FCD Manual

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1. Setting up FCD Mapper................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Operating environment..................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Installation guide................................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Menu list of FCD Mapper Version 2 ............................................................................. 6

1.3.1 Pull down menu of Main Window............................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 FCD Menu.................................................................................................................................. 7

1.4 Operation Flow of FCD Mapper Version 2 ................................................................ 8

1.4.1 Pre-processing.................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.2 FCD Process ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Utility ......................................................................................................................................... 9

2. Getting Started ................................................................................................................ 9

2.1 Create a Project .................................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Pre-processing Tasks of FCD Mapper ....................................................................... 11

2.2.1 Image Subset............................................................................................................................. 11 Procedures to Import .BIL and .LAN (BSQ) files............................................................ 11 Procedures to Import GEOTIFF files ..............................................................................16 Procedures to Import BMP file........................................................................................21
2.2.2 Geometric Correction .............................................................................................................. 23 Auto Transformation ...................................................................................................... 23 Transformation through Input of GCPs......................................................................... 26
2.2.3 Geo-coordination..................................................................................................................... 32 Manual input of Longitudes and Latitudes.................................................................... 32 Automatic input using world file.................................................................................... 34

3. The FCD Mapper Process for Pass 1...................................................................... 37

3.1 Open and Display the Image.......................................................................................... 37

3.2 Noise Reduction ................................................................................................................. 38

3.2.1 Noise Check/Reduction........................................................................................................... 38
3.2.2 Mask Surface Water................................................................................................................. 39
3.2.3 Masking the Clouds ................................................................................................................ 40
3.2.4 Selecting the Cloud Shadow .....................................................................................................41
3.2.5 Atmospheric correction ........................................................................................................... 42

1 Reduction of haze ........................................................................................................... 42 Cloud free mosaic ........................................................................................................... 43

3.3 Normalization ..................................................................................................................... 44

3.4 Calculation of Indices ...................................................................................................... 45

3.4.1 Advanced Vegetation Index (AVI)........................................................................................... 45
3.4.2 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) .................................................................. 45
3.4.3 Advanced Normalized Vegetation Index (ANVI).................................................................... 46
3.4.4 Bare Soil Index (BI) ................................................................................................................. 46
3.4.5 PCA Select ................................................................................................................................ 47
3.4.6 Thermal Index (TI) .................................................................................................................. 48
3.4.7 Shadow Index Option .............................................................................................................. 48
3.4.8 Shadow Index (SI) ................................................................................................................... 49
3.4.9 Threshold for Forest Gap ........................................................................................................ 50
3.4.10 Setting the Black Soil................................................................................................................51
3.4.11 Advanced Shadow Index (ASI) ............................................................................................... 52

3.5 Vegetation Density ............................................................................................................ 53

3.5.1 Setting Threshold for Vegetation Density ............................................................................... 53
3.5.2 Setting Threshold for Bare Soil ............................................................................................... 54
3.5.3 Setting Ranges for Vegetation Density.................................................................................... 55
3.5.4 Vegetation Density Map Calculation....................................................................................... 56

3.6 Scaled Shadow Index........................................................................................................ 57

3.6.1 False Color Composite Image of VI-BI-SI................................................................................57
3.6.2 Cluster Select ........................................................................................................................... 58
3.6.2 Calculation of Scale Shadow Index ......................................................................................... 60

3.7 Multi Vegetation Density Model .................................................................................. 61

3.8 Forest Canopy Density Map Calculation .................................................................. 64

3.8.2 Map Statistics Calculation ........................................................................................................ 65

4. The FCD Mapper Process for Pass 2 ..................................................................... 67

4.1 Pass 2 Check Reduction............................................................................................... 67

4.2 Setting Slope Shadow Threshold................................................................................. 68

4.3 Normalized Image after Correction of Topographic Shadow.......................... 70

4.4 Ground Data Calibration ................................................................................................ 71

4.4.1 Input Ground Data ...................................................................................................................71
4.4.2 Display Ground Data ............................................................................................................... 72

4.5 FCD Range ............................................................................................................................ 73

4.5.1 Calibration of FCD using Ground Data................................................................................... 73
4.5.2 Calibration of FCD using Regression Analysis Parameters .................................................... 74

5. Export Utility.................................................................................................................. 76
6. Appendix............................................................................................................................ 77

6.1 Expert Sheet......................................................................................................................... 77

6.2 Project Sheet........................................................................................................................ 77

6.3 Descriptions of Imported File ...................................................................................... 78

6.4 Editing Project Property ................................................................................................. 79

6.5 Editing Menu Property .................................................................................................... 79

6.6 Loading False and Pseudo Images.............................................................................. 80

6.7 Scatter Diagram.................................................................................................................. 81

6.8 World File ............................................................................................................................. 81

6.9 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 83

1. Setting up FCD Mapper

1.1 Operating environment

Computer: Windows95, 98, XP or NT 2000 type

CPU: Pentium 500 MHz or above
Memory: 128 MB or above (256MB recommended)
Hard Disk Capacity: Free-space 10G or above (30G recommended)
Image Display: 1024768 pixels, 64k color variation or above
Printer: Windows compatible type (color/monochrome)
Sub-memory Media: MO-Disk 230MB (640MB recommended)

1.2 Installation guide

(a) Start Windows.

It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this
Setup program.

(b) Set the CD-ROM disk of FCD-Mapper in the CD-ROM drive. The Setup window is
displayed and then clicks Next.

(c) The User Information dialog box is displayed. Type your name to the Name box, the
name of your company to the Company box, and the product serial number to the
Serial box, as shown in example:

(d) The Choose Destination Location dialog box is displayed. Browse on the desired
directory to install the system, as:

(e) The Select Program Folder dialog box is displayed. Select the FCD Mapper name the
Program Folder list and click Next, as in:

(f) The Start Copying Files dialog box is displayed. To confirm the information of
installation click Next. When the installation is completed, the Setup Complete dialog
box is displayed. Then click Finish to end the installation process.

1.3 Menu list of FCD Mapper Version 2

1.3.1 Pull down menu of Main Window

New Project Creation of New Project file.
Open Project Opening the created Project file to be the
active project file.
Close Project Closing of the active Project fie
Project Property Menu to edit the Author, Comment and
change the Expert File use in the project.
Menu Property Menu to add and remove created project
files, to view or delete the author of the
project, compute the project statistics and
to edit and add Expert File.
Import Import and convert image files to FCD
environment (FBI)
File Image Subset Convert image files to FCD environment
(FBI) and cut images into area of concern.
Geometric Transform/adjust image based on
Correction reference image.
Geo- Adjust image based on its ground
Coordination coordinates.
Exit Closing of Import menu.
Export Export FCD created maps to
Load False Image Load and display false color composite
Load Pseudo Image Load and display an image/map in
pseudo color.
Scatter Diagram Compute and display scatter diagram of
FCD images.
Exit Termination of FCD Mapper.
FCD Menu Show ON/OFF display of FCD Menu.
Tile Windows Horizontally Horizontal tiling of FCD image windows.
Tiles Window Vertically Vertical tiling of FCD image windows.
Window Cascade Windows Piling of FCD image windows with title
bars visible.
Arrange all Minimize FCD image windows.
Link Windows Links the open FCD image windows.
FCD Help Open the FCD Help file.
Help About Display Software Version and the
registered license name and company.

1.3.2 FCD Menu
Open - Load the imported image.
Display - Display the false color composite image.
Check/Reduction Check/Reduction Option menu for noise condition.
Water Set - Masking of surface water.
Cloud Set - Masking of clouds.
Cloud Shadow -
Noise Set Masking of cloud shadow.
Atmos Set - Haze reduction and cloud-free mosaic process.
- Slope Shadow
Set Relief shadow effect reduction.
Normalization Normalization Radiometric normalization enhancement.
AVI AVI Advance Vegetation Index analysis.
NDVI NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
ANVI ANVI Advanced Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index analysis.
BI BI Bare Soil Index analysis.
PCA Select PCA Select Selection of optimum VI from calculated AVI,
TI TI Thermal Index analysis.
SI Select SI Select Option menu for SI generation process.
SI SI Shadow Index analysis.
Gap Set Gap Set Forest gap threshold designation.
Black Soil Set Black Soil Set Black soil threshold designation.
ASI ASI Advanced Shadow Index analysis.
Vegetation Set Vegetation Set Designation of minimum level of VI.
Bare-Soil Set Bare-Soil Set Designation of minimum level of BI.
VD VD Range Set VD Range Set Designation of minimum and maximum levels of
Vegetation Density (VD).
VD VD Vegetation Density analysis.
VI-BI-SI VI-BI-SI False color composite image display of calculated
VI, BI and SI.
Cluster Select Cluster Select Semi-automatic classification of forest area.
SSI SSI Scaled Shadow Index analysis.
Multi VD Set Multi VD Set Designation of minimum and maximum levels of
Model Multi VD analysis.
Multi VD Model Multi VD Model Multi VD analysis.
FCD FCD Integration analysis for Forest Canopy Density.
Map Statistics Map Statistics Area analysis for FCD map.
Ground Set Ground Set Loading ground forest canopy density
GROUND measurement for calibration.
Ground Set Ground Set Display of the ground data.
FCD FCD Range Set FCD Range Set Calculation of FCD based on ground data.
Range FCD Range FCD Range Display of FCD Map.

1.4 Operation Flow of FCD Mapper Version 2

1.4.1 Pre-processing



1.4.2 FCD Process




Noise Noise

Water Set
Cloud Set

Atmos Set

Normalization Index

Index Calculation VD

Multi VD
Multi VD

Ground Ground

FCD Range FCD Range

1.4.3 Utility




2. Getting Started

To start FCD Mapper, on the Desktop Panel, click , move the mouse to

browse the programs, look for and click the FCD


The blue
highlighted texts
appearing on the
Top Panel of Main Menu left panel of the
display window are
the groups of FCD
map and indices
needed to generate.

Move the scrollbar

to see the tabs at
Bottom Panel of Main Menu the bottom of the
panel. Statuses of
the maps are being
described by the
indicators as shown
on the bottom of the
panel. Such
indicators can be
observed on the
different tabs of the
panel after the
creation of the
Project File.

2.1 Create a Project
The user workspace in FCD Mapper is the directory formed in the creation of Project. A
project (subdirectory) stores collection of images, maps and tables being created during
the process. FCD Mapper Version 2 can only process maps on an active project. When
intended to open another project be sure to close the active project.

On Menu Bar click File,

move cursor to New
Project .

Activate the Expert File,

click LANDSAT-5

Remember to always
highlight LANDSAT-5
when creating new

Type the New Project

Name (user-defined).
As you typed in the
Project Name the project
is simultaneously
registered on the File
Position (directory).

The default directory for

the project is
intended to use other
drive type in the new File

Complete the
information in the
Project Index (option) for
Author (name of the
user) and Comment
(textual description of
the area).
Click OK if finish.
Click Yes to Create

The Project File is activated after its creation and it appears on the Title Bar as:

2.2 Pre-processing Tasks of FCD Mapper

Import processes in FCD Mapper Version 2 were comprised of Image Subset, Geometric
Correction and Geo-Coordination. The system is capable of importing the following
external files: TIFF/GEOTIFF, BMP, CEOS and BSQ/BIL (please refer to Appendix 6.3
for descriptions of these files). However, only imported images projected in UTM with
WGS 84 datum and spheroid can show correct ground coordinates in the display
window of FCD Mapper with or without passing through Geo-Coordination process. It
is therefore recommended that images to be processed in FCD Mapper should be in
UTM projection with WGS84 datum and spheroid.

The procedure of loading the image in Geometric Correction is similar to Image Subset.
Image Subset process can be skipped if the Geometric Correction process will be

2.2.1 Image Subset

The Image Subset is the menu in FCD Mapper Version 2 where external files can be
imported and saved into FCD format (.FBI). In this menu you can also select the extents
from the whole image or subset for area of concern/interest. Procedures to Import .BIL and .LAN (BSQ) files

1. In the File Menu,
click Import, click
Image Subset.

2. The Select Original

File Format Window
allows the user to
click on the format of
the input file. The
default is FCD-
Mapper format.
Select BSQ/BIL
Format and click
Next to move to Input
File Format
Parameter window.

The BIL (Band Interleaved Format) image is usually accompanied by HDR or header file.
The header file is a text file which describes the extents, the number of bands/channels,
the map projection information, etc. and can be opened by the program WORDPAD or
NOTEPAD. Here is an example of a Header file:

3. Type the required information in the Input File Format Parameter window as shown
below. Take note of the information listed in the header file. Click Next to continue.

Import Format = BIL (if .LAN files select BSQ)
Pixel Max = Number of Columns (NCOLS=403)
Line Max = Number of Rows (NROWS=401)
Band Count = Number of Bands (NBANDS=7)
Distance/Pixel = Image spatial resolution (Landsat = 30 m)
Comment (optional)
Author (optional)

The input file of BIL format is loaded through the following steps:
4. Click the tab
to browse for the
directory where the
input file is located.

5. Then select the

input file in the Select
Input Data Window
and click Open.

4 6. At Select Original
File Window click
Next to move to the
next window.
7. In the Select
Output Files window
click to browse
for the Project File or
the subdirectory to
store the imported
files (in the example
the location is

8. Type in the
desired output
filename, remember
to affix value 1 to
7 designate the file for
band 1, and then click

9 9. To input other
10 bands click Same File
tab, then activate the
band 1 file again and
click Open.

10. When all bands

were entered click
Next tab to proceed.

11. Then the Select Subset Area Window and Select View Files Window are displayed.
In the Select View Files Window check the channels 1, 4 and 5 to display RGB false color
composite image. Click OK to accept.

The marks on the side of the image allow the user to reduce the extents of area of
interest. Try to point the arrow to this mark and drag it. Observe the values on the
Select Subset Area window. Extents can also be adjusted by encoding desired size in the
Subset Select Area Window. But if you preferred to use the whole image be sure to drag
the subset to its original size.

12. After accepting the size, click Next, then the system starts importing the image.

13. The last window for importing the image appears with the default window false
composite display of the image. To end the process click Import End.

15 Procedures to Import GEOTIFF files

1. In the File Menu,

click Import, then
click Image Subset.

2. In the Select
1 Original File
Format window
select the

3 Click Next to

Unlike other formats, images in geotiff format are exported per band, as in the example


Mak2002_b1.tif Landsat Band 1
Mak2002_b2.tif Landsat Band 2
Mak2002_b3.tif Landsat Band 3
Mak2002_b4.tif Landsat Band 4
Mak2002_b5.tif Landsat Band 5
Mak2002_b6.tif Landsat Band 6
Mak2002_b7.tif Landsat Band 7

To proceed, select the files to import:

1. In the Select
Original file
window click
to browse the input
file for BAND 1.
2. After selecting
the Geotiff file of
band 1 click the
Open tab.

3. To input other
bands click Same
File tab, then
activate the band 1
file again.

4. When all bands

were entered click
Next tab to proceed.

3 4

5. In the Select
Original file
window click
to browse for the
Project File or
subdirectory to
store the import
files. (in the
example the
location is

6. Type in the
desired output
filename, remember
to affix value 1 to
designate the file
for band 1, then
click Open.
7 To input other
bands click Same
File tab, then
activate the band 1
file again.
8. When all bands
were entered click
Next tab to proceed.

9. Then the Select Subset Area Window and Select View Files Window are displayed. In
the Select View Files Window check the channels 1, 4 and 5 to display RGB color
composite image, click OK to accept.

The marks on the side of the image allow the user to reduce the extents of area of
interest. Try to point the arrow to this mark and drag it. Observe the values on the
Select Subset Area window. Extents can also be adjusted by encoding desired size in
the Subset Select Area Window. But if you preferred to use the whole image be sure to
drag the subset to its original size.

10. After accepting the size, click Next, then the system starts importing the image to
the system.

11. The last window for importing the image appears with the default window composite
display of the image. To end the process click Import End.

20 Procedures to Import BMP file

The BMP files comprised of only 3 bands/channels, to import other channels redo same
process of bmp file import until the 7 bands are loaded. Unlike Geotiff BMP file has no
header which contain the information of image size and bounds of ground coordinates.
For BMP files it is recommended to create a World File or undergo the manual input of
longitude and latitude in geo-coordination process of FCD Mapper Version 2.

1. In the File Menu,

click Import, click
Image Subset.

2. In the Select
Original File Format
1 window click or
select the BMP
format. Then, click
Next to proceed.

3. In the Select
Original file window
click to browse
the BMP file, click
Next tab to save the
file into FCD format.

4. In the Select
Original file window
click to browse
for the Project File or
subdirectory to store
the import files. (in
the example the
location is
Type in the desired
output filename,
remember to affix
value 1 to designate
the file for band 1,
4 and then click Open.

To input other bands

click Same File tab,
then activate the
band 1 file again.
When all bands were
entered click Next tab
to proceed.

5. In the Select View
Files window click
the other two
channels to display
the RGB color
composite image of
the file, click OK.

6. In the Select
Subset Area window
drag the mouse into
desired extent, but if
the concern is the
whole image click
Next to accept the
entire pixel and line

7. Click Import End

tab to finish the

2.2.2 Geometric Correction

Geometric correction process in FCD Mapper transforms the bounds of input image
based on another image of the same area (reference). This process is synonymous to
image to image transformation in remote sensing software, where the process includes
loading the working image (to be georeferenced) as well as the georeferenced reference
image. Geometric correction should be conducted when image of similar area taken in
different period is available. This process is relevant for cloud masking where areas on
the image covered with clouds and cloud shadows (considered noise hence were
removed/masked) can be replaced by another cloud-free image. FCD Mapper Version 2
has two geometric correction processes, they are: Auto (Affine) Transformation and
Manual Input of GCPs (Geometric Control Points). Auto Transformation

1. From the Import

Menu click Geometric
Correction, the Select
Original File window
displays. In the
example the import file
is in FCD-Mapper
Format (in this case use
the output file you have
generated from Image
Subset). Click Next to
go to next window.
2. In the Select Original
File input the files you
will use as the
transform data
(imported file). Click
Next to proceed.
3. In the Select Output
File Widow, click again
the tab to go to the
project file directory
and type the output file
name. The output file
name should be
3 different from the
original filename to
avoid overwriting of
files. Remember to
affix/assign the value of
designated channel.

4. Select the format of
the reference data and
click Next to accept. In
this example the format
is BIL.
5. Since the format is
not FCD-Mapper the
program asked for the
information from the
header file. The process
of entering the items
needed is similar in the
Image Subset.
After encoding the
header information,
click Next to proceed.
6. In the Select Input
Files Window load the
file or the reference
image, then click Next.

7. In the Select Output

Files window, click tab
to go to Select
Input File window and
type the output file
name. The output file
name should be
different from the
filename assigned to
other output files to
avoid overwriting of
files. Remember to
affix/assign the value of
designated channel.

After completing the

output file name for all
the bands click Next to
proceed to Select
window and click Input
GCP, click OK to
proceed to the next
8. In the Select View
Files check three
channels to complete
the RGB False Color
Composite Image
display. Then Click OK.

9. In the Select
Subset Areas
window accept the
entire extent by
clicking Next tab to
proceed to the

Automatic Affine
enables the
transform image to
match with
reference image.

10. When the

Import End
window appears
the resulting image
after the
also displays. If the
result is acceptable
click Import End
tab to terminate the

25 Transformation through Input of GCPs

1. From the Import

Menu click
Correction, the
Select Original File
window displays.
In the example the
import file is in
Format (in this case
use the output file
you have generated
from Image
Subset). Click Next
to go to next
2. In the Select
2 Original File input
the files you will use
as the transform
data (imported
file). Click Next to

3. In the Select
3 Output File Widow,
click again the
tab to go to the
project file
directory and type
the output file
name. The output
file name should be
different from the
original filename to
avoid overwriting
of files. Remember
to affix/assign the
value of designated

4. Select the format of the
reference data and click
Next to accept. In this
example the format is BIL.

5. Since the format is not

FCD-Mapper the program
asked for the information
from the header file. The
process of entering the
items needed is similar in
the Image Subset.
After encoding the header
information, click Next to

6. In the Select Input Files

Window load the file or the
reference image, then click

7. In the Select Output

Files window, click tab
to go to Select Input
File window and type the
output file name. The
output file name should be
different from the filename
assigned to other output
files to avoid overwriting
of files. Remember to
affix/assign the value of
designated channel.

After completing the

output file name for all the
bands click Next to proceed
to Select Transformation
window and click Input
GCP, click OK to proceed to
the next window.

8. In the Select View Files

check two channels to
complete the RGB False
Color Composite Image
display. Then Click OK.

c. The Adjustment Window and the False Color Image simultaneously appear. The false
color image is the data to be transformed, while the backdrop red image is the reference
data. Adjusting the position of the transform image is done by the following steps:

1. To have an
enlarged view of the
image click the right
button of the mouse
on any position
within the image
view. Then click
Zoom and click *4 to
have 400%
enlargement of the
2. By using the
scrollbar navigate
the image to have a
4 better view of the
image position
differences. In the
example, the two
images are
3. To adjust the
image use your
mouse to move the
3 image or the tabs on
the Adjustment
window until you
view the image
properly overlaid on
same position.
4. Then Click Next on
the Adjustment
2 window to proceed to
the next process.
5. On the Select View
File window of the
Transformation Data
check Channel 1 and
5 and click OK.
6. On the Select View
File window of the
Transformation Data
check also Channel 1
and 5 and click OK.

d. Next; four windows appear on the screen. The upper left window shows the
reference data while the transformation data is located on the lower left window. On
these windows there are red boxes which correspond to zoomed windows on the right
side of the screen (see figure below). The GCPs which will be collected are being
displayed in the Input GCP window.

Use the mouse to drag the red box on the upper left corner of the Reference Data
window and move around the image to have better view for selecting features which are
common in both reference and transformation data.

Zoom Window of
reference image

Zoom Window of to
be transformed

Below are the procedures for selecting GCPs from reference data to the transformation
data. Minimum of 4 GCPs distributed on the images are required. The more number of
GCPs the more accurate the output will be.

1. When good view

was selected click
Select GCP from
Input GCP window.
2. Select a
1 point/pixel on the
Zoom Window of
reference data which
you can locate on the
opposite Zoom
window and click the
3. After the mouse-
click on the zoom
image the InpGcpDlg
displays. This shows
the corresponding
location of the point
chosen on the
3 reference image.
Accept the value by
clicking OK.
4. Then click on same
position on the
image. If the images
are well adjusted in
4 the previous process,
the position of the
point selected in the
reference window
and transformation
window can be the
same. Click Ok to
accept selected

e. Repeat the selection of GCPs around the images. The minimum number of GCP is 4
for Affine Transformation. Root Mean Square (RMS) should be less than 1. GCPs can
be saved or deleted by using the tab on the window below. More than 4 GCPS
distributed over the image produced more accurate result. Below is an example of
collected GCPs:

f. After collecting suitable amount of GCPs click Next and Select Subset Area window
and False Color Image Window are displayed as shown below. This allows the user to
crop/subset the image to the desired extent. Then click Next to accept the subset.

g. The last stage is to accept the Geometric Correction processes that were undertaken
by clicking Import End as in:

2.2.3 Geo-coordination

This process allows user to choose the operation on how to attach the ground
coordinates to the image. Geo-coordination allows the user to choose between the two
processes: (1) manual inputs of the longitudes and latitudes and (2) using the Word File.
The first process transforms/orients the position of the image into its ground
coordinates by inputting the corresponding longitudes and latitudes or Northing and
Easting of four corners of the image through manual selection of GCPs on the four
corners of the image. The second process is using the text file containing the extents of
image by accessing the Word File. When world file is present, the geo-referencing
performs the image-to-world transformation. This transformation utilizes the UTM
projection in WGS 84 datum and spheroid. Manual input of Longitudes and Latitudes

1. In the Import
Menu click Geo-
2. In the Select Input
File window enter the
input file through the
usual browse and
select input file
process of FCD.
3. Check 3 channels
to view the image.
4. Select/click Input
Longitude and
Latitude, and then
click Next.

In this process
operator should
noted the
coordinates of the
four corners of the
image. This process
requires cautious
selection and
inputting of control

Geo-Coordination through input of Longitude and Latitude are conducted as follows:

1. If the ground
5 coordinates are in
longitude and
latitude proceed to
step 2, but if you have
UTM coordinates
change the Input
format to UTM (X, Y)
in the Input
Longitude & Latitude
4 Window..
2. Move the red box
on the upper left
corner of the image.
Locate the cursor to
position Sample 0
and Line 0 (0, 0) in
the Zoom window
and left click the
mouse. In the Input
Longitude and
Latitude window the
position of the image
appear on the blue
3. Encode the X and
Y coordinates which
correspond to the
selected image
position. Then click
3 OK.
4. Repeat selection of
GCPs on the other
three corners. Then
click Next.
5. When finished
click Next to proceed
to Import End.

33 Automatic input using world file

Presented below is an example of World File viewed in Windows WORDPAD:

A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction
B, D = rotation terms
C, F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel
E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction

Note: The y-scale (E) is negative because the origins of an image and a geographic
coordinate system are different. The origin of an image is located in the upper-left
corner, whereas the origin of the map coordinate system is located in the lower-left
corner. Row values in the image increase from the origin downward, while y-
coordinate values in the map increase from the origin upward.

The transformation parameters are stored in the world file in this order:

30.000 -A
0.000 -D
0.000 -B
30.000 -E
299744.671 -C
1569816.013 -F

The above figures are simply typed in WORDPAD and saved with file extension of .wld.
The same can be achieved from the header file (.tfw) of Geotiff but the file extension
should be renamed (Ex. image2002.tfw to image2002.wld). If World File will be used
in the Geo-coordination process, it is recommended to save the image file in Geotiff
format before processing in FCD Mapper Ver. 2.

Presented below are the procedures of using world file:

1. In the Import
Menu click Geo-
2. In the Select
Original Files
window enter the
input file through the
usual browse and
1 select input file
process of FCD.
3. Check 3 channels
to view the image.
4. In the Select Input
window click World
File and click Next

5. In the Select World
File window input the
world file to be used.
5 Click Next to proceed.

6. In the Select World

File sub-window
6 select UTM, click the
Input tab and
indicate the
appropriate central
longitude and click
OK. Click Next to
proceed on

7. After the
processing the
Progress window
automatically closed
and Input
Information End
window appears. To
end the process click
Import End tab.

3. The FCD Mapper Process for Pass 1

After the creation of Project File and Import of the images, the user is ready to proceed
to the analysis phase in FCD Mapper. Be sure that you are working in your active
project file as indicated on the Title Bar, as an example shown below:

3.1 Open and Display the Image

1. In the Main
Window click the
tab Open to
activate the input
1 2. Load the file
created during the
import process
and click Open.
2 3. Click the tab
Display to open
3 the False Select
Window. Assign
CH1 to B, CH4 to
G and CH5 to R.
Then click OK.
4. The Image
Display window
appears showing
the entire extent of
image in false
color composite.

2 To change color
right click the
mouse to view the
View Menu.

3.2 Noise Reduction

This process was created to reduce noise on the image that may affect the succeeding
digital processing tasks. The processes involve masks the surface water, clouds and
cloud shadows, and reduce the haze effect in atmospheric correction. These noises that
may be present on the image can influence miscalculations of FCD indices thresholds
due to overlaps of reflectance values with that of vegetation and other land cover types.

3.2.1 Noise Check/Reduction

1. To start click
Check/Reduction, the
Noise Check and
Reduction window
displays. This window
enables the user to
activate the noise or
feature on the image
that will be masked.
2. Check the Surface
Water and click ON for
the Reduction. Do the
same for Cloud and
Cloud Shadow. These
three features were
activated because they
are present on the
sample image.
Atmospheric noise was
also checked because it
will enable the user to
use another image (used
in geometric correction)
to replace the masked
portion of clouds and
cloud shadow. Then
click OK.

3.2.2 Mask Surface Water

1. To mask surface
water click Water Set,
the window for Set
Threshold and an image
view window are

2. Drag the red line

found on the left most
side of the histogram
window towards the
graph (blue color).
As you drag the line
along the histogram the
surface water on the
image is selected (black

3. Then click OK.


3.2.3 Masking the Clouds

1. To mask the clouds

click Cloud Set, the
window for Set
Threshold and an image
view window display.

2. Drag the magenta

line found on the left
most side of the
histogram window
towards the graph
(black color).

As you drag the line

along the histogram the
clouds on the image are
selected (black color).

3. Then click OK.

3.2.4 Selecting the Cloud Shadow

1. To mask the cloud

shadow click Cloud
Shadow Set, the
window for Set Cloud
Shadow Mask window

2. To have a clear view

of the shadow, click
right button of mouse
on the image and click
Zoom to *4.
3. The polygons in grey
color are the selected
footprints of the clouds
done in Cloud Set.
Beside them are the
cloud shadows (black).

4. Drag the grey

polygon to the cloud
shadows and click OK.

Cloud Shadow

3.2.5 Atmospheric correction

The atmospheric correction process in FCD Mapper is optional and can be conducted if:
(a) haze is present on the image or (b) another image of same area is available to fill in
cut features produced by cloud masking. Reduction of haze

1. On FCD Menu click

Atmos Set, the Haze
Reduction window and
the image display, click
Preview to see the
output image with haze
reduction using the
minimum default filter
of 10. You can try
higher value of filter
and click Preview
1 again.

2. If satisfied with the

output image after
filtering click OK.

3. An option window
Open Project displays to
prompt the user to
continue to cloud-free
mosaic which requires
another image of same
area to fill in the cloud
3 mask with cloud free
image. If the image is
unavailable click

4. When a Warning
window displays, click
Yes to continue. Then
click End to terminate
operation on Atmos Set.

42 Cloud free mosaic

This process aimed to fill in cloud free image on the areas cut or mask during the Cloud
Set and Cloud Shadow Set processes.

1. On FCD Menu click

Atmos Set, the Haze
Reduction window and
the image display. If no
haze reduction needed,
click Cancel.
2. The Warning
window appears, click
Yes to continue.
3. In the Open Project
window select the
project file where the
other image is being
activated; click Ok to
accept the project file.
4. The cloud free
mosaic image displays.
To have a clearer view
of the mosaic click the
right button of the
mouse and select Zoom
to *4.
5. To accept the process
2 click End.

3.3 Normalization

1. From FCD Menu

click Normalization and
processing of image

2. Then the False Select

window displays. From
this window click on the
three channels you will
use for false color
composite display. It is
recommended to use N1
for B (Blue), N4 for G
(Green) and N5 for R
(Red). Click Ok to
display the false color
1 composite window of
normalized image.

3.4 Calculation of Indices

3.4.1 Advanced Vegetation Index (AVI)

1. Click AVI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The AVI Pass 1

Image Window shows
the calculated AVI.

3.4.2 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

1. Click NDVI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The NDVI Pass 1

Image Window shows
the calculated NDVI.

3.4.3 Advanced Normalized Vegetation Index (ANVI)

1. Click ANVI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The ANVI Pass 1

Image Window shows
the calculated ANVI.

3.4.4 Bare Soil Index (BI)

1. Click BI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The BI Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated BI.

3.4.5 PCA Select

This process open for option to choose among the calculated vegetation indices that
shows optimum value and displays highest correlation based on their scatter diagrams.

1. On The FCD Menu,

click PCA Select and the
scatter diagram
2. Click each vegetation
index to view their
corresponding scatter
diagram and the
statistics. Choose the VI
which has the optimum
value and good
scattergram, click the
VI selected. Click OK to
continue processing.

The selected VI will

be used for FCD map

3.4.6 Thermal Index (TI)

1. Click TI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The TI Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated TI.

3.4.7 Shadow Index Option

The SI Select in FCD Menu

allows the user to view the
option window and to accept
the default SI Generation
Method and activate (check)
ASI Generate Options.

In checking ASI Generate

Options the user should have
a priori idea of the location of
the gap (open areas/barren)
for Gap Detect and the areas
of black soil in the image for
Black Soil Detect. If the two
factors are unknown uncheck

Log Equation in SI Generation Method can only be used if the lower values of SI will be
amplified to enhance the values for thick canopy and the area of understory.

3.4.8 Shadow Index (SI)

1. Click SI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The SI Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated SI.

3.4.9 Threshold for Forest Gap

1. On FCD Menu click

Gap Set, the windows
for Set Threshold and
the image display.

2. Drag the line located

at the left most side of
the histogram to the
position of the threshold
which selects the forest
gap (black color in the
1 image display).

3. Click OK to accept the


3.4.10 Setting the Black Soil

1. On FCD Menu click

Black Soil Set, the
windows for Set
Threshold and the
Threshold Image

2. Drag the line located

at the left most side of
the histogram to the
position of the threshold
which selects the black
1 soil (black color in the
image display).

3. Click OK to accept the


3.4.11 Advanced Shadow Index (ASI)

1. Click ASI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The ASI Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated ASI.

3.5 Vegetation Density

3.5.1 Setting Threshold for Vegetation Density

1. On FCD Menu click

Vegetation Set, the
windows for Set
Threshold and the
Threshold Image

2. Drag the line located

at the left most side of
the histogram to the
position of the threshold
which selects the
Vegetation (white color
in the image display).

The Threshold Limit is

generally located in the
middle of 2 peaks in the

3. Click OK to accept the


3.5.2 Setting Threshold for Bare Soil

1. On FCD Menu click

Bare-Soil Set, the
windows for Set
Threshold and the
Threshold Image

1 2. Drag the line located

at the left most side of
the histogram to the
position of the threshold
which selects the bare-
2 soil (white color in the
image display).

3. Click OK to accept the


3.5.3 Setting Ranges for Vegetation Density

1. On FCD Menu click

Vegetation Range Set,
the windows for Set
Threshold and the
1 Threshold Image

2. Drag the line located

at the left most side of
the histogram to the
2 position of the threshold
which selects the
minimum range of the
vegetation (white color
in the image display).
Minimum threshold
usually falls on the mid
intersection of the
histograms (blue color).

3. Click OK to accept the

4. To get the maximum
threshold, drag the line
located at the left most
4 side of the histogram to
the position of the
threshold which selects
the maximum range of
the vegetation (white
color in the image
display). Maximum
threshold usually falls
on the end of the
Vegetation histogram
(green color).

3. Click OK to accept the


3.5.4 Vegetation Density Map Calculation

1. Click VD.

2. Accept the default

settings on Pseudo
Select Window, click

3. The VD Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated VD.

3.6 Scaled Shadow Index

3.6.1 False Color Composite Image of VI-BI-SI

1. Click VI-BI-SI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Color
Select Window, click OK
to display the VI-BI-SI

3.6.2 Cluster Select

a. Selection of vegetation clusters

1. Click Cluster Select,

the window Selection of
Clusters of VI-BI-SI-TI
and corresponding
image window display.

2. Click on the series of

gray bar on column of
VEGETATE to group
the values which
identify the extent of
forest area.

3. Then click OK to
proceed to the next

b. Setting Threshold for SSI

1. On the Histogram of
SSI, drag the line from
the left to set the
minimum value for SSI.
(Mean-2(std dev) Then,
click OK.

2. Again, drag the line

to set the maximum
level of SSI
(Mean+2(std dev), then
click OK.

3.6.2 Calculation of Scale Shadow Index

1. Click SSI.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The SSI Pass 1 Image

Window shows the
calculated SI.

3.7 Multi Vegetation Density Model

This process was created due to variation of forest vegetation and structure in different
seasons. Thus, despite of differences on canopy reflectance vegetation of similar types
but of different structure can be manually classified or clustered.

Multi VD Cluster Selection Procedures

1. Click Multi VD Set

from FCD Menu of
Model, the progress bar
for on-going calculation
will appear. Then the
Clustering Window and
Image Display
simultaneously appear.

2. Select the
cluster/group of forest
area based on their
values of VI, BI, SI and
TI. Collect the clusters
by grouping the FC
class and assign them
under GI, G2, G3 and
G4. Click OK to
proceed on selecting the
maximum value of
vegetation area per

3. Drag the cyan line
towards the maximum
value of vegetation of
the first cluster.

4. Click OK when finish.

Repeat the procedures

for the next clusters.

3.8 Forest Canopy Density Map Calculation

1. Click FCD from Menu


2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The FCD Pass 1

Image Window shows
the calculated FCD map
in Pass1.

3.8.2 Map Statistics Calculation

This process calculates area in hectares per quadrangle on the FCD as viewed below for
each FCD categories. This also allows saving the FCD map output to bitmap (BMP) and
their statistics to Ms Excel file.

1. Click Map Statistics

from FCD Menu, the
Mapping Statistics
window appears.
2. In the Mapping
Statistics Window
Calculation, the table
showing the area in
hectares per sections

3. To save map and

statistics click Save in
the Mapping Statistics
Window. Enter the
desired file name for
map and click Save.
4. Then enter the
desired file name for
statistics and click Save.

To exit from Map

Statistics Window click

To change partition and color:

The values of the FCD categories are grouped in ranges of 10 % (default). To change the
number of partition and color use the Drag & Drop Function using the left button of the
mouse by designating the start and end of the partition bar .

Below is the example of amended partition:

Drag and Drop

4. The FCD Mapper Process for Pass 2

The FCD Mapper Pass 2 processes are almost similar to Pass 1 except for : Setting
Slope Shadow Threshold for topographic shadow correction and Input of Ground Data
for FCD calibration necessary to generate the final FCD Map (FCD Range). Thus, the
series of processes in Pass 1 should be undertaken with the two aforementioned

4.1 Pass 2 Check Reduction

1. In the FCD Menu of

Pass 2, click

Note that other items

are inactive, because
these are processes in
Pass 1 which are
already calculated.

2. Activate the Multi

VD Model by clicking
the on button. Then
click OK.

4.2 Setting Slope Shadow Threshold

This process extracts the portion of topographic shadow by the Topographic Shadow
Index (TSI) and corrects the influence at the bands 1-5 data. The TSI is automatically
calculated using VI, BI and SI, and it is able to adjust by using spatial filter. Then it
designates the minimum value of the slope shadow area using the TSI histogram. The
extracted topographic shadow corrects the image data and converts to non-shadow area.
The results of this are reflected on the bands 1-5 data.

1. Click Slope Shadow

Set in the FCD Menu,
the Spatial Filter and
Image windows

2. Designate the value 1

for the Spatial Filter see
the initial effect to the
image. Click Preview to
view filtered image.

Note that value of

Spatial Filter varies
depending on the
resulting image. Try
different values and
click Preview.

3. If designated value is
already accepted click
OK to move to another

4. Drag the line in the
Histogram window
to select Threshold
of Topographic
Shadow Index
5. Click OK when

The colors on the image window were described as:

Color Condition Characteristics

Gray Features are non-forest Inactive
White TSI< minimum Within forest area but not
topographic shadow within topographic shadow
Black TSI> minimum Topographic shadow area
topographic shadow

4.3 Normalized Image after Correction of Topographic Shadow

1. Click Normalization
from Menu window.

2. Accept the default

settings on False Select
window, click OK.

3. The Normalized Pass

21 Image Window
shows the enhanced
image after the TSI

Observe the difference of Normalized Images before and after TSI process. In the
mountainous areas the relief/topographic shadow affects digital values and sometimes
misclassified as water or cloud shadow. This calculation of TSI enables the user to
correct the digital values behind the relief that are covered by topographic shadows.

4.4 Ground Data Calibration

This process corrects/calibrates the output FCD map using the ground/field data. Since
the ground data have designated location the image file should be properly Geo-
coordinated. The ground data can be stored in CSV format (comma space
value/delimited). The ground data can be encoded in MS Excel and should be saved to
CSV format file.

The CSV file of ground data should follow this format:

Point No., Latitude (Degrees), Latitude (Minutes), Longitude (Degrees),

Longitude (Minutes), FCD value (%)

1 , N14 , 8.5 , E121 , 12.3 , 87
2 , N14 , 8.8 , E121 , 12.4, 72
3 , N14 , 9.1 , E121 , 11.8, 63

4.4.1 Input Ground Data

1. Click Ground Set

from Menu window.

2. Browse the ground

data file from the
directory, click .
Input the size of pixel
which represents the
ground data at Matrix
Count Option.

3. Click OK to accept
the inputs.

4.4.2 Display Ground Data
1. Click Ground from
Menu window.

2. Accept the default in

the Pseudo Select
Window; click OK to
display the Ground
Data window.


a. The default threshold

and color composition
in Pseudo Select
Window can be
modified in any users

b. When collecting
ground data be sure
that enough samples
will be gathered for
each canopy group
(from 1-10%, 11-20%,
21-30% 31-40%, 41-
50%, 51-60%, 61-70%,
71-80%, 81-90%, 91-
100%). This is
necessary for
calibration of FCD Map
based on ground data.

4.5 FCD Range

This final process of FCD Mapper is to calibrate the FCD Map through regression
analysis based on real field condition. It is done in two ways: (a) utilize the Ground Data
and (b) the manual input of parameters such as slope and intercept values in regression
equation. The reference data for the latter is the scatter diagram of FCD and Ground

4.5.1 Calibration of FCD using Ground Data

1. Click FCD Range Set

in the Menu Window to
open Menu Option
window for FCD Range

2. Click Ground Data to

activate, then click OK.

3. To display calibrated
map, click FCD Range.

4. Accept default at
Pseudo Select window,
click OK.


G1, G2, G3, G4 stand for

the clusters in Mutli-VD
Model. The number of
activated clusters
depends upon the
number of clusters
created in the Mutli-VD

4.5.2 Calibration of FCD using Regression Analysis Parameters

a. Determine values of parameters using Scatter Diagram

1. Under File Menu,

select Scatter Diagram
to display Scatter
Diagram File Select

2. Choose Pass 2 in
both sub windows to
display files in Pass 2.

3. Activate parameters
of Scatter Diagram,
click FCD on the left
window and Ground on
the right window and
click OK. Then the
Scatter Diagram
displays showing the
graph and the
statistical values.

4. Take note of the

Slope and Intercept
Values, click OK to exit.

b. Calibrate the FCD Map using Regression Analysis Parameters

1. Click FCD Range Set

in the Menu Window to
open Menu Option
window for FCD Range

2. Click Manual and

input slope and
intercept values noted
from the scatter
diagram on all
activated clusters, then
click OK.


G1, G2, G3, G4 stand for

the clusters in Mutli-VD
Model. The number of
activated clusters
depends upon the
number of clusters
created in the Mutli-VD

3. To display calibrated
map, click FCD Range.

4. Accept default at
Pseudo Select window,
click OK.

5. Export Utility

All the calculated maps/images are stored/saved within the project file and can be
exported to TIFF of GEOTIF format for integration with other spatial data within the
Geographic Information System (GIS). From the Main Menu, click File and then click
Export. Check the box on the left to select the maps to export and then click the Save
tab. In the Select Directory window the user is given the option to browse on the
subdirectory where exported file is intended to save. After browsing for the directory
click OK to process.


Due to limitation of the FCD expert system to retain the original image
resolution and dimension, it is recommended that the exported files from
FCD Mapper should undergo the process of reprojection and
georeferencing using other remote sensing or GIS software prior to data

6. Appendix

6.1 Expert Sheet

The expert sheet is a recording file. It contains algorithm built into the semi-expert
system by a remote sensing expert. It includes processing procedures, calculations,
equations and, parameters for users input, etc. The following are the Expert Sheet


1 INDEX Default selection in Index Method
2 CLOUD General equation parameters of making CLD file
3 AVI General equation parameters of making AVI file
4 NDVI General equation parameters of making NDVI file
5 BI General equation parameters of making BI file
6 TI Calibration coefficient of making TI file
7 SI General equation parameters of making SI file
8 TSI General equation parameters of making TSI file
9 SSI_CLU Parameters of Cluster Analysis
10 FC General equation parameters of FC Analysis
11 FCD General equation parameters of making FCD file
12 SEMIAUTO Default selection of automatic method
13 ATMOSPHERIC Calibration coefficient of Atmospheric Noise Reduction
14 TSI FILTER Calibration coefficient of slope shadow noise reduction

6.2 Project Sheet

The Project Sheet saves the reference expert sheet and the processing parameters. The
following are the Project Sheet sections:


1 PROJECT Description of Comment and Author
2 FORMAT Information of Image
3 BAND Information of Image
4 ASSIGN Information of Image
5 IMAGE Information of Image
6 FILE File name of expert sheet file, image file and so on
7 FILESTT Output operation state
8 INPUTSTT Input operation state
9 TASKSTT Tasks state
10 THRESHOLD Threshold values
11 NOISE CHECK Noise information
12 NOISE REDUCTION Noise Reduction operation state
13 MASK Information of Masks Setting
14 INDEX Default selection of Index Method
15 NEIGHBORING Information values of generated image files
16 AVE_RESULT Average values of generated image files
17 SD_RESULT Standard Deviation values of generated image files
18 CLU_RESULT Clustering Result
19 CLUSTER Choice of number of clusters in SSIl Cluster Analysis
20 MULTIMODEL Choice of number of clusters in Multi Model Cluster Analysis
21 GROUND Matrix count dimension in Ground Analysis
22 FCDRANGE Information of FCD Range Analysis

6.3 Descriptions of Imported File


BIL Acronym for Band Interleaved by Line Format. Images ENVI 4.0 Help
stored in BIL format have the first line of the first band
followed by the first line of the second band, followed by
the first line of the third band, interleaved up to the
number of bands. Subsequent lines for each band are
interleaved in similar fashion. This format provides a
compromise in performance between spatial and spectral
processing and is the recommended file format for most
ENVI processing tasks.

BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap (.BMP). Usually stored as 1, 4,

8, 16 or 24 bits per pixel.
BSQ Acronym for Band Sequential Format. In its simplest form, ENVI 4.0 Help
the data is in BSQ format, with each line of the data
followed immediately by the next line in the same spectral
band. This format is optimal for spatial (X, Y) access of
any part of a single spectral band.
CEOS Is a multi-file/section format used by the remote sensing ENVI 4.0 Help
community for LANDSAT as ESA CEOS, AVHRR,
SEAWIFS and for mostly SAR imagery data.
GEOTIFF TIFF file format with stored georeferencing information. ArcGIS Desktop
TIF Acronym for Tag(ged) Image File Format. It is one of the ArcView 3.2 Help
most popular and flexible of the current public domain
raster file formats. It serves as an interface to several http://home.earthli
scanners and graphic arts packages. TIFF supports black- nk.net/~ritter/tiff/#
and-white, grayscale, pseudocolor, and true color images, whatis
all of which can be stored in a compressed or
uncompressed format.

6.4 Editing Project Property

6.5 Editing Menu Property

6.6 Loading False and Pseudo Images

6.7 Scatter Diagram

6.8 World File

What is a world file?

The world file is a text file (with the extension .WLD) containing one or two pairs of X,Y
coordinates. The first pair of X,Y coordinates is the actual X,Y location of any known
control point in your drawing file. The second pair of X,Y coordinates is a new location
in geographic space where you would want the CAD drawing control point to be in

World file contents:

The contents of the world file will look something like this:


When this file is present, the geo-referencing performs the image-to-world

transformation. The image-to-world transformation is a six-parameter affine
transformation in the form of:

x1 = Ax + By + C

y1 = Dx + Ey + F


x1 = calculated x-coordinate of the pixel on the map

y1 = calculated y-coordinate of the pixel on the map
x = column number of a pixel in the image
y = row number of a pixel in the image
A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction
B, D = rotation terms
C, F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel
E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction

Note The y-scale (E) is negative because the origins of an image and a geographic
coordinate system are different. The origin of an image is located in the upper-left
corner, whereas the origin of the map coordinate system is located in the lower-left
corner. Row values in the image increase from the origin downward, while y-coordinate
values in the map increase from the origin upward.

The transformation parameters are stored in the world file in this order:

20.17541308822119 -A
0.00000000000000 -D
0.00000000000000 -B
-20.17541308822119 -E
424178.11472601280548 -C
4313415.90726399607956 -F

Source: Arcview 3.2 Help

6.9 Abbreviations


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