Enhancement of Power Quality Using Fuzzy Logic Based Shunt Active Filter

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015

Enhancement of Power Quality Using Fuzzy Logic

Based Shunt Active Filter
Kamalesh sharma, Sunil kumar goyal, Nagendra kumar swarnkar

with semi-conductor devices for the purpose of variable speed

Abstract Power quality is a very serious issue as far as the requirement. The induction motor together with its drive is
transmission line is concern. Non-linear loads connected to AC now a nonlinear load.
electric mains generate undesired harmonics in the current Now in this scenario Non-linear loads connected to AC
dynamics which are usually responsible of additional power
electric mains develop unwanted harmonics in the current
losses and the risk of equipment damage or malfunctioning of
the system.
dynamics which are usually responsible of additional power
Active power filters or active power line conditioners are losses in power system and the risk of equipment damage or
developed for compensating harmonics and reactive power malfunctioning and increase operating and maintenances cost.
simultaneously. The active power filter topology can be Generally, current harmonics have been reduced with passive
connected in series for voltage harmonic compensation and in filters which are all passive devices, have several inherent
shunt for current harmonic compensation. Most of the industrial limitations rendering their use ineffective in realistic
applications need current compensation, so the shunt active situations characterized by different and not a priori fixable
filter is popular than series active filter. operative modes. In the last section, the fast development of
In the paper simulink model of shunt active filter mainly, power electronics components and control processors has led
used fuzzy logic controller and hysteresis current controller for
to a growing interest in the power system so called active
reducing the harmonic distortion. Powergui tool provides the
function of FFT. Analysis which is very useful to calculate total power filters (APF). There are basically two types of filter
harmonic distortion in source current. By taking different firing which are given below:
angles the total harmonic distortion is calculated by FFT
analysis. (1) Shunt active filter
(2) Series active filter
Index TermsFFT, Simulink, active filter.
Series active filter consists of voltage series inverter along
I. INTRODUCTION with passive filter in the line, which injects regulated amount
One of main aim in the development of AC power of voltages at the desired frequency which is used to because
transmission and distribution systems at the end of the 19th shunt active filter has to generate fundamental voltage in
century was based on sinusoidal voltage at phase opposition to fundamental PCC voltage. And series
constant-frequency generation. It is easy to design of active filter must have current rating equal to worst load
transmission, distribution and transformers for sinusoidal conditions. Active filters are therefore not suitable for higher
voltage with constant frequency If the voltage were not current ratings. Further it is not possible to design a large
sinusoidal, hues problems would appear in the design of KVA rated inverter with higher current bandwidth, which
transformers, machines, transmission and distribution systems requires higher switching frequency. The initial cost of the
or we can say in power system. These problems would not active filters is high.
allow, certainly, such a development as the generalized Power Quality
electrification of the human society. Today, there are very A simpler and perhaps more compact definition might
negligible communities in the worlds without ac power state: Power quality is a set of electrical boundaries that
systems with constant voltage and frequency. allows a piece of equipment to function in its intended manner
Then the concept of reactive power, if the current is not in without significant loss of performance or life expectancy.
phase with the voltage generally current legs voltage, and the This definition has two things that we demand from electrical
it is it will be efficient and economical to have higher power equipment: performance and life expectancy. Any
factor, higher the power factor better the utilization of the power-related problem that compromises either attribute is a
circuit. power quality concern. In light of this definition of power
Since power electronics was introduced in the late 1960s, quality, this chapter provides an introduction to the more
nonlinear loads that consume non sinusoidal Current have common power quality terms.
increased significantly. In some cases converters, phase A. POWER QUALITY IN POWER DISTRIBUTION
controller, they represent very high percentage, the induction SYSTEMS
motor which is a linear load in steady state is now equipped
Most of the more important international standards define the
power quality as the physical characteristics of the electrical
Manuscript received January 23, 2015. supply provided under normal operating conditions that do
Kamalesh sharma, M.tech Student at Apex Institute of Engineering
College, Jaipur
not disturb the customers processes or load operation.
Sunil kumar goyal, Assistant Professor Ist at Manipal University, Therefore, a power quality problem exists when any voltage,
Jaipur current or frequency deviation results in a failure or in a bad
Nagendra kumar swarnkar, Associate Professor at Apex Institute of operation of customers equipment or industry electrical
Engineering College, Jaipur
equipment. However, it is to notice that the quality of power

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Enhancement of Power Quality Using Fuzzy Logic Based Shunt Active Filter

supply is basically voltage quality and supply reliability. II. ACTIVE POWER SOLUTIONS OF POWER QUALITY
Voltage quality problems relate to any failure of electrical PROBLEMS
equipment due to variation of the line voltage from its HARMONICS:
nominal characteristics and the supply reliability is Increased use of power electronics in the applications power
characterized by its adequacy (ability to supply the various systems, drives, computer industry and lightening
load), security (ability to withstand sudden change such as applications led to development of more efficient power
system faults) and availability (focusing especially on long converters and efficient switching devices. And these power
interruptions in system). converters are non linear loads, because switching devices
B. SOLUTIONS TO POWER QUALITY form heart of the power converters and power electronic
devices, and these devices operate in the saturation mode to
There are two methods to the mitigation of power quality
have very low power loss as compared to active mode, and in
problems. The first method is called load conditioning, which
the saturation mode the devices act as switches, and during
ensures that the equipment is less sensitive to power
saturation conditions these devices form non linear
disturbances, allowing the operation even under significant
characteristics, during switch on there is drop in voltage and
voltage distortion. The other method is to install line
rise in current, and during switch off mode , reverse
conditioning systems that suppress or counteracts the power
breakdown voltage increases and current decreases rapidly,
system disturbances.
and gives non linear characteristics.
A flexible and versatile solution is active power filters for
Sinusoidal sources are of 50 Hz systems, but due to the
voltage quality problems. Presently they are based on PWM
pollution of harmonics, system comprises of frequencies if
converters and they connect to low and medium voltage
integral multiply of natural frequency. It consists of 150th,
distribution system in shunt or in series. Series active power
250th, 350th, etc that distort the voltage and current
filters must operate in conjunction with shunt passive filters in
waveforms. And third harmonics and its multiples can be
order to compensate load current harmonics. Shunt active
removed by three phase sources.
power filters operate as a controllable current source and
series active power filters operates as a controllable voltage
source. Both schemes are implemented preferable with
voltage source PWM inverters, with a dc bus having a
reactive element such as a capacitor. Active power filters can
perform one or more of the functions required to compensate
power systems and improving power quality. As it will be
illustrated in this paper, their performance depends on the
power rating and the speed of response. The selection of the
type of active power filter to improve power quality depends
on the source of the problem as can be seen in Table

filter Load on AC supply AC supply on load
-current harmonic
-reactive current
Shunt compensation.
Fig. Typical 50 Hz waveform along with 5th harmonic
-Current unbalance.
-Voltage flickering.
-current harmonic III. FILTERS:
-voltage sag/swell.
filtering. Due to increasing of loads and nonlinear equipments in a
-reactive current advance power system, advance power systems have been
-voltage unbalance. demanding the compensation of the disturbances caused for
them. These non-linear loads may cause poor power factor
-current unbalance. -voltage distortion. and high degree of harmonics. Harmonics distort the source
Series voltage and current and increase losses of the system. To
-voltage flickering. eliminate the harmonic distortion from the source voltages
and currents filters are very useful. Here in this chapter a brief
-voltage unbalance. -voltage flickering. classification regarding different types of filter is given.
Mainly two types of filters are there which can be classified as
-voltage notchings
(1) Passive Filters
TABLE (2) Active Filters

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015
SYSTEM WITH SHUNT ACTIVE FILTER This paper has described and illustrated that when the shunt
active filter is connected with the system of non-linear load,
current and voltage can be prevented effectively from
harmonic distortion. Therefore simulink model of the shunt
active filter is very useful for getting the newer controlled
strategy or advanced techniques for the filtering of non-linear
load. In addition to this powergui FFT analysis provides
effective percentage values of total harmonic distortion for
different firing angles provided with the system of non linear
load which provides prediction of harmonic distortion in
current according to the specifications of the system.

Fig. Modelling for non-linear load with shunt active filter REFERENCES

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