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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015

Modelling Of an Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier and

Simulation of Its Gain Flattening Methods
Remya Krishnan

the basic of a 980nm pumped EDFA. Consider the following

Abstract The gain flatness of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber three level system.
Amplifier) plays an important role for WDM optical application
and all optical self-routed wavelength addressable networks.
EDFA have biggest disadvantage in having different gain for
different wavelength. The main purpose of this work is to obtain
the gain non-uniformity for each channel in order to equalize the
amplitude gain in a WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
system. The system is simulated to achieve gain flatness of EDFA
through different fiber parameters. The design parameters for
an EDFA simulation perspective are investigated. Complex
effects of EDFA are researched and simulated with an optical
environment design software tool named OptiSystem.

Index Terms ASE, BER, EDFA, WDM.

I. INTRODUCTION Figure 1. Three level system of laser

The new light wave generation, with vastly improved
capacity and cost, is based on the recent development of Figure shows all the important transition between the levels.
EDFAs. Undersea systems were the early beneficiaries, as R- Absorption rate (pumping rate) from level 1 to level 3,
EDFA repeaters replaced expensive and unreliable electronic corresponding to 980nm pumping. W12 and W21 - Absorption
regenerators. The use of Erbium doped fiber amplifiers is rate and Stimulated emission rate between level 1 &2, A21 -
desirable in such systems to reduce the number of repeaters. Spontaneous decay rate from level 2 to level 1, A32
An equally attractive feature of the EDFA is its wide gain Non-radiative decay rate from level 3 to level 2. By definition,
bandwidth. Along with providing a gain at 1550nm, in the level 1 is the ground level, level 2 is the metastable state
low-loss window of silicon fiber, it can provide a gain over a having a life time =1/ A21 and level 3 is the pump level. Then
band that is more than 4000 GHz wide. With available WDM the atomic laser rate equations of these three levels can be
(Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technics and devices, written as,
commercial systems transport more than 16 channels on a
single fiber; and the number is expected to reach 100. Thus,
more than 250 optical channels with a channel spacing of 15
GHz (0.1 nm) can be multiplexed into a fiber communication (1)
link and amplified by optical amplifiers placed periodically.
But the EDFA gain varies with wavelength of signals. There
comes the need of flattened EDFA gain and an optimized (2)
noise figure.
In this study, we initially investigates the design parameters
for an EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) simulation (3)
perspective. A set of rate equations with boundary conditions are the electron densities in levels 1,2 &3. By
are solved for the pump power inside the resonator cavity and considering the fact that A32 >>R populations of the three
the signal flow build up inside the cavity. Secondly, complex level systems are,
effects which occur during the gain and noise figure
improvement operations of EDFA are researched and
simulated with an optical environment design software tool (4)
named OptiSystem.


For modelling an EDFA, we use the rate equations and
propagation equations of a three level laser system which is
Remya Krishnan, Communication Engineering, MG University/Sree Where, = the erbium ion concentration. As
Buddha College of Engineering for Women, Pathanamthitta, India,
shown in equation is zero, this is due to the fast decay
from level 3 to 2. Therefore 980nm pumped EDFA can be

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Modelling Of An Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier And Simulation Of Its Gain Flattening Methods

analyzed by considering only levels 1&2. For a single mode

fiber, R,W12 and W21, as a function of fiber coordinate z and
radial axis r, can be written as,



-denotes radial mode envelop distribution and subscripts s
and p stands for pump and signal. a, e are the absorption and
emission cross sections. Substituting eqns 7-9 in 5, we get the
population density of level 2,
Figure 2. Pump power v/s fiber length
As fiber length increases, power gets reduced.

(r) is the erbium density distribution.

A. Propagation equation for signal

When a signal of wavelength with intensity Is (power per

area) passes through an active medium of length dz, Then
intensity change dIs,

=( ) (11)
For a single mode propagation, and signal power of Ps(), the
light intensity distribution Is (,r,)
Figure 3. Output power v/s pump power
Graph shows pump and signal powers as a function of
(12) position along the fiber. Pump is injected at z=0 where the
Where is the azimuthal coordinate and S denote the integral mirror reflectivity is high.
should be over the entire transverse plane. From the above
two equations, signal propagated is written as,

is the normalized mode power.

- mode power size.

Above mentioned differential equations are solved by using

fourth order Runge-Kuttae method to obtain signal and pump
power flow in EDF.

Figure 4. Backward signal inbuilt
The optical conversion efficiency is quite high (slope
efficiency of 0.61) whereas the ratio of the output power to the Pump and signal power as a function of position along the
absorbed pump power is 0.69. fiber, except that the pump is injected at z=L where the mirror
reflectivity for the signal is much lower.

155 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015

Figure 6. Use of gain flattening filter

Figure 5. Forward signal inbuilt
Although increasing the fiber length will absorb more power,
B. Changing Pump Power and EDF Length.
at some point the signal output power will start to decrease
Both pump power and EDF length is varied. Pump power is
due to the losses that become significant when the pump
varied from 0 to 180mW. And EDF length is varied from 1 to
power is low.
6m. An optimized pump power and EDF length is found for
the flattened gain EDFA.
In DWDM transmission systems and their related optical
networks, one of the key technological issues is the
achievement of broad and flat gain bandwidth for EDFA.
Gain differences occur between optical channels having large
wavelength spacing. In long amplifier chains, even small
spectral gain variations can result in large difference in the
received signal power, causing inacceptably large BER
descrepancies between received signals. For some optical
channels, complete power extinction can occur at the system
output due to inefficient gain compensation along the
amplifier chain. Additionally, the ASE generated in the region
of highest gain in equalized EDFAs causes homogeneous gain
saturation, which affects WDM channels at longer
Figure 7. Changing pump power and EDF length
C. Adaptive method using matlab component
Here we use a Matlab component as the gain flattening
device. Code calculates the power obtained for each signal
(wavelength). And selects the wavelength with minimum
power.(or the wavelength got minimum gain).Then Matlab
component attenuates other signal powers to the selected
minimum power to equalize the gain.

Figure 5. Spectrum before flattening

A. Use of Gain Flattening Filter.
For a fixed length of EDFA, pump power is varied to achieve
a predetermined gain. Output is optimized for different Figure 8. Gain flattening method
average insertion losses of Gain flattening filter.

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Modelling Of An Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier And Simulation Of Its Gain Flattening Methods


Remya Krishnan received the B.Tech. in Electronics and

Communication Engineering from YCET, under Kerala University &
currently persuing M.Tech in communication Engineering from SBCEW,
under MG University. She had published her works in ICRTET and

Figure 6. Flattened spectrum

In the design of EDFAs, many factors such as pumping
wavelength, fiber length, fiber core radius, input signal
power, fiber numerical aperture, and Erbium concentration
have great influences. To find optimum values of these
factors, we need a reliable and effective method. Although
genetic algorithm can be quite helpful, sometimes it is hard to
work with this method because of lengthy computational time
and complexity. The population inversion can be controlled
by optimizing fiber length and injected pump power to EDFA.
With the proper selection of fiber length and injected pump
power to EDFA, the population inversion can be controlled
which in turn helps in maintaining the uniformity of gain in a
WDM system.

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