Lesson Plan Slash and Dash 2017

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Grade: 9-12 Subject: Reading


Unit: Slash and Dash

Days: as needed until mastered

Author: Emiley Mattonen

Lesson Essential Question:

How does Slash and Dash help you become a better reader?


RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)

Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.
Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words.
Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes)

Lesson KUD

Know: Students will know that words Do:

are broken into syllables, Students will break words in to
syllables are broken into sounds, syllables and sounds. They will then
and sounds are represented by
represent each sound with a symbol
letters. Understand:
Students will understand that from the ITA chart.
each sound is represented by a
letter (or symbol) and that when
put together, they create words.
What student data are you using to plan and deliver your instruction?
Weekly progress monitoring data
Initial Names test and AAT-R assessment

Areas of student strength related to this lesson Areas of student need related to this lesson
standard standard
Students already have some decoding skills and are able Students need to improve the decoding skills they have in
to determine the number of syllables and sounds in the order to decode more rapidly and become more fluent
How will you provide feedback that How will students set and assess their learning
communicates this data to students? goals for this lesson?
Informal assessment and feedback as teacher Student will correctly assign symbols from the ITA chart to
circulates during the lesson. the sounds they hear.

How will you assess student performance during the lesson? (Formative assessment)
Informal assessments through teacher observation

How will students demonstrate mastery of the KUD? (Summative assessment)

Students will show mastery of Slash and Dash which will increase their fluency scores.

How does this link to past lessons in this class?

Decoding deficits were detected in previous lessons indicating a need for more focused phonemic instruction.

How does this link to future lessons in this class?

Lesson will be expanded and slash and dash skills will be used to create good phonetic equivalents and then correctly
spelled words. This can also be used as the beginning of root word study.
Common Curriculum Plan

Activities are: Teacher Led Studentindividual Student-Pairs Student-Large Group

Higher order thinking activities include:

Summarize Evaluate Synthesize Construct Compare and Contrast Deduce Infer


Describe Trace Support Explain Predict Apply Interpret

Instructional Strategies
Slash and Dash
activities and is not exhaustive.
Literacy Strategies Across the Content Areas
Independent decoding work
These are the strategies that ALL teachers can use, recognizing others may be used in addition.(Add list of strategies
Only those who need to improve decoding skills participate in slash and dash. Word difficulty increases as skills

Technology Integration
Technology is not used in this lesson.

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