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Test Standard Level Name:

Listening Class:



16 Listen and write T (true) or F (false). 5

1 Sean is an architect.

2 James Craig was 22 years old when he

designed Princes Street.

3 He designed the gardens and squares

in Edinburgh.

4 Princes Street is bigger than Queen

Street and George Street.

5 King Georges sons were called

Frederick and Giles.
Princes Street, Edinburgh

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17 Listen and number the pictures about Sandras birthday in the 4

correct order. Theres one picture you dont need to use.

a b c

d e

18 Listen and write Adam or Lucy. 5

1 wanted to go to the lake.

2 didnt find a present.

3 travelled to a big city.

4 didnt like the weather.

5 stayed inside with friends.

Test Standard Level Name:
Reading Class:


4 Read and complete the sentences with one or two words. 5

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]
Dear Duncan,
Thank you for your lovely postcard. I really liked the picture on it, but your
granny didnt. She doesnt like monsters!
How funny! I visited Loch Ness when I was your age. I went with my dad
your great-grandfather! We looked for Nessie, too. We went on a boat
around the lake with a fisherman, but nothing happened. We noticed
something moving in the water far away. We went closer, but there wasnt
anything. We laughed perhaps it was a big fish.
Yes, we had a great time at the weekend. We visited your mum and dad on
Sunday they miss you a lot! We watched TV and had lunch in the garden.
We talked about you all the time.
See you next Friday!
Granddad Gerry

1 Duncans grandfather monsters.

2 Granddad Gerry went to with his dad.

3 Granddad Gerry also Nessie.

4 Granddad Gerry had with Duncans parents.

5 Duncans parents Duncan.

Test Standard Level Name:
Reading Class:


5 Read and write T (true) or F (false). 6


Toys: Children in Roman times
In 117 AD, the Roman Empire was very
played with toys similar to the
big and important and it covered lots
ones you have: balls, dolls, toy
of different countries including todays
animals and board games.
Spain, France, Germany, Greece,
They also had small letters to
Turkey, Egypt and Croatia. Part of
practise their spelling.
Britain was also Roman and Scotland
was too, but for a shorter time. The Food: Romans liked eating
Romans were famous for building bread, vegetable soup, fish
very good roads, bridges and dams*, and meat like sausages. Poor
for their laws and their language. But people didnt have meat very
what was life really like back then? often and they didnt have
Lets have a look. a kitchen in their house.
They cooked their food at
School: Not all children had money
a bakery or had something
to go to a school in the town or have
to eat in the market. Did you
a teacher at home. Even fewer girls
know that there was ice cream
went to school; it was mostly boys
in those days?
who did. In poor families, the
*dam = a very strong wall that stops a river
children worked to help their

1 Countries like Spain and Germany were part of the Roman Empire.
2 The Romans were very good builders.
3 In Roman times, girls usually had teachers at home.
4 Toys in Roman times and toys today are not very different.
5 Rich Romans had sausages and fish.
6 Poor Romans didnt eat at all.
Test Standard Level Name:
Reading Class:


6 Where did they go? Read and write E (Edinburgh), G (Glasgow) 5

or S (Stirling).


Edinburgh: Come and visit this great there are so many things you can do here:
city. There are many green parks to have visit the Botanic Gardens or the museums
picnics in and a fantastic castle to visit. and galleries. The first football museum
Come in August for the International in the world is here!
Festival of Music, Dance and Theatre. The Stirling: Stirling is a small Scottish town,
streets in the city centre are filled with but its got a lot of history. Visit the
performers, colours and music. Every day National Wallace Monument. Here you
for three weeks, there are shows and can see the sword that Wallace, the real
plays for everyone. Braveheart, used. On a sunny day, come to
Glasgow: Bigger than any other city in Blair Drummond Safari Park and see the
Scotland, this is the place to spend your wild animal reserves and shows.
holiday. Edinburgh is perhaps prettier,

1 Simon: I loved the Sea Lion show! I had a great time!

2 Tracey: I wanted to walk in the park, but it was cloudy. I went
to the sports museum instead.
3 Peter: My family and I went there in August. My children really

liked the wildlife.

4 Rachel and Fred: We didnt want to spend our holiday in a big
city. We went there because we are both actors.
5 Joe: I like quiet places so I always go somewhere else in August.

This year, I went to see a little bit of Scottish history.

Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:


7 What did Mario and Sylvia do in Edinburgh last summer? Look 8

at the example. Write questions using the words in brackets.
Look and write the short answers.

1 Did they stay in a castle? (they) No, they didnt.

2 shopping? (Sylvia)

3 photos in the castle? (Mario)

4 zoo? (they)

5 a koala? (they)

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Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:


8 What did they do? Look and complete the sentences using the 6
verbs in the past simple. Write two or three words in each gap.

clean walk play read listen watch

1 On Saturday, we 2 Yesterday, she 3 On Monday, they

and and and

. . .
Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:

9 Read and write the correct words. 6

Last weekend, I 1 to the beach with my

friends. We 2 a really nice time! It was
a beautiful, sunny day. The beach isnt far away so we
3 there. We played football, but we
4 swim because the water was cold. We
helped a little boy. He was lost and we 5
his mum. She was very happy to see him! What did
you 6 last weekend?

1 a go b went c didnt go

2 a had b has c have

3 a didnt walk b dont walk c walked

4 a not b dont c didnt

5 a looked for b looked c watched

6 a doing b do c did

Total test score: 50

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Test Standard Level Name:
Speaking Class:


10 Look and name the everyday activities. Use the verbs in the 5

talk work share look after help

1 2 3 4 5

11 Now say what he/she did last week. Ask questions using the verbs
in the boxes below. 5

visit use walk listen watch

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1 2 3 4 5

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