Attributes of An Alluvial River and Their Relation To Water Policy and Management

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Attributes of an alluvial river and their relation to

water policy and management

William J. Trush*+, Scott M. McBain*, and Luna B. Leopolds

'Institute for River Ecosystems. Fisheries Department, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521; *McBain and Trush, P.O. Box 663, Arcata, CA 95518; and
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California Berkeley, 400 Vermont Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94707

Contributed by Luna E. Leopold, August 15, 2000

Rivers around the world are being regulated by dams to accom- imposed on the river ecosystem (e.g., a recommended flow
modate the needs of a rapidly growing global population. These release), we should expect a response (e.g., scouring sand from
regulatory efforts usually oppose the natural tendency of rivers to a pool). The significance of an impetus will depend on an
flood, move sediment, and migrate. Although an economic benefit, appropriate threshold beyond which a specific response is ex-
river regulation has come at unforeseen and unevaluated cumu- pected. A process, therefore, is comprised of an impetus and an
lative ecological costs. Historic and contemporary approaches to expected response. T o use the alluvial river attributes as guide-
remedy environmental losses have largely ignored hydrologic, lines for recovering or preserving critical processes, one must
geomorphic, and biotic processes that form and maintain healthy consider how the magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing of
alluvial river ecosystems. Several commonly known concepts that an impetus will exceed a threshold to produce a desired response.
govern how alluvial channels work have been compiled into a set Rarely, however, is a single impetus imposed on a river ecosys-
of "attributes" for alluvial river integrity. These attributes provide tem associated with a single response.
a minimum checklist of critical geomorphic and ecological pro- Floods are primary impetuses for all alluvial river morphology.
cesses derived from field observation and experimentation,a set of
An increase in discharge may initiate bed surface movement and
hypotheses to chart and evaluate strategies for restoring and
bank erosion, once the force exerted by the flood event (the
preserving alluvial river ecosystems. They can guide how to (I]
impetus) has passed some threshold for movement or erosion.
restore alluvial processes below an existing dam without neces-
This threshold may require a specific flow magnitude and
sarily resorting to extreme measures such as demolishing one, and
dura tion before producing a significant morphological response.
(ii] preserve alluvial river integrity below proposed dams. Once
altered by dam construction, a regulated alluvial river will never
The timing and frequency of the flood also may have profound
function as before. But a scaled-down morphology could retain
effects on a species or a population. Mobilizing sand from a pool
much of a river's original integrity if key processes addressed in the in January may smother salmon eggs incubating in the down-
attributes are explicitly provided. Although such a restoration stream riffle. The impetus, therefore, cannot be prescribed as a
strategy is an experiment, it may be the most practical solution for simple measure of force, nor can the total reaction be as
recovering regulated alluvial river ecosystems and the species that succinctly quantified or even fully anticipated. It is with this
inhabit them. Preservation or restoration of the alluvial river backdrop of uncertainty that the attributes were compiled.
attributes is a logical policy direction for river management in the
The Alluvial River Attributes
The alluvial river attributes (3) can help river managers identify
desired processes, then help prescribe necessary impetuses based
S ince the 1990s, the physical and environmental consequences
of river alteration and management have been openly ques-
tioned. Continued increases in flood losses, both financial and
on useful empirical relationships and thresholds developed by
river geomorphologists and ecologists. All of the concepts
human, and the unanticipated and unwanted results of dams and deriving the alluvial attributes have been described among a
channel straightening, invite reevaluation of river management. wide range of professional journals, technical books, and agency
Reevaluation has even led to removing existing dams (e.g., Butte reports (reviewed in ref. 2), but their compilation has not been
and Clear creeks in California, Elwha River in Washington), as previously published. They may not apply equally to all alluvial
well as implementing experimental releases of high flows (1,2). river ecosystems. Some rivers may not be capable of achieving
Historically, river policymakers and resource managers have certain attributes because of overriding constraints, e.g., a river
been less attentive to a growing body of experience, experiment, passing through an urbanized corridor often is not free to
and theory concerning geomorphic processes that form and migrate. These constraints do not eliminate the attributes'
maintain alluvial river ecosystems. There are several commonly usefulness; knowing what might remain broken should influence
known concepts that govern how healthy alluvial channels work what can be repaired.
that we have compiled as attributes of alluvial river integrity.
These attributes can guide how to ( i ) restore alluvial processes Attribute No. 1. The primary geomorphic and ecological unit of an
downstream of an existing dam without necessarily resorting to alluvial river is the alternate bar sequence. Dynamic alternating bar
extreme measures such as demolishing one, and ( i i ) preserve sequences are the basic structural underpinnings for aquatic and
alluvial river integrity below proposed dams. This set of at- riparian communities in healthy alluvial river ecosystems.
tributes is not a classification system or a substitute for individual The fundamental building block of an alluvial river is the
study and observation on a river. It provides a minimum checklist alternate bar unit, composed of an aggradational lobe or point
of critical geomorphic and ecological processes derived from bar, and a scour hole or pool (Fig. 1).A submerged transverse
field observation and experimentation, a set of hypotheses to bar, commonly called a riffle, connects alternating point bars.
chart and evaluate strategies for restoring and preserving alluvial An alternate bar sequence, comprised of two alternate bar units,
river ecosystems. At the ever-present risk of oversimplification, is a meander wavelength; each wavelength is between 9 and 11
the attributes also can help policymakers appreciate many of the bankfull widths (4). The idealized alternate bar sequence is
complex requirements of alluvial river ecosystems.
Alluvial river ecosystems persist through a complex, interact-
ing array of physical and biological processes. For any impetus 'To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail:

11858-11863 I PNAS I October24.2000 I VOI 97 I no.22


Fig. 1. An idealized alternate bar sequence showing geomorphic units, particle-sorting trends, typical salmonid habitats, and riparian vegetation succession

rarely found in nature, because natural geomorphic variability of the hydrograph components, and the ecosystem is invariably
(e.g., valley width contractions, bedrock exposures, etc.) perturbs altered.
the idealized channel form shown in Fig. 1. Floods flowing
through alternating bar sequences frequently rearrange the bar Attribute No. 3. The channelbed surface is frequently mobilized.
topography, producing diverse, high-quality aquatic and terres- Coarse alluvial channelbed surfaces are significantly mobilized by
trial habitat. bankfull or greater floods that generally occur every 1-2 years.
As streamflow rises throughout a winter storm and during
peak snowmelt, a geomorphic threshold for mobilizing the
Attribute No. 2. Each annual hydrograph component accomplishes
channelbed surface is eventually exceeded. This flow threshold
specific geomorphic and ecological functions. Annual hydrograph typically occurs over a narrow range of streamflow and varies
components (including winter storm events, baseflows, snowmelt spatially, depending on the morphology, grain size, and location
pea&, and snowmelt recession limbs) collectively provide the of sediment deposits (Fig. 3). In general, grains on the channel-
impetus for processes that shape and sustain alluvial river ecosys- bed surface are mobilized many times a year, but sometimes not
tems. These components are uniquely characterized by year-to-year at all in other years, such that, over the long-term, the streambed
variation in flow magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing. is mobilized on the order of once a year. The duration of
Hydrograph components are seasonal patterns of daily aver- channelbed mobilization is a function of the duration of the high
age flow that recur from year to year. For many rivers in the flow, which is typically on the order of days.
western US.,these hydrograph components include summer
Attribute No. 4. Alternate bars must be periodically scoured deeper
baseflows, rainfall- and rain-on-snow-generated floods, winter
than their coarse surface layers. Floods that exceed the threshold for
baseflows, snowmelt peak runoff, and snowmelt recession (Fig. scouring bed material are needed to mobilize and rejuvenate
2). Each annual hydrograph component can be characterized by alternate bars. Alternate bars are periodically scoured deeper than
its interannual variability in flow magnitude, duration, fre- their coarse surface layer, typically by pooh exceeding5-to IO-year
quency, and timing. A subset of all processes needed to create annual maximum flood recurrences. Scour is generally followed by
and sustain alluvial river ecosystems is provided by each hydro- redeposition, ojen with minimal net change in the alternating bar
graph component. Eliminate or alter the interannual variability topography.

Trurh et a/. PNAS I OctoberZ4.2000 1 vol. 97 I no. 22 I 11859

- Water year 1935 (Drier water year)
-Water year IS56 (Wetter water year)

Winter baseflows



l-Oct 1-Nov I-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb I-Mar I-Apr I-May I-Jun lJul lAug I-Sep
Day of year

Fig. 2. Hydrograph components of an annual hydrograph by using 1956 (wetter year) and 1935 (drier year) unimpaired flows on theTrinity River in California.

Complex alternating bar sequences are partly created and creating diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats: Sediment and
maintained by providing the natural frequency and intensity of woody debris are delivered into the river and flood plains are
bed scour dependent on discharges that vary in magnitude and rebuilt on the inside of the meander. That the stream has
duration. During the rising limb of a hydrograph, after the bed occupied numerous locations in its valley is evidenced by direct
surface begins to move, the rate of gravel transport rapidly observations of its movement over time, and by indirect evidence
increases and the bed surface begins to scour. The degree of obtained if one digs deeply enough into the flood plain. Gravel
scour can be significant, up to several feet deep. Infrequent, wet and cobbles laid down by the river many years before will be
years typically generate storms with a high magnitude and long found. The channel does not typically migrate during periods of
duration; scour depth will be substantial. On the receding limb low flow, but migrates during flows approaching and exceeding
of a flood hydrograph, gravel and cobbles redeposit, often bankfull discharge. Shear stress on the outside of bends exceeds
resulting in no net change in channelbed elevation aftcr the that necessary to erode the materials on the outside of the bank.
flood. In lower gradient reaches of alluvial rivers, migration tends to be
more gradual.
Attribute No. 5. Fine and coarse sediment budgets are balanced. River
reaches export fine and coarse sediment at rates approximately Attribute No. 7. Flood plains are frequently inundated. Flood plain
equal to sediment input rates. inundation typically occurs every 1-2 years Floodplain inundation
Although the amount and mode of sediment stored may attenuates flood peaks, moderates alternate bar scour, and pro-
fluctuate within a given river reach, channel-wide morphology is motes nutrient cycling.
sustained in dynamic quasiequilibrium when averaged over many As flows increase beyond that which can be contained by the
years. The magnitude and duration of high flows surpassing a bankfull channel, water spreads across the flatter flood plain
flow threshold for channelbed mobility are critical for balancing surface. The threshold for this process is the bankfull discharge.
the sediment budget. Chronic channelbed aggradation and/or This first threshold allows flow simply to spill out of the bankfull
degradation are indicators of sediment budget imbalances. A channel and wet the flood plain surface; a slightly larger
balanced coarse sediment budget implies bedload continuity; discharge is required to transport and deposit thc fine sediments
that is, the coarser particle sizes comprising the channel bed must that are in suspension. Flood plain inundation also moderates
be transported through alternate bar sequences. alternate bar scour in the mainstem channel by limiting flow
depth increases within the bankfull channel during floods. As
Attribute No. 6. Alluvial channels are free to migrate. During lateral water covers the flood plain, flow velocity decreases. Sediment
migration, the channel erodes olderfloodplain and terrace deposits begins to settle, causing fresh deposits of fine sands and silts on
on the outside bend whereas it deposits sediment on the bar and the flood plain. This deposition promotes riparian vegetation
flood plain of the inside bend. Although outer and inner bend regeneration and growth.
processes may be caused by different hydrograph components, the
long-term result is maintenance of channel width. Attribute No. 8. Largefloods create and sustain a complex mainstem
Channel migration is one of the most important processes and flood plain morphology. Large floods-those exceeding IO- to

11860 I Trush et a/.

+Sand stored in pools from the riparian zone ultimately depends on variable age classes
of woody riparian vegetation and a migrating channel.
-8-Pool tails (gravel)
-h-Riffles (gravel & cobble) Attribute No. 10. Groundwuter in the valley bottomlands is hydrau-
lically connected to the mainstem channel. When flood plains are
Threshold inundated, a portion of surface runoff from the watershed is
Threshold for for pool Threshold for retained as groundwater recharge in the valley bottomlands.
sand in pools tail gravels riffle gravels The river corridor is hydraulically interconnected. Ground-
water in the floodplain is closely connected to mainstem flows
( 5 ) and can be periodically recharged by mainstem flooding.
Avulsed meander bends often create oxbow wetlands, which
retain direct hydraulic connectivity to mainstem surface flows.

The alluvial river attributes can be used to recommend flow

releases and other management activities below an existing dam.
Although this strategy is being considered in other locations, we
will use the Trinity River in Northern California as an example,
where the recovery of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout is being
linked with the overall goal of restoring an alluvial river
The Trinity River at Lewiston
The mainstem Trinity River in northern California was once an
alluvial river capable of constantly reshaping its channelbed and
banks. In 1963, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation constructed a
large storage reservoir and diversion tunnel to store and divert
up to 90% of the natural streamflow from the Trinity River into
the Sacramento River for power generation and agricultural/
municipal water supply (6). Historically, Trinity River daily flows
varied from less than 2.8 m3/s baseflows in dry summers to near
w( 20% 40% BWL 809( 1W% 120% 2,800 m3/s floods in wet winters. Snowmelt peak runoff and its
Percentage of bankfull discharge recession limb were two critical annual hydrograph components
generated upstream of Lewiston (Fig. 2). In wet years, snowmelt
Fig. 3. Conceptual bed mobility thresholds, showing the narrow range in runoff typically peaked at 340 m3/s or higher in late June or July,
discharge that initially mobilizes the surfaces of selected alluvial features. whereas in dry years the peak would only be 110 m3/s or lower
in mid-May through mid-June (7). Together they provided the
magnitude and duration of flows needed to balance the sediment
20-year recurrence events-reshape and/or redirect entire meander budget and accomplish a wide range of physical and biological
sequences, avulse mainstem channels, rejuvenate mature riparian processes. Both hydrograph components theoretically could
stands to early successional stages, form and maintain side chan- have occurred at any time of the year and still have balanced the
nels, scour flood plains, and perpetuate off-channel wetlands, sediment budget. But seasonal timing of snowmelt runoff was
including oxbows. critical to ecological processes.
Astill larger flow threshold than floodplain inundation is one Peak snowmelt runoff was an important environmental cue
that scours the flood plain. The streamflow necessary to surpass for juvenile salmonids to begin their migration to the Pacific
this threshold is typically many times the bankfull flow because Ocean (2). Amphibians needed snowmelt runoff to keep oxbow
shear stress on the vegetated flood plain surface must be high wetlands inundated. If the snowmelt recession limb did not
enough to cause scour. Infrequent large floods are critical for extend into early June, the wetland might have dried out before
sustaining channel complexity because they change river loca- amphibians could complete their aquatic life history stage.
tion and morphology on a large scale and prevent riparian Interannual variability of timing, magnitude, and duration of
vegetation from dominating the river corridor. snowmelt recession limbs determined whether a particular ox-
bow wetland could sustain an amphibian population. Successful
Attribute No. 9. Diverse riparianplant communities are suskzined by
cottonwood regeneration on freshly deposited floodplains also
the natural occurrence of annual hydrograph components. Natural, required specific snowmelt peaks and recession limbs to create
favorable moisture conditions for seedling germination, as well
interannual variability of hydrograph components is necessury for
as the absence of extreme winter storm events the following year
woody riparian plant life history strategies to perpetuate early and to prevent seedling loss.
lute successional stand structures. After the dam was completed, flows were ke t nearly constant
Native riparian plant communities characteristic of alluvial P
at 4.2 m3/s; river managers thought that 4.2 m /s would provide
river ecosystems are adapted to, and thus sustained by, a ideal hydraulic conditions for chinook salmon spawning. What
constantly changing fluvial environment. The magnitude and river managers did not foresee was that by eliminating hydro-
duration of annual hydrograph components needed for alternate graph components they would set in motion a chain of predict-
bar scour, channel migration, floodplain inundation and scour, able events. Seedlings, no longer scoured away by frequent
and channel avulsion provide necessary substrate conditions for winter and snowmelt floods, iapidly encroached onto the alter-
successful seedling establishment and stand development. The nate bars. Prominent berms of freshly deposited sand and silt
timing and frequency of annual hydrograph components must accumulated along the channel margins within the maturing
coincide with seasonally dependent life history requirements, dense riparian vegetation (Fig. 4), effectively isolating the flood-
such as the short window of time when riparian plants are plain from the mainstem river. High shear stresses of infrequent
dispersing seeds. A sustainable supply of large woody debris high flow events were then concentrated in the channels center.

Trurh e t al. PNAS 1 October24.2000 I vol.97 I no.22 I 11861








Fig.4. Evolution of channel geometry and riparianvegetation in responseto flow and sediment regulation from the Trinity River Division o f the Central Valley
Project i n California, 1963-1999.

Trurh et a/.
11862 I
The rivers complex alternate bar morphology was quickly A new restoration approach for the Trinity River that is guided
transformed into a smaller, confined rectangular channel (Fig. 4) by the alluvial attributes is in its final planning stages. An
now unable to meander. Floodplains were abandoned. Cumu- environmental impact statement/report (6) includes this new
latively, this flume-like morphology and floodplain isolation restoration strategy, developed by the US. Fish and Wildlife
greatly reduced habitat quantity and complexity important to Service and Hoopa Valley Tribe (2), as one fishery restoration
numerous aquatic and riparian species. alternative. The management goal would be to rebuild and
Salmon populations were immediately and significantly af- maintain a self-sustaining alternate bar morphology and riparian
fected, With most of their primary spawning and rearing habitat community by using the attributes as a blueprint. Planned
upstream of an impassable dam, the mainstem channel below releases from Lewiston Dam would provide snowmelt peak and
Lewiston became the primary habitat provider. When young snowmelt recession hydrograph components (Attribute No. 2) to
salmon emerge from spawning gravels as fry, their immediate recreate physical processes that will recover an alluvial channel
habitat preference is for gently sloped, low velocity, exposed morphology (Attributes Nos. I , 3, 4, and 6-8) and sustain
cobble areas typically found along predam a1ternate bar margins. off-channel wetlands (Attribute No. IO). The sediment budget
In contrast, the vertical banks of the postdam channel allow would be balanced by releasing appropriate hydrograph com-
excessive velocities to extend up to the banks edges. Although ponents with sediment transport capacities commensurate with
the constant 4.2 m3/s dam release temporarily accommodated sediment inputs (Attribute No. 5 ) . If transport capacities exceed
spawning habitat needs, fry rearing habitat became a limiting supply, as might occur during large flood releases in wet years,
factor to salmon production because of this rapid change in bed material would be introduced into the mainstem to com-
channel shape. pensate. Riparian berms on segments of fossilized alternating
Was the widespread habitat loss in the Trinity River predict- bars (in the upper 64 km) would be mechanically cleared as a
able? Managers who expected that spawning habitat would be precursor to reestablishing dynamic alternating bars (Attribute
preserved below the dams ignored the sediment budget (At-
No. 9).
tribute No. 5 ) . Trinity and Lewiston dams prevent all bed
material from passing downstream; the only sources for spawn- Conclusion
ing gravels are downstream tributary inputs, minor flood plain
scour, and occasional gravel introductions. The snowmelt peak Society is embarking on a grand experiment. Recent dam
and recession hydrograph components were completely elimi- removals are merely forerunners of a much larger task ahead.
nated (Attribute No. 2), even though this river ecosystem had Many more dams will remain than are removed. In practice, we
been dominated by snowmelt runoff. Of the planned flow must rely on the crucial assumption that native species have
releases greater than 4.2 m3/s, all were well below the threshold evolved with the natural flow regime. Violating this assumption
for mobilizing the channelbed (Attributes Nos. 3 and 4, routing often results in consequences that can be highly significant and
bed load (Attribute No. 5), or inundating the floodplain (At- difficult to reverse. The intent to recover alluvial river ecosys-
tributes Nos. 7,8, and IO). Consequently, seedlings escaped being tems below dams, as proposed for the Trinity River in northern
scoured and encroached onto the predam alternating bars California, will be controversial. To obtain the societal benefits
(Attribute No. 9). Loss of the alternate bar morphology (Attribute of water diversion, flood control, and hydropower generation,
No. I ) was inevitable; so was the loss of habitat created by it. rivers will continue to receive less flow and sediment than under
Was the widespread habitat loss on the Trinity River prevent- unimpaired conditions. But if important attributes are provided
able? Anadromous salmonids cannot pass upstream of Lewiston to the greatest extent possible, alluvial river integrity can be
Dam, therefore their habitat will never be completely replaced substantially recovered. The compromise will be a smaller
unless both dams are removed. The mainstem Trinity River alluvial river; it may not recover its predam dimensions, but it
below Lewiston Dam cannot be brought back to its original would exhibit the dynamic alternate bar and floodplain mor-
dimension. But a scaled-down alluvial channel morphology in phology of the predam channel. Although a restoration strategy
equilibrium with its constrained sediment budget, reduced hy- guided by the alluvial attributes is an experiment, it may be the
drograph components, and occasional bed material introduc- most practical direction toward recovering regulated alluvial
tions could greatly restore habitat abundance and quality. river ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.

1. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. (1995) Operutron of Glen Canyon Dum, Fino/ 5. Hurr, R. T. (1983) US. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1277-H (U.S.
EnvironmentallmpactStrrremeiil. (US. Bureau of Reclamation,Washington, D.C.) Geological Survey, Reston, VA).
2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service t Hoopa Valley Tribe (1999) 7riniy RiverHow 6. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U S . Bureau of Reclamation, Hoopa Valley
Evaluation Final Repon. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramentri, CA). Tribe & Trinity County (1999) Triniry River Muinsfem Fishery Resfomrion
3. Trush, W. J. Xr McBain, S. M. (2000) in Streum Notes, ed. Rocky Mountain Environmenlal Impacl Stulemenr/Reporl ( U S . Fish and Wildlife Service,
Research Station (US. Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO). Sacramento, CA).
4. Leopold, L. B., Wolman, M. G . Bi Miller, J. P. (1964) FIuvial Procases in 7. McBain, S. M. &Trush, W. J. (1997) ~rinityRiverMaintenance~low Study Final
Geomorphology (Freeman, San Francisco). Repon (Hoopa Valley Tribe, Hoopa, CA).

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