Task 4 Eco Houses

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YEAR 8 SRT Task 4 Eco Houses

YEAR 8 SRT Eco Houses



UNIT Eco Houses

GENRE Design and Presentation AUDIENCE Teacher

PREAMBLE Design and build an Eco House and present to the class

You are to design and build an Eco House with materials provided at school and what you can find at home. You
will also be doing a presentation to the class to show you Eco House. The aim of the presentation is for you to
convince possible investors to give you money to build the house.

Due Date:


10 -15 minute presentation

I declare that the response submitted is my own work and that I have followed the assessment policies outlined in the Student
I have used the following resources to help me complete this response. (Tick boxes appropriate)
Teacher Internet Books, Magazines, Newspapers Other please specify: _______________
Signed: _________________________ Date: ______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature..Date...
Knowledge and Understanding Communication
Investigating Reflection
Peer Mark Effort

The aim of this investigation is for you to explore the ideas of sustainability and the impact we as a race are
having on the environment and design an Eco House.


You are to design and build an Eco House with materials provided at school and what you can find at home.

- Your house can be located in an area of your choice e.g. desert, rainforest, beach or city.
- Each house must have a kitchen, bathroom and at least 2 bedrooms. You can decide the size of the
house and how many people it can house.
- Your house must be off the grid, meaning it cannot be dependent on any municipal (council)
electricity, gas, water, or sewage treatment systems.
- The property must also contain a pesticide-free garden to provide food for the people living in the


Some questions you should consider when researching and designing your Eco House:
- What is the climate where your house will be built? How will this affect the design and construction?
- How does the daily and seasonal movement of the sun affect where and how your house should be
built? Consider the topography of your plot and which direction your house will face.
- What energy source will your house use and why?
- What energy conservation measures will your house use and why? Is this source renewable or non-
- How will your house get its water?
- How much water will you need for the people living in your house?
- What will you do with your wastewater?
- What are your lighting, heating/cooling requirements?
- What food will you grow in your garden? What plants will you have growing at what times of the
- How will you protect your garden from pests? (Remember the garden has to be pesticide free)


You will also be doing a presentation to the class to show your Eco House and be handing in a written copy of
your script with a full bibliography (APA style).

The aim of the presentation is for you to convince possible investors to give you money to build the house.

You must answer the questions above and JUSTIFY with scientific evidence and reasoning why your house
is an Eco House.

For example: why are you using solar panels? How big is the water tank you will be using?
You must also explain in detail the strengths and limitations of building and designing your Eco House. For
example: Cost of your house.
Investigating UnderstandingAnd Knowledge


The students work shows evidence of:

Comprehensive knowledge and Thorough knowledge and Satisfactory knowledge and Some knowledge and Minimal or shows no knowledge
understanding of concepts, facts understanding of concepts, facts understanding of concepts, facts understanding of concepts, facts and understanding of concepts,
and procedures with respect to and procedures with respect to and procedures with respect to and procedures with respect to facts and procedures with respect
Eco Houses and sustainability. Eco Houses and sustainability. Eco Houses and sustainability. Eco Houses and sustainability. to Eco Houses and sustainability.

In depth analysis and justification Thorough analysis and Satisfactory justification to draw Some justification to propose Minimal or no justification to
to draw well-reasoned justification to draw well- well-reasoned conclusions about obvious conclusions about the propose conclusions about the
conclusions about the design of reasoned conclusions about the the design of the eco-house. design of the eco-house. design of the eco-house.
the eco-house. design of the eco-house.

Very clear and accurate Clear and accurate Sound communication using Disjointed communication using Unclear communication using
communication using appropriate communication using appropriate appropriate grammar, structure, some appropriate grammar, some grammar, structure,
grammar, structure, spelling, and grammar, structure, spelling, and spelling, and terminology. structure, spelling, and spelling, and terminology.
terminology. terminology. terminology.
Information presented indicates Information presented indicates Information presented indicates Information presented indicates No Bibliography present.
at least 10 different sources have at least 7 different sources have at least 5 different sources have some sources have been used.
been used and collectively been used and adequately been used and adequately
organised, including in-text organised, including in-text organised.
referencing. referencing.

Comprehensive explanation of Thorough explanation of Satisfactory explanation of Basic explanation of strengths Limited explanation of strengths
strengths and weaknesses of strengths and weaknesses of strengths and weaknesses of and weaknesses of building and and weaknesses of building and
building and design. building and design. building and design. design. design.

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