Prison of Necropolis (Official Mage Knight Dungeons Scenario)

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Volume 1/March 31, 2004.

Dungeon Crawlers
a Scenarios b
Prisons of Necropolis

Scenario Background Mage Spawn Pool: Both Mage Spawn Special Items: The use of Artifacts and
and figures from the Necropolis Sect may Dungeon accessories is recommended.

T he Heroes are recruited by the

local lord to rescue his crafts-
men that were abducted by members of
be included in the Mage Spawn pool.
Monster Advisory Token can be used only
if agreed by all players. The monster
For harder game play try the Dungeon
Door inserts found at Dungeon Crawlers.

the Necropolis Sect. The lord not only Advisory should be no less than 100 Setting the Scene: Set up the map using
fears for the saftey of his subjects but for points and should be Mage Spawn that the Mage Knight Dungeons rules,
the safety of his land, for it is these represents the Undead or Necropolis modified by the Special Rules listed
craftsmen that make and repair the Sect figure. below.
weapons and armor for the local garri- The pool should be at the minimum of
son. 150 points of Mage Spawn. Special Rule #1: Use Dwarven Miners,
Golem Mechanics, or any figure that
Scouts have tracked the kidnappers to an Map: All players must bring at least 4 represents the prisoners. All prisoners

old crypt some miles away. It is the job of chambers and 2 hallways each. 2 tiles are Demoralized and can not be healed. If
the heroes to retrive the craftsmen and must have a 2x2 square area that is no proper figure is at hand then use the
get out alive! Blocking Terrain. These will represent special prisoner tokens provided with this
the prison cells. Sample tiles are scenario. Figures should not be more
Objective: To rescue as many craftsmen provided with this scenario for your than 30 points. Prisoners can be subject
as possible and get out of the dungeon. convenience. to attack by Mage Spawn.

Time Limit: 90 minutes (begin time after Specail Rule #2: At the end of each
set up) for two players, add 30 minutes for player's turn, if there are Mage Spawn
each additonal player to the game. figures in play, roll 1 six-sided die. On a
result of 1, the Alarm is sounded through-
WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names,
Difficulty: Medium logos, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, out the crypts. Once the Alarm is
audio, video and/or any other proprietary
material used in connection with the game. sounded, whenever a wandering monster
Army Size: Each player constructs a 100- WizKids, LLC has granted Dungeon Crawlers token is converted, add 2 to the conver-
permission to use such names, logos, and/or
point Heroic Team marks for promotional and informational sion roll result. Treat all results greater
purposes on the Dungeon Crawlers website, than 12 as 12. The alarm can only be
but it does not endorse and is not affiliated with
Wandering Monster Tokens: Each player the Dungeon Crawlers website in any official sounded once.
contributes 1 Tough, 2 Standard, and 4 capacity whatsoever. All WizKids characters,
names, logos, and distinctive likenesses are
Weak tokens property of WizKids, LLC. Victory: The team with the most rescued
prisoners wins. In case of a tie then gold
2003 WizKids, LLC. All rights reserved.
MechWarrior, BattleTech, BattleMech, will determine the winner as normal.
Mech, MW, Mage Knight, MK, Shadowrun,
HeroClix, SportsClix, Creepy Freaks, Freak
Out, and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids,

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