Soil Sampling: Bulletin 704 (Revised)

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The key takeaways are that soil sampling is important for maximizing nutrient use efficiency and protecting the environment, and proper sampling procedures are critical for accurate fertilizer recommendations. Poor sampling accounts for over 90% of errors in recommendations.

The four steps in a good soil testing program are: 1) taking the sample, 2) analyzing the sample, 3) interpreting the sample analyses, and 4) making the fertilizer recommendations.

A soil test measures a portion of the total nutrient content that can be extracted by a solution, which is then analyzed to determine levels of plant-available nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Soil Bulletin 704


Sampling R. L. Mahler and

T. A.Tindall

Environmental concerns have brought The soil sampling guidelines in this
nutrient management in agriculture publication meet sampling standards What does a soil
under increased scrutiny. A goal of suggested by federal, state, and local test measure?
sound nutrient management is to nutrient management programs in Idaho.
maximize the proportion of applied Present soil-testing methods measure
nutrients that is used by the crop
(nutrient use efficiency). Soil sampling What is a soil test? a certain portion of the total nutrient
content of the soil. During testing,
is a best management practice (BMP)
A soil test is a chemical evaluation of this portion is removed from the soil
for fertilizer management that will
the nutrient-supplying capability of a by an extracting solution that is mixed
help improve nutrient use efficiency
soil at the time of sampling. Not all with the soil for a given length of
and protect the environment.
soil-testing methods are alike nor are time. The solution containing the
Soil sampling is also one of the most all fertilizer recommendations based extracted portion of the nutrient is
important steps in a sound crop on those soil tests equally reliable. separated from the soil by filtration,
fertilization program. Poor soil and then the solution is analyzed.
sampling procedures account for more Reliable fertilizer recommendations
are developed through research by A low soil-test value for a particular
than 90 percent of all errors in
calibrating laboratory soil test values nutrient means the crop will be
fertilizer recommendations based on
and correlating them with crop unable to obtain enough of that
soil tests. Soil test results are only as
responses to fertilizer rates. These soil nutrient from the soil to produce the
good as the soil sample. Once you
test correlation trials must be con- highest yield under average soil and
take a good sample, you must also
ducted for several years on a particular climatic conditions. A nutrient
handle it properly for it to remain a
crop growing on a specific soil type. If deficiency should be corrected by
good sample.
soil test calibration is incomplete, adding the nutrient as a fertilizer. The
A good soil testing program can be fertilizer recommendations based on amount of nutrient that needs to be
divided into four operations: (1) soil-test results still can only be best added for a given soil-test value is
taking the sample, (2) analyzing the guesses. calculated based on results from the
sample, (3) interpreting the sample correlation research test plots.
analyses, and (4) making the fertilizer A soil test does not measure the total
amount of a specific nutrient in the
recommendations. This publication
soil. There is usually little relationship
Sampling timing
focuses on the first step, collecting the
soil sample. between the total amount of a
nutrient in the soil and the amount of Because nutrient concentrations in
Once you take a sample, you must a nutrient that plants can obtain. the soil vary with the season, you
send it to a laboratory for analysis. should take soil samples as close as
Then the Extension agricultural A soil test also does not measure the possible to planting or to the time of
educator or fertilizer fieldman in your amount of plant-available nutrients in crop need for the nutrient. Ideally,
county can interpret the analysis and the soil because not all the nutrients take the soil samples 2 to 4 weeks
make specific fertilizer recommenda- in the soil are in a form readily usable before planting or fertilizing the crop.
tions. Fertilizer guides from the by plants. Through research, however, It usually requires 1 to 3 weeks to take
University of Idaho Cooperative a relationship can usually be estab- a soil sample, get the sample to the
Extension System are also available to lished between soil test nutrient levels testing laboratory, and obtain results.
help you select the correct fertilizer and the total amount of a nutrient in
the soil. Sampling very wet, very dry, or frozen
application rate. soils will not affect soil test results

though collecting soil samples under record of soil test results on each field you can use a shovel or spade for
these conditions is difficult. Do not to evaluate long-term trends in shallow samples.You will need a
sample snowcovered fields. The snow nutrient levels. plastic bucket or other container for
makes it difficult to recognize and each sample to help you collect and
avoid unusual areas in the field, so you mix a composite sample.
may not get a representative sample. Sampling procedure
Be sure that all equipment is clean,
One of the most important steps in a and especially be sure it is free of
Sampling frequency soil testing program is to collect a soil fertilizer. Even a small amount of
sample that represents the area to be fertilizer dust can result in a highly
For best soil fertility management, fertilized. If the soil sample is not erroneous analysis. Do not use a
especially for the mobile nutrients, representative, the test results and galvanized bucket when analyzing for
sample each year and fertilize for the recommendations can be misleading. zinc (Zn) or a rusty shovel or bucket
potential yield of the intended crop. when analyzing for iron (Fe). If the
Having an analysis performed for The correct steps in soil sampling are sample will be analyzed for Fe or
every nutrient each year is not illustrated in figure 1. Before sampling, manganese (Mn), do not dry the soil
necessary. Whether you need an obtain necessary information, materi- sample before shipping.
analysis of a nutrient depends on such als, and equipment from the Exten-
things as its mobility in the soil and sion agricultural educator or fertilizer When sampling, avoid unusual areas
the nutrient requirements of the crop. fieldman in your county. such as eroded sections, dead furrows,
and fence lines. If the field to be
Take soil samples at least once during Use proper soil sampling tools. A soil sampled covers a large area with
each crop rotation cycle. Maintain a auger or probe is most convenient, but

Fig. 1. Follow these steps to obtain a good sample for testing (redrawn courtesy of the National Fertilizer Institute).

Table 2. Effective rooting depth for
some common Idaho crops.

Crop (feet)
(wheat, barley, oats) 5 to 6
Corn 5 to 6
Alfalfa, rapeseed 4 to 5
Hops, grapes, tree fruits 4 to 5
Sugarbeets 2 to 3
Peas, beans, lentils, onions,
potatoes, mint 2
Vegetable seed 1 to 11/2

than you need for analyses. Mix the

Fig. 2. A field with areas identified as sampling units. individual subsamples together
thoroughly and take the soil sample
varied topography, subdivide it into acceptable sample. The more
from the composite mixture. The
relatively uniform sampling units (fig. subsamples you take, the better the
composite sample should be at least 1
2). Sampling subdivision units that are representation of the area sampled.
pintabout 1 poundin size.
too small to fertilize separately may be
of interest, but impractical if you do Take all subsamples randomly from
not treat the small units differently the sampling unit, but be sure to Sampling depth
from the rest of the field. Omit these distribute subsample sites throughout
areas from the sampling. the sampling unit. Meander or zig-zag Depth of sampling is critical because
throughout each sampling unit to tillage and nutrient mobility in the
Within each sampling unit take soil sample the area. Special considerations soil can greatly influence nutrient
samples from several different loca- are necessary in eroded areas, furrow levels in different soil zones (fig. 3).
tions and mix these subsamples into irrigation, under no-till, and where Sampling depth depends on the crop.
one composite sample. The number of fertilizer is banded (see Special cultural practices, tillage depth, and
subsamples needed to obtain a Sampling). the nutrients to be analyzed.
representative composite sample
depends on the uniformity and size of The total amount of soil you collect Because the greatest abundance of
the sampling unit (table 1). Although from the sampling unit may be more plant roots, greatest biological activity,
the numbers of subsamples in table 1
give the best results, they may be
unrealistic if you plan to take a great
number of samples. An absolute
minimum of 10 subsamples from each
sampling unit is necessary to obtain an

Table 1. Number of subsamples

recommended for a
representative composite
sample based on field size.

Field size Number

(acres) of subsample s
fewer than 5 15
5 to 10 18
10 to 25 20
25 to 50 25 Fig. 3. Too deep or shallow a sampling depth can produce inaccurate soil test results. The
more than 50 30 plow layer is usually higher in nonmobile nutrients than the soil layers below it.

and highest nutrient levels occur in nutrients than a sample from the samples cool at all times during and
the surface layers, the upper 12 inches desired 0- to 12-inch sample depth. after sampling. Samples can be frozen
of soil are used for most analyses. The This can lead to erroneous results. or refrigerated for extended periods of
analyses run on the surface sample time without adverse effects.
include soil reaction (pH), phosphorus Depth sampling
(P), potassium (K), organic matter, If the samples cannot be refrigerated
sulfur (S), boron (B), zinc (Zn), and or frozen soon after collection, air dry
When sampling for mobile nutrients
other micronutrients. them or take them directly to the soil
such as nitrogen (N), boron (B), and
testing laboratory. Air dry by spreading
sulfur (S), take samples by 1-foot
Sampling depth is especially critical the sample in a thin layer on a plastic
increments to the effective rooting
for nonmobile nutrients such as P and sheet. Break up all clods or lumps, and
depth of the crop (fig. 4). This can be
K. The recommended sampling depth spread the soil in a layer about l/4
a depth of 5 to 6 feet (table 2) unless
for nonmobile nutrients is 12 inches inch deep. Dry at room temperature.
the soil has a root-limiting layer such
(fig. 3). If a circulating fan is available, position
as bedrock or hardpan. For each foot
it to move the air over the sample for
The tillage zone, typically 6 to 8 depth, take 10 or more subsamples at
rapid drying.
inches deep, usually contains a random from the sampling unit.
relatively uniform, high concentration Caution: Do not dry where agricul-
If you plan to sample less than a year
of nonmobile nutrients. Below the tural chemical or fertilizer fumes or
after banding or injecting fertilizer or
tillage zone the concentration is dust will come in contact with the
if you have any question about
usually lower. Therefore, a sample samples. Do not use artificial heat in
fertilizer placement, use the sampling
from the tillage zone will usually have drying. Ask the Extension agricultural
technique described under Areas
a higher content of nonmobile educator or fertilizer fieldman in your
Where Fertilizer Has
county for more details concerning
Been Banded. Irriga-
special handling of soil samples.
tion or precipitation
should disperse mobile When the soil samples are dry, mix
nutrients over a period the soil thoroughly, crushing any
of a year. coarse lumps. Take from the sample
about 1 pint (roughly 1 pound) of
Sample well-mixed soil and place it in a soil
sample bag or other container. Soil
handling sample bags and soil test report forms
are available from the Cooperative
Soil samples need Extension System office in your
special handling to county or from a fertilizer fieldman.
ensure accurate results
and minimize changes Label the bag carefully with your
in nutrient levels name, the sample number, sample
because of biological depth, and field number. The field
activity. Keep moist soil number should correspond with a
field or farm map showing the areas

Fig. 4. Depth sampling (successive

samples by 12-inch increments) for
mobile nutrients (especially N)
should be continued to rooting
depth, which may be 5 to 6 feet for
some crops.

Fig. 5. Movement of mobile nutrients in furrow-irrigated fields.

Furrow-irrigated fields
For a representative soil sample,
sample furrow-irrigated fields before
the furrowing operation. If furrowing
has already been completed, follow
the special sampling procedures
described here.

The movement of water and dissolved

plant nutrients can create unique
nutrient distribution patterns in the
hills between the furrows (fig. 5). To
obtain a representative sample, you
need to be aware of furrow direction,
spacing, and location, and to take
Fig. 6. Special sampling techniques are irrigated, fields that have had a closely spaced soil samples perpen-
required when soil sampling fertilizer band applied, and fields that dicular to the furrow (fig. 6).
furrow-irrigated fields. Take a are not thoroughly tilled.
sample from the hilltop, the furrow Approximately 20 sites (with at least
bottom, and at the midpoint three samples per site) are needed for
between the hilltop and furrow
Land-leveled and a representative composite soil sample.
bottom. The 12-inch sampling eroded areas At each sampling site, take a sample
depth is based on the midpoint from the hilltop, from the midpoint
sampling location. between the hilltop and furrow, and
Areas that have been eroded or
sampled. This will help you keep an artificially leveled for irrigation from the furrow bottom. The sam-
accurate record of soil test reports. usually have little or no original pling depth at the midpoint between
Provide information on crop to be topsoil. The soil surface may be the hilltop and furrow bottom should
grown, yield potential, recent history exposed subsoil material. These areas be 12 inches. The bottom point of this
of crops grown, yields, fertilizer should be sampled separately if they sample should be the same as for the
applied, and other information. are large enough to be managed furrow and hilltop samples. Thus, the
differently from where topsoil has not furrow sampling depth will be less
been removed. Subsoil material is than 12 inches, while the hilltop
Sample analysis usually low in organic matter and can sampling depth will be more than 12
be high in clay, calcium carbonate inches (fig. 6).
Analyze regularly only for those (lime), or both.
nutrients that have been shown to be Mix the hilltop, midpoint, and furrow
yield limiting in your area or for the samples to make a composite sample
crop to be grown. In general, all soils for each site. Mix the site samples for
should be analyzed for N, P, K, and S . a representative composite field soil
For determination of potential need
for micronutrients, refer to PNW 276,
Current Nutrient Status of Soils in Idaho,
Oregon, and Washington. Occasional
analyses for micronutrient concentra-
tions may be advisable.

Special sampling
Special sampling problems occur in
fields that have been leveled for
irrigation, fields that have lost all or
most topsoil as a result of erosion,
fields that are surface (furrow)

Fig. 7. Diagram of fertilizer location in soil where fertilizer has been banded.

sample to be analyzed for nonmobile Systematic sampling method . If Random sampling method . Use
nutrients (P, K, and micronutrients). you know the direction, depth, and this sampling method when the
Deeper profile sampling (depth spacing of the fertilizer band, you can location of the previous seasons
sampling) is recommended for mobile obtain a representative soil sample fertilizer bands is not known. Take 40
nutrients (N and S). with this sampling procedure. Take 5 to 60 random soil cores to form a
to 10 soil samples perpendicular to composite sample of the area being
Areas where fertilizer the band row beginning in the edge sampled.
of a fertilizer band and ending at the
has been banded edge of an adjacent band (fig. 8). Reduced tillage or
Follow this procedure on at least 20
Banding of fertilizers is becoming a sampling sites in each field or portion
no-till fields
more common practice (fig. 7). In of a field being sampled. Mix and
fields where fertilizers have been composite the soils collected from You may need special approaches to
banded and tillage has occurred before each site to obtain a representative soil soil sampling with reduced tillage or
soil sampling, regular sampling sample. no-till fields because the soil has been
procedures can be followed. However, disturbed so little that fertilizer,
if tillage has not adequately mixed the Controlled sampling method. You whether broadcast on the surface or
soil, special soil sampling is required. If also should know the direction, depth, banded below the surface, is not
a field has had a banded fertilizer and spacing of the fertilizer bands to mixed into the soil.You need to know
application the previous growing obtain a representative soil sample the history of fertilization, tillage, and
season and has not been plowed, an with this method. Take 20 to 30 soil other management practices to
ideal sample would be a continuous cores from locations scattered determine how to obtain a represen-
slice 1 to 2 inches thick and 12 inches throughout the field or portion of the tative sample.
deep extending from the center of field. Avoid sampling directly in a
one band to the center of the next fertilizer band. If nonmobile nutrients (P, K, and
band. micronutrients other than B) have
The composite sample should been surface broadcast and little or no
Little research has been conducted to adequately represent the area being tillage has been used since their
determine the best method of sampled. This method may result in application, remove the surface 1 inch
sampling banded fields. Currently slightly lower soil test values of of soil before sampling. Nutrients in
three different approaches are used nonmobile nutrients (P, K, and the top inch of soil will probably not
widely. Each method produces a micronutrients) than the systematic be available to the growing crop.
satisfactory representative sample, but and random sampling methods.
the effort required to obtain these
samples differs considerably.

Fig. 8. Systematic soil sampling in a field where fertilizer has been banded
(sampling method 1).

Fig. 9. Grid soil sampling pattern where samples are collected every 250 feet. Note that a complete soil sample is collected at each
spot marked with an X.

If fertilizer has been banded with the rate fertilizer application to handle The Soil Conservation Service has a
no-till system, consider methods spatial variability within a field. These digitized soil survey information sys-
suggested in Areas Where Fertilizer application techniques make fertilizer tem (SSIS), which when combined
Has Been Banded. If a field has been nutrient application more precise, with the results of grid sampling
under a continuous no-till system for a resulting in greater nutrient use provides specific information and
long time, determine the pH of the efficiency and reducing pollution recommendations for soils and soil
surface foot at 3-inch intervals (0 to 3, potential. types within a field. The SSIS can
3 to 6, 6 to 9, 9 to 12 inches) every 3 locate pockets of sandy or coarse-
to 5 years. Soil pH will affect the Irrigated fields including individual textured soils where leaching is a
availability of fertilizer nutrients as well pivots should be set up in a 200- to major concern or areas of finer-
as the activity of commonly used 300-foot grid for potato, sugarbeets, textured soils where pockets of
herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. corn, and other potentially high-N- residual N may occur. The SSIS also
use crops (fig. 9). A wider grid of 400 indicates where erosion or surface
Grid sampling in feet may be used for small grains, runoff may be high and where areas
beans, and other crops where N should be targeted for federal pro-
nonuniform fields management is less intensive or under grams such as the Conservation
dryland conditions. Reserve Program.
Many fields are not uniform and vary
both horizontally and vertically across Soil nutrient needs for each segment Another computer-mapping tech-
landscapes. Traditional soil sampling of the grid are entered into a com- nique, Geographic Information
procedures average nutrient levels in puter-driven system mounted on Systems (GIS), can be combined with
soil subsamples to determine average specialized commercial fertilizer the results of grid sampling to provide
nutrient levels in the field. The application equipment.Variable rates growers and land managers with
nutrient values obtained are good, but of nutrients are then applied based on information for land-use planning.
the manager must realize that many of individual soil samples over the entire
the values in the field are either less field. Additional information on proper soil
than or greater than the values sampling procedures can be obtained
determined. When fields are broken A similar system designed for fertilizer from the Extension agricultural
into grids with shorter distances applications through pivot sprinklers educator or fertilizer fieldman in your
between the sampling points a more is being developed by the University county.
precise soil map can be developed to of Idaho. This system has the potential
to apply variable rates of nutrients and The authorsRobert L. Mahler, soil
determine nutrient needs.
water specifically related to changes scientist, Moscow, and Terry A. Tindall,
The technology is now available to across individual fields. former Extension soil scientist, Twin
Falls Research and Extension Center;
combine grid sampling with variable
both with the University of Idaho
Department of Plant, Soil, and
Entomological Sciences.

Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914,
in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, LeRoy D. Luft, Director of Cooperative Extension System,
University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844. The University of Idaho provides equal opportunity in education and employment on the basis of race,
color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran,
as required by state and federal laws.
5,750 1990-94, 1,500 8-97 (reprint) $2.00

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