Intermediate Diagnlisteningreading

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Name: .


1 Recording 11 Listen and write true (T) or
false (F).
1 Mary thinks the thief should go to prison
for five years. T
2 The man thinks the new tennis teacher
could be Spanish.
3 The woman has just bought some books.
4 The woman is buying a present for Reading
her father.
10 Read the article and complete the gaps in
5 The Globe Theatre is on Prince Road. the summary below with a number or a
6 The doctor says the man needs to get
outdoors more.
The Queen of Chess
The champion chess player, Hou Yifan, was born
on 27th February 1994 in Xinghua, China. She
first became interested in the game when she was
three and her parents bought her a chess set*.
2 Recording 12 Listen to the phone
Then, at five years old, she began taking lessons
with a world-famous chess tutor who encouraged
and complete the notes.
her to play in local chess competitions from the
1 age of six. These gave her experience in playing
against others and improved her skill at the game.
Clarence Hotel Complaints Book Amazingly, she won the World Youth Chess
Championship for Girls when she was only ten
and two years later, she became the youngest
Name: Mr 1 Brown person to play in the World Womens
Room Number: 2 Championships.
Her success continued when in 2008, at the age of
Problem: Breakfast eggs were 3 and 13, she became the youngest ever Chinese chess
were cooked too much. champion and the youngest female to become a
grandmaster. Then, a few years later in 2010, she
Portland Hotel Complaints Book won her first Womens World Championship. She
also won it in 2011 and 2013 and is the only
player in history who has won three world
Name: Mrs 6 Peters championships before the age of 20.
Room Number: 7 These days, you will find her studying in the
School of International Studies at Peking
Problem: 8 in room University as well as playing chess professionally.
sings loudly in the Her chess career still continues and in March
. 2015, at the age of 21, she was officially named as
the best female player in the world. More recently,
10 she nearly beat the Male World Champion,
Magnus Carlsen, and many people think that in
the future, she may become the worlds best chess
*The board and pieces used to play the game of chess.

Hou Yifan started playing chess when she was

three years old and was taught by an
international chess teacher from the age of
Name: . Date:

. She won her first world-level the world number one female chess player in
competition when she was 3 and March 6 .
became the youngest grandmaster in 4
. She won the Womens World
Championship 5 times. She became 10

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