Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Adults
Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Adults
Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Adults
in Adults
University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville, Florida
The clinical evaluation of gastrointestinal bleeding depends on the hemodynamic status of the
patient and the suspected source of the bleeding. Patients presenting with upper gastrointestinal
or massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding, postural hypotension, or hemodynamic instabil-
ity require inpatient stabilization and evaluation. The diagnostic tool of choice for all cases of
upper gastrointestinal bleeding is esophagogastroduodenoscopy; for acute lower gastrointestinal
bleeding, it is colonoscopy, or arteriography if the bleeding is too brisk. When bleeding cannot
be identified and controlled, intraoperative enteroscopy or arteriography may help localize the
bleeding source, facilitating segmental resection of the bowel. If no upper gastrointestinal or
large bowel source of bleeding is identified, the small bowel can be investigated using a barium-
contrast upper gastrointestinal series with small bowel follow-through, enteroclysis, push enter-
oscopy, technetium-99mtagged red blood cell scan, arteriography, or a Meckels scan. These
tests may be used alone or in combination. (Am Fam Physician 2005;71:1339-46. Copyright
2005 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
See page 1245 for lthough gastrointestinal bleed- underlying comorbidities, specifically renal
strength-of-evidence ing is most commonly a result and hepatic dysfunction, heart disease, and
of benign anal pathology, life- malignancies.2-4,7
threatening hemorrhage, can- Gastrointestinal bleeding can present
cers, and polyps must be considered in in several forms, depending on the rate of
making the diagnosis.1 Acute, massive upper blood loss: microscopic blood loss presents as
gastrointestinal bleeding has an incidence iron-deficiency anemia or hemoccult-posi-
of 40 to 150 episodes per 100,000 per- tive stools; hematemesis is vomiting of fresh
sons annually, with a mortality rate of 6 to blood; coffee-ground emesis is vomiting
10 percent.2-4 Acute, massive lower gastro- of altered black blood; melena is black tarry
intestinal bleeding has an incidence of 20 to stools; hemochezia is the passing of red blood
27 episodes per 100,000 persons annually, with via the rectum (usually from the lower gastro-
a mortality rate of 4 to 10 percent.5,6 Mortal- intestinal tract, but sometimes from a briskly
ity rates increase in patients with advanc- bleeding upper gastrointestinal source).8
ing age and increasing number of associated Most cases of gastrointestinal bleeding
resolve spontaneously, regardless of the
amount of blood lost.9-11 The stability of
Strength of Recommendations the patient and the rate of bleeding dictate
the order in which various diagnostic pro-
Key clinical recommendations Label References cedures should be conducted. The goal is to
Rockall risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding A 8 identify and, if necessary, treat the source of
severity accurately predict the likelihood of bleeding, while maintaining hemodynamic
death or rebleeding. stability.6,10
Endoscopy is the diagnostic test of choice for C 8, 22, 27
gastrointestinal bleeding. Evaluation
The evaluation of the upper or lower gastro-
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-qual-
ity patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, intestinal tract for sources of gastrointestinal
opinion, or case series. See page 1245 for more information. bleeding depends on whether the bleeding is
acute massive hemorrhage or chronic inter-
April 1, 2005 Volume 71, Number 7 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1339
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mittent bleeding10,12 (Tables 12-4,6,7,9,10,12-21 and 27,13,22,23). that colonoscopy identifies definitive bleeding sites in
Hospitalization is required in patients who are hemo- more than 70 percent of patients.2,6,10,12,16,31,32 Colonos-
dynamically unstable or elderly, and those who have copy may be performed urgently or electively, depending
comorbidities. These patients usually are admitted in an on the patients hemodynamic status and risk-stratifica-
intensive care setting, based on risk stratification criteria tion criteria.
(Table 3).24 Patients with minimal or intermittent bleed- If bleeding stops or hemodynamic stability is achieved,
ing who are stratified as low risk can be evaluated in an
outpatient setting.5,13
Acute Massive Rectal Bleeding Causes of Acute Massive Rectal Bleed
Acute massive rectal bleeding frequently arises from an
upper gastrointestinal source2,10,16,25 (Table 12-4,6,7,9,10,12-21). Cause Prevalence (%)
When there is evidence or clinical suspicion of an upper Upper GI tract
gastrointestinal source of bleeding, the diagnostic Peptic ulcer disease 40 to 79
work-up begins with an esophagogastroduodenoscopy Gastritis/duodenitis 5 to 30
(EGD), which is the diagnostic tool of choice for evalu- Esophageal varices 6 to 21
ation of lesions above the ligament of Treitz.6,9,10,16,26,27 Mallory-Weiss tear 3 to 15
Table 43,4,10,21,28-30 describes the history and clinical Esophagitis 2 to 8
findings associated with gastrointestinal sources of Gastric cancer 2 to 3
rectal bleeding. If the patient is not experiencing Dieulafoys lesion* <1
hematemesis and endoscopy is not immediately avail- Gastric arteriovenous malformations <1
able, a nasogastric tube may be placed for gastric lavage Portal gastropathy <1
while awaiting endoscopy.10,12 If no blood is returned
and bile is identified, an upper gastrointestinal source Lower GI tract
is much less likely, and the work-up can focus on the Small bowel
large bowel.6,9,10,12,13 Angiodysplasia 70 to 80
Colonoscopy is one of two diagnostic tools of choice used Jejunoileal diverticula
to evaluate acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding6,10,12,13,26 Meckels diverticulum
(Table 12-4,6,7,9,10,12-21). Several studies have demonstrated Neoplasms/lymphomas
(benign and malignant)
Enteritis/Crohns disease
The Authors Aortoduodenal fistula in patient
LINDA L. MANNING-DIMMITT, D.O., is a family physician and with synthetic vascular graft
assistant professor at the University of Florida Health Science
Center/Jacksonville. Dr. Manning-Dimmitt received her medical Large bowel
degree from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Diverticular disease 17 to 40
Sciences, Des Moines, Iowa. Arteriovenous malformations 2 to 30
STEVEN G. DIMMITT, D.O., is a family physician and assistant profes- Colitis 9 to 21
sor at the University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville. Colonic neoplasms/post-polypectomy 11 to 14
Dr. Dimmitt also is a clinician in the University Community Health bleeding
Center on the Shands Jacksonville Medical Center campus. He Anorectal causes 4 to 10
received his medical degree from the University of Osteopathic Colonic tuberculosis
Medicine and Health Sciences.
GI = gastrointestinal.
GEORGE R. WILSON, M.D., is a family physician, associate pro-
fessor, and chair of the Department of Community Health and * Dieulafoys lesion: thick-walled arterial vessel surrounded by a
very shallow ulcer. Usually occurs in the stomach but also occurs in
Family Medicine at the University of Florida Health Science Center/
the esophagus, small bowel, colon, and rectum.13-15
Jacksonville. Dr. Wilson received his medical degree from the
Includes ischemia, infectious anal fissures, inflammatory bowel
University of Mississippi, Jackson. disease, and radiation.
Includes hemorrhoids and rectal varices.
Address correspondence to Linda L. Manning-Dimmitt, D.O.,
University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, 1255 Lila Information from references 2 through 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 through
Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32208 (e-mail: [email protected]). 21.
Reprints are not available from the authors.
1340 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 7 April 1, 2005
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Causes of Chronic Intermittent Rectal Bleed colonic preparation may precede colonoscopy to increase
visibility and diagnostic yield.31 Advantages of colon-
Cause Prevalence (%) oscopy include direct visualization; access for tissue
Upper GI tract biopsy; and the ability to treat bleeding lesions primar-
Gastritis 18 to 35 ily with heat probe, epinephrine injection, laser therapy,
Esophagitis 18 to 35 band ligation, or hemoclipping.12,14,16 As an initial diag-
Gastric ulcer 18 to 21 nostic test, colonoscopy has a higher yield and a lower
Duodenal ulcer 3 to 15 complication rate than arteriography.6,12,13 When used
Angiodysplasia 5 to 23 to evaluate sub-massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding,
Gastric cancer 3 to 6 colonoscopy is highly effective; however, in cases of mas-
Esophageal cancer Rare sive hemorrhage it may be limited by poor visibility.6,12
Arteriography is a radiographic contrast study that
Lower GI tract can identify briskly bleeding sources.11,16,22 In situa-
Small bowel tions where massive bleeding impedes visualization of
Angiodysplasia 40 the colon, arteriography may be used as a second-line
Small bowel tumors 33 diagnostic tool of choice.6,10,12,13,16 Although several
Small bowel ulcers and erosions studies have shown a broad range of overall sensitivity
Crohns disease with arteriography (40 to 78 percent), the largest study 6
Small bowel diverticulosis reported a diagnostic sensitivity of 41 percent.6 Mesen-
Celiac sprue teric arteriography can identify bleeding from arterio-
Radiation enteritis venous malformations by demonstrating extravasation
Meckels diverticulum of contrast material into the bowel lumen, which helps
Small bowel varices localize the bleeding site16,24 (Figure 1).
Lymphangioma A technetium-99mtagged red blood cell scan is a
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome nuclear study best suited for identifying slow-bleeding
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome sources with rates of 0.1 to 0.4 mL per minute.6,11,12,16,22
Von Willebrands disease However, this test is not as accurate as arteriography in
Small bowel polyposis syndrome identifying the exact location of a bleeding site. When
Gardeners syndrome arteriography is used in association with a technetium-
Aortoenteric fistula 99mtagged red blood cell blush, the sensitivity of the
Amyloidosis arteriogram is increased to 61 to 72 percent.22 One five-
Hemosuccus pancreaticus hemobilia year, retrospective study33 of technetium-99mtagged
red blood cell scans showed that an immediate blush
Large bowel (positive scan) had a 60 percent positive predictive value
Hemorrhoids 59 for an associated positive angiogram. A delayed blush
Colorectal polyps 38 to 52 correlated with a predictive value of 93 percent for a
Diverticulosis 34 to 51 negative angiogram. This finding suggests that a posi-
Colorectal cancer 5 to 8 tive immediate blush is a good indication for urgent
Proctitis/ulcerative colitis 2 to 6 angiography or surgery, while a delayed blush or nega-
Arteriovenous malformations 0 to 5 tive technetium-99mtagged red blood cell scan is an
Colonic stricture 2 indication for observation and elective colonoscopy33,34
Post-polypectomy bleeding (Figure 2).
Other colitis* Enhanced helical computed tomographic scanning,
Anal neoplasms which uses intravenous contrast, is a new diagnostic tool
being reported in the literature; its role has not yet been
GI = gastrointestinal.
* Includes ischemia, infectious anal fissures, and radiation.
When the source of bleeding cannot be identified by
Adapted with permission from Zuckerman GR, Prakash C, Askin MP, Lewis
endoscopic, radiographic, or nuclear intervention, the
BS. AGA technical review on the evaluation and management of occult
and obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastroenterology 2000;118:211, patient may need exploratory laparotomy.10,12,13,16,22 In
with additional information from references 7, 13, and 23. most circumstances this is accompanied by intraopera-
tive endoscopy,22 which has a sensitivity of more than
April 1, 2005 Volume 71, Number 7 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1341
Rockall Scoring System for Risk of Rebleeding and Death
After Admission to the Hospital for Acute GI Bleeding
Variable* 0 1 2 3
GI = gastrointestinal; SBP = systolic blood pressure; bpm = beats per minute; SRH = stigmata of recent hemorrhage.
*Each variable is scored, and the total score is calculated by simple addition.
Active arterial spurting or the oozing of blood; nonbleeding, visible vessels; and adherent clots.
Adapted with permission from Rockall TA, Logan RF, Devlin HB, Northfield TC. Risk assessment after upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Gut 1996;38:318.
70 percent for identifying sources of bleeding and limits preference, concomitant anticoagulation treatment,
the extent of surgery in up to 10 percent of cases.6,22,37 comorbidity causing unacceptable risk for conscious
However, the removal of identified colon lesions does sedation, or unavailability of an endoscopist).22 This pro-
not always result in effective treatment of the underlying cedure has a sensitivity of 54 percent and a specificity of 91
source of bleeding.22 In these cases, arteriography can be percent in the detection of upper gastrointestinal lesions
used intraoperatively as an adjunct to localize a source of located above the ligament of Treitz. Upper endoscopy has
bleeding, facilitate segmental resection of the bowel, and a 92 percent sensitivity and a 100 percent specificity.22
prevent blind hemicolectomy.22 Colonoscopy is the diagnostic tool of choice in a
When rectal bleeding stops before the source is iden- hemodynamically stable patient with a suspected lower
tified, evaluation can proceed in the outpatient set- gastrointestinal source of bleeding.10,12,22,23,38 One pro-
ting in patients who remain stable and at low risk.5,13 spective study39 showed that colonoscopy had a higher
Depending on clinical suspicion, it may be appropriate positive predictive value than double-contrast barium
to repeat upper or lower endoscopy, because upper and enema with sigmoidoscopy in identifying all colonic
lower gastrointestinal lesions occasionally are missed on lesions (87 versus 81 percent, respectively). Colonos-
the first endoscopic evaluation.22 The most commonly copy also has a higher sensitivity than double-contrast
missed upper gastrointestinal lesions are erosions in barium enema in identifying colon cancer (97.5 versus
large hiatal hernias, arteriovenous malformations, and 83 percent, respectively), neoplastic polyps greater than
peptic ulcers.22 The lower gastrointestinal lesions most 1 cm (91.4 versus 21.7 percent, respectively), 38 and
commonly missed on initial endoscopy are arteriove- angiodysplasia. Most importantly, colonoscopy allows
nous malformations and neoplasms.22 for evaluation of the entire colon while providing the
opportunity to acquire tissue biopsy and facilitating
Chronic Intermittent Rectal Bleeding therapeutic intervention.39
EGD is the diagnostic test of choice for suspected chronic Double-contrast barium enema with sigmoidoscopy
intermittent rectal bleeding 9,22 (Table 27,13,22,23). A bar- may be an alternative in patients who have a relative
ium-contrast upper gastrointestinal series with small contraindication to colonoscopy.9,23,39
bowel follow-through (SBFT) may be considered if there Some physicians may consider a limited evaluation of
is a relative contraindication to endoscopy (i.e., patient the anorectosigmoid area in patients younger than 40
1342 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 7 April 1, 2005
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
History and Clinical Findings Associated with Specific GI Sources of Rectal Bleeding
Upper GI tract
Peptic ulcer disease Use of aspirin, NSAIDs, or tobacco
Esophageal varices Alcohol abuse; jaundice; signs of portal hypertension, including: ascites, palmar erythema, spider
angiomata, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and rectal varices
Mallory-Weiss tear Bleeding preceded by vomiting, retching, or seizures
Gastric cancer Left supraclavicular adenopathy; palpable mass; abdominal pain; weight loss; cachexia
Lower GI tract
Diverticular disease Age > 60 years; painless bleeding; possible recent constipation
Arteriovenous Age > 60 years; painless bleeding; chronic renal failure
Colonic neoplasms Age > 50 years; abdominal pain; weight loss; muscle wasting; protein calorie malnutrition; right-sided
colon cancer may be associated with palpable right-sided abdominal mass; hepatomegaly; liver
nodules; history of adenomatous polyps or longstanding ulcerative colitis; prior exposure to ionized
radiation; family history of familial polyposis coli or cancer family syndrome
Inflammatory bowel Ulcerative colitis: starts in younger patients (20 to 40 years of age); usually involves the rectum;
disease associated with diarrhea mixed with blood and mucus
Crohns disease: starts in younger patients (20 to 40 years of age); perianal, peritoneal, and/or
abdominal wall fistulas may be associated
Radiation colitis History of radiation treatment to abdomen and/or pelvis
Hemorrhoids Perianal mass may be painful (external hemorrhoid) or painless (internal hemorrhoid); commonly starts
in younger patients; associated with constipation, pregnancy, or postpartum period
Anal fissures More common in patients with history of constipation; associated with severe sharp pain occurring
with straining on defecation; pain resolves within an hour after defecation; commonly starts at
20 to 40 years of age
Colon tuberculosis History of pulmonary tuberculosis or past exposure to tuberculosis
Aortoduodenal fistula History of abdominal aortic aneurysm surgically repaired with synthetic vascular graft placement
April 1, 2005 Volume 71, Number 7 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1343
Figure 2. Sequential one-minute picture frames of technetium-99mtagged red blood cell scan in hemodynamically-stable
patient presenting with painless bloody diarrhea occurring over the course of several hours. Note the immediate blush
(Frame 6), followed by rapid antegrade bowel transit of intraluminal blood (Frame 11), and then retrograde transit of
blood (Frame 15), which collectively helped localize the source of bleeding within the proximal sigmoid colon.
of 15 to 160 cm of small bowel distal to the ligament enteroscopy, the absolute yield over push enteroscopy
of Treitz.6,22,42 This procedure allows for tissue biopsy alone increases from 54 to 58 percent.22
and treatment of bleeding lesions, but it is limited by One of the nuclear studies routinely used in the evalu-
its inability to visualize beyond 160 cm of the proximal ation of the small bowel is technetium-99mtagged red
small bowel.22,42 The diagnostic yield for push enteros- blood cell scanning.22,42 The other is a Meckels scan,
copy is approximately 54 percent.22 which uses technetium-99m pertechnate.22,42 A Meckels
Two radiographic tools are used to evaluate the small scan has a high sensitivity (75 to 100 percent) for iden-
bowel. One is a barium-contrast upper gastrointestinal tifying gastric mucosa in the small bowel, but cannot
series with SBFT, which has a low sensitivity (zero to confirm the identified lesion as the source of bleeding.22
5.6 percent).22 The other diagnostic tool is enteroclysis, This study is most appropriately used in the evalua-
which has a sensitivity of 10 to 21 percent.22 The latter tion of younger patients.6,22
procedure requires a small tube or endoscopic placement Although arteriography is most useful in the evalua-
of contrast material directly into the proximal small tion of acute massive rectal bleeding, it also serves a role
bowel.22 The advantages of enteroclysis over SBFT are its in the evaluation of obscure sources of bleeding that are
higher sensitivity, shorter procedure time, and greater not identified by endoscopy.16 It is particularly helpful in
usefulness in evaluating an unconscious or uncoopera- the evaluation of older patients in whom arteriovenous
tive patient.22 When enteroclysis is combined with push malformations or neoplasms are suspected, because
1344 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 7 April 1, 2005
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
The authors thank Liane Hannah, B.S., for technical assistance in prepar-
ing the tables and figures, and Anna Wright, M.D., for suggestions on
the content and format of the manuscript.
Figures 1 and 2 used with permission from Linda L. Manning-Dimmett, D.O.
Figure 3 used with permission from Given Imaging, Ltd., Norcross, Ga.
The rightsholder did not grant rights Members of various family practice departments develop articles for
to reproduce this item in electronic Problem-Oriented Diagnosis. This article is one in a series coordinated
by R. Whit Curry, Jr., M.D., from the Department of Family Medicine at
media. For the missing item, see the the University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
original print version of this publication.
The authors indicate that they do not have any conflicts of interest.
Sources of funding: none reported.
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