5e Lesson Plan - Systems of The Body

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The lesson plan discusses teaching students about the main systems of the body, including skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, through hands-on activities and creating a webpage.

The main body systems discussed are the skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, and nervous system.

Some activities described include tracing body parts, finding pulse rates, simulating the stomach with crackers and orange juice, and passing activity instructions down a line to simulate the nervous system.

University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan Template

Teacher :Raynada Moss

Date: February10, 2019

Subject area/course/grade level: Science 4th Grade

Materials: Promethean Board, Reading Passages about Systems of the Body, Paper Organs, Computers
with internet access

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students): Science: 10 ) Obtain and communicate information
explaining that humans have systems that interact with one another for digestion, respiration, circulation,
excretion, movement, control, coordination, and protection from disease. Language Arts: RI.4.1-Refer to
details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences
from the text. ISTE: 1c-Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice
and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. 2b-Students engage in positive, safe, legal and
ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked
devices. 3a- Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

Objectives: 1. Students will know the parts and functions of the systems of the body. 2. Students will
choose a body system to explore and create a webpage.

Differentiation Strategies (How will the lesson address the various learning styles of the students and the
needs of those with special needs?):

1. Ask students if they believe their bodies would work the same way if they were missing certain
2. Show video: The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body
3. Provide students with folders to begin lapbooks.
4. Think-Pair-Share: Based on the video, how do systems of the body work together.

Assessment: Observe students’ conversations about systems of the body.

Have students work with partners to trace each other.
For each system of the body (taught one at a time):
Skeletal System:Show them the egg that was soaking in vinegar (best if soaked overnight). Pass
around to see how soft and rubbery it is now. Explain to them that the outside of the egg is made of
calcium. Questions: What happen to the calcium? It dissolved. What happens when we don’t get
enough calcium? Where can we get more calcium?
Muscle System: Strength: Push ups Endurance: Run in place until tired. Flexibility: V-sit .Talk
about what muscles are used to do these activities. Pass around an example of a hinge joint (like

Approved January, 2013

one that a door uses), and a ball-and-socket joint. Have students discuss the range of motion of
each joint. Have students move some of the major bones in their body, such as the tibia (shinbone),
the femur (thighbone), humerus (upper arm bone) and the mandible (jawbone). Ask students which
joint is used to move the bone. Have students describe motion of the joint (up and down, around in
a circle, etc.) and identify the kind of joint being used.

Circulatory System Find resting pulse. On neck find pulse, count beats in 10 seconds, multiply by 6.
Then do an exercise (ie. jumping jacks or running in place) for 1 minute and then find pulse again.

Respiratory System: With one breath, blow the balloon as big as they can. Use a long piece of string to
measure the circumference.

Digestive System: Crackers into plastic bag with orange juice. Mash the bag to simulate the stomach.
Also shows the stomach is acidic and muscles moving the walls of the stomach to mash up the food.

Nervous System: Have students line up. Have one student be the brain. Pass activity cards down the
line, when the ‘brain’ is tapped on the shoulder, have the student with the card do the activity

Assessment Students will write a summary of what they learned from each activity and how it relates to
each system.
For each system of the body (taught one at a time):
1. Provide students with article about system of the body. Guide students in identifying the organs,
functions, related vocabulary and how each system works.
2. Students will use lined organ outlines to summarize the important information about each organ.
3. Students will create 4 questions from each article that can be answered using evidence from the
4. Students will share questions with a classmate to be answered.

Assessment: 3-2-1
1. Students will add organ summaries to their traced bodies as each system is covered.
2. Students will add the covered systems to their lapbooks as each is covered.
3. Students will work in cooperative groups to create a webpage for a selected system of the body.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on the accuracy of their summaries and lapbooks. Students will
also be formally assessed on each system of the body.
Web Site Design : Systems of the Body

Approved January, 2013

Teacher Name: Ms. Moss

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content The site has a well- The site has a clearly The purpose and The site lacks a
stated clear purpose stated purpose and theme of the site is purpose and theme.
and theme that is theme, but may have somewhat muddy or
carried out one or two elements vague.
throughout the site. that do not seem to
be related to it.

Graphics Graphics are related Graphics are related Graphics are related Graphics seem
to the theme/purpose to the theme/purpose to the theme/purpose randomly chosen,
of the site, are of the site, are of of the site, and are of are of low quality,
thoughtfully cropped, good quality and good quality. OR distract the
are of high quality enhance reader reader.
and enhance reader interest or
interest or understanding.
Cooperative Partners show Partners show Partners show Partners argue or
Work respect for one respect for one respect for one are disrepectful of
another\'s ideas, another\'s ideas and another\'s ideas and other\'s ideas and
divide the work fairly, divide the work fairly. divide the work fairly. input. Criticism is not
and show a There is commitment There is little constructive nor is
commitment to by some members evidence of a support offered. The
quality work and toward quality work commitment toward work is mostly done
support for each and support of one quality work in the by one or two
other. another. group. people.
Content All information Almost all the Almost all of the There are several
Accuracy provided by the information provided information provided inaccuracies in the
student on the Web by the student on the by the student on the content provided by
site is accurate and Web site is accurate Web site is accurate the students OR
all the requirements and all requirements and almost all of the many of the
of the assignment of the assignment requirements have requirements were
have been met. have been met. been met. not met.

Layout The Web site has an The Web pages The Web pages The Web pages are
exceptionally have an attractive have a usable layout, cluttered looking or
attractive and usable and usable layout. It but may appear busy confusing. It is often
layout. It is easy to is easy to locate all or boring. It is easy difficult to locate
locate all important important elements. to locate most of the important elements.
elements. White important elements.
space, graphic
elements and/or
alignment are used
effectively to
organize material.
Work Ethic Student always uses Student usually uses Student usually uses Student does not
classroom project classroom project classroom project use classroom
time well. time well. Most time well, but project time well OR
Conversations are conversations are occasionally distracts typically is disruptive
primarily focused on focused on the others from their to the work of
the project and project and things work. others.
things needed to get needed to get the
the work done and work done and are
are held in a manner held in a manner that
that typically does typically does not
not disrupt others. disrupt others.

Approved January, 2013

Compatibility This Web site has This Web site has This Web site has This Web site has
been tested and been tested and been tested and not been tested OR
shown to work on shown to work in shown to work on supports only one
both Macs and PCs relatively current both Macs and PCs browser on one
and works in versions of Navigator but supports only platform.
relatively current AND Explorer on a one browser.
versions of Navigator Mac OR a PC.
AND Explorer.

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks
for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for
teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry.
New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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