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800xA Smart Client

User Guide
Version 2.2 Revision C

Power and productivity

for a better world
800xA Smart Client
User Guide

Version 2.2 Revision C

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a
description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to
the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a
standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine
the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.

ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intel-
lectual property in the ABB products described in this document.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-
ware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This
product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respec-
tive owners.

Copyright © 2003-2014 by ABB.

All rights reserved.

Release: April 2014

Document number: 2PAA106886-510 E
Table of Contents

About This User Manual

General ............................................................................................................................11
User Manual Conventions ...............................................................................................11
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons................................................................11
Released User Manuals and Release Notes.....................................................................15

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Configuring Smart Client Displays

Introduction .....................................................................................................................19
Operations on a Workplace..............................................................................................21
Creating a Workplace ...........................................................................................21
Editing Operations on a Workplace .....................................................................22
Setting the Workplace Access Rights...................................................................23
Operations on a Panel ......................................................................................................24
Creating a Panel ...................................................................................................24
Editing Operations on a Panel..............................................................................25
Setting the Panel Access Rights ...........................................................................26
Standard Toolbar..............................................................................................................27
Workplace Browser ..............................................................................................27
Panel Browser.......................................................................................................27
Control Toolbox ...................................................................................................28
Control List ..........................................................................................................29
Control Properties ................................................................................................30
Property Browser..................................................................................................31

2PAA106886-510 E 5
Table of Contents

Symbol Library .................................................................................................... 32

Trend ............................................................................................................ 33
Event List ............................................................................................................ 33
Tag Ticker ............................................................................................................ 33
800xA Trend Browser.......................................................................................... 33
800xA Graphic Browser ...................................................................................... 33
Undo ............................................................................................................ 33
Cut ............................................................................................................ 34
Copy ............................................................................................................ 34
Paste ............................................................................................................ 34
Delete ............................................................................................................ 34
Status Bar ........................................................................................................................ 34
Docking Support ............................................................................................................. 35

Section 3 - Graphic Control Configuration

Adding a Control to a Panel ............................................................................................ 38
Properties Window .......................................................................................................... 39
Configuring Object Information for Controls...................................................... 40
Search Functionality in the Property Browser ..................................................... 42
Editing Operations on Controls....................................................................................... 45
Manipulation Operation ....................................................................................... 45
Grouping and Ungrouping ................................................................................... 46
Aligning Controls ................................................................................................ 47
Rearranging Control View Order......................................................................... 47

Section 4 - 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser

Using 800xA Trends ....................................................................................................... 49
Using 800xA Graphics .................................................................................................... 51

Section 5 - Trends
Trend Panel Layout ......................................................................................................... 57
Trend Toolbar....................................................................................................... 58
Configuring a Trend ........................................................................................................ 61
Adding a Trend Panel to a Workplace ................................................................. 61

6 2PAA106886-510 E
Table of Contents

Adding a Trace to a Trend....................................................................................62

Editing/Formatting Operations on a Trend......................................................................64
Adding Ruler in the Trend Area...........................................................................64
Customizing Columns in the Info Area ...............................................................64
Changing the Trace Range ...................................................................................66
Adding a Trace Filter ...........................................................................................67

Section 6 - Statistical Process Control Charts

Distribution Chart ............................................................................................................69
X-Y Chart ........................................................................................................................71
X Range Chart .................................................................................................................72
X Sigma Chart .................................................................................................................73
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Chart ............................................74
Moving Average X Range Chart .....................................................................................74
Moving Average X Sigma Chart .....................................................................................76
Duration Chart .................................................................................................................77

Section 7 - Events
Event Layout....................................................................................................................79
Adding an Event Analysis Panel to a Workplace.................................................81
Configuring Events..........................................................................................................82
Configuring Data Provider Name.........................................................................82
Retrieving Events for a Time Scope.....................................................................83
Customizing the Event Columns..........................................................................84
Setting the Event Source ......................................................................................86
Working with Event Lists ................................................................................................87
Filtering the Event List.........................................................................................87
Sorting the Event List...........................................................................................88
Searching an Event...............................................................................................90
Viewing Event Report ..........................................................................................91
Viewing Event Counts for Sources ......................................................................92
Printing an Event List...........................................................................................93

2PAA106886-510 E 7
Table of Contents

Section 8 - Smart Client Graphic Controls

Graphic Presentation ....................................................................................................... 95
Bar ............................................................................................................ 95
Change Panel ....................................................................................................... 95
Change Panel on Time ......................................................................................... 95
Circular Gauge ..................................................................................................... 96
Circular Gauge with Odometer............................................................................ 96
Column Chart....................................................................................................... 96
Graphic Image...................................................................................................... 96
LCD Panel............................................................................................................ 96
LCD Panel with Indicator .................................................................................... 96
LCD Panel with Indicator and Max Min ............................................................. 97
Linear Gauge........................................................................................................ 97
Linear Gauge with Bars ....................................................................................... 97
Numeric Value ..................................................................................................... 97
Numeric Value with Target Indicator................................................................... 97
Numeric Value with Unit and Target Indicator .................................................... 97
Numeric Value with Unit ..................................................................................... 97
Pareto Chart ......................................................................................................... 98
Pie Chart ............................................................................................................ 98
Tag Ticker ............................................................................................................ 98
Text Value ............................................................................................................ 98
Trend ............................................................................................................ 98
Event List ............................................................................................................ 98
Data Entry ....................................................................................................................... 99
Numeric Entry...................................................................................................... 99
Graphic Primitives......................................................................................................... 100
Cone .......................................................................................................... 100
Ellipse .......................................................................................................... 101
Line .......................................................................................................... 101
Pie .......................................................................................................... 101
Pipe .......................................................................................................... 101

8 2PAA106886-510 E
Table of Contents

Polyline ...........................................................................................................101
Rectangle ...........................................................................................................102
Tank ...........................................................................................................102
Text ...........................................................................................................102
Motor ...........................................................................................................102
Valve ...........................................................................................................102
Graphic Indicator Controls ............................................................................................103
Date and Time Controls.................................................................................................104
Browsers ........................................................................................................................105
File Browser .......................................................................................................105
800xA Trend Browser ........................................................................................105
800xA Graphic Browser.....................................................................................105
Property Browser................................................................................................105
Web Browser ......................................................................................................105
Common Properties for the Controls.............................................................................105
Composite Properties.....................................................................................................108
Adding a Value Subscription to a Control..........................................................109
Adding a Log Data Subscription to a Control....................................................111
Creating a Custom Script ...................................................................................114
Expression Functions .........................................................................................117
Operators ...........................................................................................................120
Special Character Rules .....................................................................................121

2PAA106886-510 E 9
Table of Contents

10 2PAA106886-510 E
About This User Manual

Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user
access, password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc.,
represent possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider
based on a risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk
assessment, as well as the proper implementation, configuration, installation,
operation, administration, and maintenance of all relevant security related
equipment, software, and procedures, are the responsibility of the user of the
800xA System.
800xA Smart Client is an application that retrieves information from the System
800xA to a personal computer located within a process plant or in a remote location.
This user manual is intended for Process operators, System engineers, System
administrators, and personnel who have previous experience using 800xA Smart
Client. It is recommended that the users have knowledge of using the 800xA system.

User Manual Conventions

Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of
material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen
elements, etc.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This User Manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to
point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to point

2PAA106886-510 E 11
Terminology About This User Manual

out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as
Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in
electrical shock.

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal
Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept
discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result
in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.
Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA System
Guide Functional Description (3BSE038018*). The listing includes terms and
definitions that apply to the 800xA System where the usage is different from
commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standard
dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms. Terms that uniquely
apply to this User Manual are listed in the following table.

12 2PAA106886-510 E
About This User Manual Terminology

Term/Acronym Description
Sc or SC Smart Client.
Node A computer communicating on a network. For example, the
Internet, Plant, Control or I/O network. Each node typically has
a unique node address with a format depending on the
network to which it is connected.
Smart Client The Smart Client system is distributed and based on web
technology as well as traditional TCP/IP communication for
high performance.
The Smart Client consists of four components, the Smart
Client Desktop, Smart Client Server, Smart Client Data
Provider, and Smart Client Aspect Nodes.
Smart Client A .NET application which is downloaded from a web server.
Desktop Smart Client Desktop allows to connect one or more data
providers displaying real time process values. The user can
customize the panels which can monitor various parts of the
Smart Client Server All the configuration data is stored and accessed from Smart
Client Server Node.
Smart Client Data The 800xA Connectivity Server where the Smart Client
Provider services are hosted to retrieve OPC Data Access, Historian,
and Event Services, and provide the data to the Smart Client
Smart Client To view Smart Client configuration aspects from an 800xA
Aspect Node system node. By default, the Smart Client aspects are installed
on the Data Provider node.
PG2 Provider Smart Client Data Provider that provides access to data for
800xA Graphics.
SPC Charts Statistical Process Control Charts.
EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average.

2PAA106886-510 E 13
Terminology About This User Manual

Term/Acronym Description
Dynamic Data Real-time information received from OPC data sources
through the Smart Client Data Provider services such as OPC
OPC OLE for Process Control, a standard interface for data, event
and history access.
Common Database If multiple Smart Client Data Provider nodes are connected to
Node a single Smart Client Server Node, one and only one Data
Provider node must be assigned to a Common Database
node. This node must be the 800xA node with Information
Management. This is used basically for the Alarm & Events
storage in the oracle tables.
User Database This is the Smart Client User Database which contains the
users and user groups registered in the Smart Client server.
Object Type Object type is a template for classifying objects/entities with
similar information and functionalities.
In Smart Client, object type is a replica of the object types in
the 800xA System.
Object Type Group Logical grouping for related object types for easier
understanding and maintenance.
User Authorized personnel to access the Smart Client system and
view the features of the Smart Client application.
User Group Segregation of users based on different privileges such as
administrator, and design.
Plant Explorer An application that is used to create, delete and organize
Aspect Objects and Aspects in the 800xA system. The Aspect
Objects are organized in structures according to functionality,
location. The Plant Explorer can also be used to browse and
search the structures of the plant.
Panel Displays inside a Smart Client Workplace. There are
predefined templates for different panels, for example, Trend
and Event panels.

14 2PAA106886-510 E
About This User Manual Released User Manuals and Release Notes

Term/Acronym Description
Control A .NET based control which follows the Smart Client
framework to be hosted in the system.
Control Property The property that can configure the appearance and behavior
of the controls.
Control Type The type or template to which a set of controls represent.
800xA Graphics In this user manual, 800xA Graphics refers to the Process
Graphics 2 aspect system that is used to configure graphic
displays in the 800xA system and is possible to view from
Smart Client.

Released User Manuals and Release Notes

A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA
is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes
System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is
updated each time a document is updated or a new document is released. It is in pdf
format and is provided in the following ways:
• Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published
to ABB SolutionsBank when released as part of a major or minor release,
Service Pack, Feature Pack, or System Revision.
• Published to ABB SolutionsBank when a User Manual or Release Note is
updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first bullet.
A product bulletin is published each time System 800xA Released User Manuals
and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is updated and published to ABB
Table 1 lists the documentation related to 800xA Smart Client, System Version 5.1.

2PAA106886-510 E 15
Released User Manuals and Release Notes About This User Manual

Table 1. Related Documentation

Document Title Document Number

System 800xA, Administration and Security 3BSE037410*
System 800xA, Installation 3BSE034678*
System 800xA Operations, Operator 3BSE030322*
Workplace Configuration
System 800xA Engineering, Process Graphics 3BSE049230*
System 800xA Information Management, 3BUF001092*

16 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 1 Introduction

800xA Smart Client for is an application that retrieves information from a System
800xA to a personal computer located within a plant or in a remote location.
The Smart Client application includes functions to graphically present real-time
data in many formats. The data can be retrieved from an ABB control system
connected to the System 800xA or third party control system connected to a System
800xA through OPC or other protocols.
800xA Smart Client provides intelligent data access and display features to assist
personnel in decision making and improving plant performance.

2PAA106886-510 E 17
Section 1 Introduction

18 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

The Smart Client Desktop is a web-based application which allows the user to
create and monitor the process plant information. The Smart Client application can
be launched in two modes - Standalone or Process Graphics (PG2) mode.
Standalone mode supports Smart Client Graphics and the PG2 mode supports both
Smart Client and 800xA Graphics.
PG2 mode can be used when there is a need to view process graphics built in
800xA. A few 800xA Graphics features are not supported by Smart Client in PG2
• Alarm Analysis is not supported for the properties that use “Array” as the data
• Any 800xA Graphics that uses OPCDA array subscriptions.
• Wrappers (ActiveX, WPF, Winforms or VBPG Wrappers) are not supported.
• Faceplates are not supported.
• Invokers like VerbInvokers are not supported as well.
To launch the Smart Client Desktop:
1. Enter the url http:// <web server IP address>/SC for Standalone mode or
http:// <web server IP address>/SC?FEATURE=SCPG2 for PG2 mode in the
address bar of the Internet Explorer.
If launched in PG2 mode the PG2 files will be downloaded and if VC++ is not
found in the system it will be installed automatically based on user permission. If
the user has no administrator rights the C++ runtime must be installed manually
by a system administrator. The installation file for C++ runtime is found in the
Smart Client Server Node on path %SC_HOME%\SC\ Client\ Application Files\
SC <version number>\ PreRequisites

2PAA106886-510 E 19
Introduction Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

2. The Application Run-Security Warning dialog appears if the Smart Client

application is executed for the first time.
Click Run to launch the Smart Client Desktop (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Smart Client Desktop

• Smart Client Workplace - When the user launches the Smart Client
application, the main window appears (see Figure 1). This window is the user
work area called the Smart Client Workplace. The workplace contains the
commands and tools, to create, edit, print, analyze, export and save
information. Workplaces consist of one or more panels.
• Smart Client Panels - The Smart Client Panels are the displays inside a Smart
Client Workplace (see Figure 1). A Workplace is a collection of one or more
panels. The user displays are built inside the Smart Client Panels.

20 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Operations on a Workplace

• Smart Client Rights - The Smart Client applications, that include Workplaces,
Panels, Workplace Templates, Panel Templates, and Directories require access
rights, for example, the Read, Write and Design access rights.

Operations on a Workplace
Workplace is a display area that appears on launching the Smart Client Desktop. A
Workplace consists of one or more panels.
This section describes the procedure to create and open a workplace, to perform
editing operations on a workplace, and to set access rights for a workplace.

Creating a Workplace
Execute the following steps to create a new workplace:
1. Select File > New Workplace. The New Workplace dialog appears.

Figure 2. New Workplace

2PAA106886-510 E 21
Editing Operations on a Workplace Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

2. Select a workplace template from Templates in the tree structure.

Select the Blank Template check box to create a workplace as a blank template,
that is, to create a user-defined workplace. The user can save this workplace as a
user-defined template.
Do not reuse any workplaces in the Blank Templates.
3. Click OK to create the workplace.

Editing Operations on a Workplace

This section describes the procedure to perform editing operations on a workplace.
This includes opening, renaming, and deleting a workplace.

Opening a Workplace. To open a workplace, execute one of the following:

1. Select File > Open Workplace.
2. Select View > Workplace Browser.
3. Click on the toolbar.
Select the required workplace from the Workplace Browser dialog.

Renaming a Workplace. To rename a workplace:

1. Click on the toolbar to open the Workplace Browser.
2. Right-click the workplace and select Rename from the context menu.
3. Enter a new name for the workplace and click OK.

Deleting a Workplace. To delete a workplace:

1. Click on the toolbar to open the Workplace Browser.
2. Right-click the workplace and select Delete from the context menu. This
prompts for a confirmation.
Click Yes to continue. Otherwise click No.

22 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Setting the Workplace Access Rights

Setting the Workplace Access Rights

Execute the following steps to assign access rights to the workplace:
1. Select Workplace Rights from Options > Security. From the window that
appears, select the icon Grant Rights or the button Manage to get the Grant
Rights dialog.

Figure 3. Granting Access Rights

2. In the Users & Groups tree, select the users allowed to access the workplace.
3. Drag and drop the selected users to the corresponding access right in the
Granted Rights tree.
– Owner - The user who has these access rights owns the panel. Only the
user belonging to the Admin user group and having the Owner access
rights can change the access rights for this Workplace.
– Read - The user who has these access rights can only read the panel, but
cannot do any modifications.

2PAA106886-510 E 23
Operations on a Panel Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

– Write - The user who has these access rights can add/remove panels to the
– Design - The user who has these access rights can customize panels,
designed and shared in a public folder by other users.
4. Click OK to save the changes.

Operations on a Panel
A Panel consists of one or more controls to create a process graphic display.
This section describes the procedure to create and open a panel, to perform editing
operations on a panel, and to set access rights for a panel.

Creating a Panel
Execute the following steps to create a new panel:
1. Select File > New Panel or right-click an existing Panel tab. The New Panel
dialog appears.

Figure 4. New Panel

24 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Editing Operations on a Panel

2. Select a panel template from Templates in the tree structure.

Select the Blank Template check box to create a panel as a blank template, that
is, to create a user-defined panel. The user can save this panel as a user-defined
Do not reuse any panels in the Blank Templates.
3. Click OK to create the panel.

Editing Operations on a Panel

This section describes the procedure to perform editing operations on a panel. This
includes opening, renaming, and deleting a panel.

Opening a Panel. To open a panel, execute one of the following:

1. Select File > Open Panel.
2. Select View > Panel Browser.
3. Click on the toolbar.
Select the required panel from the Panel Browser dialog.

Renaming a Panel. To rename a panel:

1. Click on the toolbar to open the Panel Browser.
2. Right-click the panel and select Rename from the context menu.
3. Enter a new name for the panel and click OK.

Deleting a Panel. To delete a panel:

1. Click on the toolbar to open the Panel Browser.
2. Right-click the panel and select Delete from the context menu. This prompts
for a confirmation.
Click Yes to continue. Otherwise click No.

Changing a Panel Position. To change a panel position:

2PAA106886-510 E 25
Setting the Panel Access Rights Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

1. Click and drag the panel title to move or if multiple panels have to be moved,
select Options > Tab Orientation.
2. Select Move Left, Move Right, Move Up, or Move Down from the context

Setting the Panel Access Rights

Execute the following steps to assign access rights to the panel:
1. Select Panel Rights from Options > Security. From the window that appears,
select the icon Grant Rights or the button Manage to get the Grant Rights

Figure 5. Granting Access Rights

2. In the Users & Groups tree, select the users allowed to access the panel.
3. Drag and drop the selected users to the corresponding access right in the
Granted Rights tree.
4. Click OK to save the changes.

26 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Standard Toolbar

Standard Toolbar
Figure 6 shows the toolbar of the Smart Client Desktop application in Run mode.

Figure 6. Toolbar

Workplace Browser
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Workplace Browser.

Figure 7. Workplace Browser

For more information, refer to Editing Operations on a Workplace on page 22.

Panel Browser
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Panel Browser.

2PAA106886-510 E 27
Control Toolbox Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

Figure 8. Panel Browser

For more information, refer to Editing Operations on a Panel on page 25.

Control Toolbox
A Control is a graphical representation of a real-time entity such as valve, tank, and
motor. This can also represent a static entity such as line, and ellipse. The Controls
are grouped into a Control Group.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Control Toolbox.

28 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Control List

Figure 9. Control Toolbox

Drag and drop the required control from the Toolbox to the panel.

Control List
A Control List contains the list of controls used in the panel.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Control List.

2PAA106886-510 E 29
Control Properties Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

Figure 10. Control List

Control Properties
Each control contains a set of properties that define the appearance, behavior, and
layout of the control.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Control Properties.

30 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Property Browser

Figure 11. Control Properties

Property Browser
The Property Browser lists the 800xA objects (with or without logs), properties, and
logs retrieved from the 800xA Data Provider nodes.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Property Browser.

2PAA106886-510 E 31
Symbol Library Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

Figure 12. Property Browser

Symbol Library
The Symbol Library contains a set of static symbols that can be used in the panels.
Click on the toolbar to use the symbols.

32 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Trend

The Trend in the toolbar allows the user to perform all operations in a trend. For
more information, refer to Section 5, Trends.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Trend window.

Event List
The Event list in the toolbar allows the user to list and perform all operations on the
Events. For more information, refer to Section 7, Events.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Event List window.

Tag Ticker
The Tag Ticker is used to display the object properties in the form of a scrolling text.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the details.

800xA Trend Browser

The 800xA Trend Browser lists the aspects of the aspect type Trend Display (for
example, the aspect category Trend Display) retrieved from the 800xA Data
Provider nodes. For more information, refer to Section 4, 800xA Graphic and
800xA Trend Browser.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the 800xA Trend Browser.

800xA Graphic Browser

The 800xA Graphic Browser lists the aspects of the aspect type Graphic Display
PG2 (for example, the aspect categories Graphic Display PG2, Navigation Display
PG2, and Object Display PG2) retrieved from the 800xA Data Provider nodes. For
more information, refer to Section 4, 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the 800xA Graphic Browser.

Click on the toolbar to undo the last operation.

2PAA106886-510 E 33
Cut Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

Click on the toolbar to remove a selected control from the panel and puts it in
the paste buffer. The removed display element can then be pasted in a different
location in the same display, or it can be pasted in a different display.
The cut display element remains in the paste buffer until you cut or copy another
display element. This means you can paste the display element in more than one

Click on the toolbar to place a copy of the selected control in the paste buffer.
The copied control can then be pasted in a different location in the same display, or
it can be pasted in a different display. Unlike the Cut command, the control remains
unchanged (in its original location) in the panel. The copied control remains in the
paste buffer until you cut or copy another control.

Click on the toolbar to copy a control from the paste buffer to the display. The
pasted control is an exact copy of the control in the paste buffer. Only the position is
changed. The next Cut or Copy command will overwrite the current display element
in the paste buffer.

Click on the toolbar to delete the current selected control. The deleted display
element is not placed in the paste buffer, and so can not be pasted back.

Status Bar
The Status Bar of the Smart Client Desktop displays the following:
• Log to File allows the user to log the trace messages to a file.
• Information Status displays for errors, for warnings, or for
• Date and Time displays the current date and time in the format MM/DD/YYYY

34 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays Docking Support

• Control: Panel displays the name of the control and the panel for which the
message is displayed.
• Message displays the description of the error, warning, or information.

Figure 13. Status Bar

Docking Support
Docking support helps the user to organize the Property Browser, Control
Toolbox, and Control Properties window in a flexible way.
Docking supports the Dockable mode. In this mode, the window can be docked.
Dock position indicators are visible to the user at the positions where the window
can be docked.
Figure 14 shows the Property Browser window with docking support.

2PAA106886-510 E 35
Docking Support Section 2 Configuring Smart Client Displays

Figure 14. Property Browser with Docking support

36 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

Process Graphics in the System 800xA provides the tools for creating a graphical
user interface for supervision and operation of a site. The following can be
performed in Process Graphics:
• Creating building blocks (for example, graphical representation of Tank or
Valve), graphic elements that are used for building graphic displays.
• Building graphic displays that provide an overview of the site.
• Configuring faceplates that are used for controlling and monitoring the site.
The users can view the 800xA Graphics through the Smart Client application. The
Smart Client application will not support any editing to 800xA Graphics.

For more information on 800xA Graphics, refer to System 800xA Engineering,

Process Graphics (3BSE049230*).
For more information on the 800xA Graphic Browser, refer to Section 4, 800xA
Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser.

The Smart Client application supports two modes of operation for building graphics
in this application:
1. Design Mode - This mode is used to build graphic panels, that is, adding the
required controls to the panels and configuring the properties of each control.
This mode will be grayed out for the 800xA Graphics.

2. Run Mode - This mode is used to view the graphic panels.

Right-click on the panel to change the mode of operation.

2PAA106886-510 E 37
Adding a Control to a Panel Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

Adding a Control to a Panel

Execute the following steps to add a control to a Graphic Panel:
1. Click on the toolbar to display the Control Toolbox.
2. Click a control group from the Control Toolbox to display the controls.
3. Drag and drop the required control into the panel.

Figure 15. Adding a Control to the Panel

38 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration Properties Window

Properties Window
The graphic controls possess various properties that define their appearance and
behavior. The Properties window displays these properties for all the selected
controls. The properties are shown when multiple controls are selected. If the values
are the same for all the selected controls the value is shown otherwise it is empty.
Execute one of the following to display the Properties window for a selected
1. Click on the toolbar.
2. Right-click the control and select Properties from the context menu.

Figure 16. Properties Window

The Properties window contains a toolbar with buttons to sort the properties
alphabetically or categorically.
• Categorized, which sorts the properties based on categories. Each property is
associated with a category such as Appearance or Behavior.
• Alphabetical, which sorts the properties in an alphabetical order, based on the
property name.

2PAA106886-510 E 39
Configuring Object Information for Controls Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

Configuring Object Information for Controls

Execute the following steps for configuring the object information for controls:
1. Click on the toolbar to open the Property Browser.

Figure 17. Property Browser and the Panel

2. Drag and drop an object from the Property Browser to a control in the panel.

40 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration Configuring Object Information for Controls

The following are the drag and drop operations that can be done from the
Property Browser.
1. Object - Drag and drop an object from the Property Browser. This connects
the Smart Client queries to the properties retrieved from the 800xA System.
2. Property - Drag and drop a property from the Property Browser. This allows
the user to select a query to connect (see Figure 18).
3. Log - Drag and drop a log from the Property Browser. This allows the user to
select a query to connect (see Figure 18).
The Select query to connect dialog appears.

Figure 18. Select Query to Connect

3. Select the property information to be displayed in the control and click OK.
– By Default - Displays all properties of the object with the default values.
– Value - Displays the value of the object.
– Log - Displays the history values.

2PAA106886-510 E 41
Search Functionality in the Property Browser Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

– High Range - Displays the maximum range of the object, that is, the
values exceeding the High High Limit.
– High High Limit - Displays the value if it is exceeding the High Limit.
– High Limit - Displays the value if it is exceeding the Target.
– Target - Displays the ideal value of the object.
– Low Limit - Displays the value if it is below the Target.
– Low Low Limit - Displays the value if it is below the Low Limit.
– Low Range - Displays the minimum range of the object, that is, the values
below the Low Low Limit.

Search Functionality in the Property Browser

The Property Browser allows the user to search for a specific object. In the
Property Browser, click Search Pane to perform a search.
The search can be done in all the structures, in a selected structure, or in a selected
object location.

42 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration Search Functionality in the Property Browser

Figure 19. Search Pane in the Property Browser

Searching for an object

Search can be performed for objects using a query that matches either the object
name or the object description (both taken from the Name aspect of the object). All
searches are case insensitive unless enclosed within double quotes. Special
characters are allowed but according to the rules explained in the following.
Execute the following steps to search for an object:
1. Select For > Object name or Description to search for a specific object or
object description respectively.

2PAA106886-510 E 43
Search Functionality in the Property Browser Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

2. Specify a search pattern that matches the object to be searched for. The user
can also use wildcards (Wildcards: * means any number of characters; ? means
any single character) to specify the search pattern. For example, to search for
Control Network object, the user can specify Control Network, control
NETWORK, control*, con*net?ork or *network as the search pattern.
The search keyword can only consist of letters and digits. When searching for a
complete phrase with several words including spaces and special characters,
enclose the search expression in double quotes. Note that this search expression is
matched exactly, that is, if the phrase includes wildcard characters they only
match identical characters in the search expression.

For object description, individual words in the description are treated as

keywords, and can be searched as for an object name.
If several keywords are specified in the search, all the keywords must be found
in the description for the object to match. However, the words can appear in
any order. For example, to search for “This is a water tank.” description, the
user can specify Tank water, or Tan* *ter as the search pattern.

A quoted expression can be combined with normal keywords. Using the same
example, search can be for “water tank”, Tank “this is”, or “water tank” “is

Other special characters can also be combined in the search keyword.

For example, to search for a trend object name ‘Sinus’ the search string could
[Control Structure]Root/Graphics Test Network/Sinus_1_1
3. Click Find to perform the search.
In the result browser, all placements of an object are shown as separate items, for
example if an object is inserted in both functional structure and control structure it
will be shown twice in the result browser.
Optionally you can also filter the found object placements to only see the matching
objects in the currently active structure, or the selected branch, of the Property

44 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration Editing Operations on Controls

The result browser shows either object names or object descriptions. Click on an
item here, following information about the object is displayed at the bottom of the
Property Browser:
• Object type name
• Object description
• Full path to the object

Considering Performance
The time needed to make a search highly depends on the number of matches. When
wildcard characters are used for searches, the user should try to be as specific as
possible to avoid too many matches.
The search is always done in the whole system. A search in a selected branch only
filters the presented output, but all global matches are still identified. This means
that a search for just * in a selected branch is never a good idea, even if the branch
itself only contains a few objects.

Editing Operations on Controls

Editing operations on controls include the following:
• Selecting
• Resizing
• Moving
• Copying and Pasting
• Aligning
• Grouping and Ungrouping

Manipulation Operation
This section describes the procedure to move a control, resize a control, and copy
and paste a control.

2PAA106886-510 E 45
Grouping and Ungrouping Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

Moving a Control
The controls can be moved by performing a drag operation. The selected controls
can be dragged and moved to the required position.
The user can also change the X and Y properties of the selected control in the
Properties window, or use the move icon visible on the left top corner of the control
to drag or use keyboard arrow keys to move the control to the required position.

Resizing a Control
Eight points surround the control on selecting the control. The user can drag any of
these points to resize the control.
The user can also change the Height and Width properties of the selected control in
the Properties window, to resize the control.

Copying and Pasting a Control

Select the control to be copied and execute the following steps to copy and paste a
1. Select Edit > Copy or right-click the control and select Copy from the context
2. In the panel, click the position to paste the control.
3. Select Edit > Paste or right-click the position and select Paste from the context

Grouping and Ungrouping

A group arranges a set of controls together so that they can be configured as a single
Execute the following steps for grouping or ungrouping controls:
1. Select the controls to be grouped.
2. Select Format > Grouping > Group to group the controls. To ungroup, select
Format > Grouping > Ungroup.

46 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration Aligning Controls

Aligning Controls
The controls can be aligned left, right, or center. They can also be aligned along the
top or bottom edges or along their middle points. Alignment of controls is relevant
only if two or more controls are selected.
Execute the following steps for aligning the controls:
1. Select the controls to be aligned.
2. Select Format > Align and select the required alignment for the controls.

Rearranging Control View Order

The controls can be ordered by moving them to the front or behind another control.
Execute the following steps to order the controls:
1. Select the controls to be ordered.
2. Select Format > Order and select the required option to keep the controls in
an order.

2PAA106886-510 E 47
Rearranging Control View Order Section 3 Graphic Control Configuration

48 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend

This section describes the procedure to browse for the graphic aspects and trend
displays retrieved from the 800xA Data Provider nodes.

Using 800xA Trends

Click on the toolbar to show or hide the 800xA Trend Browser. The 800xA
Trend Browser dialog appears.

Figure 20. 800xA Trend Browser

2PAA106886-510 E 49
Using 800xA Trends Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser

Execute the following steps to open a trend display:

1. Select the required structure and navigate to the trend display to be displayed in
the Smart Client Desktop.
2. Right-click the trend display and select one of the following from the context
– Replace current panel - To replace the current panel with the selected
trend display.
– New row of tabs - To display the selected trend display as a tab in the next
– New tab in current row - To display the selected trend display as a tab in
the current row.
– New panel next to current - To display the selected trend display as a
panel to the right of the existing panel.
– New panel below current - To display the selected trend display as a
panel below the existing panel.
Right-click the trend display displayed in the Smart Client application to display the
context menu as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Trend Display - Context Menu

50 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser Using 800xA Graphics

• Select Start Update/ Stop Update to start or stop updating the values in the
trend display.
• Select Stop Current Input to stop the subscription of all inputs in the Trend
Input Grid.
• Select Clear Ruler Sticks to hide the ruler sticks in the trend display.
• Select Ruler Off/ Ruler On to show or hide the ruler in the trend display.
• Select Export Values to Data-Set to export the data from the trend display and
save it as a different format (for example, .xml file).
• Select Import Values from Data-Set to import the data (in any format, for
example .xml file) to the trend display.
• Select Properties to view the properties of the trend control.
• Select Alarm Event List to launch the event list from the trend display.

Using 800xA Graphics

Click on the toolbar to show or hide the 800xA Graphic Browser. The 800xA
Graphic Browser dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 51
Using 800xA Graphics Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser

Figure 22. 800xA Graphic Browser

Execute the following steps to open a graphic display:

1. Select the required structure and navigate to the 800xA Graphic available in the
800xA system, to be displayed in the Smart Client Desktop.
2. Right-click the 800xA Graphic and select one of the following from the context
– Replace current panel - To replace the current panel with the selected
graphic aspect.
– New row of tabs - To display the selected graphic aspect as a tab in the
next row.
– New tab in current row - To display the selected graphic aspect as a tab
in the current row.

52 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser Using 800xA Graphics

– New panel next to current - To display the selected graphic aspect as a

panel to the right of the existing panel.
– New panel below current - To display the selected graphic aspect as a
panel below the existing panel.
Right-click an object in the 800xA Graphic Browser dialog and select Set as
Home from the context menu to set the selected object as the default object.

Navigation will be done to this object by default on opening the 800xA Graphic
Browser dialog each time.

A graphic display containing Verb Invokers and Wrappers (ActiveX Wrapper,

VBPG Element Wrapper, and Aspect View Wrapper), which is replaced with a
magenta rectangular with a white cross, is supported in the Smart Client
Only the Aspect links pointing to 800xA Graphics is supported in the Smart
Client application.
Right-click the 800xA Graphic displayed in the Smart Client application to display
the context menu. Figure 23 shows the context menu that appears for a graphic
display and Figure 24 shows the context menu that appears when clicking at a
representation of an object.

2PAA106886-510 E 53
Using 800xA Graphics Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser

Figure 23. 800xA Graphics - Context Menu for Graphic Display

Figure 24. 800xA Graphics - Context Menu for Graphic Element

• Select Print to print the 800xA Graphic.

• Select Graphic Displays to display a list of all the 800xA Graphics belonging
to the same object as the currently shown 800xA Graphics (see Figure 25).

54 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser Using 800xA Graphics

Figure 25. 800xA Graphics - Context Menu showing the Graphic Displays

• Select References from the context menu to display a list of all 800xA
Graphics that contains the object clicked at.
• Select Previous Display or Next Display to navigate back and forth in the list
of previously viewed 800xA Graphic.
• Select the web page (For example: web page1 as seen in Figure 24) to launch
the respective web based application as a popup panel in the Smart Client IE
The context menu supports up to five different web page URLs per user. The
URLs are configured by the Administrator. For more information refer to Edit
Configuration Template under Configuration Section of the Installation and
Configuration Manual (2PAA107391*).

2PAA106886-510 E 55
Using 800xA Graphics Section 4 800xA Graphic and 800xA Trend Browser

56 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends

This section describes Smart Client Trend Control that is used to represent the run-
time and historical data in the form of traces. The Trend Control can display up to
six traces corresponding to any object property.
The data displayed in a Trend Control can be from a Distributed Control System
(DCS) History Log. This data is collected and stored in the 800xA process historian.

Trend Panel Layout

The Trend Panel includes the following:
• Upper Toolbar
• Trend Area
• Lower Toolbar
• Info Area

2PAA106886-510 E 57
Trend Toolbar Section 5 Trends

Figure 26. Trend Panel Layout

Trend Toolbar
The Trend Panel contains an Upper Toolbar and a Lower Toolbar.

Upper Toolbar
Figure 27 shows the Upper Toolbar and Table 1 describes the icons in the Upper

58 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends Trend Toolbar

Figure 27. Upper Toolbar

Table 1. Upper Toolbar Icon Description

Icon Description
To hide/unhide the Info Area from the Trend Panel.

To view the graphical display of traces.

To display the trend in a color map view. This displays the traces and the
current value is indicated in colors. The colors are defined in the default color
template for Smart Client.
The current value is checked for the High High, High, Low Low, Low, or Target
ranges and then displayed in the respective color.
To display the trend in a numeric table. This is applicable if there are two or
more traces. The correlation and co-variance between two trace values is
calculated and then displayed in the numeric table.
To display the trend in the form of SPC Reports. For more information, refer to
Section 6, Statistical Process Control Charts.

2PAA106886-510 E 59
Trend Toolbar Section 5 Trends

Lower Toolbar
Figure 28 shows the Lower Toolbar and Table 2 describes the icons in the Lower

Figure 28. Lower Toolbar

Table 2. Lower Toolbar Icon Description

Icon Description
To start or stop the subscription for the available trend inputs.

Displays the Trend data in the run mode as configured in the Design Mode.

Indicates the Trend Design Mode, and is used to configure properties such
as Visibility, Style of the data, and Data modes.
To define calculation parameters such as Filter and Extrapolation for the
trace values in the trend.
To open the Columns Layout that shows the columns to be displayed in the
Trend Info Area based on the design or run mode.
To add a new row with default values to the columns in the Info Area of the
Trend Layout.
To delete a selected row from the Info Area of the Trend Layout. This deletes
the selected information and the corresponding trace.
To move the Ruler position in the Trend to the left or right.

To reset the trend or color view settings to the previously saved

To give an enlarged or reduced view of the trend.

60 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends Configuring a Trend

Table 2. Lower Toolbar Icon Description

Icon Description
To pan the graphical view of the trend to the required direction. The scope
moves with each click of the icon based on the percentage/value set for the
RulerStepMode parameter, and percentage set for FastScopePercent
parameter in the properties.
To select the Scope End Time for displaying a trace.
Select the required number, time duration (hour, day, week, or month) and
the date.

Configuring a Trend
This section contains the procedure to add a trend panel to a workplace and to
configure traces for a trend.

Adding a Trend Panel to a Workplace

Execute the following steps to add a trend panel to a workplace:
1. Select File > New Panel. The New Panel dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 61
Adding a Trace to a Trend Section 5 Trends

Figure 29. Trend Templates

2. Select the Trends and SPC template group.

3. Select the required template from this group and click OK.

Adding a Trace to a Trend

The user can add traces for an object, property log, or an object property to a trend.
The primary log of the default Value property is subscribed by the trend for a drag
and drop of an object.
The first primary log in the corresponding property will be subscribed by the
trend for a drag and drop of a property.
The respective log will be subscribed by the trend for a drag and drop of a log.

Execute the following steps to add traces:

62 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends Adding a Trace to a Trend

1. Click on the Smart Client Desktop application toolbar to open the

Property Browser.
2. Select the Control Structure.
3. Drag and drop an object to the trend panel. The measured value of this object is
displayed in the Trend Area. Measured values are properties such as Standard
Deviation, Maximum, Minimum, Kurtosis, and Skewness, which are calculated
by the Smart Client application based on the values received.
To add a trace for an object property or a property log:
1. Select an object containing an object property or a property log.
2. Drag and drop this property to the trend panel. The property details are
displayed in the Info Area.
To view the trend control properties, right-click the Trend Area and select
Properties from the context menu.

2PAA106886-510 E 63
Editing/Formatting Operations on a Trend Section 5 Trends

Editing/Formatting Operations on a Trend

This section contains the procedure to add or remove Ruler in the Trend Area,
customize the columns in the Info Area, change the trace range or trace color, and
add filter for traces.

Adding Ruler in the Trend Area

Execute one of the following to add a Ruler in the Trend Area:
1. Click anywhere in the Trend Area to display the Ruler at the cursor position.
2. Right-click the Trend Area and select Ruler On from the context menu.
To remove the Ruler, right-click the Trend Area and select Ruler Off from the
context menu.

Customizing Columns in the Info Area

Execute the following steps to add or delete columns displayed in the Info Area:
1. Click in the Lower Toolbar. The Column Layout dialog appears.

64 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends Customizing Columns in the Info Area

Figure 30. Column Layout

2. In Available Columns, select the columns required to be displayed in the Info

3. Click to move the selected columns to Selected Columns area.
To resize the columns in the Info Area, change the column width in the Width
column corresponding to the column name.

4. Click Apply and then click OK to save the changes.

To delete a column from the Info Area, select the column in Selected Columns
area and click .
Click in the Selected Columns area to rearrange the columns.
Click Default to restore the system default columns.

2PAA106886-510 E 65
Changing the Trace Range Section 5 Trends

The following are the trend styles displayed in the Trend Style column in the
Smart Client application corresponding to the trend styles in the 800xA System:
Smart Client 800xA System
Best Fit Normal
Interpolated Linear
Point Point
Solid Graph Filled
Stepped Stepped
Stepped Solid Graph N/A

Changing the Trace Range

Execute the following steps to change the trace range:
1. Double-click to the left of the Start and End Values in the Trend Area. The
icon appears.
A tooltip prompting the user to double-click to change the limits is displayed.

66 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 5 Trends Adding a Trace Filter

Figure 31. Changing the Trace Range

2. Use the icons to change the values. The values are updated in the Trend
Area and Info Area.

Adding a Trace Filter

Execute the following to add a trace filter:
1. Click in the Lower Toolbar to enable the Configuration Mode.
2. In the Info Area, select the required filter in the Filter Type column for the
trace to be modified.
The following are the filter types available:
– In Range - To display the values between the range specified in Filter 1
and Filter 2 columns in the Info Area.
– Lowpass Filter - To display the values between 0 and the value specified
in Filter 1 column in the Info Area. The value in Filter 1 should be
between 0 and 1.

2PAA106886-510 E 67
Adding a Trace Filter Section 5 Trends

– Moving Average - To display the average calculated on the Standard

Deviation of the values for a time-span.
– Offset from Average - To display the values that are offset from the
average value.
– Out of Range - To display values outside the range specified in Filter 1
and Filter 2 columns in the Info Area.
– Time Average - To display the value after calculating the average of the
trace for a time-span.
3. Enter the value range in Filter 1 and Filter 2 columns.
4. Press <ENTER> to apply the trace filter.

68 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts

Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts provide a set of charts to graphically

analyze process behavior and patterns. SPCs are used to analyze the processes
statistically, in order to control production.
The following are the SPC charts:
• Distribution chart
• X-Y chart
• X Range chart
• X Sigma chart
• Moving average X Range chart
• Moving average X Sigma chart
• Duration chart

Distribution Chart
The Distribution Chart comprises two graphs, namely, the Distribution Graph and
the Normal Distribution Graph.

2PAA106886-510 E 69
Distribution Chart Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts

Figure 32. Distribution Chart

Distribution Graph
The Distribution Graph (see Figure 32) displays the subgroup averages, that is, the
number of values that can be categorized into different value ranges. To plot the
Distribution Graph, the range between minimum and maximum subgroup average
values are split into 10 subranges. For example, if the range is between 5 to 15, the
first subrange is 5 to 6, second subrange is 6 to 7, and so on. The number of
subranges are configurable.

Normal Distribution Chart

The Normal Distribution Chart (see Figure 32) displays the average and standard
deviation value. The Normal Distribution Chart is plotted based on the following

70 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts X-Y Chart

The Normal Distribution Chart is centered on the Distribution Graph mean value.
The X-axis has two scales, absolute value with the mean value and number of
standard deviations, plus or minus, from the mean that is indicated as 0. The Y-axis
has the probability density.

X-Y Chart
The X-Y Chart is used to plot a point based on the intersection point of X-axis and
Y-axis values.

Figure 33. X-Y Chart

2PAA106886-510 E 71
X Range Chart Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts

X Range Chart
The X Range Chart displays two graphs for the X-axis value, one is for subgroup
average values, and other is for subgroup range.
The subgroup average graph displays the mean, average of subgroup averages, and
upper and lower control limits.
The subgroup range graph displays the average of subgroup ranges, average of
ranges plus or minus upper and lower control limit delta, where
Upper Control Limit (UCL) = dAverage + 3*dSigma
Lower Control Limit (LCL) = dAverage - 3*dSigma

Figure 34. X Range Chart

72 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts X Sigma Chart

X Sigma Chart
The X Sigma chart is used when the sample size is greater than 5 units. The X
Range chart is replaced by X Sigma chart because this chart is more accurate. The
range value is found using only two values of a sample, the largest and the smallest,
but sigma uses all values in a range.

Figure 35. X Sigma Chart

2PAA106886-510 E 73
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Chart Section 6 Statistical Process Control

Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Chart

The EWMA chart displays two graphs for the selected X input, one is for subgroup
average value and the other is for subgroup weighted average value. Both charts
display the mean, average of subgroup averages, and upper and lower control limits.

Figure 36. EWMA Chart

Moving Average X Range Chart

The Moving Average X Range Chart displays the average of the existing subgroup
and one or more previous subgroups.
This chart displays two graphs for the selected X input, one is for moving average of
the subgroup average values and the other is for moving average of the subgroup

74 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts Moving Average X Range Chart

The moving average graph displays the mean, average of subgroup averages, and
upper and lower control limits.
The moving average range displays the average of ranges and average of ranges plus
or minus upper and lower control limit delta.

Figure 37. Moving Average X Range Chart

2PAA106886-510 E 75
Moving Average X Sigma Chart Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts

Moving Average X Sigma Chart

The Moving Average X Sigma Chart displays two graphs, one is for moving average
of the subgroup average values and the other is for moving average of the subgroup
sigma values.
The moving average graph displays the mean, average of subgroup averages, and
upper and lower control limits.
The moving average sigma chart displays the average of sigma and average of sigma
plus or minus upper and lower control limit delta.

Figure 38. Moving Average X Sigma Chart

76 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts Duration Chart

Duration Chart
The Duration Chart displays the time period for which the trend value exceeds a
specific limit.

Figure 39. Duration Chart

2PAA106886-510 E 77
Duration Chart Section 6 Statistical Process Control Charts

78 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events

This section describes the Smart Client events which allow efficient response to the
abnormal transient conditions defined by configured filters.
Event is an occurrence that alerts an abnormal state and that should be
acknowledged. For example, transition of an object in or out of high level alarm
condition or a system event not related to an alarm condition.
The Smart Client application can display the events based on the Event category and
the Event sources.
– Event category is the type of alarm or event that is generated, that is,
whether it is a soft alarm or whether it is an event generated from the
controller inputs.
– Event source is the 800xA system object corresponding to which the
alarm or event is generated.
The following are the generic Events templates used in the Smart Client application:

Event Layout
The Event analysis panel comprises of a toolbar and a main window. The toolbar
contains icons which allows the user to filter, manage, and acknowledge alarm
conditions. The main window displays the results of an alarm filter. By default, the
filter results are displayed in a List View.

2PAA106886-510 E 79
Event Layout Section 7 Events

Figure 40 shows the Event Analysis Panel.

Figure 40. Event Analysis Panel

Figure 41 shows the Event Toolbar.

Figure 41. Events Toolbar

80 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Adding an Event Analysis Panel to a Workplace

Table 3. Toolbar Icon Description

Icon Description
To configure the display columns and define the column sort order.

To define the filter criteria for the event list, based on severity, priority level, process
section and category.
To display the event list in a list format.

To display the event list in a graphical format.

To display the Top Alarm dialog that displays the distribution of events across
different event categories.
To search a text in an event list.

To launch the Event Drill Down dialog that allows the user to filter the events
meeting the specified criteria.
To save the event list as an .xml file at the required location.

To print the event list to the default printer.

Adding an Event Analysis Panel to a Workplace

Execute the following steps to add an event analysis panel to a workplace:
1. Select File > New Panel. The New Panel dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 81
Configuring Events Section 7 Events

Figure 42. Alarm and Event Templates

2. Select the Alarm and Event template group.

3. Select the required template from this group and click OK.

Configuring Events
This section describes the procedure to configure the data provider names, to
retrieve events for a specific time scope, and to configure the event columns to be

Configuring Data Provider Name

By default, if the Event Data Provider is connected to the Smart Client Server, the
Data Provider name will be displayed in the Event control. The Event control

82 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Retrieving Events for a Time Scope

receives events from 800xA System with Information Management system through
this Data Provider.
Execute the following steps to configure the alarm and events data provider name:
1. Right-click the Alarm and Events panel and select Design Mode.
2. Right-click the panel and select Properties.
3. Enter the name of the data provider in ProviderName. For example,

Retrieving Events for a Time Scope

Execute the following steps to retrieve events for a specific time scope:
1. Select/enter the time scope in the End scope time in the Alarm and Event
panel. This can be done using any one of the following methods:
a. Enter the time scope in the End Scope Time in the format yyyy-MM-dd
b. Click Local Time drop-down to display the calendar.
2. In Scope, select the time duration for retrieving events. Select the number and
the time duration (Minute, Hour, Day, Week, and Month).
3. Click Query to retrieve events for specified time scope.
Right-click in the workplace and select Properties. Enter the desired value for
MaxRow to view the maximum number of events to be retrieved.

2PAA106886-510 E 83
Customizing the Event Columns Section 7 Events

Figure 43. Event Panel - To Retrieve Events

Customizing the Event Columns

Execute the following steps to customize the columns to be displayed for an event:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Layout dialog appears.

84 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Customizing the Event Columns

Figure 44. Layout

2. In Available Columns, select the columns required to be displayed for the

3. Click to move the selected columns to Selected Columns area.
Click in the Selected Columns area to rearrange the columns.
Click Default to restore the system default columns.
To resize the columns in the event list, change the column width in the Width
column corresponding to the column name.

2PAA106886-510 E 85
Setting the Event Source Section 7 Events

4. Click Apply and then click OK to save the changes.

Setting the Event Source

Execute the following steps to set the event source for retrieving the events to be
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Select Event Source dialog
This dialog displays all the event sources available in the Smart Client source
(For example: SC_AE_SOURCE) database. Only the events corresponding to
the selected event sources are retrieved.

Figure 45. Select Event Source

2. Select the All check box to select all the event sources. The events
corresponding to all the event sources will be displayed.
Select the Clear All check box to clear the selection of the event sources.
Select the Show selected check box to view only the selected event sources to

86 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Working with Event Lists

3. Click Apply and then click OK and click Query to display the events
generated for the selected event sources.

Working with Event Lists

This section includes the procedure to perform a filter, sort, and search in an event
list. This section also describes about viewing event reports, viewing counts of the
events for various sources, and printing an event list.

Filtering the Event List

Execute the following steps to filter an alarm or event list:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Filter dialog appears.

Figure 46. Filtering an Event List

2PAA106886-510 E 87
Sorting the Event List Section 7 Events

2. In Source, select the event source for which the events should be displayed.
3. In Severity, specify the severity range for the events.
4. In Priority Level, specify the priority level of the events.
5. In Category, select the category of events that should be displayed. Use
<SHIFT> or <CTRL> to select two or more categories.
Select the Show all categories check box to display all the categories.
6. Click Apply and then click OK to begin the event list filtering. The results are
displayed in a tabular format with the filter criteria as a column.

Sorting the Event List

An event list can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Execute one of the
following to sort the event list:
1. In the Event Panel, click corresponding to the column that should be
sorted. For example, Figure 47 shows an event list where this icon appears
corresponding to the Source column.
Click once to sort the event list in ascending order. Click the column once again
to sort the event list in descending order.

88 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Sorting the Event List

Figure 47. Sort Event List

2. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Layout dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 89
Searching an Event Section 7 Events

Figure 48. Layout Dialog

Select the sort criteria and sort order in Sort Criteria and Sort Order
Click Apply and then click OK to save the changes.

Searching an Event
To search an event in the main window:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Search dialog appears.

90 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Viewing Event Report

Figure 49. Search Dialog

2. In Find Text, enter the text to be searched.

3. Select the Ignore Case check box to search for text irrespective of the case.
4. Click Search.
The Find icon is enabled only in the List View of the event list.

Viewing Event Report

Execute the following to view the event report:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The event list is displayed in a trend
view format.

2PAA106886-510 E 91
Viewing Event Counts for Sources Section 7 Events

Figure 50. Report View

2. Specify the time interval for retrieving the events. The report is generated
accordingly. For more information, refer to Retrieving Events for a Time Scope
on page 83.

Viewing Event Counts for Sources

Execute the following to view the event counts:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Counted View window appears.
The graphical representation displays the distribution of events for any

92 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 7 Events Printing an Event List

fields/columns configured in the Event List Layout. The default is the Source
column. The same information is available on the left pane of the view.
If Source is added as a column in the Event list, Source will be the default
selection in the Counted View. If not, the first element in the column drop-down
list will be shown as the default selection.

Figure 51. Counted View

2. Select the column from the column drop-down list to view the event counts for
another column.
3. Click Apply.
Displays the distribution of events across entries in a selected column.

Printing an Event List

Execute the following steps to print the event list:
1. Click on the Event Panel toolbar. The Print Preview dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 93
Printing an Event List Section 7 Events

2. Click Print to print the event list in a tabular format.

94 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

This section describes the graphic items available for building graphic displays.
To drag and drop the objects or object properties to the required graphic control,
refer to Configuring Object Information for Controls on page 40.

Graphic Presentation
The Graphic Presentation group includes dynamic controls. These controls are
connected to object properties that is updated continuously for values. Select the
required control from Control Toolbox > Graphic Presentation in the Smart
Client Desktop application.

The Bar control displays a vertically or a horizontally placed bar graph symbol. It is
used to present a value, which varies within the specified limits.

Change Panel
The Change Panel control is a button that displays a different panel on a click. The
PanelPath property is used to specify the panel to be displayed.

Change Panel on Time

The Change Panel on Time control is an invisible control used for displaying a
different panel after a time delay. By default, the time delay is 60 seconds.
The Delay property specifies the time delay (in seconds). The PanelPath property
is used to specify the panel to be displayed.

2PAA106886-510 E 95
Circular Gauge Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Circular Gauge
The Circular Gauge control displays numeric values in a gauge control. The
TemplateFrameShape property is used to change the frame shape of the gauge

Circular Gauge with Odometer

The Circular Gauge with Odometer control displays a gauge control with an
Odometer. The Odometer in this control displays the numeric value of the input.

Column Chart
The Column Chart control displays the object data in columns. This control
supports a maximum of 31 objects or object properties.
Drag and drop objects or object properties from the Property Browser to this
Set the Enable3D property as True to enable a 3D effect to this control.

Graphic Image
The Graphic Image control is used to add an image to a panel. Standard image
formats like .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .ico, and .tif are supported. The ImagePath property is
used to specify the image to be displayed.

LCD Panel
The LCD Panel control is a digital display control where the value of the selected
object property is displayed in a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panel.
Drag and drop the required property from the Property Browser to this control.

LCD Panel with Indicator

The LCD Panel with Indicator control is a digital display control where the value of
the selected object property is displayed in a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panel
including a linear indicator.
Drag and drop the required property from the Property Browser to this control.

96 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls LCD Panel with Indicator and Max Min

LCD Panel with Indicator and Max Min

The LCD Panel with Indicator and Max Min control is a digital display control
where the value of the selected object property is displayed in a Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) panel including a linear indicator. This control also displays the
maximum and minimum value limits.
Drag and drop the required property from the Property Browser to this control.

Linear Gauge
The Linear Gauge control displays numeric values in a linear gauge control.

Linear Gauge with Bars

The Linear Gauge with Bars control displays numeric values in a linear gauge
control. This also includes a bar graph.

Numeric Value
The Numeric Value control is used to display numeric values as text.
Set the ShowTargetIndicator property to True to display an indicator along with
the numeric value.

Numeric Value with Target Indicator

The Numeric Value with Target Indicator control is used to retrieve dynamic values.
This control displays a numeric value and a target indicator.

Numeric Value with Unit and Target Indicator

The Numeric Value with Unit and Target Indicator control is used to retrieve
dynamic values. This control displays the numeric value, the engineering unit, and
the target indicator.

Numeric Value with Unit

The Numeric Value with Unit control is used to retrieve dynamic values. This
control displays the numeric value and the engineering unit.

2PAA106886-510 E 97
Pareto Chart Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Pareto Chart
The Pareto Chart control is a bar chart that displays values in descending order. This
chart also includes a line graph that represents the cumulative total of each value.

Pie Chart
The Pie Chart control is used to display data in the form of a pie chart. Each object
or object property is represented as a sector in the chart.

Tag Ticker
The Tag Ticker control is used to display the properties of objects in the form of a
scrolling text.
By default, this control displays the Description, Current Value, and Engineering
Unit of the selected object. To display the other properties of the object, drag and
drop the required property from the Property Browser.
Set the Autosize property to True to adjust the font size of the text according to the
width of the Tag Ticker control.

Text Value
The Text Value control is used to display a property of an object in a text box. This
control displays the Description or Current Value of the object.
Set the Autosize property to True to adjust the font size of the text according to the
width of the Text Value control.

The Trend control is used to display the run-time and historical data in the form of
traces. For more information, refer to Section 5, Trends.

Event List
The Event list in the toolbar allows the user to list and perform all operations on the
Events. For more information, refer to Section 7, Events.
Click on the toolbar to show or hide the Event List window.

98 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Data Entry

All the Graphic Presentation Controls are provided with the PanelPath property
to display a panel. In the Run mode, the specified panel is displayed when clicked
on the control.

Data Entry
The numeric entry control is used to enter a numeric value to an object property. The
object property will be updated in the 800xA system.
To use the Numeric entry control, make sure that:
• The property is writable in PPA.
• The Smart Client OPC DA data provider must be write enabled by adding the
command line argument allow_object_write.
• The Smart Client desktop user must have operate rights to the panel or must be
the owner of the panel.

Numeric Entry
To add Numeric entry control:
1. Drag and drop the control onto the panel.

2PAA106886-510 E 99
Graphic Primitives Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

2. Drag and drop a numeric object property from the Property Browser. The
following window appears.

Figure 52. Select query to connect

3. Select Write to configure the Numeric entry control to overwrite the existing
property value in the 800xA system.
4. Change to Run Mode.
5. Enter a numeric value in the Numeric entry control. Press ENTER. The value
is written to the property in the 800xA system.

Graphic Primitives
The Graphic Primitives group includes static controls which are used to build
graphic displays. Select the required control from Control Toolbox > Graphic
Presentation in the Smart Client Desktop application.

The Cone primitive is used to draw a cone consisting of four vertices connected by
straight lines.
The Cone Width property specifies the size of cone top expressed in percentage of
width of the bottom.

100 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Ellipse

The Ellipse primitive is used to draw an ellipse.

The Line primitive is used to draw a line. This can also be used to draw a shape built
from a sequence of connected line segments. Draw the desired polyline and double-
click to complete the drawing.
To add a new point to the existing line, right-click anywhere on the line and select
Insert Point from the context menu.
The user can also add arrows to the lines by setting the properties,
ArrowHeadType, ArrowHeadStrength, ArrowHeadDirection, ArrowTailType,
ArrowTailStrength, and ArrowTailDirection.

The Pie primitive is a closed figure bounded by intersection of an ellipse and two
line segments towards the center of the ellipse.

The Pipe primitive draws a pipe with area fill. The pipe can be cut 45 degrees in one
or both ends.
The DownLeftEnd property controls the appearance of bottom or left end of the
pipe depending on the orientation.
The UpRightEnd property controls the appearance of top or right end of the pipe
depending on the orientation.

The Polyline primitive is used to draw a shape built from a sequence of connected
line segments. Draw the desired polyline and double-click to complete the drawing.
To add a point to the existing line, right-click anywhere on the line and select Insert
Point from the context menu.

2PAA106886-510 E 101
Rectangle Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

The user can also add arrows to the lines by setting the properties,
ArrowHeadType, ArrowHeadStrength, ArrowHeadDirection, ArrowTailType,
ArrowTailStrength, and ArrowTailDirection.

The Rectangle primitive is used to draw a rectangle with a frame and an area fill.
The corners of the rectangle can be sharp (90 degrees) or rounded. The
RoundedEdges property specifies the rounding of the corners.

The Tank primitive is used to construct a tank object.
The TopHeight property specifies the height of the tank top and the ConeHeight
property specifies the height of the tank cone.

A Text primitive is used to display texts in the graphic displays.
The TextDirection property specifies the orientation of the text. This can be
TopToBottom, LeftToRight, or BottomToTop.
The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties specify the
horizontal or vertical alignment of the text with respect to the width of the primitive.

The Motor primitive is used to draw the Fan, Motor, and Pump controls.
The Motor Control Mode and the Motor State controls the functioning of the
motor controls.

The Valve primitive is used to draw different types of valves.
The Valve Control Mode and the Valve State controls the functioning of the valve
controls. They are controlled by input signals.

102 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Graphic Indicator Controls

Graphic Indicator Controls

The Graphic Indicator Controls group contains a set of predefined commonly used
process symbols that are used for status indication. Select the required control from
Control Toolbox > Graphic Indicator Symbols in the Smart Client Desktop
Colors can be set for displaying the indicators based on the indicator status such as
Fault, Interlock, On, or Off.
Table 4 gives the list of graphic indicator controls.

Table 4. Graphic Indicator Controls

Name Figure
Boolean Text




Horizontal Valve Manual Up

Horizontal Valve On Off

2PAA106886-510 E 103
Date and Time Controls Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Table 4. Graphic Indicator Controls (Continued)

Name Figure

Vertical Valve Manual Left

Vertical Valve Manual Right

Vertical Valve On Off

All the Graphic Indicator Controls are provided with the PanelPath property to
display a panel. In the Run mode, the specified panel is displayed when clicked
on the control.

Date and Time Controls

The Date and Time Controls group contains a set of predefined controls used to
display the date and time. Select the required control from Control Toolbox > Date
and Time Controls in the Smart Client Desktop application.
This includes the Date, Time, and Date and Time controls.
To display the date, set the ShowDate property to True. To display the time, set the
ShowTime property to True.
The DateTime property displays the current date and time. The value of this
property cannot be modified.

104 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Browsers

The Browsers group contains a set of browser controls such as File Browser, Trend
Browser, Property Browser, and Web Browser. Select the required control from
Control Toolbox > Browsers in the Smart Client Desktop application.

File Browser
The File Browser control is used to browse and select a file from the root directory
Set the DirectorySortOrder and FileSortOrder property to Ascending or
Descending. This will sort the directories and files in the root directory.
The RootQuery property specifies the root directory for the File Browser.

800xA Trend Browser

The 800xA Trend Browser control is used to display the Smart Client trend panels.
The TrendPanelName specifies the trend panel to be displayed.

800xA Graphic Browser

The 800xA Graphic Browser is used to browse the Process Graphics of 800xA
System in the Smart Client applicaiton.

Property Browser
The Property Browser is used to browse for 800xA aspect objects and object
properties. For more information, refer to Property Browser on page 31.

Web Browser
The Web Browser control is used to view any file compatible to Internet Explorer.
The URL Address property specifies the page to be displayed. The syntax should
be http://<web server IP address>/<file path and name>.

Common Properties for the Controls

The following are some of the properties, which exist for all the controls.

2PAA106886-510 E 105
Common Properties for the Controls Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Control Name
The Control Name property specifies the name of the control. This is unique for
each control.

Coordinate Value
The control can be placed anywhere in the panel. The position of the control can be
changed by specifying values for the Location X and Location Y properties.

The Visible property of the control can be set to True or False. The control is visible
if the property is set to True.

Height and Width

The height and width of the controls can be changed by giving values for the Height
and Width properties.

Set the dock position as None, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, or Fill in the Dock property.
For more information on docking, refer to Docking Support on page 35.

The Font property is used to define the style of the text displayed in a control. This
includes Font name, Font size, Font style, and Font weight.

The Autosize property can be set to True or False. If set to True, the font size
increases proportionately on increasing the size of the control.

106 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Common Properties for the Controls

The properties of the lines in the controls include the width and style of the line. The
Line Thickness property defines the thickness of the line. The Line Style property
defines the style of the line and can be Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, or DashDotDot.

Background and Foreground

The ForeColor and BackColor properties are used to set the outline and fill colors
respectively for the controls.

The Antialiasing property is used to smoothen the edges of the control. This is used
for the gauge controls.

The ShowLeadingZeros property displays the leading zeros for a numeric value.
This property can be set as OneBeforeDecimal, None, or All.
For example, consider a value 0.04 with 6 digits and 3 decimals.
If this property is set to OneBeforeDecimal, the value will be 0.040.
If this property is set to None, the value will be .040.
If this property is set to All, the value will be 000.040.

The ShowSign property displays the sign of the value. This can be NegativeOnly,
Both, or None.

The ShowDecimalSign property can be set to True or False. If True, the value is
displayed with a decimal sign.

2PAA106886-510 E 107
Composite Properties Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Frame Properties
All rectangle shaped controls can show a frame around the element. The frame is
controlled by FrameWidth, FrameColor, and FrameBorderStyle.
The FrameBorderStyle sets a style for the frame border. This can be NotSet, Dash,
DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, or Solid.
The FrameColor sets a color for the frame.
The FrameWidth specifies the width of the frame. The maximum width is 10%.

Composite Properties
A Smart Client graphic control can have composite properties that is a collection of
defined properties. This includes:
• Properties to map queries to the graphic control for subscription.
• Properties to specify the color template for indications (For example, Trend
control uses the Standard Display Color Template by default. The trace color,
limit color, high range color, and low range color indications are taken from
this template).
Composite properties are grouped based on the type of a query such as Limit
queries, Decimal queries, or Color Template queries.
Right-click on a control and select Composite Properties from the context menu.

108 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Adding a Value Subscription to a Control

Figure 53. Composite Properties

Adding a Value Subscription to a Control

A value subscription is an OPC Subscription.The OPCDA parameters such as item
name will be queried to the Smart Client OPCDA provider for retrieving the item
Execute the following steps to add a value subscription to a control:
1. In Composite Properties, select Queries > Value Query.

2PAA106886-510 E 109
Adding a Value Subscription to a Control Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Figure 54. Composite Properties - Value Subscription

2. In SelectType, select the type of subscription as Value subscription.

3. Drag and drop the property to be subscribed into the Drop area from the
Property Browser.

110 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Adding a Log Data Subscription to a Control

Figure 55. Drag and Drop Property - Value subscription

4. Select the Advanced check box to configure the OPCDA parameters.

5. Click Apply to add the value subscription.

Adding a Log Data Subscription to a Control

Execute the following steps to add a log data subscription to a control:
1. In Composite Properties, select Queries > Value Query.

2PAA106886-510 E 111
Adding a Log Data Subscription to a Control Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Figure 56. Composite Properties - Log Data Subscription

2. In SelectType, select the type of subscription as Log data subscription.

3. In Items, specify the property to be subscribed.
4. In Retrieval Options, click Edit to view the retrieval options for the log data.
The Log Retrieval Configuration dialog appears.

112 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Adding a Log Data Subscription to a Control

Figure 57. Log Retrieval Configuration

– In Type of retrieval, select the retrieval type as Interpolated or Raw.

– In End time, select the time stamp of log entry. By default, the current
computer time is displayed in the YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss format.
– In Scope, select the time scope for data to be retrieved.
– In Aggregate, select the type of calculation to be performed on data to
create interpolated values. The aggregate can be set as Total, Average,
TimeAverage, Count, StandardDeviation, Minimum, Maximum, Start,
End, Range, Percent Bad, Percent Good.
– This option is available for selection only if Type of retrieval is selected
as Interpolated.
– In Interpolation interval, select the time between each interpolated

2PAA106886-510 E 113
Creating a Custom Script Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

– In Max results, enter the maximum number of log data values to be

retrieved. This option is available for selection only if Type of retrieval is
selected as Raw.
– Click OK to save the changes.
5. Click Apply to add the log data subscription.

Creating a Custom Script

A custom script is used for creating user-defined scripts. For example, a custom
script is created if the user has to add two subscribed items and display the value in
a numeric control.
Execute the following steps to create a custom script for a control:
1. In Composite Properties, select Queries > Value Query.

Figure 58. Composite Properties - Custom Script

114 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Creating a Custom Script

2. In SelectType, select the type of subscription as Custom Script.

3. Drag and drop a property from the Property Browser into the Drop Area.

Figure 59. Drag and Drop Property - Custom script

The Data Input Configuration dialog appears.

2PAA106886-510 E 115
Creating a Custom Script Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Figure 60. Data Input Configuration

– In Name, specify a name for the script.

– Select the type of data as OPCDA or OPCHDA. If the type is selected as
OPCHDA, click Config to configure the log retrieval options (see
Figure 57).
4. In Script template, enter the script to be executed.
5. Click Validate to check the correctness of the script.
6. Click Apply to add this script to the control.

Example. The following example describes to create a custom script for the Value
Query of a Numeric control.
1. Drag and drop a property from the Property Browser into the Script
Parameters area.
2. Add the inputs in1 and in2 of type OPCHDA, referring to two different logs.
3. In Script template, specify the script that retrieves a value above 50 for in1
and adds the value of in1 to the minimum value of in2. This result will be
displayed in the Numeric control.

116 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Expression Functions

Figure 61. Example of Custom Scripting

Expression Functions
To add function to the script, right-click the Script Template (see Figure 58) and
select the required function from Insert Constant in the context menu.

Data Functions
Data functions include a set of basic functions that represent the data types, Integer,
String, and Boolean. The following are the data functions available in the Script
• Literal (str)
Enter the constant value enclosed within double quotes (“ ’’). The function will
return a string.

2PAA106886-510 E 117
Expression Functions Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

For example, the expression result = str (“Hello”); returns the string Hello.
• Number (num)
Enter a decimal value. The function will return a positive integer.
For example, the expression result = num (6.1); returns the integer 6.
• Boolean (bln)
Enter the boolean constant True or False. The function will return -1 if the
value is True. Otherwise it returns 0.
For example, the expression result = bln (true); returns -1.

Calculation Functions
Calculation functions include a set of functions used to perform calculations based
on the system data. The following are the calculation functions available in the
Script Template:
• enthalpy
This function returns the saturated steam enthalpy or heat content. The syntax
for enthalpy is:
enthalpy (temperature oC, pressure kPa);
where, oC is a script parameter with the temperature value pointing to the
control object (control objects are defined in the 800xA base system) for steam
temperature measured value and kPa is a script parameter with the pressure
value pointing to the control object for steam pressure measured value.
• entropy
This function returns the entropy of the saturated steam. The syntax for entropy
entropy (temperature oC, pressure kPa);
where, oC is a script parameter with the temperature value pointing to the
control object for steam temperature measured value and kPa is a script
parameter with the pressure value pointing to the control object for steam
pressure measured value.

118 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Expression Functions

• minvalue
This function returns the minimum value found in the log property. The syntax
for minvalue is:
minvalue (in1);
where, in1 is an OPCHDA value.
• maxvalue
This function returns the maximum value found in the log property. The syntax
for maxvalue is:
maxvalue (in1);
where, in1 is an OPCHDA value.
• valueabove
This function returns the values found in the log property, which are greater
than a threshold value. The syntax for valueabove is:
valueabove (in1, value);
where, in1 is an OPCHDA value and value is the threshold value.
• valuebelow
This function returns the values found in the log property, which are less than a
threshold value. The syntax for valuebelow is:
valuebelow (in1, value);
where, in1 is an OPCHDA value and value is the threshold value.
• totime
This function converts the number of seconds to the string HH:MM, that is,
hours and minutes. The syntax for totime is:
totime (seconds);
where, seconds is a numeric subscription value.

2PAA106886-510 E 119
Operators Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Operators are used while creating scripts. The operators which are used in scripts
• Arithmetic Operators (see Table 5)
• Logical Operators (see Table 6)
• Boolean Operators (see Table 7)

Table 5. Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo (Remainder)

Table 6. Logical Operators

Operator Description
& And
| Or
! Not operator
++ Increment operator
-- Decrement operator
^ Exclusive Or
== Equality
!= Not equal

120 2PAA106886-510 E
Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls Special Character Rules

Table 6. Logical Operators

Operator Description
< Less than
<= Less than or equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal

Table 7. Boolean Operators

Operator Description
True Boolean logic. '
The output will be True.
False Boolean logic.
The output will be False.

Special Character Rules

The following characters are considered special characters.
• The search wildcard character asterisk (*).
• Item path separators forward slash character (/) and dot character (.).
• Aspect separator colon character (:).
• Log separator comma (,).
• Structure separator left and right square brackets ([) and (]).
• GUID separator left and right curly brackets ({) and (}).
• Backslash (\).
• Underscore(_).
Rule 1
The special characters forward slash (/), dot (.), comma (,) colon (:), left and right
square and curly brackets ([), (]), ({) and (}), and underscore (_) can be part of
object, aspect and property names, with the exception of rule 2, 3 and 4 below. In
Smart Client OPC item paths must always use a backslash (\).

2PAA106886-510 E 121
Special Character Rules Section 8 Smart Client Graphic Controls

Also use a backslash (\) within a name with a backslash (\).

[Control Structure]Area/Programs:1/Object\55:ControlConnection:Value.Min
must in a Smart Client OPC item path be use as
[Control Structure]Area/Programs\:1/Object\\55:ControlConnection:Value.Min
Rule 2
Never use an asterisk character (*) in object, aspect or property names. The result is
Rule 3
Special characters cannot appear last in an intermediate node name in an OPC item
path, even if used with a backslash.
[Control Structure]Area/Programs\[1\]/Object:Control Connection:Value is illegal
because the right square bracket (]) is last in the intermediate node name.
Rule 4
The backslash (\) character may not appear in aspect names.
[Control Structure]Area/Programs/Object:My\\Aspect:Value is illegal because there
is a backslash (\) in the aspect name.

122 2PAA106886-510 E
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