UNIT 2 Conditional

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Part 1

1. Discuss with a partner the following questions:

a) What are some important ethical issues at work?

b) What do you think of drinking at work?

2. Read the first part of the following case study Drinking in the
workplace and answer the questions below.

Drinking in the workplace

Branch, Inc. has been losing ground to its competitors in recent years. Concerned that substance
abuse may be responsible for much of Branch's decline, the company has just adopted a policy that
imposes sanctions on those employees found to be working under the influence of alcohol or illegal

John Crane and Andy Pullman have worked together in one of the engineering divisions of Branch
for several years. Frequently John has detected alcohol on Andy's breath when they were beginning work
in the morning and after work breaks during the day. But, until the new policy was announced it never
occurred to John that he should say anything to Andy about it, let alone tell anyone else about it. Andy's
work has always been first rate, and John is not the kind of person who feels comfortable discussing such
matters with others.

Two days before the announcement of the new alcohol and drug policy, Andy tells John that he is
being considered for the position of head of quality control. Although pleased at the prospect of Andy's
promotion, John wonders if Andy's drinking will get in the way of meeting his responsibilities. John worries
that, with additional job pressures, Andy's drinking problem will worsen.

II. Reading Comprehension Questions

a) Who is John Crane?


b) Who is Andy Pullman?


c) What kind of policy was recently implemented at the Branch? Why?


d) What is the main problem between Andy and John?


II. Grammar Questions: Use the second conditional or others possible

conditionals to answer these questions.

a) What would you do if you were John?


b) What would you do if you were Andy?


c) What would you do if you found out that people in your company is
drinking at the workplace?


d) What other strategies or policies would you implement?


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