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June 1977
Interim Report
Document is available to the public through
the National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Virginia 22161

Prepared for
Offices of Research & Development
;~ ington, D. C. 20590

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of

Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United
States GoverQment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof.

The contents of this report reflect the views of the U. S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, which is responsible for the facts and the
accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily
reflect the official views or policy of the Department of Transportation.
This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.

Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein only because they are con-
sidered essential to the object of this document.
1. Report No~ 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient' IS Catalog No.


4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date


6. Performing Organization Code
8. Performing Organization Report No.
7. Authorls)
1 Donald R. Snethen, Lawrence D. Johnson, David M. Patrie
9. Performing Orgcmi z.ation Nome and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

Soils and Pavements Laboratory FCP 34Dl-l32

u. s. Army Engineer Watervays Experiment Station 11. Contract or Grant No.

P. 0. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 PO 4-l-0195

13. Type of Report and Period Covered
I 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
j Office of Research and Development Interim Report
Federal Highvay Administration I
I U. S. Department of Transportation 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, D. C. 20590 M-0222
15. Supplementary Notes

FHVTA Contract Manager--Carl Ealy (HRS-21)

16. Abstract

This report concludes an evaluation of expedient methodology for identifying and

qualitatively classifying potentially expansive soils. Seventeen published
techniques used for identification/classification purposes were reviewed and
evaluated using data collected from an extensive laboratory testing program.
A definition of potential swell that is more consistent with field simulation
requirements and more representative of in situ volume change behavior is pre-
sented. The results of the evaluation of published techniques reveal that the
best techniques and thus the best indicators of potential swell are the liquid
limit and plasticity index. Other significant indicator properties ranked in
descending order are: liquid limit and natural water content combined; shrink-
age limit and plasticity index; and shrinkage limit and linear shrinkage. The
results of the statistical analysis of the laboratory data confirm the findings
of the evaluation of the published techniques. A classification system more
consistent with the definition of potential swell and using the liquid limit,
plasticity index, and natural soil suction vas developed and is presented.
Guidelines for the recownended usage of the classification system are given.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Expansive soils This document is available to the

Physical properties-soils public through the National Technical
Soil identification Information Service, Springfield, Va.
Soil suc~ion 22161

19. Security Claosil. (of !hi$ roport) 20. Sec<~riiy Clossif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified 48
Reproduction of completed pt:!ge authori l<ed

The stu~ of the methodology for prediction and minimization of

detrimental volume change of expansive soils in highway subgrades is a
4-year investigation funded by the U. S. Department of Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration, under Intra-Government Purchase Order
No. 4-1-0195, Work Unit No. FCP 34Dl-132.
The work was initiated during June 1974 by the Soils and Pave-
ments Laboratory (S&PL) of the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station (WES). Dr. Donald R. Snethen, Research Group, Soil Mechanics
Division (SMD), S&PL, was the principal investigator during the period
of this report. The work reported herein was performed by Dr. Snethen
and Dr. Lawrence D. Johnson, Research Group, SMD, and Dr. David M.
Patrick, Engineering Geology Research Facility, Engineering Geology and
Rock Mechanics Division, S&PL. The report was prepared by Drs. Snethen,
Johnson, and Patrick. The investigation was accomplished under the gen-
eral supervision of Mr. Clifford L. McAnear, Chief, SMD, and Mr. James P.
Sale, Chief, S&PL.
Directors of WES during the conduct of this portion of the study
and preparation of the report were COL G. H. Hilt, CE, and COL J. L.
Cannon, CE. Technical Director was Mr. F. R. Brown.


PREFACE . . . . . . ii
Purpose of Identification Techniques 2
Definition of Potential Swell 3
Summary of Indirect Techniques . . 4
Selection of Identification Techniques 8
Field Sampling and Laboratory Testing 16
Analysis of Data 18


1. Chart for potential expansiveness of soils . . 10

2. Correlation of percent swell, LL, and dry unit weight 14
3. Recommended decision process for identifying and
qualitatively classifying potentially expansive soils 39


1. Summary of General Site Information and Soil

Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2. Summary of Specific Gravity, Grain-Size Distribution, and
Atterberg Limits and Indices . . . . . . 19
3. Summary of Measured Shrinkage Properties 20
4. Summary of Soil Moisture Suction Data 21
5. Summary of Data from Overburden Swell Tests 22
6. Summary of Indicated Potential Swell Using Published
Identification Techniques . . . . . 26

7. Comparison of WES Categories and Classification by Pub-
lished Identification Techniques for 20 Sampling Sites . 27
8. Summary of Independent Variables Used in Statistical
Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

9. Summary of Correlation Coefficients Greater (or Less)
Than +0.7 (-0.7) from Statistical Comparisons . . . . 32


U. S. customary units of measurement used in this report can be con-

verted to metric (SI) units as follows:

Multiply By To Obtain

feet 0.3048 metres

pounds (mass) per
cubic foot 16.01846 kilograms per cubic metre
pounds (force) per
square inch 6894.757 pascals
pounds (force) per
square foot 47.88026 pascals
tons (force) 'per
square foot 95.76052 kilopascals



1. The purpose of this research task was to evaluate expedient

methodology for identifying and qualitatively classifying potentially
expansive soils. The obvious need for qualitative characterization of
potential swell is (a) to forew~rn the engineer during early planning
stages of potential problems with expansive soil and (b) to provide the
necessary criteria so that a logical decision process can be applied to
the problems associated with expansive soils in highway subgrades. The
research effort involved a literature review of the techniques used for
identification/classification purposes, a laboratory testing program to
provide data to evaluate the published techniques, and an analysis of
the laboratory data to determine if additional properties are available
which provide a more sensitive indicator of potential swell. The report
concludes this phase of the overall study and provides a somewhat dif-
ferent criterion or classification system for identification and clas-
sification of potential swell. The techniques reviewed, evaluated, and
recommended were developed for the sole purpose of identifying and
qualitatively classifying potential swell and should not under any cir-
cumstances be confused with or used in place of testing/prediction tech-
niques for estimating potential volume change. The testing/preciction
techniques will be reviewed and evaluated in a subsequent interim

Purpose of Identification Techniques

2. The purpose of an identification and/or classification tech- I

nique for expansive soils is to qualitatively characterize the potential
volume change behavior of suspected problem soils. The obvious need for
qualitative characterization of potential volume change is two-fold.
First, it should serve the purpose of forewarning the engineer d~ring

early planning stages of potential problems with expansive soils.

Second, it should provide a basis to aid in the decision-making process
for dealing with expansive soils in highway subgrades. In other words,
the identification/classification technique should provide the necessary
information to answer the questions:
a. Do problems with potential expansion exist and, if so,
what relative magnitude is expected?
b. Is further testing necessary to use the quantitative pre-
diction techniques? If so, what samples should be tested?

Actual quantitative estimation of expected volume change is the next

sequence in the decision-making process and is the subject of a specific
research task and interim report.
3. In Reference 1 a three-fold categorization of identification
and testing techniques is described:
a. Indirect techniques in which one or more of the related
intrinsic properties are measured and complemented with
experience to provide indicators of potential volume
change. These may be grouped according to soil composi-
tion; physicochemical, physical, and index properties;
and currently used soil classification systems.
b. Direct techniques which involve actual measurement of
volume change in an odometer-type testing apparatus.
These are generally grouped into swell or swell pressure
tests depending on the need for deformation or stress-
related data.
c. Combination techniques in which data from the indirect
and direct techniques are correlated either directly or
by statistical reduction to develop general classifica-
tions with regard to probable severity.

Since the purpose of this report is to evaluate identification tech-
niques, two of the three categories, i.e. indirect and combination, will
provide the methodology for evaluation.

Definition of Potential Swell

4. Few, if any, of the published indirect or combination tech-

niques appear to provide a universally applicable technique for several
reasons. One of the most obvious inconsistencies in the various methods
involves the definition of potential swell. As an example, in one pro-
cedure the potential swell is defined as the swell (deformation) of an
undisturbed specimen from air dried to saturation under 1-psi* surcharge,
while in another procedure 3 it is defined as the swell (deformation) of
a remolded specimen (optimum moisture content and maximum dry density)
under 650 psf (~4.5 psi) surcharge. Surcharge pressures generally vary
from zero (actually a small seating load) to 1000 psf (~7 psi). Initial
specimen conditions are either undisturbed or remolded with the remolded
specimens having different initial moisture contents and/or dry densi-
ties specified. In two of the published procedures 3 •~ the specimens
tested were molded of artificially prepared soils using mixtures of com-
mercial clay minerals and sand. In addition, certain published te~h­

niques5-7 require time limits or more precisely, the potential swell is

defined as the deformation after a set time period of inundation. Add
to all these factors the variations in the ambient environmental condi-
tions (soil profile, climate, etc.) which influence the initial condi-
tion of the sampled materials as well as the rate of volume change de-
velopment, and the task of evaluating identification/classification
techniques becomes somewhat difficult.
5. The basic definition of potential swell, whether it is for
the purpose of identifying and/or classifying the expansive material or
for estimating the amount of anticipated volume change, should provide

* A table of factors for converting U. S. customary units of measure-

ment to metric (SI) units is presented on page v.

the best simulation of in situ conditions practical. At a minimum, the
definition should specify the initial conditions of the specimen, such
as water content, dry density, fabric, and structure, as well as the
stress conditions relative to the specimen, such as vertical stress and
lateral confinement conditions. Ideally, the amount and rate of water
applied to the specimen should simulate actual conditions such as ground-
water influences and surface infiltration. The current state .of the art
allows for simulation of most of these conditions, except compromise is
required for the lateral confinement and water application conditions.
With this in mind, the definition of potential swell which satisfies the
largest portion of the field simulation requirements is:
Potent,ial swell is the equilibrium vertical volume change
or deformation from an odometer-type test (i.e. total lat-
eral confinement), expressed as a percent of original
height, of an undisturbed specimen from its natural water
content and density to a state of saturation under an ap-
plied load equivalent to the in situ overburden pressure.

For estimating anticipated volume change, the above definition should be

amended to reflect the final stress conditions such as applied load from
the pavement or structure. However, for the purpose of this report,
namely the evaluation of identification/classification techniques, the
definition will be used as stated; that is, the volume change from
natural conditions to saturation under actual overburden stresses.

Summary of Indirect Techniques

6. In Reference 1, Table 5 described five indicator groups which

comprise the indirect techniques for identification/classification of
potentially expansive soils. The indicator groups are soil composition,
physicochemical properties, physical properties, index properties, and
soil classification. The combination techniques are solely dependent on
correlation of index properties with measured volume change. In fact,
the combination techniques are simply extensions of the index property
indicator group so that more factors could be considered. This point is
made to simplify subsequent discussions.

Soil composition indicator group
7. The soil composition indicator group is totally concerned
with the determination of the type and, to a lesser extent, amount of
clay mineral present in the soil. The identification of the clay min-
eral is positive indication of potential problem; however, the clay
mineralogy does not present an adequate correlatfon with respect to the
amount of volume change that is likely to occur. A point that is of
more concern from the practical operational standpoint is that most of
the methodology (i.e. equipment and trained personnel) is not readily
available on a cost-effective basis for routine use. In summary, the
determination of the clay mineralogy is a reasonably accurate indicator
that problems could exist; however, very little can be determined about
the relative magnitude of the problem. This lack of correlation with
potential swell and the logistics problems with routine use have ham-
pered and will continue to hamper the use of the methods included in the
soil composition indicator group.

property indicator group
8. The physicochemical property indicator group provides simpler
testing procedures than the soil composition group; however, the sim-
plicity is offset by poor correlations with measured volume change. The
published relationships show, at best, a general qualitative indication
of potential swell. In other words, the magnitude of potential swell
generally increases with increasing cation exchange capacity and is in-
fluenced by the type and amount of cation present.
Physical property indicator group
9. The physical property indicator group provides several proper-
des which have significant influence on the volume change characteristic,
but individually the properties provide little or no indication of poten-
tial swell from a relative magnitude standpoint. The colloidal content
has been used in combination with other index properties to categorize
potential swell. The other properties--specific surface area, soil
fabric, and soil structure--influence the amount and rate of volume
change. The influences are explained in more detail elsewhere.

Index property indicator group
10. The most widely used indicator group for identification/
classification of expansive soils is the index properties group. The
major factors which result in the popularity of this group are (a) the
practicality from the standpoint that most of the properties involved
are routinely determined by all State Highway Agencies and (b) experi-
ence has shown that potential swell correlates reasonably well with sev-
eral of the simple index properties. In most cases, the index property
group variables, i.e. Atterberg limits or shrinkage properties, are cor-
related with past experiences and used individually to categorize the
potential problem from expansive soils. Examples of these simple cate-
gorizations are given in Table 5, Reference l. On occasions where mea-
sured potential swell values are available, the index properties are
used individually or combined to correlate with potential swell. The
result is several multiproperty categorizations of relative magnitude of
potential volume change. This constitutes the combination category
previously discussed. This property indicator group includes the largest
number of published identification/classification techniques which will
be considered in the evaluation of methodology.
Soil classification indicator grbup
11. The soil classification system indicator group is another
group which deals in simple properties of the soils, but does not pro-
vide more than a general indication that a problem might exist. In the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) classification system, the A-6 and A-7 subgrade groups consti-
tute a majority of the potentially expansive soils. In the Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS), the CL and CH categories generally cover
the range of potential expansivity with the possibility of some MH soils
showing expansive characteristics to a lesser degree. The Soil Conserva-
tlon S.ervlce
. Cl assl"f"leat"lon Sys t em or SOl"l Taxonomy B-ll as l"t lS
· now
called, is the most detailed classification system in current use. Soil
taxonomy uses many of the basic properties as well as temperature and
moisture regimes and climate to describe soils. In soil taxonomy, the
vertisol order includes all of the expansive soils. Within the vertisol

order, the major suborders are Torrerts, Uderts, Usterts, and Xererts.
The system is based on several formative elements which provide indi-
vidual meaning to the total descriptive term. In the vertisol order,
the basic formative element is "ert"; therefore, when these three
letters appear in a soil descriptive name, that material is generally
considered to be potentially expansive.


12. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of this' research was to

evaluate current methodology for identifying/classifying potentially
expansive soils. The information presented in Reference 1 and discus-
sions in the preceding section of this report indicate that the index
property indicator group most effectively balances simplicity and prac-
ticality with reasonable accuracy for identification/classification
purposes. Within the index property group and the combination' category,
which is merely an extension of the index property group, 17 published
techniques or criteria were selected for evaluation using the data col-
lected for this study. Since it was impossible to duplicate the condi-
tions of development of each of the techniques, the evaluation process
is based on applying the techniques to data collected during this study
and comparing the relative magnitudes with those determined using the
previously presented definition of potential swell. Four additional
published techniques were omitted from the comparisons because of im-
posed time limits placed on potential swell measurements. 5- 7

Selection of Identification Techniques

13. The identification/classification techniques represented by

the index property indicator were selected generally on the basis of
their simplicity and the indicated correlations with measured volume
change. With regard to field experience, several of the techniques have
been used considerably with reasonable success. The techniques selected
for evaluation are described in some detail in Reference 1 and will be
presented in brief form here to provide continuity.

Louisiana Depart-
ment of Transportation
14. The Louisiana Department of Transportation uses the Atterberg
limits (liquid limit (LL) and plasticity index (PI)) balanced with field
experience to identify potentially expansive soils. The criteria used
for identifying and classifying potential swell are:

Potential Swell
LL, % PI, % . Classification

20-49 15-24 Low to medium

50-70 25-46 High
>70 >46 Very high to severe

. hway
Kansas H1g comm1ss1on
. . 13
15. The Kansas Highway Commission (KHC) also uses the Atterberg
limits (PI) to indicate potentially expansive soils. In addition, KHC
generally follows up with an odometer-type volume change test (1-psi
surcharge) to better estimate the quantity of anticipated swell. The
KHC criteria for potential swell are:

Potential Swell
PI, % Classification
<15 Low or none
15-35 Moderate
>35 High

16. This method uses the Atterberg limits (LL, PI, and shrinkage
limit (SL)), but in a different configuration. Baman defines the shrink-
age index (SI) as the difference between the LL and the SL (LL- SL).
The criteria recommended by Raman for identification/classification are:

Degree of
PI 2 % SI 2 % Expansion
<12 <15 Low
12-23 15-30 Medium
23-32 30-40 High
>32 >40 Very high
Sowers 15 , 16
17.Sowers' early work1 5 used only the PI as an indicator of
potential swell. In his later work he combines the PI with the SL to
provide additional accuracy. The criteria are:

SL 2 % PI 2 % Volume Change
>12 <15 Probably low
10-12 15-30 Probably moderate
<10 >30 Probably high

One interesting note in Sowers' work is his reference to the water-
plasticity ratio or liquidity index (LI). His data indicate that little
swell will occur when the soil moisture reaches a value which results in
a LI of 0.25.
Dakshanamurthy and Raman 1 7
18. This method is based on a modification of Casagrande's
plasticity chart, which includes PI and LL, with the addition of the SI
(LL- SL). Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the recommended
criteria. A simplification of the procedure using the LL is:

Potential Swell
LL, % Classification
0-20 Nonswelling
20-35 Low swelling
35-50 Medium swelling
50-70 High swelling
70-90 Very high swelling
>90 Extra high swelling


70~----------1---------r--------+------------r-----------~--------------~~ 70

60 60

50 50
...z ...z
u u
ll ll
.._ 40 400.
)( x·
0 0
~ 1 30 30 ~
Q <
... "
"'<J it
.. 20 20

10 10


Figure 1. Chart for potential expansiveness of soils (from Reference 17)

Anderson and Thomson
19. The authors of this method use the PI alone, but rather than
qualitatively describe the degree of expansion alone, they add a cate-
gorization of measured potential swell. The recommended criteria are:

Potential Degree of
PI, % Swell, % Expansion
<20 <1. 5 Low
20-31 1. 5-4.0 Medium
31-39 4.0-6.0 High
>39 >6.0 Very high

and Satyanarayana
20. This method uses the Atterberg limits (LL and SL) in combina-
tion to define the SI (LL - SL). These. authors were the first to use
the SI for identification of expansive soils. The criteria are:

Potential Swell
SI, % Classification

<20 Low
20-30 Medium
30-60 High
>60 Very high

Saito and Miki
21. This method defines the plasticity ratio (PR) as the PI di-
vided by the PL and uses this ratio to correlate with measured swell.
The corresponding criteria for potential swell are:

Volume Potential Swell
PR Change 2 % Classification
<0.6 <3 Low
0. 6-1.0 3-10 Medium
1. 0-2.0 10-50 High
>3.0 >50 Very high
U. S. Blireau of Reclamation (USBR)
22. This method involves direct correlation of observed volume
change with colloidal content, PI, and SL. The degree of expansion and
limits of correlated properties are shown in the following tabulation:

Data from Index Tests Probable
Colloid Content Expansion
%-1 lJm PI, % SL~ % % Expansion
<15 <18 >15 <10 Low
13-23 15-28 10-16 10-20 Medimn
20-31 25-41 7-12 20-30 High
>28 >35 <11 >30 Very high

Experience has shown that this method correlates reasonably well with
expected behavior and provides a good indicator of potential volmne
change. The major criticisms of the method are that the colloidal con-
tent indicates amount but not the type of clay constituents and that the
hydrometer test is not a routine test in many agency laboratories.
23. In a discussion to Holtz's paper presenting the USBR method,
Altmeyer brought out the major criticisms of the method and suggested a
method based on correlations between percent swell and the SL and linear
shrinkage. The results of his recommendations are as follows:

Shrinkage Probable Degree of
% SL 2 % Swell 2 % Ex:Eansion
<5 >12 <0. 5 Noncritical
5-8 10-12 0. 5-l. 5 Marginal
>8 <10 >1. 5 Critical
One minor criticism of Altmeyer's method is its lack of application to
in situ behavior since the data were collected on remolded samples.
-3 4
Seed 2 Woodward, and Lundgren '
24. The potential swell of an expansive soil is defined from cor-
relations of percent swell from odometer tests using laboratory prepared
and compacted samples with percent clay size (-2 llm) and soil activity.
A statistical relationship is defined for potential swell in terms of
clay content and activity and compared with measured volmne change. The
potential swell may be categorized as follows:

Potential Swell, % Degree of Expansion

0-1.5 Low
1. 5-5 Medimn
5-25 High
>25 Very high

25. In an effort to simplify the USBR method (i.e. eliminate the
need for hydrometer analysis) and to provide some relative measure of
soil density, a correlation was made between odometer swell data and
percent passing the No. 200 sieve, LL, and standard penetration resis-
tance. The resulting classification of the degree of expansion is as

Laborator;y: and Field Data

Standard Probable
% Penetration Expansion Degree of
< No. 200 112 % Blows .12er Foot % Expansion

<30 <30 <10 <1 Low

30-60 30-40 10-20 1-5 Medium
60-95 40-60 20-30 3-10 High
>95 >60 >30 >10 Very high

Vijayvergi;y:a and Ghazzal;y:
26. The method defines a swell index for an expansive soil as
the ratio of the natural water content w. to the LL and correlates it
with odometer swell and swell pressure data. Rather than a specific de-
gree of expansion, limits of probable swell and swelling pressure are
defined as shown in-the following tabulation:

Probable Swell Probable

l Pressure 2 tsf Swell 2 %

>0.5 <0.3 <1

0.37-0.5 0. 3-1.25 1-4
0.25-0.37 1.25-3.0 4-10
<0.25 >3.0 >10

Vijayvergi;y:a and Sullivan
27. The method is correlation of odometer swell data with LL
and dry density. Here again, degree of expansion is not defined; in-
stead, a family of curves relates the parameters with quantitative vol-
ume change (Figure 2). The basic material data for the correlation are
good; however, experience with application of the system is somewhat


z tOO


45 50 55 60 65 70
35 40

Figure 2. Correlation of percent swell, LL, and dry unit weight

(from Reference 24)

28. The correlation involves relating the swelling index (void
ratio, e , after free expansion divided by the initial sample void
ratio, e ) to the PI. The resulting degrees of expansion with regard
to correlated parameters are as follows:

Swelling Index, e/e

15 < PI 20 < PI 25 < PI 30 < PI 35 < PI Degree of
<20 <25 <30 <35 <40 Expansion

<1.12 <1.11 <1.09 <1.08 <1.07 Nonswelling

1.12-1.23 1.11-1.21 1. 09-1.19 l. 08-1.17 1.07-1.15 Slight
1.23-l. 39 l. 21-1.30 1.19-1.28 1.17-1.25 1.15-1.22 Medium
>1. 39 >1.30 >1. 28 >1.25 >l. 22 High

The methcd considers two of the properties important to volume change;

however, an expansion test must be conducted to use the method. In ad-
dition, the upper limits of the PI are less than PI values encountered
in many naturally occurring expansive soils.
Nayak and Christensen
29. The method involves the development of two statistical rela-
tionships, one for swell and the other for swelling pressure, in terms
of PI, clay content, and initial moisture content. The developed rela-
tionships are:

sp = predicted swell percentage
c = clay content, percent
= initial moisture content
p = (3.5817 X 10-2)(PI)l.l2 f_ + 3.7912
p 2

where p
p = predicted swelling pressure, psi

Komornik and David 7
30. This is another statistical comparison of measured data which
provides a relationship for predicting swelling pressure using 11, natu-
ral dry density w. The relationship for predicted swelling
pressure is:

log P = -2.132 + 0.0208(11) + o.ooo665(yd) - o.o269(wi)

The dry density and swelling pressure are in kg/m 3 and kg/cm ,
26 27
31. The last two procedures ' are actually empirical predic-
tion techniques, but were included in the evaluation of identification/
classification since they represent correlations between Atterberg
limits, physical properties, and measured volume change. Since no cate-
gories of volume change are presented with the techniques, comparisons
will be made between the predicted and measured swell or swell pressure.

Field Sampling and Laboratory Testing

32. The field sampling program was initiated through contacts

with ll State Highway Agencies in which agency representatives were re-
quested to recommend appropriate geologic formations and site locations
based on the simple criterion that the material be representative of an
areally extensive deposit of expansive soil which poses problems as de-
fined by ~he State Highway Agency. It was also requested that the sites
be located along the alignment of a recently constructed highway or in
the graded alignment of a proposed highway. As a result of the State
Highway Agency recommendations, 20 field sampling sites were selected.
Table 1 provides a summary of the 20 site locations, geologic formations
sampled, samples tested, natural moisture contents and densities, and
soil classifications. The site numbers assigned in Table 1 will be used
throughout the remainder of the report. More details regarding the sam-
pling sites, including site locations, site descriptions, site geology,

Table 1
Summ~ of General Site Information and Soil Classifications

Natural Natural
Boring/ Moisture Dry
Site Sample No./ Content Density Soil Classification
No. Site Location Geolosic Formation De,Eth 1 ft % ,ECf uses AASHTO
1 Jackson, Miss. Yazoo U-2/1/1.0-3.2 40.3 80.3 CH A-T-5 (81)
2 Hattiesburg, Miss. Hattiesburg U-2/1/1.0-2.9 25.6 93.8 CH A-T-6 (36)
3 Monroe, La. Alluvial material U-2/2/3.5-4.9 39-5 81.8 CH A-T-5 (68)
4 Lake Charles, La. Prairie terrace material U-2/1/1.0-3.1 20.6 105.6 CH A-T-6 (33)
5 San Antonio, Tex. Taylor U-2/4/3.5-5.1 24.0 95.4 CH A-T-5 (35)
6 Vernon, Tex. Vale U-l/4/4.8-T.2 13.8 119.T CL A-6 (11)
T Durant, Okla. Washita U-2/2/3.5-4.T 15.4 llT.9 CL A-T-6 (30)
8 Hennessey, Okla. Hennessey U-1/2/3.5-5.6 12.5 124.9 CL A-T-6 (25)
-.;J 9 Holbrook, Ariz., No.1, I-40 Chinle U-2/1/2.5-4.2 9.4 lll.5 CL A-6 (10)
10 Holbrook, Ariz., No. 2, SH 180 Chinle U-2/1/2.0-4.3 19.3 101.5 CH A-T-6 (24)
11 Price, Utah Mancos U-1/1/1.2-3.2 9.4 10T.8 CL A-T-6 (21)
12 Hays, Kans. Blue Hill U-2/1/1. 4-3.4 26.1 9T.2 CH A-T-6 (58)
13 EJ.Jlsworth, Kans. Graneros U-2/1/2.0-4.3 16.T ll2.8 CL A-T-6 (22)
14 Limon, Colo., No.1, I-TO Pierre U-1/5/4.2-6.3 26.4 98.2 CH A-T-6 (35)
15 Limon, Colo., No.2, I-TO Laramie U-1/1/3.4-5.0 38.2 T8.8 CH A-T-6 (44)
16 Denver, Colo. Denver U-3/4/5.T-T.8 16.0 103.9 CL A-6 (10)
lT Newcastle, Wyo., No. 1, SH 16 Mowry U-2/1/3.0-5.2 .26.4 9[.5 CH A-T-6 (31)
18 Newcastle, Wyo., No. 2, US 85 Pierre U-1/2/3.0-3.9 15.T 9[.5 CH A-T-6 (25)
19 Billings, Mont. Bearpaw U-2/1/3.1-4.6 11.6 110.8 CH A-T-6 (50)
20 Reliance, S. Dak. Pierre U-2/1/1. T-3.9 34.5 83.4 CH A-T-5 (42)
sample description, description of climate, and other pertinent informa-
tion, are given in Reference 28.
33. The laboratory testing program encompassed the determination
of a majority of the physical, mechanical, physicochemical, and mineral-
ogic properties currently used by engineers to characterize soils in gen-
eral and expansive soils in particular. Reference 28 gives a detailed
description of the entire laboratory testing program as well as a summary
of the data in tabulated form (Tables 6-13, Reference 28). Tables 7, 8,
and 11 from Reference 28 are repeated here as Tables 2, 3, and 4, respec-
tively, to provide the data required to use the published techniques.
The data in Table 4 are somewhat different than Table 11 because the
data have been replotted using an expanded scale and a slightly different
and more consistent criterion for interpreting the T-W plots to obtain
the soil moisture suction parameters.
34. During the overburden swell testing program, overburden pres-
sure was supposed to reflect in situ conditions of wet density and depth
to test specimen, thus yielding a measured deformation corresponding to
the potential swell as defined earlier. However, because of an error in
testing assignment, a constant overburden pressure of 0.28 tsf was used
for all specimens. For test specimens whose actual and tested overbur-
den pressures did not agree, a second specimen was tested. The results
of the reruns and those tests not requiring additional testing are given
in Table 5. With the reruns completed, all of the overburden swell test
data conform with the definition of potential swell. Briefly, the over-
burden swell test procedure begins by applying a very small seating load
followed by application of the overburden pressure and inundation of the
specimen. The specimen is allowed to swell to equilibrium (end of swell
condition), then the specimen is consolidated in increments to the void
ratio corresponding to overburden conditions and rebounded in decrements
to the seating.load (end of test condition).

Analysis of Data

35. The evaluation of expedient methodology for identification/

classification of expansive soils involved a two-fold effort. First, the

Table 2
Summarl of S:Eecific Gravit;l: 2 Grain-Size Distribution 2
and Atterberg Limits and Indices

Liq_uid Plastic
Site Specific Grain Size: % Limit Limit Plasticity Liq_uidity
No. Gravit;l: No. 200 ~ % % Index Activitl Index
1 2.69 98 82 104 36 68 0.83 0.06
2 2.68 84 38 61 20 41 1.08 0.14
3 2.72 96 57 96 38 58 1.02 0.03
4 2.72 82 37 56 17 39 1.05 0.09

5 2.73 97 36 58 27 31 0.86 -0.10

6 2.83 89 38 34 21 13 0.. 34 -0.55

7 2.75 98 43 48 21 27 0.63 -0.21

8 2.82 98 57 47 23 24 0.42 -0.44

9 2.75 69 23 34 18 16 0.70 -0.54

10 2.81 84 13 54 29 25 1.92 -0.39

11 2.74 97 42 46 20 26 0.62 -0.41

12 2.75 98 61 75 24 51 0.84 0.04

13 2.63 91 32 49 28 21 0.66 -0.54

14 2.80 98 44 56 25 31 0.70 0.05

15 2.76 98 64 63 24 39 0.61 0.36

16 2.72 63 33 38 19 19 0.58 -0.16

17 2.71 91 24 55 25 30 1.25 0.05

18 2.78 97 45 50 28 22 0.49 -0.56

19 2.76 97 44 69 24 45 1.02 -0.14

20 2.72 94 61 80 34 46 0.75 0.01

Table 3
. 1
Summary of Measured Shrinkage ProEerties

Shrinkage Linear
Site Limit Shrinkage Shrinkage* Shrinkage
No. % Ratio Index %
1 9.8 1.83 94.2 23.2
2 14.5 1.86 46.5 19.2
3 20.5 1.70 75.5 19.5
4 12.4 1.93 43.6 17.7
5 16.2 1.73 41.8 18.8
6 14.8 1.89 19.2 20.0
7 20.3 1.61 27.7 12.1
8 18.9 1.76 28.1 14.4
9 14.5 1.85 19.5 13.4
10 16.8 1. 77 37 .2. 12.8
11 19.8 1.72 26.2 26.2
12 17.6 1. 75 57.4 20.2
13 23.6 1.58 25.4 13.6
14 20.2 1.68 35.8 14.4
15 18.3 1.72 44.7 15.6
16 15.5 1.83 22.5 11.0
17 19.1 1.75 35.9 12.0
18 19.0 1.72 31.0 12.6
19 12.8 1.92 56.2 19.6
20 27.3 1.49 52.7 16.0

* Shrinkage index = liquid limit - shrinkage limit.

** Percent free swell measured in graduated cylinder.

Table 4
Summary of Soil Moisture Suction Data

w -r*
Moisture Soil T-W Equation
Site Content Suction Coefficients**
No. % tsf A B

l 42.8 4.79 5.093 0.1031

2 26.7 1.92 3. 537 0.1219
3 49.7 0.31 3.911 0.0889
4 24.6 0.75 3.278 0.1325
5 22.7 l. 74 3.903 0.1613
6 13.5 3.16 15.500 1.111
7 15.8 0.66 9.455 0.6061
8 19.5 1.49 2.456 0.1170
9 10.9 17.44 4.931 0.3448
10 17.4 34.88 5.167 0.2083
ll 9.1 23.43 2. 591 0.1342
12 26.6 1.17 5.107 0.1786
13 17.2 3.16 10.056 0.5556
14 25.7 7.75 3.270 0.0930
15 38.0 l. 64 7.667 0.1961
16 14.5 19.50 5.968 0.3226
17 26.9 2.65 6.333 0.2222
18 15.5 25.81 6.333 0.3175
19 18.4 1.64 5.471 0.2857
20 33.8 2.05 5.869 0.1639

* Total soil suction at natural moisture content.

** Log -r = A - Bw .

Table 5
Summary of Data from Overburden Swell Tests

Initial Conditions* End of Swell Conditions

Site End of Test Conditions Swellt
e w0 s Yo ef wf sf Yf
No. 0
---- 0
---- e w s y 6e** ~
1 1.138 40.3 97.4 80.3 1.409 51.3 100 71.2 1.485 54.9 100+ 69.1 0.271 . 12.7
2 0.7826 25.6 87.7 93.8 0.8061 30.1 92.6 0.8147 28.2 92.9 92.2 0.0235 1.32
3 1.105 39.5 98.6 81.8 1.125 40.8 81.0 1.179 42.6 99.8 79.0 0.020 ·o.96
4 0.6079 20.6 92.2 105.6 0.6210 22.8 104.7 0.6280 22.2 96.2 104.3 0.0131 0.82
5 0.7851 24~0 83.5 95.4 0.7966 29.2 94.8 0.823 31.6 100+ 93.5 0.0115 0.64
6 0.4750 13.8 82.2 119.7 0.4753 16.8 119.7 0.485 22.7 100+ 118.9 0.0003 0.02
7 0.4546 15.4 93.2 117.9 0.4608 16.8 117.5 0.472 16.6 96.7 116.6 0.0062 0.43
8 0.4082 12.5 86.4 124.9 0.4084 14.5 124.9 0.409 13.3 91.6 124.9 0.0002 0.01
9 0.5387 9.4 48.0 111.5 0.5588 20.3 110.1 0. 590 19.0 88.7 108.0 0.0201 1.31
10 0.728 19.3· 74.5 101.5 0.791 28.1 97.9 0.794 27.5 97.2 97.8 0.063 3.65
11 0.5858 9.4 44.0 107.8 0.5910 21.6 107.5 0.5980 24.0 100+ 107.1 0.0052 0.33
1\) 12 0.765 26.1 93.8 97.2 0.783 28.5 96.2 0.810 27.7 94.1 94.8 0.018 1.02
13 0.4554 16.7 96.4 112.8 0.4605 17.5 112.4 0.463 16.6 94.5 112.2 0.0051 0.35
14 0.7791 26.4 94.9 98.2 0.7944 28.4 97.4 0.826 28.7 97.1 95.7 0.0153 0.86
15 1.185 38.2 89.0 78.8 1.188 43.0 78.7 1.203 41.8 95.9 78.2 0.003 0.14
16 0.633 16.0 68.8 103.9 0.685 25.2 100.7 0.729 25.2 93.9 98.2 0.052 3.18
17 0. 734 26.4 97.5 97.5 0.748 27.6 96.7 o. 776 28.3 98.6 95.2 0.014 0.81
18 0.779 15.7 56.0 97.5 0.827 29.7 94.9 0.824 25.0 84.2 95.1 0.048 2.70
19 0.5542 17.6 87.7 110.8 0.5598 20.3 110.4 0.569 22.4 92.2 110.3 0.0056 0.36
20 1.035 34.5 90.7 83.4 1.073 39.5 100 81.9 1.108 38.7 95.2 80.6 0.038 1.87

Note: e =void ratio, w =moisture content (%), S =degree of saturation (%), y =dry density (pcf).
* Corresponds to overburden conditions on e-log p plot.
** 6e = er - e 0 •
t %swell= 6e/(l + e 0 )
data collected during the laboratory testing program were used in con-
junction with the published identification/classification techniques to
compare the indicatec qualitative magnitude of swell with the measured
potential swell as previously defined and measured in the overburden
swell test. Second, the measured potential swell and laboratory data
were analyzed using the statistical analysis program to obtain the best
correlations between the two groups of data.

Establishment of
potential swell categories
36. It was stated earlier that the evaluation of the published
techniques is basically an evaluation of the techniques as they are ap-
plied rather than how they were developed since there was a large varia-
tion in the definition of potential swell used. Evaluation of the ac-
curacy of the published techniques requires a basis or standard for com-
parison, or, more precisely, a categorization of the potential swell as
previously defined and measured in the laboratory testing program.
Table 5 summarizes the measured swell from the odometer swell tests on
undisturbed samples under loads equivalent to the in situ overburden
pressure. The swell varies from 0.01 to 12.7 percent, with the majority
of the measured values between 0.14 and 3.65 percent. During previous
discussions with representatives of the State Highway Agencies it was
indicated that a two- or three-category classification of potential
swell would be preferable to the four- to six-category classifications
published in the literature. With this in mind, the measured potential
swell was divided into three categories. The three categories and their
corresponding potential swell limits are:

Potential Potential Swell

Swell, % Classification
<0.5 Low
0.5-1.5 Marginal
>1.5 High

For discussion purposes, this classification will be denoted as the WES

classification throughout the remainder of this report. These ranges
of potential swell seem low as compared with some of the published


techniques; however, they are consistent with identification/

classification techniques which used comparable magnitudes of applied
load in the potential swell testing program. In addition, this range of
categories divides the 20 samples tested into three groups of approxi-
mately the same number. The high category indicates that the material
has the maximum potential for volume change and that the characteristic
properties (i.e. moisture content, density, fabric, structure, etc.) are
conducive to the occurrence of volume change when moisture is made avail-
able. The low category indicates that the material has minimal potential
for volume change and that the characteristic properties inhibit volume
change. The marginal category indicates the presence of moderate to
maximum potential for volume change, but the characteristic properties
are not consistent with the high category, and the resulting volume
change is generally less than anticipated depending on the sensitivity of
the material with respect to variations in the characteristic properties.
Application of published techniques
37. In the interest of simplicity for the following data presen-
tations and discussions, the previously described published techniques
will be assigned the following alphabetic characters which will be used
throughout the remainder of the analysis portion of the report.

Louisiana Department of Transportation LDOT

Kansas Highway Commission KHC
Raman Raman
Sowers Sowers
Dakshanamurthy and Raman D&R
Anderson and Thomson A&T
Ranganatham and Satyanarayana R&S
Saito and Miki S&M
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation USER
Altmeyer Altmeyer
Seed, Woodward, and Lundgren SWL
Chen Chen
Vijayvergiya and Ghazzaly V&G
Vijayvergiya and Sullivan V&S
Sorochan Sorochan
Nayak and Christensen N&C
Komornik and David K&D

Table 6 summarizes the classification of potential swell of the 20 sam-
pling sites as indicated by each of the published techniques. The N&C
and K&D techniques are more directly related to prediction of volume
change rather than identification/classification; however, they are in-
cluded here since they are combination techniques based on Atterberg
limits and physical properties. Classifications of potential swell were
not given for either of these techniques, therefore, actual values were
calculated for comparison with measured values. The K&D technique uses
swell pressure as a measure of potential swell rather than percent swell.
For each value calculated using the K&D technique, the number directly
below it in parentheses in Table 6 is the measured swell pressure from
the laboratory testing program.
Discussion of results
38. Careful examination of Table 6 shows that no published
identification/classification technique provides a generally applicable
methodology for identifying and qualitatively classifying potential
swell. However, some of the techniques provide reasonably accurate and
consistent indication of problem conditions. For example, the LDOT pro-
cedure agrees with the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
(WES) categorization for classification of potential swell of 10 of the
20 sampling sites and is conservative in its classification for nine of
the remaining 10 samples. Using this rationale, the relative accuracy of
the published techniques may be compared as shown in Table 7. Ideally,
the best technique should result in a majority of responses in the
"agreement" and "conservative" columns and as few as possible in the
"nonconservative" column when compared with the WES categorization. The
higher the percentage of "agreements" versus the percentage of "conserva-
tive" responses, the better the technique.
39. Of the 17 techniques evaluated, four balance accuracy and
conservatism best, namely: LDOT, Sowers, Altmeyer, and V&G. All four
of these techniques involve Atterberg limits in some form, either indi-
vidually or in combination. Within this group of techniques, the rela-
tive accuracy and conservatism is best for the LDOT procedure and de-
creases in the order of V&G, Sowers, and Altmeyer. In other words, the

Table 6
Swmnary of Indicated Potential SWell Using Published Identification Techniques

Site Swell Alt- Soro- N&C K&D
~ USBR ~ Chen* chan __%__
Ntnnber % ~ KHC ~ Savers ~ ____M[_ S&M meyer V&G** V&B** ~
1 12.7 Sev High V. High High E. High V. High V. High High V. High Crit V. High V. High Med Lov High 25.94 0.49
2 1.32 High High V. High High High V. High High High High Mar High High Med Lov Non 13.51 0.28
3 0.96 Sev High V. High High E. High V. High V. High High High Mar V. High V. High Med Lov Non 16.61 0.25
4 0.82 High High V. High Mod High V. High High High High Mar High High Med Lov Non 12.67 0.22
5 0.64 High Mod High Mod High High Higt High High Mar High High Med Lov Non 11.37 0.28
6 0.02 Lov Lov Med Lov Lov Lov Lov Med Med Mar Lov Med Med Lov Non 8.98 0.31
7 0.43 Lov Mod Med Mod Med Med Med High High Mar Med High High Med Non 13.99 0. 52
8 0.01 Lov Mod Med Lov Med Med Med High High Mar Med High High High Non 16.85 0.71
9 1.31 Lov Lov Med Lov Lov Low Lov Med Med Mar Lov Med High Lov Non 9.50 0.33
10 3.65 High Mod High Mod High Med High Med Lov Mar Med High High Lov Non 8.30 0.46
1\) 11 0.33 Lov Mod Med Mod Med Med Med High Med Mar Med High V. High Med Non 22.8o 0.89
0\ (0.17)
12 1.02 Sev High V. High High V. High V. High High High High Mar V. High V. High High Lov Non 22.33 0.61
13 0.35 Lov Mod Med Lov Med Med Med Med Med Mar Med High High Lov Non 10.00 0.45
14 0.86 High Mod High Mod High High High High High Mar High High Med Lov Non 11.93 0.24
15 0.14 High High V. High Mod High V. High High High High Mar High V. High Low Low Non 14.16 0.10
16 3.18 Lov Mod Med Lov Med Lov Med Med Med Mar Med Med Med Lov Non 10.03 0.22
17 0.81 High Mod High Mod High Med High High Med Mar High High Med Lov Non 9.27 0.22
18 2.70 High Mod Med Lov High Med High Med Med Mar Med High High Lov Non 12.15 0.44
19 0.36 High High V. High High High V. High High High High Mar High· V. High High Med Non 20.67 1.05
20 1.87 Sev High V. High High V. High V. High High High High Mar High V. High Med Low Sli 17.84 0.39

Note: Sev = Severe~ Mod = Moderate, V. High = Very High, Med = Medium, E. High = Extra High, Crit = Critical, Mar :;;: Marginal, Non ;: ;- Nonswelling, Sli = Slight.
* No Standard Per..etration data available.
** Categories of potential swell vere not given in reference. Values used were assigned by author.
Table 7
Comparison of WES Categories and Classification by Published
Identification Techniques for 20 Sampling Sites

Number of Sites
for which Classi-
fication in Number of Sites Number of Sites
Published Agreement With on on
Technique WES Categories Conservative Side Nonconservative Side

LDOT 10 9 1
KHC 6 10 4
Raman 4 14 2
Sowers 9 7 4
D&R 5 13 2
A&T 4 12 4
R&S 5 13 2
S&M 3 14 3
USBR 4 13 3
Altmeyer 9 7 4
SWL 3 13 4
Chen 5 14 1
V&G 9 8 3
V&S 3 4 13
Sorochan 1 0 19
N&C 0 20 0
K&D 2 3 15

most consistent indicator of potential swell is first, the LL and PI;
second, the LL and natural w.l combined; third, SL and PI; and finally,
the SL and linear shrinkage. As will be discussed later, this is con-
sistent with the analysis of the WES categorization and laboratory data.

Analysis of WES cate-

gorization and laboratory data
40. The second portion of the evaluation of expedient
identification/classification methodology involved a comparison by sta-
tistical analysis of the WES categorization of potential swell with the
laboratory data, the purpose being to verify the evaluation of published
techniques and determine if more sensitive indicators of potential swell
are available. This portion of the evaluation involved the analysis by
stepwise li~ear regression of the measured potential swell (dependent
variable) with the 31 independent variables listed in Table 8. Higher
order (greater than linear) comparisons were not attempted since the pur-
pose of the statistical analysis was not to develop equations but simply
to point out the better comparisons using the correlation coefficient,
r . The r is a measure of the mutual relationship between two vari-
ables (dependent and independent). More precisely, r is a measure of
the degree of closeness of the linear relationship between two variables.
The r always lies between -1 and +1, with positive r values indicat-
ing that both variables are increasing. Negative r values indicate
that one variable is increasing while the other is decreasing. To even
be considered as a useful r value for r comparison purposes, the r
should be-greater (or less) than +0.7 (-0.7) with the better values
being closer to +1.
41. The laboratory data were analyzed as one group, i.e. all
20 sampling sites combined. In addition, three additional groups, one
based on physiography and two based on climate, were analyzed. The
physiographic group 29 consisted of t·hree subgroups:
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains Subgroup--Sites l-5
Colorado Plateau Subgroup--Sites 9-ll
Great Plains Subgroup--Sites 6-8, 12-20
The first climatic group was based on a 6-year average (1970-1975) of

Table 8
Summary of Independent Variables Used in Statistical Comparisons

Variable Description

w. (OST) Initial moisture content from overburden swell test,

y. (OST) Initial dry density from overburden swell test, pcf
%-200 Percent minus No. 200 sieve
%-2llm Percent minus 2 micrdmetres (percent clay)
LL Liquid limit, percent
PL Plastic limit, percent
PI Plasticity index, percent
Activity Ratio of PI to percent minus 2}..1m
LI Liquidity index (w t - PL)/PI
PR Plasticity ratio, PI/PL
SL Shrinkage limit, percent
SR Shrinkage ratio
SI Shrinkage index, LL - SL
BLS Bar linear shrinkage, percent

•nat Soil suction (tsf) at natural moisture content

A Y-intercept of soil suction versus water content plot
B Slope of soil suction versus water content plot
ct'a Soil suction index, ~e/~• , based on volumetric compress-
ibility factor, a
ct'<l- Soil ~uction index, ~e/~• , based on vertical compress-
ibility factor, a
pH pH of the natural material
CEC Cation exchange capacity, milliequivalents/100 g
EEC S~tion of exchangeable cations, milliequivalents/100 g
ESP Exchangeable sodium percentage, percent
EPFC Summation of pore fluid cation, milliequivalents/litre
SAR S~dium absorption ratio
%Mont Percent montmorillonite

Table 8 (Concluded)

Variable Description
w./PL Ratio of w. (OST) to plastic limit
1 1
w./LL Ratio of w. (OST) to liquid limit
1 1
A - (B • PL) Sum of indicated variables
A/B Ratio of indicated variables
CEC activity Cation exchange capacity/percent minus No. 200 sieve

the Thornthwaite Moisture Index (TMI). 30 • 31 This climatic group had
three subgroups:
Humid Subgroup (TMI > 20)--Sites l-4
Moist Subhumid Subgroup (0 < TMI < 20)--Sites 7,8,12,13
Dry Subhumid Subgroup (-20 < TMI < O)~-S1tes 5,6,9-11,14-20
The second climatic group was based on the 1975 TMI since the samples
were obtained and tested during 1975. This group also had three
Humid Subgroup (TMI > 20)--Sites l-4,7,8
Moist Subhumid Subgroup (0 < TMI < 20)--Sites 5,6,12,13,19
Dry Subhumid Subgroup (-20 < TMI < 0)--Sites 9-11,14-18,20
In both climatic groups, site ll was actually classified in a semiarid
subgroup (TMI < -20); however, since analysis of a subgroup with a
single observation was not practical or significant, site ll was in-
cluded in the Dry Subhumid Subgroup.
42. Table 9 summarizes the correlation coefficients greater (or
less) than +0.7 (-0.7) for the three groups based on physiography and
climate. For the combined group the correlation coefficients shown are
greater (or less) than +0.5 (-0.5) since no r values meeting the pre-
vious criteria were obtained.
43. As expected the individual subgroups resulted in higher cor-
relation coefficients; however, it is difficult to determine whether the
variables actually correlate or the small number of observations is an
overriding factor. For variables which result in significant r values
in four or less of the subgroups, the small number of observations and
the relative magnitudes of the data are likely the reasons for the
higher r values. For variables resulting in significant r values in
five or more of the subgroups, it is likely that the variable actually
correlates with potential swell.
44. Based on the previous discussion, six variables (Table 8)
yield significant correlation coefficients when considering the nine sub-
groups, namely: percent - 2 ~m, LL, PI, SI, BLS, and Tnat• One, per-
cent - 2 ~m, shows a contradiction (i.e. both + and -r values) which
raises some doubt about its actual correlation even though experience



Table 9 I,
8\@!N or Correlation Coetticiente Greater (or Leee) Than +0.1(-o.l)
Prte Statistical Pa!pariaonrs

Combined Group•
0.52 0.50 0.60 0.51 0.51
20 Sampling Sites

~ Atlantic and Gulf

g Coutal Plains Sub- 0.9() o. 71 O.TT 0.81 0.95 0.93 0.92 o. 76
8 group {n • 5)

i .

Colorado Plateau Subgroup
(n • 3)
o.96 ..0.79 -0.92 o.80 0.91 -0.11 0.78 0.75 0.80 0.78 0.99 0.99 0.85 0.83

Great PlainS Subgroup
(n • 12)

Humid Subgroup (n • 4) 0.9() 0.70 0. 79 -0.97 0.95 0-95 0-95 o. 76 0.86 -0.78

~s Moist Subbumid Subgroup

(n • 4)
0.97 -0.97 0.92 0.90 o.96 o.85 0.86 0.88 a. 77 -0.12 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.82
~~ Dry Subbumid Subgroup
ua (n • 12)

::: Humid Subgroup (n • 6) 0.83 o. 73 o. 76 -0.71 0.80 o. 74 0.93 0.86

a~ Moist Subbumid Subgroup
0.91 -0.91 0,81 o. 72 0.82 Q.JO 0.85 0.73 0.14 0.10 0. 78 0.83 0.92 0.92 -0.12 0.19 0.78 0.91
0~ (n • 5)

Dry Subbumid Subgroup
(n • 9)
. - -- - - -

• Correlation coe!flc:ients given are greater (or lea a) th&n +0. 5 ( -0.5).
has shown that percent clay has an influence on volume change behavior.
Of the remaining five variables, three resulted in "relatively signifi-
cant" correlation coefficients when the data were analyzed as a combined
group, namely: LL, PI, and SI. ("Relatively significant" does not re-
flect significance from a statistical point of view, rather it indicates
the highest correlation coefficients obtained in the analysis.) Al-
though BLS and Tnat were not "relatively significant" in the combined
group analysis, two factors which are related to soil suction were; that
is, C - and A/B. C - is the suction index, or more precisely, the
Ta Ta
rate of change of soil suction with void ratio based on the vertical com-
pressibility factor, a. A/B is the ratio of the intercept (A) to the
slope (B) of the soil suction versus water content curve.
45. As. indicated earlier, the evaluation of the published tech-
niques and analysis of potential swell and laboratory data agree on the
properties which are the best indicators of potential swell. They in-
clude LL, PI, SI (LL- SL), and BLS. In addition, the analysis of labo-
ratory dat~ shows that soil suction is a very good indicator of potential

Establishment of criteria
for identifying potential swell
46. Although four of the published identification/classification
techniques were shown to be reasonably accurate in achieving their pur-
pose of identifying problem soils, it was decided to modify the cate-
gories and the relative ranges of the properties included in the cate-
gories to conform better with the definition of potential swell presented
in this report. Two alternatives were available for establishing the
criteria; one was to develop a general criterion based on all the data
collected and analyzed as a combined group and the other was to develop
individual criteria for either the physiographic or climatic groups.
The former alternative (i.e. one general criterion) was selected because
the latter alternative posed several problems as follows:
a. The alternative would result in several different cate-
gories which would make implementation more difficult
and exchange of information virtually impossible.

b. The number of observations within the subgroups was
small as compared with the land area represented by the
subgroup, thus leaving doubt about the accuracy and ap-
plicability of the criteria, as well as the accepta-
bility of the statistical analysis.
c. The TMI is a transient value which varies from year to
year and, although it will most likely be useful for
prediction of final moisture content, it does not show
promise for climatic classification for identification
d. Physiographic delineation 29 was shown to be a useful
tool for discussion of occurrence and distribution of
expansive soils, but no direct genetic implication
e. Indications are that identification of expansive soils
is not as critical a problem as testing the soil and
estimating the anticipated volume change.

In establishing the general criteria, the previously defined classifica-

tions of potential swell (low, marginal, high) were combined with the
measured potential swell and physical properties to more accurately or at
least conservatively identify the problem soils. Various combinations of
ranges of the indicator properties were tried in an effort to optimize
the accuracy and conservatism of the identification/classification cri-
teria. The following ranges were found to provide the most accurate

Potential Swell
"[ , tsf
LL, % PI 2 % nat Swell 2 % Classification

>60 >35 >4 >1. 5 High

5o~6o 25-35 1.5-4 0. 5-l. 5 Marginal
<50 <25 <1. 5 <0.5 Low

The SI was included in the trial criteria with the same ranges as the PI
and did not reduce or increase the accuracy of the classification, there-
fore, it was not included in the final criteria. The relative merits
of using the three properties combined (LL, PI, 'T t) are evident in the
following tabulation:

Pro:12erties Accurate Conservative Conservative
LL 11 5 4
LL + PI 8 8 4
LL + PI + T
12 6 2
LL + PI + SI 8 8 4
LL + PI + SI + T
12 6 2

The LL alone is a good indicator of potential swell with a total of 16

of the 20 samples falling in the accurate and conservative columns. Com-
bining the LL and PI somewhat reduces the accuracy, but the reduction is
balanced on the conservative side. Combining LL, PI, and
t increases
the accuracy as well as decreasing the nonconservative rating. The lack
of influence of the SI on the overall system is obvious in the last
two comparisons.


47. This report, through its literature review, summarizes the

state of the art with respect to expedient methodology for identifying
and qualitatively classifying expansive soils. The report presents a
more comprehensive definition of potential swell, and through the use of
laboratory data and statistical analysis procedures, the techniques
which constitute the state of the art are evaluated and slightly modi-
fied to provide a more accurate procedure for identification/
classification of expansive soils. Some of the more important points
concerning the evaluatiop of published identification/classification
techniques and analysis of laboratory data are summarized in the follow-
ing paragraphs.
48. The definition of potential swell which satisfies the
largest portion of the field simulation requirements is:
Potential swell is the equilibrium vertical volume change
or deformation from an odometer-type test (i.e. total lat-
eral confinement), expressed as a percent of original
height, of an undisturbed specimen from its natural water
content and density to a state of saturation under an ap-
plied load equivalent to the in situ overburden pressure.

This definition yields the volume change potential of a material when

the initial specimen and stress conditions are identical to the in-situ
conditions. For predicting anticipated volume change, as will be dis-
cussed in a subsequent report, the aforementioned definition should be
amended to reflect the anticipated final stress conditions such as ap-
plied load from the pavement or structure.
49. The categorization and classification of potential swell de-
noted as the WES classification and given in the following tabulation is
a better classification of potential swell with regard to in situ

Potential Potential Swell

Swell, % Classification
<0.5 Low
o. 5-l. 5 Marginal
>1. 5 High

The ranges of potential swell are low as compared with many of the pub-
lished techniques; however, they are consistent with identification/
classification techniques which used comparable magnitudes of applied
load in the potential swell testing programs, i.e., Altmeyer.

50. Evaluation of the 17 published techniques selected for con-

sideration using the previously described definition and classification
of potential swell indicated that four of the techniques balance both
accuracy and conservatism. These techniques, in order of decreasing ac-
curacy and conservatism are: 1DOT, V&G, Sowers, and Altmeyer. In other
words, the evaluation shows that the most consistent indicators of paten-
tial swell are first, the 11 and PI; second, the LL and w. combined;
third, S1 and PI; and finally, the S1 and linear shrinkage.
51. Analysis of the laboratory data using correlation studies of
potential swell versus 31 independent variables showed that the most
consistent indicators of potential swell are LL, PI, SI, B1S, and soil
suction at the wi , Tnat . This is consistent with the results of the
evaluation of published identification/classification techniques.
52. Using the WES classification of potential swell, the cate-
gories of indicator properties which maximize the accuracy and conserva-
tism of the criteria for identifying and qualitatively classifying ex-
pansive soils are:

Potential Potential Swell

T tsf
112 % PI 2 % nat ' Swell--LlL Classification
>60 >35 >4 >l. 5 High
50-60 25-35 1.5-4 0. 5-l. 5 Marginal
<50 <25 <l. 5 <0.5 Low


53. In a previous report 29 the user was pro~ided with a quali-

tative concept for identifying problem areas involving potentially ex-
pansive soils with emphasis on regional or corridor level planning. The
information presented in this report is a continuation of the "narrowing"
process and extends the decision process from published maps and experi-
ence to actual data for specific lengths of roadway. The information is
intended as a guide to a more confident identification and qualitative
classification of potentially expansive soils. The procedures should
not be confused with or used in place of testing and prediction tech-
niques for quantitatively estimating anticipated volume change. The
identification/classification techniques are a prerequ{site to the
testing/prediction techniques and may be used as an aide to determining
which soils should be tested for swell predictions. To minimize the
hazard of misuse of the information in this report, the second step in
the overall decision process for dealing with expansive soils in highway
subgrades has been prepared, see Figure 3.
54. Following the field exploration and sampling program, rou-
tine testing of the samples will provide a majority of the data neces-
sary to identify and qualitatively classify the potential swell of the
soils (i.e., LL, PI). The remaining factor, soil suction, should be de-
termined, and then the WES classification of potential swell, as shown
in the following tabulation, may be used:

Potential Potential Swell

T tsf
11 2% PI 2 % nat ' Swell 2 % Classification
>60 >35 >4 >l. 5 High
50-60 25-35 l. 5-4 0.5-1.5 Marginal
<50 <25 <l. 5 <0.5 Low

The classification system above may be used without the soil suction
criteria; however, it should be noted that the accuracy and conservatism
of the system are reduced when the LL and PI are used without the soil
suction criteria. For soils which exhibit a low classification of
potential swell, the pavement design may be completed using basic







Figure 3. Recommended decision process for identifying and

qualitatively classifying potentially expansive soils

strength parameters with the confidence that expansion problems will be
minimal and normal construction procedures will further minimize the
limited problems. For soils which exhibit a high classification of po-
tential swell, all locations should be tested (undisturbed samples) and
an estimate of the•anticipated volume change made. Specific testing and
prediction techniques are not recommended at this time since they are
the subject of a separate research task and will be discussed in detail
in a subsequent report and the next step of the decision process. For
soils which exhibit a marginal classification of potential swell, addi-
tional testing at that location should be judged on the conditions at
the specific site. The marginal category is indicative of a moderate to
high capacity for volume change, but characteristic properties preclude
the development of swell. For example, a marginal classified soil which
has a relatively high w. (i.e., greater than the PL) and a low natural
density will most likely not cause serious problems and therefore not
require testing. However, if conditions are such that the properties
(water content or density or both) are likely to change during and fol-
lowing construction, then additional testing and an estimate of the vol-
ume change corresponding to the new conditions are necessary.


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Snethen, Donald R/An evaluation of exped
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