REUSE AREA FB Design Description
REUSE AREA FB Design Description
REUSE AREA FB Design Description
Doc. kind Design Description Project Q000083 ATPA/AKU
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Conformity with requirement specifications............................................................ 4
1.2 Definitions and abbreviations................................................................................. 5
1.3 Deviation from NORSOK....................................................................................... 5
1.4 Function Block Schematic ..................................................................................... 6
1.5 Characteristics....................................................................................................... 8
1.6 HSI_AREA data type definition............................................................................ 11
1.7 ISW data type definition....................................................................................... 12
1.8 OVERVIEW data type definition .......................................................................... 13
1.9 MANUAL data type definition............................................................................... 14
1.10 HVAC data type definition ................................................................................... 15
1.11 DELUGE data type definition............................................................................... 16
1.12 WATERMIST data type definition ........................................................................ 17
1.13 BLOCKING data type definition ........................................................................... 18
2. Function Block Terminals ..................................................................................... 19
2.1 Input signals ........................................................................................................ 19
2.2 Output signals ..................................................................................................... 25
3. Logic diagram ........................................................................................................ 27
4. Safety Functions .................................................................................................... 29
4.1.1 Safety Functions Overview ............................................................................. 29
4.1.2 FUN-S-01: Fire Action alarmHH...................................................................... 32
4.1.3 FUN-S-02: Fire Confirmed Alarm .................................................................... 32
4.1.4 FUN-S-03: Gas Action Alarm HH .................................................................... 33
4.1.5 FUN-S-04: Gas Confirmed Alarm.................................................................... 33
4.1.6 FUN-S-05: Single manual fire alarm ............................................................... 34
4.1.7 FUN-S-06: Block on fire .................................................................................. 34
4.1.8 FUN-S-07: Block off fire .................................................................................. 35
4.1.9 FUN-S-08: Block on Gas ................................................................................ 35
4.1.10 FUN-S-09: Block off Gas ................................................................................ 35
4.1.11 FUN-S-10: DeBlock Input/Output .................................................................... 36
4.1.12 FUN-S-11: Manual Release Order. ................................................................. 36
4.1.13 FUN-S-12: Fire Warning Alarm H.................................................................... 37
4.1.14 FUN-S-13: Gas Warning Alarm H ................................................................... 37
5. CPU load and memory requirement ..................................................................... 38
6. Location and access in Advant Control Builder .................................................. 38
7. References ............................................................................................................. 39
8. Revision.................................................................................................................. 40
Appendix ASafety IO Interface Description................................................................. 41
A.1 ISWF.Forward.ActionAlarmHH / ISWF2.Forward.ActionAlarmHH ....................... 42
A.2 FAHH / FAHH2.................................................................................................... 42
A.3 ISWF.Forward.ConfirmedAlarm / ISWF2.Forward.ConfirmedAlarm..................... 43
A.4 FAHHX / FAHHX2 ............................................................................................... 43
A.5 FAC / FAC2......................................................................................................... 44
1. Introduction
AREA HSI control and monitoring function block for each fire area.
The AREA function block is intended for control and monitoring of one single fire area by means
of fire and gas detection, protection system and suppress/block information at the fire area detail
display as well as trip signals for downstream logic. The AREA function block is handling the
reset functionality within the fire area and the F&G system.
For SIL implementation details see ref. /3/.
For more details about Alarms & Events for this block, see ref /4/.
Abbreviations Descriptions
CB Control Builder
F&G Fire and Gas
FB Function Block
HSI Human System Interface
EDMS Electronic Document Management System for
handling and saving different document revisions
Table 1.1 Abbreviations
AREA Outputs
Logic Logic
Fire area reset RX FWH Single fire warning
Single fire alarm, binary, only for fire FA FWH2 Single fire warning
Single gas alarm, binary, only for gas GA FAHH Single fire alarm
Wind direction, highest value gas WD FAHH2 Single fire alarm
measurement function
Reset highest value detected, gas RHV FAC Confirmed fire alarm
measurement function
Reset Blocked Mode (Common RB FAC2 Confirmed fire alarm
GWH Single gas warning
GWH2 Single gas warning
GWH3 Single gas warning
GAHH Single gas alarm
GAHH2 Single gas alarm
GAHH3 Single gas alarm
GAC Confirmed gas alarm
GAC2 Confirmed gas alarm
GAC3 Confirmed gas alarm
FAM Single manual fire alarm
FAQ Unacknowledged fire alarm (warning)
GAQ Unacknowledged gas alarm
BBX Fire area common de-block function
MAN Manual release
Others Others
Interconnection status word fire ISWF ISWF Interconnection status word fire
Interconnection status word fire ISWF2 ISWF2 Interconnection status word fire
Interconnection status word gas ISWG ISWG Interconnection status word gas
Interconnection status word gas ISWG2 ISWG2 Interconnection status word gas
Interconnection status word gas ISWG3 ISWG3 Interconnection status word gas
Interconnection status word manual ISWM ISWM Interconnection status word manual
fire alarm fire alarm
HVAC interconnection word HVAC HVAC HVAC interconnection word
DELUGE interconnection word DELUGE DELUGE DELUGE interconnection word
WATERMIST interconnection word WATERMIST WATERMIST WATERMIST interconnection word
BLOCKING interconnection word BLOCKING BLOCKING BLOCKING interconnection word
MANUAL interconnection word MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL interconnection word
MANUALX interconnection word MANUALX MANUALX MANUALX interconnection word
OVERVIEW OVERVIEW fire area status word
Used for HSI command and HSI HSI Used for HSI command and
presentation presentation
Node PNode
ParError Parameter range error
RevNumber Revision number
1.5 Characteristics
The F&G function blocks are interconnected as shown in the figure below:
HVAC GM-77-0020A
BM-70-1101CAA US-73-0001
The AREA function block will interface all the other F&G function blocks, with the exception of the
OB function block. This will be via a structured connection of a defined data type passing
information to and collecting information from the AREA function block. The AREA function block
will interface the operator on fire area level.
Operator interface (HSI) is described in detail in document, refer to /1/. Event parameterization is
configured while the function block instance is inserted into the application program. Events can
be disabled/enabled by means of setting the correct value on the parameter enabling HSI
command event PDE. Please read chapter 2 Function Block Terminals for more information.
The function block is generating events for the HSI-commands: block (fire), block (gas) and de-
block (area).
The AREA function block has alarm handling for confirmed alarms. The alarm handling can be
enabled/disabled by means of setting the correct value on the parameter enable confirmed alarm
PDA. If the alarm is enabled then the AREA block will generate an alarm if there is a confirmed
fire or confirmed gas alarm. Notice that a confirmed alarm will also be generated as Alarm HH in
the detector function blocks (MA_FG, MB_FG etc.).
Fire and gas detection status will be collected and supervised by the AREA function block.
Connection to the input function blocks is done via a structured variable of ISW data type, defined
in the application. This is a two-way communication passing information to and from the AREA
function block. Connecting several detectors to the AREA function block is done by using the
OR/VOTE modules in REUSEfgCommon library.
The ISW data type definition is given in section 1.6 in this document. The status positions within
the structured variable will be equal for all types of detectors. Each detector will update the
structured variable, which by the end of the cycle will contain the complete fire or gas fire area
status. The AREA function block will read the status before the structured variable is updated
prior to the next cycle.
The AREA function block is handling situations where there are different fire or gas voting
groups. It is possible to handle two fire voting groups and three gas voting groups.
The AREA function block is producing trip signals for downstream logic, by means of the outputs
single fire alarm FAHH, confirmed fire alarm FAC, single gas alarm GAHH, confirmed gas alarm
GAC, etcetera.
The input/output HVAC interconnection word HVAC, DELUGE interconnection word DELUGE,
WATERMIST interconnection word WATERMIST is collecting information from the corresponding
function blocks for monitoring of status of the protection system. The input/output BLOCKING
interconnection word BLOCKING is collecting information from the BLOCKING function block for
monitoring of global output block status. This information will be passed on to the OVERVIEW
function block for presentation at module and platform level via the output OVERVIEW fire area
status word OVERVIEW.
The AREA function block is handling the reset functionality within the fire area. The operator will
be interfaced with the reset functionality in the AREA faceplate.
The AREA function block has functionality for area block/de-block of fire and gas detectors,
handled separately. It is possible with one common de-block within the fire area. This de-block is
possible from operator station and from the logic. The parameter RB can be used to set de-block
from logic. That means de-blocking of input detectors (fire and gas), local outputs and trip signals
to global outputs. NOTE: de-block will reset all blocking, suppression and forcing within the fire
The input/output terminal manual release protection system MANUAL is for an AREA
interconnection with the MB_FG and MM_FG function block. This is for manual release of water
protection system and presentation of manual release at module and platform level at the
location from where the protection system has been initiated. The output terminal manual release
MAN is for downstream logic and activation.
The de-block button on the AREA faceplate or parameter RB are used for resetting of all block,
force and suppress of the input and output function blocks.
ManualReleaseOrder in Xn.DELUGE and Xn.WATERMIST and ResetOutput and DeBlockOutput
Y.WATERMIST, and Y.BLOCKING components are not implemented in the logic. This CMT are
only sending signals in the Forward direction.
Action trigging outputs approved for safety critical action (SIL) are rendered in Appendix A.
8 Suppress bool
9 Force bool
10 StatusFaultAlarm bool
11 UnackSignalAlarm bool
12 UnackFaultAlarm bool
13 AlarmCounterHH int
14 AlarmCounterWH int
15 AlarmCounterAHH int
16 FeedbackPressure real
17 Connected bool
18 BlockOnInput bool
19 BlockOffInput bool
20 DeBlockInput bool
21 ResetInput bool
22 WindDirection real
23 ResetHighestValue bool
24 Connected bool
Table 1.3 ISW data type definition
3. Logic diagram
HSI DeblockArea 1 BBX
HVAC. DeBlockOutput
DELUGE .DeBlockOutput
HVAC HVAC.ResetOutput
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MANX
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
& 1 FAC
& 1 FAC2
& 1 GAC
& 1
& 1 GAC3
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1514 1312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FAHH2
24 23 22 2120 19 18 17 16 1514 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
24 23 22 2120 19 18 1716 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GAHH2
24 23 22 21 20 1918 17 1615 14 1312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISWG2
24 23 22 21 20 1918 17 1615 14 1312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
24 23 22 2120 19 18 1716 1514 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Note: Parameterization of action trip signals is not shown. Use diagram together with datatype definitions to understand the drawing method herein.
Also the communication between HSI and the ISW datatype is rendered in figure 3.2.
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 3.1 Communication between HSI and the ISW data type
4. Safety Functions
ISWG2.Forward.ActionAlarmHH /
or Single Fire Alarm External (GAHHX
The load and execution time increases linear with the number of instances. Please note that the
first instance requires more memory than other instances.
LTot = L1 * n
MTot = M1 + Mn * n
LTot = Total load requirement.
L1 = Load requirement on first instance.
MTot = Total memory requirement.
M1 = Memory requirement on first instance.
Mn = Memory requirement other instances.
N = Number of instances.
7. References
8. Revision
The revision handling is described in detail in document Q000083-SW-GL-0004.
The following parameters/functions are affecting the safety outputs. Only these
inputs and outputs can be used in the Safety loop.
1. Description:
ISWF() is connected to the ISWA, ISWB or ISWL parameter on the MA_FG, MB_FG or MM_FG
function blocks. When a fire action alarm with high high priority is generated on either of the fore
mentioned blocks, ISWF().ActionAlarmHH = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
These are single fire alarms that generate trip signals for downstream logic. When an action
alarm is generated (ISWF().ActionAlarmHH), FAHH() = true.
2. Properties:
3. Limit: na
4. Range: na
5. Write permission: Administrate
6. Last / safe value: na
1. Description:
ISWF() is connected to the ISWA, ISWB or ISWL parameter on the MA_FG, MB_FG or MM_FG
function blocks. When a confirmed fire alarm is generated on either of the fore mentioned blocks,
ISWF().ConfirmedAlarm = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
This parameter is connected to input from other fire area. When there is an external alarm from
other fire area FAHHX / FAHHX2 = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
This is the confirmed alarm output. If there is a confirmed fire alarm in this fire area
(ISWF().ConfirmedAlarm), a trip signal for downstream logic is produced by means of FAC or
FAC2. This is also produced if there is a fire alarm in a connected fire area (FAHHX / FAHHX2)
and a single fire alarm in this fire area (ISWF().ActionAlarmHH).
2. Properties:
1. Description:
ISWG() is connected to the ISWA, ISWB or ISWL parameter on the MA_FG, MB_FG or MM_FG
function blocks. When an action alarm with high high priority is generated on either of the fore
mentioned blocks, ISWG().ActionAlarmHH = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
These are single gas alarms that generate trip signals for downstream logic. When an action
alarm is generated (ISWG().ActionAlarmHH), GAHH() = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
ISWG() is connected to the ISWA, ISWB or ISWL parameter on the MA_FG, MB_FG or MM_FG
function blocks. When a confirmed alarm generated on either of the fore mentioned blocks,
ISWG().ConfirmedAlarm = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
This parameter is connected to input from other gas areas. When there is an external alarm from
other gas areas GAHHX / GAHHX2 / GAHHX3 = true.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
These are confirmed gas alarms that generate trip signals for downstream logic. If there is a
confirmed gas alarm from MA_FG, MB_FG or MM_FG (ISWG().ConfirmedAlarm), AREA
generates a confirmed gas alarm (GAHH()). This is also generated if there is a confirmed gas
alarm from a connected gas area (GAHHX()) and there is a single gas alarm in this gas area
2. Properties:
A.11 ISWM.Forward.ActionAlarmHH
1. Description:
2. Properties:
A.12 FAM
1. Description:
FAM is a single manual action fire alarm output. It is directly set by activating a manual action
alarm on one of the connected MB_FGs or MM_FGs (ISWM.Forward.ActionAlarmHH).
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Commands block on fire (HSI.BlockOnFire) and off fire (HSI.BlockOffFire) from faceplate.
Commands are reset next cycle in CMT i.e. pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
If AREA receives a block on fire from faceplate (HSI.BlockOnFire), block on inputs is sent to the
connected MA_FG, MB_FG and MM_FG (ISWF.Backward.BlockOnInput / ISWF2/ ISWM.).
The block on input is reset next cycle.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
If AREA receives a block off fire from faceplate (HSI.BlockOffFire), block off input is sent to the
connected MA_FG, MB_FG and MM_FG (ISWF.Backward.BlockOffInput / ISWF2/ ISWM.).
The block off input is reset next cycle.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Commands block on fire (HSI.BlockOnGas) and off fire (HSI.BlockOffGas) from faceplate.
Commands are reset next cycle in CMT i.e. pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
If AREA receives a block on gas from faceplate (HSI.BlockOnGas), block on inputs is sent to the
connected MA_FG, MB_FG and MM_FG (ISWG().BlockOnInput). The block on input is reset
next cycle.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
If AREA receives a block off gas from faceplate (HSI.BlockOffGas), block off input is sent to the
connected MA_FG, MB_FG and MM_FG (ISWG().BlockOffInput). The block off input is reset
next cycle.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
The parameter RB is commanding a common de-block from the logic and HSI.DeBlockArea is
commanding a common de-block from the operator faceplate. The de-block affects all modules
BLOCKING, HVAC, DELUGE, and WATERMIST parameters. HSI.DeBlockArea is reset next
cycle in CMT i.e. pulsed command.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Sends de-block output to control modules connected via the BLOCKING, HVAC, DELUGE,
WATERMIST parameters. It is set from faceplate (HSI.DeBlockArea), which is reset next cycle,
i.e. BLOCKING.DeBlockOutput, HVAC.DeBlockOutput, DELUGE.DeBlockOutput,
WATERMIST.DeBlockOutput are pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Sends de-block input to control modules connected via the ISWF/ISWF2/ISWM parameter. It is
set from faceplate (HSI.DeBlockArea), which is reset next cycle, i.e. they are pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Sends de-block input to control modules connected via the ISWG/ISWG2/ISWG3 parameter. It is
set from faceplate (HSI.DeBlockArea), which is reset next cycle, i.e. they are pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
Sends de-block input to control modules connected via the MANUAL / MANUALX parameter. It is
set from faceplate (HSI.DeBlockArea), which is reset next cycle, i.e. they are pulsed commands.
2. Properties:
A.24 BBX
1. Description:
1. Description:
This is an interconnection with the MB_FG or MM_FG function block. It is for manual release of
water protection system and presentation of manual release at module and platform level at the
location from where the protection system has been initiated.
2. Properties:
1. Description:
This is a manual release to an internal (MAN) or an external (MANX) area. It is used for
downstream logic and activation of water protection system in this fire area. It is activated when
MANUAL(). ActionAlarmHH is set to true.
2. Properties: