Antamina 2010

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Overview & Peruvian Context

September 2010

Antamina Overview
Peruvian Context
Operations & Operational Excellence
Value Creation & Expansion

Senior Management

Ian Kilgour President & CEO

Abraham Chahuan VP Operations
Pablo De la Flor VP Corporate Affairs
Dave Splett VP Finance
Allan Brownrig Expansion Director

Safety Briefing Andino Hotel
Forward Looking Information
These slides and the accompanying oral presentation contain certain forward-looking statements
within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and
comparable legislation in other jurisdictions. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the
use of words such as plans, expects or does not expect, budget, scheduled, estimates,
forecasts, intends, anticipates or does not anticipate, or believes, or variation of such words
and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results may, could, should, would, might
or will be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown
risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or
achievements of Antamina to be materially different from future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking
statements include statements relating to our future, production, sales, earnings and cash flow,
statements as to managements expectations, among other things, future supply, demand and
prices, business and financial prospects, mine life and mineral reserves and resources, future
trends, plans, strategies, objectives and expectations, including with respect to future operations
and projects, demand and the sensitivity of Antaminas earnings and cash flows to changes in
prices, and overall financial results.

These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties and
actual results may vary materially. These assumptions include, but not limited to, general business
and economic conditions, supply and demand for inventories, the level and volatility of prices of the
metals and minerals produced by Antamina, operational and input price assumptions, ongoing
relations with employees, partners and joint venturers, the future operational and financial
performance of the company generally, and the accuracy of Antaminas reserve and resource
estimates (including with respect to size, grade and recoverability). There can be no assurance that
Antamina will be able to convert such material to proven or probable reserves or extract such
material economically despite the fact that a Qualified Person has calculated reserves in
accordance with Canadian Institute of Mining definitions and guidelines.
Competent persons
The Mineral Resource information pertaining to Antamina referenced on Slide 13 in this
document is based on information compiled by Jhon Espinosa who is a Member of the
AusIMM and a full-time employee of Compania Minera Antamina. Mr. Espinoza has sufficient
experience which is relevant to this style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code). Mr. Espinoza consents to the
inclusion in this document of the matters based on his information in the form and context in
which it appears.

The Ore Reserve information pertaining to Antamina referenced on Slide 13 in this document
is based on information compiled by Americo Zuzunaga who is a Member of the AusIMM and
a full-time employee of BHP Billiton. Mr. Zuzunaga has sufficient experience which is relevant
to this style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which
he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves (The JORC Code). Mr. Zuzunaga consents to the inclusion in this document of the
matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Shareholders and Structure

Peruvian Company
incorporated in 1996
BHP Billiton 33.75%
Xstrata 33.75%
Teck Resources 22.50%
Mitsubishi 10.00%
Operated as joint venture
company with shareholders

Antamina Location
270 kilometres NE of Lima in Ancash region
4,200 to 4,700 metres elevation

302 km concentrate
pipeline to Port
Punta Lobitos

Port near Huarmey,

300 km north of


Key Corporate Value:
Management of Risks
Emphasis on risk management; policies, systems, controls, and
performance measures through SIGRA system (Enterprise Wide)

Risk administration is integrated into operating processes and

business practices: Risk Management Leader, Risk Governance

All Senior Management responsible for the management, control and

follow-up on the risks in their respective areas.

Identification, Management, and Remediation of risks is subject to

regular internal and external audits:
Management & Shareholders
External experts (Independent Geotechnical & Tailings Review Board)

Key Corporate Value:
Health and Safety
20.0 19.5
16.0 15.5
4.0 3.3 3.4 2.9 2.9
2.0 2.75 2.56 1.15 1.53 1.38 1.19 0.92
1.75 0.98
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010YTD
RecordableInjuries LTI

Health & Safety Focus:

Visible leadership & behavioural safety
Toolbox safety meetings, job observations & procedural
Extensive Transport safety programs
Mining Stability Agreement

; The Mining Stability Agreement - investment initiative established under

the laws of Peru. In August 1998 Antamina was guaranteed stability
until 2016 and Agreement cannot be unilaterally amended.
; No restrictions on sales, exports, or currency limitations

Specific economic features:

Income tax rates of 30%
Customs rates at 12% and 20% (12% for machinery/equipment)
18% VAT (IGV) on goods/services - netted against goods sold
Net effect is effectively zero
Global rate of depreciation of 20% on fixed assets
Employee profit sharing levy of 8% of IBT
The right to re-invest profits (Re-investment of Profits - ROP)

Voluntary Social Contribution
Antaminas participation in a voluntary contribution program
began in 2006 and runs through 2010.

3.75% of after-tax profits (tax book) to go into a development fund

for Ancash province

The agreement is in effect for each year that the LME copper price
is over US$1.79/lb and adjusted for US PPI
For 2009/10 the adjusted price threshold was ~$2.00/lb

After the Stability Agreement (2016+..)

Corporate Income tax rate of 30% (no change)

Mining royalty rate of up to 3% on gross sales less, TCs/transport/other (new)

Customs rates at 0%, 9% & 17% applied to machinery, equipment and

supplies (> 50% are subject to 0%) (Improvement)

A 19% Value Added Tax (IGV) netted against value of goods sold (no change)
Net effect continues to be effectively zero

Annual maximum depreciation rate of 20% on mining machinery/equipment

and 5% on buildings (minor change)

Legislated employee profit sharing of 8% of IBT with excess paid to the

Peruvian Government (no change)

Antamina Operations Vast Resources
A Major skarn deposit: Cu, Zn, Ag, Mo, Pb, Bi

World Class Resource

Mine plan extends past 2030
Extensive mineralogy in, and around pit

Antaminas Mineral Resources (100% Basis)

Cu Zn Ag Mo
New Reserves - Jul 1/08 Ore (MMt)
(%) (%) (g/t) (%)
Pit Vertical View
Proven Copper Ores 100 1.14 0.17 8.7 0.036
Proven Copper Zinc Ores 42 0.99 2.30 19.5 0.009
Probable Copper Ores 454 1.05 0.17 9.7 0.031
Probable Copper Zinc 149 1.05 2.07 17.9 0.008

Total P&P Reserves 745 1.06 0.67 11.7 0.026

Prev. Reserves - Jan 1/08 Ore (MMt)

Cu Zn Ag Mo
(%) (%) (g/t) (%)

Proven Copper Ores 48 1.15 0.19 8.8 0.037

Proven Copper Zinc Ores 28 1.07 3.16 22.6 0.009
Probable Copper Ores 257 1.10 0.15 9.7 0.035
Probable Copper Zinc Ores 87 1.14 2.68 19.1 0.009

Total P&P Reserves 420 1.11 0.88 12.4 0.028

Pit Cross section

Ore (Mt) Cu (%) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) Mo (%)

Measured Copper Ores 111 0.92 0.15 7.4 0.038
Measured Copper Zinc Ores 50 0.79 1.81 15.9 0.013
Indicated Copper Ores 572 1.00 0.16 9.3 0.029
Indicated Copper Zinc Ores 156 1.06 1.91 17.2 0.008
Meas. + Indicated Resources Total 889 0.99 0.56 10.8 0.026
Inferred Copper Ores 487 0.83 0.13 9.7 0.017
Inferred Copper Zinc Ores 93 0.86 1.60 15.7 0.006
Inferred Resources Total 580 0.84 0.37 10.7 0.015

Total Resources (Jan 1, 2010) 1,469 0.93 0.48 10.8 0.022

14 Competent PersonReserves: Americo Zuzunaga, MAusIM Competent PersonResources: Jhon Espinoza, MAusIMM
Antamina Operations - Mine

4 shovels, 4 loaders, 54 Trucks (CAT 793)

~ 400,000+ tonnes moved per day
Gyratory crusher in base of pit

8 ore types and simplified into

3 basic clasifications:
Cu only ores (M1, M2, M2A)
Cu/Zn ores (M4A)
Bornite (M5, M6)

Material moved:
150+ mmt / yr

Antamina Operations - Concentrator
Batch processing of Cu and Cu/Zn ores Design feed rate of 70,000 tpd,
recent records of 130,000 tpd
SAG mill and 3 ball mills, with sequential flotation of Bulk Cu and Zn concs.
Bulk Cu concentrate is further treated to produce a Mo. Conc or Pb/Bi conc.

Cu and Zn Concs
Moly and Pb/Bi Conc
Ag credits

Cu and Zn concentrates
by pipeline to port
Mo and Pb/Bi concs
bagged & transported by

Antamina Operations - Port
302 km pipeline feeds to storage tanks

Pressure filtration Larox filters

Water treatment produces clean water for 177 Ha forest project

Storage for 160,000 tons of dewatered concentrate

Ship loader with 1,400 tph capacity on continuous basis

28 metre docking depth & 50,000 ton ship capacity

Sales Profile - 2009
~ 75% of sales to 12 Long-term customers
Remaining tonnes sold under spot and short-term Contracts
Long-term Sales contracts expire in 2014 (will not be renewed)

Cu concs (dmts) Zn concs (dmts)

6% 410,070 China 29,096
85,285 3% 505,354
3% China
8% 36% Germany 60,311 61%
7% Korea
Japan Japan
Korea 9% Spain
Finland Finland

Bulgaria Belgium
Canada 106,886 Norway
186,947 India 13%
17% 207,237

Community & Political Overview

Political & Economic Overview

Economy has resumed rapid growth

GDP growth expected to reach 7.5% this year (vs. 1% growth in 2009).
Low inflation (below 2%), but some fears of overheating
(growth in July was close to 10%)
Fiscal stimulus measures will be rolled back in second half of the year.

Candidates preparing for upcoming elections

Electoral campaign for the Regions and Municipalities in its last stage.
New rules come into effect for Regional races: two-round contest if winner
does not obtain 30% of votes. Authorities likely to secure broader support
& legitimacy.
Elections in the rest of the country dominated by ad-hoc Regional
coalitions and groups.

Political & Economic Overview

Social conflicts & political mobilizationsan on-going concern

Social conflict continues to be the most important challenge for the
implementation of mining projects
Other operations impacted by social issues
However, two EIA consultation processes successfully completed

In Ancash Region
President Cesar Alvarez lead in the polls has eroded as a results of
various corruption scandals.
In San Marcos, 13 candidates competing for office.

Antaminas Area of Influence
Social Responsibility Structure

Antamina Management and Employees

Local employment & Training
Local Purchasing

Asociacin Ancash
Community Relations
(Antamina and external & Environment Departments
SOCIAL Operational area
Local and regional area RESPONSIBILITY
Trust & Confidence
Meeting Commitments

Antamina Mining Fund

(Antamina & External Advisors)
Education, health and nutrition, productive development,
capacity-building at a local and regional level.

Antaminas Mining Fund
"Mining Program of Solidarity with the People created in Dec 2006 for 5yr life

3.75% of after-tax profits tied to copper prices

9 Antaminas contributions ($208 million)

represents ~40% of industry total Program
$US mm $US mm

9 Managed by Antamina as an Education 39.9 20.4% 19.6 14.1%

independent organization (resources do
not return to the company) Health and Nutrition 43.8 22.4% 34.1 24.6%

Institutional capacity
9 FMA partners with communities building, Infrastructure
77.2 39.4% 56.8 41.0%

through provincial and regional

consultation Economic Development 26.5 13.5% 20.1 14.5%

Overhead / Other 8.4 4.3% 8.1 5.8%

9 Projects are contributing to improve the
Human Development Index and to
TOTAL 195.8 100.0% 138.7 100.0%
reach the Objectives of the Millennium

Health / Nutrition: Achievements

Alli Micuy (Caritas-Adra): reduced chronic malnutrition 6.9% in

31,000 children in 129 districts. Increased vaccination from 76%
to 96% and childbirths in health establishments from 59% to 83%

Mama-Wawa (CARE): trained 725 professionals in emergency

neo-natal procedures (EON). Implemented 15 emergency
attention networks.
9 Childbirth mortality reduced from 19 to 11; neonatal
mortality reduced from 382 to 340/10,000

Antamina Jampy: 91,000 health visits and 23,000 specialized

visits in distant and underserved communities.

Provided supplementary nutrition to 36,000 children served by

State sponsored breakfast program.

Education: Achievements

160 schools repaired or rebuilt, 12 new pre-schools, 88,000

student desks manufactured locally, & 2,000 teachers trained
through various FMA programs.

Trained 119 youth in technical careers, and improved

education in 65 technical schools

Hatun Yachay (CARE), Right to Play & Integral School

Networks (IPAE): improvements in the access to and quality of
education at pre-school, elementary and high-school levels.
9 170 schools, 12,000 students
9 1st Yr: reading & comprehension improved 8% in 100
rural schools.

Productivity & Infrastructure: Achievements

PARA (co-financed by Clinton-Giustra): 4,200 jobs created

and $9mm in sales

Alli Allpa (CARE): 2,000 jobs created and 35% increase in

sales of select produce

Small Business Competition: & 2,000 new jobs created in

62 initiatives and sales of $4mm
9 18 tons of trout sold to EU market
9 120% improvement in the productivity of corn growers in
Callejn de Huaylas

$ 26.5mm committed in 20 municipalities - 76 projects completed for water, sanitation

and irrigation

Conchucos connected to national grid with benefit to 400+ towns and communities,
and completed design for construction/rehabilitation of 1,160 km. of roads.

Operations, Expansion & Value Creation

September, 2010
Mine Operations - Pit status end 2010
Extensive Pit and Dump development activities

Tucush Dump

Phase 6
East Dump
Phase 4 Phase 5
Phase 3

Phase 7

Work commenced July 2009
32 Valley
Pit status end of 2011

Tucush Dump

Phase 5
East Dump
Phase 6
Phase 4

Phase 3

Phase 7


33 Valley
Mine Operations
Mine Production Records:
2009 Tonnes Moved in a year 147.5 mmt
2009 Avg tonnes moved per day 404 kmt
2010 (May, Aug) Tonnes moved in a month 13.7 mmt

420 404
160,000 393
400 388
147,453 376
150,000 143,704 368
141,971 380 370
140,000 135,094 137,109
134,406 348
127,036 125,948
130,000 340
120,000 320
110,000 300
100,000 280

90,000 260

80,000 240
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Mill Feed & Concentrate Tonnes
Mill Production Records:
2009 Throughput - yearly 147.5 mmt
2010 (Jan, May, Jul) Throughput - monthly 3.37 mmt
2010 (Jun, Jul, Jul) Throughput - daily 132,040 mt
2010 Throughput records M1, M4A, M5

35,000 800
Throughput Cu / Zn Production (contained metal)

25,000 9,746 6,291 6,591 9,931
9,267 11,333 16,545 457
17,064 348
185 156 292
20,000 231 190

200 375 385
331 362 330 344 316
17,482 20,697 21,197 22,356 19,552 18,492 14,992 253
5,000 9,347

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
CuOnly('000ton) CuZn('000ton) Bornite('000ton) Cu(kMT) Zn(kMT)

Program to treat oxidized phase 4 Cu/Zn material completed in 2010

Sales Volumes & C1 Cost
Zinc production tracks well with Cu/Zn ore treatment and head grades

Zinc production volumes track feasibility study - production was to peak in 2008-
2010 timeframe

Moly production increases with pit development & treatment of more Cu only ores

2,000 18.0 $0.30
1,800 16.0 $0.20
1,600 14.0 $0.10


10.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
1,000 $0.10
800 $0.20
600 $0.30
400 4.0
200 2.0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $0.60
Copper Zinc Moly C1Cost($/lbofCu)

Demonstrated Performance
Operational Excellence Model
2010 EBIT impact from current &
M ax im iz a r e l v a lo r
d e A nta m in a , c o n re su ltad o s
po s it ivo s pa ra to do s lo s gru p os d e in ter s
past year projects: ~ $50mm
F orjandoRResesultados
ultados Estratgicos
LOMM, ,Plan

S alud y
Seg u ridad
De sa rro llo
S oste n ib le
D e sa rrollo
P ers o nas
Exc ele nc ia
o pe ra cio na l
Crea ci n
d e Va lo r t Current Projects Benefit
Ind u str ia l e
Reduction of Shovel shutdown due Gets Throughput
changes. Increase
Audaz, ,AActa
Valores Increase production during first and last hours Throughput
in Hauling process at Mine. Increase
Reduction of Trucks queue time in Shovels.
Reduction of fuel consumption on 793 Cat fleet
Cost Reduction
Continuous Key Process Improvement - Turning engines off.
Reduction of pickup time of Trucks after Throughput
4.Control 3.Improve maintenance. Increase
Reduce the absentism rate in Mine operations.
KPIs 6Sigma Increase

Business Lean Reduction in Insurance cost Cost Reduction

Review Others Quality

Cavex Cyclones
1.Mapping 2.Diagnose Maximize the use of Expert system in rougher Throughput
Cu. Increase
BPM Benchmark Bi ppms margins optimization in shipments.
Budget Improvement
Mine to Mill

Demonstrated Performance
Mine to Mill project: modified blast pattern & improved rock fragmentation
SAG bypass feed system & Implementation of pebble crusher
Modifications to grate sizes in SAG, trommel screens, and pulp lifter - further
increases throughput reduces recirculation

9 Cumulative EBIT improvement: ~ $400mm

SAG Mill TPH Daily Avg Throughput
5,000 . 100,000 99,000+
4,500 91,983
4,500 4,408 4,404 4,431
90,000 85,395 85,407 83,164
4,300 83,135 82,892
4,081 4,069 4,166
4,000 3,957 4,048 3,981 80,000
73,283 72,360
3,500 70,000
3,357 3,285
3,138 3,310
3,000 2,945
2,843 60,000


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
CuOnlyore(t/hr) CuZnore(t/hr) YTD
39 DailyThroughput(t)
Benchmarking Antamina

2Q 3Q 4Q
KPI Antamina
Energy Consumed
Quartile Antamina Placement
per Lb of Cu 1
Total Cost/lb Cu 1
1st 15 Cost C1P 1
Cost C1 1
Cost C2 2
2nd 15 Cost C3 1

3rd 6 Ranking
KPI Antamina
4th 0 Concentrator Milling
Costs 2
Total Costs -
TOTAL 36 Concentrator 2
Unit Costs - Crushing 2
Copper production per
person 4
Base Metals Assets Cost Position


Source: Brook Hunt Q2 2010, 2010 C1 Cash Cost (Normal Costing). Adjusted for Pampa Norte

Element Year 2010 Annual Impact ($mm)

Copper Price 1/Lb $6
Zinc Price 1/Lb $6
Thruput (Cu/Zn ore) 100 tph $24
Fx Sol/$Us 0.1 S/$ $4

Antaminas Growing.
2007-2008 Geological Survey
220 km of drill holes in
07/08 - 50% used for

Numerous in-pit targets

Various deep targets

Significant # of targets
around mine

Continued pit expansion


More drilling and survey

work required
On-going Drill Program Objectives

Planned Drill Program Drill Program Objectives

201115 Identify/define added resources &

extend LOM
InPit 40,000+

DeepInPit 10,000+ Reserves conversion

NearMine 60,000+ Support & optimize mine production


Optimize placement of changing

Expanded pit & waste dumps
Facilities expansion
Crusher relocation in future

Expansion Business Case
Mensaje principal no mayor de 45 caracteres
Expansion builds upon demonstrated processes, technologies, and existing
infrastructure. Original facility design contemplated a future expansion

Expansion is contained within the existing footprint of the land title

Expansion presents an opportunity to significantly improve molybdenum

recovery and concentrate grade as the deposit transitions to a Cu-Mo resource

The expansion provides for mitigation against the production continuity risk
with 2 lines of production

The expansion is permitted under a modification of the existing Concesin de


Latest EIA has been presented in public hearings without significant issues

Expansion Program - Scope

Program: 130 K tpd @ 911 MT Expansion LOM Statistics

Start Construction: Jan 2010
SAG 02 Commissioning: Q4 2011
Mineral to concentrator tons 86.4%
- Plant/Port
Copper Concentrate tons 82.4%
- Power Systems
- Truck Shop
Zinc Concentrate tons 46.6%
- Camps
- Mine Mobile Equipment
Moly Concentrate tons 56.4%
- New Freshwater Containment /
Life of Mine increase 8 years

Process Plant Stockpile, Milling & Flotation

Truck Shop & Mine Fleet
Truck Shop Mining Fleet
1. Addition of 5 bays and 1 PM bay for Item Quantity

Haul Trucks Stripping Shovels 3

2. Ancillary facilities: Haul Trucks 96

Tire Change and Repair Platform
Wash Bays
Electric Drill 5
Auxiliary equipment bays
Wheel Dozer 7
Lubricant handling yard
Relocate & expand welding workshop Motor Grader 7
Expand maintenance offices, dining
area and locker room, etc. Loader 3

3. Spence Truck Shop used as Long reach Excavator 3

reference - 5 star FLAC systems
Dozer 3

4. Operational date Q1 2011 (2 bays) Water Truck 5

Expansion Program Impact

Cu ore feed increases 80%+ over remaining LOM vs. 2007-2009 base


20072009YrlyAvg 20102011YrlyAvg RemainingLOMYrlyAvg

CuOnlyOre(kdmt) CuZnOre(kdmt) BorniteOre(kdmt)

Expansion Program Metrics

Investment of $1.3 billion

ROP utilized for $900 million of investment

38% Increase in annual mill throughput

Strong continued by-product credits with increasing

moly production (nature of deposit & more Cu ores)

Payback of less than 5 years on project


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