Chapter 7: Net Present Value and Capital Budgeting

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Chapter 7: Net Present Value and Capital Budgeting

7.1 a. Yes, the reduction in the sales of the companys other products, referred to as erosion, should be
treated as an incremental cash flow. These lost sales are included because they are a cost (a
revenue reduction) that the firm must bear if it chooses to produce the new product.
b. Yes, expenditures on plant and equipment should be treated as incremental cash flows. These are
costs of the new product line. However, if these expenditures have already occurred, they are
sunk costs and are not included as incremental cash flows.
c. No, the research and development costs should not be treated as incremental cash flows. The
costs of research and development undertaken on the product during the past 3 years are sunk
costs and should not be included in the evaluation of the project. Decisions made and costs
incurred in the past cannot be changed. They should not affect the decision to accept or reject the
d. Yes, the annual depreciation expense should be treated as an incremental cash flow. Depreciation
expense must be taken into account when calculating the cash flows related to a given project.
While depreciation is not a cash expense that directly affects cash flow, it decreases a firms net
income and hence, lowers its tax bill for the year. Because of this depreciation tax shield, the
firm has more cash on hand at the end of the year than it would have had without expensing
e. No, dividend payments should not be treated as incremental cash flows. A firms decision to pay
or not pay dividends is independent of the decision to accept or reject any given investment
project. For this reason, it is not an incremental cash flow to a given project. Dividend policy is
discussed in more detail in later chapters.
f. Yes, the resale value of plant and equipment at the end of a projects life should be treated as an
incremental cash flow. The price at which the firm sells the equipment is a cash inflow, and any
difference between the book value of the equipment and its sale price will create gains or losses
that result in either a tax credit or liability.
g. Yes, salary and medical costs for production employees hired for a project should be treated as
incremental cash flows. The salaries of all personnel connected to the project must be included as
costs of that project.

7.2 Item I is a relevant cost because the opportunity to sell the land is lost if the new golf club is produced.
Item II is also relevant because the firm must take into account the erosion of sales of existing products
when a new product is introduced. If the firm produces the new club, the earnings from the existing clubs
will decrease, effectively creating a cost that must be included in the decision. Item III is not relevant
because the costs of Research and Development are sunk costs. Decisions made in the past cannot be
changed. They are not relevant to the production of the new clubs. Choice C is the correct answer.
7.3 Cash Flow Chart:
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
1. Sales revenue - $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000
2. Operating costs - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
3. Depreciation - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
4. Income before tax - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
5. Taxes at 34% - 850 850 850 850
6. Net income 0 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650
7. Cash flow from 0 4,150 4,150 4,150 4,150
8. Initial Investment -$10,000 - - - -
9. Changes in net working -200 -50 -50 100 200
10. Total cash flow from -10,200 -50 -50 100 200
11. Total cash flow -$10,200 $4,100 $4,100 $4,250 $4,350

a. Incremental Net Income [from 6]:

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
0 $1,650 $1,650 $1,650 $1,650

b. Incremental cash flow [from 11]:

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
-$10,200 $4,100 $4,100 $4,250 $4,350

c. The present value of each cash flow is simply the amount of that cash flow discounted back from the
date of payment to the present. For example, discount the cash flow in Year 1 by 1 period (1.12), and
discount the cash flow that occurs in Year 2 by 2 periods (1.12)2. Note that since the Year 0 cash flow
occurs today, its present value does not need to be adjusted.

PV(C0) = -$10,200
PV(C1) = $4,100 / (1.12) = $3,661
PV(C2) = $4,100 / (1.12)2 = $3,268
PV(C3) = $4,250 / (1.12)3 = $3,025
PV(C4) = $4,350 / (1.12)4 = $2,765

NPV = PV(C0) + PV(C1) + PV(C2) + PV(C3) + PV(C4) = $2,519

These calculations could also have been performed in a single step:

NPV = -$10,200 + $4,100 / (1.12) + $4,100 / (1.12)2 + $4,250 / (1.12)3 + $4,350 / (1.12)4
= $2,519

The NPV of the project is $2,519.

7.4 The initial payment, which occurs today (year 0), does not need to be discounted:

PV = $1,400,000

The expected value of his bonus payment is:

Expected Value = C0 (Probability of Occurrence) + C1 (Probability of Nonoccurrence)

= $750,000 (0.60) + $0 (0.40)
= $450,000

The expected value of his salary, including the expected bonus payment, is $2,950,000 (=$2,500,000 +

The present value of his three-year salary with bonuses is:

PV Annuity = C1 ATr
= $2,950,000 A30.1236
= $7,041,799

Remember that the annuity formula yields the present value of a stream of cash flows one period prior to
the initial payment. Therefore, applying the annuity formula to a stream of cash flows that begins four
years from today will generate the present value of that annuity as of the end of year three. Discount that
result by three years to find the present value.

PV Delayed Annuity = (ATr) / (1+r)T-1

= ($1,250,000 A100.1236) / (1.1236)3
= $4,906,457

Thus, the total PV of his three-year contract is:

PV = $1,400,000 + $2,950,000 A30.1236 + ($1,250,000 A100.1236) / (1.1236)3

= $1,400,000 + $7,041,799 + $4,906,457
= $13,348,256

The present value of the contract is $13,348,256.

7.5 Compute the NPV of both alternatives. If either of the projects has a positive NPV, that project is more
favorable to Benson than simply continuing to rent the building. If both of the projects have positive net
present values, recommend the one with the higher NPV. If neither of the projects has a positive NPV, the
correct recommendation is to reject both projects and continue renting the building to the current

Note that the remaining fraction of the value of the building and depreciation are not incremental and
should not be included in the analysis of the two alternatives. The $225,000 purchase price of the building
is a sunk cost and should be ignored.
Product A: t=0 t = 1 - 14 t = 15
Revenues $105,000 $105,000
-Foregone rent 12,000 12,000
-Expenditures 60,000 63,750 **
-Depreciation* 12,000 12,000
Earnings before taxes $21,000 $17,250
-Taxes (34%) 7,140 5,865
Net income $13,860 $11,385
+Depreciation 12,000 12,000
Capital investment -$180,000
A/T-NCF -$180,000 $25,860 $23,385

*Since the two assets, equipment and building modifications, are depreciated on a straight-line basis, the
depreciation expense will be the same in each year. To compute the annual depreciation expense,
determine the total initial cost of the two assets ($144,000 + $36,000 = $180,000) and divide this amount
by 15, the economic life of each of the 2 assets. Annual depreciation expense for building modifications
and equipment equals $12,000 (= $180,000 / 15).

**Cash expenditures ($60,000) + Restoration costs ($3,750)

The cash flows in years 1 - 14 (C1 - C14) could have been computed using the following simplification:

After-Tax NCF = Revenue (1 TC) - Expenses (1 - TC) + Depreciation (TC)

= $105,000 (0.66) - $72,000 (0.66) + $12,000 (0.34)
= $25,860

The cash flows for year 15 could have been computed by adjusting the annual after-tax net cash flows of
the project (computed above) for the after-tax value of the restoration costs.

After-Tax value of restoration costs = Restoration Costs (1 - TC)

= -$3,750 (0.66)
= -$2,475

After-Tax NCF = $25,860 - $2,475

= $23,385

The present value of the initial outlay is simply the cost of the outlay since it occurs today (year 0).

PV(C0) = -$180,000

Since the cash flows in years 1-14 are identical, their present value can be found by determining
the value of a 14-year annuity with payments of $25,860, discounted at 12 percent.

PV(C1-14) = $25,860 A140.12 = $171,404

Because the last cash flow occurs 15 years from today, discount the amount of the
cash flow back 15 years at 12 percent to determine its present value.

PV(C15) = $23,385 / (1.12)15

= $4,272

NPVA = PV(C0) + PV(C1-14) + PV(C15)

= -$4,324
These calculations could also have been performed in a single step:

NPVA = -$180,000 + $25,860 A140.12 + $23,385 / (1.12)15

= -$180,000 + $171,404 + $4,272
= -$4,324

Since the net present value of Project A is negative, Benson would rather rent the building to its
current occupants than implement Project A.

Product B t=0 t = 1 - 14 t = 15
Revenues $127,500 $127,500
-Foregone rent 12,000 12,000
-Expenditures 75,000 103,125 **
-Depreciation* 14,400 14,400
Earnings before taxes $26,100 -$2,025
-Taxes (34%) 8,874 -689
Net income $17,226 -$1,336
+Depreciation 14,400 14,400
Capital investment -$216,000
A/T-NCF -$216,000 $31,626 $13,064

* Since the two assets, equipment and building modifications, are depreciated on a straight-line basis, the
depreciation expense will be the same in each year. To compute the annual depreciation expense, determine
the total initial cost of the two assets ($162,000 + $54,000 = $216,000) and divide this amount by 15, the
economic life of each of the two assets. Annual depreciation expense for building modifications and
equipment is $14,400 (= $216,000/ 15).

**Cash expenditures ($75,000) + Restoration costs ($28,125)

The cash flows in years 1 - 14 (C1 - C14) could have been computed using the following simplification:

After-Tax NCF = Revenue (1 - T) - Expenses (1 - T) + Depreciation (T)

= $127,500 (0.66) - $87,000 (0.66) + $14,400 (0.34)
= $31,626

The cash flows for year 15 could have been computed by adjusting the annual after-tax net cash flows of
the project (computed above) for the after-tax value of the restoration costs.

After-tax value of restoration costs = Restoration Costs (1 - TC)

= - $28,125(0.66)
= -$18,562

After-Tax NCF = $31,626 - $18,562

= $13,064

The present value of the initial outlay is simply the cost of the outlay since it occurs today (year 0).

PV(C0) = -$216,000

Because the cash flows in years 1-14 are identical, their present value can be found by determining
the value of a 14-year annuity with payments of $31,626, discounted at 12 percent.

PV(C1-14) = $31,626 A140.12

= $209,622
Since the last cash flow occurs 15 years from today, discount the amount of the
cash flow back 15 years at 12 percent to determine its present value.

PV(C15) = $13,064 / (1.12)15

= $2,387

NPVB = PV(C0) + PV(C1-14) + PV(C15)

= -$216,000 + $209,622 + $2,387
= -$3,991

These calculations could also have been performed in a single step:

NPVB = -$216,000 + $31,626 A140.12 + $13,064 / (1.12)15

= -$216,000 + $209,622 + $2,387
= -$3,991

Since the net present value of Project B is negative, Benson would rather rent the building to its
current occupants than implement Project B.

Since the net present values of both Project A and Project B are negative, Benson should continue to
rent the building to its current occupants.

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