Rubric Class Task 3 Performance-Level 6

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Name ___________________________________________________Code _________________________Group___________________

Grade: 5 Score: 4 Score: 3 Score: 2 Score: 1
The group presents a The group presents a The group presents a The group presents an The group does not
TASK FULFILLMENT structured video that structured video that video that contains unrehearsed video that present a video or the
fulfils all the requirements: contains most of the some of the contains few of the video includes none of
15% All students talk. requirements. requirements. requirements. the requirements.
Speaking time of all
students is well balanced. The information The information The information rarely The information does
Audible and clear sound. usually follows a sometimes follows a follows a logical not follow a logical
Length between 3 and logical sequence. logical sequence. sequence. sequence.
five minutes.
Level of expertise in a
specific subject/topic.
Material related to the
field (for example food).

The information always

follows a logical sequence.
Opening, body and closing.
0.75 0.6 0.45 0.3 0.15
You demonstrate full You do not show You show some You show lack of You have no
PRESENTATIONAL confidence and enough confidence understanding of the confidence towards the confidence or
SKILLS knowledge of the topic when presenting. Some topic presented yet presented topic. Reading knowledge towards the
presented by using note checking which steady looking at while presenting affects presented topic.
20% appropriate body affects somehow the notes. Some descriptive your message. Speaking Reading was frequent
language, vocal cues, message transmission. gestures are made. your is unclear or too low. or evident .
gestures, etc. voice is rather clear. The ideas were
Audience is Audience is rarely presented in an isolated
The use of materials and sufficiently/often Audience is sometimes engaged when you /disconnected way
language to show engaged with your engaged when you talked.
enthusiasm were always presentation talked. You mumble or speak
evident. The use of visuals and too low for the audience
The use of visuals and The use of visuals and language to show to hear you.
The interaction among your language to show language to show enthusiasm were rarely
partners contains a variety enthusiasm were enthusiasm were evident. The use of visual aids
of transitional phrases and usually evident. sometimes evident. and body language to
they are used accurately. The conversation show enthusiasm were
The interaction among The conversation between you and your not evident.
Interaction among students your partners contains between you and your team members contains
(questions, answers) was some transitional team members contains ineffective use of The conversation
clearly noticed. phrases and they are fair transitional phrases transitional phrases. between you and your
used in a rather that are sometimes team member does not
accurate effectively used. contain transitional
way. phrases.
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
You use a great variety of You use a variety of You use adequate You use mostly basic You use basic and
VOCABULARY vocabulary for the topic vocabulary for the topic vocabulary for the topic vocabulary. If you use repetitive vocabulary
accurately You make accurate but you did not include new expressions, they mostly in an accurate
25% word choice. any new complex word. are generally used in an way.
You make consistent word You make fair word incorrect way.
choice. choice. You use words
You use words mostly inaccurately.
in an inaccurate
1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25
You use a great range of You use some simple You use simple Your simple and /or You use simple faulty
GRAMMAR simple and complex and complex structures adequately complex structures are simple structures that
structures including structures accurately. and attempt to use faulty and many of interfere with meaning.
25% grammatical forms studied complex grammar. them interfere with
during the semester Mistakes do not meaning.
(modals verbs of interfere with the main
speculation, passive voice, ideas of your message.
should have, could have,
reported speech and /or
1.5 1 0.75 0.5 0.25
Your speech shows a high Your speech shows Your speech shows Your speech shows Your mispronounce
PRONUNCIATION level of pronunciation. accurate proper pronunciation inaccurate individual sounds often
AND FLUENCY pronunciation. occasionally. pronunciation most of causing
You sound natural with the time. misunderstanding.
15% normal hesitations, clear You sound natural You deliver a clear
intonation and pitch. with some hesitation. speech despite some You deliver a speech with You deliver a speech with
hesitation. some distortion and several interruptions.
frequent hesitation.

0.75 0.6 0.45 0.3 0.15

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