Polybase Base Plate

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Polybase baseplates Installation

Non-metallic, solid polymer concrete
AMSE B73.1 and ISO 3661 dimensions
PCN=71569284 – 12-10 Original instructions
Polybase Baseplate USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 USER – 12-10

1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY....................... 3
1.1General ......................................................... 3
1.2CE marking and approvals ........................... 3
1.3Disclaimer ..................................................... 3
1.4Copyright ...................................................... 3
1.5Duty conditions ............................................. 3
1.6Safety............................................................ 4
1.7Nameplate and safety labels ........................ 6
2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE......................... 6
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking ............ 6
2.2 Handling........................................................ 6
2.3 Lifting ............................................................ 6
2.4 Storage ......................................................... 8
2.5 Recycling and end of product life ................. 8
3 DESCRIPTION ................................................. 8
3.1 Configurations............................................... 8
3.2 Nomenclature ............................................... 9
3.3 Design of major parts.................................... 9
3.4 Performance and operation limits................. 9
4 INSTALLATION .............................................. 11
4.1 Location ...................................................... 11
4.2 Part Assemblies .......................................... 11
4.3 Foundation.................................................. 11
4.4 Grouting ...................................................... 15
AND SHUTDOWN ................................................... 16
6 MAINTENANCE .............................................. 16
6.1 Maintenance schedule................................ 16
6.2 Spare parts.................................................. 16
6.3 Recommended spares and consumable
items ........................................................... 17
6.4 Tools required ............................................. 17
6.5 Field thread insert installation procedure.... 17
6.6 Field installed thread insert testing
(Optional) .................................................... 18
6.7 Recommended fastener mounting
torques ........................................................ 19
7 FAULTS: CAUSES AND REMEDIES ............. 20
8 PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS ...................... 21
9 CERTIFICATION ............................................ 22
MANUALS ............................................................... 22
10.1 Supplementary user instructions ............ 22
10.2 Change Notes ........................................ 22
10.3 Additional sources of information ........... 22

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY applicable this document incorporates information

relevant to these Directives and Approvals.
1.1 General To confirm the Approvals applying and if the product is
CE marked, check the serial number plate markings
These instructions must always be kept and the Certification. (See section 9, Certification.)
close to the product's operating location or
directly with the product. 1.3 Disclaimer
Information in these User Instructions is believed
Flowserve products are designed, developed and to be complete and reliable. However, in spite of
manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies in all of the efforts of Flowserve Corporation to
modern facilities. The unit is produced with great provide comprehensive instructions, good
care and commitment to continuous quality control, engineering and safety practice should always be
utilizing sophisticated quality techniques, and safety used.
Flowserve manufactures products to exacting
Flowserve is committed to continuous quality International Quality Management System Standards as
improvement and being at service for any further certified and audited by external Quality Assurance
information about the product in its installation and organizations. Genuine parts and accessories have
operation or about its support products, repair and been designed, tested and incorporated into the
diagnostic services. products to help ensure their continued product quality
and performance in use. As Flowserve cannot test
These instructions are intended to facilitate
parts and accessories sourced from other vendors the
familiarization with the product and its permitted use.
incorrect incorporation of such parts and accessories
Operating the product in compliance with these
may adversely affect the performance and safety
instructions is important to help ensure reliability in
features of the products. The failure to properly select,
service and avoid risks. The instructions may not
install or use authorized Flowserve parts and
take into account local regulations; ensure such
accessories is considered to be misuse. Damage or
regulations are observed by all, including those
failure caused by misuse is not covered by the
installing the product. Always coordinate repair
Flowserve warranty. In addition, any modification of
activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant
Flowserve products or removal of original components
safety requirements and applicable safety and health
may impair the safety of these products in their use.
laws and regulations.

These instructions must be read prior to 1.4 Copyright

installing, operating, using and maintaining the All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may
equipment in any region worldwide. The be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
equipment must not be put into service until all transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
the conditions relating to safety noted in the permission of Flowserve.
instructions, have been met. Failure to follow and
apply the present user instructions is considered 1.5 Duty conditions
to be misuse. Personal injury, product damage, This product has been selected to meet the
delay or failure caused by misuse are not covered specifications of your purchaser order. The
by the Flowserve warranty. acknowledgement of these conditions has been sent
separately to the Purchaser. A copy should be kept
1.2 CE marking and approvals with these instructions.
It is a legal requirement that machinery and equipment
put into service within certain regions of the world shall The product must not be operated beyond
conform with the applicable CE Marking Directives the parameters specified for the application. If
covering Machinery and, where applicable, Low Voltage there is any doubt as to the suitability of the
Equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), product for the application intended, contact
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and Equipment for Flowserve for advice, quoting the serial number.
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX).
If the conditions of service on your purchase order
Where applicable the Directives and any additional are going to be changed (for example liquid pumped,
Approvals cover important safety aspects relating to temperature or duty) it is requested that the user
machinery and equipment and the satisfactory provision seeks the written agreement of Flowserve before
of technical documents and safety instructions. Where start up.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

1.6 Safety 1.6.3 Safety action

This is a summary of conditions and actions to
1.6.1 Summary of safety markings prevent injury to personnel and damage to the
These User Instructions contain specific safety environment and to equipment. For products
markings where non-observance of an instruction would used in potentially explosive atmospheres
cause hazards. The specific safety markings are: section 1.6.4 also applies.

This symbol indicates electrical safety

instructions where non-compliance will involve a high NEVER DO MAINTENANCE WORK
risk to personal safety or the loss of life. WHEN THE UNIT IS CONNECTED TO POWER
(Lock Out)
This symbol indicates safety instructions where
non-compliance would affect personal safety and HANDLING COMPONENTS
could result in loss of life. Many precision parts have sharp corners and the
wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment
This symbol indicates “hazardous and toxic fluid” is required when handling these components. To lift
safety instructions where non-compliance would affect heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use a crane
personal safety and could result in loss of life. appropriate for the mass and in accordance with
current local regulations.
This symbol indicates safety
instructions where non-compliance will involve some HOT (and cold) PARTS
risk to safe operation and personal safety and would If hot or freezing components or auxiliary heating
damage the equipment or property. equipment can present a danger to operators and
persons entering the immediate area, action must be
This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere taken to avoid accidental contact (such as shielding).
zone marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety If complete protection is not possible, the machine
instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous access must be limited to maintenance staff only with
area would cause the risk of an explosion. clear visual warnings and indicators to those entering
the immediate area. Note: bearing housings must not
This symbol is used in safety instructions to be insulated and drive motors and bearings may be
remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces with a dry hot.
cloth; ensure the cloth is damp. It is used in safety
instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous If the temperature is greater than 80°C (175 °F) or
area would cause the risk of an explosion. below -5 °C (23 °F) in a restricted zone, or
exceeds local regulations, action as above shall
This sign is not a safety symbol but indicates be taken.
an important instruction in the assembly process.

1.6.2 Personnel qualification and training PREVENT EXCESSIVE EXTERNAL

All personnel involved in the operation, installation, PIPE LOAD
inspection and maintenance of the unit must be Do not use pump as a support for piping. Do not
qualified to carry out the work involved. If the mount expansion joints, unless allowed by Flowserve
personnel in question do not already possess the in writing, so that their force, due to internal pressure,
necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training acts on the pump flange.
and instruction must be provided. If required the
operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier
to provide applicable training. HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS
When the pump is handling hazardous liquids care
Always coordinate repair activity with operations and must be taken to avoid exposure to the liquid by
health and safety personnel, and follow all plant appropriate pump placement, limiting personnel
safety requirements and applicable safety and health access and by operator training. If the liquid is
laws and regulations. flammable and/or explosive, strict safety procedures
must be applied.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

1.6.4 Products used in potentially explosive Marking

atmospheres An example of ATEX equipment marking is shown
below. The actual classification of the pump will be
Measures are required to: engraved on the nameplate.
• Avoid excess temperature
• Prevent build up of explosive mixtures II 2 GD c IIC T135 ºC (T4)
• Prevent the generation of sparks Equipment Group
• Prevent leakages I = Mining
• Maintain the pump to avoid hazard II = Non-mining
The following instructions for pumps and pump units Category
when installed in potentially explosive atmospheres 2 or M2 = high level protection
must be followed to help ensure explosion protection. 3 = normal level of protection
For ATEX, both electrical and non-electrical equipment
Gas and/or dust
must meet the requirements of European Directive
G = Gas
94/9/EC. Always observe the regional legal Ex
D = Dust
requirements eg Ex electrical items outside the EU may
be required certified to other than ATEX eg IECEx, c = Constructional safety
UL/CSA. (in accordance with EN13463-5) Scope of compliance Gas Group

IIA – Propane (typical)
Use equipment only in the zone for which it is IIB – Ethylene (typical)
appropriate. Always check that the driver, drive IIC – Hydrogen (typical)
coupling assembly, seal and pump equipment are Maximum surface temperature (Temperature Class)
suitably rated and/or certified for the classification of the (see section
specific atmosphere in which they are to be installed. Avoiding excessive surface
Where Flowserve has supplied only the bare shaft temperatures
pump, the Ex rating applies only to the pump. The party
responsible for assembling the pump set shall select the ENSURE THE EQUIPMENT TEMPERATURE
coupling, driver and any additional equipment, with the CLASS IS SUITABLE FOR THE HAZARD ZONE
necessary CE Certificate/ Declaration of Conformity
establishing it is suitable for the area in which it is to be Preventing sparks
installed. That party are also responsible for CE
Marking the complete machine. To prevent a potential hazard from mechanical
contact, the coupling guard must be non-sparking.
The output from a variable frequency drive (VFD) can
cause additional heating effects in the motor and so, To avoid the potential hazard from random induced
for pumps sets with a VFD, the ATEX Certification for current generating a spark, the earth contact on the
the motor must state that it is covers the situation baseplate must be used.
where electrical supply is from the VFD. This
particular requirement still applies even if the VFD is Avoid electrostatic charge: do not rub non-metallic
in a safe area. surfaces with a dry cloth; ensure cloth is damp.

The coupling must be selected to comply with 94/9/EC

and correct alignment must be maintained.

Additional requirement for metallic pumps on

non-metallic baseplates
When metallic components are fitted on a non-
metallic baseplate they must be individually earthed.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10 Maintenance to avoid the hazard 2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE

CORRECT MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED TO 2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking
Immediately after receipt of the equipment it must be
checked against the delivery/shipping documents for
its completeness and that there has been no damage
The responsibility for compliance with maintenance
in transportation. Any shortage and/or damage must
instructions is with the plant operator.
be reported immediately to Flowserve Pump Division
and must be received in within ten days of receipt of
To avoid potential explosion hazards during
the equipment. Later claims cannot be accepted.
maintenance, the tools, cleaning and painting
Check all crates, boxes or wrappings for any
materials used must not give rise to sparking or
accessories or spare parts that may be packed
adversely affect the ambient conditions. Where there
separately from the equipment or attached to side
is a risk from such tools or materials, maintenance
walls of the box or equipment. After unpacking,
must be conducted in a safe area.
protection will be the responsibility of the user.
It is recommended that a maintenance plan and
Each product has a unique serial number. Check
schedule is adopted. (See section 6, Maintenance.)
that this number corresponds with your order. Use
this number in correspondence as well as when
1.7 Nameplate and safety labels ordering spare parts or further accessories.
1.7.1 Safety labels 2.2 Handling
Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloaded
using fork-lift vehicles or slings depending on their
size and construction.

2.3 Lifting
Fully trained personnel must carry out lifting in
accordance with local regulations. The Polybase
baseplate dimensions and weights are shown in

.Do not install eye bolts in the Polybase

thread inserts for the purpose of lifting the base. This
practice imposes lateral loads on the inserts which
they were not designed to withstand. Also, do not use
hooks in the baseplate anchor bolt holes.

Pumps and motors often have integral

lifting lugs or eye bolts. These are intended for use in
only lifting the individual piece of equipment.

Do not use eye bolts or cast-in lifting

lugs to lift pump, motor and baseplate assemblies.

Polybase units should be transported

via fork truck to the area of their intended installation
on the wooden pallets on which they were shipped.
Never transport a Polybase over long distances or
over rough terrain while it is suspended from slings.

Care must be taken to lift components

or assemblies above the center of gravity to prevent
the unit from flipping.

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2.3.1 Lifting Polybase baseplates with no d)

mounted equipment Figure 2.1
a) Remove the fasteners that hold the Polybase to
the wooden pallet.
b) Slip two slings under the baseplate between
pallet cross-members as shown in Figure 2.1.
Slings should be positioned approximately one-
quarter to one-third the baseplate length from
each end.
c) Lift the Polybase a few inches off the pallet and
verify that it hangs reasonably level and that the
slings are not prone to slipping out of position.
d) If this slinging appears to be unstable, set the
baseplate back on the pallet and reposition the
slings. After satisfactory slinging has been
achieved, the baseplate may be hoisted onto its

2.3.2 Lifting the Polybase baseplate with pump Figure 2.2

and motor installed
a) Remove the fasteners that hold the Polybase to
the wooden pallet.
b) Install slings around the pump discharge nozzle
(except for PGRP pumps where the slings must
go around and through the adapter) and around
the outboard end of the motor frame using
choker hitches pulled tight. The motor sling
should be positioned so the weight is not carried
through the fan housing. Make sure the
completion of the choker hitch on the discharge
nozzle (or adapter arms) is toward the coupling
end of the pump shaft as shown in Figure 2.2.

2.3.3 Lifting the Polybase baseplate with only

the pump installed
a) Remove the fasteners that hold the Polybase to
the wooden pallet.
b) Install a sling around the pump discharge nozzle
using a choker hitch pulled tight (except for
PGRP pumps where the slings must go around
and through the adapter).
c) Install a second sling around the motor end of
the Polybase using a basket hitch (see Figure
2.2). Make sure the completion of the choker
hitch on the discharge nozzle is toward the
coupling end of the pump shaft. Refer to section
4.0 INSTALLATION for setting the base on the

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2.4 Storage 2.5 Recycling and end of product life

At the end of the service life of the product or its
parts, the relevant materials and parts should be
This section addresses the storage procedures for recycled or disposed of using an environmentally
the Polybase baseplate only. When storing a acceptable method and in accordance with local
Polybase baseplate with mounted pump assemblies, regulations. If the product contains substances that
it is extremely important that the proper storage are harmful to the environment, these should be
procedures for the pump be observed as well. Refer removed and disposed of in accordance with current
to the User Instruction for the particular pump that is local regulations. This also includes the liquids
mounted on your baseplate. Flowserve's normal and/or gases that may be used in the "seal system"
packaging is designed to protect the Polybase or other utilities.
baseplate during shipment and handling from the
time it is assembled at the factory to installation at the Make sure that hazardous substances are
end user's jobsite. If the Polybase baseplate is to be disposed of safely and that the correct personal
stored for a period of time prior to installation, it is protective equipment is used. The safety
recommended that the following procedures be specifications must be in accordance with the current
followed: local regulations at all times.
a) Leave the baseplate bolted to its wooden
shipping pallet. 3 DESCRIPTION
b) Place the pallet on a solid, dry, level surface in a
location where the base cannot be struck by
passing fork trucks, falling objects, etc. Make 3.1 Configurations
sure that the pallet does not rock. The Flowserve Polybase baseplate is a solid,
c) Do not stack heavy objects on top of the polymer concrete baseplate that is manufactured in
baseplate. versions that conform to both ASME B73.1 and ISO
d) If the Polybase will be installed in an indoor 3661.
location, but is to be stored in an outdoor
location, cover the base completely with a ASME Polybase units are manufactured with integral
tarpaulin or dark plastic sheeting to prevent UV drain basin and grout hole. Integral leveling screw
degradation of the surface. NOTE: UV thread inserts facilitate proper installation. Twelve
degradation (bleaching) of the polymer concrete sizes are available ranging from 139 through 398.
is the normal result of exposure to sunlight. This
phenomenon is purely a visual change in the ISO Polybase units are manufactured with integral
color of the material which in no way drain basin, and are available in sizes ISO 3, 4, 5, 6,
compromises the performance or corrosion 7 and 8.
resistance characteristics of the Polybase
baseplate. Metallic thread inserts are provided in the mounting
e) Multiple Polybase baseplates without installed surfaces for particular combinations of pump and
equipment may be stacked, provided the bases motors. Multiple motor insert patterns are also
are level and the stacking is done in a manner available, and custom insert configurations can be
which uniformly distributes the weight of the produced per customer specifications. The standard
upper base to the top surface of the base on thread insert material is 304SS (18.10 CrNi stainless
which it rests. A minimum of two pallet cross- steel), with higher alloys available upon request.
members should contact the entire width of the
lower base. Cross members must not rest on Three different epoxy vinyl ester resin materials are
fasteners or on the corners of the lower base. available to support the use of Polybase baseplates
in most chemical applications (see 3.3.2).
Do not attempt to stand a Polybase
baseplate on end to make more efficient use of Additional available options include stilt mounting and
storage space. Neither the base nor the fasteners flush plan mounting.
that hold the base to its wooden pallet have been
designed for vertical storage. Severe personal
injury or death, as well as irreparable damage to
Polybase baseplate, may result if it tips over.
f) After unpacking, protection will be the
responsibility of the user.

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The Polybase baseplate utilizes as standard the The threaded inserts are made of 304SS. The
unique Polybloc mounting system. This system is inserts are retained in the Polybase baseplate by a
comprised of corrosion resistant polymer concrete two-part industrial epoxy (Master Bond EP21LV or
mounting blocks having surface flatness and equivalent).
parallelism equivalent to machined steel blocks.
Motor mounting Polyblocs incorporate the unique 3.3.2 Resin options
Bloc-loc™ counterbore/jam nut feature for positive The standard epoxy resin is Derakane 411-50 (black
attachment to the baseplate (Figure 3.1). or gray in color). Novolac GT4500 resin is optional
for severe sulfuric acid services (red in color).
The optional 8-point™ motor adjusters and the Bloc- Novolac GT4000 resin is optional for chlorinated
loc™ features are joined to provide axial and solvent services (blue in color).
transverse motor adjustment (Figure 3.1).
3.4 Performance and operation limits
Figure 3.1 This product has been selected to meet the
specification of your purchase order (see section 1.5).
The following data are included as additional
information to help with your installation. If required,
a definitive statement for your application can be
obtained from Flowserve.

3.4.1 Temperature ratings

The maximum equipment temperature that can be
tolerated by the various Polybase resins is listed

Black bases (Derakane) = 149 °C (300 °F)

Red bases (GT 4500) = 82 °C (180 °F)
Blue bases (GT4000) = 104 °C (220 °F)
Counterbore type Mounting Polyblocs are also totally
suitable if order requirements do not require that The minimum acceptable temperature for the
motor Polyblocs must be independently locked to the Polybase resins is -45 °C (-50 °F).
baseplate. In this case the polymeric block are fitted
with the counterbore side of the block facing the
surface of the baseplate.

3.2 Nomenclature
Individual baseplate sizes in the Polybase baseplate
product line are identified by the ASME B73.1 pump
group size they support and the length of the
baseplate. For example:

139 = Group 1 pumps; 39 inches long.

264 = Group 2 pumps; 64 inches long.
398 = Group 3 pumps; 98 inches long.

The length of the baseplate determines the motor

frame size that can be fitted. The longer baseplates
allow larger motors to be fitted.

3.3 Design of major parts

3.3.1 Baseplate materials of construction
The body of a Polybase baseplate is composed of an
epoxy vinyl ester resin with integral silica aggregate.

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3.4.2 Polybase corrosion guide (abridged)

Table 3-1 Derakane resin (black) Table 3-2 Novolac GT4000 resin (blue)
21 °C 60 °C 93 °C 21 °C 60 °C 93 °C
Chemical (70 °F) (140 °F) (200 °F) Chemical (70 °F) (140 °F) (200 °F)
Acetic acid <75% R R S Acetic acid <75% R R R
Acetic, glacial S NR NR Acetic, glacial R R R
Amines R S NR Benzene R R R
Aromatic solvents S NR NR Bleach =<18% R R R
Benzene NR NR NR Chromic acid <20% R R R
Bleach R R NR Hydrochloric acid
=<20% R R R
Bromine (dry) R NR NR
Hydrochloric >20% R R R
Bromine (wet) R NR NR Hydrofluoric acid
Calcium chloride R R S <20% R S NR
Chlorinated solvents NR NR NR Methylene chloride S NR NR
Chlorobenzene NR NR NR Nitric acid to 69% R R R
Chlorine dioxide Sodium hydroxide
<15% R R S =<50% R R R
Chromic acid <20% R NR NR Sodium hydroxide
>50% NR NR NR
Ferric chloride R R R
Sulfuric acid <75% R R R
Fluosilic acid <30% R NR NR 75% to 93% S NR NR
Gasoline R R NR 93% to 98+% S NR NR
Hydrobromic acid
<50% R R NR
Hydrochloric acid
Table 3-3 Novolac GT4500 resin (red)
=<20% R R S 21 °C 60 °C
Hydrochloric >20% R S NR Chemical (70 °F) (140 °F)
Hydrofluoric acid Bleach to 12% R R
<20% R S NR Chromic acid <20% R R
Methylene chloride NR NR NR
Gasoline R R
Nitric acid =<30% R S NR Hydrochloric acid
Nitric acid >30% NR NR NR =<20% R R
Oil, mineral R R R Hydrochloric >20% R R
Petroleum oil R R R Hydrofluoric acid
Phosphoric acid R R R <20% R S
Seawater R R R Methylene chloride NR NR
Sodium chlorate R R R Nitric acid to 50% R R
Sodium chloride R R R Phosphoric acid to
Sodium hydroxide 85% R R
=<50% R R S Sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide =<50% R R
>50% NR NR NR Sodium hydroxide
Sulfuric acid <75% R S S >50% NR NR
75% to 93% NR NR NR Sulfuric acid <75% R R
93% to 98+% NR NR NR 75% to 93% R R
93% to 98+% R R

R = Recommended.
S= Satisfactory for occasional contact at some
concentrations – consult Flowserve Materials
Engineering Department.
NR = Not recommended.

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Equipment operated in hazardous locations

must comply with the relevant explosion protection
regulations. See section 1.6.4, Products used in
potentially explosive atmospheres.

4.1 Location
The baseplate should be located to allow room for
access, ventilation, maintenance, and inspection with
ample headroom for lifting and should be as close as
practicable to the supply of liquid to be pumped.

Refer to the general arrangement drawing for the

pump set.
Baseplates intended for grouted installation are
4.2 Part Assemblies designed to use the grout as a stiffening member.
The supply of motors and pumps are optional. As a Stilt mounted baseplates, on the other hand, are
result, it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure designed to provide their own rigidity. Therefore, the
that the motor is assembled to the pump and aligned designs of the two baseplates are usually different.
as detailed in section 4.5 and 4.8. The Polybase baseplate is solid and has a thick
cross-section so it can be both grouted in place and
stilt mounted.
4.3 Foundation
Regardless of the type of baseplate used, it must
4.3.1 Protection of openings and threads
provide certain functions that ensure a reliable
When the baseplate is shipped, all threads and all
installation. Three of these requirements are:
openings are covered. This protection/covering
• The baseplate must provide sufficient rigidity to
should not be removed until installation. If, for any
assure the assembly can be transported and
reason, the baseplate is removed from service, this
installed, given reasonable care in handling,
protection should be reinstalled.
without damage. It must also be rigid enough
when properly installed to resist operating loads.
4.3.2 Rigid baseplates - overview
The function of a baseplate is to provide a rigid • The baseplate must provide a reasonably flat
mounting surface for the pump and driver.
foundation under a pump and its driver that maintains
Uneven surfaces will result in a soft-foot condition
alignment between the two. Baseplates may be
that may make alignment difficult or impossible.
generally classified into two types:
Flowserve’s experience indicates that a baseplate
• Foundation-mounted, grouted design (Figure 4-1)
that has a top surface flatness of 1.25 mm / meter
• Stilt mounted, or free-standing (Figure 4-2)
(0.015 inch / foot) across the diagonal corners of
the baseplate provides such a mounting surface.
Figure 4.1
Therefore, this is the tolerance to which we supply
our standard baseplate. Some users may desire
an even flatter surface, which can facilitate
installation and alignment. Flowserve will supply
flatter baseplates upon request at extra cost. For
example, mounting surface flatness of 0.42 mm/m
(0.005 in./ft) is offered on the Flowserve Polybase
• The baseplate must be designed to allow the user
to final field align the pump and driver to within
their own particular standards and to compensate
for any pump or driver movement that occurred
during handling. Normal industry practice is to
achieve final alignment by moving the motor to
match the pump. If a pump and motor assembly
is provided with the baseplate, Flowserve’s

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practice is to confirm in our shop that the pump Figure 4.3

assembly can be accurately aligned. Before
shipment, the factory verifies that there is enough
horizontal movement capability at the motor to
obtain a “perfect” final alignment when the installer
puts the baseplate assembly into its original, top
leveled, unstressed condition.

4.3.3 Stilt mounted Polybase baseplates

Flowserve offers a stilt mounted option for Polybase
baseplates (See Figure 4-5). The baseplate is set on
a flat surface with no tie down bolts or other means of
anchoring it to the floor.
General instructions for assembling these baseplates
are given below. For dimensional information, please
refer to the appropriate Flowserve “Sales Print.”

Note: The following assembly procedure should be

carried out as closely to the final installation location
as possible. DO NOT remove the Polybase from its
shipping pallet until it is in the area of the installation
and you are ready to assemble the stilts. Stilt mounted baseplate assembly

instructions for 264 and shorter
Polybase baseplates (Refer to Figures 4-
3 and 4-5)
a) Raise or block up baseplate/pump above the
floor to allow for the assembly of the stilts.
b) Bolt the cross bars onto the underside of the
Polybase baseplate.
c) Predetermine or measure the approximate
desired height for the baseplate above the floor.
d) Set the bottom nuts (item 2) above the stilt bolt
head (item 1) to the desired height.
e) Assemble lock washer (item 3) down over the stilt
f) Assemble the stilt bolt up through hole in the
cross bar and hold in place.
g) Assemble the lock washer (item 3) and nut (item
2) on the stilt bolt. Tighten the nut down on the
lock washer.
h) After all four stilts have been assembled, position
the baseplate in place, over the floor cups (item
4) under each stilt location, and lower the
baseplate to the floor.
i) Level and make final height adjustments to the
suction and discharge pipe by first loosening the
top nuts and turning the bottom nuts to raise or
lower the baseplate.
j) Tighten the top and bottom nuts at the lock
washer (item 3) first then tighten the other nuts.
k) It should be noted that the connecting pipelines
must be individually supported, and that the stilt
mounted baseplate is not intended to support
total static pipe load.

Page 12 of 24 flowserve.com
Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10 Stilt mounted baseplate assembly adjustment, the pump and driver should be within
instructions for 268 and longer Polybase 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) parallel, and 0.0025 mm/mm
baseplates (Refer to Figures 4-4 and 4-5) (0.0025 in./in.) angular alignment. If this is not
the case, check to see if the driver mounting
a) Determine or measure the approximate desired fasteners are centered in the driver feet holes.
height for the baseplate above the floor.
b) Sling and hoist the baseplate/pump assembly off Figure 4.4
its shipping pallet in accordance with the
procedures shown in Section 2.3.
c) Bolt the stilt beams to the underside of the
Polybase using the fasteners provided as shown
in Figure 4.4. Torque the 7/8” bolts to 217Nm
(160 lbf*ft).
d) Thread two hex nuts onto each stud. Install one
internal-tooth lockwasher over the FLAT ends of
each stud. Thread the flat ends of the studs into
the weld nuts on the undersides of the
longitudinal support beams until the low point of
each SPHERICAL end is at the desired distance
from the bottom surface of the Polybase. Do not
tighten the nuts at this point.
e) After all four stilts have been assembled, position
the Polybase in place over the floor cups under
each stilt location, and GENTLY lower the
assembly to the floor.
f) Using two wrenches, lock the two hex nuts on
each stud together. Turn the studs by means of
these locked nuts to raise or lower the assembly.
When the desired leveling is achieved, unlock the
pairs of nuts and thread the upper ones (with
lockwashers on top) up until they make contact
with the weld nuts on the beams. Tighten
securely. Thread the lower nuts up and tighten to
lock the assembly in place.
g) Recheck levels and adjust if necessary.
h) It should be noted that the connecting pipe lines
must be individually supported, and that the stilt c) If the fasteners are not centered there was likely
mounted Polybase is not intended to support total shipping damage. Re-center the fasteners and
static pipe load. perform a preliminary alignment to the above
tolerances by shimming under the motor for Stilt mounted baseplates - motor vertical alignment, and by moving the pump for
alignment horizontal alignment.
The procedure for motor alignment on stilt mounted d) If the fasteners are centered, then the baseplate
baseplates is similar to grouted baseplates. The may be twisted. Slightly adjust (one turn of the
difference is primarily in the way the baseplate is adjusting nut) the stilts at the driver end of the
leveled. baseplate and check for alignment to the above
tolerances. Repeat as necessary while
a) Level the baseplate by using the stilt adjusters. maintaining a level condition as measured from
(Shims are not needed as with grouted the pump discharge flange. Lock the stilt
baseplates.) After the base is level, it is locked in adjusters.
place by locking the stilt adjusters.
b) Next the initial pump alignment must be checked. The remaining steps are the same as for new grouted
The vertical height adjustment provided by the baseplates.
stilts allows the possibility of slightly twisting the
baseplate. If there has been no transit damage
or twisting of the baseplate during stilt height

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Polybase Baseplate USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 USER – 12-10

Figure 4.5

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

4.4 Grouting This is an as-molded surface which is not as flat

as the mounting (top) surface.
a) The pump foundation should be located as close d) After leveling the baseplate, install flat washers
to the source of the fluid to be pumped as and nuts on the anchor bolts.
practical. There should be adequate space for
workers to install, operate, and maintain the ENSURE THE NUTS HAVE A
pump. The foundation should be sufficient to SNUG FIT, BUT DO NOT TORQUE THEM AT
absorb any vibration and should provide a rigid THIS POINT.
support for the pump and motor. Recommended If shims are used, make sure to shim the
mass of a concrete foundation should be three baseplate near each anchor bolt and snug the
times that of the pump, motor and base. Refer to nut firmly with a wrench. Failure to do this may
Figure 4-6 for a cross-section of the result in a twist of the baseplate, which could
recommended foundation and baseplate make it impossible to obtain final alignment.
arrangement. Note that foundation bolts are Check the level of the baseplate to ensure that it
imbedded in the concrete inside a sleeve to allow was maintained, else adjust the jackscrews or
some movement of the bolt. shims as needed until the baseplate is level
e) Check initial alignment. If the pump and motor
Figure 4.6 were removed from the baseplate, install them so
that prior to grouting it can be verified that
alignment can be achieved. If the pump and
motor were properly reinstalled to the baseplate
or if they were not removed from the baseplate
and there has been no transit damage, and also
if the above pre-grout steps where done properly,
the pump and driver should be within 0.38 mm
(0.015 in.) FIM (Full Indicator Movement) parallel,
and 0.0025 mm/mm (0.0025 in./in.) FIM angular.
If this is not the case, first check to see if the
driver mounting fasteners are centered in the
driver feet holes. If not, re-center the driver on its
fasteners and perform a preliminary alignment to
the above tolerances by shimming under the
motor for vertical alignment, and by moving the
b) Gently set the Polybase baseplate pump for horizontal alignment.
down onto the foundation. Do not subject a f) Grout the baseplate. A non-shrinking grout
Polybase baseplate to heavy shock loading. should be used. Make sure that the grout fills the
c) Level the pump baseplate assembly. The proper area under the baseplate. After the grout has
surfaces to reference when leveling the pump cured, check for voids and fill them if possible.
baseplate assembly are the pump suction and Jackscrews, shims and wedges should be
discharge flanges. removed from under the baseplate at this time. If
they were to be left in place, they could rust,
DO NOT stress the baseplate. swell, and cause distortion in the baseplate.
g) Lubricate the anchor bolt threads and torque the
DO NOT bolt the suction or discharge nuts using a torque wrench to values noted in
flanges of the pump to the piping until the table 4-1 below.
baseplate grouting has been completed If
equipped, use leveling jackscrews to level the Table 4-1
baseplate. If jackscrews are not provided, shims
and wedges should be used. Check for
Bolt size torque Nm (lbfft)
levelness in both the longitudinal and lateral
directions. Shims should be placed at all base
anchor bolt locations, and in the middle edge of M12 & ½ in. 27(20)
the base if the base is more than 1.5 m (5 ft) M20 & ¾ in. 96 (70)
long. M22 & /8 in. 150 (110)
M24 & 1 in. 220 (160)

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

must not limit access or hinder the lifting of the part to

h) Tighten pump and motor hold be serviced.
down fasteners using a torque wrench. Apply
recommended torque given in clause 6.7, Place a warning sign on the starting device:
DO NOT exceed the maximum allowable torque "Machine under repair: do not start".
values provided.
i) Run piping to the suction and discharge of the With electric drive equipment, lock the main switch
pump. There should be no piping loads open and withdraw any fuses. Put a warning sign on
transmitted to the pump after connection is made. the fuse box or main switch:
Recheck the driver and pump alignment to verify "Machine under repair: do not connect".
it is still acceptable. Significant loads being Never clean equipment with flammable solvents or
carried through the pump connections can cause carbon tetrachloride. Protect yourself against toxic
misalignment. fumes when using cleaning agents.

5 COMMISSIONING, STARTUP, 6.1 Maintenance schedule

It is recommended that a maintenance plan and
Pre start-up checks schedule be implemented to support the equipment
Prior to starting the equipment mounted on a mounted on a Polybase baseplate. The Polybase
Polybase baseplate, it is essential that the following baseplate does not require any maintenance, but the
pump-based checks be made. following should be checked during routine
• Pump and motor properly secured to the maintenance of the mounted equipment:
baseplate • clean the surface of the baseplate to prevent long
• All fasteners tightened to the correct torque term chemical attack from degrading the surface
• Coupling guard in place and not rubbing (refer to to prevent sparks when product
• Seal support system (if used) properly secured must comply with ATEX)
to the baseplate • check that the mounted equipment is securely
• Inspect the baseplate for cracks fastened to the baseplate
• Ensure the mounted equipment is ready to run • inspect the surface of the baseplate for any
6.2 Spare parts
It is the plant operator's responsibility to ensure
that all maintenance, inspection and assembly work The Polybase baseplate does not require any spare
is carried out by authorized and qualified personnel parts unless it is damaged. If one of the threaded
who have adequately familiarized themselves with inserts in the Polybase baseplate comes loose, or the
the subject matter by studying this manual in detail. owner needs to add additional inserts to an installed
(See also section 1.6) Polybase baseplate, the inserts are available from
Flowserve. A two-part industrial epoxy (Master Bond
Any work on the machine must be performed when it EP21LV, Loctite E-120HP, or equivalent) is required
is at a standstill. It is imperative that the procedure to bond the inserts in place. Replacement parts for
for shutting down the machine is followed. stilt mounted assemblies can also be supplied by
On completion of work all guards and safety devices
must be re-installed and made operative again. To order spare parts
Flowserve keeps records of all products that have
Oil and grease leaks may make the ground been supplied. Spare parts can be ordered from your
slippery. Machine maintenance must always local Flowserve Sales Engineer or from a Flowserve
begin and finish by cleaning the ground and the Distributor or Representative. When ordering spare
exterior of the machine. parts the following information should be supplied:
1) Baseplate size
If platforms, stairs and guard rails are required for 2) Motor size
maintenance, they must be placed for easy access to 3) Material of construction (color)
areas where maintenance and inspection are to be 4) For thread repairs -- insert size and
carried out. The positioning of these accessories quantity required

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

5) For stilt mounts, the type and number 6.1). Correct drill diameters and depths are
must be specified shown in Table 6-1.

If the spare Polybase baseplate is intended to DO NOT USE OIL OR CUTTING FLUID -
be used with equipment which is or will be installed in HOLES MUST BE DRILLED DRY.
a potentially explosive atmosphere, Flowserve should
be given the complete ATEX classification of the Figure 6.1
equipment in order to check compliance.

6.3 Recommended spares and

consumable items
There are no recommended spare parts for the
Polybase baseplate. In the rare instances when a
threaded insert needs to be replaced or a Polybase
baseplate needs to be drilled and inserted for a
different size motor, the following materials and
procedure would apply.

6.4 Tools required

b) Remove all dust and metal chips from the drilled
For drilling holes in the Polybase material, use a hole using dry, oil-free compressed air.
masonry bit or a carbine-tipped drill bit. c) If the drilled hole has become contaminated with
oil or other foreign substance, flush thoroughly
with acetone or ethyl acetate and dry completely
6.5 Field thread insert installation with oil-free compressed air.
procedure d) If the replacement insert has been contaminated
with oil or other foreign substance, flush
The procedure detailed below may be used either to thoroughly with acetone or ethyl acetate and dry
replace a damaged original thread insert or to install completely with oil-free compressed air.
an insert in a new location. e) Dispense adhesive into the drilled hole (see
Figure 6.2) following the instructions provided.
Fill the hole to within approximately 12 mm (1/2
Thread inserts properly installed in the field inch) of the baseplate surface.
will yield performance characteristics and service life
equivalent to inserts installed at the factory. Field Figure 6.2
installation should only be undertaken when
absolutely necessary, and then only by qualified
personnel using suitable drilling equipment. In order
to achieve a successful installation the following
procedures must be followed PRECISELY and the
drilling operation must be carried out AS

a) Drill out the damaged insert (or drill a new hole in

a location that has been carefully laid out) taking
care not to enlarge or elongate the hole into
which the replacement insert will be installed. It
is critical that the hole be drilled perpendicular to
the surface of the Polybase and that the hole
center line location be maintained. The f) After applying oil to the threads of a properly
recommended method for achieving this is to use sized socket head cap screw (or hex head bolt),
a carbide tipped bit with a magnetic base drill thread it into the insert. Be careful not to get any
mounted on a steel plate that has been bolted to oil on the outside surfaces of the insert.
the adjacent inserts in the baseplate (see Figure

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

g) Engage the blind end of the stainless steel insert l) The baseplate is now ready to be put back into
in the hole. Tap on the cap screw head with light service. The equipment fasteners mounting
hammer or soft mallet to drive the insert into the torques are given in clause 6.7 Table 6-3.
hole (see Figure 6.3). Hold the insert straight
until it has been driven in to approximately half its Do not exceed the maximum
length; the insert is self-aligning once it has torque value given in Table 6-3in relation to
passed this point. fastener mechanical properties.
Figure 6.3 Table 6-1
Drill Diameter
Thread Size mm inches
5/16-18 UNC 18 45/64 (.703)
3/8-16 UNC 18 45/64 (.703)
M6 18 45/64 (.703)
M8 18 45/64 (.703)
M10 18 45/64 (.703)
1/2-13 UNC 21 53/64 (.828)
M12 21 53/64 (.828)
5/8-11 UNC 29 1-1/8 (1.125)
3/4-10 UNC 29 1-1/8 (1.125)
M16 29 1-1/8 (1.125)
h) Drive the insert in slowly to give M20 29 1-1/8 (1.125)
the adhesive time to flow around the grooves in
the insert. Drive the insert in to the point where 7/8-9 UNC 32 1-1/4 (1.250)
its top surface is flush with or just below the M24 32 1-1/4 (1.250)
surface of the baseplate. Excess adhesive will
squeeze out and pool around the top of the insert Depth (all) 46 1-13/16 (1.81)
as shown in Figure 6.4. Do not remove this
excess material. As the adhesive cures, some of 6.6 Field installed thread insert
this excess will draw down into the space testing (Optional)
between the insert and the wall of the hole. Do
not remove the cap screw at this time.
If user elects to assess the validity of his installation
or replacement of thread inserts, here are provided
Figure 6.4
the necessary bolts torques for the axial pull-out
testing of the insert sample(s).

The torque values tabulated below are

maximums that the inserts in the Polybase baseplate
can withstand without any damage. These values
may exceed the material strength of the bolts being
used to do the test. The end user must consider the
type of bolt and lubrication used (if any) before

i) Allow the adhesive to cure undisturbed for 48

j) Following cure remove the screw. Excess
adhesive may be chipped off with a putty knife. If
desired, lightly sand the surface of the baseplate
to a flat, smooth condition.
k) OPTIONAL. It is up to the user to decide if a
sample insert axial pullout test is needed using
torque values given in clause 6.6.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

Table 6-2 Insert testing unlubricated torque limits Table 6-3 Equipment fasteners mounting torques
Test boltsize Nm (lbf•ft) Fastener Mechanical Property
M6 16 (12)
(1) (2)
M8 and 5/16 in. 22 (16) X Strength Y Strength
M10 and 3/8 in. 45 (33) Fastener Size
Max Torque Max Torque
M12 and ½ in. 105 (77)
M16 and 5/8 in. 150 (111) (dry) (dry)
M20 and ¾ in. 220 (162) Nm (lbf•ft) Nm (lbf•ft)
7/8 in. 275 (203) M6 8 (6) 12 (9)
M24 and 1 in. 410 (302)
All torques in table are for dry threads. 5/16 in. 8 (6) 17 (13)
M8 11 (8) 17 (13)
Note: 1.) For lubricated threads, use 75% of the values.
2.) Excessive torque can damage the Polybase M10 and 3/8 in. 15 (11) 35 (25)
baseplate by pulling out the inserts.
3) These are maximum values valid for testing the M12 and ½ in. 35 (26) 80 (60)
inserts, Fastener torquefor mounting the M16 and 5/8 in. 75 (55) 115 (85)
equipmentis given clause 6.7.
4) As a default, the bolts used for insert testing M20 and ¾ in. 130 (95) 165 (125)
should be scrapped. They must not be reused if
the torque during test has attained 90% or more 7/8 in. 185 (135) 205 (150)
of the proof test value of the bolt material or 80% M24 and 1 in. 280 (205) 310 (230)
of its yield strength, whichever is the lower.
Above torque values are for unlubricated threads. For
lubricated threads use 75% of tabulated torques.

(1) X STRENGTH fasteners materials have yield strengths

6.7 Recommended fastener mounting within 210 - 440 MPa (30 – 64 KSI) at room temperature.
torques They need to be tightened within +/-5% of the value given
Tighten pump and motor hold down fasteners using a TIGHTENED MORE THAN 105% OF THE X STRENGTH
torque wrench. Apply table 6-3 recommended FASTENER TORQUE VALUES PER TABLE 6-3.
torques. Commonly used X strength hold down fasteners are:
• UNC fasteners in carbon steel per ASTM A307 Grades
DO NOT EXCEED THE HIGHEST A&B (SAE J429 Gr.1&2) and the common AISI 300
stainless steel series;
• Metric fasteners in carbon steel per ISO 898-1 Classes
4.6 and those in stainless steel per
Any fastener material used for mounting the ISO 3506 Gr. A1, A2 and A4, all in Class 50.
equipment to the Polybase must have a minimum
yield strength of 210 MPa (30 KSI) at room (2) Y STRENGTH fasteners materials have a minimum
temperature. yield strength of 450 MPa (65 KSI) at room temperature.
These Y strength fasteners need to be torqued to values
not lower than those for of the X strength fasteners, but
Polybase baseplate material properties and the thread
inserts bonding are the limiting factors imposing the
tabulated ceiling values for torques.
Usual Y strength hold down fasteners include:
• UNC fasteners in carbon steel per SAE J429 Grades 4
and above, and per ASTM A193 Grade B7;
• Metric fasteners in carbon steel per ISO 898-1 Classes
8.8 and above, and in stainless steel per
ISO 3506 Gr. A1, A2 and A4, Classes 70 & 80.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10


The following is a guide to troubleshooting problems with Flowserve Polybase baseplates. Common problems
are analyzed and solutions offered. Obviously, it is impossible to cover every possible scenario. If a problem
exists that is not covered by one of the examples, then contact a Flowserve Sales Engineer or
Distributor/Representative for assistance.

Threaded insert is chemically attacked
⇓ Threaded insert pulls out
⇓ Corner of baseplate breaks off
⇓ Baseplate breaks during rigging
⇓ Motor is bolt bound and alignment is not possible


  Leaking product. Fix leak source. Replace the damage insert(s) per the
direction given in Section 6.3.
 Reduce the amount of vibration energy in the system.
High vibration combined with excessive
Only torque bolts to the values recommended in Section
mounting forces.
 Do not tighten the anchor bolt or nuts prior to grouting.
Anchor bolts or nuts are tightened too much Arrange the shims under the baseplate so that they are
prior to grouting. directly under the anchor studs or bolts to prevent a
bending moment from over tightening.

  Rough handling of the Polybase baseplate. Follow the handling recommendations in Section 2.

  Construct suction and discharge piping so that the

Piping loads are too large.
flanges mate to the pump without inducing high loads.
 For small diameter studs, they can be lighted impacted
with a rubber mallet to bend them slightly (with the motor
Motor studs are not perpendicular to the
removed) to facilitate alignment. Larger stud diameters
will require the motor foot holes be enlarged or the
baseplate to be reworked or replaced.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10


Polybase Dimensional and Weight Information

Baseplate HA HB HE HF HG HH HP Weight
Size mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) kg (lb)
ANSI 139 330 (13) 990 (39) 114 (4.5) 927 (36.5) 92 (3.63) 19 (0.75) 32 (1.25) 59 (130)
ANSI 148 413 (16.25) 1219 (48) 152 (6) 1156 (45.5) 102 (4) 19 (0.75) 32 (1.25) 100 (220)
ANSI 153 489 (19.25) 1346 (53) 190 (7.5) 1283 (50.5) 102 (4) 19 (0.75) 32 (1.25) 132 (290)
ANSI 245 330 (13) 1143 (45) 114 (4.5) 1080 (42.5) 92 (3.63) 19 (0.75) 32 (1.25) 68 (150)
ANSI 252 413 (16.25) 1320 (52) 152 (6) 1257 (49.5) 102 (4) 19 (0.75) 32 (1.25) 109 (240)
ANSI 258 489 (19.25) 1473 (58) 190 (7.5) 1410 (55.5) 102 (4) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 143 (315)
ANSI 264 489 (19.25 1625 (64) 190 (7.5) 1562 (61.5) 102 (4) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 159 (350)
ANSI 268 660 (26) 1727 (68) 241 (9.5) 1664 (65.5) 108 (4.25) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 243 (535)
ANSI 280 660 (26) 2032 (80) 241 (9.5) 1968 (77.5) 108 (4.25) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 286 (630)
ANSI 368 660 (26) 1727 (68) 241 (9.5) 1664 (65.5) 108 (4.25) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 243 (535)
ANSI 380 660 (26) 2032 (80) 241 (9.5) 1968 (77.5) 108 (4.25) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 286 (630)
ANSI 398 660 (26) 2489 (98) 241 (9.5) 2426 (95.5) 108 (4.25) 25 (1) 32 (1.25) 350 (770)
ISO 3 390 (15.35) 900 (35.43) 175 (6.89) 600 (23.62) 73 (2.87) 19 (0.75) 150 (5.9) 56 (123)
ISO 4 450 (17.72) 1000 (39.37) 200 (7.87) 660 (25.98) 88 (3.46) 24 (0.94) 170 (6.69) 87 (191)
ISO 5 490 (19.29) 1120 (44.09) 220 (8.66) 740 (29.13) 88 (3.46) 24 (0.94) 190 (7.48) 106 (233)
ISO 6 540 (21.26) 1250 (49.21) 245 (9.65) 840 (33.07) 88 (3.46) 24 (0.94) 205 (8.07) 131 (288)
ISO 7 610 (24.02) 1400 (55.12) 275 (10.83) 940 (37.01) 110 (4.33) 28 (1.1) 230 (9.06) 207 (455)
ISO 8 660 (26) 1600 (62.99) 300 (11.81) 1060 (41.73) 110 (4.33) 28 (1.1) 270 (10.63) 250 (550)

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10

Certificates, determined from the contract RESP73H Application of ASME B73.1-1991,
requirements, are provided with these instructions Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal
where applicable. If required, copies of other Pumps for Chemical Process, Process Industries
certificates sent separately to the Purchaser should Practices
be obtained from Purchaser for retention with these Construction Industry Institute, The University of
User Instructions. Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300,
Austin, Texas 78705.
Pump Handbook
DOCUMENTATION AND MANUALS 2nd edition, Igor J. Karassik et al, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
10.1 Supplementary user instructions New York, NY, 1986.
Supplementary instructions such as for a pump,
driver, instrumentation, controller, seals, sealant Centrifugal Pump Sourcebook
systems etc are provided as separate documents in John W. Dufour and William E. Nelson,
there original format. If further copies of these are McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1993.
required they should be obtained from the supplier for
retention with these user instructions. Pumping Manual, 9th edition
T.C. Dickenson, Elsevier Advanced Technology,
10.2 Change Notes Kidlington, United Kingdom, 1995.
If any changes, agreed with Flowserve Pump
Division, are made to the product after it is supplied, International Standard for End-suction centrifugal
a record of the details should be maintained with pumps -- Baseplate and installation dimensions, ISO
these User Instructions. 3661
1, rue de Varembé
10.3 Additional sources of information Case postale 56
The following are excellent sources for additional CH-1211 Genève 20
information on centrifugal pumps in general. Switzerland

Pump Engineering Manual

R.E. Syska, J.R. Birk,
Flowserve Corporation, Dayton, Ohio, 1980.

Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal

Pumps for Chemical Process, ASME B73.1
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
New York, NY.

American National Standard for Centrifugal Pumps

for Nomenclature, Definitions, Design and Application
(ANSI/HI 1.1-1.3)
Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany,
New Jersey 07054-3802.

American National Standard for Centrifugal Pumps

for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (ANSI/HI
Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany,
New Jersey 07054-3802.

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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10


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Polybase Baseplate INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71569284 – 12-10


USA and Canada

Flowserve Corporation
Your Flowserve factory contacts:
5215 North O’Connor Blvd.,
Suite 2300
Flowserve Pumps
Irving, Texas 75039-5421 USA
Flowserve GB Limited
Lowfield Works, Balderton Telephone 1 972 443 6500
Newark, Notts NG24 3BU Fax 1 972 443 6800
United Kingdom
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Telephone (24 hours) +44 (0)1636 494 600 Worthing S.P.A.
Sales & Admin Fax +44 (0)1636 705 991 Flowserve Corporation
Repair & Service Fax +44 (0)1636 494 833 Via Rossini 90/92
E-mail [email protected] 20033 Desio (Milan) Italy
Telephone 39 0362 6121
Fax 39 0362 303396
Flowserve Pump Division
3900 Cook Boulevard Latin America and Caribbean
Chesapeake, VA 23323-1626 USA Flowserve Corporation
Telephone +1 757 485 8000
6840 Wynnwood Lane
Fax +1 757 485 8149
Houston, Texas 77008 USA
Telephone 1 713 803 4434
Your local Flowserve representative: Fax 1 713 803 4497

Asia Pacific
Flowserve Pte. Ltd
10 Tuas Loop
Singapore 637345
Telephone 65 6771 0600
Fax 65 6779 4607

To find your local Flowserve representative please

use the Sales Support Locator System found at

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