AGR524 Calibration

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Knapsack Application
• Worker himself /herself
• Pumping rhythm, f requency, pressure change resulting in
change in f low change/rate
• Walking speed
• Lance height af f ecting spray swath width
• Nozzle tampering, adjustable nozzles
• Dirty water, blockage
• High pressure resulting in f ine drops & drif t, depending on
weather conditions
• Low pressure resulting in large drops that bounce and can be
lost via run of f .

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 193

Calibration of Sprayer
• the mathematical determination of the amount of chemical and
spray solution to cover a specif ic area.
• Proper calibration of herbicide application equipment is important f or
accurate application rate f or:
– Saf ety
– Economical reason
– Ef f ective weed control
– to avoid environmental contamination
• An understanding of how a sprayer operates and especially the
f actors inf luencing the amount of liquid applied is important in getting
a sprayer set up f or a specif ic job.

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 194


Important Factors

• Walking Speed
– walking speed at a normal
• Spray Width or Swath
– width of the sprayer band
– influenced by height of the
nozzle from the target
• Flow Rate
– nozzle output
– affected by pressure

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 195

Illustration of Spray Height, angle

and Coverage

e Nozzle height (h)


Swath (w)

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 196


1. Determine nozzle discharge (L/min)

i) Fill the sprayer with water and pump it to working pressure.

ii) Dip nozzle into bucket/jar and spray water into this
container for precisely one minute.

iii) Measure the quantity of water collected in a graduated

cylinder. Repeat this calibration at least three times
to obtain the average nozzle discharge per minute.

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 197

2. Determine the walking speed (m/min)

i) Mark the starting point with a stake in a field or on empty


ii) The sprayer should be carried on the back and operated by

pumping while directing the nozzle at the height meant for
the target. Walk for exactly one minute, while someone else
reads the time on a watch. Walk at a normal and constant

iii) When one minute has elapsed, mark the ending point with
another stake and measure the distance between the staring
and ending points. Repeat this action three times
to obtain average walking speed.

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 198


3. Determine the width of the spray swath (m)

Measure also the width of the swath. If the spraying is conducted in
swinging pattern, the swath width is the distance between the arc

Swath width (m)

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 199

4. Calculate the area sprayed in 1 minute

Area sprayed per minute (m 2 /min) = Width of swath (m) X walking speed (m/min)

Area sprayed in 1 min

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 200


5. Calculate the volume sprayed per area

Volume sprayed (L)

= Nozzle discharge (L/min) X 10,000 (m 2 ) X area (Ha)
Width of swath (m) X walking speed (m/min)

Example : Calculate the spray volume (V) of Herbicide A

for an area of 2.3 Ha if the width of swath is 1 m, nozzle
flow rate is 0.8 L/min and walking speed is 30 m/min.

V = Nozzle discharge (L/min) X 10,000 (m 2 ) X area (Ha)

Width of swath (m) X walking speed (m/min)

V = 0.8 (L/min) X 10,000 (m 2 ) x 2.3 = 613 L

1 (m) X 30 (m/min)
AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 201

6. Calculate the loading frequency for an area

Loading frequency (refill frequency)

= Volume to be sprayed (L)
Volume of sprayer (L)

Example : Calculate the loading frequency of Herbicide A

for the area of 1.5 Ha if the width of swath is 1.2 m, nozzle
flow rate is 1.3 L/min and walking speed is 32 m/min and
the sprayer tank used is of capacity 25 L.

Loading frequency = Volume to be sprayed (L)

Volume of sprayer (L)

= 1.3 (L/min) X 10,000 (m 2 ) X 1.5 = 20 times

1.2 (m) X 32 (m/min) X 25

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 202


Calculation of Quantity
of Herbicide
• Factors must be known:
– recommended rate in kg or L of a.i. per ha
– % a.i. in the commercial formulation
– spray volume per ha
– area to be treated

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 203


• Given:
– recommended rate: 15 g a.i./ha
– spray volume: 450 L/ha (10,000 m 2)
– the commercial formulation (DF) contains 20% a.i.
– area to be treated is 2.5 ha (25,000 m 2)
• Problems:
– What is the amount of commercial formulation
required to treat the 2.5 ha area?
– What is the amount of formulation needed per
sprayer load, if one is going to use a 18L sprayer?

AGR524 Plantation Weed Management Sprayer Calibration 204


Commercial f ormulation required f or 2.5 ha
= rate (g a.i./ha) X area to be treated (ha)
% a.i.
= 15 X 2.5
= 187.5 g

Amount of f ormulation required per sprayer load

= rate (g a.i./ha) X capacity of sprayer (L)
% a.i. X spray volume per ha (L) Use herbicide rate
= 15 X 18 per Ha and spray
0.20 X 450 volume per Ha
=3 g

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