303 - Rubric For Final Speech

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303 - Rubric for Final Speech

Speaker: _______________________ Topic/Theme: ____________________

Excellent - 5 pts Very Good/Good Fair /Satisfactory - Poor - 2 pts Needs major
- 4 pts 3 pts improvement - 1 pt

CONTENTS OF Introduction Introduction Introduction present No clear main

SPEECH: clearly expresses expresses main but weak. Contents idea/purpose Nothing present that
main idea/ idea/purpose. organized though not expressed. Speech resembled an
(INTRODUCTION/ purpose. Contents Contents organized throughout and lacks organization introduction. Contents
BODY/ well-organized and included some included few and had almost no disorganized
CONCLUSION) and included solid supporting details. supporting details. supporting details. throughout with no
supporting details. Conclusion Concluding Concluding concrete supporting
Conclusion summarized the comments present comments barely details. No conclusion.
effectively main points and but were limited and there.
summarized main left audience with did not leave
points and something to think audience with
left audience with about. something to think
something to think about.
about and

USE OF Contents Contents Contents articulated Articulation of Contents not conveyed

LANGUAGE: articulated and articulated and and conveyed with contents difficult to in an understandable
conveyed in a conveyed in an errors in grammar understand. way.
(GRAMMAR & clearly understandable structures creating Basic grammar not No appropriate
VOCABULARY) understandable way. sporadic lack of level appropriate. grammar structures
way. Language used understanding. Almost no class used.
Language well- with some Limited class vocabulary integrated. No class vocabulary
used and with ‘at complexity of vocabulary integrated.
level’ complexity grammar integrated.
of grammar structures.
structures. Class Class vocabulary
vocabulary well- integrated.

PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation Pronunciation clear Pronunciation fairly Pronunciation poor Pronunciation not
clearly understood almost throughout understood and at and needed further understandable and
without need for without need for times needed further clarification. needed consistent
further further clarification. further clarification.
clarification. clarification.

Preparation, Preparation, Some preparation Poorly prepared Lack of preparation

DEMONSTRATION knowledge of knowledge of and knowledge of without evidence of obvious. Just read the
OF BEING material, and material, and material previous practice. Just entire speech. Time
PREPARED practice clearly practice demonstrated, but read most of the limit not met.
demonstrated. demonstrated. lack of practice speech. Time limit Guidelines not
Effectively and Time limit met. evidenced. Within not met. Guidelines followed.
appropriately met Guidelines time limit. barely followed.
the time limit. followed. Guidelines not
Guidelines completely followed.
well followed.
Spoke with a Spoke with a Spoke with some Spoke with poor No connection to
CONNECTION TO dynamic that dynamic that connection to the connection to the audience demonstrated.
AUDIENCE, engaged and kept connected to and audience, but didn’t audience. Volume Volume and/or rate of
DYNAMIC OF the attention of kept the audience’s keep the audience’s and/or rate of speech speech inappropriate.
DELIVERY the audience. attention most of attention. Volume inappropriate at
Volume and rate the time. Volume and/or rate of speech times.
of speech and/or rate of appropriate.
excellent. speech appropriate.

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