Elementary Achievement Test 3 (Units 7-9) : Action

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)

Listening a)                     b)                     c)                    
1 Recording 5 Listen and tick the correct
answer, a), b) or c).
6 Where did the woman go on holiday?
1 What time does Jim leave home?

9.15 8.15 Florid Miami Tenerif

a e

a)                     b)         c)                    
a)                     b)                     c)                    

2 What kind of film do they decide to see?

America action drama

2 Recording 6 Listen and write true (T)

a)                     b)                     c)                     or false (F).
1 Fiona spent a month in Spain.     T   

3 What do you have to wear to the 2 The trains were expensive.      
Trattoria? 3 Barcelona has a castle and beach.          

jacke tie jeans 4 Fiona liked the new part of Valencia

the most.      

a)                     b)                     c)                     5 It took Fiona four hours to get to Malaga.

4 How long does it take to go to Prague by 6 In Malaga, Fiona walked up a large

bus? hill to visit an old friend.      

5 3 2 7 Fiona stayed with friends in Seville.


a)                     b)                     c)                     8 Plasencia is quite close to Portugal.          

9 The people in Plasencia were not

5 What’s her brother wearing? friendly.      

10 Fiona ended her holiday in Bilbao.

jeans a      

11 Fiona wants to go to Cuba for her

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
next holiday.       Grammar
3 Complete the phone call with the
present simple or continuous.
A: Hi, Mel. Where 1     are you   (you / be)?

B: Sweden!

A: What 2                               (you / do) there?

B: I 3                               (visit) my Swedish
friend, Magritte. She 4                              
(study) here.

A: 5                               (she / live) in Stockholm?

B: Yes. She 6                               (work) part-

time for a magazine, too.

A: Great. 7                               (you / have) a

good time?

B: Yes. It’s her birthday. We 8                              

(sit) in a lovely restaurant at the top of a
tall building and 9                               (enjoy)
the view of the city.

A: 10                               (drink) champagne?

B: Yes, of course. And we 11                              

(eat) salmon.

A: Mmm . . . that sounds wonderful!

4 Complete the text with the correct

a), b) or c).
I recommend living in 1     c    smaller
university cities. They’re usually 2                    
than large cities like Manchester. I was
born in Oxford, went to 3                    
university in Cambridge and now I work in
Brighton – so I know
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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
quite a bit about university towns.
Cambridge is 4                     beautiful place but
it isn’t
                    place to live. You 6                    
have to have a car but it’s a long way from
other cities. Oxford is bigger and has 7
transport system. Buses go to London every
15 minutes so you never 8                     book a
ticket. Brighton is 9                     for music and
nightlife. You 10                       great restaurants
and clubs there. And it’s by 11                     sea!

1 a) the b) a c) –

2 a) the quieter b) quieter

c) most quiet

3 a) – b) a c) an

4 a) a b) the c) –

5 a) cheapest b) the cheapest c)


6 a) aren’t b) can’t c) don’t

7 a) a better b) better c) best

8 a) can b) has to c) have to

9 a) best b) the better c) the best

10 a) are finding b) can find

c) finds

11 a) the b) a c) –

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
5 Write the correct word next to the
1 It’s very hot in this place.     d e s e r t   7 Complete the sentences with the
correct preposition.
2 There are thousands of trees. f                    
1 You can’t get   off   the bus until it stops.
3 You can buy fruit and vegetables here. m
2 Mike’s                     the phone. He’s chatting
4 You can often swim outdoors here. l         his sister.
5 People like climbing these. m                     3 She always takes photos                    
6 It’s smaller than a town. v                         buildings.

7 You can only walk on these roads, not 4 I’m waiting                     a tram. It’s late.
drive. 5 Eddie’s always talking                   rugby and
p                            s                   often listens                     sport on the radio.

8 Not safe. d                                 6 We looked                     her holiday photos.

7 It’s a good idea not to think                     your

problems all the time.

6 Add one word from the box to each

boring corner moustache

1 quiet slow empty     boring  

2 park square road


3 helicopter tram lorry


4 beard glasses make-up


5 slim overweight tall


6 romantic horror sci-fi

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
8 Choose the best response, a), b) or c).
1 Can you recommend a good book?
9 Complete the conversation with the
a) No, I can’t. words in the box.
b)     What sort of books do you like?   best cheaper expensive looking
c) Why? or recommend shirt terrible
2 Can you tell me where the station is,
please? A: Excuse me. I’m 1     looking   for a men’s
clothes shop. Can you 2                              
a) It’s at the end of this street. one?
b) There’s a pedestrian street on the left. B: Yes, of course. There are one 3
c) No, turn right. two nice ones here in Midtown.

A: Great. I need a new 4                              and

3 So that’s straight on and third left?
some other things. I lost my luggage and
a) It’s on the right. I have to buy some clothes.

b) No, first left. B: Oh, that’s 5                               . Well, 6

Styles in South Street – or Ben’s in King
c) Yes, third right. Square. They’re both good.
4 Do you think I’d like it? A: Which do you think is the 7
a) Who’s in it? ?

b) Yes, I think so. B: Well, Styles is more 8                               but

their clothes are the best quality.
c) It’s a comedy.
A: Do they sell modern clothes?
5 I’m sorry I’m late. My train was delayed.
B: Um, no, not really. I think you’d like
a) a) I’m OK, thanks. Ben’s more. It’s a bit trendier – and 9
. It’s more popular with 10                              
b) I feel very bad about it.
c) That’s OK. No problem.
A: That sounds good. Is it near here?
6 Why are you so late?
B: Yes. Go straight on, 11                               turn
a) Believe me, it’s a long story. right.

b) I’m terribly sorry to hear that. A: Thank you very much.

c) The boss wants to see you.

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
Reading the trip more expensive but also make it the
journey of a lifetime.
10 Read the text and underline the
correct answer, a, b or c.

The train is very comfortable. It has two or

four-bed compartments, with first-class as
The holiday of a lifetime
an option. Food and drink are sold both on
the train and at each stop. There is also a
dining car. For the best trip, try to travel in
The Trans-Siberian Railway journey is one the spring or autumn because the weather is
of the most amazing train journeys in the better then and look out for great offers.
world. It is not only one of the most famous The cheapest ticket is around £300. But at
railways in the world but it is also the the top end of the scale, if you have more
longest. It starts in Moscow and finishes in money to spend, you can take a two-week
Vladivostock, on Russia’s Pacific Coast, guided tour from London for about £9,000.
6,500 miles (10,500 kilometres) away. However you do it, you’ll have a great trip!

You travel from Europe into Asia, go

through seven time zones and pass by 87
towns and cities. If you don’t stop
anywhere on the way, you can get to
Vladivostock, on the Pacific Ocean, in six
days. But that isn’t a good idea. The train
stops at thirteen different stations and
there’s so much to see.

First of all, you should go to Lake Baikal,

the World's largest and oldest fresh water
lake. Then there’s the city of Novosibirsk,
the capital of Siberia, with just over one
and a half million people. It’s a relaxed and
interesting place with unusual museums
and a great nightlife. And you really have
to visit Yekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth
largest city, where the last Tsar of Russia
and his family died in 1918. It’s famous for
its theatres and has over thirty museums for
you to visit. There are of course, other
things to do along the way, like visit the
Kremlin or the Forbidden City. These make

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
c) take a one-week guided tour from
1 The Trans-Siberian Railway                   .

a) covers a total distance of 6,500 miles

b) leaves from the Pacific Coast

c) has the best trains in the world 11 Read the article again. Decide if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F).
2 During the journey, the time changes
1 The Trans-Siberian Railway is Russian.
a) thirteen times
2 Vladivostok is by the sea.                    
b) six times
3 The Trans-Siberian Railway only travels
c) seven times through Europe.                    

3 Lake Baikal is                     . 4 The train stops at 87 stations.                    

a) the second stop after you leave the 5 It is possible to reach Vladivostock in less
capital than a week.                    

b) the best place to stop on the journey 6 The best way to travel is to go non-stop.

c) the biggest area of fresh water on the 7 The capital of Siberia is Novosibirsk.
8 The last Russian Tsar died at Lake
4 Novosibirsk has a population of                     . Baikal.                    

a) nearly 1.5 million people 9 It’s better to stop and visit different
places on the journey.                    
b) more than 1.5 million people
10 It’s a good idea to do the train journey in
c) exactly 1.5 million people summer.                    
5 The journey                     . 11 It’s cheaper to take a guided tour.
a) is more amazing if you stay on the

b) costs more if you decide to take stops

c) takes you to visit the Tsar of Russia

6 The most expensive travel option is to


a) travel with a guide for two weeks

b) travel alone from London

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)
12 Find and correct ten more mistakes in                                                    
the travel article below. Check                         
spelling, past simple, singular/plural
forms and comparatives/superlatives.
Places of interest / famous people &
Last summer we spend spent three weeks
travelling in France and it was the better
holiday ever! We taken our car and get a
ferry from Dover to Calais. We wanted an                                                    
adventure so we didn’t planned our trip.                         
We drived and then stopped when we liked
the look of a place. Our French weren’t                                                    
excellent but everyone understood us. The                         
people in the countryside were friendlyer
than in the cities. Often when we stoped
somewhere, people invited us to eat with
them. It was the more exciting trip I have                                                    
ever been on and I want to do them again!                         

Typical food / dance / music / etc

13 Write a description of a town or city                         
you know, using the prompts below.
50–75 words.                         

General information, e.g. where it is, how                         
big, etc

Your opinion of it

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Elementary Achievement test 3 (Units 7–9)





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