City of Manila Vs Te

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A motion to dismiss is not allowed in expropriation proceedings.


The City of Manila enacted Ordinance No. 7951, an ordinance authorising the mayor to acquire by negotiation or
expropriation pieces of real property along Maria Clara and Forbes Streets where low-cost housing could be built and
awarded to bona-fide residents therein. One of those included was the property of Melba, 475-square meter property
included within the 1,425 sq. meter covered property. Melba acquired the property from one Emerlinda in 1996, and it was
already occupied by several families whose leasehold rights have already expired. Melba was able to secure a writ of
execution from the MTC of Manila, but it remained unexexcuted, as it was opposed by the city. Between the time an order of
execution and a writ of demolition were issued, the city filed an expropriation complaint against the property. The RTC
dismissed the first compliant upon motion by Melba for failure to show that an ordinance authorised the expropriation and
non-compliance with the provisions of Republic Act 7279. The city filed a second expropriation complaint, this time armed
with Ordinance No. 7951, and alleging that pursuant thereto, it had already offered to buy the property from Melba, which
the latter failed to retrieve from the post office despite notice. The city was thereby compelled to file the complaint, after
depositing in trust with the Land Bank of the Philippines P1,000,000.00 in cash, representing the just compensation required
by law.

Melba, instead of filing, filed a motion to dismiss, and raised the following grounds: Ordinance No. 7951 was an invalid
ordinance because it violated a rule against taking private property without just compensation; that petitioner did not comply
with the requirements of Sections 9 and 10 of R.A. No. 7279; and that she qualified as a small property owner and, hence,
exempt from the operation of R.A. No. 7279, the subject lot being the only piece of realty that she owned.

The city then moved to be allowed to enter the proper, but the RTC dismissed the complaint filed by the city in this wise:
First, the trial court held that while petitioner had deposited with the bank the alleged P1M cash in trust for respondent,
petitioner nevertheless did not submit any certification from the City Treasurers Office of the amount needed to justly
compensate respondent for her property. Second, it emphasized that the provisions of Sections 9 and 10 of R.A. No. 7279
are mandatory in character, yet petitioner had failed to show that it exacted compliance with them prior to the
commencement of this suit. Lastly, it conceded that respondent had no other real property except the subject lot which,
considering its total area, should well be considered a small property exempted by law from expropriation.

On appeal to the Court of Appeals by the city, the appellate court denied the appeal, hence the city of Manila elevated its
case to the Supreme Court. In its petition, the city avers that the dismissal denied it the opportunity to show compliance with
Sections 9 and 10 of RA 7279; Melba had other properties aside from the subject property. Whether or not it had complied
with the law is a matter best treated in a full-blown trial rather than in a motion to dismiss. Melba on the other hand
countered that Ordinance 7951 is an invalid ordinance; expropriation for socialized housing must abide by the priorities in
land acquisition and the available modes of land acquisition laid out in the law, and that expropriation of privately-owned
lands avails only as the last resort. She also invokes the exemptions provided in the law. She professes herself to be a
small property owner under Section 3 (q), and claims that the subject property is the only piece of land she owns where she,
as of yet, has not been able to build her own home because it is still detained by illegal occupants whom she had already
successfully battled with in the ejectment court. Replying, the city averred that by virtue of its power of eminent domain
included in its charter, it is not bound by the provisions of Republic Act 7279.

The Supreme Court:

Expropriation is a two-pronged proceeding: first, the determination of the authority of the plaintiff to exercise the power and
the propriety of its exercise in the context of the facts which terminates in an order of dismissal or an order of condemnation
affirming the plaintiffs lawful right to take the property for the public use or purpose described in the complaint and second,
the determination by the court of the just compensation for the property sought to be expropriated.

Expropriation proceedings are governed by Rule 67 of the Rules of Court. Under the Rules of Court of 1940 and 1964,
where the defendant in an expropriation case conceded to the plaintiffs right to expropriate (or where the trial court affirms
the existence of such right), the court-appointed commissioners would then proceed to determine the just compensation to
be paid. Otherwise, where the defendant had objections to and defenses against the expropriation of his property, he was
required to file a single motion to dismiss containing all such objections and defenses.
This motion to dismiss was not covered by Rule 15 which governed ordinary motions, and was then the required responsive
pleading, taking the place of an answer, where the plaintiffs right to expropriate the defendants property could be put in
issue. Any relevant and material fact could be raised as a defense, such as that which would tend to show that the exercise
of the power to condemn was unauthorized, or that there was cause for not taking defendants property for the purpose
alleged in the petition, or that the purpose for the taking was not public in character. With that, the hearing of the motion and
the presentation of evidence would follow. The rule is based on fundamental constitutional provisions affecting the exercise
of the power of eminent domain, such as those that seek to protect the individual property owner from the aggressions of
the government. However, the rule, which was derived from the practice of most American states, proved indeed to be a
source of confusion because it likewise permitted the filing of another motion to dismiss, such as that referred to in Rule 16,
where the defendant could raise, in addition, the preliminary objections authorized under it.

The Supreme Court, in its en banc Resolution in Bar Matter No. 803 dated April 8, 1997, has provided that the revisions
made in the Rules of Court were to take effect on July 1, 1997. Thus, with said amendments, the present state of Rule 67
dispenses with the filing of an extraordinary motion to dismiss such as that required before in response to a complaint for
expropriation. The present rule requires the filing of an answer as responsive pleading to the complaint. Section 3 thereof

Sec. 3. Defenses and objections. If a defendant has no objection or defense to the action or the taking of his property, he
may and serve a notice or appearance and a manifestation to that effect, specifically designating or identifying the property
in which he claims to be interested, within the time stated in the summons. Thereafter, he shall be entitled to notice of all
proceedings affecting the same. If a defendant has any objection to the filing of or the allegations in the complaint, or any
objection or defense to the taking of his property, he shall serve his answer within the time stated in the summons. The
answer shall specifically designate or identify the property in which he claims to have an interest, state the nature and extent
of the interest claimed, and adduce all his objections and defenses to the taking of his property. No counterclaim, cross-
claim or third-party complaint shall be alleged or allowed in the answer or any subsequent pleading.

A defendant waives all defenses and objections not so alleged but the court, in the interest of justice, may permit
amendments to the answer to be made not later than ten (10) days from the filing thereof. However, at the trial of the issue
of just compensation, whether or not a defendant has previously appeared or answered, he may present evidence as to the
amount of the compensation to be paid for his property, and he may share in the distribution of the award.

The defendant in an expropriation case who has objections to the taking of his property is now required to file an answer
and in it raise all his available defenses against the allegations in the complaint for eminent domain. While the answer is
bound by the omnibus motion rule under Section 8,[46] Rule 15, much leeway is nevertheless afforded to the defendant
because amendments may be made in the answer within 10 days from its filing. Also, failure to file the answer does not
produce all the disastrous consequences of default in ordinary civil actions, because the defendant may still present
evidence on just compensation. At the inception of the case at bar with the filing of the complaint on November 16, 2000,
the amended provisions of Rule 67 have already been long in force. Borre v. Court of Appeals teaches that statutes which
regulate procedure in the courts apply to actions pending and undetermined at the time those statutes were passed. And in
Laguio v. Gamet, it is said that new court rules apply to proceedings which take place after the date of their effectivity.

In the case of Robern Development Corporation v. Quitain, a similar motion to dismiss was filed by the private property
owner, petitioner therein, in an expropriation case filed by the National Power Corporation (NPC), alleging certain
jurisdictional defects as well as issues on the impropriety of the expropriation measure being imposed on the property. The
trial court in that case denied the motion inasmuch as the issues raised therein should be dealt with during the trial proper.
On petition for certiorari, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts denial of the motion to dismiss. On appeal, the
Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals, but declared that under the amended provisions of Section 3, Rule 67, which
were already in force at about the time the motion to dismiss had been submitted for resolution, all objections and defenses
that could be availed of to defeat the expropriators exercise of the power of eminent domain must be contained in an
answer and not in a motion to dismiss because these matters require the presentation of evidence. Accordingly, while the
Court in that case sustained the setting aside of the motion to dismiss, it nevertheless characterized the order of dismissal
as a nullity. Hence, it referred the case back to the trial court and required the NPC to submit its answer to the complaint
within 10 days from the finality of the decision. Thus, the trial court in this case should have denied respondents motion to
dismiss and required her to submit in its stead an answer within the reglementary period. This, because whether petitioner
has observed the provisions of Sections 9 and 10 of R.A. No. 7279 before resorting to expropriation, and whether
respondent owns other properties than the one sought to be expropriated, and whether she is actually a small property
owner beyond the reach of petitioners eminent domain powers, are indeed issues in the nature of affirmative defenses
which require the presentation of evidence aliunde.[51] Besides, Section 1, Rule 16 of the Rules of Court does not consider
these matters grounds for a motion to dismiss, and an action can be dismissed only on the grounds authorized by this

The Court declared in Robern Development Corporation, thus:

Accordingly, Rule 16, Section 1 of the Rules of Court, does not consider as grounds for a motion to dismiss the allotment of
the disputed land for another public purpose or the petition for a mere easement of right-of-way in the complaint for
expropriation. The grounds for dismissal are exclusive to those specifically mentioned in Section 1, Rule 16 of the Rules of
Court, and an action can be dismissed only on a ground authorized by this provision.

To be exact, the issues raised by the petitioner are affirmative defenses that should be alleged in an answer, since they
require presentation of evidence aliunde. Section 3 of Rule 67 provides that if a defendant has any objection to the filing of
or the allegations in the complaint, or any objection or defense to the taking of his property, he should include them in his
answer. Naturally, these issues will have to be fully ventilated in a full-blown trial and hearing. It would be precipitate to
dismiss the Complaint on such grounds as claimed by the petitioner. Dismissal of an action upon a motion to dismiss
constitutes a denial of due process if, from a consideration of the pleadings, it appears that there are issues that cannot be
decided without a trial of the case on the merits.

Inasmuch as the 1997 Rules had just taken effect when this case arose, we believe that in the interest of substantial justice,
the petitioner should be given an opportunity to file its answer to the Complaint for expropriation in accordance with Section
3, Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.x x x

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