Bba Flowserve Lh8 71569282-E

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Flowserve DMX/DMXD/DMXH/DMXDH Installation

centrifugal pumps
Ball-ball configuration multistage, single/double suction, Maintenance
horizontally split volute type centrifugal pumps

PCN = 71569282 09-15 (E). Original instructions.

These instructions must be read prior to installing,

operating, using and maintaining this equipment.

Page Page
1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY ........................ 3 6 MAINTENANCE ............................................... 27
1.1 General ........................................................ 3 6.1 Maintenance schedule ............................... 28
1.2 CE marking and approvals .......................... 3 6.2 Spare parts ................................................. 28
1.3 Disclaimer .................................................... 3 6.3 Recommended spares and
1.4 Copyright ..................................................... 3 consumable items ...................................... 29
1.5 Duty conditions ............................................ 3 6.4 Tools required ............................................. 29
1.6 Safety........................................................... 4 6.5 Fastener torques ........................................ 29
1.7 Warning labels ............................................. 7 6.6 Disassembly ............................................... 30
1.8 Specific machine performance .................... 7 6.7 Examination of parts .................................. 32
1.9 Noise level ................................................... 7 6.8 Assembly of pump and seal ....................... 33
2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE .......................... 8 7 FAULTS; CAUSES AND REMEDIES ............... 39
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking ........... 8
8 PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS ........................ 41
2.2 Handling....................................................... 9
2.3 Lifting ........................................................... 9 9 CERTIFICATION .............................................. 47
2.4 Extended storage ...................................... 10
2.5 Recycling and end of product life .............. 12
AND MANUALS................................................ 47
3 PUMP DESCRIPTION ..................................... 12 10.1 Supplementary user instruction manuals ... 47
3.1 Configurations............................................ 12 10.2 Change notes ............................................. 47
3.2 Name nomenclature .................................. 12 10.3 Additional sources of information ............... 47
3.3 Design of major parts ................................ 13 10.4 Customer data sheet .................................. 48
3.4 Performance and operating limits .............. 14
4 INSTALLATION ................................................ 14
4.1 Location ..................................................... 14
4.2 Foundation ................................................. 14
4.3 Grouting ..................................................... 15
4.4 Initial alignment .......................................... 17
4.5 Piping ......................................................... 20
4.6 Electrical connections ................................ 22
4.7 Final shaft alignment check ....................... 22
4.8 Protection systems .................................... 23
OPERATION AND SHUTDOWN ..................... 23
5.1 Precommissioning procedure .................... 23
5.2 Pump lubricants ......................................... 24
5.3 Impeller wearring clearance ...................... 26
5.4 Direction of rotation ................................... 26
5.5 Guarding .................................................... 26
5.6 Priming and auxiliary supplies ................... 26
5.7 Starting the pump ...................................... 26
5.8 Running or operation ................................. 26
5.9 Stopping and shutdown ............................. 27
5.10 Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty . 27

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1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY Where applicable, the Directives and any additional
Approvals, cover important safety aspects relating to
1.1 General machinery and equipment and the satisfactory
provision of technical documents and safety
instructions. Where applicable this document
These Instructions must always be kept incorporates information relevant to these Directives
close to product's operating location or directly and Approvals. To confirm the Approvals applying
with the product. and if the product is CE marked, check the serial
number plate markings and the Certification, see
Flowserve's products are designed, developed and section 9, Certification.
manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies in
modern facilities. The unit is produced with great
1.3 Disclaimer
care and commitment to continuous quality control,
Information in these User Instructions is believed
utilising sophisticated quality techniques, and safety
to be reliable. In spite of all the efforts of
Flowserve to provide sound and all necessary
information the content of this manual may
Flowserve is committed to continuous quality
appear insufficient and is not guaranteed by
improvement and being at service for any further
Flowserve as to its completeness or accuracy.
information about the product in its installation and
operation or about its support products, repair and
Flowserve manufactures products to exacting
diagnostic services.
International Quality Management System Standards as
certified and audited by external Quality Assurance
These instructions are intended to facilitate
organisations. Genuine parts and accessories have
familiarization with the product and its permitted use.
been designed, tested and incorporated into the
Operating the product in compliance with these
products to help ensure continued product quality and
instructions is important to help ensure reliability in
performance in use. As Flowserve cannot test parts
service and avoid risks. The instructions may not
and accessories sourced from other vendors the
take into account local regulations; ensure such
incorrect incorporation of such parts and accessories
regulations are observed by all, including those
may adversely affect the performance and safety
installing the product. Always coordinate repair
features of the products. The failure to properly select,
activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant
install or use authorised Flowserve parts and
safety requirements and applicable safety and health
accessories is considered to be misuse. Damage or
laws and regulations.
failure caused by misuse is not covered by Flowserve's
warranty. In addition, any modification of Flowserve
These instructions must be read prior to products or removal of original components may impair
installing, operating, using and maintaining the the safety of these products in their use.
equipment in any region worldwide. The
equipment must not be put into service until all 1.4 Copyright
the conditions relating to safety, noted in the
All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may
instructions, have been met. Failure to follow
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
and apply the present user instructions is
transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
considered to be misuse. Personal injury,
permission of Flowserve Corporation.
product damage, delay or failure caused by
misuse are not covered by the Flowserve
warranty. 1.5 Duty conditions
This product has been selected to meet the
specifications of your purchaser order. The
1.2 CE marking and approvals acknowledgement of these conditions has been sent
It is a legal requirement that machinery and
separately to the Purchaser. A copy should be kept
equipment put into service within certain regions of
with these instructions.
the world shall conform with the applicable CE
Marking Directives covering Machinery and, where
applicable, Low Voltage Equipment, Electromagnetic The product must not be operated beyond
Compatibility (EMC), Pressure Equipment Directive the parameters specified for the application. If
(PED) and Equipment for Potentially Explosive there is any doubt as to the suitability of the
Atmospheres (ATEX). product for the application intended, contact
Flowserve for advice, quoting the serial number.

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If the conditions of service on your purchase order are Always co-ordinate repair activity with operations and
going to be changed (for example liquid pumped, health and safety personnel, and follow all plant safety
temperature or duty) it is requested that the user seeks requirements and applicable safety and health laws
Flowserves written agreement before start up. and regulations.

1.6 Safety 1.6.3 Safety action

This is a summary of conditions and actions to
1.6.1 Summary of safety markings prevent injury to personnel and damage to the
These user instructions contain specific safety markings environment and to equipment. (For products
where non-observance of an instruction would cause used in potentially explosive atmospheres
hazards. The specific safety markings are: section 1.6.4 also applies.)

This symbol indicates electrical safety NEVER DO MAINTENANCE WORK

instructions where non-compliance will involve a high WHEN THE UNIT IS CONNECTED TO POWER
risk to personal safety or the loss of life.
This symbol indicates safety instructions where REMOVED WHILE THE PUMP IS OPERATIONAL.
non-compliance would affect personal safety and
could result in loss of life. HANDLING COMPONENTS
Many precision parts have sharp corners and the
This symbol indicates hazardous substances wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment is
and toxic fluid safety instructions where non- required when handling these components. To lift
compliance would affect personal safety and could heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use an appropriate
result in loss of life. crane for the mass and in accordance with current
local regulations.
This symbol indicates safety
instructions where non-compliance will involve some THERMAL SHOCK
risk to safe operation and personal safety and would Rapid changes in the temperature of the liquid within
damage the equipment or property. the pump will cause thermal shock, which can result
in damage or breakage of components and should be
This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere avoided.
marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety
instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous HOT (and cold) PARTS
area would cause the risk of an explosion. If hot or freezing components or auxiliary heating
supplies can present a danger to operators and
This symbol indicates is used in safety persons entering the immediate area action must be
instructions to remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces taken to avoid accidental contact. If complete
with a dry cloth; ensure cloth is damp. It is used where protection is not possible, the machine access must
non-compliance in the hazardous area would cause be limited to maintenance staff only, with clear visual
the risk of an explosion. warnings and indicators to those entering the
immediate area. Note: bearing housings must not be
This sign is not a safety symbol but insulated and drive motors and bearings may be hot.
indicates an important instruction in the assembly
process. If the temperature is greater than 68 C (154 F) or
below -5 C (23 F) in a restricted zone, or
1.6.2 Personnel qualification and training exceeds local regulations, action as above shall
All personnel involved in the operation, installation, be taken.
inspection and maintenance of the unit must be
qualified to carry out the work involved. If the HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS
personnel in question do not already possess the When the pump is handling hazardous liquids care
necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training must be taken to avoid exposure to the liquid by
and instruction must be provided. If required the appropriate sitting of the pump, limiting personnel
operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier to access and by operator training. If the liquid is
provide applicable training. flammable and/or explosive, strict safety procedures
must be applied.

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DMX/DMXD/DMXH/DMXDH USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569282 09-15 Scope of compliance

PIPE LOAD Use equipment only in the zone for which it is
Do not use pump as a support for piping. Do not appropriate. Always check that the driver, drive
mount expansion joints, unless authorized by coupling assembly, seal and pump equipment are
Flowserve in writing, so that their force, due to suitably rated and/or certified for the classification of
internal pressure, acts on the pump flange. the specific atmosphere in which they are to be
(See section 5, Commissioning, startup, operation Where Flowserve has supplied only the bare shaft
and shutdown.) pump, the Ex rating applies only to the pump. The
party responsible for assembling the ATEX pump set
START THE PUMP WITH OUTLET shall select the coupling, driver and any additional
VALVE PARTLY OPENED equipment, with the necessary CE Certificate/
(Unless otherwise instructed at a specific point in the Declaration of Conformity establishing it is suitable for
User Instructions.) the area in which it is to be installed.
This is recommended to minimize the risk of
overloading at full flow and damaging the pump at The output from a variable frequency drive (VFD) can
zero flow. Pumps may be started with the valve cause additional heating effects in the motor and so,
further open only on installations where this situation for pumps sets with a VFD, the ATEX Certification for
cannot occur. The pump outlet control valve may the motor must state that it is covers the situation
need to be adjusted to comply with the duty following where electrical supply is from the VFD. This
the run-up process. (See section 5, Commissioning particular requirement still applies even if the VFD is
start-up, operation and shutdown.) in a safe area.
INLET VALVES TO BE FULLY OPEN An example of ATEX equipment marking is shown
WHEN PUMP IS RUNNING below. The actual classification of the pump will be
Running the pump at zero flow or below the engraved on the nameplate.
recommended minimum flow continuously will cause
damage to the pump and seals. Low flow rates may II 2 GD c IIB 135 C (T4)
cause a reduction in pump/bearing life, overheating Equipment Group
of the pump, instability and cavitation/vibration. I = Mining
II = Non-mining
Operating at a flow rate higher than normal or at a 2 or M2 = High level protection
flow rate with no backpressure on the pump may 3 = Normal level of protection
overload the motor and cause pump cavitation.
Gas and/or dust
G = Gas; D= Dust
1.6.4 Products used in potentially explosive
atmospheres c = Constructional safety
(in accordance with EN13463-5)
Measures are required to:
Avoid excessive temperature Gas Group (Equipment Group II only)
Prevent the build-up of explosive mixtures IIA - Propane (typical)
IIB - Ethylene (typical)
Prevent the generation of sparks
IIC - Hydrogen (typical)
Prevent leakages
Maintain the pump to avoid hazard Maximum surface temperature (Temperature Class)
(See section
The following instructions for pumps and pump units
when installed in potentially explosive atmospheres
must be followed to help ensure explosion protection.
Both electrical and non-electrical equipment must meet
the requirements of European Directive 94/9/EC.

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DMX/DMXD/DMXH/DMXDH USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569282 09-15 Avoiding excessive surface temperatures Preventing the build-up of explosive
Pumps have a temperature class as stated in the ATEX
Ex rating on the nameplate. These are based on a Ensure the pump and relevant suction and discharge
maximum ambient temperature of 40 C (104 F); refer pipeline system is totally filled with liquid at all times
to Flowserve for higher ambient temperatures. during the pump operation, so that an explosive
atmosphere is prevented. In addition it is essential to
The temperature of the liquid handled influences the make sure that seal chambers, auxiliary shaft seal
surface temperature on the pump. The maximum systems and any heating and cooling systems are
permissible liquid temperature depends on the ATEX properly filled. If the operation of the system cannot
temperature class and must not exceed the values in avoid this condition, users shall fit an appropriate dry
the table that follows. run protection device (e.g. liquid detection or a power
The temperature rise at the seals and bearings and
due to the minimum permitted flow rate is taken into To avoid potential hazards from fugitive emissions of
account in the temperatures stated. vapor or gas to atmosphere the surrounding area
shall be well ventilated.
Temperature class Maximum surface Temperature limit of
to EN 13463-1 temperature permitted liquid Preventing sparks
T6 85 C (185 F) Consult Flowserve
T5 100 C (212 F) Consult Flowserve
T4 135 C (275 F) 115 C (239 F) * To prevent a potential hazard from mechanical
T3 200 C (392 F) 180 C (356 F) * contact, the coupling guard must be non-sparking
T2 300 C (572 F) 275 C (527 F) * and anti-static for Category 2.
T1 450 C (842 F) 400 C (752 F) *
* The table only takes the ATEX temperature class into consideration.
Pump design or material as well as component design or material To avoid the potential hazard from random induced
may further limit the maximum working temperature of the liquid. current generating a spark, the baseplate shall be
properly grounded.
The responsibility for compliance with the
specified maximum liquid temperature is with the Avoid electrostatic charge: do not rub non-metallic
plant operator. surfaces with a dry cloth; ensure cloth is damp.

If an explosive atmosphere exists during the The coupling must be selected to comply with 94/9/EC
installation, do not attempt to check the direction of and correct alignment must be maintained.
rotation by starting the pump unfilled. Even a short
run time may give a high temperature resulting from Preventing leakage
contact between rotating and stationary components.
The pump shall only be used to handle liquids
Where there is any risk of the pump being run against for which it has been approved to have the correct
a closed valve generating high liquid and casing corrosion resistance.
external surface temperatures, the users shall fit an
external surface temperature protection device. Avoid entrapment of liquid in the pump and associated
piping due to closing of suction and discharge valves,
Avoid mechanical, hydraulic or electrical overload by which could cause dangerous excessive pressures to
using motor overload trips, temperature monitor or a occur if there is heat input to the liquid. This can occur if
power monitor and make routine vibration monitoring the pump is stationary or running.
Bursting of liquid containing parts due to freezing
In dirty or dusty environments, regular checks shall must be avoided by draining or protecting the pump
be made and dirt removed from areas around close and ancillary systems.
clearances, bearing housings and motors.
Where there is the potential hazard of a loss of a seal
barrier fluid or external flush, the fluid shall be

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If leakage of liquid to atmosphere can result in a hazard, Where performance data has been supplied
then a liquid detection device shall be installed. separately to the purchaser these should be obtained
and retained with these User Instructions if required. Maintenance to avoid the hazard
1.9 Noise level
CORRECT MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED TO Attention must be given to the exposure of personnel
AVOID POTENTIAL HAZARDS WHICH GIVE A to the noise, and local legislation will define when
RISK OF EXPLOSION guidance to personnel on noise limitation is required,
and when noise exposure reduction is mandatory.
The responsibility for compliance with maintenance This is typically 80 to 85 dBA.
instructions is with the plant owner or operator.
The usual approach is to control the exposure time to
To avoid potential explosion hazards during the noise or to enclose the machine to reduce
maintenance, the tools, cleaning and painting emitted sound. You may have already specified a
materials used must not give rise to sparking or limiting noise level when the equipment was ordered,
adversely affect the ambient conditions. Where there however if no noise requirements were defined, then
is a risk from such tools or materials, maintenance attention is drawn to the following table to give an
must be conducted in a safe area. indication of equipment noise level so that you can
take the appropriate action in your plant.
A maintenance plan and schedule shall be adopted.
(See section 6, Maintenance.)
Pump noise level is dependent on a number of
operational factors, flow rate, pipework design and
1.7 Warning labels acoustic characteristics of the building, and so the
values given are subject to a 3 dBA tolerance and
cannot be guaranteed.

1.9.1 Pump noise levels

The following tables may be used to determine the
estimated sound pressure levels (SPL), expressed in
dBA (dB), for DMX/DMXD/DMXH/DMXDH pumps.

The values shown have been derived from actual

noise test data and are based on the following
a) Equipment is located in a free field above a
reflecting plane in which the reduction in noise
level in all directions is 6 dB in each octave band
for each doubling of distance.
b) Background noise is 10 dB (minimum) below all
noise levels in each octave band.
c) The values shown are at a distance of 1 m (3.3 ft),
horizontally from major pump surfaces and 1.5 m
Oil lubricated units only:
(4.78 ft) above the floor using the standard
pressure reference of 20 Pa (0.00002 N/m ).
d) Overall noise level, dBA ("A" scale) is determined
at points of maximum noise level, and the values
of all mid-band frequencies are basis "C" scale

1.8 Specific machine performance 1.9.2 Overall noise level

For performance parameters see 10.4 Customer Tables below show dBA levels for two stage and
Data Sheet. When the contract requirement specifies three or more stage pumps, based on the best
these to be incorporated into User Instructions these efficiency point (BEP) at design r/min and required
are included here. impeller diameter.

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For specific gravities less than 1.0, use 1.0 specific Difference between two Add to higher level to obtain
gravity. For specific gravities above 1.0, use the levels to be combined, dB combined level, dB
actual specific gravity. 0 3
1 2.5
2 2
When the required condition flow falls outside the
4 1.5
range of 75 % to 125 % of BEP, a part load 6 1
correction (PLC) must be added to the noise levels 9 0.5
as follows: 10 0

Percent of BEP at required impeller diameter PLC DB 2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE

74 to 62 % or 126 to 136 % +1
61 to 50 % or 137 to 150 % +2
49 to 38 % +3 2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking
37 to 25 % +4 Immediately after receipt of the equipment it must be
checked against the delivery/shipping documents for
Brake horse power at best efficiency point dBA its completeness and that there has been no damage
2 stage pump in transportation.
250 to 350 87
350 to 500 88
Any shortage and or damage must be reported
500 to 700 89
700 to 940 90 immediately to Flowserve and received in writing
940 to 1 100 91 within one month of receipt of the equipment. Later
1 100 to 1 300 92 claims cannot be accepted.
1 300 to 1 500 93
Above 1 500, contact Flowserve 94 Check any crates, boxes and wrappings for any
accessories or spare parts which may be packed
Brake horse power at best efficiency point dBA separately with the equipment or attached to side
3 to 14 stages
walls of the box or equipment.
90 to 110 79
110 to 140 80
140 to 180 81 Each product has a unique serial number. Check
180 to 220 82 that this number corresponds with that advised and
220 to 280 83 always quote this number in correspondence as well
280 to 360 84 as when ordering spare parts or further accessories.
360 to 450 85
450 to 560 86
560 to 720 87 2.1.1 Receipt inspection
720 to 900 88
900 to 1 125 89 The following information regarding
1 125 to 1 400 90 receiving is only offered as a general guideline to the
1 400 to 1 800 91
1 800 to 2 250 92
customer. Flowserve requires that all receiving be
2 250 to 2 800 93 conducted in accordance with specifications set forth
2 800 to 3 600 94 in chapter 3, Jobsite Receiving and Protection, from
3 600 to 4 500 95 API Recommended Practices 686/PIP REIE 686,
4 500 to 5 700 96 First Edition.
5 700 to 7 200 97
7 200 to 9 000 98
9 000 to 11 000 99 The pump and its associated equipment were
11 000 to 14 000 100 carefully inspected at the factory prior to
shipment to ensure quality compliance. It is
1.9.3 Combined noise levels for pump and suggested that the pump be inspected upon
driver components arrival and that any irregularities or damage be
When two or more sources produce noises that are reported to the carrier immediately.
sufficiently unrelated (so that interference effects do
not occur) the total combined noise level may be The condition of the skid and covering is indicative of
obtained by a simple addition of dB values according the way the shipment was handled. Broken skids,
to the table below. torn coverings, bent hold-down bolts, broken straps,
etc. indicate rough handling.

The protective covers on the pump nozzles should be

in place and undamaged.

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2.1.2 Unpacking 2.3.2 To lift unit

The pump should arrive already mounted on the
baseplate and it is therefore suggested that the The complete unit with pump, driver
unpacking of the equipment should proceed per and auxiliary equipment all mounted on the baseplate
instruction as outlined in this manual. can NOT be lifted as a unit. Driver must be removed
from baseplate before lifting. To lift unit sling
In general, care is to be taken when removing crating, baseplate from all lifting eyes. Failure to do this may
coverings and strapping in order not to damage any result in permanent deformation of baseplate.
auxiliary equipment and or the paint finish. Damage to baseplate caused by mishandling or
improper setting prior to grouting is not covered by
2.1.3 Paint/rust preventive Flowserves warranty.
Internal parts of the pump and bearing housings are
protected prior to shipment with a rust preventive 2.3.3 To lift driver
such as Dasco guard 2408M. This can be removed Refer to driver manufacturers instructions.
with petroleum solvents.
2.3.4 To lift pump
External non-machined surfaces are painted with one Install sling from overhead hoist and under bearing
of the applicable Flowserve coatings. housing mounting brackets (cast portion of casing
where bearing housings attach).
Parts ordered separately are protected with a rust
preventive such as Dasco guard 2408M. This can be
removed with petroleum solvents.

2.2 Handling
Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloaded
using forklift vehicles or slings dependent on their
size and construction.

2.3 Lifting Proper lifting practice for pump

To avoid distortion, the pump unit LIFTING PRACTICE

should be lifted as shown. Do not lift entire pump from cast lifting lugs on
upper half casings. These lugs are for lifting
TRAINED PERSONNEL upper half casing only.
A crane must be used for all pump sets in excess of
25 kg (55 lb). Fully trained personnel must carry out 2.3.5 To lift half casing
lifting, in accordance with local regulations. The To lift upper half casing, rig to overhead hoist from
driver and pump weights are recorded on their cast lifting lugs provided.
respective nameplates or mass plates.

2.3.1 Lifting equipment

The following information regarding lifting is

only offered as a general guideline. Flowserve
requires that all lifting and rigging be performed in
accordance with specifications set forth in chapter 2,
Lifting and Rigging, from API Recommended Proper lifting practice for upper case
Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First Edition.
To lift the pump bottom half casing, slings can be
attached to the pump feet, casing boltholes or
padded slings can be used around the outer casing.
Make sure that any equipment used to lift the
pump or any other of its components is capable
2.3.6 To lift pump rotor
of supporting the total weight encountered. Make
Using slings that will not damage shaft, rig around
sure that all parts are properly rigged before
shaft close to the impellers and to overhead hoist.
attempting to lift.
Carefully lift rotor from lower half casing.

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Inspect all painted surfaces. If necessary, touch up

the areas where paint has been chipped or scraped.

Inspect all covers over pump openings and piping

connections. If covers or seals for the covers are
damaged or loose, they are to be removed, and a visual
inspection made of the accessible interior areas for
accumulation of foreign materials or water. If
necessary, clean and re-coat the interior parts with
Proper lifting practice for pump rotor preservative to restore the parts to the as shipped
condition. Install or replace covers and fasten securely.
2.4 Extended storage
2.4.2 Storage area
The following information regarding receiving When selecting a storage area, the following should
is only offered as a general guideline. Flowserve be taken into consideration:
requires that all receiving be conducted in accordance a) The deterioration of the equipment will be
with specifications set forth in chapter 3, Jobsite proportionate to the class/type of storage provided.
Receiving and Protection, from API recommended b) The expenses involved in restoring the equipment
Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First Edition. at time of operation will be proportionate to the
class/type of storage provided.
During extended periods of storage prior to
installation and from the time of installation until 2.4.3 Storage preferred (dry)
commercial operation, precautions must be taken to If at all possible, the pump and its components should
protect the pump from deterioration. The various be stored indoors where they will be protected from the
parts of the pump are protected prior to shipment by elements. If it is not possible to store the pump and its
applying varying grades of preservative and paint. components indoors, precautions must be taken to
However, during shipment and handling, the protect them from the elements. Regardless of whether
preservatives are subjected to conditions that can storage is inside or outside, the storage area should be
cause their removal. Also, during extended periods vibration-free. All boxes that are marked for inside
of time, the preservatives may deteriorate. The storage must be stored indoors. Coverings of heavy
following procedures should be followed to prevent gauge plastic sheets, canvas, waterproof burlap or
deterioration of the pump during the extended other suitable coverings should protect the pump and its
storage period. These procedures may also be components from dirt, dust, rain, snow or other
supplemented by the experience of the person(s) unfavorable conditions when stored outdoors.
performing the tasks.
All equipment must be placed upon skids or blocks to
It should be noted, that unless otherwise agreed to, prevent contact with the ground and surface
full responsibility and costs associated with the contaminants. Equipment must be adequately
storage and inspection of this equipment rests with supported to prevent distortion and bending.
the customer. Rotor storage
If pump is equipped with a mechanical It is recommended that pump rotor be removed from
seal and is stored or has not been run for one year or pump and stored vertically. Rotors may also be
more, the mechanical seal must be removed before stored horizontally in the pump. Rotors that have to
start-up and faces re-lapped to guard against the be stored horizontally outside the pump must be
possibility of seal leakage. When reinstalling the supported close to the impeller to eliminate sag that
seal, new O-rings and gaskets must be used. may cause the rotor to take a permanent set.

2.4.1 Pump inspection upon arrival Customer inspection

When the pump is received, it should be inspected The stored equipment is to be placed on a periodic
for damage or other signs of rough handling. Any inspection schedule by the customer.
damage if found should be reported to the carrier
immediately. The responsibility for setting up an
inspection and maintenance schedule rests with the
Inspect the preservative coating on the various parts. customer and will be dependent upon the class/type
If necessary, renew the preservative in areas where it of storage provided.
has rubbed off or scraped.

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Initially inspection would occur weekly then, The customer will supply all necessary labor, tools and
depending upon the inspection reports being cranes. This inspection will include (not necessarily in
favorable or unfavorable, inspection would continue its entirety) but not be limited to the following:
weekly, monthly or quarterly, as may be determined. a) An inspection of all periodic inspection records as
Inspection reports must be kept on file. kept on file by the customer, and all inspection
reports that have been compiled during the
Every inspection should consist of a general surface storage period.
inspection. b) An inspection of the storage area to determine
a) Pump supports are firmly in place. the as stored condition of the equipment prior to
b) Pump covers over openings are firmly in place. any protection being removed.
c) Pump coverings, plastics or tarps, are firmly in c) An inspection of the equipment with protection
place. Any holes or tears must be repaired to covers and flange covers removed.
prevent entrance of dirt or water. d) Depending upon the length of time the equipment
d) Pump covers are periodically removed from was stored, the class/type of storage provided,
openings and interior accessible areas inspected. (i.e: indoor, heated, unheated, ground floor,
If surface rusting has occurred, clean and repaint concrete floor, out-of-doors, under roof, no roof,
or re-coat with preservative. waterproof coverings, on concrete, on ground)
e) If rusting occurs on exterior surfaces, clean and and as a result of the inspection of a, b and c
repaint or re-coat with preservative. above, Flowserve representative may require a
f) Loosen casing drain plugs to allow seepage of partial or complete dismantling of the equipment.
any accumulated moisture. e) Dismantling may necessitate restoration of
g) If the rotor is stored horizontally, rotate pump painted or preserved surfaces, and or
rotor 1 /4 revolutions at least once a month to replacement of gaskets, O-rings and mechanical
prevent rotor from taking a permanent set. seals and bearings. Use only Flowserve
recommended replacement materials.
Make sure bearings have
adequate lubrication before turning rotor. Upon completion of the inspection, the Flowserve
representative shall submit a report to the customer,
The oil ring inspection plug on top and to the Manager of Customer Service, stating in
of the bearing housing is to be removed and a detail the result of the inspection.
small amount of oil poured over the journals
before turning. If there are any discrepancies identified, it is the
h) Periodically remove bearing covers and inspect customer's responsibility for correction before initial
for accumulation of moisture, rust and foreign startup.
material. As required, clean bearings and
bearing housing and re-preserve. Install bearing 2.4.4 Storage non-preferred (wet)
cover and secure to assure maximum protection. It is not recommended that the rotor be subjected to
Bearings removed for storage should be coated extended periods of submergence or wetting prior to
with preservative, wrapped in oil/wax paper, and start-up. However, it is recognized that in some
stored in a warm dry area. cases, a long period of time may lapse from
i) Check individually wrapped parts for signs of installation until commercial operation.
deterioration. If necessary, renew preservative
and wrapping. If the pump must be stored after being installed and
wetted, the following inspection and maintenance
If storage is over one month, should be performed:
instrumentation (controls, electrical devices, Isolate the pump with valving - tag (seal) all valves
temperature switches) should be removed and
Preserve the pump internals
placed in a climate controlled environment if
instrumentation is not powered up.
If storage is over one month,
instrumentation (controls, electrical devices, Prior to installation maintenance
temperature switches) should be removed and
Six months prior to the scheduled installation date, a
placed in a climate controlled environment if
Flowserve representative is to be employed to conduct
instrumentation is not powered up.
an inspection. All costs involved during inspection,
dismantling, restoration, replacement of parts and Electric motors (pump driver) should not
reassembly will be the responsibility of the customer. be stored in damp places without special protection.
(Refer to motor manufacturers instructions).

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Fill the pump entirely with an approved preservative The DMX is a multistage single or double suction,
such as #2004-Chempagard 9 from Chempak. The opposed impeller, horizontally split volute pump.
pump should be filled to highest level possible,
affording the greatest protection possible to all The suction and discharge nozzles are cast integral
internal parts of the pump. with the lower half casing. Rotating parts are
accessible by removing the upper half casing, which
This solution, when drained, will result in a thin can be removed without breaking suction and
residual oil film (less than 0.0127 mm [0.0005 in.]) on discharge piping.
all internals after the water has evaporated. This
residue provides added corrosion protection until 3.1 Configurations
pump is again filled with liquid or put into service. The DMX can have the following configurations:
Pump cannot be fully drained. Volutes in 3.1.1 Single suction
the lower half cannot be drained below the bottom of Single suction impeller at first stage (DMX)
the main casing bore. Non-corrosive pumpage

Fill pump with pumpage to the highest level possible.
Periodically open drain the connection to drain off
any moisture that may have accumulated. Refill to
highest level possible. Drain and inspect pump prior
Single suction configuration
to start-up.
a) Rotate pump rotor 1 /4 revolutions at least once a
3.1.2 Double suction
Double suction impeller at the first stage (DMXD)
Make sure bearings have
adequate lubrication before turning rotor.
b) Periodically remove bearing covers and inspect
for accumulation of moisture, rust and foreign
material. As required, clean bearings and
bearing housing and re-preserve. Install bearing
cover and secure to assure maximum protection.
Double suction configuration Painting and preservation
Paints and preservatives used are either Flowserve 3.2 Name nomenclature
standard or special as required by the contract The pump nomenclature is: 3X10DMX10
specification. Refer to 2.1.3, Paint/rust preventive,
for the description of paints and preservatives used in The 3 is the pump discharge size
this order or contact the branch office through which
the order was placed. The X is the separator

2.5 Recycling and end of product life The 10 is the nominal impeller size
At the end of the service life of the product or its parts,
the relevant materials and parts should be recycled or The DMX is pump type
disposed of using an environmentally acceptable
method and local regulations. If the product contains The 10 is the number of stages and depending on
substances which are harmful to the environment, these pump size, they go from 2 to 14 stages
should be removed and disposed of in accordance with
current regulations. This also includes the liquids and or DMX = single suction standard pressure
gases in the "seal system" or other utilities. DMXD = double suction standard pressure
DMXH = single suction high pressure
Make sure that hazardous substances or toxic DMXDH = double suction high pressure
fluids are disposed of safely and that the correct
personal protective equipment is used. The safety
specifications must be in accordance with the current
regulations at all times.

Page 12 of 52

3.3 Design of major parts 3.3.8 Throttling bushing

Renewable type throttling bushing is used. It is held
3.3.1 Casing in position by the raised annular ring of the bushing
The casing provides for immediate containment of engaging the annular groove in the casing. The
the liquid being pumped, while directing the flow of throttling bushing, in conjunction with the throttling
liquid from the suction nozzle to the impellers and sleeve, allows pressure to be bled off through the
subsequently through the volute to the discharge balance line, so that pressure on the seal chambers
nozzle. is balanced. The throttling bushing also balances the
axial thrust of the pump rotor.
The casing halves are sealed by the use of a gasket
and are joined together by studs, which are installed 3.3.9 Crossover sleeve
in the lower half casing and fastened with washers A renewable type crossover sleeve under crossover
and cap-nuts. bushing is only used on double suction pumps
(DMXD/DMXDH). The crossover sleeve is tubular,
3.3.2 Impellers keyed, has a shrink fit to the shaft, and is held in
The impellers are single suction, enclosed type, and position by a split ring.
are a one-piece construction and dynamically
balanced. They are fitted with renewable impeller 3.3.10 Crossover bushing
rings (front and back), which are held in place by A renewable type crossover bushing is only used on
headless set-screws. double suction pumps (DMXD/DMXDH). The
crossover bushing is horizontally split, and the two
The impellers are keyed and have a shrink fit to the halves are held together by taper dowel pins. It is
pump shaft. They are held in axial position by a split held in position by the raised annular ring of the
ring. bushing engaging the annular groove in the casing.
The crossover bushing, in conjunction with the
3.3.3 Casing rings crossover sleeve, controls the leakage between the
Casing rings are positioned over the impeller front first and second stage impellers.
rings. These rings are tubular and renewable.
3.3.11 Shaft
3.3.4 Channel rings The high strength shaft is ground over its entire
Renewable cast channel rings are positioned over length to close tolerances. The shaft is designed to
the impeller back rings. They divide the casing into transmit the required power without vibration and is
stages. These rings are horizontally split and are stepped at each impeller fit for ease of assembly and
held together by shoulder screws or dowel pins. disassembly.

3.3.5 Center sleeve 3.3.12 Bearings

A renewable type center sleeve is used under the The plain and thrust ball bearings are lubricated by
center bushing. The center sleeve is tubular and means of oil rings, which run on journal sleeves and
keyed to the shaft (via the impeller key). in the oil reservoir of the bearing housings.

3.3.6 Center bushing The plain ball bearings are a single-row deep-groove
The renewable center bushing is horizontally split, type, free to adjust axially in the bearing housing.
and the two halves are held together by socket head
cap screws and taper dowel pins. It is held in The thrust ball bearings are of the double row (mounted
position by the raised annular ring of the bushing back to back) angular contact type, and are of ample
engaging the annular groove in the casing. The size to carry the thrust loads encountered in service.
center bushing, in conjunction with the center sleeve,
divides the casing at the center (back to back) The pump bearings are renewable.
3.3.13 Seal chambers
3.3.7 Throttling sleeve The seal chambers are cast integral with the casing.
A renewable type throttling sleeve is used under the The pump is typically shipped with the mechanical
throttling bushing. The throttling sleeve is tubular, seal already installed.
keyed, and has a shrink fit to the shaft. It is held in
position by a split ring. The mechanical seal is designed to suit each
application. This creates the correct seal loading
face when seal gland is bolted in place.

Page 13 of 52

Cartridge type mechanical seals are preset at the field of foundations, to ensure proper design/installation
seal manufacturers facility and require no field of the foundation.
settings. The seal installation should be checked
before start-up. The foundation should be properly prepared according
to the planned grouting method. See 4.3, Grouting, for
Refer to the mechanical seal manufacturers drawing details.
and instructions found in section 8 of this manual for
detailed information. The foundation should be rigid and substantial to
support the baseplate at all points to prevent any
3.4 Performance and operating limits pump vibration and to permanently support the
Refer to section 10.4 Customer data sheet. baseplate at all points.

4 INSTALLATION The most satisfactory foundations are made of

reinforced concrete. These should be poured well in
The installation/commissioning of this advance of the installation to allow proper time for
equipment must be conducted in accordance with drying and curing.
API Recommended Practices 686/PIP REIE 686 -
First Edition. The General Arrangement Drawing will show
required anchor bolt locations and size of bolts.
Copies of API Recommended Practices 686/PIP
REIE 686 - First Edition may be obtained from: Allow a little more than the specified threaded bolt
America Petroleum Institute length above the rail of the baseplate. The excess
1220 L Street, N.W. can always be cut off if it is not needed.
Washington, D.C. 20005.
Telephone: (202) 682-8000. A clean rough-finish top surface is required when
applying grout.
4.1 Location 4.2.1 Installation check list
Install the unit close to the source of the liquid to be a) Level baseplate.
pumped. b) Preliminary alignment.
c) Grout baseplate - check foundation bolts.
Equipment operated in hazardous locations d) Alignment shaft/coupling.
must comply with the relevant explosion protection e) Piping installed correct vent, gauge, valve,
regulations. See section 1.6.4, Products used in suction strainer and pipe support locations?
potentially explosive atmospheres. f) Check coupling alignment.
g) Coupling guard correctly installed?
When selecting the location, be sure to allow
adequate space for operation as well as for 4.2.2 Level the baseplate
maintenance operations involving dismantling and
inspections of parts. The following information regarding leveling
of equipment is only offered as a general guideline.
Headroom is an important consideration as an Flowserve requires that all leveling of equipment be
overhead lift of some type is required. performed in accordance with specifications set forth
in chapter 5, Mounting Plate Grouting, from API
4.2 Foundation Recommended Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First
The following information regarding
foundation is only offered as a general guideline. Before putting the unit on the foundation, thoroughly
Flowserve requires that all foundations be designed and clean the top of the foundation. Break off any loose
installed in accordance with specifications set forth in pieces of cement and roughen the top with a chisel to
chapter 4, Foundations, from API Recommended afford a good hold for grout.
Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First Edition.
When lifting baseplate with pump, sling
The design of foundation is not the responsibility of baseplate from all lifting eyes provided. Failure to do
Flowserve. It is therefore recommended that the this may result in permanent deformation of the
customer consult a competent specialist skilled in the baseplate.

Page 14 of 52

ASTM C 939-87, Test Method for Flow of Grout

Pump, driver auxiliary equipment and for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone
piping must be removed from the baseplate before Method)
leveling the baseplate. ASTM C 942-86, Test Method for Compressive
Strength of Grouts for Preplaced Aggregate
Locate the baseplate in its proper position on the Concrete in the Laboratory
concrete block together with the leveling screws as ASTM C 1090-88, Test Method for Measuring
shown in the General Arrangement Drawing. Changes in Height of Cylindrical Specimens from
Hydraulic Cement Grout
Using a precision level across the machined surfaces ASTM C 1107-91, Standard Specification for
of the pump and driver mounting pads, adjust leveling Packaged Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-Shrink)
screws as necessary to ensure that baseplate is (CRD-C 621-92), ACI 351, Grouting for Support of
leveled in all directions. Equipment and Machinery
24-Hour Test, MBT Test Method for Grout
When the baseplate is leveled, snug the foundation Performance
bolts, but do not completely tighten.
Minimum requirements for epoxy grout
4.2.3 Preliminary alignment [typical properties at 23 C (73 F)]
Using the previous procedure, adjust baseplate until ASTM D-635, Fire Resistant
pump and driver are within 0.076 mm (0.003 in.).
ASTM C-579B, Minimum Compressive Strength
12 000 psi
4.3 Grouting ASTM C-827, Height Change @ 38 C (100 F)
Positive effective bearing area 95%
The following information regarding grouting ASTM C-1181, maximum creep in 1 year
is only offered as a general guideline. Flowserve -3
1.6X10 in./in. at 140 F, 400 psi
requires that all grouting be installed in accordance with ASTM C-307, minimum tensile strength
specifications set forth in chapter 5, Mounting Plate 12.4 Mpa (1 800 psi)
Grouting, from API Recommended Practices 686/PIP
ASTM C-580, minimum flexural strength
REIE 686, First Edition. Refer to API 610 - Eighth
26.2 Mpa (3 800 psi)
Edition - Appendix `L` for baseplate grouting
ASTM C-580, minimum flexural secant modulus
requirements. It is recommended that the customer 4 6
1.2X10 Mpa (1.8X10 psi)
consult a competent specialist skilled in the field of
grouting, to ensure the proper installation of all grouting. ASTM C-531, maximum coefficient of expansion
17X10 in./in./ F. Maximum peak exotherm
The following ASTM Specifications are furnished as 1 000 g (35.27 oz.) insulated 35 C (95 F).
references for test methods used in conjunction with Full aggregate must be used.
installation of grouting materials and should be used
to obtain proper results: 4.3.1 Grouting material Normal grout material

ASTM C 78-84, Test Method for Flexural Strength
A quality, high strength, non-shrink cementatious
for Concrete
grout material shall be used for installation. Epoxy is
ASTM C 109-90, Test Method for Compressive
Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Modified
ASTM C 469-87a, Test Method for Static Modulus Layered grout material
of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio of Concrete in
A layered combination of non-shrink cementatious
grout and normal industrial concrete can be used.
ASTM C 496-90, Test Method for Splitting Tensile (See sketch below for example.)
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens a) The first layer shall be 25-50 mm plus a layer of
ASTM C 531-85, Test Method for Linear 30-40 mm of normal grout material as described
Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in
of Chemical Resistant Grouts and Monolithic b) The second layer is normal industrial concrete
Surfacing - Modified poured to a level that is approximately 30-40 mm
ASTM C 666-90, Test Method for Resistance of from the top of the baseplate decking.
Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing c) The top layer is 30-40 mm normal grout material
as described in

Page 15 of 52

30-40 mm
c) Grout leveling space and baseplate as per
manufacturer's instructions. Holes are provided in
c the baseplate to permit pouring the grout and
Normal concrete b distributing. Vent holes are also provided in each
compartment. Fill under the baseplate completely,
stirring to assure proper distribution of the grout.
Check to see that the grout flows under the edges
25 50 mm unless 30-40 mm
as specified a of the baseplate evenly.

Leave top of foundation rough

Do not finish with trowel
4.3.2 Grouting method A
a) Prepare the foundation properly as specified in Finished grouting

the sketches below.

Allow bolts to project for
grouting under baseplate Make this
distance equal
Grouting to 1 in. deep
to lug on

Building dam around the foundation before pouring grout

Pour grout until level reaches top of dam.

Template for hanging foundation bolts Allow drying sufficiently to prevent grout overflowing
The sketch illustrates a recommended foundation while completing the remaining grouting.
bolt arrangement. Notice the large washer with
lugs at the bottom. It should be welded to the Do not vibrate baseplate when
bolt and pipe sleeve to prevent turning. grouting; make sure baseplate is vented properly
and all areas indicated on General Arrangement
Allow ample threaded bolt drawing are thoroughly filled to prevent any
length above rough concrete resonant problems.
Rough finish d) When grout is thoroughly hardened, remove dam.
for grout Stuff waste around bolt e) Completely tighten the foundation bolts.
while pouring concrete
4.3.3 Grouting method B
Pipe sleeve to be a) Prepare foundation properly as shown in the
three times diameter General Arrangement Drawing. The bolt holes
of anchor bolt must be tapered to the top.

Weld a large washer

with lugs to the bottom
of bolt and pipe sleeve Grout
to prevent turning baseplate

Levelling Grout
Foundation complete description
screw levelling
b) Build a dam around the foundation to contain space
grout materials. Foundation
Before grouting, check level of Grout
machined pads of baseplate in both directions Foundation holes
and perform a rough shaft/coupling alignment. bolts
Alignment after grout has set will not be possible
if above is not satisfactorily completed.
Foundation and grouting description

Page 16 of 52

b) Build a dam around the foundation to contain Coupled equipment must be aligned to minimize
grout materials. unnecessary stresses in shafts, bearings and couplings.
c) Grout the foundation bolt holes as per the Flexible couplings will not compensate for appreciable
manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that the misalignment. Foundation settling, thermal expansion
grout fills all open space and eliminates all air or nozzle loads resulting in baseplate/foundation
pockets. deflection and vibration during operation may require
the full coupling misalignment capability.
Before grouting levelling space
and baseplate, check level of pads of baseplate Types of misalignment
in both directions and perform a rough There are two types of shaft misalignment: angular
shaft/coupling alignment. Alignment after grout and offset. Both types of misalignment can occur in
has set will not be possible if above is not horizontal and vertical planes and are present in most
satisfactorily completed. applications.
d) Grout leveling space and baseplate as per
manufacturer's instructions. Holes are provided In angular misalignment, the centerline of the shafts
in the baseplate to permit pouring the grout and intersects, but is not on the same axis.
distributing. Vent holes are also provided in each
compartment. Fill under the baseplate
completely, stirring to assure proper distribution
of the grout. Check to see that the grout flows
under the edges of the baseplate evenly.
Angular misalignment
Pour grout until level reaches top of
dam. Allow drying sufficiently to prevent grout In offset misalignment, the shaft centerlines are
from overflowing while completing the remaining parallel but do not intersect.

Do not vibrate baseplate when

grouting; make sure baseplate is vented properly
and all areas indicated on General Arrangement
drawing are thoroughly filled to prevent any Offset misalignment
resonant problems.
e) When grout is thoroughly hardened, remove dam.
f) Completely tightened the foundation bolts.

4.4 Initial alignment

4.4.1 Shaft/coupling alignment
Combined misalignment
The following information regarding shaft
alignment is only offered as a general guideline. Alignment methods
Flowserve requires that all shaft alignment be The following methods may be used to align the
performed in accordance with specifications set forth in equipment train. The methods a) and b) are dial
chapter 7, Shaft Alignment, from API Recommended indicator based.
Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First Edition. a) Rim and face alignment
Shaft alignment must be correct for
successful operation. Rapid wear, noise, vibration
and actual damage to the equipment may be caused
by shaft misalignment. The shafts must be aligned
within the limits given within this section. Pump side Driver side

Adjustment to correct the alignment in one

direction may alter the alignment in another direction.
Always check in all directions after making any
Rim and face alignment

Page 17 of 52

b) Reverse rim indicator alignment Determine misalignment and correct

vertical plane
Before moving the equipment vertically, it is important
that the vertical thermal expansion be taken into
Pump side Driver side consideration. Refer to General Arrangement Drawing
notes and or driver instructions for recommended cold
vertical setting (if thermal expansion is a factor).

The shims between the motor feet and mounting

surface should be clean and dry. This is especially
critical for equipment that has been in service for
some time and need to be realigned. Water, dirt and
rust may change the height of the shim pack over a
Reverse rim indicator alignment
period of time. Shims should be made large enough
to support the weight of the motor on its mounting
c) Laser alignment.
foot. Do not use many thin shims, as this may result
in a spongy mounting.
4.4.2 Dial-indicator-based alignment Check soft foot

Soft foot can affect the alignment readings and should
be checked first and eliminated on both pump and
a) Tighten hold down bolts.
b) Set a dial indicator on one foot, loosen the bolt Recommended shim design
and check if there is an indicator reading. If so Move the equipment vertically by adding or removing
place a shim with the same thickness as the the calculated thickness of shims. Torque equipment
displacement. hold-down bolts to required values.
c) Check and adjust all feet. Determine misalignment and correct Set DBSE horizontal plane
The shaft gap, or distance between shaft ends The dial indicators shown below are required to
(DBSE), must be in accordance with the certified accurately measure the move in the horizontal
General Arrangement Drawing and must be direction.
measured with pump and driver shafts in the center
of their axial end float. Motor with sleeve bearings is Move the driver by bumping with soft hammer/mallet
to be aligned with rotor at magnetic center. or using jack-screws (if provided). The amount of
horizontal relocation required is calculated in the
Move driver to ensure proper gap distance. alignment data sheet.
It is recommended that the pump hold-down Top view Driver
bolting be torqued before taking any alignment Direction of shaft
measurements. This makes the pump the fixed
machine and the driver the movable machine. In Coupling
certain cases, however, it may be impractical to move
the driver; therefore, the pump may have to be moved. Dial indicators at driver feet
Dial indicators configuration Determine bracket sag
Bracket sag must be determined and included in the It is recommended that the completed
alignment calculation. alignment document be retained as part of your
a) Install clip with extension pieces and dial permanent maintenance file.
b) Place indicator on top and reset to zero, turn 4.4.3 Laser alignment
180 and read indicator and register. The use of laser alignment greatly simplifies the
c) Record sag reading obtained at the bottom. alignment process. Because of equipment and
d) Side to side readings need not to be corrected as software differences, this will only describe laser
the sag is equal on both sides. alignment in general steps.

Page 18 of 52

a) Prior to alignment process the baseplate must be A gib-block running parallel to the length of the pump
leveled. foot at each of the outboard feet controls the horizontal
b) Check for soft foot condition. Uneven base movement. The gib-blocks are bolted and doweled to
height, dirty or corroded foot or other irregularities the pedestal. A 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) gap is maintained
c) Rough align the pump and motor shafts with a between the gib-block and pump foot.
straight edge.
d) Mount the laser emitter on the pump shaft, and The self-locking nuts, which hold the pump
the laser target on the motor shaft. from moving in a vertical motion, are clamped
e) Link the shaft ends so they rotate together. tight to the pump foot at the time of shipment.
f) Adjust shim stack heights for vertical parallelism The 0.051 mm (0.002 in.) clearance must be
and angular alignment per laser units output. established at time of installation.
Make the necessary corrections by adding or by DOWEL PIN (TYP) FLEX LOCK NUT 0.002"
removing shims at the motor feet. CLEARANCE
g) Adjust the motor position sideways for horizontal BLOCK BLOCK
and angular alignment per the laser units output
by using a soft mallet or adjusting screws.
h) Tighten all pump and motor feet fasteners. 0.010"

i) Verify the final alignment BASEPLATE BASEPLATE

4.4.4 Check coupling alignment
The angular and offset coupling alignment must be
Gib-block installation sketch for hot pump
a) Coupling faces are to be parallel within 0.0254 mm
(0.001 in.) TIR. Pump driver
b) Coupling outside diameters is to be aligned within Refer to General Arrangement Drawing and/or driver
0.0762 mm (0.003 in.) TIR. instructions for doweling information.
c) Motor-driven: bump the motor and check motor
rotation. 4.4.7 Gib-block installation for hot applications
d) Turbine-driven: check turbine rotation. (If wrong, Gib-blocks are installed to control the direction of the
consult turbine manufacturer.) growth while maintaining pump-driver coupling
alignment. They are installed after the baseplate has
4.4.5 Assemble coupling been leveled and grouted, suction and discharge
a) Assemble coupling per the manufacturer's piping connected, and final shaft coupling alignment
instructions included in section 8 of this manual. is completed.
b) Install coupling guard.
Gib-blocks are shipped loose and field installed at the
4.4.6 Dowel pump and driver site. The following procedure must be followed for
correct installation of gib-blocks: Cold pumps - temperature below 93 C a) Fully torque the hold-down bolts in the driver end
(200 F) of pumps feet to torque values listed in the
Pump hold down bolts are to be torqued to the proper instruction manual. (Refer to Sectional Assembly
value and dowel pins put in two diagonally opposite Drawing in section 8.)
feet. b) Install the dowel pins in the pump drive end foot
by drilling the foot and the baseplate for the Hot pumps tapered dowel provided.
Pumps handling liquids at temperatures of 94 C c) Position the gib-blocks to obtain a 0.254 mm
(200 F) and over are designed to permit the casing (0.010 in.) clearance between the gib-block and
to expand with temperature away from the coupling the side of the non-drive end pump foot as noted
end of the pump. The units that come under this on the attached figure. Drill and tap the cap
classification must have the pump support feet screw holes for the gib-blocks.
dowelled to the pedestal at the coupling end. This d) Tighten the hold-down bolts for the gib-blocks.
maintains the coupling gap at the desired amount. e) Install the dowel pins in the gib-blocks by reaming
the block and baseplate for the tapered dowel
The pump feet at the opposite end are held from provided.
moving vertically by the use of a self-locking nut. The f) Tighten the hold-down locknuts on the non-drive
clearance between the base of the nut and the top of end pump feet to establish a 0.051 mm (0.002 in.)
the pump foot should be 0.051 mm (0.002 in.). gap between the locknut and the pump foot.

Page 19 of 52

4.4.8 Hot alignment check Elbows in more than one plane should not be used
A hot check can only be made after the unit has been in without splitters.
operation a sufficient length of time to assume its
NORMAL operating temperature and conditions. If the Splitters are placed in the elbow in the mean radius
unit has been correctly cold set, the offset misalignment line perpendicular to the plane of the elbow.
will be within 0.076 mm (0.003 in.) TIR and the angular
misalignment will be within 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.) TIR Provision must be made to support
when in operation. If not, make adjustments. piping external to the pump to prevent excessive
nozzle loads, maintain pump/driver alignment and
Do not attempt any maintenance, avoid pipe-induced vibrations.
inspection, repair or cleaning in the vicinity of
rotating equipment. Such action could result in Install a check valve and a gate valve in the
injury to operating personnel. discharge pipe of the pump. When the pump is
stopped, the check valve will protect the pump
Before attempting any inspection or repair against excessive pressure and will prevent the pump
on the pump the driver controls must be in the from running backwards. The check valve should be
"off" position, locked and tagged to prevent installed between the gate valve and the pump
restarting equipment and injury to personnel nozzle in order to permit its inspection. The gate
performing service on the pump. valve is also useful in priming and starting the pump.

4.5 Piping Keep the suction pipe short and direct. Use a suction
pipe equal to or one size larger than the pump suction
The following information regarding nozzle. Keep the suction pipe free of all air pockets.
piping is only offered as a general guideline to the
customer. Flowserve requires that all piping and A spool piece should be installed in the
related systems be designed/installed in accordance suction line so that the suction screen may be
with specifications set forth in chapter 6, Piping, from installed and removed.
API recommended practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First
Edition. Operation at low flow results in pump
power heating the liquid. A bypass may be required
The design of piping, and related systems, is not the to prevent vaporization and subsequent pump
responsibility of Flowserve. It is therefore damage. Mechanical damage may result from
recommended that the customer consult a competent continuous operation at flows less than the minimum
specialist skilled in the field of piping, to ensure flow of design operating point. (See section 10.4,
proper design/installation of all piping. Customer Data Sheet.)

4.5.1 Suction and discharge piping When pump is equipped with manifolded
These units are furnished for a particular service vent and drain lines, each line must be equipped
condition. Changes in the hydraulic system may with an individual valve to prevent any liquid from
affect performance adversely. This is especially true a high pressure line flowing into a low pressure
if the changes reduce the pressure at the suction or if line. These valves must be kept in the closed
the liquid temperature is increased. In case of any position during pump operation.
doubt contact the nearest Flowserve Office.
4.5.2 Suction strainer
Suction and discharge piping should be of ample In a new installation, great care should be taken to
size, be installed in direct runs, and have a minimum prevent dirt, scale and welding beads from entering
of bends. Eccentric reducers shall be flat on top the pump. Even when piping has been previously
(FOT). flushed, it is difficult to break loose the oxides and
mill scale, which will become free when the pipe
It is desirable to have at least seven (7) diameters of heats and cools several times. Numerous close
straight pipe between the first elbow and the pump running clearances within the pump are vulnerable to
suction. Elbows in the piping to the pump suction abrasive matter present in new piping. Foreign
nozzle should be of the long radius type. material may be large enough, or of sufficient
volume, to jam a pump, with probable damage to
Seven (7) diameters of straight pipe should be used both pump and drive equipment. Smaller size
between two elbows in series and the pump suction. material passing through the pump can cause rapid
pump wear and premature pump failure.

Page 20 of 52

This pump is provided with the assumption that it will

be pumping clean liquids (unless otherwise stated in
the order and addressed in the proposal). Flowserve
pumps are provided with running clearances ranging
typically from 0.12 mm (0.005 in.) to 0.80 mm
(0.030 in.), depending on the service and the pump
size. It is impractical to install a suction strainer to Preferred direction of flow
remove particulate of this size. Such particles will
The open area of the strainer should be a minimum
normally pass through the pump without causing
of three times the area of the pump suction.
damage, provided the concentrations are minor.
At all times when using suction strainers, it is critical that
The possibility exists that, on shutdown of the pump,
the pressure drop across the strainer be constantly
such particles can become trapped in the close
monitored to ensure that the pump suction pressure
running clearances during coast-down, causing
does not fall below that required to prevent pump
binding. Flowserve cannot recommend a procedure
cavitation. Pressure (or vacuum) gauges should be
that will totally prevent such binding; however we
installed on both sides of the strainer so that the
strongly suggest that systems be cleaned and
pressure drop across the strainer can be monitored.
thoroughly flushed prior to connecting the pump to
During start-up of the system, the gauges should be
the piping to minimize particles entering the pump.
monitored continuously. Consult the plant engineer or
Starting and stopping of the pump should be
system designer for the allowable pressure differential
MINIMIZED, as pumps are most susceptible to dirt
across the strainer prior to operating the pump.
during starts and stops.
Pressure differential across the strainer and/or screen is
typically no more than 2-3 psig. An increase in the
In the event that binding on coast-down occurs, it is
differential pressure between the two gauges indicates
unlikely that the binding can be remedied by hand
that the strainer or screen is becoming clogged with dirt
rolling the rotor, and partial disassembly may be
and scale. Before the pressure drop becomes so
required to clean the affected parts. It should be
severe that cavitation occurs, the pump should be shut
noted that increased particle concentrations
down and the strainer cleaned. Alarm settings to protect
increases the probability of coast-down binding and
the pump from damaging cavitation and loss of suction
seizures as well as erosion damage.
need to be supplied by the plant engineer or system
Excessive force used to try to free a designer prior to operating the pump. Typical alarm
bound rotor may cause damage beyond minor clean- settings to protect the pump from damaging cavitation
up and repair of rotor parts. and loss of suction would be 5 psig differential pressures
across the strainer (screen). The suction piping should
Generally, a pump should not be installed without be arranged such that the ultimate strainer configuration
start-up strainer protection. The suction piping (location) allows ready access for cleaning.
should be thoroughly flushed before installing the
suction strainer and connecting the suction piping to The strainer may be fitted with a finer screen to filter the
the pump. The strainer should be installed in the inlet inlet flow. When this is done 40 mesh screens are
piping near the pump, making certain that it is located typically used for start-up operation, at reduced flow
where it may be readily serviced (cleaned). Be sure, rates. For final operation in a closed system, the
however, that the installed strainer will not distort the suction strainers are normally removed after the system
flow to the pump suction nozzle. is cleaned. For critical pump applications, where
continuous screening of suction flow is desirable, and in
Do not install the strainer directly on the pump open systems, 20 mesh screening is typically used for
suction nozzle. For a cone-type strainer, the down- permanent strainers. At all times, when using screens
stream end of the cone should be no closer than four and suction strainers, it is critical that pressure drop
(4) pipe diameters from the pump suction nozzle. across the screen and or strainer be constantly
Basket-type strainers typically introduce greater flow monitored to ensure that the pump suction pressure
disturbances and should be installed at least six (6) does not fall below that required to prevent cavitation.
pipe diameters from the pump suction nozzle.
When dirt and scale have been removed from the
The Flowserve standard for suction strainers consists system, as indicated by no further change in pressure
of conical-shaped steel plate with /8 in. perforations drop across the strainer with time, the start-up
see the picture below. strainer may be removed or the screen may be
replaced with one having larger openings.

Page 21 of 52

If a permanent strainer will be used during normal 4.6 Electrical connections

operation, the pressure differential needs to be
monitored on a continuous basis. Electrical connections must be made
by a qualified Electrician in accordance with relevant
If a permanent strainer is not used, the start-up local national and international regulations.
strainer needs to be temporarily reinstalled whenever
the system is opened up for repair or routine The motor must be wired up in
maintenance. As long as a suction strainer or screen accordance with the motor manufacturer's
remains in place, the differential pressure should be instructions (normally supplied within the terminal
monitored on a regular basis. box) including any temperature, earth leakage,
current and other protective devices as appropriate.
The pressure drop across the strainer is The identification nameplate should be checked to
a direct reduction in the NPSH available to the pump. ensure the power supply is appropriate.
NPSH available must always exceed the NPSH
required by the pump. This requirement may limit the It is important to be aware of the EUROPEAN
pump flow rate, particularly during start-up operation. DIRECTIVE on potentially explosive areas where
Alarms or automatic pump shutdown devices should be compliance with IEC60079-14 is an additional
installed to minimize the possibility of pump damage. It requirement for making electrical connections.
is the responsibility of the pump operator to obtain the
allowable pressure drop across the strainer for safe It is important to be aware of the EUROPEAN
pump operation from the plant engineer or system DIRECTIVE on electromagnetic compatibility when
designer prior to operation of the pump. wiring up and installing equipment on site. Attention
must be paid to ensure that the techniques used during
4.5.3 Coupling alignment check wiring/installation do not increase electromagnetic
Refer to section 4.4.1, Shaft/coupling alignment, and emissions or decrease the electromagnetic immunity of
perform a coupling alignment check as outlined. This the equipment, wiring or any connected devices. If in
check is recommended to ensure the alignment has any doubt contact Flowserve for advice.
not been disturbed during installing suction and
discharge piping. A device to provide emergency stopping must
be fitted.
4.5.4 Inspection of oil rings before start-up
If pre-wired is not supplied to the pump unit, the
A problem can arise when pumps are controller/starter electrical details will also be
transported by vehicle or when being lifted by a supplied within the controller/starter.
crane. Jarring or uneven lifting of pumps can cause
the oil rings to move out of position. If the oil rings For electrical details on pump sets with controllers
are out of position at start up, the bearings will not get see the separate wiring diagram.
lubrication and will eventually fail.
Direction of rotation has to be
Before start up takes place remove the in. NPT checked with pump uncoupled.
plugs on the top of the housing and confirm that the
oil rings are in their proper position. (See figure.) 4.7 Final shaft alignment check
After connecting piping to the pump, rotate the shaft
Vent Vent several times by hand to ensure there is no binding
and all parts are free.

Recheck the coupling alignment, as previously

described, to ensure no pipe strain. If pipe strain
exists, correct piping.

Refer to section 4.1.1, Shaft/coupling

alignment and perform a coupling alignment check as
Oil ring Oil ring outlined. This check is recommended to ensure the
alignment has not been disturbed during the grouting
Thrust bearing housing Plain bearing housing of the baseplate or while installing suction and
Proper oil ring positions discharge piping.

Page 22 of 52

4.8 Protection systems Isolate the pump from pipe work, flush out the
pipe work then flush the pump. This operation
The following protection systems are must be carried out thoroughly because the
recommended particularly if the pump is installed in a pump contains many close running clearances,
potentially explosive area or is handling a hazardous which will be damaged by dirt particles. Take all
liquid. If in doubt consult Flowserve. possible care not to contaminate your system.
b) Clean and flush bearing housings. Fill reservoir
If there is any possibility of the system allowing the with oil to the proper level. (See section 5.2,
pump to run against a closed valve or below Pump lubricants.)
minimum continuous safe flow a protection device
should be installed to ensure the temperature of the Check that oil rings are properly
liquid does not rise to an unsafe level. positioned and not hung-up by looking through
If there are any circumstances in which the system c) Turn rotor by hand or with strap to make sure it
can allow the pump to run dry, or start up empty, a turns freely.
power monitor should be fitted to stop the pump or d) Ensure that the mechanical seal is properly
prevent it from being started. This is particularly assembled and tightened.
relevant if the pump is handling a flammable liquid.
Most cartridge seals are equipped
with a spacer between the gland plate and drive
If leakage of product from the pump or its associated
collar. This spacer must be removed before
sealing system can cause a hazard it is
starting unit.
recommended that an appropriate leakage detection
e) Ensure coupling is properly aligned and
system be installed.
lubricated; and pump and driver are properly
doweled. (Refer to 4.1.1, Shaft /coupling
To prevent excessive surface temperatures at
alignment procedure).
bearings it is recommended that temperature or
f) Ensure coupling guard is in place.
vibration monitoring are carried out.
g) Check torque of all bolting and plugs for
OPERATION AND SHUTDOWN 5.1.2 Pump instrumentation set points
The following set points apply to DMX pumps, which
Commissioning of all equipment must be use the ball/ball bearing arrangement:
performed in accordance with specifications set forth in a) Bearing metal temperature
chapter 9, Commissioning, from API Recommended Normal - 60 to 82 C (140 to 180 F)
Practices 686/PIP REIE 686, First Edition. Alarm - 88 C (190 F)
Shutdown - 93 C (200 F)
These operations must be carried b) Bearing housing vibration
out by fully qualified personnel.
Normal - 2.5 to 7.6 mm/s (0.1 to 0.3 in./sec)
Alarm - 10.2 mm/s (0.4 in./sec)
5.1 Precommissioning procedure Shutdown - 12.7 mm/s (0.5 in./sec)
a) Never operate the pump with suction valve closed.
b) Never operate pump unless it is filled with liquid 5.1.3 Initial start-up procedure
and vented. a) Close discharge valve if a bypass system is
c) Never operate the pump unless a liquid source is used. If not, crack open the discharge valve.
available. b) Prepare the driver for start-up in accordance with
d) Never operate the pump without proper lubrication. the manufacturers instructions.
c) Warm-up pump (if required).
5.1.1 Pre-operational checks Avoid severe thermal shocks to the pump as a
At initial start-up and after the equipment has been result of sudden liquid temperature changes.
overhauled: The pump must be preheated prior to start-up.
a) Ensure pump and piping are clean. Before Unless otherwise specified, the external
putting the pump into operation, it should be temperature of the casing must be within 55.6 C
thoroughly flushed to remove the rust preventive (100 F) of the temperature of the liquid to be
as well as any foreign matter, which may have pumped at time of start-up.
accumulated during installation.

Page 23 of 52

Oil requires frequent replenishment at normal

Pump temperature stratification operating temperatures and very frequent
could occur. A maximum temperature delta of replenishment at elevated operating temperatures.
28 C (50 F) between the upper and lower case Oil is always subject to gradual deterioration from use
must be checked prior to starting the pump. and contamination from dirt and moisture. This
deterioration and contamination will, in time, be
Due to the heavy metal sections, the casing will harmful to the bearing and cause premature wear.
lag the liquid temperature during such changes, For this reason, oil should be checked for
and severe temperature stresses and contamination and deterioration regularly.
subsequent misalignment of machined fits may
result. Pre-heating is accomplished by circulating The frequency of oil change depends on the
a small amount of hot fluid through the casing by operating conditions and the quality of the lubricant.
utilizing vents, drains or bypass from discharge Oil should be checked for deterioration and
and suction. Preheat pump slowly at a rate not to contamination weekly during periods of operation.
exceed 55.6 C (100 F) per hour.
d) Prime pump and ensure pump suction valve and The following guideline is based on the Cleanliness
bypass isolating valve are open. Code described in ISO 4406-1999.

Before starting or while operating Oil cleanliness values

the pump, the casing and suction line must be Intervals
ISO 4406 cleanliness code
completely filled with the liquid being pumped. The R6m R14m
rotating parts depend on this liquid for lubrication, During factory tests 20 18
and the pump may seize if operated without liquid. First 100 hours of
20 18
e) Ensure pump recirculating line (if provided) is field operation
Every 2 000 hours
open and free of obstructions. of field operation
19 17
f) Check that pump is vented by observing leakage
from casing vent and seal piping vent. Close vent
when liquid is emitted. The listed oil cleanliness values are for
g) Make sure seal piping is turned on. reference only. Deviations from the listed values
h) Prepare the driver for start-up in accordance with should be communicated to Flowserve for evaluation.
the manufacturers instructions.
i) Check pump rotation by starting unit Mineral oils oxidize and should be replaced at
momentarily. The direction of rotation is shown intervals described in the table below.
on section 10-4, Pump data sheet. Note the
pump coasts to a gradual stop. 5.2.2 Oil specifications
Straight mineral oils without additives are generally
If pump stops abruptly when driver preferred for rolling element bearing lubrication. It
is shut down, investigate for pump binding. Take should preferably be of the turbine type and not
necessary remedial action before resuming contain free acid, chlorine, sulfur or more than a trace
operation. of free alkali. Quality mineral oils with a minimum
j) Starting the driver (motor driven). Viscosity Index (VI) of 95 are recommended.
k) Starting the driver (turbine driven).
Start the turbine and bring it up to speed quickly. An ISO Viscosity Grade (VG) number identifies
l) As soon as the pump is up to rated speed, open lubricating oils. The VG number is the viscosity of the
discharge valve. This will avoid abrupt changes oil at 40 C. (104 F) in centistokes. (See table below.)
in velocity and prevent surging in the suction line.
In the majority of instances, a turbine oil with a VG
number of 46 (nominally equivalent to SAE 20) will
5.2 Pump lubricants
meet rolling element bearing lubrication requirements.
(See section 5.2.3, Oil temperature.)
5.2.1 Lubricating oil
Lubricant must be compatible with all
Operation of the unit without
parts requiring lubrication.
proper lubrication can result in overheating of the
bearings, bearing failure, pump seizures and
actual breakup of the equipment, exposing
operating personnel to injury.

Page 24 of 52

Oil replacement interval

Typical oil operating Operating
Oil change interval
temperature cycle Notes:
Ambient Stand by 6 calendar months
Longer intervals between replacements may be possible at these
Ambient to 71 C operating temperatures, but 3 month intervals are recommended to
Continuous 3 calendar months
(Ambient to 160 F) protect against normal oxidation, contamination, and deterioration.
Regular oil monitoring can inform this decision.
71 C to 82 C 3 month intervals are recommended to protect against normal
Continuous 3 calendar months
(160 F to 180 F) oxidation, contamination, and deterioration.
As specified by Continuous operation at oil temperatures above 82 C (180 F)
> 82 C (> 180 F) Continuous
Flowserve requires consultation with Flowserve.

Oil specifications and characteristics

Operating oil temperature
Oil characteristics
16 C to 38 C (60 C to100 F) 38 C to 82 C (101 F to180 F).
Saybolt viscosity (SSU) 38 C (100 F) 158 seconds 215 seconds
Pour point -7 C (20 F) -7 C (20 F)
Flash point 204 C (400 F) 204 C (400 F)
Recommended ISO viscosity grade
32 46
(VG) number

5.2.3 Oil temperature To clean the lubrication system refer to the sectional
Oil temperature should be maintained between 16 C drawings and proceed as follows:
(60 F) and 82 C (180 F). a) Loosen the bearing end covers and flingers and
remove drain plugs.
The minimum bearing oil temperature b) Flush out the bearing housings with kerosene or
is 16 C (60 F). If necessary, prior to start-up, one of other suitable solvent.
the following procedures should be employed: c) Flush the bearing housing with oil. Oil should be
a) Drain the oil in the bearing housing(s) and compatible with lubricating oil that will be used.
replace with warm oil. d) After flushing, replace drain plugs. Reassemble
b) Heat the bearing housing(s) using heat tape (or bearings and torque end cover bolting. (Refer to
other suitable means). section 5, Maintenance.)
c) Circulate warm liquid through the cooling jacket e) Refer to driver instruction book for instructions
or immersion cooler (if supplied). covering flushing of driver bearings.
d) Utilize oil with a lower viscosity, or VG number, or
consider using a synthetics hydrocarbon oil with 5.2.5 Trico oiler setting
a low pour point to give a viscosity similar to that
of ISO 46 (for maximum oil operating
temperatures of 180 F) or ISO 32 (for maximum
oil operating temperatures of 120 F).

ISO 46 is recommended for continuous

operating oil temperatures between 38 C (100 F)
and 82 C (180 F), with a minimum startup
temperature of 16 C (60 F); ISO 32 may be
considered for continuous operating oil temperatures
between 16 C (60 F) and 49 C (120 F), with a
minimum start up temperature of 4 C (40 F). For
startup when oil temperature is below 4 C (40 F), oil Assemble oiler to bearing housing. Adjust oiler and
preheating is recommended. fill bearing housing with oil as in the Trico oil level
setting drawing in section 8.
5.2.4 Cleaning the lubrication system prior to
operation Operation of the unit with incorrect oil level
Before operating the pump, the lubrication system setting can result in overheating of the bearings,
should be thoroughly cleaned to remove any foreign lack of lubrication to the bearing failures, pump
matter that may have accumulated during shipment, seizures and actual breakup of the equipment,
storage or installation. exposing operating personnel to injury.

Page 25 of 52

5.3 Impeller wearing clearance

Please refer to the sectional drawings for ring and The unit must not be operated unless the
bushing clearance value. coupling guard is bolted in place. Failure to
observe this could result in injury to operating
5.4 Direction of rotation personnel.

Check pump rotating by starting When pump is equipped with manifolded

momentarily. The direction of rotation is shown in vent and drain lines, each line must be equipped
section 1.5, Duty conditions. Note that pump coasts with an individual valve to prevent any liquid from
to a gradual stop. a high pressure line flowing into a low pressure
line. These valves must be kept in the closed
5.5 Guarding position during pump operation.

Observe extreme caution when venting and/or

Guarding is supplied and fitted to the pump
draining hazardous liquids. Wear protective
clothing in the presence of caustic, corrosive,
volatile, flammable, or hot liquids. Do not breathe
Fasteners must remain captive in the guard
toxic vapors. Do not allow sparking, flames, or hot
when the guard is removed to comply with
surfacing in vicinity of the equipment.
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The pump should not be operated
Whenever guarding is removed or disturbed outside of the design speed range.
ensure that all the protective guards around the a) Never operate the pump with suction valve closed.
pump coupling and exposed parts of the shaft are b) Never operate pump unless it is filled with liquid
securely fixed. and vented.
c) Never operate the pump unless a liquid source is
5.6 Priming and auxiliary supplies available.
d) Never operate the pump without proper lubrication.
Ensure all electrical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, sealant and lubrication systems (as 5.8.1 Operating checks
applicable) are connected and operational.
In the interest of operator safety, the
Ensure the inlet pipe and pump casing unit must not be operated above or below the
are completely full of liquid before starting continuous nameplate conditions. Such operation could result in
duty operation. unit failure causing injury to operating personnel.

5.7 Starting the pump Operation at low flow results in pump

power heating the liquid. A bypass may be required
5.7.1 Initial start-up to prevent vaporization and subsequent pump
See section 5.1.3, Initial start-up procedure. damage. Mechanical damage may result from
continuous operation at flows less than the minimum
5.7.2 Normal start up flow specified in section 10.4, Customer Data Sheet.
The starting procedure to be followed for normal
start-up is the same as that for initial start-up. When Immediately after start-up, and frequently during
an automatic recycle valve is used, the discharge running, check the following:
valve can be opened. a) Check suction and discharge pressure gauges.
b) Check pressure gauges on each side of suction
5.8 Running or operation strainer.
c) Check for excessive leakage.
Do not wipe down in the vicinity of rotating d) Check for unusual noises.
parts, if unusual noise or vibrations occur, secure e) Check oil rings to ensure they are rotating.
the pump as soon as possible.
Eye protection required to perform this

Page 26 of 52

f) Check oil level in pump bearing housings. 5.10.2 Viscosity

g) Check for adequate flow of cooling liquids. The pump is designed to deliver rated capacity at
h) After unit has been operated a sufficient length of rated head for a liquid with a particular viscosity.
time to reach normal operating temperature and
condition, the unit is to be shut down and a When contemplating operation at some viscosity other
HOT coupling alignment check must be made. than that for which the pump was originally designed
(Refer to section 4.1.1, Shaft/coupling alignment and or applied, the changed conditions should be
procedure). referred to Flowserve for recommendations.

Operation of the unit without appropriate 5.10.3 Changing the pump speed
lubrication can result in overheating of the Changing the speed of a centrifugal pump changes the
bearings, bearing failures, pump seizures and capacity, total head and brake horse power. The
actual breakdown of the equipment, exposing capacity will vary in a direct ratio with the speed,
operating personnel to injury. whereas the total head will vary as the ratio of the
speed squared. The brake horse power will vary as the
5.9 Stopping and shutdown ratio of the speed cubed except in cases where the
If motor driven, de-energize driver circuit. If turbine speed change also affects the efficiency of the pump.
driven, stop the pump by manually tripping the over-
speed trip. When contemplating speeds other than of the original
condition, refer to Flowserve for recommendations.
If pump stops abruptly when driver is shut
down, investigate for pump binding. Take necessary 5.10.4 Net positive suction head (NPSH)
remedial action before restarting pump. Any liquid, hot or cold, must be forced into the impeller
of the pump without vaporization by the pressure of the
If pump is subjected to freezing vessel from which the pump takes its suction.
temperatures, the pump must be drained of liquid to
prevent damage to pump. The head of liquid necessary to force the required
a) Close the pump suction and discharge valve. flow into the pump is called the Net Positive Suction
b) Close valve in bypass line. Head. This value, more commonly called NPSH, is
c) Drain the pump. the head above the vapor pressure of the liquid at the
pumping temperature.
5.10 Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical
There are two kinds of NPSH: the NPSHR by the
pump, as shown on the pump curve, is the head
These pumps are furnished for a particular service
needed to cover the losses in the pump suction. The
condition. Changes in the operating system design
second NPSH is that available in the system, taking
may adversely affect the pump performance. This is
into account the friction loss in suction piping, valves,
especially true if the changes reduce the pressure at
fittings etc. In all cases the NPSHA (measured above
the suction flange or if the liquid temperature is
vapor pressure) must exceed the NPSHR in order to
increased. In case of doubt, contact the nearest
push the liquid into the pump.
Flowserve office.
Failure to have an adequate margin of NPSHA over
5.10.1 Specific gravity (SG)
NPSHR will cause a reduction of pump performance
The capacity and total head in m (ft) of liquid developed
and internal damage to the pump.
by a centrifugal pump are fixed for every point on the
curve and are always at the same speed. Neither
capacity nor total head will be affected by a change in 6 MAINTENANCE
the specific gravity of the liquid pumped. However, This pump is a precision machine. Take every
since the developed pressure in bar (psi) and the power precaution to avoid damage or slight burrs to the
to drive the pump are a function of the specific gravity of shaft bearing areas, as well as any other ground,
the liquid, both will be affected in direct proportion by finished surface when dismantling the pump.
any change in specific gravity. Therefore, a change in
specific gravity will affect the discharge gauge pressure It should be understood that the information
and power. Any changes should be noted, in that they contained in this manual does not relieve operating
may overload the pump driver. and maintenance personnel of the responsibility of
exercising normal good judgment in operation and
care of the pump and its components.

Page 27 of 52

Before performing any disassembly, maintenance 6.1 Maintenance schedule

and or inspection on the unit, the following steps Although your Flowserve pump has been designed for
should be taken and warnings observed. extended, trouble-free service, certain preventive
a) Tag driver controls in the "off" position. maintenance measures should be performed on a
regular basis to ensure optimum performance. A well-
Before attempting any inspection or planned program of routine maintenance is the best
repair on the pump, the driver controls must assurance of dependable operation. The following
be in the "off" position, locked and tagged to preventive maintenance (PM) inspections are
prevent injury to personnel performing suggested as a minimum, and may be supplemented
service on the pump. by the experience of the operating personnel.
b) Isolating pump.
6.2 Spare parts
Before attempting to disassemble pump,
the pump must be isolated from the system, 6.2.1 Ordering of spares
by closing suction and discharge valves, Flowserve keep records of all pumps that have been
drained of liquid and cooled (if pump is supplied. When ordering spares the following
handling hot liquid). information should be quoted:
c) Draining pump.
Pump serial number
Pump size/type
Pump cannot be fully drained.
Order number
If handling hot liquids:
Part name taken from section 8 or pump
When pump is handling "hot" liquid, sectional drawing
extreme care must be taken to ensure safety of Part number taken from section 8 or pump
personnel when attempting to drain pump. Hot sectional drawing
pumps must be allowed to cool before draining. Number of parts required taken from
If handling caustic liquids: section 8 or pump sectional drawing
(The pump size and serial number are shown on the
When pump is handling "caustic" liquid, pump nameplate.)
extreme care must be taken to ensure safety
of personnel when attempting to drain pump. Order number should be taken from section 10.4,
Protective devices of suitable protective Customer Data sheet.
materials must be worn when draining pump.
If on vacuum service: For 24-hour part ordering service, call the Flowserve
Distribution Center on +1 800 526 3569.
Before attempting any maintenance work
on pumps in vacuum service, pumps must be To place an order, contact the nearest Flowserve
isolated from suction and discharge system office found at
then carefully vented to return pressure in
pump casing to atmospheric pressure.

Preventive maintenance item Instructions Frequency

Suction strainer when used Check pressure differential between the gauges located on each side of the strainer. Daily
Pump suction and discharge
Check suction and discharge pressure/flow rates for proper pump operation. Daily
pressure/flow rate
Mechanical seal Inspect visually. Daily
Instrumentation Check all related pressure gauges, temperature and detectors etc. to detect any abnormalities. Daily
Shaft rotation During extended down periods rotate the shaft by hand 11/4 times to ensure bearing
(down periods only) lubrication and to prevent shaft binding.
Auxiliary piping Check for leakage around connections etc. Weekly
Bearing housing vibration Review all vibration data for any abnormalities and/or sudden changes in levels. Weekly
Bolting tightness Check all external bolting for proper torque. Monthly
Cleanliness General clean-up soiled areas. Quarterly
Oil system Refer to lubrication system section of instruction manual. Periodically

Page 28 of 52

The Flowserve Sales Representative in your area will

The use of parts other than Flowserve gladly review the class of spares best suited to your
approved parts may create hazardous conditions requirement.
over which Flowserve has no control. Such
hazardous conditions can lead to injury, or result in 6.4 Tools required
damage to the equipment. Flowserve does not
support nor will be responsible for the use of non- No special tools are required to assemble
Flowserve furnished parts nor the use of materials or disassemble the pump. Common mechanical
that are not as originally furnished without the tools are sufficient. However we recommend a
expressed written approval of Flowserve. torque wrench to tighten and remove all fasteners.

6.2.2 Service instructions 6.5 Fastener torques

For 24-hour emergency repair service, contact the
Flowserve Service Department on +1 800 547 8671 6.5.1 Torque values
or +1 908 859 7372 or contact the nearest Flowserve The torque values are given for each stud size for
Service Center. both standard casings and high pressure casings
with a cross reference to hydro-pressures.
6.2.3 Storage of spares
Spares should be stored in a clean dry area away Stud size DMX/DMXD pump DMXH/DMXDH pump
from vibration. Inspection and re-treatment of in. (UN 8) Nm lbfft Nm lbfft
metallic surfaces (if necessary) with preservative is 1.125 750 550 930 685
recommended at 6 monthly intervals. 1.250 1 050 775 1 310 965
1.375 1 425 1 050 1 775 1 310
1.500 1 700 1 250 2 100 1 550
6.3 Recommended spares and 1.625 2 300 1 700 2 875 2 120
consumable items 1.750 3 150 2 320 3 930 2 900
A recommended spare parts classification is offered 1.875 4 200 3 100 5 220 3 850
2.000 4 600 3 400 5 760 4 250
for Flowserve parts furnished on this unit. The 2.250 6 670 4 920 8 340 6 150
classification of a required part can be identified by 2.500 9 220 6 800 11 525 8 500
referring to the appropriate assembly drawing and 2.750 12 420 9 160 15 525 11 450
parts list included in section 8 of this manual. 3.000 16 160 11 920 20 200 14 900

The recommended spare parts are divided into three The above torque values will be applied
classifications, which are defined below. only when the casing hydro test pressure is equal to
a) Class 1 (minimum): covers recommended spare or less than the values showing in the following table.
parts for a single unit where additional spare parts Any hydro test pressure exceeding these values must
are ordinarily available from branch or dealer stock. have torque values cleared by Flowserve.
Suggested for domestic service handling non-
Max. hydro pressure
corrosive liquids where interruptions in service are Pump type
not objectionable. This include gaskets and bar psi
3x8DMX 207 3 000
bearings that are not reusable.
3x10DMX 276 4 000
b) Class 2 (average): covers recommended spare 3x10DMXH 414 6 000
parts for a single unit where additional spare 4x10DMX/DMXD 276 4 000
parts are not readily available. Suggested for 4x10DMXH/DMXDH 414 6 000
domestic service handling abrasive or corrosive 4x11DMX/DMXD 276 4 000
liquids where some interruptions in service are 4x11DMXH/DMXDH 414 6 000
6x11DMX/DMXD 276 4 000
permissible. This includes Class 1 spares plus 6x11DMXH/DMXDH 379 5 500
all renewable wear parts. 6x13DMX/DMXD 224 3 250
c) Class 3 (maximum): covers recommended spare 6x13DMXH/DMXDH 345 5 000
parts for a single unit where maximum protection 8x13DMX/DMXD 224 3 250
from major shutdown must be considered. 8x13DMXH/DMXDH 248 3 600
8x14DMX/DMXD 224 3 250
Suggested for export service or domestic service 8x14DMXH/DMXDH 248 3 600
where minimum loss of service is essential. This 8x15DMX/DMXD 207 3 000
includes Class 1 and 2 spares plus a spare 8x15DMXH/DMXDH 248 3 600
rotating assembly. 10x16DMXD 186 2 700

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6.6.4 Thrust bearing removal

The above torque values apply only to a) Remove cap-screws [6570] and outboard bearing
standard stud material, i.e. ASTM A193 GrB7. Any end cover [3266].
other material must have torque values cleared by b) Loosen set-screw [6570] in pump side flinger
Flowserve. [2540] and slide it back on the shaft towards the
seal chamber.
The above torque values assume good c) Remove cap-screws [6570] and lock-washers
threads that are well greased. [6541] from pump side end cover [3260].
d) Remove the dowel pins [6810] and cap-screws
When reassembling the pump, all fasteners [6570], which secure bearing housing [3200] to
must be tightened to the correct torque value. the casing.
Failure to observe this warning could result in e) Carefully slide bearing housing [3200] from thrust
injury to operating personnel. ball bearing [3013]. Use a crane with the eyebolts.
f) Release the locking tabs of bearing lock-washer
6.6 Disassembly [6541].
For a better understanding of this section please refer g) Loosen and remove bearing lock nut [3712] and
to the exploded views drawings in section 8. lock-washer.
h) Remove journal sleeve [2400].
6.6.1 Dismantling procedure i) Remove thrust ball bearing [3013] using a puller
a) Remove all auxiliary piping and instrumentation that will bring pressure against inner bearing race
that will interfere with disassembly, and drain oil only.
from bearing housings. j) Remove thrust bearing shims [3126], measure
and record thickness and tie together, as they are
Use extreme caution not to expose needed for reassembly purposes.
maintenance personnel to hot liquids when k) Remove pump side bearing end cover [3260].
removing auxiliary piping or draining bearing
housings. 6.6.5 Plain bearing removal
b) Remove temperature detectors (if supplied) and a) Loosen Allen set-screw [6570] from coupling side
all other instruments from bearing housings. flinger [2540] and remove flinger from end of shaft.
c) When mechanical seals are used, loosen piping b) Loosen Allen set-screw [6570] from pump-side
and seal gland bolting. flinger [2540] and slide flinger back on shaft
towards the mechanical seal.
6.6.2 Removal of seal chamber parts c) Remove cap-screws [6570] from coupling-side
To remove mechanical seal from pump: end cover [3260]. Remove coupling-side end
a) Install setting plates/eccentric washer in place. cover from shaft.
b) Loosen drive collar. d) Remove cap-screws [6570] from pump-side end
c) Remove gland bolting. cover [3260] and slide end cover back on shaft
d) Slide mechanical seal from shaft after bearing towards the mechanical seal.
housings are removed as described in section e) Remove cap-screws [6570] and dowel pins [6810]
6.6.4 and 6.6.5. which secure bearing housing to the casing.
f) Carefully slide bearing housing [3200] from plain
The seal may be disassembled/inspected/reassembled ball bearing [3011]. Use a crane with the eyebolts.
as in the seal manufacturers drawing and instructions g) Release the locking tabs of bearing lock-washer
in the appendix of this manual. [6541]. Loosen and remove bearing lock nut
[3712] and lock-washer [6541]. Remove journal
After reassembly of seal, setting plates/ sleeve [2400].
eccentric washers must be removed before start-up. h) Remove ball bearing [3011] using a puller that will
bring pressure against the inner bearing race only.
6.6.3 Coupling removal i) Remove pump-side bearing end cover [3260] and
Remove coupling guard. Remove coupling bolting flinger [2540] from shaft.
and remove the spacer piece (if used). Loosen
setscrews in coupling nut and remove nut. (The use of
a puller will be required to remove it from the shaft.)

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6.6.6 Rotor removal 6.6.7 Dismantling the rotor

a) Remove cap-nuts [6580] and washers [2905] a) Remove throttling sleeve [2430]. The throttling
holding the upper half casing to the lower half. sleeve has a shrunk fit to the shaft and will have
Remove dowel pins [6810]. Using jack-screws to be heated to remove. Heat throttling sleeves
[6570] in lower half casing, break the seal O.D. evenly throughout their length to
between the upper half and lower half casing. approximately 149 C (300 F) using a torch with
Rig upper half casing to an overhead hoist using a fine tip.
the two cast lifting lugs. Push throttling sleeve inboard (towards
The cast lifting lugs provided on the Remove split ring [2531]
upper half casing are for lifting the upper half Throttling sleeve can now be removed from
casing only. Do not lift the pump from these end of shaft
lugs. Remove throttling sleeve key [6700]
b) Carefully lift upper half casing and place on b) Heat (as described in section 6.6.8) and remove
boards to protect machined surfaces. the first outboard impeller [2200], split ring [2531]
c) Rig slings around shaft close to the impellers. and impeller key [6700].
Rig the slings to an overhead hoist. Carefully lift
rotor [2000] from lower casing and place on When heating parts, gloves or other
horses for further dismantling. suitable protection must be worn.

Casing wearing rings [1500], channel After impeller is heated, it will have to be pushed
rings [1500], throttle bushing [1630], center towards the center of the pump, the split rings
bushing [1600], seal chamber bushings [4132] [2531] removed and quickly pulled from the end
(and crossover bushing [1600] if double suction of the shaft.
design - DMXD and DMXDH) will be removed
with the rotor. The shaft is step machined at each
impeller fit to ease the disassembly process. It is
Block to prevent rolling. recommended that each impeller be marked with
d) Remove seal chamber bushings [4132] and its stage number to ensure proper reassembly.
throttle bushing [1630] from shaft ends.
e) Remove casing rings [1500] from the two outer 6.6.8 Heating impellers for removal
impellers at each end of the rotor. a) Apply heat (torch with fine tip) to periphery [outer
38 mm (1.5 in.)] of impeller until temperature
In case of double suction pumps reaches 191 C (375 F) (minimum) to 204 C
(DMXD and DMXDH), remove crossover bushing (400 F) (maximum). Use "tempilstick" to
[1600]. Crossover bushing is horizontally split determine temperature.
and held together by dowel pins [6810]. b) Maintaining temperature between (191 C to 204 C
f) Remove channel rings [1500] from impeller back (375 F to 400 F) at the periphery, apply heat down
ring at each impeller. Channel rings are through the vane passages, thus heating the hub.
horizontally split and are held together by c) Do not apply heat directly to the shaft; this will
shoulder screws or dowel pins. cause it to expand.
d) With periphery, shroud and hub at temperature,
Channel rings are precision machined remove impeller.
as a set, after being dowelled. They should be e) If the impeller does not move freely off the shaft,
match marked and numbered for reassembly additional heat may be necessary. This heating
purposes. It is suggested that the two halves be should be started at the periphery of the impeller,
placed back together immediately. not the hub. (Additional heating of the hub area
g) Remove center bushing [1600] from center (back at this time will tighten the impeller on the shaft,
to back) impellers. Center bushing is horizontally not loosen it). If the impeller still fails to come
split and held together by socket head cap- free, the impeller and shaft should be allowed to
screws [6570] and dowel pins [6810]. cool completely and the heating process
repeated, starting at step a).

Page 31 of 52

Second heat d) The casing/impeller rings are renewable and

should be replaced when badly grooved, and or
First heat when the pump performance does not meet the
system requirements. Whenever it becomes
necessary to replace either wearing ring, both
rings involved (casing ring and impeller ring)
must be ordered and replaced as they are
furnished standard size only.
e) If new casing rings are used, make sure that they
seat in both the upper and lower half casing and
that the anti-rotation device is properly located in
its respective lower half casing fit. The use of a
Heating impeller for removal scraper on the ring to casing fit will help to fit the
f) Remove casing ring [1500] from the next impeller ring to the casing.
on the outboard impellers. f) Using a torch could change the metallurgy of the
g) Repeat steps c) and d) until all impellers are rings if too much heat is applied. Removing
removed on the outboard impellers. impellers with a torch is acceptable but putting on
new impeller rings must be done with an oven
Let entire rotor cool after removing instead of a torch.
several components with heat as there may be a
build-up of heat in the rotor. 6.7.2 Dynamic-balance impeller
h) Heat must be applied to remove the center Whenever an impeller is tampered with (i.e. new
sleeve [2450]. impeller, wear rings installed etc.) the impeller must
i) Continue to disassemble the impellers by be dynamically balanced before being reassembled
repeating steps c) and d) until all impellers [2200] to the shaft.
have been removed from the shaft.
Dynamic balancing should be performed on a
In case of double suction pumps suitable balancing machine by trained personnel.
(DMXD and DMXDH), remove crossover sleeve
[2450] after the first stage impeller is removed by Two balance planes should be used and located
applying heat. equidistant as possible from the center of gravity of
the impeller.
6.6.9 Impeller ring removal
Remove impeller rings by removing the set-screws The maximum allowable unbalance at each of the
[6570] and machine off. two planes shall be calculated as follows:
U = 4 W / N or 0.01 oz-in whichever is greater.
6.6.10 Parting flange gasket U = unbalance per plane oz-in
Remove all traces of old gasket [4590] material. W = impeller weight per plane lb.
When using any tool on surfaces to remove gasket Usually 1/2 the total impeller weight.
material, do not gouge machined surfaces. Do not N = Operational rotational speed r/min
reuse the gasket once the casing is opened. Use
only Flowserve recommended replacement materials. Metal should be removed from the impeller shrouds
during the balancing operation in accordance with the
6.7 Examination of parts attached sketches until the impeller is within
acceptable tolerance limit of unbalance.
6.7.1 Inspection and renewal of parts
a) Having completely dismantled the rotor, check
the shaft for runout using V-blocks or rollers
placed under the normal running areas. Runout
not to exceed 0.050 mm (0.002 in.) TIR.
b) Wire-brush the pump parts thoroughly. Clean off
all scale, carbon etc. Examine parts for wearing
corrosion and erosion.
c) Check throttling sleeve, center sleeve and Ground area
crossover sleeve (if supplied) for wear. Replace Point of unbalance
if required. Grinding impeller for dynamic-balance

Page 32 of 52

Grinding must not be performed in the area within

19 mm ( in.) of the final diameter of the impeller. When installing the bearings the
Ground areas must have a smooth transition to the mounting pressure should never be applied in
non-ground areas and must be polished. Minimum such a manner that it is transmitted through the
thickness of the impeller shrouds after balancing balls. Apply the mounting force directly against,
must not be less than 80 % of the nominal thickness and only against, the inner ring.
as in the detail drawing. c) When installing the bearing housing onto the
bearing and shaft, the bearing housing bores and
6.8 Assembly of pump and seal bearing outside diameter should be coated with
When reassembling pump, all fasteners must be grease or lubricating oil to facilitate assembly.
tightened to the proper torque values. (Refer to the
sectional drawing in section 8.) 6.8.3 Impeller ring installation
Impellers ring setscrews can be either axial or radial
6.8.1 Bearing handling information through the hub.
Ball bearings require proper handling and installation
to ensure optimum performance. The following
information is intended as a minimum to ensure that
the bearings are handled and installed properly. Impeller ring
a) Do not remove new bearings from their storage
package except to inspect the bearings, when
stored for a long period of time or just prior to Impeller ring
their installation.
b) The work area must be clean to ensure that no Set
dirt or other contaminates can enter the bearings.
Handle bearings with clean, dry hands and with Set
clean, lint free rags. Lay bearings on clean paper
and keep covered. Never expose bearings on a
dirty bench or floor.
c) Do not wash a new bearing. It is already clean
and the preservative should not be removed. Typical radial screw installation for impeller rings
d) Before mounting, be sure shaft bearings areas
are clean and free of nicks and burrs. Check the
dimensions of these areas to ensure correct fit of

Under no circumstances are the Impeller ring

bearings to be left exposed; they should be
protected by wrapping or be covered. Impeller ring

6.8.2 Bearing installation Set

a) There is one simple method of providing a heat screw
source for expanding the inner race of the Set
bearings to facilitate mounting. Bearings still screw
wrapped in their original intimate wrap are placed
on a shelf in a temperature-controlled oven. A Typical axial screw installation for impeller rings.
temperature of 66 C (150 F) for half an hour
should be sufficient. a) Make sure ring fit on impeller is free of nicks and
b) When bearings are installed on a shaft or journal burrs. Install the set-screws in the tapered holes
sleeve, make sure bearing is installed squarely on the ring fits. The radial set screw must be
and firmly seated. Hold bearing in place until it installed in such a way that the socket end is
has cooled sufficiently so that it will not move accessible from the inside of the impeller and the
from position. Cover bearings to protect them point end is just slightly below the ring fit land. It
from dirt. may be easier to install the radial set screw from
the outside of the impeller.

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b) Heat the new ring to 148 C (300 F) in a f) Continue to assemble remaining inboard
convection oven to allow for uniform heating. Do impellers [2200] as in steps a), c) and e).
not use a torch as this may cause local re-
tempering of the material. In case of double suction pumps
c) After the rings are thoroughly heated, they can be (DMXD and DMXDH), install crossover sleeve
assembled on the impeller hubs. Only one of the [2450] before assembling the first stage impeller.
internal edges has been machined with a lead in
chamfer. Radial location is unimportant as there is Let entire rotor cool after removing
a uniform cross-section around the circumference. several components with heat as there may be a
The ring must fit up against the shoulder provided build-up of heat in the rotor. It is recommended
on the hubs for proper assembly. that shaft runout is checked.
d) After cooling tighten all the set-screws with an g) Assemble outboard impellers [2200] as in steps
Allen wrench. a), c) and e).
e) Rings are machined to final size. They do not h) Install throttling sleeve key [6700] to shaft and
have to be turned after assembly. pre-fit split rings [2531] in shaft to fit snug in
groove. Heat the throttling sleeve and slide onto
6.8.4 Rebuilding rotor shaft far enough to expose split ring groove.
Install split ring and pull sleeve back to seat
Before up-staging or de-staging a pump against the split ring.
(adding or removing impellers), contact Flowserve
Customer Service department for instructions, to avoid 6.8.5 Dynamically balance rotor
permanent damage to the pump rotor. a) Place the rotor assembly on V-blocks or rollers.
The runout of all impeller wear rings and bushings
Split rings and keys should be pre-fitted is not to exceed 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) TIR.
and marked for proper location before assembling the b) All pump rotors are to be dynamically balanced.
rotor. Impellers should be marked for proper location
prior to heating for assembling on the rotor. Refer to section 6.7.2 for grinding for balance
a) Install center stage impeller key [6700], into key information.
way in shaft and pre-fit split rings [2531] to shaft.
Split rings to fit snug in groove. 6.8.6 Installing rotor in casing
b) All impeller bores and shaft outside diameters are a) The seal chamber bushing [4132], throttle bushing
to be dimensionally inspected. [1630], channel rings [1500] and center bushing
[1600] should be checked to make sure they seat in
Impeller-to-shaft fit must be a both the upper and lower half casing and that the
minimum of 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.) to 0.0762 mm anti-rotating pins [2923] can be properly located in
(0.003 in.) interference fit. the slot on the lower half casing parting flange.
c) Heat the center impeller [2200] in the suction side b) Install main parting flange gasket [4590]. (Refer
in an oven, and assemble to the shaft, moving to section 6.6.10, Parting flange gasket.)
the impeller past the split ring groove in the shaft. c) Place lower half of the center bushing [1600] into
Quickly install split ring [2531] and pull impeller the lower half casing [1210], making sure the
back to seat against the split ring. A constant anti-rotation pins are properly located in the slot
heat source is preferred to a torch; a torch is not on the lower half casing parting flange.
In case of double suction pumps
Make sure impellers are installed for (DMXD and DMXDH), place lower half of the
proper rotation and location. crossover bushing [1600] into the lower half
d) Install center sleeve [2450] from the opposite end casing [1210], making sure the anti-rotation pins
of the shaft. The center sleeve is to be seated are properly located in the slot on the lower half
against the impeller hub installed in step c). casing parting flange.
e) Place casing ring [1500] on impeller front ring. d) Place the lower half of all channel rings [1500] in
lower half casing, in the same sequence as they
Put the case ring on the previous were removed, making sure the anti-rotation pins
impeller before assembling the next impeller. are properly located in the slot on the lower half
Failure to do so will require complete casing parting flange.
dismantling of the rotor.

Page 34 of 52

6.8.7 Check rotor vertical lift

Channel rings are precision machined It is necessary to check and record the vertical lift of
as a set, after being dowelled. Be sure they are the rotor within the casing.
reassembled as a set. a) Place a dial indicator on the upper half casing
e) Place casing rings [1500], throttle bushing [1630] with the indicator tip resting on the top of the
and seal chamber bushings [4132] in their proper shaft. Zero the indicator.
positions on pump rotor. b) Using a bar and a block of wood under the shaft,
f) Rig rotor [2000] to an overhead hoist. (Refer to lift the shaft and record the movement. Take
section 2.3.1, Lifting equipment.) measurements at both ends of the pump.
g) Position rotor over lower half casing and position c) The minimum acceptable vertical movement is
bushings and casing rings such that the anti- the minimum back ring clearance on the suction
rotation pins are facing in the up position such end of the pump and the minimum throttling
that they can be easily rotated in the slot on the bushing clearance on the discharge end of the
lower half casing parting flange. pump. (For clearances, refer to the sectional
drawings included in section 8 of this manual.)
All anti-rotation pins must be d) If this minimum movement is not obtained, the
located in the slot on the lower half casing parting cause must be investigated and corrected.
flange. Failure to do so could cause the pins to
be bent or crushed. 6.8.8 Check rotor axial float
h) Lower rotor into casing slowly, making sure it is a) Push the rotor toward the coupling end as far as
seated properly. it will go.
i) After the rotor is in pump, rotate the rings and
bushings on the rotor so that the anti-rotation Do not force rotor.
pins are properly located in the slot on the lower
half casing parting flange. Some of the rotor weight may have to
j) Install the upper half of center bushing [1600] and be supported externally. The impeller rings
seat taper dowel pins [6810]. Install cap-screws contacting the channel rings are now supporting
[6570] and tighten. the rotor.
b) Place a piece of masking tape on the shaft (if seal
In case of double suction pumps is used) or shaft sleeve (if seal chamber is used), in
(DMXD and DMXDH), install the upper half of the seal chamber area, at the thrust end of the
crossover bushing [1600] and seat taper dowel pump. Place a scale across the face of the seal
pins [6810]. chamber and make a line on the masking tape.
k) Install upper half of channel rings [1500] and seat c) Push the rotor toward outboard end as far as it
shoulder screws or dowel pins. will go. Using scale, mark another line on the
l) Check rotor axial float as described in section masking tape.
6.8.8. d) Measure and record the total rotor end float
m) Rig upper half casing [1210] to an overhead between the two lines. The acceptable minimum
hoist. (Refer to section 2.3.1, Lifting equipment.) end float is given on the pump sectional drawing
n) Position upper half casing over lowers half and (included in section 8). If this minimum end float
lower carefully, making sure all rings and is not obtained, the cause must be investigated
bushings enter their proper fit. and corrected. Two of the most likely causes
o) Install main parting flange dowel pins [6810] and could be:
seat. impellers not properly seated against the split
p) Check rotor axial float and vertical lift as ring
described in sections 6.8.8 and 6.8.7. improperly machined part i.e. impeller ring or
q) Install main parting flange washers [2905] and nuts channel ring
[6580] and torque to the recommended value. e) Mark another line midway between the first two
lines. This centerline represents the centering of
Make sure parting flange jack-screws the impellers within their volutes. Masking tape is
[6570] in lower half casing are backed out far to be left on shaft for use in step 6.8.10,
enough so as not to protrude above parting Centralize rotor axially.
flange machined surface.

Page 35 of 52

6.8.9 Horizontal and vertical shaft alignment Install dowel pins [6810] and bearing housing
to casing cap-screws [6570] and snug down
The rotor must be initially aligned using cap-screws. Install both the vertical and
dummy bearings. Do not put on mechanical seals at horizontal adjusting screws [6570] in the
this time, as the seal chamber bore must be exposed to bearing housing mounting flange. Remove
centralize the rotor. Dummy bearings (not furnished) dowel pins [6810].
will ease the assembly process of adding shims and the c) Using a dial indicator and the adjusting screws
mechanical seals. Dummy bearings can be made by [6570], adjust the horizontal and vertical position
taking a used set of ball bearings and opening up the of the shaft inside the seal chamber to within
bore so it has a 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.) to 0.0254 mm 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.) radially.
(0.001 in.) loose fit to the shaft. d) Repeat step c) on thrust end, then recheck plain
end. Pump shaft should turn freely with no
a) Assemble plain bearing: indication of binding or rubbing. This should be
Assemble dummy bearing to shaft. Install taken into account when making adjustments.
journal sleeve [2400], bearing lock-washer e) If rubs occur, adjust the rotor upwards in 0.025 mm
[6541] and bearing nut [3712] and tighten. (0.001 in.) increments. Check alignment at both
ends after each movement. After adjustment,
Do not set locking tab of lock- check for rubs.
washer at this time. Dummy bearings will f) When vertical and horizontal alignment is
have to be removed. obtained, tighten bearing housing bolting (except
Assemble bearing housing [3200] into position the two top bolts at the adjusting screws). Ream
over the plain ball bearing. Install dowel pins the dowel holes and install dowel pins [6810].
[6810] and snug down cap-screws [6570]. Loosen adjusting screws and tighten the two top
Install both the horizontal and vertical adjusting bearing housing bolts.
screws [6570] in the bearing housing mounting
flange. Remove dowel pins [6810]. 6.8.10 Centralize rotor axially
b) Assemble thrust bearing: a) Make sure center mark on masking tape is in line
Slide pump side end cover [3260] with with seal chamber face as in step e) of section
0.051 mm (0.002 in.) shims [3126] onto shaft. 6.8.8, Check rotor axial float.
Install shims [3126] against shaft shoulder if b) Install dial indicator on thrust bearing housing
amount was recorded at disassembly. If shim [3200] so indicator contacts end of shaft. Set
thickness was not recorded at disassembly, or indicator at zero.
if rotor was rebuilt completely, do not install c) Push rotor outboard to ensure contact between
any shims at this time. thrust ball bearing [3013] and bearing housing
Assemble "dummy bearing to shaft. [3200].
Compare width of outside bearing races with d) Read the distance the shaft moved on the dial
new bearing races. Differences must be indicator. This is the amount of shims [3126] to
compensated when adjusting for 0.127 mm be installed between thrust ball bearing [3013]
(0.005 in.) to 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) end-play. and shaft.
Install journal sleeve [2400], bearing lock-washer
[6541] and bearing nut [3712] and tighten. 6.8.11 Set thrust bearing end-play

Thrust ball bearing requires 0.127 mm

Do not set locking tab of lock-
(0.005 in.) to 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) axial end-play.
washer at this time; the dummy bearing will
a) Install inboard end cover [3260] with shims [3126]
have to be removed.
and O-ring [4610]. Install lock-washers [6541]
Carefully install bearing housing [3200] into
and cap screws [6570].
position over the thrust ball bearing.
b) Install a dial indicator on thrust bearing housing
[3200] so indicator contacts the end of the shaft.
Bearing housings have been preset
Push rotor inboard (towards coupling end) and
at factory and dowelled to the casing. Rotor
set indicator at zero. Push rotor outboard. The
vertical and horizontal alignment should be
dial indicator will show amount of axial endplay.
checked. Rotor should turn with no indication
(Adjust this reading for the difference in width
of binding. Should rotor require further
between the dummy bearing and the actual
adjustment, remove dowel pins [6810] and
proceed with steps c), d) and e).

Page 36 of 52

If distance indicated is between 0.127 mm e) Remove tape from shaft at seal chamber area
(0.005 in.) to 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) no further and install mechanical seal [4200]. Tighten gland
shim adjustment is required nuts [6580] of both mechanical seals as in the
If distance indicated is above 0.254 mm seal chamber section.
(0.010 in.) remove inboard end cover [3260]
and remove amount of shims [3126], which Do not tighten lock collar set-
will reduce axial end-play to 0.127 mm screws at this time.
(0.005 in.) to 0.254 mm (0.010 in.)
If distance indicated is below 0.127mm 6.8.14 Final thrust bearing assembly
(0.005 in.), remove inboard end cover [3260] a) Position flinger [2540], end cover [3260], O-ring
and add shims [3126], which will increase [4610] and end cover shims [3126] in their
axial end-play to 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) to approximate positions on the pump shaft.
0.254 mm (0.010 in.). (Shims may be cut for b) Install shaft shims [3126]. Make sure shims are
ease of assembly.) correctly seated against shaft shoulder.
c) Heat thrust bearing [3013] and install on the shaft
6.8.12 Final plain bearing assembly in the back-to-back position (stamping will be
a) If pump is installed with a mechanical seal, install face to face) as shown here.
completely assembled mechanical seals [4200]
to the shaft. Insert into seal chamber.

Do not tighten lock collar set-

screws at this time.
b) Slide pump-side flinger [2540] onto shaft and rest
near the seal chamber. Do not tighten set-
screws [6570] at this time.
Installing the bearings on the shaft
c) Slide pump side end cover onto shaft.
d) Heat plain bearing [3011] and install on shaft. d) Install journal sleeve [2400], bearing lock-washer
e) Install journal sleeve [2400], bearing lock-washer [6541], bearing locknut [3712] and tighten.
[6541] and bearing nut [3712] and tighten. e) Carefully assemble bearing housing [3200] into
f) Set locking tab of lock-washer. position over the thrust ball bearing [3013].
g) Assemble bearing housing [3200] into position f) Install dowel pins [6810] and bearing housing to
over the plain ball bearing. Install dowel pins casing cap screws [6570] and tighten to the
[6810] and snug down cap-screws. correct torque.
h) Apply a layer of liquid gasket to machined surface
of end covers [3260]. Assemble bearing end Ensure dowel pins [6810] seat correctly
covers to bearing housing. Install cap-screws to obtain rotor alignment.
[6570]. Torque cap-screws to proper value. g) Assemble inboard end cover [3260] with shims
i) Install coupling side flinger [2540]. Do not [3126] and O-ring [4610] to bearing housing
tighten set-screws at this time. [3200]. Install lock-washers [6541] and cap-
screws [6570]. Tighten to correct torque.
6.8.13 Initial thrust bearing assembly h) Apply a layer of liquid gasket to the machined
a) Using a strap wrench, rotate pump shaft to be surface of end cover [3266]. Install end cover with
sure rotor is properly aligned and does not bind. cap screws [6570]. Tighten to correct torque.
Do not rotate pump shaft 6.8.15 Final assembly
excessively. Internal parts depend on the liquid a) Position bearing flingers [2540] approximately
being pumped for lubrication. 1.02 mm (0.040 in.) away from end covers and
b) Position the plain bearing flingers [2540] tightens the set-screws [6570].
approximately 1.02 mm (0.040 in.) from end b) Using a strap wrench, rotate pump shaft to be
covers and tighten set-screws [6570]. sure rotor is properly aligned and does not bind.
c) Remove thrust bearing housing [3200] from
pump. Do not rotate pump shaft
d) Remove bearing locknut [3712], bearing lock- excessively. Internal parts depend on the liquid
washer [6541], journal sleeve [2400] and the being pumped for lubrication.
dummy bearing from the pump shaft.

Page 37 of 52

c) Install coupling key, pump half coupling, coupling 6.8.17 Parting flange torque procedure
nut and set coupling nut set-screws. (Refer to Assemble upper half casing to lower half casing and
section 6.6.3, Coupling removal.) secure with washers and cap-nuts listed on the parts
d) Check coupling/shaft alignment as described in list of the casing. Torque the cap-nuts in three or
section 4.4.1, Shaft/coupling alignment, and more complete passes of increasing torque values
assemble coupling. until the torque values in section 6.5.1 are achieved.
e) Install coupling guard.
f) Replace all auxiliary piping, instrumentation and Minimum recommended torque passes:
pipe plugs. First pass - 50% specified torque value
g) Fill bearing housing oil reservoir. (Refer to Second pass - 90% specified torque value
section 5.2, Pump lubricants.) Final pass - 100% specified torque value
h) Refer to section 5.8, Running or operation, for
starting procedure. Tighten the cap-nuts in the following sequence during
each pass:
6.8.16 Parting flange gasket a) Torque both center cap-nuts marked O.
a) Using proper recommended 0.397 mm ( /64 in.) b) Torque the cap-nuts shown in diagram below,
thick gasket material, locate and cut stud holes, casing quadrant 3. Start approximately in the
using upper half casing as a template. center of the pump and proceed towards the
b) Lay gasket on lower half casing, using either a suction nozzle.
gasket adhesive or a band of shellac c) Torque the cap-nuts on the opposite corner of the
approximately 13 mm ( /2 in.) wide on the outer pump as indicated in diagram below, casing
edge of lower casing. quadrant 4. Again, start at the center of the
c) Place upper half casing on top of gasket and pump and work towards the opposite end.
allow time for gasket adhesive or shellac to set. d) Torque the cap-nuts in diagram below, casing
d) Remove upper half casing. quadrant 5, in a similar manner.
e) Using a sharp knife, cut gasket with downward e) Torque the cap-nuts in diagram below, casing
strokes only. Make sure all cuts are neat and quadrant 6, in a similar manner.
exact, especially on internal edges of casing. If f) Repeat the same sequence two or more times
this is not done, the high-pressure liquid will using increasing torque values with each full
bypass and erode the ring fits. pass.

It is important that the gasket at the

seal chamber be flush with the casing faces. It is
necessary hang a little bit of gasket out and cut
after the final torque.

Do not use any hammering device to cut

the gasket.

When cutting the parting flange

gasket, do not forget to cut an opening for the
discharge passage.
Parting flange torque procedure diagram

Discharge passage
Position of the parting flange gasket

Page 38 of 52


Fault symptom
Pump overheats and seizes
Bearings have short life
Pump vibrates or is noisy

Mechanical seal has short life

Mechanical seal leaks excessively
Pump requires excessive power
Pump loses prime after starting

Insufficient pressure developed

Insufficient capacity delivered
Pump does not deliver liquid
Pump not primed.
Pump or suction pipe not completely filled with Check complete filling. Vent and/or prime.
Suction lift too high or level too low.
Check NPSHa>NPSHr, proper submergence, losses at
Insufficient margin between suction pressure strainers and fittings.
and vapor pressure.
Excessive amount of air or gas in liquid. Check and purge pipes and system.
Air or vapor pocket in suction line. Check suction line design for vapor pockets.
Air leaks into suction line. Check suction pipe is airtight.
Air leaks into pump through mechanical seal, Check and replace faulty parts.
sleeve joints, casing joint or pipe plugs. CONSULT FLOWSERVE.
Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently submerged. Check out system design.
Speed too high. CONSULT FLOWSERVE.
Total head of system higher than differential
head of pump. Check system losses.
Total head of system lower than pump design Remedy or CONSULT FLOWSERVE.
Specific gravity of liquid different from design.
Viscosity of liquid differs from that for which Check and CONSULT FLOWSERVE.

Measure value and check minimum permitted.
Operation at very low capacity.
Measure value and check maximum permitted.
Operation at high capacity.
Suction pressure too low, Foreign material in Open suction valve, Check power supply to correct
suction line. voltage, Dismantle suction line remove foreign material.
Check the flange connections and eliminate strains using
Misalignment due to pipe strain.
elastic couplings or a method permitted.
Misalignment due to improper pump/driver
Check alignment and correct as necessary.
Check setting of baseplate: tighten, adjust, grout base as
Improperly designed foundation.
Check shaft runouts are within acceptable values.
Shaft bent (excessive runout)
Rotating part rubbing on stationary part
Check and CONSULT FLOWSERVE, if necessary.
Bearings worn. Replace bearings.

Page 39 of 52

Pump overheats and seizes

Bearings have short life

Pump vibrates or is noisy

Mechanical seal has short life

Mechanical seal leaks excessively

Pump requires excessive power
Pump loses prime after starting
Insufficient pressure developed
Insufficient capacity delivered
Pump does not deliver liquid
Wearing ring surfaces worn. Replace worn wear ring/ surfaces.
Replace or CONSULT FLOWSERVE for improved
Impeller damaged or eroded.
material selection.
Leakage under sleeve due to joint failure. Replace joint and check for damage .
Shaft sleeve worn or scored or running off
Check and replace defective parts.
Check alignment of faces or damaged parts and
Mechanical seal improperly installed. assembly method used. Refer to mechanical seal
Check misalignment and correct if necessary.
Shaft running off center because of worn
If alignment satisfactory check bearings for excessive
bearings or misalignment.
Impeller out of balance resulting in vibration.
Abrasive solids in liquid pumped.
Check mechanical seal condition and source of dry
Mechanical seal was run dry.
running and repair.
Excessive thrust caused by a mechanical Check wear condition of impeller, its clearances and
failure inside the pump. liquid passages.
Check hours run since last change of lubricant. Check oil
Lack of lubrication for bearings.
level and add if necessary.
Improper installation of bearings (damage Check method of assembly, possible damage or state of
during assembly, incorrect assembly, wrong cleanliness during assembly and type of bearing used.
type of bearing etc). Remedy or CONSULT FLOWSERVE, if necessary.
Check contamination source and replace damaged
Damaged bearings due to contamination.
Check balance, runouts, balance as required.
Rotating assembly out of balance.
Check for missing parts or damage.
Coupling out of balance
Check pump is primed, check for obstruction in suction
Wrong direction of rotation. Reverse 2 phases on motor terminal box.
Motor running on 2 phases only. Check supply and fuses.
Motor running too slow. Check motor terminal box connections and voltage.

Page 40 of 52


8.1 Typical rotor assembly

Impeller sub-assembly

Part no. Description Impeller assembly 2200LS consists of:

1500 Ring casing 2200 Impeller
2100 Shaft 2300 Impeller ring
2200LS Impeller assembly, left hand side 6570 Set screw HD less
2200RS Impeller assembly, right hand side
2430 Sleeve bleed off/throttling
2450 Sleeve
2531 Split ring
6700 Key

Page 41 of 60

8.2 Lower half bushings, rotor and casing assembly

Part no. Description

1210 Casing
1500 Ring
1600 Bushing, lower half
1630 Bushing, throttling
2000 Rotor, assembly or spin rotor
4132 Bushing, stuffing box
4590 Gasket, main parting flange
6810 Pin

Page 42 of 52

8.3 Typical upper half bushings and casing assembly

Part no. Description

1210 Casing, upper and lower
1500 Ring
1600 Bushing, assembly
1630 Bushing, throttling
2000 Rotor, assembly or spin rotor
2905 Washer, stage stud, main parting flange
4132 Bushing, seal chamber
4590 Gasket, main parting flange
6570 Screw
6572 Stud, main parting flange
6580 Cap nut, main parting flange
6810 Pin

Page 43 of 52

8.4 Shaft sealing

Shaft sealing parts Mechanical seal

Part no. Description 2905 Washer
1210 Casing, assembly 4200 Mechanical seal
2000 Rotor, assembly or spin rotor 6580 Nut
6572 Stud, main parting flange

Page 44 of 52

8.5 Radial bearing end

See view A-A

View A-A
Typical assembly of optional finned cooler

Part no. Description 6521 Breather

1600 Bushing 6541 Bearing lock washer
2400 Journal sleeve 6551 Finned cooler
2540 Flinger 6569 Pipe plug
3011 Radial ball bearing 6570 Screw
3200 Bearing housing 6580 Dowel pin nut
3260 Cover 6810 Pin
3712 Bearing locknut 6870 Union
3855 Constant level oiler 9210 Pipe nipple
3858 Sight glass
3861 Oil ring

Page 45 of 52

8.6 Thrust bearing end

Thrust bearing arrangement


See view A-A

View A-A
Typical assembly of optional finned cooler

Part no. Description 4610 O-ring

1600 Bushing 6521 Breather
2400 Journal sleeve 6541 Washer
2540 Flinger 6551 Finned cooler
3013 Ball thrust bearing 6569 Pipe plug
3126 Shim 6570 Screw
3200 Bearing housing 6580 Dowel pin nut
3260 Cover bearing end, open inboard 6810 Pin
3266 Cover bearing end, solid outboard 6870 Union
3712 Bearing locknut 9210 Pipe nipple
3855 Constant level oiler
3858 Sight glass

Page 46 of 52

9 CERTIFICATION 10.3 Additional sources of information

Certificates determined from the Contract Reference 1:
requirements are provided with these instructions NPSH for Rotordynamic Pumps: a reference guide,
where applicable. Examples are certificates for CE Europump Guide No. 1, Europump & World Pumps,
marking, ATEX marking etc. If required, copies of Elsevier Science, United Kingdom, 1999.
other certificates sent separately to the Purchaser
should be obtained from the Purchaser for retention Reference 2:
with these User Instructions. Pumping Manual, 9 edition, T.C. Dickenson,
Elsevier Advanced Technology, United Kingdom,
Reference 3:
Pump Handbook, 2 edition, Igor J. Karassik et al,
10.1 Supplementary User Instruction McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1993.
Supplementary instruction determined from the Reference 4:
contract requirements for inclusion into User ANSI/HI 1.1-1.5
Instructions such as for a driver, instrumentation, Centrifugal Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions,
controller, sub-driver, seals, sealant system, Application and Operation.
mounting component etc. are included under this
section. If further copies of these are required they Reference 5:
should be obtained from the purchaser for retention ANSI B31.3 - Process Piping.
with these User Instructions.

Where any pre-printed set of User Instructions are

used, and satisfactory quality can be maintained only
by avoiding copying these, they are included at the
end of these User Instructions such as within a
standard clear polymer software protection envelope.

10.2 Change notes

If any changes, agreed with Flowserve, are made to
the product after its supply, a record of the details
should be maintained with these User Instructions.

Page 47 of 52

10.4 Customer data sheet Brake horse power (design/max) with pumped liquid:

10.4.1 Order information

Pump rotation from coupling end:

Hydrotest pressure:

Maximum temperature:
Flowserve order:

Bearing lubrication:
Serial numbers:

Pump hold-down bolt torque value:

10.4.2 Technical information
Pump application:
10.4.3 Weights

Liquid pumped: Pump weight:

Specific gravity: Driver weight:

Pump size and type: Baseplate weight:

Driver: Total weight:

Pump rating:

Net positive suction head required (NPSHR):

Net positive suction head available (NPSHA):

Total head:

Suction pressure:

Discharge pressure:

Minimum flow:

Pump efficiency at design:

Page 48 of 52


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Your Flowserve factory contacts: SALES OFFICES:

USA and Canada

Flowserve Corporation
Flowserve Corporation
Parallelweg 13
4878 AH Etten-Leur 5215 North OConnor Blvd.,
The Netherlands Suite 2300
Telephone +31 76 502 8100 Irving, Texas 75039-5421 USA
Telephone +1 937 890 5839

Flowserve Spain, S.A.

Poligono Industrial Europe, Middle East, Africa
Avda. Fuentemar, 26-28 Flowserve Corporation
E28823 Coslada (Madrid), Spain Parallelweg 13
Telephone +34 91 660 4600 4878 AH Etten-Leur
The Netherlands
Flowserve S.A.
Chuquisaca 302 Telephone +31 76 502 8100
5547 Godoy Cruz
Mendoza, Argentina Latin America
Telephone +54 261 405 3100 Flowserve Corporation
Martin Rodriguez 4460
Flowserve Corporation
2300 East Vernon Avenue B1644CGN-Victoria-San Fernando
Vernon, CA, USA 90058 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Telephone +1 323 587 6171 Telephone +54 11 4006 8700
Telefax +54 11 4714 1610

Your local Flowserve representative: Asia Pacific

Flowserve Pte. Ltd
10 Tuas Loop
Singapore 637345
Telephone +65 6771 0600
Telefax +65 6862 2329

To find your local Flowserve representative please

use the Sales Support Locator System found at

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