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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Section 8 Topics

• Engine Immobilizer
• WORKSHEET: Immobilizer System
• Power Distributor
• Smart Junction Box (MICON)
• HID Headlights
• Dynamic Laser Cruise Control

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Immobilizer Function

Prohibits the engine from starting unless

an authorized ignition key is used.

ID code stored in key must

match code stored in ECU.

Transponder Key Cylinder

Chip Communication

Ignition Transponder ECM

Key Key ECU
Transponder Key
Coil Security Fuel
Transponder Key
Amplifier Indicator
Light Disabled until ECM
receives “OK” from
Blinks until authorized Transponder Key ECU
key is in key cylinder.

Engine Immobilizer The engine immobilizer system is designed to prevent the vehicle from
Function being stolen. When the immobilizer system is set, the ECM disables the
fuel delivery and ignition systems. Only an authorized key can unset the
The Transponder Key ECU assembly stores the codes of authorized
ignition keys. When an authorized key is used to start the engine, the ECU
sends a signal to the ECM to unset the immobilizer and permit fuel delivery
and ignition.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Immobilizer System Operation

ECU Logic Security

Indicator Light
1. Detects unlock warning
switch is on when key is
in ignition 4 3 Unlock Warning Switch
8 (Key Cylinder)
2. Activates antenna coil 2 1
Transponder 6
3. Faint electric wave sent Key Transponder
Amplifier Key ECU
4. Key ID code returned
Antenna 5
5. ID code signal amplified 7 Front Door
Coil Courtesy Light
and sent to ECU
Switch (LH)
6. ECU compares key ID ECM
code to registered codes.
If codes match:
7. Cancels immobilizer
8. Turns off indicator light

Engine Immobilizer When a key is inserted in the key cylinder, the Transponder Key ECU
Operation detects the unlock warning switch is closed and sends a signal to activate
the antenna coil in the transponder key amplifier. The antenna generates a
faint electric wave activating the transponder chip in the key grip to
transmit its ID code.
The transponder key amplifier receives and amplifies the ID code signal,
then transmits it to the Transponder Key ECU. The ECU compares the
key’s ID code to the registered codes stored in its memory. If the codes
match, the ECU sends a signal to the ECM to unset the immobilizer and
switches off the security indicator light.

Key Code For the immobilizer system to operate, authorized keys must be registered
Registration with the Transponder Key ECU. The system provides three types of key
code registration procedures.
New Key Registration. This procedure is used if the registered master
keys are lost, and when the Transponder Key ECU must be replaced for
other reasons. An initial set of keys can be automatically registered
immediately after the new ECU is installed.
Additional Key Registration. New keys (up to a certain total number of
keys based on vehicle model) can be added to those already registered in
the Transponder Key ECU.
Key Code Erasure. For lost keys, key codes can be erased. This
procedure erases all codes except the master key. The remaining
authorized keys must be reregistered.

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Security Indicator Light

No key or unregistered
key (keeps blinking)

… …
Immobilizer is set

Key recognized

Master key indication

(light goes off)
… …
Immobilizer is set Immobilizer is unset

Sub key indication

(on for 2 sec.)

… …
Immobilizer is set Immobilizer is unset

Master Keys and The difference between a master key and a sub key is that a sub key cannot
Sub Keys be duplicated. This is a security feature that helps customers feel safer about
leaving a key with parking attendants.
You can distinguish between a master key and sub key by observing the
security indicator light when the key is inserted in the ignition switch.
• When a master key is placed in the ignition switch. The indicator light
turns off.
• When a sub key is placed in the ignition switch, the indicator light
remains illuminated for 2 seconds before turning off

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Automatic Key Code Registration

Indicator codes during automatic key code registration:
Blinking: Everything is Code 2-2: Key has already
operating normally been registered

Code 2-1: Registration failed Code 2-3: Maximum number of keys

(bad key) already registered

Automatic Key Code When the Transponder Key ECU is replaced, the new unit is preset to
Registration automatically register keys. To take advantage of automatic key code
• After replacing the transponder key ECU, insert the first key into the
ignition key cylinder. It takes about one second for the transponder key
ECU to register the key’s code.
• Remove the key and insert the next key.
• Repeat until all keys have been registered.

Watch for Error Codes If an error occurs during automatic key code registration, the security light
blinks a two-digit code:
Code 2-1: Key code registration failed, most likely because a code could not
be read from the key’s transponder chip. The key should be discarded.
Code 2-2: The key has already been registered.
Code 2-3: The maximum number of keys have already been registered.

Ending Automatic Automatic key code registration ends automatically after the maximum
Registration number of keys have been registered. If registering fewer than the maximum
number of keys, the automatic registration process has to be terminated
• Use Techstream to end automatic key code registration.
• Turn the ignition switch ON and OFF five times within 10 seconds to
force automatic key code registration to end.

NOTE Failing to terminate key code registration can result in abnormal system

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Configuration in Earlier Models

In earlier models, the
immobilizer functions are
built into the ECM.

2001 Avalon

Configuration in Engine immobilizer was introduced in the 1998 model year. The first vehicles
Earlier Models with this feature have the immobilizer functions built into the Engine Control
Module. This configuration exists in model years as late as 2004.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Configuration in Later Models

In later models, the

immobilizer functions are
controlled by a separate
Transponder Key ECU.

2007 Tundra

Configuration in In later models, a separate Transponder Key ECU was added to control the
Later Models immobilizer functions in place of the ECM. The advantage of a separate,
special ECU is that it is less expensive to replace than an ECM in the event of
lost keys or an ECU malfunction.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

TIS Immobilizer Reset

Immobilizer reset is not

supported on all vehicles.
Refer to the Support Chart
for more information.

Immobilizer Reset Because of the original system design for the immobilizer function, losing all
the keys to the vehicle meant that the ECM or Transponder Key ECU had to
be replaced. Later systems were modified so that the ECM or Transponder
Key ECU could be reset to accept registration of new keys.
Resetting the immobilizer to accept new keys requires obtaining a passcode
through TIS. For security reasons, only Master Technicians and MDTs are
authorized to request an immobilizer reset passcode. For theft prevention and
security monitoring, each time a passcode is requested, it is logged into a
national database.
Once a passcode is obtained, it’s entered into the ECU through Techstream
or a scan tool. When the ECU is successfully reset, the master key in the
ignition becomes registered to the vehicle and all previous key codes are

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Immobilizer Reset Support Chart

From TIS Immobilizer Reset Page

Immobilizer Reset The blue boxes on the support chart indicate which vehicle models have the
Support Chart immobilizer reset feature. The legend at the top of the chart describes
applicable TSBs.
Immobilizer systems that do not have immobilizer reset are indicated by the
white boxes. In these vehicle models, either the Transponder Key ECU or
ECM must be replaced if all the keys to the vehicle are lost. In these cases,
whether the ECM or Transponder Key ECU must be replaced depends on the
system configuration. If the vehicle has a separate Transponder Key ECU,
then that is the component that must be replaced. If the immobilizer functions
are controlled within the ECM, then the ECM must be replaced.
PANT Bulletin GI03-09 (referenced next to the white square in the legend)
describes conditions under which the ECU or ECM replacement cost can be

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

ECM Communication ID Registration

In vehicles with a separate Transponder Key ECU, the ECM Communication ID
must be registered whenever the ECM or Transponder Key ECU is replaced.



Example Procedure:
1. Using SST, connect TC to CG. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF and
disconnect TC and CG.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON (do not
start the engine) and leave it for 30 4. Check that the engine starts.
minutes. 2005 Avalon

ECU For security reasons, immobilizer systems with a separate Transponder Key
Communication ID ECU are designed so that the vehicle will not start if either the ECM or ECU
have been replaced. This security is provided by a unique ECU
Registration communication ID stored in both the ECM and Transponder Key ECU.
Therefore, when either unit is replaced, the ECU communication ID has to be
registered between them.

NOTE The code registration procedure described above is an example that may not
apply to all vehicles. Be sure to refer to the Repair Manual for the correct
procedure for the vehicle being serviced.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

DTC Check/Clear

Immobilizer diagnostic methods and procedures may vary

between vehicle models. Examples:
Vehicle Model To check DTCs w/check To clear DTCs w/o Techstream Techstream
wire on DLC3 supported?
2005 Avalon • TC to CG • Remove the EFI No. 1 fuse Yes

2006 Sequoia • TC to CG for DTC 99 • Remove the ECU-B fuse and

• CG to OP3 for other DTCs EFI No. 2 fuse from the No
engine room J/B for 1 minute
or more.
2006 Tacoma • Not supported • Not supported Yes

2006 Tundra • CG to OP3 • Remove the ECU-B fuse from Yes

the driver side J/B for 1
minute or more.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DLC3 9 10 111213 1415 16


Be Wary of While the concepts of immobilizer components and operation are similar
Differences between among all systems, the specifics of each system can vary significantly. The
example above demonstrates how different the diagnostic methods and
Models procedures can be between different models.
The bottom line is that when diagnosing the immobilizer system, it’s
especially risky to assume that one vehicle model is the same as another.
Always refer to the repair manual for the specifics of the vehicle being

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Transponder Key ECU

Input Signals:
Output Signals:
• VC5

2007 Tundra

Analyzing ECU Input In diagnosing an engine immobilizer malfunction, you may need to verify the
and Outputs Transponder Key ECU is receiving the correct input signals and is sending
the correct output signals. Remember that in earlier model vehicles without a
Transponder Key ECU, you’ll be verifying the immobilizer system signals
flowing into and out of the ECM.
You can identify the inputs and outputs using the system description and
looking at the wiring diagram and TERMINALS OF ECU section of the Repair
Manual. For our example, we’ll be using the 2007 Tundra to illustrate
diagnostic concepts. Note that these may not translate exactly to other
vehicle models.
KSW – ignition key cylinder unlock warning switch
CODE – key ID code from transponder key amplifier
EFII – ECM communication input signal
CTY – front door courtesy switch LH (required for registration only)
VC5 – five-volt power supply to transponder key amplifier
TXCT – communication signal to transponder key amplifier
IND – security indicator light signal
EFIO – ECM communication output signal

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Transponder Signals





2007 Tundra

Transponder Signals KSW. When a key is inserted in the key cylinder, the key switch closes. The
voltage on KSW drops to zero, alerting the Transponder Key ECU.
VC5. The Transponder Key ECU immediately supplies power to the
transponder key amplifier so it can operate.
TXCT. The Transponder Key ECU commands the transponder key amplifier
to begin pulsing for the key code.
CODE. The amplifier sends the code to the Transponder Key ECU.
After the transponder key amplifier transmits the key code, the Transponder
Key ECU stops requesting the code and shuts off the power to the amplifier.

NOTE The example is for a 2007 Tundra. This does not work exactly the same for
all models.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Transponder Key ECU – Power & Ground

Power & Ground

+B to GND: (J26 disconnected)
• Always – 11V to 14V

IG to GND: (J26 disconnected)

• Ignition OFF – below 1V
• Ignition ON – 11V to 14V

GND to Body ground: (J26 disconnected)

• Always – below 1Ω 2007 Tundra

Power and Ground Several of the Transponder Key ECU’s terminals are for power and ground
Circuits circuits. Diagnosis also involves testing at these terminals to be sure the ECU
is receiving the proper voltage and has a good ground.

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Transponder Key ECU – Input & Output

KSW to GND: (J26 disconnected)
• No key in cylinder – 10KΩ or higher
• Key In cylinder – below 1Ω

CTY to GND: (J26 connected)

• Door closed – 10KΩ or higher
• Door open – below 1Ω

IND to GND: (J26 connected)
• Immobilizer set (blinking) – alternates
between 11V to 14V and below 1V
• Immobilizer unset (off) – below 1V

VC5 to GND: (J26 connected)

• No key in cylinder – below 1V
• Key In cylinder
• 4.6V to 5.4V until Transponder Key
ECU receives key code (<0.5 sec.)
• Below 1V after key code received 2007 Tundra

Terminal Values and An understanding of the system’s operation and inputs and outputs, makes
Conditions diagnosis at the terminals easier.
KSW. This ground-side switch closes when a key is inserted in the key cylinder.
With no key in the cylinder, a continuity test between the terminal and ground
would show an open circuit. With a key in the cylinder, the circuit would show
continuity to ground and very low resistance.
CTY. This ground-side switch opens and closes according to the driver door
position. Resistance testing shows an open circuit when the door is closed, and
a closed circuit when the door is open.
IND. This terminal supplies power to the indicator light. It has battery voltage
when the lamp is ON, and zero volts when the lamp is OFF. When the lamp is
blinking, the voltage alternates.
VC5. The TERMINALS OF ECU specifies that this terminal supplies nominal 5V
power to the transponder key amplifier only when there is a key in the key
cylinder. Power is only supplied until the Transponder Key ECU receives the key
code, then it is switched off. This may take less than 0.5 second.

NOTE If the oscilloscope trigger is not set up properly, it’s possible to miss seeing the
VC5 signal because the voltage switches on and off so quickly.

Inserting a key that has no transponder chip (or a faulty chip) forces VC5 to stay
powered, providing adequate time for measuring voltage. Another option is to
wrap the key-grip in foil to block its signal.

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Transponder Key Amplifier

VC5 to AGND: (J20 connected)
• No key in cylinder – below 1V
• Key In cylinder
• 4.6V to 5.4V until Transponder Key
ECU receives key code (<0.5 sec.)
• Below 1V after key code received

CODE to AGND: (J20 connected)

• No key in cylinder – below 1V
• Key In cylinder – Waveform 1 (<0.5 sec.)

TXCT to AGND: (J20 connected)

• No key in cylinder – below 1V
• Key In cylinder – Waveform 2 (<0.5 sec.)

AGND to Body ground: (J20 connected)

• Always – below 1Ω 2007 Tundra

Terminal Values and While testing the Transponder Key ECU terminals, you would also test the
Conditions (cont’d) CODE, TXCT, and AGND terminals at the J26 connector, if warranted.
CODE. This is a communication signal sent to the Transponder Key ECU
transmitting the key’s ID code. The waveform shows a digital signal
appearing as a momentary burst of data (less than 0.5 second) shortly after
the key is inserted in the key cylinder.
TXCT. This is the communication signal from the Transponder Key ECU to
the transponder key amplifier. This waveform is also digital and appears as a
momentary signal transmitted shortly after the key is inserted in the key
AGND. Because this is the ground circuit for the transponder key amplifier, it
should show continuity to ground.

Transponder Key At the transponder key amplifier, the values for terminals VC5, CODE, TXCT,
Amplifier Terminal and AGND should be identical to those at the corresponding ECU terminals.
Values By verifying the correct values are on the other ends of the wires, you
eliminate the possibility of problems in the wire harness between the two

NOTE If the correct signal is verified on the CODE terminal of the Transponder Key
ECU, it is not necessary to test the CODE terminal of the transponder key
amplifier. Since the CODE signal is output by the amplifier, verifying the ECU
is receiving it proves both that the signal is being output at the amplifier and
the wiring between the two components is intact.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Engine Control Module

EFIO to GND: (J26 connected)
• Ignition switch OFF – below 1V
• Ignition switch ON – Waveform 3

EFII to GND: (J26 connected)

• Always – Waveform 4

2007 Tundra

ECM Terminal Values The TERMINALS OF ECU description indicates that EFII and EFIO are
communication circuits. Therefore you expect to see digital data signals on
these lines.
Since EFII is the input signal from the ECM, a good signal at the Transponder
KEY ECU verifies the ECM is transmitting and the wire to the ECM IMO
terminal is intact.
Similarly, a good signal at the IMI terminal of the ECM verifies the
Transponder Key ECU is transmitting and the connection between the two is

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Shop Worksheet:
In this worksheet you will:
• Use Techstream DATA LIST to make
determinations related to the ID Code of
the transponder chip embedded in the
ignition key
• Use a PicoScope to observe
Immobilizer System waveforms under
varying conditions and compare them to
those in the Repair Manual.

Use this space to write down any questions you may have for your instructor.


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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Power Distributor
Contact Semiconductor
Power Relays Fuses Relays


2006 Highlander HV
Mode Monitor

Contact Relays Semiconductor Relays

• RDI Fan No.1 Relay • Head Light Relay LH • Back-up Light Relay
• RDI Fan No.2 Relay • Head Light Relay LH • Horn Relay
• IGCT Relay • DRL No.2 Relay • AC Water Pump Relay
• C/OPN Relay • DRL No.4 Relay • Battery Fan Relay
• A/F Relay • Rear Defogger Relay

Power Distributor In some vehicle models, a power distributor replaces the conventional relay
box (engine room J/B). Whereas conventional relay boxes use contact-type
mechanical relays, a power distributor replaces some of the mechanical
relays with semiconductor relays. A semiconductor relay is a completely
electronic circuit, reducing the size and weight of these components.

Protect Mode A feature of many power distributors is a protect mode. To protect

semiconductor relay circuits in the event of overcurrent or overheating, the
power distributor stops current flow through the circuit's semiconductor relay
when an abnormality occurs. The power distributor soon restores current to
the relay, but if the problem still exists, the power distributor again stops the
semiconductor relay current flow. The power distributor continues this
ON/OFF operation (protect operation) at a fast cycle until the problem is

Mode Monitor Terminal Some models feature a mode monitor terminal on the power distributor.
When the power distributor is operating normally, the voltage at the mode
monitor terminal is approximately 6V. When the power distributor is
operating in protect mode, the mode monitor terminal voltage is
approximately 1V. Though this indicates protect mode is operating, it does
not indicate which circuit is experiencing a problem.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Smart Junction Box (MICON)

MICON is short for


These specialized
electronic circuits
can perform various
functions such as
converting electrical
signals into
multiplex data.
They are typically
located inside a
relay block or MICON
junction block.

2005 Avalon

Smart Junction Box Junction boxes sometimes have programmable electronic circuits inside
(MICON) enabling them to carry out specific electronic tasks. These special circuits are
represented inside junction boxes on electrical wiring diagrams with the label
MICON (short for “microcomputer controlled” circuit).
The specific function of any particular MICON is not described in the Repair
Manual or EWD, and in fact is not important to diagnosis. Where measuring
MICON signals is called for in a diagnostic procedure, the normal values are
provided in the Repair Manual.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

High Intensity Discharge (HID) Headlights

High-voltage arcing inside the metal halide
bulb causes the metal atoms to emit light.

Headlight Unit

Light Control ECU

Headlight High Voltage

Relay Generation Circuit

Voltage Xenon Gas Light
Approx. 20,000V
Approx. 85V
Light Control

Extremely high voltage starts the arc, Light Mercury

then a lower voltage sustains it. Evaporation

High Intensity High intensity discharge (HID) headlights produce a very bright light using an
Discharge (HID) electric arc to excite atoms of xenon gas, mercury and metal halide. The light
an HID headlight produces is very white and twice as bright as a comparable
Headlights halogen bulb, but consumes almost half the power.
Starting these lamps requires as much as 20,000 volts for the xenon gas to
begin glowing. As the bulb warms up, the mercury evaporates and separates
into mercury and halide atoms, creating an even brighter light.
A light control ECU under each headlight provides:
• High starting voltage necessary to ignite the lamp
• Active control of current and voltage after startup to maintain optimum light
• A fail-safe function to stop headlamp operation in the event of an electrical
fault or missing bulb.

CAUTION High voltages in this circuit can damage test equipment and cause injury.
Observe the safety precautions listed in the Repair Manual when servicing
components in or near the HID headlight system.

NOTE The HID bulb and HID ECU service parts for 2004 – 2005 model year are
NOT compatible with 2006 and later model year vehicles. Installing a 2004 or
2005 model year HID Bulb or HID ECU on a 2006 or later model year vehicle
may cause an intermittent operation/flickering of the HID bulb.
In most cases, when replacing the HID bulb, the HID ECU does NOT need to
be replaced. In the event of HID ECU replacement, order the following part
numbers: 81107-51050 (2004 – 2005 model year) or 81107-47150 (2006 –
2008 model year). (Refer to T-SB-0030-08 for more information.)

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Dynamic Laser Cruise Control

Operates in one of two modes:

• Constant Speed Control Mode (same as conventional cruise control)
• Vehicle-to-Vehicle Distance Control Mode (uses the four controls shown below)

Constant Speed Decelerator Follow-up Accelerator

Control Control Control Control


No vehicle ahead Closing in on Maintaining set Resuming set

vehicle ahead distance from speed
vehicle ahead

Dynamic Laser The Dynamic Laser Cruise Control has two operating modes.
Cruise Control The constant speed control mode operates the same as conventional cruise
Operation control. The driver chooses a set speed and the cruise control works to
maintain that speed.
In the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode, Dynamic Laser Cruise
Control employs a laser sensor to detect a slower-moving vehicle in the same
lane and reduces the vehicle speed as necessary to maintain a fixed distance
from the vehicle ahead. When the other vehicle is no longer in the path of
travel, the cruise control accelerates to resume traveling at the set speed.

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Laser Sensor

The Laser Sensor CPU:

• Uses data from the reflected laser beams to
calculate information on the vehicle ahead
• Does not react to stationary objects

Laser Receiver


Laser Emitter

Note: When installing, removing or changing the laser sensor, be sure to adjust the laser beam axis.

Laser Sensor The laser sensor’s principle components are the laser emitter, laser receiver,
and the CPU.
• The laser emitter radiates laser beams forward.
• The laser receiver receives the laser beams reflected by the vehicle ahead.
• Based on the duration and input angle of the reflected beams, the CPU
calculates the information on the vehicle ahead, and transmits this
information to the Distance Control ECU. The CPU is designed so that it does
not react to stationary objects.

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Indicators and Error/Cancellation Codes

Constant Speed Control Error/Cancellation Codes
Any of the following cancels cruise
control. Cruise control is prohibited until
Operating the conditions are remedied or the MAIN
switch is turned on again.
Distance Control
• Malfunction in the laser
Ready sensor or control system

Operating (no vehicle ahead) • Laser sensor dirty

Operating (vehicle ahead)

• Adverse environmental condition
Distance Setting (weather, sunlight)

Long Middle Short

Indicators The driver is able to set the following parameters and sees the related
indicators on the display:
Mode – Constant speed control mode or vehicle-to-vehicle distance control
Distance – Long, middle, or short. (The actual distance represented by each
setting is based on vehicle speed. At 55 mph, the distances would be
approximately 245 ft., 165 ft., and 100 ft.)
Set Speed – Above approximately 25 mph. (In vehicle-to-vehicle distance
control mode, the set speed cannot exceed approximately 85 mph.)

Error/Cancellation Certain conditions will cancel cruise control operation and display a code on
the cruise control indicator.
The C1 code is set when the laser sensor is dirty.
The C2 code is set when:
• The wipers operate at HI or LO speed (including AUTO mode).
• The laser sensor receives a strong light from the front of the vehicle, such
as sunlight.
• The measurement becomes extremely unstable due to poor weather
The following conditions set the E3 code:
• Malfunction in the laser sensor
• Displacement of the axis of the laser sensor
• Other malfunction in the dynamic radar cruise control system

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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

Constant Speed Control

• The Distance Control ECU signals the ECM to maintain the
set vehicle speed.
• The ECM compares actual speed with the set speed and
regulates the throttle to maintain the set speed.

Laser Sensor Speed Signal
Throttle Position
Distance Control ECM

Cruise Control

While no vehicle is detected in the path ahead, the system operates similarly to conventional cruise


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Decelerator Control
• A deceleration request is sent to the ECM. The ECM closes the throttle valve.
• If further deceleration is needed, a brake request is sent to the ECM. The ECM
sends a brake request to the Skid Control ECU.
• If deceleration is not adequate, the VSC warning buzzer sounds to alert the driver
to apply brakes.
Laser Sensor Speed Signal
Throttle Position
Distance Control ECM Throttle Control
ECU Motor

Brake Actuator VSC Warning

• Skid Control ECU Buzzer

Stop Light
Control Relay Stop Light

Decelerator control occurs when a slower moving vehicle is detected in the path ahead.


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Follow-Up Control
• With the distance control switch, the driver selects between long,
middle, and short following distance.
• When the set distance is achieved, the ECM regulates the throttle
to maintain the set distance between vehicles.

Laser Sensor Speed Signal
Throttle Position
Distance Control ECM Throttle Control
ECU Motor

Distance Control
Switch Middle

Note: The actual following distance varies depending on vehicle speed.

Follow-up control maintains the set distance between the vehicles.


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Accelerator Control
• When there is no longer a vehicle ahead, an
acceleration request is sent to the ECM.
• The ECM regulates the throttle to reach and maintain
the set speed.

Laser Sensor Speed Signal
Throttle Position
Distance Control ECM Throttle Control
ECU Motor

Accelerator control resumes the set speed when the slower moving vehicle is no longer in the path


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673 Electronic & Computer Controlled Systems Technician Handbook

System Diagram
Distance Control Distance Control
Laser Sensor
ECU Switch VSC Warning Buzzer

Steering Angle Brake Actuator Stop Light

Sensor • Skid Control ECU Control Relay

Stop Light

• Combination Meter Yaw Rate & DLC3

(SPD) Decelerator Sensor
• Stop Light Switch
• Cruise Control Switch
• Accelerator Pedal Throttle Control Motor
Position Sensor ECM For signal flow, locate
• Throttle Position Automatic Transmission the Transmit/Receive
Sensor • Shift Solenoid Valves
ECU Chart in the Repair
• Park/Neutral Position
Switch Manual.


Combination Meter Combination Switch

• Cruise MAIN Indicator Light • Wiper Control Switch Rain Sensor
• Master Warning Light • Taillight Control Switch
• Constant Speed Indicator
• Buzzer 2005 Avalon

Communication between the laser sensor and the Distance Control ECU is serial data, although it
is not part of the vehicle’s standard multiplex networks.


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Distance Control ECU Waveforms

• Ignition ON

• Ignition ON

2005 Avalon

These are waveforms for the serial data flowing between the laser sensor and the Distance Control


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Laser Radar Sensor Waveforms

• Ignition ON

• Ignition ON

2005 Avalon

These are the same serial data signals as before, except now measured at the laser sensor and
viewed at different voltage and time scales.


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