Allocation Runtest

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Optimization of the assignment of existing stock to open requirements

The allocation run distributes the currently available stock to due sales orders
according to certain calculation logics at a specific time

You have to carry out an allocation run before delivery of any AFS materials
Process Flow
Process Flow

Selection: Determines which requirements should participate as well as

which stocks the allocation run should access
Requirement Check: Selected orders can be checked for certain
criterias like blocks and excluded
Grouping Enables to group orders for allocation
Sorting - Override the original sequence of the incoming orders for the
allocation process
Allocation - the actual allocation of the available stock to the selected
orders takes place according to the chosen allocation logic FIFO or equal
Release - system checks whether the minimum quantities that are
defined in the release rules could be fulfilled

*All the above rules need to be configured and assigned to ARUN type
Allocation - Selection

Requirement Selection - So that the allocation type knows which requirements

should be allocated, you must create the rule for the requirements selection. You can
only select sales orders in the selection
Stock Selection - controls which stock the allocation run should access to satisfy the
above mentioned requirements.
Access Rule - With this access rule, you specify how the system accesses the
database to read the individual requirements Material index, Direct access (SAP
recommends) & partner index.
Open to Delivery date - Indicates which date field of the sales order is accessed
during the requirements selection
Allocation Requirement

With the aid of the checking rule for the exclusion of sales orders, you can
exclude orders from the allocation, which you have already selected for an
allocation run. This way you can prevent, for example, orders of credit blocked
customers from getting the stock that should be used for solvent customers.
There are different criteria and checks available for this.
Allocation - Sorting

Requirement sort - Using the sort rules you can sort requirements
and thus override the original sequence in which the orders were
When using the sort sequence remember that the sorting is carried
out first by fields at header level, then at item level and finally at
schedule line level.
Allocation - Strategy
Allocation - Strategy
Allocation Allocation Rule
Allocation Rule - Controls how system assigns stock to requirement
during allocation run
Requirement date -
This is the reference
date of the sales
document for
purposes.This is
important because the
requirement stock
mapping is based on
reference dates eg
Confirmed delivery
date, order
cancellation date &

GR Date - This is the

reference date of the
future receipt that is to
be considered for the
Allocation Allocation Rule
Stock Prioritization can be done by 2 ways

Stock sort rule It requires a stock sort rule maintained in

customization for prioritizing stock. For example sort stock
based on Stock type in following prioritization

Dynamic sort prioritization - This determines the point in

time until when physical stock can be allocated. You enter a
number of days here. Based on this, the system calculates a
horizon within which the confirmed date must lie in order to
allow physical stock to be allocated
Allocation Reallocation Rule
Re-allocation rule:
Using the fill-up/re-allocation feature, you can reserve orders that cannot be allocated
because of the current stock/requirement situation until the corresponding release check
rules are fulfilled. Thus you can make sure that the stock is not available for the coverage
of other requirements after a failed release check

Causes already existing allocations (for example, reservations) to be included again in an

allocation run. The reallocation rule is a combination of reallocation logic, the allocation
event, processing of the allocated quantities, and the MRP status.
Allocation - Release

You use release check rules to determine which quantities are acceptable for your customers
You can define Release Rule for:
Specific Temporary groups
Specific customers
Specific sales orders
Allocation Run types (global release check rule)
Allocation Release Rule example
Allocation Action Rule
Action rule Using Action rule you make sure that an allocation can take place when
the release check has failed. The assignments the ARun proposes can be kept with help of
the action rule, because the ARun would otherwise dismiss them due to the failed release

Action - Controls, whether the system reaction is given as information, termination,

warning or error (SAP recommends to use only E)
Level - Describes the level where the release check takes place. It could be header item
line item etc
Event The allocation run event is relevant if the release check has failed. You define the
permitted values for the allocation run event in Customizing. The allocation run event
can be determined internally by the system
Allocatable Qty - Controls whether the system should allocate available batch stock to
the requirement when the release check has failed
Allocation Final Action
Final Action

Independent of the release check result in ARun Final

action influences how the Allocatable and Open
quantities should be handled. The settings have
influence on the status determination
Allocation Menu
For configuration menu path: SPRO AFS Allocation Run
T-Code: J3AS
For Execution: J3AT (online processing)

Arun Optimizer
For configuration: SPRO AFS Allocation Run Arun Optimizer
Execution: J4AB
Thank You
Value Added Services (VAS)
Operation performed on materials, which enhances their value, worth,
functionality or usefulness to meet customers demands

SAP Consumer Products for Apparel & Footwear supports three classes of
value added services as below
Value Added Services (VAS)
Menu path for VAS settings
SPRO/Sales and Distribution/Basic Function/AFS value address services

Settings overview
Activate determination of VAS data in the customer master
Activate determination of VAS data for Sales orders
Menu SPRO/Sales and Dist/Sales/Sales document Header/ Maintain sales document for AFS

Activate determination of VAS data on item category

Menu - SPRO/Sales and Dist/Sales/Sales document Item/ Maintain Item category for AFS

Activate determination of VAS data on delivery type

Menu- SPRO/Logistic Execution/Shipping/Define Delivery types AFS specific

Activate determination of VAS data on delivery item category

Menu - SPRO/Logistic Execution/Shipping/Define Delivery item categories for AFS

Create VAS determination procedure & assign VAS determination procedure

Value added service - Configuration
Menu path for VAS settings
SPRO/Sales and Distribution/Basic Function/AFS value address services

VAS determination works on same principle as Pricing but lot simpler

Value added service - Configuration
Condition type

VAS condition type (VAST, MSO) is just a 4 char key with no settings

VAS determination procedure

Value Added Services (VAS)
Charge codes :
Customers must pay for requested value-added services and these are defined by charge
codes. You can define the price code according to the requirements of your company.
Also you can create charge codes per VAS-type
Charge codes can be defined independently for each sales org and distribution channel
The Charge Code is assigned to a VAS Condition record

SAP Pricing conditions for VAS Charge codes:

J3AB - calculation of an absolute surcharge
J3AC - calculation of a percentage-based surcharge

The pricing conditions need to be assigned to standard pricing procedure.

VAS condition type is VAST and maintained via J3A9

Value Added Services (VAS)
Condition record for J3AB for charge code

VAS condition record are maintained with respect

to VAS types
Value Added Services VAS
VAS types

Ticketing/Label type:
Grouping of similar Labeling possibilities eg Size stickers,
Box Labeling or price tags

Packing Types:
Group or combine equal packing possibilities eg large
box, Small box

Uniquely define each VAS type by assigning indicator

and short text
Value Added Services VAS
VAS Ticketing/Labeling type

VAS Ticketing/Labeling Text type

In the form of short

text you can maintain
information on
generally want to have
on your VAS Label
Value Added Services VAS
Packaging type
You combine equal packing
possibilities in packing type like
large boxes or frequently
requested packing procedure
example to pack delicate
articles separately

Mix indicator for packaging type

With mix indicator groups

you can further specify the
information you sent to your
warehouse using packing
Value Added Services VAS
Special service type

For customer requesting special services

example belts on trousers, special stitching
, Extra buttons etc
Value Added Services (VAS)
Condition record for J3AB for charge code

VAS condition record are maintained with respect

to VAS types
Thank You
Contract Management
Contract Management
Quantity Contracts are usually used in AFS industry
MRP is run based on the contracts and goods procured based on business
Sales orders (Call-offs) are created referencing contracts
Sales orders consume stocks from the contracts

A reference to an existing quantity contract in the incoming order via the IDoc
interface can only be automatically implemented when below enhancements
are used

Thank You

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