BTS Safety Manual Final Version Revised 3-21-07 PDF

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Broadband Telecoms



Broadband Telecom Service recognizes that our people drive the business. As
the most critical resource, employees & contractors will be safeguarded through
training, provision of appropriate work surroundings and procedures that foster
protection of health and safety. All work conducted by Broadband Telecom
Services employees & contractors will take into account the intent of this policy.
No duty, no matter what its perceived result, will be deemed more important than
employee health and safety.

Broadband Telecom Service is firmly committed to the safety of our employees &
contractors. We will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and
is committed to providing a safe working environment for all employees &

We value our employees & contractors not only as employees but also as human
beings critical to the success of their family, the local community and Broadband
Telecom Service.

Employees & contractors are encouraged to report any unsafe work practices or
safety hazards encountered on the job. All accidents/incidents (no matter how
slight) are to be immediately reported to the supervisor on duty.

A key factor in implementing this policy will be the strict compliance to all
applicable federal, state, local, and company policies and procedures. Failure to
comply with these policies may result in disciplinary actions.

Respecting this, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will make every reasonable
effort to provide a safe and healthful workplace that is free from any recognized
or known potential hazards. Additionally, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
subscribes to these principles:

1. All accidents are preventable through implementation of effective Safety and

Health Control policies and programs.

2. Safety and Health controls are a major part of our work every day.

3. Accident prevention is good business. It minimizes human suffering,

promotes better working conditions for everyone, holds Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc. in higher regard with customers, and increases productivity.
This is why Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will comply with all safety and
health regulations which apply to the course and scope of operations.

4. Management is responsible for providing the safest possible workplace for
Employees & contractors. Consequently, management of Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc. is committed to allocating and providing all of the
resources needed to promote and effectively implement this safety policy.

5. Employees & contractors are responsible for following safe work practices,
company rules and for preventing accidents and injuries. Management will
establish lines of communication to solicit and receive comments, information,
suggestions and assistance from employees & contractors where safety and
health are concerned.

6. Management and supervisors of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will set

an exemplary example with good attitudes and strong commitment to safety
and health in the workplace. Toward this end, Management must monitor
company safety and health performance, working environment and conditions
to ensure that program objectives are achieved.

7. Our safety program applies to all employees & contractors and persons
affected or associated in any way by the scope of this business. Everyones
goal must be to constantly improve safety awareness and to prevent
accidents and injuries.

Everyone at Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. must be involved and committed

to safety. This must be a team effort. Together, we can prevent accidents and
injuries. Together, we can keep each other safe and healthy in the work that
provides our livelihood.

Preface ........................................................................................................ 2-3

Table of Contents......................................................................................... 4

Employee & Contractors Safety Responsibilities ......................................... 5

Safety Rules for Broadband Telecom .......................................................... 6-12

Emergency Action Plan................................................................................ 13-14

Emergency Contact Information................................................................... 15

Fire Prevention Plan and Electrical Safety................................................... 16

Reporting Injuries......................................................................................... 17

Office Safety and Security ........................................................................... 18-19

Sexual Harassment Policy .......................................................................... 20-21

Protocol for Serious Injury............................................................................ 22-23

Vehicle Use Policy ....................................................................................... 24-25

Employee / Contractor Acknowledgement Form.......................................... 26-29


Injury Report Form ....................................................................................... 30

The primary responsibility of the employees & contractors and contractors of
Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. is to perform his or her duties in a safe
manner, in order to prevent injury to themselves and others.

As a condition of employment, employees & contractors MUST become familiar

with, observe, and obey Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.s rules and
established policies for health, safety, and preventing injuries while at work.
Additionally, employees & contractors MUST learn the approved safe practices
and procedures that apply to their work. Every employee and contractor is
expected to comply with the Safety Manual, as well as OSHA Health and Safety

Before beginning special work or new assignments, an employee should review

applicable and appropriate safety rules.

If an employee has any questions about how a task should be done safely, he or
she is under instruction NOT to begin the task until they discuss the situation with
their supervisor. Together, they will determine the safe way to do the job.

If, after discussing a safety situation with their supervisor, an employee still has
questions or concerns, he or she is required to contact the Safety Coordinator.

NO EMPLOYEE IS EVER REQUIRED to perform work that they believe is

unsafe or that they think is likely to cause injury or a health risk to themselves or

1. Conduct: horseplay, practical jokes, etc. are forbidden. Employees &
contractors are required to work in an injury free manner displaying accepted
levels of behavior. Conduct which places the employee or others at risk, or
which threatens or intimidates others is forbidden.

2. Drugs and Alcohol use and/or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol on

company property or on company time is forbidden. Reporting for work while
under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is forbidden.

3. Housekeeping: The following areas must remain clear of obstructions:

Fire extinguishers and emergency equipment
All electrical breakers, controls, and switches

You are responsible to keep your work area clean and safe. Clean-up several
times throughout the day disposing of trash and waste in approved
containers, wiping up any drips/spills immediately and putting equipment and
tools away as you are finished with them.

4. Injury Reporting: All work related injuries must be reported to your

supervisor immediately. Failure to immediately report injuries can result in
loss of Workers Compensation benefits. After all medical appointments,
resulting from a work related injury, you must contact your supervisor to
discuss your progress. You must also give your supervisor any paperwork
that you received at the appointment.

5. Personal Protective Equipment: Inspect PPE prior to each use. Do not use
damaged PPE. You are required to maintain and keep PPE clean.

a) Safety Glasses must be worn at all times in designated areas in this


b) Hard Hats must be worn at all times in designated areas.

c) Gloves work gloves must be worn at all times when handling sharp or
rough stock, welding, or performing other jobs, which could cause hand
injuries. Synthetic gloves must be worn when handling chemicals.

6. Equipment Operation: You must specifically be trained and authorized by
your supervisor to operate the following:

Company vehicles,
Machine and power tools,
Paint sprayers.

When operating machines: do not wear loose clothing, long hair should be
tied up and back, remove jewelry, and sleeves should either be rolled all the
way up, or all the way down.

Never operate damaged or defective equipment. Turn the machine off and
report it to your supervisor immediately.

Never tamper with, remove, or deactivate machine guards or controls

designed to ensure safe operations.

Never reach into an operating machine or moving machine part.

7. Ladders:

Inspect all ladders prior to each use;

Ladders must be placed on secure footing;
Only one person is allowed on a ladder at one time;
Never stand on the top two steps of a stepladder;
Always maintain 3 point contact when working on ladders;
Never reach beyond arm length when working off of a ladder; and
Never use metal ladders when working on or around electrical

8. Cranes/Hoists/Lifting Devices:

a) Inspect all cranes, hoists and lifting devices (slings, hooks, etc.) prior to
each use. Never use damaged equipment.

b) Never walk under a load suspended from a hoist or crane.

c) Keep all personnel clear of the fall zone of the crane/hoist.

d) Know the weight of material being lifted. Never overload a crane/hoist.

9. Lockout/Tagout prior to working on any machinery when guards are
removed, every energy source (electrical, hydraulic, chemical, mechanical,
etc.) must be deactivated, stored energy dissipated, and the control locked in
the off (safe) position.

Never remove or tamper with a lockout performed by another employee or

contractor. A lockout could consist of a lock applied to a control such as a
switch, breaker, or valve. A tag containing words such as DANGER DO NOT
OPERATE may also be used for lockout. If you see the lock, the tag, or both
applied to an energy control device it means, Keep your hands off.

10. Hazard Communication:

a) All chemical containers must be labeled to identify contents and

hazards. Most labels use numbers to rank the hazard level in three
important areas:
-FIRE (red background color) will the material burn?
-HEALTH (blue background) is the material dangerous to my body?
-REACTIVITY (yellow background) is the material dangerously

After each hazard (Fire, Health, Reactivity) a number from 1-4 will be
assigned. The numbers reflects the degree (or amount) of hazard:
-0 Minimal
-1 Slight
-2 Moderate
-3 Serious
-4 Severe

b) A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be secured for all

chemicals purchased or brought on site. You have a right to access
MSDSs ask your supervisor.

c) Follow all label and MSDS instructions including amount instructions.

d) Do not mix chemicals unless authorized to do so.

e) Keep all chemicals in closed containers.

f) Store all flammable liquids in safety cabinets or safety cans. Never use
flammable chemicals around ignition sources such as smokers, pilot
lights, or arcing/sparking electrical equipment.

g) Wear required Personal Protective Equipment and minimize contact

with the chemical.

h) Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using chemicals. And always wash
your hands after handling chemicals.

11. Confined Space Entry only trained and authorized employees &
contractors are permitted to enter confined spaces. If you believe that your
job requires confined space entry contact your supervisor prior to undertaking
the work. (Confined spaces are areas not meant for human occupancy, have
limited means of entry/exit, and have electrical, chemical, thermal,
atmosphere, or entrapment hazards).

12. Emergencies:

a) In the event of any serious injury or fire call 911. Send someone to the
facility entrance to meet the Fire Department. If in doubt, call 911.

b) Upon discovering a fire, alert others in immediate danger and initiate

facility wide fire alarm.

c) When the evacuation signal is given, all employees & contractors

should immediately turn off equipment, close doors, and evacuate to
their designated evacuation areas. Attendance will be taken to account
for all personnel. Stay together in the group until further instructions
are received.

d) Do not attempt to fight any fire which is uncontained, too hot, too
smoky, or if you are too frightened.

e) To use a fire extinguisher, remember PASS:

P = Pull (the safety pin)
A = Aim (at the base of the fire)
S = Squeeze (the lever)
S = Sweep (side to side)

If you use a fire extinguisher, remember:
Stay low.
Keep yourself between the fire and an exit
Do not turn your back on a fire
Immediately report the use to your supervisor

d) Do not touch blood or any other bodily fluid during or following an incident.
If you are trained to administer first aid, gloves and other barriers are
located with the first aid equipment. If you think that you have been
exposed to bodily fluid notify your supervisor immediately.

13. Company Vehicles and Driver Safety:

a) Only employees & contractors authorized by Broadband Telecom

Services, Inc. are permitted to operate Broadband Telecom Services,
Inc. vehicles.

b) No side trips or personal use of company vehicles are permitted.

c) Seat belts/shoulder harnesses must be worn whenever the vehicle is in


d) All local and state traffic regulations and signs must be followed.

e) No unauthorized riders (hitchhikers, etc.) are allowed.

f) All moving violations resulting in points being assigned to your license

must be reported to your supervisor.

g) Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is forbidden.

Employees & contractors driving their personal vehicles on

company business must follow c through g above.

14. Electrical Safety:

a) Never operate or tamper with the electrical main switch or breakers.

You are authorized only to operate switches/disconnects on/for
individual machines.

b) Report all electrical problems and suspected problems to your


c) All junction boxes, control boxes, connections, and other wiring must
have covers securely installed to prevent accidental contact.

d) Inspect all plugs, cords, and portable equipment prior to use.

e) Report any damaged electrical equipment to your supervisor. Only

authorized personnel are permitted to make repairs.

f) Extension cords are to be used only for temporary applications. Never

stretch cords across aisles or areas where others may trip over them.
Do not attach extension cords to the building or run them under
rugs/mats or through walls.

g) Any personal electrical devices must be approved by Broadband

Telecom Services, Inc. prior to use.

15. Lifting:

a) If you need help moving material, ask for it.

b) When you lift, use your leg muscles by squatting close to the load,
preserving the curve in your back, spreading your feet, and lifting with
your legs, keeping the load close to your body.

c) When you turn holding an object, move your feet, do not twist.

16. Staying Safe - Report any unsafe conditions or situations to your

supervisor. If you have suggestions on improving any aspect of safety in the
facility discuss it. If you are ever unsure of how to operate a piece of
equipment or complete an assignment ask for help. Asking for help when
you are unsure reduces the chance of being injured.

These rules have been established to help you stay safe and injury free. Violation
of the above rules, or conduct that does not meet minimum accepted work
standards, will result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

When working at a customer location, employees & contractors are required to

follow the above rules as well as all customer rules and procedures and work in a
manner, which reflects positively on the company. Before operating any
equipment at a customer location permission must be secured from the customer

Operations Managers, Jeff Hartsell and Gary McDonell, are designated as
Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.s Safety Coordinators. The Safety
Coordinators are responsible for implementation and compliance with the Safety
and Health Policy of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. and is accountable for
results as measured by criteria such as incident rates.

Other responsibilities include:

1. Resolve questions, approve and/or recommend necessary expenditures to
correct unsafe conditions.
2. Make regular shop, warehouse, office and ground job site tours, and safety
inspections to determine if safe work practices are being observed; and to
ensure that unsafe conditions do not exist.
3. Actively participate and follow the safety and health programs.
4. Plan, coordinate, perform, or delegate all safety training and testing given to
supervisors, employees and contractors. Review results to be sure they are
satisfactory. Maintain appropriate records of training and testing.
5. Review disciplinary actions with the employees.
6. Personally perform safety inspections, and review safety inspection reports
and unsafe conditions reported by supervisors, employees & contractors or
others. Make or obtain corrections as required to maintain a safe workplace
and ensure compliance.
7. Conduct regular safety meetings with employees & contractors to promote
safety awareness and compliance with the Safety and Health Policies.
8. Ensure safety awareness among workers through regular meetings.
9. Ensure compliance with safe work practices and Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc.s safety rules. Take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure
compliance. This includes safe working procedures in flange and fitting
machine shop operations saw shop operations, the warehouse, yard, and
office operations.
10. Investigate accidents and assist with completion of accident report forms
when required.
11. Review reports of first aid incidents and reportable injuries to determine
possible preventative actions. Take immediate corrective actions as required.

12. Ensure that specific programs (i.e. hazard communication, protection from
bloodborne pathogens, hearing conservation, forklift safety/operator
certification) are implemented and complied with consistently.


Stay calm and think through your actions.

Know the emergency numbers:
Fire/Police/Ambulance 911
Your Immediate Supervisor

Do not hesitate to call/alert others if you believe that an emergency is

occurring you will not get in trouble.
Know where emergency equipment is located

Employees & contractors will be notified of a fire alarm by the fire
alarm system
Upon becoming aware of a fire alarm, employees & contractors should
immediately evacuate the building using the closest stairs. Do not
delay evacuation to get personal belongings or wait for friends. And all
doors should be closed as the last person passes through. (Note:
never use elevators during fire alarm situations).
Supervisors should be the last persons to leave the area. Check in
conference rooms, lavatories, and offices to be sure that all personnel
have evacuated.
Any employee having a mobility, visual, hearing, or other condition
which may hinder them from becoming aware of an emergency or
evacuating, should request special assistance through Human
Upon exiting the building personnel should report to a designated area
for headcount. Office personnel should gather and be accounted for
by their immediate supervisor.
If any employee is missing an immediate report should be made to the
supervisor or manager who will in turn report to the first available fire
department officer.
Employees & contractors should stay together in a group so that
periodic updates on the situation can be issued.
The order to re-occupy the building will be issued by the manager or
supervisor at the scene.

Alert other persons in the immediate hazard area.
Activate a fire alarm and call 911.
If you have been trained, you can decide to use a fire extinguisher
following these instructions:
-P=Pull the safety pin
-A=Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
-S=Squeeze the operating lever
-S=Sweep side to side covering the base of the fire
*When using a fire extinguisher always stay between the fire and an exit; stay low and back
away when the fire is extinguished.
*Never feel that using a fire extinguisher is required. If the fire is too hot, too smoky or you
are frightened evacuate.

Have someone notify the manager or supervisor where the emergency

is located. He/she will relay this information to the fire department.

3. MEDICAL EMERGENCY: (chest pains, loss of consciousness, fall from a height, etc.)
Upon discovering a medical emergency, Call 911.
Stay with the person involved being careful not to come in contact with
any bodily fluids, unless properly trained and equipped.
Send two persons to the building entrance to await the fire department.
Employees & contractors in the vicinity of the emergency not involved
should leave the area.
Human Resources will make any necessary notifications to family
members of the person suffering the medical emergency.

Any employee who feels that she/he has been threatened should
immediately report their concern to their manager and to Human
If any person is observed exhibiting threatening behavior or making
threatening statements the person discovering the situation should
warn others in the area and immediately notify Human Resources.
Depending upon the level of concern the local police department (911)
can be called immediately.
Never attempt to confront any person exhibiting threatening behavior.

*If you have reason to believe that events in your personal life could result in
acts of violence occurring at work you are urged to confidentially discuss the
issue with Human Resources so that a prevention plan can be developed.

Please fill these in for your local area

FIRE DEPARTMENT: _____________________________________________

TELEPHONE: ______________________

POLICE DEPARTMENT: __________________________________________

TELEPHONE: _____________________


TELEPHONE: _____________________

HOSPITAL: ______________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: _____________________

DOCTOR: ______________________ ADDRESS:____________________

TELEPHONE: _____________________

1. Smoking is not allowed in any interior area of the building. Smoking is only
allowed in designated exterior smoking areas.

2. No candles or open flames are allowed within the facility.

3. Hot work: contractors performing hot work (welding, grinding, flame cutting,
brazing, soldering, etc.) must contact [insert name] for approval prior to the
start of the work.

4. Only space heaters provided by the company are approved for use within the
facility. Employees & contractors using space heaters are responsible to turn
the heater off when leaving their desk for extended periods of time (lunch,
end of the work day, etc.).

5. No flammable chemicals are allowed inside the building at any time. If you
feel that there is a work-related need to use a flammable chemical, contact
Human Resources for guidance.

6. Electrical safety:
Extension cords are not allowed with the exception of independently
fused multi-tap cords for computers.
Keep electric cords out of areas where they will be damaged by
stepping on/kicking them.
Turn electrical appliances off with the switch, not by pulling out the
Turn all appliances off before leaving for the day.
Radios/tape/CD players and PDAs are the only personal electrical
devices allowed to be used in offices/cubes. These devices must be in
good repair. Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. reserves the right to
instruct you to remove personal electrical devices at any time.
Never run cords under rugs or other floor coverings.
Any electrical problems should be reported immediately to [insert

7. The following areas must remain clear and unobstructed at all times:
Exit doors,
Electrical panels, and
Fire extinguishers.


All work-related injuries should always be reported immediately to your

supervisor no later than the end of the shift on which the injury occurs.

You must complete and sign an Injury Report (You will get this form
from your supervisor.)

Injury Report Form includes:

Who, What, Where, When, Why and How

Failure to report an injury immediately (meaning at or near the time of

the injury and on the same day of the injury) is a violation of the safety
policy, may result in immediate termination, in accordance with
company policy.

When medical treatment is sought, the injured employee/ contractor

must advise their supervisor that they are seeking treatment.

Employees who are unable to work and whose absences Broadband

Telecom Services, Inc. approves must keep us informed on a weekly
basis of their status. Failure to do so will result in a reduction in
benefits available and discipline, up to and including termination from

If you are unable to return to your regular job or transitional duty, your
absence must be approved under the Family Medical Leave program.
For this purpose you need to complete a Family Medical Leave
Request form and submit it to the Human Resources Department. You
must also have your practitioner complete both the Transitional Duty
Evaluation and Medical Certification form.

Employees who are not eligible for leave under the Family Medical
Leave Act (FMLA) must return to transitional duty or regular work if at
all possible. If you are unable to return to any available work, your job
position may be filled after a reasonable time. When able to do so, you
will be entitled to return to a suitable position, if available and
consistent with any limitations.

Employees must provide a Transitional Duty Evaluation form indicating

they are capable of returning to full-duty. Permanent restrictions will
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and relate to the performance of
essential job functions. No permanent light duty positions will be

Office Safety:

1. Never leave file drawers open or open multiple file drawers at once.

2. Do not stack heavy or bulky objects on top of cabinets.

3. Do not store frequently used objects above shoulder height or below knee

4. Never reach into office machines without turning them off and unplugging
them if possible.

5. Keep your work area free of trip hazards such as storage in walkways, cords
across aisles, and damaged floor coverings.

6. Inspect step stools/ladders before use. Be sure to keep a stationary object in

front of you when using a step stool to provide stability.

7. Never use defective or broken equipment. Report these problems to your



1. Always be aware of your surroundings. Keep your head up and hands out of
your pockets while walking to and from your car.

2. Immediately report any suspicious activity or person to your supervisor /

manager. And immediately report any theft to supervisor / manager.

3. When parking, remove all valuables from sight and lock car doors.

4. Do not enter an elevator car if you are concerned about other riders, wait for
the next car.

5. Keep all valuables (money, purses, jewelry, etc.) out of site when at your
desk. Do not bring large sums of money or other valuables into the building.

6. Secure lap top computers, PDAs, and other small electronic devices before
leaving your office or cube for extended periods of time (lunch, going home,

7. If you are working alone and are in the office before or after regular business
hours, on weekends, or holidays, observe these additional guidelines:
Be sure doors close and lock after you.
Turn on lights as you move through the building.
Always be aware of the closest telephone (do not hesitate to call 911 if
you feel threatened).
Be sure that someone at home knows that you are at work and is
expecting you to check in by a specified time.
As you leave be sure to turn off all equipment and lights that had you

8. Weapons including firearms, knives (blade longer than two inches),

bow/arrow, pepper spray (mace, tear gas), and clubs are not allowed on
Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. property.

Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. does not tolerate harassment of our job
applicants, employees, contractors, clients, guests, vendors, customers, or
persons doing business with Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. Any form of
harassment related to an employees race, color, sex, religion, national origin,
age, citizenship status, veteran status, or handicap is a violation of this policy and
will be treated as a disciplinary matter. For these purposes, the term harassment
includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, or other verbal, graphic, or physical
conduct relating to an individuals race, color, sex, religion, or national origin;
sexual advances; requests for sexual favors and other verbal, graphic, or physical
conduct of a sexual nature.

Violation of this policy by an employee shall subject that employee to disciplinary

action, up to and including immediate discharge.

Sexual harassment, one type of prohibited harassment, has been defined

according to Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. guidelines as:

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition, either

explicitly or implicitly, of an individuals employment;

Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as

a factor in decisions affecting that individuals employment; or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with

an individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive working environment.

Examples of conduct prohibited by this policy include but are not limited
Unwelcome sexual flirtation, advances, or propositions;
Verbal comments related to an individuals age, race, gender, color,
religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation;
Explicit or degrading verbal comments about another individual or
his/her appearance;
The display of sexually suggestive pictures or objects in any workplace
location including transmission or display via computer;
Any sexually offensive or abusive physical conduct;

The taking of or the refusal to take any personnel action based on an
employees submission to or referral of sexual overtures; and
Displaying cartoons or telling jokes which relate to an individuals age,
race, gender, color, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual

Harassment of our employees & contractors in connection with their work by

nonemployees may also be a violation of this policy. Any employee who becomes
aware of any harassment of an employee by a nonemployee should report such
harassment to his or her supervisor. Appropriate action will be taken with respect
to violation of this policy by any nonemployee.

If you believe that you are being subjected to workplace harassment, you should:

1. Tell the harasser that his or her actions are not welcome and they must
stop, if you feel comfortable enough to do so.

2. Report the incident immediately to your supervisor/manager, the site

Human Resources representative, or the Employee Relations

3. Report any additional incidents that may occur to one of the above

Any reported incident will be investigated. Complaints and actions taken to

resolve complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible, given Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc.s obligation to investigate and act upon reports of such

Retaliation of any kind against an employee who reports a suspected incident of

sexual harassment is prohibited. An employee who violates this policy or
retaliates against an employee in any way will be subject to disciplinary action up
to and including termination.

Any work-related accident resulting in serious injury or the death of an employee
presents significant, emotional challenges for management. Following are some
guidelines, which may reduce the effects on fellow employees & contractors and
minimize the impact from regulators such as OSHA.

1. Be prepared to talk to local police officials, district attorney investigators,

coroners, and OSHA compliance officers. Be aware that police and district
attorneys can conduct criminal investigations. Be truthful but do not
speculate or offer unsolicited opinions, information, or theories. Also be
prepared for contacts from local news media. Consult with legal advisors if
in doubt. (Operate under the assumption that OSHA will investigate. Take
steps to be sure that your entire facility is as prepared as possible).

2. Fatalities and incidents resulting in three or more employees & contractors

receiving inpatient hospitalization must be reported within 8 hours to the
closest OSHA area office. If after hours, the incident can be reported to
OSHA at: 1-800-321-6742.

3. Have a representative of your company contact the employees next of kin

to inform her/him of the circumstances. If possible this contact should be
made in person. Offer to provide transportation and/or other support. (For
example, providing a Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. representative at
the hospital will convey the companys concern).

4. Get all witnesses names. If some witnesses are not employees &
contractors, be sure to get full addresses and phone numbers.

5. Render safe any hazards created by the accident scene. (i.e. material that
may fall, leaking chemicals, etc.). Rope off or otherwise isolate the
accident scene early on to prevent it from becoming a tourist attraction.

6. Conduct an initial investigation. If equipment and/or duties directly

involved in the accident are duplicated elsewhere in the company take
immediate steps to assure that there will be no reoccurrence of the

7. Take pictures to document the scene. Note anything that may help you
identify specific equipment involved such as serial numbers, license plate
numbers, etc.

8. Follow Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.s procedure for bloodborne
pathogens in cleaning any bodily fluid spills.

9. Consider meeting with employees & contractors in small groups to discuss, in

general terms:

9 The serious accident that occurred.

9 That all the necessary steps were taken to care for the person
9 That an accident investigation is being performed.
9 That all employees & contractors will be kept informed.
9 The availability of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (if
9 The encouragement and request that employees & contractors work

10. Request your supervisors be alert for employees & contractors who may not
be paying full attention to their jobs and thereby jeopardizing their own safety.
During these discussions do not discuss fault, discipline, opinions, etc.

11. If your company has a physician on contract, have him/her follow the case.

Effective Date: September 1, 2006

To: All drivers of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.

This policy applies to:
Vehicles owned, leased, or rented to Broadband Telecom Services
Personally owned vehicles driven by employees & contractors on
behalf of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
The following policy has been established to encourage safe operation of
vehicles, and clarify insurance issues relating to drivers and Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc.
All drivers must have a valid drivers license.
Motor Vehicle Records will be checked periodically. Driving privileges
may be suspended or terminated if your record indicates an
unacceptable number of accidents or violations. Should your record
fall into our insurance carriers guidelines of an, unacceptable driver,
your employment may be terminated.
Your supervisor must be notified of any change in your license status
or driving record.
When operating your own vehicle for Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
Your Personal Auto Liability insurance is the primary payer. Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc.s insurance is in excess of your coverage.
You should carry at least $300,000 per occurrence liability coverage.
Evidence of insurance coverage is to be provided to Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc. each year, by either a copy of your policys
Declaration page or a Certificate of Insurance.
Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. is not responsible for any physical
damage to your vehicle. You must carry your own collision and
comprehensive coverage.
Report your mileage for expense reimbursement.
In the event of an accident:
Take necessary steps to protect the lives of yourself and others.
Comply with police instructions.
Do not assume or admit fault. Others will determine liability and
negligence after thorough investigation.
Report the accident to Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. as soon as
By signing this document you are agreeing that you have read and
understood the above and will comply with this policy.

________________________________ _____________________
Employee / Contractors Signature Date

Effective Date: September 1, 2006

To: All drivers of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.

This policy applies to:
Vehicles owned, leased, or rented to Broadband Telecom Services
Personally owned vehicles driven by employees & contractors on
behalf of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
The following policy has been established to encourage safe operation of
vehicles, and clarify insurance issues relating to drivers and Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc.
All drivers must have a valid drivers license.
Motor Vehicle Records will be checked periodically. Driving privileges
may be suspended or terminated if your record indicates an
unacceptable number of accidents or violations. Should your record
fall into our insurance carriers guidelines of an, unacceptable driver,
your employment may be terminated.
Your supervisor must be notified of any change in your license status
or driving record.
When operating your own vehicle for Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
Your Personal Auto Liability insurance is the primary payer. Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc.s insurance is in excess of your coverage.
You should carry at least $300,000 per occurrence liability coverage.
Evidence of insurance coverage is to be provided to Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc. each year, by either a copy of your policys
Declaration page or a Certificate of Insurance.
Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. is not responsible for any physical
damage to your vehicle. You must carry your own collision and
comprehensive coverage.
Report your mileage for expense reimbursement.
In the event of an accident:
Take necessary steps to protect the lives of yourself and others.
Comply with police instructions.
Do not assume or admit fault. Others will determine liability and
negligence after thorough investigation.
Report the accident to Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. as soon as
By signing this document you are agreeing that you have read and
understood the above and will comply with this policy.

________________________________ _____________________
Employee / Contractors Signature Date

Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. is firmly committed to your safety. We
will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and are committed to
providing a safe working environment for you and all employees & contractors.

We value you not only as an employee but also as a human being critical to the
success of your family, the local community, and Broadband Telecom Services,

You are encouraged to report any unsafe work practices or safety hazards
encountered on the job. All accidents/incidents (no matter how slight) are to be
immediately reported to the supervisor on duty.

A key factor in implementing this policy will be the strict compliance to all
applicable federal, state, local, and Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. policies
and procedures. Failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary

Respecting this, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will make every reasonable
effort to provide a safe and healthful workplace that is free from any recognized
or known potential hazards. Additionally, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
subscribes to these principles:

1. All accidents are preventable through implementation of effective Safety and

Health Control policies and programs.

2. Safety and Health controls are a major part of our work every day.

3. Accident prevention is good business. It minimizes human suffering,

promotes better working conditions for everyone, holds Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc. in higher regard with customers, and increases productivity.
This is why Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will comply with all safety and
health regulations which apply to the course and scope of operations.

4. Management is responsible for providing the safest possible workplace for

Employees & contractors. Consequently, management of Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc. is committed to allocating and providing all of the
resources needed to promote and effectively implement this safety policy.

5. Employees & contractors are responsible for following safe work practices,
company rules, and for preventing accidents and injuries. Management will
establish lines of communication to solicit and receive comments, information,
suggestions, and assistance from employees & contractors where safety and
health are concerned.

6. Management and supervisors of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will set
an exemplary example with good attitudes and strong commitment to safety
and health in the workplace. Toward this end, management must monitor

7. Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.s safety and health performance, working

environment, and conditions to ensure that program objectives are achieved.

8. Our safety program applies to all employees & contractors and persons
affected or associated in any way by the scope of this business. Everyones
goal must be to constantly improve safety awareness and to prevent
accidents and injuries.

Everyone at Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. must be involved and committed

to safety. This must be a team effort. Together, we can prevent accidents and
injuries and keep each other safe and healthy in the work that provides our

By signing this document, I confirm the receipt of Broadband Telecom

Services, Inc.s employee safety handbook. I have read and understood all
policies, programs, and actions as described and agree to comply with
these set policies.

Employee/ Contractors Signature Date

Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. is firmly committed to your safety. We
will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and are committed to
providing a safe working environment for you and all employees & contractors.

We value you not only as an employee but also as a human being critical to the
success of your family, the local community, and Broadband Telecom Services,

You are encouraged to report any unsafe work practices or safety hazards
encountered on the job. All accidents/incidents (no matter how slight) are to be
immediately reported to the supervisor on duty.

A key factor in implementing this policy will be the strict compliance to all
applicable federal, state, local, and Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. policies
and procedures. Failure to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary

Respecting this, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will make every reasonable
effort to provide a safe and healthful workplace that is free from any recognized
or known potential hazards. Additionally, Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.
subscribes to these principles:

9. All accidents are preventable through implementation of effective Safety and

Health Control policies and programs.

10. Safety and Health controls are a major part of our work every day.

11. Accident prevention is good business. It minimizes human suffering,

promotes better working conditions for everyone, holds Broadband Telecom
Services, Inc. in higher regard with customers, and increases productivity.
This is why Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will comply with all safety and
health regulations which apply to the course and scope of operations.

12. Management is responsible for providing the safest possible workplace for
Employees & contractors. Consequently, management of Broadband
Telecom Services, Inc. is committed to allocating and providing all of the
resources needed to promote and effectively implement this safety policy.

13. Employees & contractors are responsible for following safe work practices,
company rules, and for preventing accidents and injuries. Management will
establish lines of communication to solicit and receive comments, information,
suggestions, and assistance from employees & contractors where safety and
health are concerned.

14. Management and supervisors of Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. will set
an exemplary example with good attitudes and strong commitment to safety
and health in the workplace. Toward this end, management must monitor

15. Broadband Telecom Services, Inc.s safety and health performance, working
environment, and conditions to ensure that program objectives are achieved.

16. Our safety program applies to all employees & contractors and persons
affected or associated in any way by the scope of this business. Everyones
goal must be to constantly improve safety awareness and to prevent
accidents and injuries.

Everyone at Broadband Telecom Services, Inc. must be involved and committed

to safety. This must be a team effort. Together, we can prevent accidents and
injuries and keep each other safe and healthy in the work that provides our

By signing this document, I confirm the receipt of Broadband Telecom

Services, Inc.s employee safety handbook. I have read and understood all
policies, programs, and actions as described and agree to comply with
these set policies.

Employee/ Contractors Signature Date

Broadband Telecom Services
Injury Report Form

Supervisor / Manager: __________________________

Name of Employee/Contractor: Date of Injury:

Contact Information (Phone #):

What happened?

Who was involved?

Where did the injury happen?

How did the injury happen?

In your opinion why did the injury happen?

Do you need medical attention?


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