Tanzania Pavement & Materials Design Manual 1999 Chapter 5 - Subgrade

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999


Pavement Materials

Comparison of alternatives and selection of design

Refinement of design, if required


Ministry of Works

8 Pavement OesignNew Roads

9 Pavement Rehabilitation

110 Bitumi~ous . Surtaclnqs

111 Gravel Roads

Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999

5.0 General

This chapter describes the methods for subgrade evaluation for structural pavement design of new roads, conventional sampling and laboratory testing. Subgrade strength is classified on the basis of CBR values. Strength indicators other than CBR may be used provided they are adequately correlated to CBR values and are approved by the Ministry of Works at project level.

Alternative field investigation methods to determine sub grade strength may be employed for the purpose of pavement rehabilitation or overlay design.

5.1 Design Depth

The design depth is defined as the depth from the finished road level to the depth that the load bearing strength of the soil no longer has an effect on the pavement's performance in relation to traffic loading. Figure 5.1 shows the design depth in relation to the main structural components of pavement and earthworks and Table 5.1 gives the design depth values in relation to design road type.

Table 5.1 Design depth

Paved trunk roads



Other roads



~ ~ .r Original ground level

.. .. Finished road level


Design depth


Other roads

Figure 5.1 Design depth


Centreline Soil Surveys

A desk study shall always be carried out to gather available information about previous investigations, topography, climate, geology, soils, known material sources, road type, design standard and expected traffic load conditions (i.e. whether large number of very heavy axle loads are likely). Issues related to slope st~bi1ity and foundation of srrnctnres shall he addressed separately.

5.2.0 General

Sub grade soils and their properties, including strength, shall be classified based on soil surveys by the use of trial pits excavated along the road line.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999


Depth of investigations


Soil surveys shall be planned and conducted in a manner that classifies all materials according to their suitability in load bearing layers within the zone of the design depth. A preliminary vertical alignment shall be assumed at the time of the soil SlIrv~y in order to ensure that soil samples for subgrade classifications are actually taken at levels that fall within the design depth ofthe road.

Investigations shall be extended to below design depth as required to detect problems that need special consideration. These include:

~ presence of problem soils

!Ii unfavourable subgrade conditions

a features associated with slope and embankment stability

Iflvestigations in cuttings

Excavation of sample pits may be impractical in cuts deeper than 3 metres, where special equipment may have to be employed. If possible, postponement of sampling until the time of construction should be considered under such conditions.

Embankment areas

Evaluation of subgrade strength in embankment areas shall be based on the best possible information about likely sources of earthworks fill materials for use within the design depth.

5.2.2 Materials testing frequency

Test pits shall be excavated for the purpose of sampling the subgradc along the road line, and materials testing carried out at a minimum average frequency as shown in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Minimum materials testing frequency

CBRs~~gtI1Mi~itnurnl1lJl11berOf' . ·tes~f1g.' .: , •.•• ' •..•. · •••• ·.~:~Q~:~o~:::ltjon··i

....... , .....••. ··'.".·'.Min.fO": •.. ·'Abs6Iute' ..• statistical .• ,. ,'minimum ......... , .•......• anaiys·is, ...... ,. . . ...

Paved trunk roads

Min 4 per km Min 2 per km



Other paved roads

Min 2 per km Min 1 per km

(ref. Chapter 5.2.3)

Gravel roads Min 2 per km Min 1 per 2 km

Indicator testing referred to in Table 5.2 includes Atterberg limits and grading of particles larger than 75!lm. Additional investigations, such as hydrometer analysis, field measurements or specialised tests shall be scheduled separately as required. The test methods referred to in Table 5.2 refer to CML test methods 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, L 7, 1.9 and 1.11.

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Worked Example IAppendix A8. 31

Pavement and Materials Design Manual " 1999

The testing frequencies in Table 5.2 are minimum averages and shall be increased as required according to site conditions.

The test pit locations may be distributed un-evenly along the road line to capture changes in soil conditions and as required for optimum use of resources allocated for investigations.

5.2.3 Determination of CBRdesign General

The CBRd. is the CBR value of a homogenous section, for which the


subgrade strength is classified into S15, S7 or 83 for the purpose of

pavement design. The procedure to determine CBRdesign is shown in the flow chart in Figure 5.2.

Site reconnaissance

Design improved subgrade as required



Special '-----1 assessment of the section

Plot values

Determine 90%-ile value at the 0.1 X (n-t) point

on the curve

Figure 5.2 Procedure to determine CBRde.ign

Homogenous sections

Identification of sections deemed to have homogenous subgrade conditions is carried out by desk studies of appropriate dor-uments such as geological maps, followed by site reconnaissance that includes excavation of inspection pits and initial indicator testing for confirmation of the site observations. Due regard for localised areas that require individual treatment is an essential part ofthe site reconnaissance. Demarcation of homogenous sections shall be reviewed and changed as required when the CBR test results of the centreline soil survey are available.

Statistical analysis

The flow chart in Figure 5.2 shows the procedure to determine CBRdesi . The CBRd. for a section is the 90%-ile value of the CBR test resul.fs for a section ;ilh homogenous strength. The method illustrated in Figure 53 shall be used for determination of CBR,_. of each homogenous section.


CBRdesign in cuttings

The lowest CBR value encountered shall be used as the CBRdesign for sections through cuttings.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999

CBR values plotted in ascending order

16 14 12 10

7 n = 9 tests -
d = 0.1 X (n-1) -
= 0.8 -
r-------r Example
CBR data
11 90% -lle
12 7.6
12 CBRdeSign
14 8% *8


~ 6


2 o





5 TRst




Figure 5.3 CBRdesignas the 90'Yo-ile value


Laboratory Testing

CBR measurements in the laboratory shall be carried out at minimum three density values to give a CBR - Density relationship for the material.

The CBR value is determined at the nominal field density specified for the respective earthworks operations, as set out in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Density for determination of eBR

Upper subgrade (improved layer or in-situ)


95 BS-Heavy

Lower subgrade (improved layer or in-situ)


93 BS-Heavy


More than 300

90 BS-Heavy

100 BS-Light


More than 300

BS-Ught compaction effort is used on poor in-situ soils and deep in-situ soils rather fnan BS-Heavy due to its better correspondence with the actual effect from compaction equipment under conditions with poor support for compaction.

CBR can alternatively be determined at a higher density to upgrade sections to a higher sub grade class if this can be realistically achieved in the field.

Specimen moistures to apply in determination of CBRdesign arc given in Table 5.4.


Subgrade Classes

The subgrade shall be classified according to its CBR strength as shown in Table ).4.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999

5.5 Improved Subgrade Layers

5.5.0 General

All subgrade shall be brought to a strength of CBR minimum 15% by constructing one or more improved subgrade layers where necessary. The use of improved sub grade layers has a number of advantages, such as:

~ provision of a deeper pavement structure, having advantages under given

conditions such as occurrence of heavy axle loads in the traffic stream

1\1 protection of earthworks below

m provision of a running surface for the traffic during construction • improved compaction of pavement layers above

!II provision of homogenous sub grade strength

:ill! the improved subgrade acts as a filter layer between paverneur layers and poorer soils below

II provision of a gravel wearing surface in the case of stage construction for future upgrading to a bitumen surfaced road

e economical use of local materials

5.5.1 Design of improved subgrade

Figure 5.4 shows the design of improved subgrade layers depending on the subgrade CBRdesign determined in soil surveys and assessments of field data.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999

none none

for improved subgrade layers, including limits tor maximum compacted layer Table5S

Figure 5.4 Design of improved subgrade layers


Material characteristics


Soils used in improved sub grade layers shall be non-expansive, nondispersive and free from any deleterious matter. Laboratory test results shall meet the requirements in Table 5.5.

Dump rock

Dump rock is un-graded waste rock where the content of fines is sufficiently low so that the larger particles rest against each other when placed in earthworks layers. Dump rock (DR) can be used as improved subgrade when constructed in sufficiently thick layers, if necessary constructed together with fills in one operation, so that the maximum particle size does not exceed 2/3 of the compacted layer thickness.

Construction of improved sub grade made of dump rock shall be finished off by filling in the voids in the surface with subgrade soils meeting the requirements in T(JhlA "\" 5 The filter criteria are given in Chapter 5.8.

Table 5.5 Material requirements for improved subgrade layers

Climatic zones are shown in /Figure 2.1/. CSR values shall be assesed at density as given in Table 5.3. 'Soaked' and 'OMC' refer to standard 4 days soaking and the optimum moisture content determined in accordance With tests CML test methods 1.9 and 1.11

CSR-Swell is measured at 100% SS-Heavy compaction effort.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999



Soils used in fill shall he non-expansive, non-dispersive and free from any deleterious matter. Laboratory test results shall meet the requirements in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Required standards for fill


Min CBR [%] Min3
4 days soaked value at 90% BS-Heavy
CBR-swell *) Max 2.0%
Max particle size, 2/3 of layer 2/3 of layer
dMAX thickness thickness
Compacted layer Max 250 mm Max 1 m
thickness 1.17

*) CBR-Swell is measured at 100% BS-Heavy compaction effort.


Roadbed Preparation

After clearing of all topsoil the roadbed shall be scarified to a depth of 150mm, mixed and compacted. The compaction requirements depend on the level of the roadbed in relation to the formation level. The compaction requirements are given in Table 5.7. The density requirements in Table 5.7 are minimum values and shall be increased if higher densities have been assumed in the design of improved sub grade.

Table 5. 7 Required roadbed compaction

o - 150 97 BS-Heavy

150 - 300

95 I:)S-Heavy

300 - 600

93 BS-Heavy

100 BS-Light 2)

>- 600

1) Reference to CML test 1.9.

2) BS-Light compaction effort is used on poor in-situ soils and deep in-situ soils rather than BS-Heavy due to its better correspondence with the actual effect from compaction equipment under conditions with poor support for compaction

5.8 Filter Layers 5.8.0 General

Large difference between the grading of materials in adjacent layers carries risk of undesirable infiltration of fines into the matrix of the coarser material, e.g. between earthworks and pavement layers. In such cases the grading of the materials shall be assessed against the filter criteria given below and construction ofa filter layer shall be carried out if required. Alternatively, gee-textiles can be used where cost calculations show this option to be more economical.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual- 1999


Filter criteria for soils/gravel

The criteria for grading of materials in adjacent layers are fulfilled when the following two requirements are met:

d,s for the filter material


fl., for th", subsoil


dS" for the fifter material dso for the subsoil


Draining properties of filter layers

The criteria below should be met if a filler material with better drainage properties than the subsoil is desired, such as in locations where water flows out of the subsoiL The designer should carefully consider whether a filter layer with draining properties benefits the integrity of the structure.

d'5 for the filter material


d,s for the subsoil

and minimum 50% should be retained on the 2 mm sieve.

5.8.3 Geo-textiles as filter

The requirements for geo-textile materials depend on site conditions and are given in /Chapter7. 7.1/ Gee-textiles shall not be used as filter unless cost analysis has shown that alternative use of soils/gravel is uneconomical. Increased bearing strength of earthworks or pavement shall not be attributed to the presence of gee-textiles in the structure.

5.8.4 Cost

Cost calculations shall take into account the benefits of filter layers of soils/gravel in respect of the structure's bearing strength, by considering the filter layer as part of the improved subgrade or subbase depending on the material quality of the layer and its position in the structure.

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Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999


5 - 1 AUSTROADS (1992): Pavement Design: A guide to the structural design of road pavements. Sydney, Australia.

5 - 2 BOTSWANA ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1994} Draft Volume 3, Materials and Pavement Design. Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications. Roads Department. Republic of Botswana.

5 - 3 COMMITTEE OF STATE ROAD AUTHORITIES. Draft TRH 12 (1997): Bituminous pavement rehabilitation design. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.

5 - 4 COMi\lITTEE OF STATE ROAD AUTHORITIES. TMH 5 (1981); Sampling methods for road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.


Selection and design of hot-mix asphalt surfacings for highways. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.


Guidelines for roads construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.


Structural design of flexible pavements for interurban and rural roads. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.

5 - 8 HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD (1962). TheAASHO Road Test.

Report 5, Pavement Research. Highway Research Board Special Report No. 61E. National Research Council, Washington DC, USA.

5 - 9 MINERAL RESOURCES DIVISION, TANZANIA. Summary of the geology of Tanzania.

5 - 10 MITCHELL, R L, C P VAN DER MERWE and H K GEEL (1975).

Standard Flexible Pavement Design For Rural Roads with Light to Medium Traffic. Republic of Zimbabwe.

5 - 11 ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1987). Part III, Materials and Pavement Design for New Roads. Ministry of Transport and Comm., Roads Department. Republic of Kenya.

5 - 12 SOUTHERN AFRICAN TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION COMMISSION - SATCC (1998). Draft: Code of practice for pavement rehabilitation. CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, for SATCC.

5 - 13 SOUTHERN AFRICAN TRANSPORT AND COMMIJNICATION COMMISSION - SATCC (1998). Draft: Code of Practice for the Design of Road Pavement. CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, for SATCC.

5 -14 TR.ANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (1988). A guide to road project appraisal. Overseas Road Note No.5. TRL, Crowthorne, for OD~ London, UK

5 - 15 TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (1993). A guide to the structural design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and subtropical countries. Overseas Road Note No. 31. TRL, Crowthome, for ODA, London, UK.

5 - 16 WEINERT, H H (1980). The natural road construction materials of Southern Africa. Academica, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.

5 ~ 17 YODER E J, WITCZAK M W (1975). Principles of pavement design.

Second edition. A Wiley-Interscience Publication, USA and Canada.

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