and trying to make the atmosphere
risen 4.2 inches up because ice efforts to
since 1996 caps keep combat
melting disasters from
the already
risen sea
levels --
water pumps
13. Justin Gillis Popular, NY The effects of These tidal A faster rise of Local as the global
Times climate change floods are often the sea level governments, warming created
have begun to just a foot or would eventually under pressure by human
show two deep, but harm the United from citizens emissions caused
themselves they can stop States coastline so they have land ice to melt
such as seas traffic, swamp begun to act and ocean water
rising up to the basements, to expand
point that a damage cars,
high tide and a kill lawns and
brisk wind are forests, and
all it takes to poison wells
send water into with salt
the streets and

14. Daniel Glick The Big Scientists point Most believe A continuation or
Thaw, popular out that sea that human acceleration of
levels have activity, in that trend has the
risen and fallen particular the potential to cause
substantially burning of striking changes
over Earth's fossil fuels and in the world's
4.6-billion-year the resulting coastlines.
history. buildup of
gases in the
have influenced
the rise in sea
15. National How do Radiative greenhouse Human activities
Oceanic and Human forcing is a gases result in emissions
Atmospheric Activities measure of accumulate in of four principal
Association Contribute to how the energy the atmosphere, green- house
Climate Change balance of the causing gases: carbon
and How do Earths concentrations dioxide (CO2),
They Compare atmosphere to increase with methane (CH4),
with Natural time nitrous oxide
Influences? (N2O) and the
government halocarbons
Works Cited

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