1st Year Economics Important Questions

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The document covers a wide range of concepts in both microeconomics and macroeconomics that are important for economics exams, including laws, theories, and analysis related to consumers, markets, production, distribution, and national income.

Some of the main concepts covered include demand and supply analysis, elasticity, market structures like perfect competition and monopoly, factors of production and distribution of income, national income accounting, macroeconomic theories of employment and growth.

Important microeconomics concepts discussed include laws of demand and supply, elasticity, consumer choice theory, production and cost analysis, market structures like perfect competition and monopoly, and theories of factor pricing and income distribution.


Jr. Inter Economics Imp Questions
(Including II Semester also)
10 Marks Questions : (5 Questions)
1. Explain law of Diminishing Marginal Utility? What are its limitations?
(Mar.2011, May.2011, Mar.12, March-2013, May-13, March-2015)
2. Explain law of Equi Marginal Utility? (June-2010)
3. Explain the different forms of Price Elasticity of Demand. (May.2011)
4. Explain various methods of measurement (computation) of National Income?
(March-2011, May-2011, Mar.2012, May.2012, May-2013, March-2015)

5. Describe the Internal and External Economies ?
6. Critically examine the law of variable proportions ?

(March-2011, May-2011, May 2012, May-13, March-2015)
7. Explain the law of returns to scale? (March-2012, March-2013)

8. Explain the classifications of Markets? (March-2012)
9. What is perfect Market? Explain how Price is determined under Perfect Market ?

(March-2011, May.2012, March-2013)

10. What is Monopoly? Explain how price determination under Monopoly.
11. Explain the Keynesion theory of Employment ? (or) Effective Demand ?
(March-2011, May.2012, March-2013, May-13, March-2015)
5 Marks Questions :

Introduction (2 Questions)
1. Distinguish between 'Micro' and 'Macro' Economics. (March-2015)

2. Explain the Robbin's definition of Economics.


3. What are the methods of the Economic Investigation? (March-2010)

4. Explain the characteristic features of Human Wants? (May-2011)

5. Explain different types of goods.

6. What is Utility? Explain various types of Utility? (June-2010, May-2012, March-2013)

Theory Of Consumer Behaviour (1 Question)


7. Explain Cardinal Utility, Ordinal Utility, Marginal Utility and Total Utility. (May.2011)

8. Explain the properties of Indifference Curves?

(March-2011, May-2011, March.2012, May.2012, March-2013, March-2015)

9. What is an Indifference Curve? What are its assumptions?

Demand Analysis (2 Questions)
10. Explain the factors that determine Demand? (March-2010, March.2012, May.2012)
11. Explain Law of Demand and exceptions to the Law of Demand? (May-2013, Mar.-2015)
12. Why does a Demand curve has a negative slope? (March-2010, March-2013, May-13)
13. What are the factors determining Elasticity of Demand? (March-2011)


14. Explain the importance of Elasticity of Demand. (March - 2013) www.sakshieducation.com

15. Describe Income and Cross Elasticity of Demand.
National Income (1 Question)
16. What is National Income? Explain various components of National Income? (Jun.2010)
17. What are the factors that determine National Income ? (March-2010)
18. Explain any three definitions of National Income.
Market Analysis
19. Explain the characteristic features of Perfect Competition? (June-2010)
20. Characteristic features of monopolistic competition.
21. Compare Perfect Competition and Monopoly.
Theory Of Distribution (1 Question)
22. What are the factors that determine the factor prices.
23. Explain the Ricardian theory of Economic Rent?
(Why does rent arise according to Ricardo) March-2012, May2012)
24. Explain the factors determing Real Wages? (Jun-2010, Mar.-11, May-11, Mar.13, May.13)
Macro Economic Concepts (2 Questions)
25. Discuss the assumptions of classical theory of Full Employment? (Mar.2011, May-2011) (Say's
Law of Market)
26. Explain the various sources of Public Revenue?
(Mar-2011, Mar.12, May.12, March-2013, May-13, March-2015)
27. What are the various methods of Debt. redumption? (May-2011, May.2012, May-2013)
28. "Supply creates its own demand". Comment on the statement. (May-2011, March-2015)
29. List out various items of Public Expenditure.
Money, Banking And Inflation (2 Questions)
30. Explain the difficulties of Barter System.
31. Explain the functions of Money ? (Mar.-11, May-2011, Mar.2012, May. 2012, Mar.-13)
32. Explain various kinds of deposits accepted by Commercial Banks? (June-2010)
33. Explain various kinds of loans paid by Commercial Banks? (March-2010)
34. Mention various types of Inflations? (May-2011, March-2012, May-2012, March-2015)
35. What is Inflation? What are its Economic effects ? (May-2013)
36. Explain various measures to control Inflation? (June-2010, March-2013)
37. Define the causes of Inflation.
38. State any three major functions of Central Bank.
Economic Statistics (1 Question)
39. What is the relationship between Economics and Statistics? (March-2015)
40. Describe Lorenz Curve.
41. Explain simple and sub-divided bar diagrams with examples.


2 Marks Questions : www.sakshieducation.com

Introduction (2 Questions)
1. Micro Economics (Mar.2010, Jun.2010)
2. Macro Economics (Mar.2011, Jun.2011, Mar.12, May-2013)
3. Deductive Method 4. Inductive Method
5. Positive and Normative Economics 6. Free and Economic goods
7. Consumer goods 8. Capital Goods (March-2015)
9. Wealth concept 10. Value concept
11. Economic Statistics 12. Economic dynamics
13. Problems of an economy 14. Intermediary goods
Theory Of Consumer Behaviour (1 Question)
15. Cardinal Utility (Mar.2011, Mar.12, March-2013)
16. Oridinal Utility (Mar.10, Mar.-2012, May.12, May-13)
17. Marginal Utility (Jun.2011)
18. Budget Line (or) Price Line (Mar.2011, Jun.2011, Mar-2015)
19. Indifference curve 20. Marginal Rate of Substitution
Demand Analysis (2 Questions)
21. Individual Demand Schedule 22. Market demand schedule
23. Demand Function 24. Giffens Paradox (or) Giffens Goods
25. Veblen Goods (or) Prestigious Goods 26. Income Demand
27. Cross demand 28. Substitute goods
29. Complementary goods 30. Cross Elasticity of Demand.
Production Analysis (1 Question)
31. Characteristics of Land 32. Division of Labour
33. Production Function (May-2013) 34. Marginal Product and Average Product
35. Law of Supply (March-2015) 36. Supply schedule and supply curve
37. Supply function 38. Money costs
39. AC and MC relationship 40. AR and MR in perfect competition
41. AR and MR in Monopoly
Market Analysis (2 Questions)
42. What is Market? (Jun.2011) 43. Time based Markets
44. Area based Markets 45. Competition based Markets
46. Perfect competition 47. Monopoly (March-2015)
48. Monopolistic Competition (May-2013) 49. Oligopoly (March-2013)
50. Duopoly (March-2010, May-2013) 51. Equilibrium Price (Jun.2010, Mar.12)
52. Product differentiation 53. Selling costs


Theory Of Distribution (2 Questions) www.sakshieducation.com

54. Contract Rent 55. Economic Rent

56. Scarcity Rent (March-2015)
57. Quasi Rent (Mar.10, Jun.10, Mar.11, Jun.11, Mar.12, May.12, March-2013, May-2013)
59.Money Wages (Mar.-2010, May.12, May-
58. Transfer Earnings 2013)
60. Real Wages (March-2015) 61. Gross Interest
62. Net Interest (Mar.2011) 63. Gross Profit (March-2013)
64. Net Profit (March-2013) 65. Risk theory
66. Uncertainty theory
National Income Analysis (1 Question)
67. GNP (Mar.12, May.12, March-2013, March-2015)
68. GNP at factor cost 69. GDP
70. NNP at factor cost 71. Percapita Income(Mar.2013, May.2013)
72. C + I + G + (X - M)
Macro Economic Analysis (2 Questions)

73. Say's Law of Markets (Jun.2010) 74. Full Employment (March.2012)

75. Aggregate Demand Function 76. Effective Demand (Jun.2011, 2015)
77. Deficit Budget (Mar.10, Jun.20, Mar.11, May.12, Mar-2013, May-2013)
78. Fiscal Deficit (March-2015) 79. Primary Deficit
80. Finance commission 81. Federal finance
82. Wage-cut policy
Money - Banking - Inflation (4 Questions)
83. Barter System 84. Near Money (Jun.2011, May-2013)
85. Over Draft (Mar.2011, Jun.2011, Mar.12, March.2013, May.2013, March-2015)
86. Components of money supply 87. Savings deposits
88. Time deposits 89. Recurring Deposits (Mar-11, Mar-13)
90. Discunting of bills of exchange 91. Net Banking
92. Objectives of central Bank 93. Note Issue
94. Clearance house 95. Cost-push and demand-pull inflation

Basic Statistics For Economics (3 Questions)

96. What is a Pie diagram? (March-2015) 97. Explain uses of sub-divided diagrams.
98. Explain the concept of mode. 99. What is dispersion?
100. Explain the utility of coefficient of variation.
101. Arithmetic Mean 102. Median
103. Mode 104. Curve


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