Integration of Web Technologies in Software Applications. Is Web 2.0 A Solution?

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Database Systems Journal vol. I, no.

2/2010 39

Integration of Web Technologies in Software Applications. Is Web 2.0 a



Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
[email protected], [email protected]

Starting from the idea that Web 2.0 represents the era of dynamic web, the paper proposes to
provide arguments (demonstrated by physical results) regarding the question that is at the
foundation if this article. Due to the findings we can definitely affirm that Web 2.0 is a solution
to building powerful and robust software, since the Internet has become more than just a simple
presence on the users desktop that develops easy access to information, services, entertainment,
online transactions, e-commerce, e-learning and so on, but basically every kind of human or
institutional interaction can happen online. This paper seeks to study the impact of two of these
braches upon the user e-commerce and e-testing. The statistic reports will be made on different
sets of people, while the conclusions are the results of a detailed research and study of the
applications behaviour in the actual operating environment.
Keywords: Web 2.0, web technology, e-commerce, online transaction, e-testing
series of interconnected financial

1 Introduction

The answer for the question that makes

institutions, for example), these
must be considered at the time when a

classic web server will become insufficient.

the object of this paper, "Is Web 2.0 a The Web 2.0 term has first been
solution?", requires a multi-directional quoted by Darcy DiNucci, in 1999, when, in
approach. While Web 1.0 is the synonym her article, Fragmented future [5], [6], she
for "the static web, Web 2.0 represents writes: The Web we know now, which loads
the dynamic way of creating, developing into a browser window in essentially static
and using applications over the Internet. screenfulls, is only an embryo of the Web to
Extremely user friendly interfaces with full come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are
content management options are developed beginning to appear, and we are just
quickly together with complex applications starting to see how that embryo might
that have various functionalities and require develop.. Later on, John Robb [7] says that
a large and sophisticated amount of [Web 2.0] is a system that breaks with the
resources (especially regarding the security old model of centralized Web sites and
issue). Web development technologies are moves the power of the Web/Internet to the
constantly improving their performance an desktop..
offered facilities to the end-user: next to the In 2004, when the first official
expansion of the dedicated development conference on Web 2.0 took place, O'Reilly
frameworks, the hardware infrastructure that Media and MediaLive, the term became
keeps up with the software also gets better unanimously accepted. Consisting of
by the day (an example of such a technology everything that Web as Platform means, a
is cloud-computing). This allows web generic term (which defines web-based
technologies together with these extended software applications) maybe having even
capacities, to run smoothly on a reliable better functionalities then these. According
logistic base without any technical issues. to D. Best [4], the characteristics of Web 2.0
Even tough, for the moment, the hardware are rich user experience, user participation,
resources are maybe a bit too much for dynamic content, metadata, web standards
micro level implemented web applications and scalability. Thus, we state that, the main
(inside a financial institution or inside a phrase, when referring to Web 2.0, is
40 Integration of web technologies in software applications. Is Web 2.0 a solution?

interaction. We state this because, defines the structure of web applications

obviously, over the last few years, the web developed using the 2.0 model by
has become one of the most powerful means implementing the functionality of mutual
of information (in most of the cases, the inclusion of the Web pages contents (e.g.
most powerful), personal development Web services);
mechanism, knowledge enrichment tool and Rich Internet Application (RIA)
so on. If ten years ago the Internet was just a defines the implementation of the classic
sum of plain, static web pages, almost software packages facilities, developed and
irrelevant for the user, nowadays the access included inside the Internet environment
to information is extremely simple and can (the web browser);
even be enriched by editing the pages while Social Web - defines the user as part of
browsing (e.g. Wikipedia). This way, the the web development process.
Web 2.0 technologies encourages and
amplifies the users role in the browsing As shown above, the three listed
experience: components define the client - server
Instant Messaging (Yahoo! architectural model, and include the
Messenger, GTalk): text-based, real time concepts of client-side software, server-side
communication channel between two or software, content uniformity and use of
more users; network protocols. Newer versions of
Internet Telephony (Skype): real time browsers have included in their standard
audio communication between two or more software extensions or plug-ins that allow
users; interaction with web 2.0 elements, elements
Blogs (WordPress, Blogger): easily that were missing in web 1.0 (XML, RSS,
customizable web pages, where users can AJAX and others).
post topics and others can express their Other important concepts defined by the
opinion and comment upon; literature [1] are SLATES - Search, Links,
Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter): Authoring, Tags, Extensions, Signals.
web applications that create links between From a functional point of view, the
users that share the same interests, hobbies available web technologies are divided into
or other; two main categories: server-side web
Wikis (Wikipedia): web applications technologies and client-side web
that allow creating and/or editing web page technologies.
content, mostly used for developing website
communities that are able to rapidly store 2.2. Server-side web technologies
massive amount of information.
What this article aims, is to present Given the extremely rapid development
practical results obtained by interviewing of the Internet, new programming languages
users about how the new Web technologies have emerged and distinguished themselves
in general, e-commerce and e-testing, in as powerful tools in order to standardize the
particular, were seen by them after using content of web pages. Thus, languages like
these software platforms. PHP, JSP, ASP, Ruby and others have
functions and features that facilitate working
2 Concepts and technologies with XML, RSS or JSON files, making the
communication between two or more web
2.1. Concepts applications possible, even if they were
initially developed in different programming
From a minimalistic look, the Web 2.0 languages.
can be described throughout three major
components: 2.3. Client-side web technologies
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -
Database Systems Journal vol. I, no. 2/2010 41

Regarding the Web 2.0 technologies applications.

used on the client-side, these aimed to
develop tools that facilitate the creation of Table 1. Evolution of the Internet
dynamic, easily understandable and usable Pre Web
interfaces but, especially, to create visual Period Before 1990
and functional effects. The AJAX Participants One-to-one
(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), Work
Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex and JavaScript Dedicated connection
framework and libraries (Yahoo User Communication FTP, telnet, EDI
Interface library, jQuery, MooTools) Presentation /
technologies have been developed. ASCII
Each of the listed technologies have Programming
special features. The developers decision of Fortran, C, C++, Perl
using one over another remains at his will, Storage SQL, DbaseIII
his work experience and the purpose of the Reactive Web
software application. While the AJAX Period Early 90s
technology offers facilities for working with Participants One-to-one
asynchronous requests to the server (the Web page, portal,
requests are running in the background of company
the browser), Flex and Flash technologies
Communication HTTP, CGI
are capable of displaying large amounts of
Presentation /
information in video and audio formats. HTML
However, essentially, what a technology has
to offer better than another is only a small C, C++, Perl
portion of the package, namely to work with
JavaScript or DOM (Data Object Model) Access, DbaseIV,
objects. Oracle, SQL
Interactive Web
3. Web technologies integrated in e- Period Mid 90s
commerce solutions Participants One-to-many
Work Common market,
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has environment trader, dealer, broker
been, since the early expansion of the Communication SSL, Cookie
Internet, a major challenge for developers. Presentation /
SSI, VRML, Flash
Problems like the connection between the Representation
parties, security of connection, security of Programming
Java, PHP
transaction, the implemented mechanism, language
the participants in the business process all Storage ODBC
were the subject of many debates and Integrative Web
development projects. As for the solution to Period Late 90s
these problems, the development of e- Participants Many-to-many
commerce solutions can be divided into four Work Platform, community,
stages: the pre-web stage, the reactive web environment business, industry
stage, the interactive web stage and the Communication Wap, PKI
integrative web stage [2]. Presentation /
Each of the four stages presents special XML, XHTML
features regarding the development of the ASP, JSP, JDBC,
Internet, the technologies that were used and Programming
ColdFusion, SQLJ,
developed becoming more advanced. Table language
1 summarizes the stages of the e-commerce Storage JDBC, SQLJ
42 Integration of web technologies in software applications. Is Web 2.0 a solution?

The experiment conducted towards organizations (many of them united under a

finding an answer to the question "Is Web single aegis), such as IMS - Instructional
2.0 a solution for e-commerce?" has been Management Systems, LTSCALE -
made on a sample of 20 people with ages Learning Technology Standards
between 20 and 45. The issue was whether, Committees, ADL - Advanced Distributed
by visiting two online stores, they became Learning, decided to create a permanent
convinced to order products online. The two collaboration in e-learning standards . The
stores have been developed using the PHP most common such standards are based on
server-side technology and the AJAX client- metadata: SCORM and Learning Design[8].
side technology (Yahoo User Interface Given the direction of standardization based
libraries, MooTools, jQuery). The on metadata the format in which the
ergonomics of the two software platforms questions will be integrated into the system
and its role regarding the customers must be clearly defined. Thus, they can be of
decision to purchase the products offered for various types (with short, single or multiple
sale has also been tested. Appendix 1 answer, with free answer, with adding item
presents the evaluation questionnaire answer and so on) and raises two issues -
together with the achieved scores and the how will the questions be included into the
metric chosen for the performed reporting. application and the method or algorithm
The results of the study reveal that, for through whom they will be added into the
the first online store, which, on a scale of 1 evaluation tests. Regarding the first
to 10, has a 9.51 average in appearance and problem, research is conducted in the field
an 8.46 average on the traded products of automation for the training process (for
utility, 74.6% of the customers have shown example, linking the taught material with the
an interest in purchasing products from this assessed one through semantic networks).
store. For the second online store, which Regarding the tests generation mechanism,
received an average of 7.34 for appearance there have been created linear test
and 6.57 for utility, the results reveal a generating algorithms (the same set of
strong correlation between these indicators questions for all those assessed), dynamic
and the customers interest in purchasing the test generating algorithms (different sets of
products it sells, the percentage of 47.3% of questions) or adaptive test generating
the subjects interested in buying was clearly algorithms (dependent on the knowledge of
lower than the one for the first store. the assessed person, iterative [3]).
The experimental research to find an
4. Web technologies integrated in e- answer for the question "Is Web 2.0 a
testing platforms solution for online testing?" was conducted
on a sample of 20 students aged between 20
Software platforms for computer- and 23. The issue was that, after taking three
assisted learning and testing represents a tests using an e-testing software platform,
special class of web applications, mainly the subjects would complete a questionnaire
due to different possible modes of on efficiency, ergonomics and functionality
development, integration and of the web application. The platform was
implementation. The above technologies are developed using PHP server-side technology
capable of developing modular platforms, and AJAX client-side technology (YUI
easily to improve, easily to manipulate and libraries, MooTools, jQuery). The
that creates easy access to data, reports and questionnaire, the scores and the chosen
result graphs. metrics defined for the reports are presented
A current trend in computer-assisted in Appendix 2.
learning and testing processes is the The experimental results show that
standardization of the structure of these 82.5% of the subjects have rapidly adapted
software systems. Thus, international to the interface and functions of the
Database Systems Journal vol. I, no. 2/2010 43

platform, which is quoted by most of them internet telephony, social networking or

as having a high level of usability. A others), but especially creating an more
correlation between the answer regarding attractive environment (aesthetically and
the ergonomics and the tests scores can be functionally) for the user, improving the
seen, subjects with less good scores defining browsing experience and, obviously,
the application less ergonomic and difficult convincing the user to return to the web
to use, while the subjects with high scores application.
are those who have rapidly adapted to the
interface. Regarding the utility of the 6. Acknowledgments
application, 79.6% of the subjects consider it This work was cofinanced from the
a useful tool and are wiling to help on European Social Fund through Sectorial
improving it by providing comments and Operational Programme Human Resources
suggestions upon it. Development 2007-2013, project number
POSDRU/107/1.5/S/77213 Ph.D. for a
5. Conclusions career in interdisciplinary economic research
The present paper wants to argue, both at the European standards (DOCCENT).
theoretically and experimentally, that the
answer to the main issue here - "Is Web 2.0 References
a solution in software development?". Given
the results of the study for the two areas of [1] McAfee, A., Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn
research, electronic commerce and of Emergent Collaboration. MIT Sloan
computer-aided testing, we can strongly say Management review, Vol. 47, No. 3,
that Web 2.0 is a solution. The currently 2006, pp. 2128.
available technologies on the market and [2] Sung-Chi Chu, Lawrence C. Leung, Yer
their possibilities of development, both Van Hui, Waiman Cheung, Evolution
server-side and client-side consist of of e-commerce Web sites: A conceptual
valuable resources for the development of framework and a longitudinal study,
Web 2.0 and gradual transition towards Web Information & Management, Vol. 44,
3.0. 2007, pp. 154164
Correlations between aesthetics and the [3] Armenski Goce, S., Gusev, M.,
desire to buy the product, on the one hand, Infrastructure for e-Testing, Facta
usability and the testings results, on the Universitatis, Ser. Elec. Energ., Vol. 18,
other hand, emphasizes that a good design of No. 2, 2005, pp. 181-204
the user-interface creates the premises of [4] Best, D., Web 2.0 Next Big Thing or
having a rich and positive experience in Next Big Internet Bubble?, Lecture
interaction with the software platform, Web Information Systems. Technische
positive results increasing with the aesthetic Universiteit Eindhoven, 2006
level of the interface. [5] DiNucci, D., Fragmented Future,
At the same time, from a functional point of Print 53 (4): 32, 1999
view, it has been proven that the choice of [6] Who coined Web 2.0? : Darcy DiNucci,
implementing the software platforms using
PHP as server-side technology and AJAX web-20-darcy-dinucci/
(YUI libraries, MooTools, JQuery) as client- [7] Web 2.0, John Robbs Weblog,
side technology, has been a viable solution
for the user, the impact of visual and ml
functional effects of the applications being
positive, as shown by the statistics.
Essentially, Web 2.0 is not only users
interacting with each other through all
means possible (instant messaging, blogs,
44 Integration of web technologies in software applications. Is Web 2.0 a solution?

Cezar Liviu CERVINSCHI graduated from the Faculty of

Automatics and Applied Informatics of the Transilvania University of
Brasov in 2009. With a masters degree in Information Technology, his
interest in web technologies, web development, integrated software
systems and database administration brought the motivation for
advanced research in this field of science, since his main target is
building robust, reliable and complex software solutions. At present,
he is a PhD candidate at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest at the Economic
Informatics department studying web technologies, databases, online security, e-business and e-

Diana BUTUCEA graduated in 2008 from the Economic

International Relations Department of the Academy of Economic
Studies in Bucharest, in 2009 from the Faculty of Automatics and
Applied Informatics of the Transilvania University of Brasov and in
2010 from the Economic Informatics masters at the Academy of
Economic Studies in Bucharest. Her parallel interests, in economy
and software engineering, are now merging into her studies and
researches since she is PhD candidate at the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, studying
integrated software systems, web technologies and e-learning platforms.

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