Advanced Computer Networks

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Advanced Computer Networks



A literature review paper reviews and synthesizes the current understanding

of a particular topic. It is a very useful way to become up to date on the state
of knowledge and the research that has been done in a particular research
area. Writing a review paper is good practice for synthesizing and organizing
a lot of information into a concise product (i.e. a short written document).
Reviewing and summarizing the literature is a critical skill for successful
scientists. In particular, this skill is an important component of identifying
research questions and writing research proposals.

Steps to Follow

Every student have to select the topic from the below mention list to write
your paper. You should have clear understanding that information from the
internet will not be accepted until that information is not from the well
reputed journal/conference. You can check journal/conference ranking by
typing the ERA journals and Conferences Ranking.

There will be three main steps which will be involve in the paper writing and
each of them will be graded separately


Topic choice = You will be given a list of ~20 possible topics. You must rank
your top three choices from this list and turn it into me. I will then assign
topics to students based on their choices while avoiding excessive overlap
among students.

Paper outline and article summaries= Prior to writing the outline, you
will search the literature, and identify the articles that you will review. Using
these articles, you will: (1) write an outline of your paper; and write a
summary of the main points from each individual article and an explanation
of why you think each article will help address your topic. At this point, you
MUST have all of the citations that you are going to use for the paper (at
least 10 articles). Thus, you must have planned on doing most of your
literature searching and journal article reading BEFORE this assignment is

Features of this assignment:

Your paper title: Provide a title for the paper (it can be slightly different
from the titles that I provided and should reflect the content of your paper)

You paper objectives: In one paragraph, clearly state your objectives of

the paper and give a brief description of the topics to be covered.

Paper outline: Provide the overall outline of the paper including the
subheadings that you will use. Please read over your paper assignment for
an idea of the final paper. In addition, you need to provide the citations that
you will cite in each paragraph (see example on the next page).

Summaries of the articles that you will use for your paper: For each of your
articles, please answer the following questions:

Article #1: Write out the full journal citation here

What were the main research questions/objectives of this paper?

What were the main results/answers to the above questions?

Why is this paper relevant to your overall topic?

Etc for all 10 (or more) citations that you will use.

Final paper = I will assume that you have revised and edited your paper
already yourself several times! This SHOULD NOT BE A FIRST DRAFT. I also
encourage you to ask a friend/ classmate to read over your paper and give
you feedback before you turn it in (see format below). The final paper should
be 6-7 double spaced text pages 3500/4000 word written in latex.

Paper Outline
You can download Latex Paper template from


) Topics due: 09 May 2017

- Topics assigned 11 MAY 2017

(2 Paper outlines and article

) summaries due: 18 MAY 2017

- returned to you 21 MAY 2017

) Final paper due: 17 June 2017

- returned to you 21 June 2017

. Note: Deliverables via Email to [email protected] by

mentioning subject as ACN+ROLLNO+TOPIC

1 Energy Efficiency in Cloud RAN
2 Joint Signal in Cloud RAN
3 Cooperative Transmission in Cloud RAN
4 Cognitive Radio Networks Spectrum Sensing
5 Cognitive Radio Networks Spectrum Management
6 Cognitive Radio Networks Spectrum Mobility
7 Cognitive Radio Networks Spectrum Sharing
8 Game Theory for resource allocation for Cloud Computing
9 Dynamic resource allocation for cloud computing
10 Vechile Routing and Scheduling in Logistic Management
11 Optimal Routing and Scheduling in Transportation using Genetic
12 Green Routing and Scheduling in City logistic Management
13 Fault-Tolerant Network Structure for Data Centers
14 Virtual ID base Routing
15 Scalable Routing for future Internet
16 Networks for Big Data
17 D2D and M2M communication in 5G
18 Traffic-Aware Resource Allocation in 5G
19 NarrowBand IOT in 5G
20 Integrated heterogeneous networks & Ultra-dense networks in 5G
21 Indoor mmWave access technology in 5G

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